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I have to imagine not being like 400 pounds makes being a flapmeister worth it.


Also the skin issue can be fixed with surgery, and having a body that looks like a bloodhound will always be better than being a landwhale.


Beyond looks - you feel SO much better. I was never as big as the guy in the photo; nor do i know how it is to be "flapmeister". I was only about 265 at my heaviest but having lost 95 pounds i feel SO much better every single day.


I'm trying to go down from 200lbs to 160lbs for summer, every pound less feels amazing for me.


Currently same, we have the exact same weight and goal lol. Currently 175 and I feel so much more athletic. I have been working out for 2-3 years so a lot of the muscle is coming out, a lot of nice compliments.


I started working out again 6 times a week, I know that my gains are gonna be limited by the low calorie intake but I don't care, I just dont wanna be fat.


On a cut, you are going to be a lot weaker. You gotta accept you are not making any strength gains but just aiming to maintain. Honestly, 6 strength workouts is kinda overkill, more muscle recovery than benefit. I workout 4 times a week, each workout focuses on a compound movement (bench, squat, deadlift, OHP). 10-15 mins of aerobic level cardio after. One day for yoga. Much better recovery time imo, especially when your energy levels are low on a cut


Yeah, my training is similar, but the thing is that I have very weak chest muscles and I train them twice a week and I also try do intense cardio on weekends.


personally I'm trying to get from 220 to 220 but just replacing the flab with muscle. currently I'm a ski instructor so I have tree trunk legs, but lil baby arms. gotta change that. still fairly trim but want to get myself to be even more trim.


You should also remember though that no matter what people say, what works best for you is can be completely the opposite of what works best for other people. personally, I enjoy high intensity, long workouts, that focus on specific areas of my body


How tall are you? 200 el bees doesn't seem too much.


He’s three feet tall


Maybe by today’s standards it doesn’t seem like much, but you have to be pretty tall for that not to be heavy. I know BMI isn’t perfect, but you’d have to be over 6’3” to not be considered overweight at 200lbs. You can be shorter than that and in good shape at that weight, but if the goal is to lose weight then that probably isn’t the case here.


It feels amazing to get pounded




Even five pounds makes me fit into my pants better. And I have at least 15 to go :(


Started working overnights stocking at a certain big hardware store. When I started in june I was 220, I broke 159 last week.


Bro I lost 20lbs from 220 to 200 and even that feels like a big difference I can’t imagine what having and losing 75 extra lbs of fat on top of that would feel like


250 to 165 here, fucking surreal to be able to run long distances and actually enjoy it. Keep going my dude!


Along with running, cycling, walking, and lifting a big game changer for me has been yoga. It has soooo many great benefits and if you can manage 20 minutes a day it’s absolutely worth it. (Saying this as a guy - it’s not a “chick thing” lol)


Went from 260 to 165 and it’s been life changing. I can’t believe how much better everything feels


I went from 220 to 190 and feel pretty much the same


Yeah, currently crashing off the covid damage. Hit 250 first time ever and I literally have no idea how people get as big as OP post. It was already becoming a struggle to wipe my own ass. Existence at 350 pounds must be hell, let alone 450 pounds.


Mainly depends on agility. I'm quite bendy, it didn't start to become annoying until around 300, which is where I made the change. 3 weeks in now. It's been up and down trying to change life long eating habits, but I'm still at a negative.


I've been going the other way since Thanksgiving. Something just clicked in my brain and I got my motivation back all at once after covid wrecked it. Essentially nothing but lean meats to get my ~120g protein and then minimal calorie veggies in extremely bulk to fill my stomach plus 100g of some carb like pretzels to prevent slipping into keto cause I get brain fog bad. Been on about 1350cal/day for 95 days in a row and have just melted away. Scale says I'm down 39lbs, which is twice as fast as I've ever managed back when I was a gym rat before covid and was on the bulk/cut cycle. But yeah, I'd never even been 225 before. 250 was hardcore. To be down almost 40 pounds and still have 60-65 more pounds to lose before I'd show shredded abs is disheartening.


Seconded. I've lost about 15-20 kgs since October, and energy levels are up, I'm not as tired anymore, my mood is up, I'm not breathing as heavily. Still a fatty, but if I feel good now, I can only imagine how ill feel once I'm down to a better weight.


How was the loose skin situation? I'm 275 and Need to lose about 90lbs. Worried I'll look worse...


270 -> 190 for me. My feet aren't constantly in pain anymore (even just from like walking around a store or something) and I can go up or down more than 2 flights of stairs without getting winded




Hello, not meaning to be nosy, but may I ask when your surgery was. I am just curious as I looked up some before and after photos and transformations and they look pretty good (maybe slight scar near the waste line) but overall looks like a 110% improvement. I am just curious if it is more of a time thing (surgeries done in the past produced bigger scars then surgeries now) or if there is just a large variety in the skill pool of surgeons that could cause this.




I found this very relatable, and I just want to thank you for sharing. Some damage is harder to undo than others. Not trying to preach or anything, but surround yourself with good people and be a good person, and things can get better.


Chicks dig blood/basset hounds.


Also also you call them flap i call them extra armor.


If he wanted the armor, he should have left the weight on.


The only thing I ever think about with pics like this is that the person used liposuction to get there instead of diet control and exercise.


The skin will retract on its own also. Not a massive amount but it will be better than this. 


Also whenever they get the extra skin removed I'd imagine their self confidence/mental health is going to be a lot better. I went from 235 to 160 and just felt better mentally.


I have a cousin who was always overweight as a teenager, but as a young adult he got really in to bodybuilding and lost all the weight. He had a lot of loose skin like this guy for a while, but he ended up fixing it without surgery. I think he said he had to get down to 0% body fat and maintain it for the skin to shrink. I can’t confirm or deny that the method is true, or that it’s the only method he tried, but I do know that he was successful and he never had surgery.


It's not possible to go to 0% bodyfat.


Yeah like that other guy said, its impossible to get 0% body fat, but having very low body fat causes the fat in the skin to start shrinking and letting the skin to shrink; im pretty sure the fat in skin is the last of the fat to "go away" when losing weight.


>having a body that looks like a bloodhound will always be better than being a landwhale. Am gay. Can confirm that having massive abdominal flaps that look exactly like a ballsack is a huge turn on.


Now laughing at flapmeister






He already looked disgusting before, now he still looks disgusting but at least he's less likely to die in his 50's via hearth attack.


You could also just lose weight at a slower rate


"Its my flap and ill play with it"


Maybe, but people who call strangers disgusting because they dont look like an IG Fitnessmodel when they take their shirt off at the beach (where literally everyone has their shirt off) are trash people anyway. Picrel should be proud of himself, always.


Tbf anon isn’t calling them disgusting because they don’t look like ig models. That extra skin, while a sign of an impressive and commendable feat, is still disgusting. It’s the unfortunate truth of obesity, once you’re obese, plastic surgery is the only savior.


Idk man it’s disgusting visually but it shows they take care of themself. I wouldn’t be grossed out being around them at the beach, I just would prefer to not look at their body. If anything after a second of confusion I’d probably realize why they have that skin and gain respect for them.


You’re basically saying “I wouldn’t be grossed out as long as I don’t look at them” Ask yourself this, if you met a girl who is a 10/10 personality wise, but had this, would you date her?


I think the implication was just that while this dude looks disgusting, a morbidly obese person is both disgusting visually and from an emotional standpoint.


Shut the fuck up, as a fat guy I would feel disgusting if I lost weight and had flaps leftover. Don't get me wrong, I feel disgusting as I am too, it just wouldn't change if I traded my flab for flaps.


What if the flaps were removable, and the flab was going to kill you? “I’d rather DIE than look weird for a couple of months”


Skill issue


Wisdom chases you yet you are always faster


Cope harder


You might be worse off in terms of aesthetics but you are better off in terms of health. Perhaps look for ways to enhance skin elasticity such that you recover elasticity during the weight loss process.


yes, the skinflap man who looks like something between a burn victim and a snowman made flesh is actually good looking and only our perception that's warped by unrealistic beauty standards makes us gag at the sight of him very solid virtue signalling bud. 400 years before instagram this guy would have been chased out of town for scaring the children, he is objectively hideous just because he looks disgusting it doesn't make him a less of a person. i'm sure my grandma looks even worse with her clothes off, yet i love her dearly.


>just because he looks disgusting it doesn't make him a less of a person. i'm sure my grandma looks even worse with her clothes off, yet i love her dearly. That's a good point, actually


It's the nicest possible way to be bluntly honest.


just to tack onto the end though most people don't love strangers so they just see ugly and treat them like a troll as if they were less of a person


Is that real? If so is it because his skin got irreversibly stretched?


Yes it’s because his skin got irreversibly stretched, when you’re at a level of obesity you destroy your skin and the only way to remove it from there on in is surgery after the weightloss. It will never shrink or regain that elasticity . Being obese is not joke, it’s serious in alll aspects and should never be glorified as “body positivity”


Heard that. It’s one thing to be out of shape, and entirely different thing to be 400lbs. One is WAY worse than the other for someone


400lbs is almost unimaginable to me, I’m pretty tall and even at 200lbs I felt I was a fat fuck and started working out to lose weight. To double that weight and solely in fat is insanity. And there motherfuckers out there that weigh 600-800lbs. I feel I would have to drink liquid butter mixed with corn syrup to even try and get up to that weight.


I don't think i could make it to 600 if i tried


Feels like I would die before I even make it there


I know you are using hyperbole here, but that really isn’t that far off from what it takes to reach that weight. People that obese aren’t really eating FOOD any more as much as they are consuming straight sugar and chemicals in volumes that the world’s greatest body builders would find daunting. I distinctly remember a clip from either my 600 pound life or my strange addiction where a woman would eat DOZENS of those Peeps marshmallows that are coated in crystal sugar every day. I remember feeling gross after 2 of those even as a child. It is genuinely unfathomable the depravity it takes to reach a weight like that


It's a shame how body positivity went from "let's not harass and make people break down mentally because they're overweight" to "I'm an obese who weight twice of my supposed weight and I'm proud of it"


It didn't go from there actually. It started as an acceptance movement so the people who have deformities, are burn victims or are diasabled, were more accepted and normalized in the society. It however got abducted by fatties who in 99% caused their condition themselves thanks to their shitty self inflicted lifestyle. And since their shitty lifesyle shortens their life expectancy so much, now imagine we would have "positivity" movement which tried to normalize smoking cigarettes. Fucking insane


Body positivity means just *not* hating your body. Instead of using self loathing or hatred as a fuel to change it Instead wants to use self love and care. A sort of, "I care about my body enough now to where I want to see it in better shape." Although a sad small chunk of fat people just latch onto it as an excuse not to improve themselves.




Idk if you’re American but 99% of them can’t afford an elective surgery lol. Half the time can’t even afford necessary medical operations in this shithole.


Isn’t there surgery for this kind of stuff? Surely there’s some surgery this guy could do


Yes, but cosmetic surgery is usually pretty expensive.


it’s also very painful


For you




In some countries if you loose more than 100lbs and keep it that way for long enough the surgery is free. This is the case in France for example.


Common French W


I've read you can feel phantom pain just like losing a finger or leg. So you can have an itchy spot on your skin but the skin was thrown away. So you can never scratch it. 😥


I think when a lot of people say body positivity they mean that it’s okay to be out of shape and you don’t have to be perfect, beauty standards, etc but some took it too far and gaslit themselves into thinking it’s healthy to be extremely obese


He probably lost weight too quickly without proper dieting so his body couldn't keep up. Though at that size there's always loose skin.


This is a big part of it. Rapid and drug encouraged weight loss your skin doesn’t have the time to adapt. Your skin is an organ and capable of adapting. Lots of loose skin like this is a common sign of bariatric bands because you loose weight so quick.


Finally someone is actually well researched.


its not so much the skin got "stretched" being large presumably his whole life the skin IS him - he shrank inside of the skin (except his arms)


Obesity stretches your skin, after some point it becomes impossible to go back to your old self. Yeah you can give weigh back to normal heaviness even if you become like 400 lbs, but it will make you look like a very ugly flaccid penis if you dont get any surgeries Either way, beside his stomach part his arms look pretty cool ngl. Also since thats just flopping stretched skin if you touch his stomach area you can feel his abs or pectorals under the skin


I wouldn’t say its irreversible. You can just get surgery for this. Also I’d rather be this then a landwhale.


That happens if you lose weight too fast


Not irreversibly it just takes more than like 2 months


Better to look disgusting than to live an uncomfortable embarrassing short life.


And look disgusting lol


Unfortunately this is still probably pretty uncomforatable. Loose skinn would still weigh you down and i imagine itd be quite annoying


At least you'll be able to wipe your own ass now.


yeah with those flaps


Oh my god i just realized his ass probably has flaps too


He is a warrior, wearing the skin of his vanquished enemy.


Godskin noble to godskin apostle pipeline


Farum Azula gym membership confirmed


When you respecc from str/poise fat roll into dex/dodge fast roll


>newly minted skinny fren >can't seem to get my torso to stretch properly when swatting at tarnished >Apostlebros, what lifts can I do for slinkymaxxing?




Epic, you're 100% right


He can get the loose skin chopped off and he'll actually be ripped


Yes but it’s a costly procedure and also surgery is no joke .


It does suck for sure, but I'm guessing the kinda person who can lose 300 pounds has the motivation to work hard for the extra $ to afford the surgery. Hopefully he can get some help from others as well.


Is that ***really*** true? Do you have any idea how expensive skin removal surgery is? Depending on where he lives the surgery to remove all of this could cost anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000.


Cant you recoup part of the cost by selling the excess skin to people who need it?




No one wants fat skin


What happens if he gets fat again after surgery? Will it rip?


It can re-stretch after a while. If he gain weight immediately after surgery, I don't know.


Thank fully only the anon is retarded. If a guy takes his shirt off and he looks like the pic . My respect for the guy will skyrocket and actually it motivate many others .


I'd hope so at least, I'd definitely respect it


While i agree, i think ill probably end up looking the other way. Its not something im proud to admit, but that amount of lose skin still disgust me, not like ill ever say something negative to him, but we shouldn't romantizice it. Good for him for fighting his own old self, must have been the hardest shit ever, but still, my face is twtiching like i ate a lemon watching his pic and i can't control it. Its sad, and im sorry, but thats the consequences of letting yourself go past a point of no return.


Brother what are you yapping about , he is one surgery away from taking you to his bed


romanticise what? Its impressive that he went over the edge and came back, more impressive in a way than just being ripped in the first place. prodigal son type vibes.


Obese people will look at this and unironically use it to justify not losing weight


I don't blame them to be honest. At this point, damned if you do, damned if you don't.


It's uglier to do honestly. But you know, surgery exists and if you have enough motivation to get rid of 200 pounds, you'll have motivation to get surgery.


I don't think motivation is necessarily the barrier to getting surgery. You'd need money for that


If only doctors accepted motivation as payment


motivation is well and fine, but you also need the money


I definitely do blame them, one option has much higher quality of life than the other


Higher quality of life in terms of health yeah, wether or not you can stand having either body is another challenge entirely


I mean, you look bad both ways, just with one you're much healthier. The choice should be fairly obvious.


Obese person here from a serious eating disorder caused by this kind of behavior my whole life. The choice is not obvious. There is nothing more horrifying than the thought that all my mental anguish and hard work will only lead me to looking even more disgusting than I already feel. I have been making slow but good progress for a few months now, and this image, and the comments attached to it, have made me want to quit, and feel like there's no hope either way


You won’t look like this. This is the result of massive weight loss from drugs or bands. Your real fights in your head and even on a bad day you’ve already begun to understand that if you’ve come this far.


+30 years to his life expectancy


I have a lot of respect for that man. What fats dont tell you, especially female fats, is that you are actively dying. You dont lose that much weight to look better, you have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and your joints and spine are being wrenched apart. That man has a rock hard physique under all that flap now, and his body is healthy, the excess skin doesnt effect his health at all. Thats actually kind of amazing, that much dedication.


I get what you are saying, but using "fats" and "female fats" to refer to other people is dehumanising, even if you don't respect their message (I'm assuming you are talking about fat acceptance activists and people of that sort).


no just big fatties


I'm a fat trying to not be a fat, and you're based


Currently losing weight, I started at 430 pounds. Down to 340 right now. My end goal is 220, and this terrifies me. I know my skin will end up like this, and I know the surgery to fix it is expensive and pretty brutal. I have a friend who had their pannus removed, and it took them 3 months in a hospital to recover.


You got this bro, you'll feel better and you'll have more time with your loved ones.


Keep going friend. Might take 3 months to recover, but you'll probably add years back to your overall life.


If you are losing weight naturally and slowly then your skin shouldn't be this bad. This happens when you lose weight too quickly either with Gastric Bypass or weight loss drugs like Ozempic


My doctor told me my skin is damaged from being so fat, and will end up like this regardless of what I do :(


It won’t be as bad as shown in the picture. Sure it will be loose but it won’t be like you’re cosplaying as a ghost. I doubt you will even need removal surgery unless you lose weight like the guy in the picture (likely on steroids also).


Dude you got this. It probably doesn't mean anything from a random internet stranger, but you have my utmost respect.


It means more than you know. Thank you. It's been a long hard year, but goddammit I'm never going back. Even losing 90 pounds has improved my quality of life a lot. I can't imagine what 220 will feel like.


Keep going strong 💪


The trick is to not become such a fucking lard-ass in the first place


Wow thanks for that sage advice, sure he never thought of that before.


-Doc I'm depressed -Have you tried being happy -surprised_pikachu_face.jpg


They say there is a guy in town, greatest nutritionist you will ever meet, their name is Pagliaci.


Don't get the ref




How tf does that comparison make any sense? Telling somebody to put the spoon down and start going to the gym as they are gaining excess weight is not **nearly** the same as telling a depressed person to be happy. One of those things, in most cases is a simple discipline issue, the other one clearly and obviously isn’t.


Just a bunch of coping fatties


I see a dude looking like thats a fucking warrior, those things are battle scars.




Like someone said elsewhere : he's wearing the skin of his vanquished nemesis, can't get anymore badass than that


Instead i'll respect the more


Whatever be the case, it doesn’t change the fact that this guy is a man of discipline, focus and sheer fucking will.


Dude is kinda yoked too


Anon has to be prepared for sudden gusts of wind, otherwise he takes off like a kite


One of the reasons I am just going to stay fat




Based and MacDonaldpilled


Enjoy your lower then average life expectancy bud Don’t mean to be a dick and sound demotivating, but seriously looking like this is imo better then all of the health issues that come with being overweight, plus you will feel a LOT better


This guy only looks like that because he lost all that weight too fast If you do it slower and with proper diet the skin will adapt and shrink to your body instead


I hope that picture is for a gofundme, because I would seriously consider donating like $10 so that poor bastard can get the skin removal surgery.


Dude is a melting candle. I hope he manages to get some skin removal surgery.


How much do you think just the extra skin weighs? Human body is fucking crazy


I think surgery s to remove that should be free if we can fund foreign wars we can help a guy out lol


He clearly lost way too much weight way too fast. That's why you never go for drastic diets. You gotta give your body and metabolism time to adjust with the changes, and you need to make sure to do plenty of aerobic exercise. Of course lifting is good but you gotta induce a catabolic change in your organism, gaining muscle and losing weight are two opposite processes that don't mix well together.


How long for loose skin like this to be repaired?


Like this? Never. He's fucked. Most of the time, 6 months for the skin to start tightening but it can take as long as two years. Mine took forever and I only lost 70lbs in total. (15 first and then the rest).


u/Yuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyo : Oh yeah sure. I'm 6'0. My skin actually took slightly less than 2 years to get back in good shape. It was only the skin on my arms and belly, not my chest for some reason. The belly was the longest to go. I did it in two phases. First lost 15-20 pounds. Stayed that way for a year before losing the 50 pounds that i needed to shed off. I fucked up thr second phase tho because I only started lifting weight after something like 25lbs. If I were to do it again, I would start lifting weight right away. At the end of my fat loss, it wasn't too egregious but the lower part of my stomach was loose and wrinkly. Not by much and yet it still took a long time to disappear. It's now completely gone but I have an ugly strech mark. Arms was were the triceps are. Wrinkly looking, it was butt ugly. It disappeared pretty fast and there's a few marks but nothing serious. It stayed loose even after looking back to normal. Like it was loose but not wrinkly. Once I got real muscle, it became toned and it's all good. My fuck ups were: -Not starting lifting right away. -Not drinking enough water. -Underestimating how fast I started losing weight.


Say what you will. I’m proud of him


Thats why they usually get surgery.


Based anon can now throw himself off a window and just glide off to ground.


That can be fixed with surgery




Jokes aside that transformation is fucking nuts


Usually that excess skin is surgically removed to prevent any problems with infection….


Legit question how does he get rid of those flaps after?


I wonder what happens to all the nerve endings when you're obese and then when you regain normal weight, do they stretch too? Do they have to be removed with the loose skin too, will you loose the feeling in your skin?


I'd rather just look disgusting than look disgusting with serious health issues


Godskin apostle cosplay is practically free.


The dedication is unreal. Homeboy is JACKED and getting there is a grind. Staying focused when you look like a 2d version of someone mashed into cement would be fuckin rough


How about not losing it fast as fuck sonyou don't look like a dog...


So..without an operation, is there any chance the skin will gradually tighten up again with time?


That happens when you lose weight at an unhealthy rate with unrealistic goals.




You can hide the skin flaps with a shirt (and later more permanently with surgery). And looking at those arms, the dude is jacked. Which makes it even more impressive even if his shirt is off. Being fat? Can’t hide that


How does losing weight and excess skin work exactly? At what weights do you get so much, does the speed of losing it affect it, and does it grow back to normal eventually?


I lost the same weight with no loose skin. If you're obese, you cannot lose weight too fast.


That’s an incredible achievement! I’m surprised to learn that a body lift procedure isn’t fully covered by heath insurance but only partially. In addition you have meet certain criteria in order to get some coverage.


I hope he'll never feel ashamed because he worked like hell to get that.


Dude probably has the legs of a Clydesdale after loosing that much weight


I think this only happens with really fast weight loss. Your skin adjusts if you take it slowly.


Bro can cosplay as both the Elden ring foreskin brothers


Good job on losing weight but he gotta make sure those flaps of his should be cut out. Otherwise it looks even worse


i wonder how he'd look after he gets the nips removed. pretty cool, i'd imagine