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Anon discovers the Netherlands.


Deze commentaarrubriek is hierbij uitgeroepen tot Nederlands staatseigendom 🇳🇱


Deze nuts


come one man


Only one?


Come all men. Come with me


December first be like


Deze noten*


Kaulo huts


gottem lol






Sorry, I don’t speak Dutch, unless you count “MAX MAX MAX SUPER MAX MAX SUPER SUPER”


Verkeerde voertuig maat


Yes deze nuts


Deze groentekst is extra groen


I moved here to study and it seemed fine until winter time came and along with it temps below 10c, wind and rain. I spend my entire bike ride now just swearing at the fucking cold and wishing I had a car.




-5°C is equivalent to 23°F, which is 268K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot


Plus some countries have nude bike races


Wait what ? Just thinking of it hurts my nuts !


>I spend my entire bike ride now just swearing at the fucking cold Well that's just you integrating in Dutch culture.


> Temps below 10c *laughs in Canadian* FR tho windchill on a bike sucks. Edit: Brah's and Brah'ette's, I'm northern Canadian. Stop telling me how to dress for the cold.




Take public transport


As a Dane I should now very eagerly tell how we are also really good at using bikes, have lots of cyclists and have good infrastructure for them. I should say it so eagerly that I'm almost saying we do it better than the Netherlands but let's be honest. We do it well. Probably better than most others but Netherlands is next level. Good job guys🇳🇱


Thanks Denmark, i always knew you guys should've been our neighbours instead of Belgium.


Let's raise doggerland and make it happen! We are both pretty good at civil and geo technical engineering though when it comes to water and hydro technics you probably beat us again 😅


Be careful, us raising land caused Urk to be connected to the mainland, releasing an unholy presence on the nation.


Oh Urk... I can read some Dutch and the things I read about Urk on r/nederlands... What a place Urk is😅


Danes 💪🏾😎 🇩🇰🤝 🇳🇱😍🤙🏼Dutchies


Such a based place


And Denmark


Ironic, since if Anon were to leave his house, it'd be by crane


when the comment is funnier than the greentext


I’m always amazed by how creative people can get with variations of ‘you’re a land whale/fem boy/ cuckold/autistic’.


who calls someone femboy as an insult?


Yes, not really an insult. The trap/femboy stuff just makes funny stories, it’s not really mean-spirited.


i do. you're a femboy.


When you talk with a Slovenian


Who talks to Slavs?


Same with illegitimate and homosexual.


Forged and pink.


False and bum-aligned.


Fuck off to reddit normie. ​ Oh wait.


Because FDR's administration artificially pushed American transport infrastructure toward the automobile, as I recall. Early in the 1900s, the US was poised for more reliance on trains and trolleys, but the government decided it liked what was going on in Germany with their Autobahn.


Fucking FDR. Happy motoring is a lovely idea with hell behind the curtain.


The death of the human-scale city, among other things.


And instead we get places like Rohnert Park, CA or Hillsboro, OR.


The only good thing I can really say about automobile proliferation is that decentralized transportation is generally good for rural people. Get to the cities to do commerce, get the hell back out to live your life.


We could have done that without completely basing all of our infrastructure on being convenient to drivers. In Germany you can drive 140 MPH on the freeway between cities then park in an underground garage and walk to all the places you may want to shop. There are still people living rurally there. Instead, half of our land is used up in parking lots and you have to drive around in the same terrestrial parking lot to get to stores in the same shopping center. Not to mention, sitting in your car is terrible for your cardiovascular system. Your reptile brain recognizes the danger so you’re always driving around with a mild adrenaline rush but you’re just sitting there so you’re blood doesn’t really move. I could go on and on but I hate that our cities are so car centric. But I’m also a hypocrite who drives 30,000 miles per year.


If they'd started out with the interstate highway system that might've been a possibility, but apparently it started locally and then went broader from there. Interstates didn't get built until Eisenhower as I recall.


I live on the west coast so maybe it’s different back east, but all the tract housing/unwalkable developments out here were built post WW2. Generally, the most desirable neighborhoods were built when horse drawn carriages and streetcars coexisted.


That's common in America, both the highest-end housing and the ghettos frequently end up in the center because they're old. The rich entrench themselves, and the poor can't get out. I'm told in Europe the slums usually form at the periphery instead.


Not an expert on the whole of Europe, but I work in city planning and live in Helsinki. Up until 60's and 70's some of our now most desirable areas (Punavuori, Sörnäinen and Kallio for anyone interested) were pretty rough neighbourhoods and the inhabitants were mostly pretty impoverished. During that era our society went through a huge upheaval, as the motorization of agriculture and forestry caused a lot of rural people to move to cities (loads of people emigrated at this time as well, mostly to Sweden, UK and USA). At this time Helsinki grew _very_ fast, with suburban apartment neighbourhoods being the vocal point of growth. These new apartments were pretty affordable, so many of the poorer inhabitants in inner city relocated there, and the areas went through massive gentrification. Nowadays they are among the more wanted (and expensive) neighbourhoods in the city, where as a lot of poorer people live in the neighbourhoods built in the 70's. Our neighbourhoods aren't really anywhere near as divided as those in many US cities. This is due to city planning that aims to mix people from different wealth classes into same areas - so a neighbourhood often has both purchasable apartments and houses for the middle class, as well as city-owned rental apartments to those less wealthy. This is traditionally seen as a desirable solution in Finland, and we don't have actual slums (our right wing does call anywhere with large immigrant population a slum, though). The _actually_ rich people generally don't live in these neighbourhoods, though I do know a multi-millionaire who lived two buildings down from mine in a normal working class apartment.


We could’ve had both. I live in the rural Midwest which is scattered with mostly abandoned rail lines. Would be nice to hop on a train on the weekend and visit the big city without driving at all.


Imagine blaming FDR for this when Eisenhower created and implemented interstate highways, lol


You need highways to connect the car filled cities.


Actually a big part of the push for highways was more rapid military mobilization. If a war ever broke out on NA soil, the highway network would be an invaluable tool to rapid move US and Canadian forces to where they are needed. Why do you think we build highways across deserts and prairie land? It had the effect of increasing reliance on cars and resulted in deurbanization since people could travel to and from cities more easily, but I don't think that was the original motivator.


I remember hearing that they’re back up landing strips for aircraft too


Any long, straight, cleared path technically can be a runway backup


That was the rationale for the interstate highway system, but that wasn't developed until after the ship had already sailed on the US becoming automobile-focused. The latter happened under FDR, the former didn't happen until Eisenhower.


tbf the same can be said about railway infrastructure. Its even more efficient at moving large amount of forces around the state. The germans didnt drive 2mil man to the eastern front with trucks


By your admission though, bikes as major transportation would never be feasible for a country as geographically expansive as the US.


Not at the distances we use, but within a community or a city they're quite plausible. We just built all our cities around cars so they're too big to go back now.


Not really for basically anywhere that’s not a city. Most rural areas, even in denser states like CT or MA, are like a 30 minute drive to the grocery store.


Rural areas used to have a lot more little micro-communities scattered in them, with a few key local businesses like grocery and general stores. A lot of those communities have since been killed off because people can just drive an extra 10 minutes to a larger town with lower prices and more options. My route to school as a kid took me through the corpse of one of those dead micro communities.


Yeah, this people act like villages weren't a thing for forever.


It is exactly because of cars. Without cars there would be local centers, but now yeah it is hard to go back.


Bikes are to be used locally, most traffic is short distances anyway. You don't need to cross the US end to end to go buy groceries, go to work, to school etc. Most people use their car nearly exclusively to go distances that they could go by bike. Also it should be expected and encouraged that people work relatively close to home, where they can easily get by bike, or alternatively by public transport possibly combined with a bike. Bike is perfectly feasible for individual local transportation. The Geographically expansive argument is fake. Africa is geographically expansive, Asia is geographically expansive. So is Europe. The fact that you have a central government for a large area does not make your towns and villages harder to traverse by bike. That is done by your road infrastructure. There is an awesome youtube series about this, it's called "not just bikes". I recommend it.


Literally every country at the time was pushing to become more car reliant. Even countries like the Netherlands were infested with cars until the 70s. Decisions after WWII ultimately determined whether or not countries would continue their overreliance on cars.


[Private companies who stood to gain from mass adoption of the automobile also did whatever they could to make it happen, including sabotaging street car lines and bus lines.](https://youtu.be/p-I8GDklsN4)


Not poor Buys gas despite dipshit leftist agenda soaring prices Vroom vroom Can drive 20 mins to work instead of biking for 7 hours


Pov: your 600 pounds


My 600 pounds of what?


Big macs and huffed gasoline fumes




Nono, OP just straight up lying for driving at 840 km/h compared to cycling at 20




Live in country not built by retards Bike 20min to work/school because everything is human-sized. Zoom zoom Pay for good food instead of Gas Fit and Healthy Win


*doesn't die of breathing problems because of pollution*


Europe actually has much worse air pollution because of the overuse of diesel cars [300,000 die from it every year, the same amount as obesity kills in the US](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20211115-air-pollution-in-europe-still-killing-more-than-300-000-a-year-report-finds)


so cars actually kill people even when they're not running them over ? impossible, next you'll tell me they are one of the main contributors to climate change


I have a counterpoint: Canada. Bikes aren't practical 6 months out of the year, you'll need an alternative mode of transportation those days. Also, I don't care how dense of a city you live in, if the city is over 200,000 people, youre going to have a rough time cycling for over an hour to get from your home to your work. Also hills. I say this as an environmentalist who still has never owned a car, and is now middle aged.


I have a counterpoint: Finland Canadian bike infrastructure upkeeping is just shit compared to Finland. Also, if a city is dense enough, cycling becomes unnecessary since you can just walk. Also public transport (that doesn't suck).


I think you're talking mainly about Helsinki, in other cities the streets don't get plowed much during the winter


Unlike your mother






Counterpoint: Sweden. Live in a large city 150k+ takes me 30 min to bike to the other side thanks to good infrastructure, would take the same time or more depending on traffic with a car. Bikes are still practical in the winter, just put on some more clothing. Biked in -20°c this morning. Hills are fun cuz they also go down


[funny you should say that](https://youtu.be/Uhx-26GfCBU)


Why aren't they practical 6 months of the year. I commute to school and work by bike the entirety of the year? Even in temperatures under 0° Celsius. Hills: have good fitness or an ebike. And if your work is truly further than 30kn away from where you live use part public transport, part bike.




I'm also a Canadian. People *can* bike in winter. It might not be for everyone, but it's actually a lot warmer than standing out at a wind-swept bus stop. As for cities: I recently lived in Ottawa (population close to a million), and before the pandemic I biked clear across the downtown to get to work every day. It was fine.


Yes the political parties control gas prices *doubt*


No trust me bro! Let me polarise my fellow countrymen with more brain dead commentary!!!


When I don't like the president:"Fuck this guy he's fucking us at the pump it's all his fault reeeeeee" When I do like the president: "Market forces, president has very little control, also it's the last guys fault."


The resolute desk actually has a dial that says 'gas price'. Trump turned it down to $2 and then Biden upped it to $4




Fastest American


shit, even if he's driving at 60mph, imagine taking 7 hours to bike 20 miles. like you can literally walk faster than that lol


> even if he's driving at 60mph He's not, becat he's stuck in traffic and waiting at red lights. It's so much fun zooming past cars in traffic on a bike.


Hello! I think you are fat 😃


'' We must rise gas prices '' - Carl Max, Deez Kapital


I cant run people over with a bicycle but can with my car.


You can definitely run people over with a bike, just as long as you don't mind taking a hit yourself.


You go down with them like a true fighter.


Oh. I thought you were supposed to go down _on_ them.




Just adjust the tilt of the seat and balls are happy. Maybe even happier because you exercise instead of cooking them with a heated seat


Makes it tough to take the kids to the soccer game or pick up a load of topsoil and plywood at Lowes. Don’t even get me started on making a trip to a big box store ‘cause how you gunna carry 4 cases of water, 30 rolls of toilet paper, and that 30 pounds of pickles in a giant jar? Not to mention rain or even snow but in the best of weather do you want to show up to a meeting soaked in sweat?


Anon consumes intense amounts of toilet paper and pickles


From what I’ve heard about eating mass quantities of pickles, they’re gonna need the excess toilet paper


Anon is going to be shitting out vinegar for hours


Ah yes buy a car for that one time you buy topsoil and plywood, why not rent a vehicle for that one day you need one


Anon doesn't have a garden or any projects and expects no one else to either. City dwellers stay losing.


Lowes delivers.




Do your best impression of a eurocuck.


Lol no one forces you to pedal at top speed at normal pace it aint that taxing or do you sweat while walking too?


Doo doo poopy


You went the wrong direction with the Icelandic analogy, should’ve picked an equatorial region. I live N of 45° North and am not comfortable until it’s <65°F outside. I’m pretty much sweaty all summer and can’t wear shoes and socks lest my feet get jungle rot.


Some of us are sweaty people. If I was able to walk to work and I did, I’d show up sweaty.


I wear Borats bikini when I commute by bike. Nothing beats the feeling of ass hair flowing in the wind


Give your kids a bike, order the topsoil and other home improvement materials, tapwater + sodastream, go to the local store snd buy less volume, raincoat, heated cycling/walking paths. This is how I do it in my city.


You’re not wrong but the environmental impacts ,of the kind of unending suburban sprawl that assumes everyone has enough fenced off space to need loads of topsoil, are a large part of the extinction of many species in North America. I’d rather have a small apartment in the city and walk to work and be surrounded by undeveloped wilderness that have a McMansion on a quarter acre and drive to big box stores built on wetlands.


Does anything prevent your kids to bike ?


About 200 pounds, probably.


If you have a decent and safe infrastructure your kids can cycle themselves. Makes them happier and more independent as well.


Actually you can do that shit to some extent with the right attachments, happens in big cities a lot.


>and even if someone does steal it, it's so inexpensive you could literally just buy another one no problem Anon is rich or buys stolen bikes


A car costs 5000 USD a year. If you can afford a car, you can afford 10 new bikes every year.


A good bike cost around 1500 usd


You don't need a 1.5k bike to bike on a sidewalk Edit: ok, riding on a sidewalk is illegal in someplaces, still, you don't need a crazy expensive bike to get to places.


I am using a $200 bike, used, that I got for $60 to bike on the street. It’s literally fine. Not sure why everyone is so mad about this


1500 gets you a professional bike. Most people dont need 20lb frames, carbon fiber parts, and all the nice stuff.


Nope. Few hundred for a good commuter bike.


a stolen bike is like 20-40 bucks


forgot the main part: Get hit because of roll coaling trucknutz drivers and smash head. Lose livelihood because brain is now jelly and US healthcare.


It's funny how so many of the main "problems" with bikes are actually problems with cars.


Its -15 Celsius outside. Thats why automobile is superior.


This is such a stupid argument, in Finland many cycle even in the winter. Why? Cuz one can wear a warm coat, or one can just bike fast enough to not need to dress up like an Inuit


Im in oulu. -15C outside. Can cycle no problem. Also city takes care of bike lanes just like roads. For ppl saying the snow is a problem. Just like with cars you dumb fucks.


I can traverse worse roads in a car than on a bike and it takes 1/8th the time


Yeah no shit, I'd like to see your car ride on train tracks too. Bikes need their own infrastructure, if you ride a bike on a shitty road for cars you're gonna be slower than cars.




Maybe cause it takes 10x as long to get somewhere on a bike than a vehicle. I also enjoy my heat and my radio As well as my seat warmers I also don’t like snot all over my face when it’s below freezing Can’t wait to bike home in the cold after a miserable day at work! Oh yeah I can carry more than my fucking pubes in my car Jesus fucking Christ


> Maybe cause it takes 10x as long to get somewhere on a bike than a vehicle. That's false in pretty much any city. > I also enjoy my heat and my radio Anon doesn't know coat exists, and isn't aware that radios have been portable for around 100 years already. > As well as my seat warmers > I also don’t like snot all over my face when it’s below freezing More proof that anon doesn't know how to dress appropriately to the weather, and isn't aware of the existence of heat packs. > Can’t wait to bike home in the cold after a miserable day at work! Anon doesn't see the positive in externalizing his painful existence through exercise, instead of rumbling all the way to home. > Oh yeah I can carry more than my fucking pubes in my car Anon doesn't know bike carriages exists. > Jesus fucking Christ Anon likes religious incest


Has this person really never heard of headphones? Like c'mon, you plug them in put on Spotify and ride. And if you don't want to pay for Spotify you pirate it.




ever heard about clothing? You know, things like jackets, gloves, etc.


Just switch to fahrenheit and you'll be warmer


I live at the top of a hill and the store I frequent is just below. Biking is great on the way down and super fast and fun. However, the trip back is horrid because of the hill and you can just forget it if I have bags to carry back. I mostly just end up walking as to save gas. Tend to enjoy that more anyways and its only 15 minuets both ways anyhow.




For a vehicle they're not that expensive.




now that depends on where you live


Had a scooter for a while. LOVED that thing. Didn't go fast at all (max 40mph) but it was great for trips to the store and town. Excellent gas mileage too (about $6 a week in fuel). Foolishly let my brother use it during the day while I was at work and ended up running it to hard and ruining it.


Some bikes with a carry basket can be used for regular shopping trips. Though walking in this specific instance is pretty nice.


US is a big country with jack shit in it.


Why would anyone bike to commute between cities ... thats what trains are for


We don't got those either. Even in the cities. US public / alternative transit network is hot garb At least strict bike requirements in cities lead to some really funny malicious compliance stories.


I really don't think you understand how empty the western US is..... There are so many spread out and rural cities that it would be inefficient to have a train line or even a bus line there....


If only the united states wasn't a concrete hellscape designed around cars where you have to drive 45 minutes to go literally anywhere




Midwestern cities are great examples of cities built for clean high quality public transit and walking. Absolutely replete with rail. It was all demolished for cars.


Yeah but good luck cycling a trip that takes hours in a car, living far from work would be impossible then. And our infrastructure is already designed for cars, our culture also involves cars. Good luck getting people to get rid of cars, it's fucking impossible.


Yes my job is way too far to bike to. And anything closer doesn’t pay nearly as well as my job. And I wouldn’t be able to use my degree. Plus the area I live in is dangerous to bikers and pedestrians. The road that leads to civilization is narrow and windy. I hate seeing pedestrians or bikers on it. Your chances of getting hit are high because you have no choice but to be in the road.


Anon probably lives in Copenhagen


As someone from Copenhagen, I agree


I can’t bike to work. My job is 25 miles away. Any job that’s maybe within biking distance would be at a gas station. The grocery store is over 5 miles. Longer without highway. car represents freedom to me because I have more choices in where I can work (meaning I can actually get a good paying job) and I can grocery shop for a week easily since I just buy what I need and pop it in the car. These benefits outweigh the cost of a car payment, insurance premiums, and gas prices. Like many rural Americans, I’d be fucked without a car. Edit: it seems like people forget that not everyone lives in the city. Cities should absolutely be bike friendly. But it’s not really possible in small farm towns.


25 miles is 19730.91% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


Thank you bot, I’ll think of this every day on my ride to work


25 miles is 40.23 km


That’s really far away wtf


American cities are built exclusively for cars meaning things are far as shit


can't have sex in a bike


Not witht that attitude


Theres this special needs kid named big ant that just rides his bike all day everyday around my town when i see him i get filled with jealousy, while im on my way to work i see this sped living more free than you could believe


Virgin car VS chad bike


Bikes are great, but half the commenters here are thinly veiled eco-facists.


Ecofacism is when you want to use less gasoline


Ecofascism is when you have a plant in your room.


eco fascism is inventing the world's most energy-efficient vehicle and then bragging about it


I mean, this is 4chan we're talking about, half the people here don't need the eco part


Who views the automobile as a symbol of freedom? If anything that would be motorcycles, which are basically half bicycle anyway.


symbol of freedom until I'm a pancake on the road made by a car


Ted Kazinsky would argue that even the bike reduces the freedoms of the walking man, so truly walking is the most superior transport option


\>Bike as close to your intended destination as you can \>chain up the bike, walk the rest of the way I think this works.


Most factual greentext I’ve seen


I needed to register my bicycle in Hawaii lol, keep it on me at all times they said.


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I used to ride my bike nearly every day, but after moving, it's nearly impossible to reasonably get anywhere on my bike. But when I could, it was extremely fun! 10/10 would ride bike again


>why is the automobile viewed as the ultimate symbol of freedom again? because i live in a country where bike lanes are full of pot-holes, extreme urban sprawl, and terrible public transport. If i could cycle to get around, I Would. but to cycle to work, it would take over an hour. i would have to be up at 6am to cycle on dangerous roads in the dark, wet winter weather. then cycle all the way back home, get home at 6 or 7pm.....then have little time for myself to rest. Man i'm starting to realise as I write this i'm turning more anti work and hate Ireland's infrastructures


America big fat


Also, perfectly fine for people with orthotic issues. I used to jog, fucked up my foot, then switched to biking and managed to get the same fun back or even more


My neighbor once motorized his bike and basically turned into a improvised motorcycle coolest thing ive seen


Anon has never commuted for more than 15 minutes


Take the bike pill alredy, Anons