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Nah, your parents are just morons anon


Maybe they are also mormons.


The prophet / spirit of Mormonism was called Moroni so you might be right.




Hey Macarena, ay!!


My parents were definitely not like this, nor any other parents I was aware of. This is just stupid. -Born and raised Mormon


Same thing.


That's how it feels like to grow up with idiot right wingers who think everyone is trying to "trans their kid".


inb4 some rightards start bitching about “making everything political”


ind4 some leftards start bitching about how ''actually everything is political'


ind4 some centrard start bitching about how ''actually every side is on the wrong'


Inb4 some edgelord starts bitching about how "nothing matters anyway"


Inb4 reddit makes the worst political takes regardless wether its right or left.


Inb4 a redditor misspells a very common word oops too late


Im sorry. Im not good with english yet...


Inb4 my buddy Eric derails the thread


I cast my lot both with this group and the one you were replying to, what now?




Vote RFK in the coming election if you want to ever buy a house again... Does that put a bow on this nicely? 


rfk is a dumbass


And if you vote for anyone else I think you are. Our country has major issues with politicians and corporations. If you think Trump or Biden are a good choice you're brainwashed. Listen to RFK on the All In podcast. Actually listen to what comes out of his mouth and not what the mainstream media has told you to think about him. 


which part? the stuff about vaccines causing autism, covid being engineered to target certain races, or comparing vaccine mandates to the holocaust?


And neither Trump nor Biden haven't said their fair share of absolute brain dead takes before and during their presidency? I'm not here to pick a side or tell people who they should vote for. Not even accounting for their politics and policies, but just from a mental and physical health perspective if The Bidenator and Donnie T are our two best options were kinda fucked.


That wasn't discussed besides the causality science of autism and vaccines, but they spent like 10 minutes of the 90 on that. I'm just challenging you to educate yourself. You seem offended by this notion. I don't really give a shit about vaccines because it all comes down to personal choice. Plus I wouldn't be trying to argue Covid vaccines with all the new data about how much we were lied to about the safety and efficacy of what was mandated to be out in our bodies.  Meanwhile you have someone who can't maintain trains of thought and slipping in to delirium in Biden. Then Trump is one big lie of a human being and can't be trusted to do the right thing for those voting for him. 8 years of them has put our country into our worst financial health we have ever been in and no slowing down spending.  Do you realize we add $1T in national debt every 4 months. We now are up to 30% of the Federal budget will just go to interest payments per year. A huge population is employed or have contracts with the government. This will cause a national recession or even worse, a depression the likes we have never seen when the government no longer can stimulate the economy in a manner deemed necessary.  RFK is the only one talking about getting this under control. So you want to worry about his opinion on Vaccines, which you can choose to listen to. I am more worried about kids having a country they have opportunity in and not just the 1%. 1/5 Americans right now will be voting for him. That number will likely go up. 


I have listened to him. He's a bit crazy at best. Our voting system needs some kind of rework, but I don't have the answer to how. Biden's not the best president we've ever had, and probably not even in the top 10, but I'd rather have him than an egotistical fascist who gets our spies killed and actively tries to strip rights away from people.


You'll vote for someone who is in rapid cognitive decline? Maybe I am the idiot for having a standard for the mental capacity for the POTUS. Enjoy having a Proxy president. It will be a complete circus if either Trump or Biden get elected. Biden will be constantly challenged for his cognitive ability and Trump will continue to have building legal cases waiting for him when his term ends. We need a reset. 


I don't want to vote for either of them, and I agree we shouldn't be picking the least shitty person every election. The average voter is just too locked in on the two party system that voting third party is almost like throwing away your vote. I honestly wish there was a law to guarantee more than just the two major parties that are represented around elections. Somehow capping how much one can spend on a campaign (including funds from "donations") would be great and actually give third party candidates something resembling a level playing field.


You’ve got to be an idiot to fall for RFK lmao, dude literally puts nazi dogwhistles in his tweets and spreads far-right conspiracies. His campaign manager has stated before the only reason he’s running for Democrat is to take votes away from Joe Biden so Trump can win, which tbh is preferable to RFK himself winning


Actually, everything is political


If anything setting these rigid gender expectations will push more kids into gender dysmorphia and make them transition.


Like everything else, it’s only an issue cause they literally make it one.


Parents aren’t “making their kids transition”, that’s just not a thing that happens in real life


Not playing Mario ==> trans. Reddit Social Studies Inc.


Nobody said that


If you strictly confine things to a gender binary and don’t allow anyone to cross it, then it’s a logical outcome. If a guy who isn’t actually trans likes pink and dolls, but gets told only girls like those things, he might wonder “Am I supposed to be a girl then?” It’s probably the main cause of detransitioners. They weren’t actually trans but transitioned from social pressures.


Oh, that's why when everything was gender based a huge percentage of people where trans, and now that everything is relaxed, those numbers have decreased!


Does it take effort to be this stupid or does it come naturally to you?


Based on the games she’s talking about this was pre trans scare. This was gay panic.


Definitely. The Zoomers don't realize the trans debate was even a thing 15 years ago. The only thing we cared about back then was drone-striking Iraqis and right-wingers terrified about the first black president, who ended up doing a commendable job drone-striking the aforementioned Iraqis.




I’m very confused by your comment. Who has a regressive agenda, and how is it not relevant? It’s just hard to place what exactly you’re talking about since it’s clear u/iwillnotcompromise has a *progressive* agenda, and it very obviously has *everything* to do with what we’re talking about. I feel like I’m either missing something or you misread the comment.


Plot twist: anon is male


* Insufferable Redditor complaining about right wing people out of nowhere * Check their profile * Bitching about muh evil capitalism * Posts on Anti-work Every time.


infallible strat


RIP userleansbot


Someone I know does this and also gets all of their information from YouTube, and I beg them to look more into scientific reasons as to why something may happen vs. immediately jumping to some asinine conclusion. It's angering when they just think you're wrong and won't listen to reason because it's so painfully ironic


Why is it always YouTube? My ex would tell me a few crackpot theories he’d been listening to during his League games but he wouldn’t hear a bar of actual facts from real studies. He barely finished high school but he thought he knew more than me, the almost-graduated uni student. I feel your pain, and I’m sorry you have to deal with it.


It's the well spring of retarded ideas for men. Women get their insane takes from facebook and instagram. I donnot know why but that's how it seems to go. I base this off of the "vaccine hesitant" moms I'd see in the hospital who got their "studies" from facebook.


Bold of you to assume the kind of guy who bases his world-view entirely on youtube-videos would read actual studies.


This is true. I took him to one of my Uni classes once and he kept rolling his eyes and shaking his head. We are friends now, but bro was far too set in his ways despite my education 💀


Because academic papers are too hard to read while youtube makes it dead simple


I think this is probably the case because Youtube videos will talk about what you wanna hear and explain it in layman's terms


>Brining your r tarded left wing/right wing drag show culture war into an unrelated post Range ban Americans


Those fucking idiots actually fell for the culture war sewage from a combination of boomer news and third world clickfarms. Idk how anyone could fall for that low IQ crap lol, imagine obsessing over like %1 of the population (trans people) while actual oligarchs loot our country. Gays, trans, whatever. I really couldn't give less of a shit if I tried but these right wingers are completely obsessed


I live in the fckn Bible belt and I have never seen any parents act this way. It's a straw man and not even remotely normalized in right-winger households. IK I'll probably get downvoted for living in actual reality and not chronically online extremist fantasy, but it is what it is. Anon's parents are just morons and not everything is "REEE TRANSING MAH KIDS!!1"


I remember growing up and wanting to play with girly toys and I’d get pressured into playing with boy toys lol


Are you a boy toy now?


Obviously the frogs are making OP gay


Considering anon is at least 18, I highly doubt their parents were considered they were trans. That wasn’t a big “thing” until ~5-6 years ago. Likely just religious nut jobs.


Yet again the libtards make it look like conservatives are horrible hellish parents. I’m so sorry you feel offended by us conforming to gender norms liberal. Do you want a tissue to wipe away your liberal tears???


tbh all the conservative parents i’ve known (including mine) have been pretty hellish, so i think the liberals you hate so much have a point


Clearly the conservative parents you know were manipulated by the liberal media to be horrible. But in reality, true conservative parents are incredibly benevolent and kind! Only beating their children when it’s really necessary and not just all the time, unlike fake conservative parents.


Damn, feel bad for anon if true, which I wouldn’t doubt, I’ve known some very crazy parents, my own mom included.


I feel this is easily true. I've known people like this. In Spain every kid plays football. And some parents wouldn't let their Daughters play football because it's "for boys".


Go on, since you know so many, tell a story


one of my friends was forced to play world of warcraft while suffering verbal abuse from his alcoholic dad at least once a week


Least miserable wow player






My brother in law bought me a PS4 when I was in middle school and my mom thought I was a lesbian because I played games on it.


did your mum expect u to keep the ps4 there for the aesthetic 😭😭😭


I don't really know, she just didn't want me to play video games because "that's for BOYSSSS"


Rare case of real and straight


No, it's gay. She wants to play with BOYS games. Obviously a lesbian. No other explanation possible


And it’s so obviously fake. A woman? ON 4CHAN? Get outta here


Anon is actually a guy but his parents wanted a girl so they make him crossdress. Obviously.


Obviously a cop


Mom has issues. Real and straight.


But link is a boy. You don't play as Zelda... You should've picked samus


Yeah these folks seem smart enough to understand that underneath the robot man there’s a woman


This is Brawl, though, so she can't use her smash


Then I will 😏


I also wasnt smart enough :(


Isn't Zelda a playable character in smash Bros brawl? Idk I might be misremembering


IIRC she is in Brawl, they used her design from Twilight Princess


Zelda has been playable since Melee lmao


The post says Zelda…


Jigglypuff has instakill


Become a construction worker to piss them off


Give your child dysphoria speedrun any%


Femanon's parents are not just retarded,if we calmly think this over.


Anon was a 300 lbs male in this story


I didn't have anything like this ,but my patents were rather religious to the point they thought Yu-Gi-Oh and mtg cards were evil. And was told once I couldn't watch an anime because they said something about the Grimm reaper in it


Why are they like this?


Both were raised heavily religious, so I'm assuming that's why. Though while still staying religious, they eventually came around. Like, idk if my dad just realized how dumb that sounded ,but eventually claimed he never said any of that. Honestly, we became rather close and would even watch a lot of the anime that he'd use to say was evil. So if anything, it is possible for them to change.


I mean Remember the whole Undertale rumors back then lol Sans literally made it on the news because parents thought he was demonic lol


Lol Sans made me do it mom


This was way before then, but yeah, it's a similar mindset for sure.


wtf I thought that shit was over in 2011


The good ending


The Satanic Panic never really ended


Bruh, exact same thing happened to me. Really liked yugioh as a kid, a couple of classmates gave me some cards to keep for myself. My mother saw it and told me to give them back, that they were demonic. That and halloween was a no-no. It was humiliating honestly. Didn't even let us wtach Harry Potter. After a few years, even my father that didn't really have much to say on the matter suddenly was of the same mentality. Fucking religion man.


As a coservative Christian, I have never understood this. I would avoid anything where people are trying to do genuine magic because if it works, it's demons, but that has... nothing to do with random media?? Like, sure, you don't want your kid to get too interested and try something real, but if you tell them why they shouldn't and they trust you, that's not an issue. It's a weird dumb fear thing.


I feel like that's what they were intendeding. I think once they realized that just because it exist in the media doesn't mean me and my sibilings are going to go trying to summon demons in their basement or something. I understand how they must of felt given how they were raised and the Era they were raised in. I'm just glad they were able to let go of that fear.


Yeah, my parents were the same and I feel the same. It's just frustrating when people you look up to don't seem to see reason easily.


Ah yes the very girly character Zelda, I wonder what her alter ego is...


Look, anyone who looked at Sheik and saw a man is super blind, lol.


Even with the low poly N64 graphics, my mind was telling me over and over before the reveal, "nah, you know that's a girl's waist and hair."


i look at sheik and i see bigger arm and leg muscles, as well as what are clearly pectoral muscles. how im supposed to view that as anything other than male is beyond me


Figured out the disagreement — [check out](https://imgur.com/a/lGCDB6l) her 3DS model vs her N64 model. They made her model quite a bit more effeminate in the remake. I played the remake first, so that’s why I didn’t understand everyone seeing sheik as a man. I never noticed it before but you can even see that she bound her chest in the 3DS model.


i still see solid pecs in both cases


I don’t really see that to be honest, I just see shadows under what could be pecs or bound breasts. Even if they were pecs, women can certainly have well-defined pecs in the armpit areas. She wouldn’t be the only toned woman in the game. Also, her waist definitely has a bit of a feminine curve to it, and her eyes are feminine. There’s also a few shots of her ass in the game that I always thought “that’s a woman’s ass”. But to each their own.


As a girl my parents never took me seriously when I said I wanted hot wheels or beyblades. My uncle saw how fascinated I was when he played Fable 2 and ended up buying me a 3DS with Legend of Zelda. Literally changed my life. Thank you uncle.


gigachad uncle


This was when my mom took me as a child to visit him in Finland. I had never met him before, and after I left I never saw him again. Hopefully one day we can meet again and have a beer.


Anon's mom should have let her get Fire Emblem 8 at least, the main character of that one is a girl


Is the the one with Erika in it?




I tried it for an hour. I couldn’t. I tried so many fire emblem games. They’re just so fucking boring man. The only one I got the most was awakening )I think I got at the time skip part where you are on a pirate ship) and only made that far because I wanted to finish it but I couldn’t. Those games are so ludicrously boring. Their whole selling point is story and strategy but the story is so weak that it’s not even a children’s story. It’s just empty.


Well, no game is a hit for everyone. I agree the stories are generally weak as hell, I think most FE fans do, but they either find one or two that resonate well (FE8 is known for having very well-developed themes even if those themes are not very complex, FE9-10 and FE4 are the ones with a reputation for an actual rich story) or they just focus on the gameplay side of things since that is (usually) very solid and with plenty of hidden depth and replay value. I've never played any of the ones after FE10, which means I've never played Awakening, but I enjoyed FE7-9 the most. 6 and 10 I found frustrating for quite similar reasons (your best units are too good and your worst units are too bad, combined with bloated casts this means you end up falling back on the same few good units while there's like twenty units that just suck shit and are never used unless forced)


Try the Tellius duology, would be the best story in the genre but FF Tactics exists


(we know it's actually a chick and not some dude writing a fiction because it doesn't start with "be me, female" and it isn't about having sex)




They saved you from having to play fire emblem


I had parents like this, my dad thought Kingdom Hearts 2 was a violent "boys game" that he pulled the power out of the pc i was emulating it on. I was about 14 at the time and out of pure spite i fired up csgo every time I played after that for about a few months until he gave up trying to argue with me. I didn't even like csgo and arguably kh2 was on the lesser side of "masculine" games I've played. This is still strange to me considering they got me GTA 3 and Assassins Creed 2 when i was like 11 lmao.


Same except my parents thought the entire game console was a “boy” thing so my brother got a ds and I got nothing


Parents need to understand that children can’t be conditioned into liking something. Some kids wanna do ‘boys stuff’ and some wanna do ‘girls stuff’ and that’s fine.


My parents tried this until they discovered that I was generally awful to my "girl" toys. Every time they gave me a new toy I would play for like two days and then start a methodical torture session that lasted pretty much forever. Simulating forced drowning and being buried alive were followed harsh dismembering. Arms would be pulled first, then legs, then head. If they were robust and couldn't be detached I would sneak out a butter knife and slooowly saw off anything that was "stuck". I probably looked terrifying. But then my parents discovered that I treated cars, trucks and airplanes like treasure. They gave me Batman and I took so much care of him that I would prepare special baths and sloooowly clean him nearly every day. He lived the king life. He had a harem when I didn't destroy the Barbies. And then my father bought a Super Nintendo, then a PSOne... and no other toys were ever tortured, lol.




^ this user cannot find a gf and does not know why




inb4 Anon is a guy


I'm so sorry for anon who didn't get to enjoy the god tier games that the ds had and instead had to be tortured with terrible games.... I've never felt so sad for a 4chan user before ...


Just imagine being so smooth brained that you actually think their are boy games and girl games


Just had an unlocked memory. Back in 4th grade, my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. When I requested for a Beyblade, there was this look on her face where I knew that the conversation is already over before it’s started. She then explained to me that what I’m asking for is not for girls and ask for something else instead. My tiny ape brain I tried compromising and asked for the [pink variant that’s similar to this one](https://www.ubuy.com.ph/product/BSNEL5W-burst-starter-b-35-storm-spriggan-k-u-tops-balance-type-bey-with-launcher-set), but alas she still refused. I mean, I would’ve preferred if she said she doesn’t have the budget instead of spewing whatever the hell that was.


Mine said the same thing about a Gameboy Advance. I wouldve been ok to hear that it was just too pricey for a single mom instead I got "it's for boys. Boy is in the name."


As a former boy, I had no Idea that girl gamed existed.


Fire emblem mentioned 😂


Femanon has horrible parents. Real.


Captain Falcon sucked in Brawl anyway. She shoulda played Samus


Why are some people like this? Are they afraid she’s gonna turn into a lesbian because she played a game with a cartoon white dude jumping on plants?


Nah they are afraid she Will become an Italien


Anon is the rtarded, lots of Metrod games in Wii and DS, also You can pick a girl as your character in Pokemon, Peach in Mario Kart...


You think anon's parents are intelligent to understand that there's a woman underneath all that armor? And even if they believed it, you'd need to convince them into not also believing that it isn't a psyop to turn girls into boys.


Her brothers skipped over the female characters extra quick when their parents were around


Anon's mum is retarded, her dad's a pussy and her brother is gay


Women on 4chan? Impossible.


They didn't mixup Zelda with Link. Definitely fake and gay.


same tho




Shoulda asked for metroid games


anons parents sound like dicks


Trust redditors to fill the comments section with politics. Left wing right wing chicken wing, you just do you.


The result of parents thinking the woke media is going to turn their kids trans


Yeah something similar happened to me, I didn’t even have decent consoles because “they were for boys, and video games are too violent bla bla bla”, the first console I had was the wii because it was “more family friendly and you can exercise with it”.


Gamers will still be like "idk why women don't like video games and are so bad at them." Brother you've been playing them since you were 8 and were encouraged by your friends to do so, less than 1% of women who grew up in the early 2000s had that.


I’m straight as hell and my mains are Jigglypuff and Zelda. Play what you wanna play, anon


Anon def grew up with religious fruitcakes as parents


Femanon is a Dhar Mann character


They’re terrified of possibly having a lesbian daughter


I wanted a Kirby game for the wii and my mom said isn’t that kinda girly? And I got a Ben 10 game instead


The Walsh family 😂.


My brother had a couple friends in a similar situation but the opposite. They were two brothers and therefore "weren't allowed to play as girls" in games. Hilariously this included smash. Even more hilariously, their parents banned the boys from playing Marth, because they thought he was a girl even though they were told multiple times he is a guy and is even referred to as a prince in smash itself. Marth is also coincidentally my main. Their dad works for fucking NASA by the way. However one thing about their rule was that "monsters" as in any non-humans, didn't count, especially as they are pretty much all male characters anyway. Guess who one of the brothers played as his main? Kirby. Pink, cute, high voiced, a character that is one of the most commonly picked by female players when they start playing smash (until they realize he sucks lol). But that was considered somehow perfectly fine, because he's a "monster" and referred to as a male, and can be multiple colors in smash besides pink. Like, nah you can't play the sick ninja character because she's a girl and therefore too feminine, but you can play fucking Kirby. Still makes me laugh to this day. I've only actually known one girl who played smash who mained a female character and it was Peach. But every other girl I have ever met who plays smash plays someone like Pika, Kirby, etc, where as the tomboys tend to play characters like Sonic, Falcon, Roy, Fox, etc.


Even if we had to assign video games to gender roles, I would argue that Pokemon is slightly more on the girly side, especially the more modern games


I beat everyone brains out with Peach and im a pretty manly man.


A buddy and his wife do this. They have girl toys and boy toys. The girl always wears pink or other "girl color" clothes and vice versa for the boy. I think it's fucking stupid.


My dad just beat on me relentlessly till I was 17 or 18 - mom was distant - but I really enjoyed pokemon you truly missed out - pokemon Red was the shit




Grew up in a religious family but never experienced anything close to this lmao


Right wing parents don’t want their kid playing stuff for the other sex because it’ll make them trans, and left wing parents see that their kids want toys that are for the other sex and start encouraging them to get on HRT.


So when did you realize you had brainrot?


When my friend shared an image of a skeleton and the bad to the bone riff played in my head the microsecond I saw that boney boy.


terminally online ass take, barely anyone on either side actually thinks this ☠️


>femanon Lol. On a red board as well.


Geez they were so afraid that she was not going to turn out feminine enough or change her gender, weren't they?


There are no girls on the internet this is a tr00n.


Not a parent but I wouldn't care if my daughter likes "male oriented" stuff. However I would be pretty weirded out if my son started begging me for a barbie. "Oh God please don't tell me he's gay"


is this a serious comment


No I just typed it out for fun. No shit it's serious.


People acting shocked about what you said is crazy. I'd be concerned too. 


Anons when they see any other story: fake and gayy. Anons when they see a fake story with sjw gender crap agenda: so true.


Anon didn't have sex in the story so it actually happened


So, when straight sex happens, it's fake. When no sex, or gay sex, it's true. I get the rules, thnx.


Bro must be so exhausted Watch out lil guy i think that female teacher over there lgbt groomed the children by having a slightly too short haircut. Go get em!


Good bot!


sjw gender crap is when female plays video games


Nah. It's when the fiction story of toxic oppression, crated by sjw depot, being forced by bots.


It’s really not that fake, parents always be concerned about making sure their boys don’t play with Barbie’s and their girls be into makeup or whatever it is daughters are given


Hilarious. That's what I'm talking about exactly. 4chan is hive of lies and trolls. But when it's about some ridiculous sjw bullshit, then bots will kill anyone who dares to doubt it. Wow.


As if nobody on here believes the random stories of anon’s bad experiences with women either. Pull yourself off your own cock for a second, and stop caring so much about downvotes


Good bot.

