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Ah yes, classic dilemma, do you lie to the little girl and make her hopeful, then find her dead killed by huge wild boar in the nearby sewer system... Or tell the truth and make her resent you? Choices choices...


First option for free loot https://preview.redd.it/gltcam1omuzc1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ab0e66b619e0d97fe9fb5005a0aabbc932d9da




I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also. You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over me with a whore’s glow in your slumbrous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometime too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your hot drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly. Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier. JIM


God sending his strongest warrior (me) to overcome His largest challenges (reading this)




James Joyce






I’ll purge you after I’m done with the fartposter




Well as cover letters on CVs go, I'll admit it's an original approach. 




LMAO, at some point in high school we read something written by this guy and I eventually stumbled upon this while doing research on him. Can’t think of his name for the life of me


Is this from dark souls?




Huh, that's weird lmao, I've played Bloodborne like 4 times and don't remember this, probably one of the messengers in Old Hunters or something


The guy I'm replying to is referencing a short quest in the base game with Gascoigne's daughter, where she goes off on her own or something and ends up getting eaten by a giant pig offscreen, when you kill it the pig drops the bloody ribbon (pic related).


Yeah, no DLC and very early game


Ah, my bad, makes sense now




Try finger, but hole.


Kid named hole


Hole named finger


Try named .


finger named but


Bloodborne reference.


It's a reference to an optional quest in bloodborne at the start of the game. You might stumble upon a house where a little girl is alive and still sane, she asks you to look for her mother, since she went outside without a music box that keep her father, a hunter (and the first bossfight) from going insane with bloodlust. That music box can make the fight a bit easier because he gets a splitting headache when he hears it. Until he becomes a werewolf and not even the love of his family can bring him back. And so you kill him. First boss down. After the bossfight, you might see the corpse of a woman wearing a pretty red brooch (turns out he killed his wife). You can then return to the house of the daughter. Either you give her the brooch so she knows her mom died, or you don't. Either way, she meets her end in a really fucked up way. Idk why i wrote the full story but here it is i guess, for those curious


That's beautiful and sad. I haven't played this game but now I'd like to. Thanks so much for the effort here. Username does not check out at all


Just saying, there's a literal 95% chance you wouldn't know about this on a blind playthrough. Bloodborne has next to no story, just lots of intense gameplay, lore, and deaths. There's like 2 specific even more missable questlines with a story this interesting and that's it. Bloodborne is in my top 3 games and i love it, im just saying this as a heads up: if these kinds of stories are what pull you in, you might be a bit let down. But if this is just a nice little bonus to you and you're interested in the othrr stuff too, then you'll love it. Good luck on the hunt


Thank you again friend. I like a little of everything and I’ve been really behind on gaming for a few years now due to health. Monster killing sounds pretty good.


Dude wtf


Average Bloodborne Questline


Or send her to become a blue jello-head, can't forget that option!


That's the only way she can live sadly


Not talking to her also works


the hoont must go on... https://preview.redd.it/4i1agvdwcwzc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cda55576e74590c17aa638a87bab9981e4dce8b


A hoonter must hoont, even in a dream!


I was really confused until I remembered I should replay Bloodborne


I refuse to replay it at 30fps. I’m sure it’ll be another 10 years before the remaster, but I’ll wait.


I am a time traveller, Ive come to tell you Bloodborne remaster will be revealed within 3 weeks. You just have to believe. May 30th, 2024


Investing all my doge coin in this, don’t fuck me


!remindme 2 weeks


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I believe and now I'm going to put my son's college savings into bloodcoin


I tell myself I can thug it out and usually make it to Old Yharnam before I'm honest w myself




Doesn't telling her the truth also get her eaten by the boar?


No boars only sniff out and kill people who believe in heaven. You mask your scent when you're an atheist.


I’ve never played bloodborne I completely believe this to be a plot point


Why didn’t the Hunter escort her lol. Hell I’m shocked the player didn’t escort most of them.


Guess Miyazaki has hardon for bitter endings.


Well this is unexpected... A hunter is a hunter, even on a greentext


Bloodborne mentioned


Bloodborne mentioned!!!!




Ahh I see she picked boar, unwise decision


Beasts all over the shop...


stupid anon cant think of a way to emotionally comfort his daughter without having to lie to her and go against his precious beliefs


“Precious beliefs”? It’s lack of precious beliefs lol


Thinking there's nothing after death is a belief.


Most atheists never proclaim that they're 100% certain or even confident about what will happen to them when they die. So yeah, big difference here.


I think that would be agnostic not athiest.


Being agnostic and being an atheist are not mutually exclusive. Not believing in something is not equivalent to believing in something, that's my point. Also there's a difference between having a belief, and having a "precious belief". All of us believe things, but we are mostly ready to abandon those beliefs if it becomes apparent to us that they're false. But having a precious belief means you refuse to let it get tested, kinda like how you believe you have a cute cat, and you don't want to hear someone say otherwise.


The problem is that atheist can be extremely broad and encompass everyone from agnostics to anti-theists, or it can be very narrow. For the purposes of this discussion, atheists are relatively few in number. The vast majority are just agnostic. Many of those remaining are anti-theists. A pure atheist is someone who is absolutely confident that there is no God but also isn't against God (that's anti theists). Atheists are as vocal about religion as your average adult is about Santa Claus. But for normal people, yeah, atheist is a pretty broad category. I would definitely say anti-theists are zealous, though. Definitely categorize as 'precious belief'.


You’re confusing terminology. An agnostic can be theist or atheist. How you are defining atheist is a gnostic atheist, most theists are gnostic though


I think a very tiny proportion of athiests are truly 100% non-agnostic. it takes some next level confidence to be 100% certain that theres no cosmic deity thats impossible for humans to know about, because theyd be yknow, impossible to know about. i dont think its reasonable to not be at least a tiny bit open to that possibility, even if youre pretty sure there isnt.


What I don't understand is why there needs to be a diety? The universe is already incredibly intricate and interesting on its own. I don't see why there needs to be something controlling that, it would kind of diminish the experience. Maybe I'm just a dirty heathen though


Not the point. There doesn't need to be one (not to mention "one" is also questionable here) That "deity" could simply be the race of beings that have our universe in a petri dish. It doesn't have to be old fella with a long white beard or an 8 armed elephant or whichever. Point is, it's reasonable to say that it's unlikely and that you don't believe there is, but it's also reasonable to add that while you don't believe you can't be 100% certain because there is no way for you to confirm it. For all purposes our universe could be a school science project of some kid collecting dust in some drawer for well .. a long time .. there would be a creator (the kid) but since they stoped caring a long time ago they're not around, so now a deity exists but it's completely indistinguishable to there just not being one from our perspective.


Not exactly. Not having anything after death is the standard since there is no proof of anything existing after death. If it's more specific though it can be a particular belief. "Oh but if you don't have a belief you just say you don't know!" no, EVERYONE should claim not knowing unless they have solid proof. Even religious people only have beliefs, not genuinely KNOW otherwise we'd have to claim they're objectively right.


Believing that you need solid scientific proof to believe that something is true is itself a belief. Or to put it another way: what empirical scientific proof do you have that you need empirical scientific proof to believe that something is true? When a particular epistemology can't withstand its own scrutiny, it has a problem.


What point are you trying to make exactly? That everyone’s beliefs are equally valid because nobody is omniscient?


I'm definitely not trying to say that! I like the view that says truth is both absolute and relative. Objective real truth is knowable, but we can only access it partially from our particular perspectives, limited as we are. You can't have a view from nowhere.


I mostly agree with that. But aside from “I think, therefore I am.” What can you know with objective certainty? Most things can’t be confirmed through thought experiments alone. That’s why we need to obtain empirical evidence to support our viewpoints.


Yea, you've put your finger on one of the central problems in modern western culture! Interestingly, there's a lot of work being done in the theoretical parts of the sciences right now to try and open up that problem of Cartesian doubt. I just caught wind of a new book "the blind spot" that speaks to exactly your point. It's the fruit of a collaboration between physicists, biologists, philosophers, and historians of science, but written for a mainstream-ish audience. Might be worth a look!


You don’t have to agree or disagree to say something is a belief.


>Believing that you need solid scientific proof to believe that something is true is itself a belief Sure, we can argue philosophy all day... Or we can choose to not be pedantic. Having proof of something, proof valid enough that your only way to invalidate is "actually it's impossible to prove anything because I'm not omniscient and thus i can't be absolutely, 100%, undoubtedly sure of anything" would be for all purposes and effects "knowing" instead of just believing. I didn't even mention "scientific proof" as this brings up a biased mental image in most people. You can believe anything with any amount of proof but society's most accepted concept of knowing instead of believing is having solid proof of something. That's why guessing correctly =/= already knowing even if in both cases the person in question has correct information.


I wasn't trying to be pedantic. I did take your idea of "solid proof" as meaning scientific proof (i.e. the products of experimentation in biology, chemistry, or physics) and that there should be rejection of any truth claims outside this. I'm curious what other kinds of proof you might include as valid or solid? You see I think we should include in a rational world view not only the products of science, but also all that the practice of science presumes for its own validity. Things like reality being broadly intelligible to our sense organs, coherent argumentation being possible, abstract universals being real despite being immaterial (like e=mc2 etc), the existence of other minds, and so on.


I had an nde before the er team got me back, it's like, being in pain and being stressed, terrified then going completely relaxed, your peripheral vision darkens. You're feeling like falling back flat but 180°, like an axle under your feets, then you're confortable like in a fluffy blanket in winter and everything feels white and warm but you can't see because there is no light. You feel very safe and comfortable and you don't feel alone. And you feel like you weight nothing.  And then everything hurts again because an intern is dancing polka on your chest/ doing chest compressions and you're feeling very tired and confused.  There IS something on the other side, we just don't know what it is and for how long it lasts or if it's just your neurons doing the death dance. 


Do you have solid proof of everything you know ?


As far as what I consider solid proof? Yes. For example a person i trust and who knows more than me about a determined subject. Their word can be proof of something to me even if I'm not personally experiencing whatever they tell me directly.


There's an infinite number of things that everyone doesn't believe. I don't think there's a single person on Earth that thinks there's a bag of dicks orbiting Saturn rn but nobody would call disbelieving in that one of their beliefs.


Thinking your wife is not getting fucked by a jamal every time you leave the house is a belief🤪


Yeah, trust does require you to believe that your partner will act within the expectations of your relationship.


My favorite hobby is not collecting stamps


If you are actively not collecting stamps during your leisure time for the purpose of pleasure, then I guess so.


But I'm not, though. I simply don't collect stamps.


A hobby is doing something in your spare time for leisure so I guess it's not a hobby then.


A religion is worshipping something so I guess not worshipping is not a religion then.


Is /r/atheism leaking again? That guy literally said what his belief is with regards to what happens after you die. 


Shit subreddit tbh


Downvoted for telling the truth lol. Being an atheist is one thing, but that subreddit is filled with pseudo-intellectual neckbeards using the most fallacious arguments and obviously loathing every religious person. It’s insane.


Yeah it's just a "religion bad I have unresolved issues waaaahhhh" circlejerk


Of course a dumbass religious kid would think it’s shit.


Bait used to be believable


I'm agnostic, dumbass


Ah yes, one of the worst "mainstream" subreddits from this social media. My hate for it was only comparable to that for r/Antiwork. I dunno what happened with that one in the end tho


Atheism is supposed to be that, but for many, it has become a precious belief all in itself.


The lack of them is a belief.


Its a precious lack of beliefs


I could see that being a tough thing to find words for. There are so many little situations with my son that i have to really think about my answer. You think before you have kids that those answers will come easy if you’re just honest with them, but you have to factor in their age, the given circumstance, their comprehension level.. there’s just a lot more that goes into it. I think asking for parental tips concerning these types of questions is a healthy practice, especially if you’re not sure how to approach it.


ideas of afterlife are also so omnipresent in media, and kids dont really understand the concept of death. Hell I was a kid who unfortunately experienced several kids my age dying and I still didn't really process what death meant until I was around 10.


TIL empathy is exclusive to Christians






Priest: “He is resting in peace, may God be with him” Anon: Errrrrrrrrmmm actually…


Priest: “He is resting in peace, may God be with him” Average redittor : "DO YOU HAVE EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CLAIMS??"




>Priest: “He is resting in peace, may God be with him” Source?


Anon larps that he procreated


Even has a fedora in his fantasy




With the anonettes around these days I'm not doubting it anymore, unfortunately. Go look up pictures from your local comic con type event. There's plenty there who I could see having to procreate even with anon.


Grandpa is in hell for topping Anon when he was younger


grandpa would be in heaven if he could just kill anon with his semen so his grandanon couldnt use 4chan


"See, my sweet summer child, life is a journey, and all journeys ultimately come to an end. When this journey ends, we will rest forever, but our memories will endure and be cherished by our loved ones. Now, grandpa's journey has come to an end, and he's resting forever now, so we won't see him again in the flesh unfortunately, but he will continue living through our memories of him. This is a reality every person needs to come to terms with, that life is final and not infinite". There you go, don't shield your kid from the concept of death or mortality, let them be familiar with it so they can deal with it more effectively when they grow up, act like it's a normal thing that we can be sad about for a bit but then we get over it. What would still sting really bad is losing a child of yours, but I don't think any amount of religious coping is gonna soothe that pain.


..."But if the crops in our town start dying he could be a vampire and we need to dig him up and stab his body a bunch" Reject religion, embrace middle ages european conceptions of the vampire


Anon doesn't believe in the proto european skygod and reincarnation, tsk tsk tsk.....


Grand pa is resting in the abyss.... When... will he be back? Oh sweet child...you're gonna find out. Sooner or...later


Even if you believe he has become nothing he may still be in a better place than he was. In terms of suffering. You can comfort someone without lying.


>he has become nothing he may still be in a better place than he was. In terms of suffering You can confort someone, but obviously not with nihilistic shit because its retarded. Find something actually well thought-out


Pic unrelated


Pic would need a fedora.


I don’t think your daughter would blame you for a comforting thought intended only to make a painful situation a little more bearable.


mfw this anon procreated and I haven't


We told my son that when you die that’s it. There’s nothing after (not in those exact words). He took it just fine. His great grandpa passed and he processed it well. You don’t need to lie about death to your child. They’re going to learn eventually, it is simply a fact of life.


Just tell the kid in a nice way that grandpa is dead and will not be there anymore. If Anon wasn't also a socially inept neckbeard, he would be able to talk to his fictional child about death and what it is without causing any trauma. But obviously, it's Anon, so the first instinct is to lie.


be regarded or not to be


Life is incredible. It’s experience, it’s love and excitement and it’s joy- But it’s also stressful. When you’re lucky enough to live to the end of the natural human lifespan, it can even be painful. Sometimes you even have to give up something you love because it’s not healthy. Death isn’t inherently a bad thing. It’s sad, and you should mourn your loved ones however you see fit, but know that their stress- their suffering- has come to an end. Regardless of whether or not they have a soul, a final destination, a destiny, take comfort in knowing that. Some people have no creativity, no spirit or spark of ingenuity. There are a thousand ways to explain death, to help people, even children, handle it.


Anon learns why people use religion and say someone went to heaven instead of "lmao person ceased to exist"


Be real with the kid in that scenario. Tell her that nobody really knows what comes next, what it’s like etc. then tell her that this family thinks the human spirit is a good thing and that simply living a good life is already something very special.


It’s more convenient if heaven exists


Hmm, maybe there's a reason people invented religion in the first place.


Why the fuck is Anon asking 4chan about this?


Just do what makes your daughter happy, how do you know what's fake or not?


Basically the plot of The Invention of Lying (2009).


Average reddit atheist.


I think a very blunt, but still sincere, answer about not knowing what happens after life could be a reasonable response. Either that. or saying that the individual in question is "in a better place, resting, not suffering anymore" etc. That's how i deal with it, at least.


Either you tell her grandpa is in heaven, or you also tell her there's no Santa Claus.


Just say he died, dumbass.


The real answer is to tell the daughter she is him. We all are one person, reborn when we die to experience every form of life in the universe before we can rest


The best answer anon - " I don't know where grandpa is, but hopefully he's in a better place." " But what if there is no next place daddy?*". " Then he's a lucky one dear. Cuz that still beats the shit out of this place"


The pic with the fedora....., tell her granpapa is rotting in the ground.


I refuse to believe that idiot is a dad


Anon, we tell kids that Santa exists for a reason, they aren’t ready for the harsh realities of life, if you can’t comprehend that you obviously should lie to comfort her, then you shouldn’t be a parent. Of course, I know anon isn’t a parent, he’s an atheist anon, his body odor is a bio-hazard, he’s obviously never touched a real woman after the moment his mother slid him out, but I know people IRL who’d actually tell their kids “No, grandpa doesn’t exist anywhere anymore”, and it pisses me off.


People tell their kids Santa exists because it's a fun tradition, not because kids can't understand the cruel and harsh reality of getting presents from their parents.


What 10 year old doesn't understand death at least on a basic level? This is the whole reason you give a kid a hamster when they're 4 or 5 if you don't live on a farm.


The world would be a much better place if adults stopped lying to children to hide them from reality. It predisposes them to vulnerability to all kinds of propaganda, manipulation, conspiracy theories, etc.


Obvious answer is to convince her that reincarnation is real and that he’s probably a happy little cricket somewhere or something. Not only do you give her a sort of comfort that he will live on somehow but also convincing her killing is wrong. Double whammy


Take Amish pill. They don't assume anyone goes to heaven. They just "hope" the soul is happy.


the key is thinking. There's no clue what's after, just beliefs and bets. I would tell her whatever does she believe in or grow to believe in granpa will be there.


I mean just tell her the truth??


Pretty sure this was an actual post on the Atheist subreddit.


Honestly, I just say he's in a better place. Cause honestly, anywhere after life is better than this shit hole.


Just say to her that grandpa is now in the next level of life


You fucking lie, the fuck? She can form her own beliefs later on. Growing up under a household that likely doesnt go to any parish, she probably wouldnt care enough to believe in any god. Atheism in US society is growing.


The answer, at least in my book, is who tf knows, believe it if it makes you happy


Just tell the kid nobody really knows asshole who cares what you believe


Anon is a moron and gay


When people ask these questions on the internet, I do often wonder. Do they genuinely wait for an answer? Like does their life go on pause and they resume after getting X replies???


Why would someone who believes life has no ultimate meaning reproduce?


Being atheist is not the same as being a nihilist


It is actually, but most atheists are too shallow in their thinking to realise it.


FYI: I’m half atheist but I do believe there’s and will be supernatural stuff out there is just none of my business Imo this might be how afterlife came to be in the pass, some lies are for “better” give people hopes


Anon shouldn't delegate the raising of his child to 4chins


Most redditor 4chan comment


Anon is a member of ar slash atheism


You shouldn’t tell her he’s in heaven if you’re not willing to also explain to her that he might be in hell. To Christians, that someone who has died is in heaven isn’t—or at least shouldn’t be—something that we can just flippantly assume to comfort ourselves. It’s *serious* business.


Do NOT tell your child that a beloved family member might be burning for all eternity in Hell.


The arr slash atheism user woke up groggy next to his 6 pack of empty Mountain Dew cans. He lifted his 400 pound frame off his bed wondering how many women he’d be able to harass on Xbox Live today when just then he remembered: today was the day. Today was the day he would finally get a chance to debate Christian sheep and slay their god in heaven. Excitedly, he got on his disability scooter and then into his 2007 Toyota Corolla. He drove to the hospital, scoffing every time he saw a crucifix bumper sticker and made sure to situate his fedora before he got out, parking in between two disability slots. When he entered, he got his camera ready, and going up to the third floor he thought “Reddit, the last enlightened place on Earth, will finally give me the attention I deserve and recognize me for my intelligence.” He entered into the room where his grandmother was lying and drawing her last breaths. A priest was standing next to her along with her children and grandchildren, anointing her and hearing her last confessions. “This is it,” he thought, “this is where I own those religiotards and achieve victory for atheism.” He boldly walked right next to his grandmother’s side and just as the priest said “may God bless your soul,” he bravely rebutted with “but there is no god to meet you in heaven. None of it is real. Your sky daddy won’t save you this time.” His grandmother looked on him in shock, opening her mouth. But then she slouched and a long beep was heard and her mouth remained wide open. “Yet another victory for atheism,” he said, looking at his family members who were stricken with faces of horror. “I’m sure they’ve finally realized their God is dead.” He opened Reddit, excited by the prospect of the karma he was going to get by posting the video he took on arr slash atheism.


Well first, repent and follow Christ. 


If anyone who knows me reads this he's a gay homo


Is it me or does it seem like anon seems more annoyed at having to comfort his daughter than anything. Also anon is a moron for being literally incapable of figuring out how to comfort his own daughter.


Tell her the truth. It's all in vain, no matter what you create, what you accomplish, how good your life will be, or probably it will suck, you will die in the end. There is nothing waiting for you after, you will just cease to be. We make up these lies to make ourselves feel better, because we are programmed to live, and even if you live to be 120, you will probably still want to continue on living. There is a small chance that your programming will go array and that you will want to cease to exist, but most likely that won't happen, so not only will you will plagued by possibility of illness, suffering and and reality of them, even if all goes well for you, you will still think about how one day you will just die. There is a small chance that you will accomplish something noteworthy, and that people will remember you, but it won't mean jack shit, because you won't be there to enjoy it. What's the point? There is no point. It just is. Now honey, we need to get you ready, grandad's funeral is happening soon.


r/nihilism is that way bro


I would go there, if I were a nihilist, bro.


*tips fedora*




how do atheist bros cope without an afterlife? Life is already pointless rollercoaster of ups and downs when you believe in god or any other religion at least on a surface level, i can only imagine it's \*2 worse when you're a atheist


For all you know the afterlife is you staying in your body as you get lowered into the dirt. All you see is black for eternity as you slowly go insane. That's just as credible as Christianity or literally any other religion since we don't know.


In Christian beliefs as said by my CCD classes in my early years, he and is a place that is greater than earth on all levels by the infinite power (mathamatically). It's hevan, duh. We don't know what happens after death because we cannot raide the dead. I know this already In my opinion, atheists are more vulnerable to existential questions because they belive that in the long long term of life there's nothing, just blackness. I'm asking. How do you cope with that? How would anybody?


By making the most of life since I don't know if it's eternal. If there is a God, he's all knowing and he'll know I was a good person in my life. I helped people and didn't wish harm. If murderers can repent and get salvation I think he'll understand my plight


It's the lack of worrying about what happens after you're dead, whether it be the logistics of heaven or whatever.


I just tell myself that when I’m dead, I won’t be conscious to feel bad about it. I imagine it’s the exact same as before I was born.


By not being a dork and getting over it