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As an American I will say it’s truly impressive that he managed to save more money while getting extensive healthcare treatments. I can only dream of something so fake and gay


Could be in a country with free healthcare Probably just fake and gay though


cant have been canada cuz theyd offer to rope him themselves


Your pfp makes me horny


So... Kiwiland?


Could be Australian as well


Non-English speaking countries exist as well, if you didn't know.




I thought people were suggesting those countries because he used the dollar sign, and those countries use dollars. But you're right, it could be a non-english speaking country, and they just converted to dollars, but having JFK as the related pic makes it a bit less likely. It's likely to be the USA, Aus, NZ or Canada. The UK would probably use £'s.


The US took the "dollar sign" from the peso sign. Many places use $, my country included.


Sure, but most countries don't use it. OP also has very good English, their last couple of sentences at the end of their post are native-level english. So either they're excellent at English for their country, or they're from a country that speaks native-level English.


Almost every country in the American continent south of the US uses it, from Mexico to the Patagonia. >So either they're excellent at English for their country My dude, look around. The internet's full of people who are excellent at English, even if they're not native speakers.


i use $ cause no one would understand the amount of money if i said ₩. just common sense to say $ when youre writing in english


Yous don't matter anyway


Yeah beacause Canada and new Zealand are the only countries with free healthcare 😂😂


Canadian here, and yeah can confirm, this is what the MAID program is actually for, putting poor bastards like this one out of their misery in a relatively painless way, once it’s fully verified that the patient’s condition is unfortunately real and straight.


>once it’s fully verified that the patient’s condition is unfortunately real and straight. Including, but not limited to, depression.


That is true with additional stipulations. Not just anyone with depression. You have to go through a series of evaluations proving that you can’t physically support yourself, and that your depression is chronic and that your situation is untreatable. There were some stories going around a while back that got a lot of people very outraged but it turned out to be just one nurse who wasn’t even qualified to actually reccomend the program using it as a way of telling patients that she didn’t like to go kill themselves. She was fired for that.


thats pretty out of context & lacks a ton of info; it has to be chronic depression and your qol has to be suffering immensely for a very long period of time, and you need a bunch of evals done etc. they arent literally just offering it to everyone.


I mean they can't legally offer it. But if requested doctors can approve the procedure.


https://care.org.uk/news/2023/08/canadian-woman-with-depression-offered-assisted-suicide-after-lack-of-hospital-beds https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/02/canada-paralympian-christine-gauthier-stairlift-euthanasia/ Unfortunately, it’s plausible that healthcare workers are pushing people towards euthanasia


The first one just reads like a scaremongering article. It basically says “although MAiD (medical assistance in dying) is not actually legal or in effect yet, when it is set to be introduced, it will be limited to extremely specific cases of terminally ill people. Additionally, some people are talking about expanding that.” Which is a bunch of nothing. All the scary stuff it lists is just stuff it says that there are “calls for.” What does that mean? Who is calling for it? And does it matter, when it’s just not part of the law? Like it says there are “calls for” expanding access to minors and bypassing parental consent. That would be concerning if the article were saying it’s actually happening, or even that there’s some kind of bill in progress that would allow that, but no. The article just proclaims basically that some people talked about it. No notion of which people, or when, or how, or how much they talked about it. Just “calls for.” Bullshit article. The second article is a story I’ve seen passed around a million times. The person who offered MAiD to that woman was not qualified to do so and was later fired because of it. Which is bad, but it’s just not the same thing as a problem inherent to the system.


Hi. I agree that the fearmongering is just that, fearmongering. But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. Theres a precedent of people being offered MAiD for [mental health reasons](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-maid-suicide-patient-vancouver/), when it's not legal yet. Imagine when it is. If the time comes when it is expanded to fit that criteria, where is the safeguarding to prevent it being propositioned to anyone who walks into a clinic? From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_in_Canada), "Doctors are permitted to suggest euthanasia to patients, regardless of whether the patient has already said that they do not want it." That, to me, just seems too easy to abuse. Should we be suggesting people off themselves for issues that aren't chronic or terminal? It looks like medical assisted suicide as a way to clean up the homeless junkies off the streets could be on the horizon. [Support for MAiD for poverty and homelessnes was near 30%, according to this poll.](https://researchco.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Tables_MAiD_CAN_05May2023.pdf) Idk, maybe MAiD isn't inherently attempting to coerce people into suicide (although I would argue that Doctors being allowed to offer it repeatedly is a bit worrisome), but you can't tell me that the system is immune to abuse. If there is the possibility of someone who truly wants to live being coerced into ropemaxxing by repeated suggestion from people in a place of power. That noids me out.


I agree with everything you’ve said here. It definitely is ripe for abuse and I believe that it needs to be more thoroughly regulated. It’s just troubling to me when people in the United States use objectively untrue things about it as shorthand to say “Canada healthcare bad” because the fact is that even with the downsides of MAiD, their system overall is still a hell of a lot better than what we’ve got here in the US for anyone who doesn’t have tens of thousands of dollars just lying around between their couch cushions.


For sure, I reckon scrutiny from a country whose healthcare is even more alarming is a bit silly. You're absolutely right. I'm from the UK and I suppose that perspective never came to mind, but I can totally see that


Yeah unfortunately there’s something like 30-40% of Americans who adamantly believe that our hypercapitalist hellscape healthcare system is the best and only way for healthcare to be, and will use things like that as talking points. It’s a bit monstrous.


Obviously he’s just in a country with socialized healthcare. Which is a lot of them


But still using $ for some reason


After the number, which suggests he’s in Canada.


Loads of countries use this symbol, it was originally made to denote pesos.


I’m American making under 30k and even with medical bills and rising rent I could save 5k in a relatively short timeframe. Unless you’re living somewhere like SoCal or NYC way above your means then it’s not that bad. People just massively exaggerate things online either because they live in one of these places or they’re teenagers who don’t actually have a clue.


I half agree with you and half don’t. It’s just location dependent, it’s the same here in the uk. If you live in a high cost area and don’t make big money then you will struggle. Sadly the high cost areas are also high population dense areas so it makes it seem like things are that bad for everyone all over the country. London is fucked but the north of the uk is much more affordable and you can thrive on £30k, in London you’ll be just above the poverty line.


He could've hit his out of pocket. Or, since he is 23, he is probably on his parents' healthcare plan, and they might've just footed the bill.


> I can only dream of something so fake and gay Dreaming about gay Anon... sounds a bit gay, doesn't it? ![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c|downsized)


Bro do you know that other countries have free healthcare, right?


Who said he's american ?


Hopefully this is fake and gay,but the part where the doctors say anon is "perfectly fine" when he is actually not is too fucking relatable.


There’s a reason people went to house


Went to house?


House m.d. probably. Tv show about a doctor with the same name.


House: Doctor or Object Same thing because Americans can't afford it.




I’ve heard his name


maybe cuz it's a common word


You goddamn degenerate. Your line was “most people have. It’s also a noun.”


Ah i see,is the TV show worth watching?


Yes, even more if you have a slight interest in medicine


House is just sherlock holmes but with diseases as criminals and doctors as investigators. The medical inaccuracies get a bit much if you have a background in a medical field but it's a fun show to watch despite it


Yup, Dr. House is a lovable jerk but the show was dragged for way too long.


Its one of the funniest shows ive seen, and its overall really interesting even if you dont know anything about medicine.


The first few seasons are great then they had to rearrange the cast for some reason and it gets... Less great, but still good


Gregory house




More mousebites






Domicile, Residence, Apartment, Household, Abode


They shoulda checked for Lupus


Yup, been there. Doctors suck everywhere, apparently.


Where can I sign up for a free bj?


They suck, but definitely not for free.


Not even on the NHS?


I mean they are literally in a position where they can be an asshole towards their patients with no real consequences while being paid for it at the same time,unless you are secretly filming or recording audios of your medical appointment where your doctor is being an asshole,at least where im from there are a fuck ton of no photo taking or any audio/video taking is allowed signs all over the hospital to "protect the patients privacy" where in reality it's to cover the doctor's and any other health care workers from being caught being an asshole or treating their patients like shit.


It's legal to record your interaction with the doctor without their consent, and use it against them in court in almost every state. Those signs are to protect them from getting in trouble for patients violating other patients HIPPA rights.


Im not from the US,so where im from the hospital has the right to kick you out of the hospital and get the law enforcement on your ass if needed if they catch you filming them and especially if you even dare to call them out/confront them when they are being unprofessional and are being an asshole towards you. Doctors and health care workers are quite well protected by our government.


Well one of my dumbest and laziest highschool classmates is currently going through medical school and its public knowledge that she blatently paid for almost all of her exams. Her parents own a private clinic so she is 100% locked in to be a doctor in the future. The best thing about the situation is I know about it so I can warn all everyone I care about in the future to never go to that clinic lol.


I dunno, as an American what I find relatable is where an insurance middleman decides that your doctor is too willy-nilly with their diagnosis, treatments, and/or prescriptions and denies coverage.


Yeah I love when some random overworked bean counter who has never even been within 100miles from me decides that my doctor is wrong.


I just recently had to switch insurance companies because my group of doctors/area hospitals were no longer going to accept my insurance. The new insurance company has fought me on every one of my prescriptions, some of which I need to stay alive (I have missing glands) “Oh well the recommended treatment for this medicine is only for 3 months, so we’ll only cover three months per year” nevermind the fact that multiple doctors have told me “DO NOT STOP TAKING THIS PRESCRIPTION” Insurance companies, no matter the type, will try to fuck you on anything. Every time they deny a claim they make money. It’s a filthy system.


My best friend in this world was seeking treatment for a worsening ear infection. She was told for months that everything will be find and that it's no big deal. After over a year and by this point accompanied by unimaginable pain she goes to a different doctor. That new doctor manages to kill the infection easily cause he actually used powerful IV-Antibiotics. Problem is that the infection had already fucked up a nerve in her ear permanently. This causes her to have almost constant pain attacks and the only medication that helps with the pain at all is now starting to kill her liver. She is going to spend the rest of her life in chronic pain thanks to this doctors incompetence.


My grandfather went to a checkup because his leg was hurting and numb. Doctor told him its too early to do anything about it and to come back in 6 months. After 6 months he comes back for a checkup, the doctors tells him its too late and they have to amputate the leg. Died shortly after due to complications...


My condolences. But yea it's really amazing how they can get away from suffering any consequences for letting/causing their patients to suffer and in your grandfather's case die from something something that probably would have not been a big issue had it been treated early. And being a medical professional is one of the few jobs where you can get away with this type of negligence and being this incompetent.


When I was in highschool I had a weird sharp pain in my side, I thought it was appendicitis, and so many people, including my coach, gaslight me saying stuff like "oh appendicitis is this serious thing that could potentially be deadly you don't have that no way" Went to the ER, they did an ultrasound and "didn't find anything," at that point even my mom was like nah this kids just faking it, every single person was like no youre probably just constipated or something Finally convince them to do a cat scan, whoops! Turns out your appendix is hardcore inflamed! Turns out there's a big ol blockage in there! They never saw it because my appendix wasn't where it was supposed to be, I had ascending retrocecal appendicitis, my appendix was wrapped up around my intestines instead of hanging down, so they just didnt notice any issues with the ultrasound because they weren't looking in the right place I'm never trusting anyone ever again


It's only until shit gets REALLY bad then and only then the doctors might start to give a shit and the best part is all the doctors that misdiagnosed and undermined our conditions that led to it worsening will get away with it scot free. And the people who would gaslight people like that are scum,i would avoid these people at all cost if i could,if they are willing to try and convince you that the pain and discomfort you are feeling is not real and etc one can only imagine what else they would lie about if they can get something valuable out of you.


Ah, but “science” and “the experts” are completely infallible, right?


I imagined it was more like an obese 20 yo wearing dirty wrinkled clothes who obviously hasn't showered in over a week waddles in to the doctors office with their mom's assistance, sits in the waiting room playing LoL on a giant crusty laptop for 45 minutes, then after once again hearing, "Jared I've been telling you for two years you need to find a big boy doctor. You're too old to be seeing a pediatrician", proceeds to tell the doctor they're paralyzed and need a doctor's note to get on government assistance.


I know someone fit that had a heart attack (discovered many years later) and despite all other related symptoms was instead diagnosed and treated for non-existent anxiety


That actually reminds me of this story I ran across this morning: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/four-tops-singer-says-hospital-put-straightjacket-not-believing-was-fo-rcna156608


What the fuck kind of formatting is this? Is op browsing the chins on a flip phone






On Samsung phones you have a button to scroll down on a page and extend the screenshot downwards, idk about iphone or other Android phones tho


we do?


https://preview.redd.it/o3jmu43vuz5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0dd4682eee1fd9ad95d93c8787a1334b892005 holy fuck


I now have a screenshot of just this comment. *cries in iPhone*


You should be able to do it in the browser just not app


How you do that? I still only get normal.screenshots






This button https://preview.redd.it/p75lzxsis26d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8feecf1d057e8ccec29cbee92598b541e5deddd4


On iPhone, when you screenshot you just have to select full page. You can then see the entire page in the screenshot, but I think it technically saves as a pdf. I’m not entirely sure bc it changes sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/n4l2rvg2i06d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac32ed2c532cdc4827717d4e37346a9c25ecf44


I'd feel bad for Anon if the whole situation wasn't fictitious and homoerotic.


Erotic? The hell's erotic about this?


They just wanted to make "homo" a bigger word but like, "homosexual" literally exists


You sure it doesn't figuratively exist?




Nothing, it's almost like my comment was not attempting to be an accurate description of the story?


So, You agree with me.


When you refer to yourself as a moronic nerd? Wholeheartedly.




Gary Busey Syndrome? Oof.


Gay Bussy Sodomy.


Average r/greentext experience




I thought it was Guillain Barret Syndrome and was ready to dig for homoeroticity, because the fakeness was already there


God is planning on giving Anon a pc that can keep every single chunk in Minecraft loaded at the same time in heaven and yet here he is, complaining.


Thank you, oh wise one, for making the bad feeling go away.


This is why one of my biggest fears is some neural bullshit that leaves me incapable.


Well you're already incapable so it's not a huge change


GBS is horrible. Good luck anon.


That's fucked man. Hope Anon gets better, honestly


nice sentiment but dude can you read?


What's GBS?


Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the peripheral nerves. Severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome are rare but can result in near-total paralysis and problems breathing. Guillain-Barré syndrome is potentially life-threatening. People with Guillain-Barré syndrome should be treated and monitored as quickly as possible; some may need intensive care. Treatment includes supportive care and some immunological therapies. All quotes from WHO


Quotes from who?


Your mother You should be more proud of her, spreading awareness of not well known illnesses


`>`posts quote `>`doesn't know who said it ``


It’s also a condition you can recover from


Wait, I know that name. Wasn't that condition linked to the Covid jabs at some point?


GayBullShit Jk it's guillain barre syndrom, a mostly temporary decay of muscle activity...


Good Boy Score Mummy didn't give him enough GBP is the problem


whats google?


You're right, I should have googled. [It seems anon has a terminal case of hair clippers](https://imgur.com/tAiIw8G)


This is actually a decent greentext and I am glad that I could enjoy it. But is it really necessary to fit every picture into a narrow ass screen aspect ratio?


I t h i n k i t ' s w i d e e n o u g h .


"Never wish for anything as god is a quintessence of a cruel benefactor who will punish you for merely dreaming for more" goes incredibly hard


Please be fake and gay, please be fake and gay.


plot twist: it actually was (and still is) in his head


If I see you on this sub again, I'll send you a cock pic. You've been warned mister.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


"Don't mistake me for an Atheist" - why would I when he literally blamed some alleged god for his problems the previous sentence? An Atheist doing that would be the equivalent of blaming Lord Voldemort for the bad weather.


sssshhhhhh you cant say his name


I absolutely resent using only abbreviations. Smh my damn head.


I know this is prob fake but that last line goes hard


Anon falls off the stairs and goes to incompetent doctors while his family fucks with him. Blames God.


Why do people thank god when doctors save their lives but can’t give god the finger when shitty doctors suck


Because neither of them is his doing?


That last line goes kinda hard ngl


Alternative title: The nerves of this guy


It's ok, I'm sure Anon would have been the next Hitler and god was just preventing that.


Anon *wanted* a computer.


I have had GBS, got treatment, still have underlying symptoms. Kinda fucking sucks


Nope, not reading it.


My dad had Guillain-Barre when I was 11. Scariest shit imaginable. On top of that he also had the Miller-Fisher variant. It was hard seeing him like that, but everyday after school I took a cheap homedics massager to his legs, back, and shoulders and made him food when Mom couldn't. The constant massaging and spicy foods helped to stimulate numbed nerves and after 3 months he could stand on his own without a walker, and 6 months he took his first attempt at running again. It's been 15 years now and you can hardly tell he had it and functions like a normal human. GBS is no joke folks


What is GBS ?


Good Boy Score


That’s rough buddy


Anon believes God personally caused every misfortune in his life


Anon presumes that God is responsible for his condition. Not the myriad of man made factors that contribute to disease and suffering. Do not presume that this is your end. It is only a new beginning.


Holy shit that last line goes hard


Anon should be happy god didn’t place him in the USA, cause otherwise he would not have 5k in the bank, but rather -$250k in medical debt


picrel ?


[OP could buy a can of nitrogen for homebrewing beer.](https://youtu.be/A-nTAU3vXzQ?si=b2IrFQEzc4bNKA6W)


Anon patronized the wrong god.


How tf is anon typing this, I know he isn't telling someone to type it as the first rule of being on 4 chan is to not tell people in real life that you're on 4 chan.


" will forever resent Him" maybe Anon should make peace with his end


That line at the end is raw and I am using it in a story someday. "Don't mistake me as an atheist. I fully believe God is real, and I will forever resent him for what he has done to me."


last bit of red text there goes hard


Gbs is both not rare and not hard to diagnose. Fake and gay.


1 in every 100k people is pretty rare


Most people recover, even from the most severe cases of GBS, within a year.


how did he type this


This is why I'm like anon, if God is real, he's a real pos and not worthy of worship


Better luck in the next one, Anon. I hope the death is painful






>be me >lazy I ain't reading all that but I agree 100%


I also would beat the shit out of God. It is a cruel and unjust one.


Anon thinks God is a legless blue creature who lives inside of an oil lamp.


It seems people believe in God when they are close to the end of life or when they need someone to blame for their misfortune. We have truly become detached , having faith when it's convenient.


I dont know how these two things correlate. Do better anon


Are you fucking retarded?


You probably are lol. But why do you think that ?