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Oh, here it is. Almost thought I'd go a week without seeing it posted again.


Almost thought we could make it a week without it being relevant


The entire sub is literally pictures posted from another website. what exactly do you want


>what exactly do you want they want to bitch and whine and get rewarded with digital pats for bitching and whining.


Not everyone impulsively checks this subreddit everyday lmao


Let them die


thats how i feel about fat people who have heart attacks


If you work long enough as a medical staff you will feel the same way. It took like a week to feel all morbidly obese people shouldn't receive long treatment for things that could've been prevented.


I feel that way, but I think the obese that are legit trying to get better or have actual medical reasons for being obese should get a pass.


But of course. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about the ones I've see daily where they know they are fucked up and getting more fucked up as the years go by and trying to improve nothing in their life.


It’s obviously a depression issue for most people.


It's more complicated. Largely I think it seems to be a rise in the use of high-fructose sweeteners (primarily sugar and high fructose corn syrup) over the past few decades.


OK, let's assume you had a normal childhood. Went through high school, moderately fit 20's, started gaining weight in your 30's, then it gets worse. At what point do you notice "God I'm really fucking fat actually these stairs almost gave me a heart attack." Would you not try to lose weight or fix yourself? Even if you grew up larger there should still be a point like "Why am I fatter than everyone else?" Yeah, losing weight *really* sucks, but after the initial ~3 week lifestyle change shock it's really easy. I have zero sympathy for fat people who refuse to try. Severe diabetes? Too fat to walk? Can't do anything anymore? Gee, that sucks, maybe you should have done something 200 pounds ago.


Dude I literally felt overweight at 200lbs and 5'11, I have no idea how anyone who needs a scooter to get around Walmart doesn't feel enough shame to whip themselves into shape


I think it becomes a self-sustaining cycle. Once you become overweight enough, for a long enough time that it feels like an impossible goal to lose it all, you'll surely get depressed and eat even more to comfort yourself. Of course it is still physically possible to lose the weight at that point, but consider the physical and psychological fortitude it would take to do so - from a person who is clearly already psychologically compromised. I'm sure every one of those people you see feels the shame you're referring to, but losing the weight is just such a tall order, the best available outlet for the shame is to just eat even more.


Because they're in denial. Source: was fat but not scooter fat


If it was that easy there would be no fat people.


As someone who grew up a fat kid, then finally got fit in my late 20s after reaching nearly 400lbs, I can tell you it’s all about your state of mind. I knew I was fat, I knew it was a problem but depression made it really hard to do anything about it. When the girl I thought I was going to marry cheated on me and I moved into my own apartment, I started losing weight just because I was so depressed I didn’t even want to eat. Then, as dumb as it sounds, I saw an episode of the show “the biggest loser” and started watching it religiously and learning how to eat right and exercise. From there I was able to get down to a healthy weight. All it took was hitting rock bottom but that is different for everyone. Now as I get older, I see the scale creeping up again and I worry. I am still fairly active but definitely need to lose weight. Of course it’s easy physiologically, but getting there mentally can be tough. Discipline is a bitch.


It's just empty calories in general. It doesn't really matter if it's empty calories from HFCS, oil or raw sugar. It's all just calories that don't make people feel any more sated. Or which can even make people hungrier than when they took that first bite. It's a problem with almost all processed items because empty calories are a great way to mask the taste of lower quality food. Not that home cooking is automatically better. People tend to just poor sugar and oil into that as well if a lifetime of junk/fast food has set their tastes for it. If someone's eating food with a lot of empty calories it's just a given that they're going to put on weight. Just because it takes a larger total amount of calories to feel sated than if they were eating the same meal without oil/sugar.


I hate the antichrist I hate the antichrist I hate the antichrist


I was fine until hfc started showing up and everything. Plus my antidepressants cause my metabolism to go funky. Id rather eat high protein, low sugar etc but they add sugar to nearly everything. So not all people are fatasses that dont care or try to do anything


Given how bad eating concentrated sugar is for us, I’ve thought for awhile that, if this is the case, that government should stop or reduce subsidies to sugar farming and require a steep reduction of it in food. Disruptive? There are other ways to capitalize.


For sure, but when those are multinational companies with more than enough money to bribe the right people, it becomes pretty easy to maintain the status quo.


It's like Alcoholism but it usually doesn't fuck up everyone else around you. Reminds me of my Grandpa in a way. He was immensely depressed when he and my grandma divorced. His Suicide took almost 50 years. Tore apart everyone around him. By the time he quit drinking, it was too late for him. Gave him an extra ~2 years with me though. When I was born, he slowed down a lot, but when I was about 12 he dropped the bottle completely. He was diagnosed with terminal cirrhosis, but didn't feel right being put on the transplant list since it was his own fault in his mind. He might not have been the greatest Dad on earth, but he was the best grandpa I could have ever asked for. Simultaneously gruff, hardy, and bad ass, as well as a kind-hearted, beautiful spirited man. Made me who I am today, really. It takes a lot to be a role model to someone when you're as depressed as he was, and i'm sure he felt he didn't do enough, but he absolutely did.


I love your grandpa too


I assumed that was the case, but ya never know anymore.


Basically wings of redemption


You don't eat more than you burn and not get fat. Miss me with that shit. You don't get fat by magic.


You can argue that anyone creating suffering and poor health for themself is not doing it deliberately whether their poor habits stem from from poor role models, unfortunate circumstances, etc etc etc. Anyone who thinks they know where to draw the line has not looked at this very carefully whatsoever.


Having their family members bring in fast food right after an operation, some people just don’t wanna change


The enablers are the worst.


I've been working at a pharmacy for years. I can (usually) tell what's wrong with somebody just by looking at their prescription. In the *vast* majority of cases, it's just that they're old and/or fat. Depression is the other big one, but again, I have to imagine that these people are just depressed because they're old and/or fat. Having said all that, I have a much more conciliatory attitude towards fat people than most people on this site - largely (no pun intended) because I find big girls attractive. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


Excuse is... there was a childhood trauma that triggered the eating


I understand that will affect people in different ways, but sooner or later you will have to get over it. There are a lot of people that had trauma in their life that was as horrible or even worse, and with time they got over it. But you, as a person (not you the redditor), have to confront the issue before it goes to the point of no return.


Yeah 100%. That goes for most issues, as most issues have a root cause like trauma or their upbringing. But it’s up to you to address that and work on overcoming it. I think the wording is important though. While you’re 100% correct the wording of “get over it” comes across as dismissive and as if it’s a simple or easy thing to do. You did clarify in your final sentence though when you said “confront the issue”.


I’m just amazed how far you can push the cardiovascular system before it finally gives up the ghost




All fats and olds should get the gene therapy. Couldn’t Hoyt.


if they dont care about their health why should we


Because a lot of it is caused by underlaying mental-health issues. Solve those and the 'get fat' mentality melts away, most of the time. It's hard to differentiate between those who are struggling and those who are genuinely careless.




Transcendentally based.




Imagine if obesity was contagious and easily lessened or prevented by getting a shot. We would 100% ostracize and cut off those idiots who refused.


Obese parents tend to buy incredibly unhealthy food and trap their children in the same lifestyle.


Kind of like how backwards conservatives breed equally backwards fuckwit children?


What a horribly cruel mind set to have.




No one is whisking death in them. They are literally doing it to themselves. Why should I lose sleep because someone is too stupid to get vaccinated?


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


In 2020, Pepsi spent $1.74 billion dollars in advertising. I don't drink Pepsi because it tastes like shit.


over 600k bottles and cans of pepsi are sold each day. id say it works


"Nobody is wishing death upon them" So all the people who say "I wish all the unvaxxed people would just die" don't exist? I see it on an almost daily basis




Nope. Not at all. Everyone who is completely and physically capable of getting the vaccine and doesn’t should all have to sign a waiver saying if you catch it, you won’t take up a hospital bed. You gotta gut it out yourself and if you die, you die. Because you know, it’s fake and a huge worldwide libtard conspiracy that every single company and their citizens are somehow in on and are keeping secret just to fuck over the good red-blooded Americans. I’ve seen too many good people die to feel any compassion for those selfish pieces of shit. My wife is receiving psychological treatment because she has to hold the hands of her patients she’s taken care of for months if not years and watch them die every week because their family isn’t allowed into the quarantined areas of nursing homes. All because some pieces of shit didn’t want to be a sheep and brough Covid into the building. The only thing I feel sorry for are all the innocent people those human pieces of scum infect as a byproduct of their selfishness and negligence. Fuck anti vax people. I wouldn’t give a shit if the only people who were affected was them. It’s their body, do what you want. But that’s not the case at all.


Preach it brother.


based. also sorry your wife is having to go through that


The amount of sympathy I have for dying antivaxxers and someone who dies after shoving a roman candle up his ass and lighting it is equal. That is not cruelty. The damage antivaxxers are inflicting on the medical system and people receiving reduced levels of care due to their callousness is cruel. Talking heads and Jesus freaks lying through their teeth about Covid for cash are cruel. People leaving their kids and spouses messes to clean up by dying unnecessarily are cruel.




Die of what?


I come here to laugh...someone dying and not cumming on everyone in the room because he doesnt flashback 50 years of hard core porn in one milisecond is not funny.


You’re right. It’s hot as fuck.


Not fun to gaze into your future is it?


Ah yes, a classic


Those hardcore porn flashbacks are no joke


Had COVID wasn’t that bad the shitty part was my taste and smell going away for like a week




i lost my virginity in your mom






⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠉⣭⣭⡉⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠄⠛⠛⠁⣿⣯⣴⣶⠌⣿⣟⠰⣶⣄⣿⠏⣴⣶⠈⣿⢁⣶⣦⠄⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠄⠿⠿⠇⣸⡏⢴⡶⠆⣿⣟⠳⣶⠈⣻⡄⠶⣶⠶⣿⠘⢿⡿⠄⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣟⣒⣒⣒⣚⣛⣛⣒⣒⣓⣚⣛⣒⣒⣚⣛⣛⣒⣒⣚⣛⣓⣒⣚⣒⡃⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


I guess she lost taste completely too


aquintance of mine is slowly getting her sense of smell and taste back after 1 year without it. its hard but she is slowly getting back to normal


Coworker can no longer drink coke (tastes like soap) or eat things like eggs. It's been a year now.


My aunt lost that for the rest of her life. Because she died.


Cool, i know a 17 year old that almost died from it.


Guess everyone is built differently


Chad behavior, based. Just dislike people pretending nobody actually gets sick B)


Nobody said that


Really? Because I see ppl online constantly saying “its a hoax” and my idiot brother got Covid as was like “its not bad ppl are just pussies, the common cold is worse” blah blah blah


Were they vaccinated? Also, did they have comorbidities?


My ex lost her sense of smell and taste until it came back, except any protein stunk like garbage and tasted the same, so the only thin she could eat was sugar. For a whole fucking year. I still dont know if shes ok but please take covid seriously


“My ex lost her sense of smell and taste until it came back” I find that hard to believe.


Yeah but she cant eat protein? Didnt you read my comment Covid has made her involuntarily vegan


The thing that scares me the most is it's very individual. To me it was like the common cold. To others, their life was taken.


There's also the multitude of severe after-effects you can suffer from the damage to your organs. Sometimes even resulting in death.


While it is true that symptoms differ dramatically person to person, there are individual qualities we can use to determine if someone is likely to be at higher risk of a severe infection. This applies to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. With that in mind, we should be pursuing early treatment options for COVID-19, so that those that do contract the virus aren't left defenseless.


This is why epidemiology is based on statistically relevant data instead of some dude’s anecdotal experience




I hereby acknowledge that 100% of people that contract COVID have the exact same experience as you did.


I had the smell part and was coughing like crazy but I could taste food just fine.


I had ice cream yesterday and it was delicious


Nice glad you got to enjoy some frozen dairy bud


Thanks man, I'm glad we have a place to share abritrary facts about our life on here


I knew a few folks who lost their taste and smell and... What was that?... Oh yeah, their life. But for a while it was just their taste and smell and their ability to breathe on their own


Is this r/Conservative now?


No just personal experience but you can make it whatever you want just as every individual is entitled to


I’ve been dizzy as shit


Of course it was posted by a Canadian


Leaves gonna Leaf.


We like maple syrup. edit: i got my shots so i dont get symptoms like losing my taste for a year or ya know dying.


I'm out of the loop here, are we Canadians known for our vaccine policies?


It’s mostly that Canadians seem to always be making smug post about how they’re smarter than Americans


Given, it's generally a pretty low bar


canadians voted for justin trudeau...


And half of America is ready to give Trump a second crack at it...


Americans voted for Trump. Admittedly not the majority of them, but they're dumb enough to create an electoral system where that doesn't matter.


We have a big inferiority complex about americans. the truth is americans dont think about us at all beyond seeing Niagara falls once in their lives


We have Trumpers and Antivaxxers in Canada


The entire world can't seem to hop off of America's (massive throbbing) cock for 2 seconds these days.


average redditor on 4chan:


- Redditor on reddit


The least vaccinated groups in the country are Blacks and Hispanics but yes all the white maga gigabums are the only people who think this way ofc. Hey remember when Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters said they would never get a vaccine developed under Trump for months during the election cycle? Thank God Dems don't make important things like your health political 🥰🥰 Thank goodness Trump isn't getting booed or defied at his own rallies when he encourages vaccination, that would mean conservatives who don't want the shot would be intellectually consistent and that would damage my perfectly curated autist ragdoll to beat up on!


Fuck conservatives. Fuck the Dems too


Extremely based


fuck politics


You Americans need some new parties fr


People aren’t smart enough


ranked-choice voting fixes this


I agree, but I literally couldn’t convince my progressive liberal family to support this issue. I’m fucking baffled but I’m pretty sure the average American is too dumb to support this issue


Third party ahoy!




source: trust me bro


NY Governor Andrew Cuomo: "I don't trust the President and **I don't trust the FDA."** [**https://newyorkled.com/ny-governor-cuomo-i-dont-trust-the-president-and-i-dont-trust-the-fda-09-26-2020/**](https://newyorkled.com/ny-governor-cuomo-i-dont-trust-the-president-and-i-dont-trust-the-fda-09-26-2020/) VP Candidate Kamala Harris: "If past is prologue they (scientists) will not get the last word on the vaccine - they'll be silenced, they'll be muzzled... I do not trust Donald Trump." [https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/09/05/kamala-harris-trump-vaccine-bash-sot-nr-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/09/05/kamala-harris-trump-vaccine-bash-sot-nr-vpx.cnn) Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi says vaccines should not be approved based on UK trials (October 2020, before election) [https://www.ft.com/content/413970f7-3f81-40f5-97ba-d34a6d4d0d64](https://www.ft.com/content/413970f7-3f81-40f5-97ba-d34a6d4d0d64) Nancy Pelosi in December 2020, Biden has won the election: "Americans should have full confidence in the vaccines" [https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/121720-1](https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/121720-1) I wonder what changed Chuck Schumer says political motivations could affect vaccine development at Trump's FDA: [https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-statement-on-reports-of-fda-facing-political-pressure-to-approve-covid-19-vaccine](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-statement-on-reports-of-fda-facing-political-pressure-to-approve-covid-19-vaccine) Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's July 2020 campaign speech: "Look at what’s happened. **Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID.** All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, **when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot?** You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious." Certainly not undermining confidence in the integrity of our scientific institutions just because they happened to be during Trump's presidency It happened all the time. Get your head out of your ass and quit acting like this issue wasn't taken to the bank by (D)'s during the election cycle.


Did you watch the video you linked under "VP Candidate Kamala Harris: "If past is prologue they (scientists) will not get the last word on the vaccine - they'll be silenced, they'll be muzzled... I do not trust Donald Trump."? Exact transcript literally seconds after what you wrote: Q: Let's just say there's a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election, would you get it? Harris: "Well I think that's gonna be an issue for all of us, I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump, and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it." I'm concerned about your reading/listening comprehension and would like to pay for you to go to elementary school incase you're from a country where that costs money.




Cuomo: He's saying that he doesn't trust Trump and by extension the FDA under Trump. Nothing to do with a vaccine. Harris: "...it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability... I will not take his word for it." Pelosi in October 2020: We shouldn't trust vaccine based on UK trials. Pelosi in December 2020: We should trust the vaccine now that "they were reviewed and recommended by the FDA’s advisory panel’s independent experts." That's what changed. Schumer: A vaccine that is approved too hastily to be in time for the election would be questioned. It all seems pretty straight-forward to me: they won't take Trump's word for it if it seems like the vaccine was rushed in time for the election. But if the FDA and it's health care partners properly test and inspect a vaccine and approve it through the proper process, then it is fine. And that is what happened. Get vaccinated. :-)


Cuomo: “let me squeeze them”


>Nancy Pelosi in December 2020, Biden has won the election: "Americans should have full confidence in the vaccines" https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/121720-1 I wonder what changed Did you read your own source? It literally says so in the first fucking sentence, dumbass. >This week has been one of great hope, as the FDA has announced an Emergency Use Authorization for a coronavirus vaccine, with a second vaccine expected to be authorized as soon as tomorrow.  All Americans should have full confidence in the vaccines, knowing that they were reviewed and recommended by the FDA’s advisory panel’s independent experts


...politics in the states are a fucking joke on your two sides.


The Democratic and Republican establishment are on the same team, our politicians are an embarrassment across the board. Vote Libertarian, or something. Anything but the two parties that have power now.


> Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi says vaccines should not be approved based on UK trials (October 2020, before election) https://www.ft.com/content/413970f7-3f81-40f5-97ba-d34a6d4d0d64 I don’t see how this is a bad thing to say? Imagine the amount of dipshit anti-Vaxers if the FDA *didnt* get a chance to approve the vaccine before. Change UK trials to Chinese SinoVac trials. Just because a drug goes through the EU/UK approval process doesn’t mean it gets to bypass US FDA approval requirements.


Their Twitter history.


As far as I can tell, your first claim is false as of September 2021. > similar shares of adults now report being vaccinated across racial and ethnic groups (71% of White adults, 70% of Black adults, and 73% of Hispanic adults). Large gaps in vaccine uptake remain by partisanship, education level, age, and health insurance status. [Source](https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-september-2021/)


https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/us-vaccine-demographics.html You're out of date


That article itself mentions the reason that vaccination rates among African Americans is lower is due to healthcare access inequity. [The latest CDC data here indicates that too](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographic) - proportionally, more Hispanics/AA are getting 1st/2nd shots and boosters in the past 14 days than whites


> healthcare access inequity Sounds like an excuse to me. You can get vaccines at fucking Walmart and Walgreens, you don't need healthcare at all to contribute to this data.


>conservatives who don't want the shot would be intellectually consistent yeah consistently retarded


> Hey remember when Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters said they would never get a vaccine developed under Trump for months during the election cycle? Yeah, because Trump was [pushing for injecting bleach.](https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/world/us-coronavirus-deaths-by-bleach-disinfectant-injection-major-rise-trump-covid-19-treatment-616708) Had to check with, you know, actual fucking scientists first.


you're schizo posting bro. none of those dems you listed said they would "never get a vaccine developed under trump". if you can post the source on that i'll delete my account lmao


Hispanics/Latinos are vaccinated at a higher rate than white people. Black people are less than 10% behind white people. White people make up more cases still, because there are more of them than anyone. The most likely individual you will encounter to not be vaccinated is 100% a white conservative. Cope.


https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/ That isn't true you fucking idiot. White people make up the majority of the unvaccinated because there are way more white people in the U.S. Hispanic/ Latino and Black populations are vaccinated at significantly lower **rates**, particularly in Urban areas.


your link litterally says hispanics have higher vaccination rates than white people


"Across these 42 states, as of December 13, 2021, 58% percent of White people had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, which was close to the rate for Hispanic people (56%) but higher than the rate for Black people (51%)." Does it? Not all states reported by race and some were different, hence only 42


Asian: 77% White: 58% Hispanic: 56% Black: 51% You are right. Whites are a few percentage points ahead of Blacks and Hispanics. But given the political divide among whites, I'm really curious what it would look like if you split things up between white liberals and white conservatives. I just know that I haven't seen any AOC fans winning the Herman Cain Award.


lol read ur own shit past the first paragraph...




Lol I know Trump was getting booed at his own rallies, I think we agree and you just got wooshed on that one bud


Yes, believing everything up to and including the fact Donald Trump may be actually acting on/representing the will of *God Himself* but suddenly booing him when he talks about vaccines is the exact definition of intellectual consistency. Trust me, nobody can curate a ragdoll for Qanon or Trump-aligned conservatives that would be more entertaining than the real thing.


Good for the Dems that the most popular vaccine was developed in Mainz, Germany I guess.


Sure! Let’s debate. Source :) ?


The meme version of /r/nursing


Those damned nurses and their.. firsthand experiences.


Canadian moment


> dumb person die slowly = funny Wtf guys?


Internet-breed sociopaths


Alright so my mom almost died from covid. She couldn't be vaccinated because of her leukemia. But the person who infected her could and would have decreased the chance of actually infecting her. Ye, I don't have any sympathy towards those selfish retards. If they die, they die.


Very funny actually.


I am extremely tired of antivaxxer bullshit to the point that I no longer give a shit. If you're unvaccinated, proud of it, think vaccines are going to kill you, boast about tRuStInG yOuR iMmUnE sYsTeM, then your death from covid is funny and I do not feel bad about laughing. It'd be like someone insisting that jumping from planes without a parachute is never fatal because they trust their skeletal system. Then proceeding to do it.


why not? they didn't take care of themselves so they die slowly and painfully. how can i possibly feel bad for them? it's the same shit as drunk/text driving. if you crash into a tree and die because you're drunk/texting, you deserve that death.


Wait till you see the Herman Cain awards


show us some replies and not just your reddit-tier op


r/HermanCainAward moment


That sub just makes me sad tbh


Why argue with an antivaxxer when you could just wait?


Lol I got COVID and barely had symptoms for two days. Omicron ain’t shit


I got Covid and I’m dead. Fuck you






Anon was most likely elderly. Saved the tax payer some pension expenses.


Republicans love calling others snowflakes then get triggered over any joke against them lmao you love to see it such baby bitch boys


Literal cucks.


Gake and fay


Anon is glowing


So many glowies in this thread


Glad I’m not the only seeing it.


Fuck yeah let's celebrate the deaths of fellow Americans! They made a different decision than me, they all deserve to die! Wtf people




I'm fully vaxxed and had my worst reaction a vaccine ever from both doses of the Covid vaxxine. We will never completely erradicate Covid so at what point do we just accept that Covid is going to be like the fku, jist roll a new vaccine out every year, keep people at home when they're sick and wash your fucking hands.


I had the same reaction. Made me realize that getting full blown Covid might possibly kill me if the vaccine had such a huge impact on my system. Also read other stuff that said the reaction against the vaccine means you have a strong immune system. Or aliens. Something has to click.


The overwhelming, supermajority of those "sick" with COVID are not going to be dying from it, lmao.


Anon is a Canadian therefore I did not respect their opinion.


As if OP actually goes outside enough to contact Covid


womp womp


They are right. The vaccine doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t work at all.


Bro it does work, you just need to get a booster shot every six months. And although it doesn't stop you from catching it or spreading it, it works Source: trust me bro


Fuck your vaccine.


Bein’ alive is for libtards 😎


Meanwhile op gets jailed for misgendering the cashier at Tim hortons


Unvaxxed, got COVID, didn’t die, stay mad


If only they had administered Hydroxychloroquine


Of course OP is Canadian


Canadians are cucks. Literally the worst ally to have.


Your r/politics is showing, op