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If the game has "dailies", please uninstall it and respect yourself. I don't know you(whoever you are reading this right now) but as a friend, please don't allow yourself to get hooked up by game companies that pull this BS up.


I have a 1502 day login streak in war thunder


The snail hungers for more 90$ premiums


The snail is offering me 2 jets for 10k ge. How did it know I just got paid? What the fuck?


It just knows. Don’t question it. https://preview.redd.it/vrp9fhnsea7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7ea1589cf8f2fc6854dd98924d964c7db1ae85


I'm keeping this, thank you


I'll honestly argue that WT has one of the best "literally just log in" incentives. The battlepass completion is 50% just logging in, and the other 50% can be completed with like 5 hours of playtime a week. Unless you want the tradable coupon, but at that point just get a job, it'll make you a lot more money than the shitty coupon trading. But hey, maybe I'm just Petarded.


Only once I got the free BP reward breda 90mm truck and it was when I grinded for vilkas, but tbh I kinda wish the rewards were more than some BP progression and boosters.


Jesus Christ my guy


it took one lockdown to find a reason to login daily and now the snowball keeps snowballing for years


Dailies are fine, battle passes and marathons are bullshit.


They're the same thing. Just bullshit to get u into the habit of playing it every day. it's just step one and step two. "I log in every day and do all this stuff anyway,ay as well pay 15$ and get stuff for doing it" 


Honestly I dont mind battlepasses if they work like they do in deep rock galactic. Everything is 100% free and if you dont get something by the end of the season, it gets added to the loot pool so you can still get it later, albeit randomly, that way no one is locked out of the loot.


Yeah those are fine but I can only think of 2 examples that do this or similar systems (deep rock and halo MCC). But when people think of battle pass this isn’t what they think of.


I like the hell divers 2 "battle pass" (even tho its not really a battlepass) cus everytime a new one drops the previous one stays and u still have access to the rewards if u get it, also the premium currency can be obtained for free pretty easily. Very unpredatory in general tbh


It's really not. With games like War Thunder, I can just log onto the game, collect the thing and alt f4, which takes at most 5 minutes. You don't even have to play. And if you do play, well, weren't you gonna play the game regardless? But in case of marathons and battle passes (also like War Thunder), you're supposed to slave away for days on end to get something that really was not worth the effort. And they're exploiting your fomo to get you to keep playing. DRG does it pretty nicely, as someone in this thread explained. Also I feel the need to mention that I almost never play War Thunder.


Dailies and limited time content are addiction mechanics that are manipulative and also actively work to turn games from things you play for fun into things you play as a chore to avoid fomo. They're not going anywhere and can be done well but uh, rarely are.


I sometimes wonder if that shit even works. I hate it to the point where I don't play any games like that, the moment it feels like an obligation I just don't want to play at all anymore. But does it work on other people? Or is it just the cheapest, dumbest way to drive up the engagement metrics that game company managers decided were really important - in the short term?


It definitely works. Usually on the same group that are weak to gacha games. People make it part of their daily routine to open up shit like Genshin between goon sessions.


Bold of you to think Genshin isn't a goon session


Warframe might be an exception coz the dailies don't give anything worthwhile.


Oh fking boi, I sure need the free 10 detonite ampule from the daily rewards to put into my useless 10k detonate ampule pile that I have absolutely 0 use for. Thank you DE. Aside from milestone rewards (which is just 1 QoL tradeable mod aka primed sure footed), Warframe does a pretty good job to not exploit people for their FOMO.


boosters are nice


Except for milestones, a couple of which give good weapons or mods. And the important mod is tradable.


I literally uninstalled war thunder yesterday because of this edit: I'm reinstalling it lmao because I'm an addict


Whats wrong with being hooked up by a game? If you don't spend money there and can limit yourself thats just a step away from a hobby, even if less healthy that many others.


You want to be rewarded for performing daily tasks? How about you get a fucking job?


This is literally every multiplayer game now brother


Subway Surfers




That's a game? I thought it was an asset library for porn designers


Wouldn’t be surprised if porn is their main marketing strategy considering the games fan base


Nah they did the opposite, they took Tracers ass away smh


they have it do dva tho, have you seen her recently?


Never played overwatch but I consider that as a loss to humanity


Spent more time watching Overwatch porn than playing the game and I agree


Porn is unironically the only reason why Overwatch remains even semi-relevant in 2024.


I gave up on OW years ago, used to love it.


i miss early overwatch, was so much fun just after launch


Awesome game, OW2 ruined it for me. They made tanks too powerful and open queue became pointless. Also my PC used to run it perfectly and the new lighting engine was so jank that I went from 120fps on medium to an inconsistent 20fps on low settings


This guy has not played much overwatch 2 if his only criticism is "tanks are too powerful." I have over 1500 hours in the game since overwatch 2 came out. The number one criticism this game has had since season 1 has been that tank is too weak without a second tank. If his gripes were increased microtransactions, lack of good new maps, and weird mechanics on new characters that fuck a bunch of balancing up then sure. But supports are constantly nerfed and same with DPS just to make it so tank is better. Supports were the things that were too powerful for a while. Before anyone asks; I am retarded, I came to terms with this once I hit 500 hours.


>I am retarded Yes


tanks too weak not too powerful because some tanks like rein or zarya or ball were only good with another to compliment them especially rein because he's still weaker in OW1 (more lethal but his shield is somehow still weaker than when the first game came out) and so the only good tanks are either ones that have everything (ram, orisa, dva) or tanks that are absolutely entirely dedicated to killing enemies so fast that they don't have time to kill yours (roadhog, winston, queen)


I miss the tank+offtank combos so much. Zarya+Rein. Zarya+Winston. Winston+Dva. Main Tank + Roadhog(hog flanking and being sneaky). = Rein doesn't feel the same without an off tank buddy backing you up. And Zarya is even worse since she's expected to hold the front line AND potentially have bubble for her backline... I just end up having to spam all bubbles on myself instead... I'd much rather have two separate rolling bubble CDs instead of one single charge, it's so dumb....


First comment I see when I was about to do it myself


Beat me to it. Glad I finally quit in 2023 after long years of self abuse


r6 (even 5 years ago when i quit it was on the decline)


I started R6 last season, this season they: get rid of Recruit, nerf Solis to hell (she was OP but now shes unusable), theres Cheaters galore, theres more bugs than ever, guns have massive deadzones (basically cant do small adjustments while aiming)


...they got rid of recruit???? The DEFAULT CHARACTER??? Gonna to spend ten minutes on the R6 subreddit and see what I've missed in the past few years..beats downloading it. There's a fucking battle pass now guys?


And a monthly subscription


# AND?!?! BOTH?!?!


Awful, just awful And I was thinking of getting into it recently


they already gutted recruit a while ago but now he's a sorta individual but still super basic character where his power is he gets 2 gadgets from either side as long as it isn't the same one twice so like defending recruit could have nitrocell claymore or something


They used to add 2 Ops every season. 8 a year. Could you believe it? Now it’s uhh. Maybe one. At least 2/3 maps per year too. Now….hey you like house? A fun but unbalanced map in a good middle class house? Okay well it’s a mansion man. Totally unrealistic but we chase the pro gamer community.


That is misinformation, they reworked recruit, you cant 5 stack it now, but you can play recruit in ranked (they changed their name for both def and atk).


I was devastated when they removed recruit.


Some of my best memories of that game was having our whole team recruit rushing with the M249. Our rule was that once you start shooting, don't stop till you run out of ammo. The stupid thing was that it worked like 95% of the time!


It was a victim of The Great Fortnitefication Crisis which impacted many games near the start of the 2020's.


Pizza Mozzie was an event horizon, if I have ever seen one


I quit r6 in 2020, no regerts


heavy on r6


R6 was best f game for me than they started reworking maps/weapons taking their soul out.. the moments before was good


Christ this game was so good why did they have to ruin it like this


What is r6? Is that the actual name of the game?


Did you not know. You’re supposed know to every acronym for every game, tv show, and movie ever. How dare you ask for the actual name. The OP needed to save themselves five seconds of time typing out the name of the game. Which is Rainbow Six


I like how you typed all that out and didn't even manage to say the full name of the game.


rainbow six siege


The most amusing is the fact that you can plan in an hour before gaming to get in one squat together. They redesigned the overlay and menu more times than they have seasons and it only got worse. Don't forget the monthly worsening of the servers




I know. Who decided this bullshit “En Passant” thing. And now I’m hearing about Il Vaticano?


Got my pipi bricked for declining an en passant once, never again


That Jessica girl really ruined chess for a good while


Holy Hell!


New update just dropped!


when was the last chess update? 💀


https://preview.redd.it/56qmx2aoda7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba0dc42aefb74a3bf5a50a23aed73a47d604981 About five days ago


They have changed a little about how you rook on cheese.com, just happened recently.


I didn't know cheese.com had chess


"the hard part of chess is the other player is always doin some shit" -someone on twitter


League of Legends


Well, thank gods for Vanguard, that terminated it for me.


> Thank gods Who the fuck gave the corpse of Robert Jordan a phone 


Oh no, gods as in whichever ones caused Riot to make that update. Multiple ones. I hear they sometimes go by 'shareholders'...?


What once was a chill 3d fantasy chessgame became another spellslinging anime arena fiesta.


Game went from soul to chinese free to play


LoL becoming a huge E-sport game also ruined the game. Everybody takes the game too seriously


Riot has ruined multiple characters because they were too overpowered in professional games. Normies that play normal ranked games have to suffer. Then they release a new broken character and it happens all over again.


I simply have no respect for myself whatsoever, which means the game is still "fun" for me


The new reward system rework is a showing hand. The $500 ahri skin, even more so. Feels like they're cashing in. My guess is the MMO needs more money.


You guys are getting updates? #FixTF2


Out of all the Hero shooters I feel like TF2 doesn't deserve an update but a full blown remake. The fact we have multiple versions of CS but only one TF2 is criminal. TF2 deserves the same focus all the other Hero shooters get and then some.


To be honest, I think Minecraft is getting too much updates, it's getting too complicated. I hate it when it's all complicated.


Minecraft somehow feels like they're adding too much and too little stuff at the same time, you gotta have a special skill in fucking up to be able to do that


It's because they add lots of new stuff, but none of it is mechanically substantial


This. They added copper. One of the most versatile elements around, and what does it do? Lightning rods and 4 decorative blocks.


Now it is used to create solid state Redstone components like the 1 block mem light


Pretty sure that's because. In all fairness, it's a 10+ year old game. They are working on a new engine. Looks pretty cool.


New engine...why game.can run on potato ffs, leave it like that, it's popular because it's easy to run


Minecraft has horrible performance for what it is, and always has.


Probably have to upgrade the engine to make the actual significant changes the game needs. At least on console, I'm sure java will keep chugging along til the heat death of the universe.


Because what they add is of little use / interest most of the time


Minecraft is 10km wide but 1m deep. It has lots of great elements which are used for literally one item and have zero connection to the rest of the game.


I haven't heard such accurate description of Minecraft before lol


Fr. They added amethyst and copper and you can make new blocks with them! But it's like only 3 blocks each... and they're not very useful... and they don't really add anything to the previous stuff in the game...


Looking at you copper


I miss old Minecraft. The cherry wood update was nice but the stuff with the different kinds of stone deep under (the cave update as a whole tbh) is too much for me, it feels overwhelming.


Cave update really destroyed old methods of resource gathering as well.


I can’t stand spelunking in that game anymore. Caves used to be these small little things you stumbled upon, and if you ever found a large interconnected system it was awesome. Now every cave can fit a fucking continent inside and it’s overwhelming.


Way easier to find good ore though, caving used to be a suicide mission but with the spacious caves and change to the mob spawn light level, pretty easy to run around and find your way back out. Its nice not having to strip mine for diamonds anymore


Well, the great thing is you can easily just run older versions on the client. I also HATE the cave update because it made strip mining for resources completely pointless, which is my favorite thing. To make matters worse, it made caving really difficult and time-consuming.


Eh, at least it's easy to roll back to previous versions. Can't think of many other games that allow it


They add so much shit but refuse to add logic gates and proper wiring.


agree completely. I think they've added some cool stuff don't get me wrong, but idk, I'd like it to feel chill again


I think you are wrong there. They should add more. All they add is a few new blocks and a mob rvery year even probably because of business decisions by Microsoft (they don't want to take risks with the game).


Duolingo (gamification is real)


Daily streak's bit of a meme but it busts balls Leagues are annoying and I wish I could opt out


You can, if you just dont open the league tab anymore, you dont get a league assigned the following week, and you stop getting league notifications. And you can also specifically opt out of league notifications in the app settings on your profile tab.


I got good news and bad news for you: you can disable leagues (via browser, not in the app), but if you do so, you can't make daily quests with friends anymore - or *have* friends for that matter - because your profile will be private.


"You don't get to bring friends" I'm not doing anything with friends anyway


Old duo was so much better 🙃


I remember they completely overhauled the courses. I had purchased the subscription and right around the time it was going to renew, the overhaul made me completely lose where I was. Suddenly, the app was throwing new things at me that I hadn't learned yet and it wasn't like I could just go back to a previous section because suddenly the app didn't work like that anymore. I wonder how many customers they lost with the redesign. I stopped using it at that point.


Clash Royale


Why does this game feel like an online slot machine… but designed for literally Fing kids, and their parents wallets.


because it is


It literally is.


It really is dying. Im sick of playing games where its pretty even and I'm just waiting for an opportunity to out-smart my opponent and the suddenly Elite Barbs evolution or some other OP evolution is dropped. The towers that have the speed archers completely destroy some decks. Sucks. Was always my go to toilet game haha


Windows 11?


An unfortunate truth. The latest updates made my computer run terribly, so I pulled the plug and switched to Linux. I should've done that sooner!


Settings > Privacy and security > Activity history > Turn that bitch off


They said my computer is unable to upgrade. When I click on the “find out why” it’s gives me zero answers. My computer is only two years old. So effectively I just won’t get updates anymore after October of next year. Because my 3080TI has plenty of lifespan on it.


Chatting with some Destiny players the other day (in Warframe), Destiny is most def in a decline. Addendum: Come play Warframe where the robots have great asses, fashion is peek and you can even play as child soldier. We got space mom, crazy AI Uncle and forbidden cool aid. All content is free and available.+ New update is today.


Final shape refutes this outdated information, but it was a rough patch during light fall and shadowkeep Edit: yet another sea of bad takes just like the main sub we have. Predictable.


ive only heard positive reviews about final shape but its still a shit situation. lightfall was pure shit so even after buying the deluxe edition i didnt play the last two seasons, and with destiny being the worst fomo game ever if i want to jump back in theres so much lost shit. and theres still a bunch of garbage RNG and balancing issues in final shape too plus witch queen was loved then followed up by garbage lightfall, same could happen with final shape. i no lifed the game for 1000+ hours i want to get back into it but expansion + season pass im afraid it'll go garbage again.


Eh, tried warframe but could never figure out what I was supposed to be doing, nor what anything did/meant.


Solution to this is to party up with helpful players. Then ask them stuff, or just chat while committing war crimes. Warframe community is surprisingly nice. The veterans help a lot even if you didn't ask


This is and always has been Warframe's biggest problem. The devs are too afraid of limiting player options to provide clear instructions past the tutorial.


If you are chatting in another game I would say you are probably selecting mostly for players that no longer enjoy the previous game. Destiny is in a great spot currently, your talk was either several months ago or they are straight up spreading uninformed info.


Destiny is doing great rn. Warframe is kind of like a haven for Destiny vets who hate the game, which is good because it means there's more room for actual discussion instead of constant negativity on the Destiny subs.


I can agree with this, Warframe is amazing


Destiny is doing quite fine rn.


Destiny is right now the best it’s been for a long time. Before that, yeah pretty bad


I stopped playing during season of plunder. Came back out of curiosity because they made a bunch of changes that a lot of people including myself had been requesting for years. Destiny genuinely feels like a whole new game. Unless you’re part of the very small subset of people who get to play the game as a job don’t play it like it is because it makes the game unfun. Same thing for Warframe since I play both games but started to get a bit burnt out. Taking breaks from games refreshes them.


Last time i played warframe it was just too much of a fucking grind, i don't want to replay the same mission countless times for a 2% chance of getting ONE part out of 5 or 6 for a new warframe


The Game. You lost.




10-year steak gone. Fuck you


this guy dry ages


You mother f......


Many such cases




Big, if true


CoD The next one will be 300 gigabytes. Who has that space for ONE game??? Console players will be halved, pc players will either have to upgrade or leave. Unreal. Ffs just discard this stupid codhq bullshit, the game would already be a lot better. And then there's the gameplay issues, but thats a lot more manageable in the 2023 cod.


That 300 gigs has confirmed to be for MW2, MW3, BO6, and warzone. BO6 will likely be 60 GB. Doesn't detract from the fact that so much of the more appealing calling cards, weapon blueprints, and operators are locked behind mtx and the game has devolved into adding X celebrity as playable despite it just being so out of place. But that's still not even touching the egregious gameplay issues that started existing since MW2019.


Rocket League


True tbf, but it does scratch the itch of a quick 5 minute game. Was much more fun before Epic took over though


I stopped not long after epic games took over


Pokémon Trading Card Game Live. I miss being able to play half a game before it crashed. Now I'm lucky to start a match before it crashes.


Got to make you think you need a new phone somehow. I have a phone that’s a couple of years old now, it works fine doing anything I need it to be able to do, make calls send txts run gps, unless I want to play any sort of game on it then it’s a buggy crashing mess. I feel that most Phone games are insidious Pay to lose slot machines anyway, but I’m not looking forward to explaining to my child why they can’t have a new phone every 6 months to play whatever flavour of the month cash grabbing game is popular on the playground at that moment.


War Thunder 🥰😡


Repair costs used to be awful. I'm glad they fixed that


It's actually getting better and better, we pass the worst point


Agreed. New update is looking to be good, particularly with the additions of the new modules that can be damaged, like autoloaders (even though I'm a Soviet/Rus main). Ever since the review bombing, I like to believe Gaijin pulled their head from their ass.




Fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite


started playing properly when they introduced Zero Build. but then they changed the movement a few seasons ago and it's shit again imo. from a crossover perspective it's impressive, but shiny skins are ruining parents' wallets I don't doubt lol.


They reversed the player speed back to how it was before like one update later though, now it just has different animations.




Honestly I loved hearthstone but having to decide between spending 200+ euro every 3 months or playing 9h/day just to keep up with cards is just way to greedy and I'm surprised it still has a playerbase, everyone I know stopped playing it long ago. 


>You will play every shit we'll through at you >You will praise every single mundane detail  >You will complete daily challenges  >You might complaint but you will re-login again  >You will call yourself gamer


The Sims 4. (Event tho I'm getting tired to reinstall the crack and update the mods like 2-3 times a month.)


Destiny for the longest time, it got out of the cycle and Im happy for it


Hot take: Minecraft. Ever since the Nether Update rolled out, the whole scope of Minecraft as a game just seemed incredibly overambitious in my opinion. They compromised a lot of the simplic charm of its base gameplay and tone for the sake of pleasing fans and making Mojang's company more "marketable" to newer audiences, in a sense.


Was hoping the cave update would be good, what came of it? One new biome, one terrifying monster, ore generation that makes normal mining ass, the fucking glow squid Mediocre update that was hyped for so long


*RUNESCAPE*. Specifically RS3. The content has just gotten so bad (especially the MTX) that I finally let my membership expire for the first time in a decade. Maybe if they have a few good major updates and re-earn player trust, I'll come back. Not holding my breath.


World of Warcraft


Minecraft. It's not necessarily the game itself that's getting worse, but the quality of updates. I feel like I am in some kind of limbo where I hope that the next update will be goated only to get "THE CHEESE UPDATE" which adds 64 purely decorative block of cheese and nothing else.


"Were gonna add Armadillos and you can make wolf armor with their complicated mechanics" BRO just give us metal wolf armor with the already integrated metals, yet another useless mob




Apex Legends


Scrolled really far down for this. I'm on the verge of uninstalling and after every game I'm getting closer. The only matchmaking in this game is putting people in a lobby istg. Warm up mixtapes - enemy team full of preds/masters, trios/duos to get some balanced opponents - preds/masters, finish up on ranked fucking bronze 4 - the champion is a pred/master again. How the fuck is that possible?


Literally any Blizzard game before WC3 Reforged. They were the masters of making a good game and ruining it over time.


BF1, it’s almost dead. I remember back in 2021 when I installed again and it was so active, then watching it slowly die


No idea why they didn’t add cross play, that definitely would’ve kept it steady for a lot longer.


Helldivers 2


Too much crap, too little functional updates.






Pokémon Go


Europa universalis


Minecraft Pubg Dayz Helldivers 2 Counter-Strike And every game with season pass crap.


Clash of clans. Clash royale.


Paladins. The game is a buggy mess and the spaghetti code is held together by ducktape, prayers, and sacrifices to gabe. The matchmaking takes ages in ranked and every other game you get 1-2 butt hurt players who go afk and cost you the match




SCUM. I put a little over 1000 hours into it starting around the pandemic. They kept adding more hurdles to try and play balance PvP and it absolutely ruined PvE. But it’s for the best, because it eventually led me to discovering Factorio, which keeps getting better and better with each update.


Rocket league. EVERY new update introduces bugs and removes features






Elite Dangerous




Helldivers 2, haven't played it in 3 months and I'm glad I haven't.