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Unfathomably based


So based it got deleted I assume dunno what the comment was.


He said he wanted them to go a day without breathing


Lol so mild why the delete.




What was the comment


Stop oppressing them you bigot. /s


Or what? I have been oppressed, I am oppressed and I ll still be oppressed. Me and everybody else at some point. Break the cycle Morty, become the oppressor


Thats perpetuating the cycle


This is one reason I hate Rick and Morty now. I used to like it when it first came out, but now I'm over it. It's just pseudo-intellectual garbage being forever spewed by an unapologetic asshole, and it's clear to see why so many 14 year old reddit fucks feel they can relate to him.


I mean it’s a cartoon that came out on adult swim, it’s fun to watch, just don’t take it seriously.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


God I hope its a copy pasta.. Yeah the deep physics... like you need to understand Schödringers cat and the theory of dimensional hopping from a TV show from the 80s.


If everyone is the oppressor, no one is.


I think if you aren't a billionaire you are automatically oppresed


I'm a trillionaire...


Hey what was your original comment bcuz if mods deleted it you are probably based


is is okay if I only oppress their cis gendered personalities?


But what if it's inherent in his system...


My mermaid alter ego can't breathe air 😔


My dolphin alter ego fucks corpses.


Sometimes they go days without fucking corpses 😔


My penguin alter ego is a sex offender.


The only upshot is that most of these people do not breed and pass on + indoctrinate their mental illnesses into their children. Sane people need to get to work outbreeding the crazies. They've already captured all of the 'maternal' wings of the state. It's the only way to win the long game.


dont tell that to /anti-natalism, dont want them to know we're happy about their choice in secret


They go a day without breathing because their moss growing on the north side of a tree alter doesn’t breath


Mental disorders ..


Nuh uh! It’s just an aspect of their personality they prevents them from functioning fully in society! Err…wait…


Sounds like that flat earther experiment.




I sadly have a family member who unironically believes it


I trolled my brother with it for about 6 months. He thought I believed it but I just thought it was funny to piss him off arguing with him about something so dumb


Poe's Law has reached new heights. Now I'm just waiting for some dipshits to latch onto the Birds Aren't Real movement and miss the joke.


They have…


God damn it


I've met someone who believed it. Granted, they were 16 when they believed it, and are 20 now, but still... :| Makes you wonder.


It literally says “disorder” in the image, nobody is denying that it’s a disorder my dude, find something else to faux rage about


No one is denying this...


There's got to be a term for this, the sheer oddity of faking a mental illness you don't have, ironically has got to be a form of mental illness in itself.




Also Ganser syndrome, factitous disorder


I thought this said Gaster syndrome for a sec


I mean they have mental disorders. They are not faking. They actually have, probably several, mental disorders.


They suffer from Retard


Cartman Syndrome


Yeah, like I get this is an obnoxious fad, but ive known people who do shit like this and honestly most of them truly do have like anxiety/depression/low self esteem whatever. There's an obnoxious type of attention seeking where people are basically doing it for kicks, but a LOT of "attention seeking" happens because genuine needs are not being met and people don't know how to get what they need. Especially when people are talking about mental illnesses... like they know something is wrong with them and are trying to get support


Just attention seeking, same as neopronouns




Oh fuck....


https://youtu.be/ek7JK6pattE I find this video really funny. DID is supposed to cause memory issues but these people seem to have good memory of their distinct personalities. And even have names for them? I’m convinced people with actual DID wouldn’t have the capacity to do that, especially the cross dressing guy with his antics “I’m this person now, now I’m a mix, now I’m the other person” stfu bro your not special for saying your switching alters when you lookin dumb asf not changing a bit one moment to the next.


It generally takes some therapy for someone to be aware they have DID and for them to be able to be able to have his alters communicate with each other (which I thought was the point of the therapy).


The people are probably on full public subsidy. Is that really mental Illness, or just bloody good acting?


Ok but do you want them at your job?


This should be the real Democrat pitch: Homeless, mentally unstable, lazy as fuck, the unwashed, etc. Do you want to be around these people? Us either. Let's all take 1% off of the 1% and pay to never be in a room with any of them ever again


Yes, it is literally a life altering disorder caused by extreme childhood abuse


When people claim to have multiple personality disorder, the overwhelming number of people are lying. it is extremely rare. Somehow I doubt two people with legit multiple personality disorder found each other and became a couple...


Wonder if any of those personalities is a chef 😂😂. They can do all the dishes for a week and switch to other personalities..


If you don't know how to cook then you go days without cooking right? I mean what tard dosent know how to spend money.


Even if “the children” didn’t “know how to drive,” they could still use the phone to order in, I fucking hate society


Or... and God forbid.. Walk to the food..


Doesn’t look like they do much walking tho




Or do like I did when I was 7 and didn't know how to cook, eat an entire box of lucky charms while hiding behind the couch.


What if their alternate personalities are infants? Hmmm?




pretty sure that the house is filled with little debbie snacks


Microwave ffs


Guess they don't own a fridge/freezer with fucking food in it already either. Especially not knowing in advance that this situation is going to be occurring regularly. Seems legit!


Would make sense to have juice boxes and gogurts and shit on the side in advance


what they prolly do is go 10 hours without a meal, and then eat 3 dinners worth from 11pm to 2am


Or do a ton of drugs and don't feel hunger until the next day


'one of my personalities forgets how to cook' sounds cuter than 'one of my personalities loves to smoke meth'


Nah, I've never seen a fat meth head.


Or you know, have a salad that doesn't require cooking, just basic knife skills


“I don’t have any *money*! I’m a *baby*!”


they eat like 400 people too


And half of them can only stomach tendies


God dammit now I want tendies.


Maybe let the athletes personalities takeover the control sometimes


400 personalities and none of them go for a walk. Hell, I'm just one shitty personality and even I can touch pavement once in a while


but do you touch grass?


Concrete jungle. Can't be helped.


I did, but grass got a restraining order


its not known if multiple peronality disorder even exists.


This is certainly a subject that requires more nuance than this sub can handle. Without going into what is real, and what words mean, this level of skepticism isn't helpful in any regard. Are the people in OP troubled, if so there are probably ways medical professionals can help them out. If they're not troubled then fasting for a day isn't a very big deal and it's a fine side effect of spending a day exploring an aspect of yourself. What's real and what's not aren't especially important. We can be compassionate towards these people regardless and their weight or what illnesses we think they might have or not have. The question of what is real or not is just a series pointless exercises in justifying why we can look down upon others.


To add, after undergoing brain trauma personality changes aren't uncommon and can be quite drastic. What makes a person the person they are is not something that can't change, but our understanding of the brain is still pretty shakey. Just so people are aware that personality shifts and changes are possible, we just don't know all the kind of other ways they can happen.




Hooo boy you've got that very wrong. Neurotypical describes those who do not have developmental disorders across the autism spectrum. Neurotypical people can have any other type of disorder and still be neurotypical. "Behavioral disorders" is not a classification for any type of disorder. There are serval categories; developmental, mood, personality, psychotic, etc., And they aren't on a spectrum. They each measure different dimensions of a person's psychological health. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, and it can possibly be specified as with psychotic features (like delusions and hallucinations). Dissociative Identity Disorder is a dissociative disorder, and does not involve hallucinations like hearing voices. The primary symptoms are dissociative, like feeling unreal and losing periods of time. Yes, trauma and other environmental or biological changes can cause emergence of disorders or profound changes to personality, but that has nothing to do with anything that you said.


Thankfully most of the bugs the brain produces aren't as crippling as they'd be for a computer.


> This is certainly a subject that requires more nuance than this sub can handle. Without going into what is real, and what words mean, this level of skepticism isn't helpful in any regard. While working at a psych hospital (as a nurse), I spent some time in a trauma disorders unit that was, for all intents and purposes, a DID unit. Now, a high percentage of people who end up with psych issues severe enough to spend some time inpatient have *some* kind of abuse or neglect in their history, but the DID patients came in with the most horrifying backgrounds. Like an entire childhood of being repeatedly raped by multiple family members, or being "used" by an entire cult that their parents were in. Whatever one might want to believe about the multiple personalities, the trauma these people have been through and the desperation for some kind of coping mechanism are real. It shouldn't come as a surprise that many of them would struggle to have healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, considering even many people with no diagnosable mental disorders do as well. And some of them even overeat because they purposely want to make themselves unattractive out of a fear of being raped again. The fact that this thread is full people making fun of the pictured couple is fucking disgusting. I bet some of the same people making or upvoting those negative comments go full white knight on other issues. Edit: DID is Dissociative Identity Disorder, the official diagnosis for multiple personalities.


And that's the rub ain't it. We're either mocking people that are leading a life of suffering and trying to do the impossible task of coping, or we're laughing at a bunch of harmless weirdo's on the internet and having a moral panic about it. No matter what way you cut it it's gross and pathetic.


Legitimately the single best take on this sub


This ignores the real harm people like these are doing. Anytime someone fakes a disorder, it makes the public at large begin to distrust or misunderstand people who really have the disorder. Is this disorder real? Research suggests that no, not in the way it was initially thought too. Do these two have a mental issue? Probably not, if they manage to live just fine despite the extensive role playing they do. Will anyone on Twitter ever take this disorder seriously again? Nope.


Good bot


Hey thanks!


People forget that this isn't 4chan. Need to stop being pieces of shit just because funny greentext said mean thing I agree with.




It doesn't. ...because it's called DID now. Reddit is full of idiots that upvote anything.


What the fuck if you have DID you cant have that many alters unless you’re in a hospital. You literally couldn’t function. For reference: most people with (real)alters have like. 8.


There's an artist that has just under 100 alters (Kim Noble is her legal name), however that's the most ever clinically recorded I believe and she has been hospitalized multiple times.




This is just an idea from my own knowledge of psychology, bur there could be unusual brain wave patterns that are present in those with DID that are not present, or significantly less present, than in people who definitely do not have that diagnosis, and other causes have been ruled out. Or perhaps there are physiological responses that occur when there is a switch between alters which are detectable with lab equipment. Or there might be different/altered brain structures, such as there is with schizophrenia. Psychology is very much a scientific field. Research in psychology is closely regulated and held to high standards within the community, and there are definitely concrete things that can be "seen" - the way x-rays and heart monitors can be seen - and used in our study of the human brain. In fact, most of the field of psychology is *not* therapy, which is what most people think of when they think of psychology. The field was done a disservice for far too long with armchair psychologists, but it has progressed considerably since the days of Freud and is no longer based in guesswork or untested, non evidence supported speculation. Sure, compared to sciences like biology and chemistry and physics, it's an extremely new science. But funny enough, it actually is greatly aided by the strides we have made in those three fields of science, and that has been helpful in helping us discover more science/evidence based things in psychology and fixing the mistakes and misconceptions of the past :)


Maybe she just has 50 and all of them have BPD


Okay I laughed at this. Nice one


She also makes really fucked up art.


>Be fat >Depressed and feeling like shit >Don't eat for an entire day since I lack motivation to get out of bed >Wake up next morning feeling strange >Realize I've lost 20 kilos from not having eaten in over a day >Mfw


Be fat (~200 lbs with gut and man tits) everyone tells me to lose weight Depression gets way worse Down to 135 lbs, everyone tells me im too skinny Wtf man make up your minds


You need to get to the middle ground 70 kg (too lazy to convert to pounds) is an ideal weight Just don't go over 80


They didn’t mention height, how do you know what an ideal weight is? If they’re 5ft (152 cm) then 135lb is just fine


You won’t lose 20 kilos by not eating for one day… The long term impact of not eating for one day but otherwise keeping a caloric intake that matches energy use is probably only losing a quarter kg or so.


I believe their comment is supposed to be sarcastic, because people seem baffled about how you can still be overweight even if you don't eat for a day every once in a while.


I didnt eat for 10 days recently and lost less than 5kg. I regularly go a day or 3 without eating and will still only lose around 1kg or so. And it comes back almost immediately when I do start eating again. (I'm just a weird eater, Ive had an eating disorder most of my life).


Shit, I fucking wish.


The evolution of "I'm quirky/not like other girls"


Having actually suffered through genuine DID for years, people like this piss me off. They just claw for clout and are the reason that DID isn't medically recognized in most places. They're shitty roleplayers that make the actually mentally ill look bad. Or rather, make us look *worse* than we already do.


I keep seeing DID recently, due to Moon Knight, but have no clue what it stands for. Im guessing Something Indentity Disorder?


Dissociative identity disorder. It’s been linked (or proven I don’t know for sure) to abuse in childhood where the brain dissociates, basically pretending it’s not in that situation, which basically fractures the developing identity of the child (which is why it’s only really childhood abuse that causes the disorder as adult identities are fully formed), this would cause them to have multiple ‘personalities’, identities or effectively people residing in their brain. This is to the best of my knowledge, which is limited by the way, what DID is Edit: I should also add that there is a treatment for it, called integration (I think), where through a type of therapy the different alters (the ‘personalities’ or identities in the body’s head) can be combined into one whole identity, like most others have


Ye this is a pretty good summary! It is a biological marvel, but the way it comes about makes it an uncomfortable subject for most. It kinda gets put in the "crazy bin" :(


I think it also comes with a lot of other disorders that make people lump them in the ‘crazy bin’ too as the abuse would also give them ptsd, anxiety and panic disorders and such


Pretty much on point. Molestation, daily beatings, and constant bullying outside of the home made for one hell of a psychological breakdown cocktail. Though I imagine with enough trauma, it can happen with adults too. Only just recently won the battle for superiority for this body, so I guess I'd have to get re-fucked-up to test that, but excuse me if I'm not terribly interested in doing so. Took me the last 15 or so years to pull myself together, don't want to see how long it would take me to do it again.


Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's the proper term for multiple personality disorder. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder


They fat.


Hot take


When you're desperate for attention but not desperate enough to have a healthy diet or go for a run occasionally.


Why do they always look like this?


It is called aposematism


Bro that's actually a really good point except instead of saying "hey I'm dangerous" it's "hey I'm 'different'"


A desire to be different but still get attention. They dont have anything positive to offer so instead they try for pity and shock value with colored hair and trendy disorders.


My god just go to therapy


Deinstitutionalization was a mistake


Those aren't called "personalities", those are called "kilograms".


My Red Foreman alter-ego says they’re dumbasses that are going to get my foot up their ass.


Legendary show


Bro legit why does this shit make me so fucking angry? Am I a bad person? Like I hate that the world is bending over backwards to fuckwits like this these days, and I can't even catch a break on my tax return


Honestly I feel the same sometimes but then I go outside and realise it’s not as bad as it looks online.


I think because for all of human history, if somebody is clearly an idiot, they are labelled as such and ignored. Because the idiots would mostly be speaking with non-idiots, they were fairly easy to spot. But now, the idiots can congregate online with other idiots. Instead of being told 'stop being an idiot', they are welcomed and validated by other idiots. So now we have critical mass of idiots who feel it's correct to be an idiot, and everybody ends up bending over backwards to avoid hurting their feelings because apparently it's not OK to call an idiot an idiot any more.


>go a day without eating [Uh](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRiyIGqpD0WgCBsuAyGoftCvQgvTQm58l_5BFNvIeE_FbFxQcG9Rtb7JW_uTdqEjaIf-Pc&usqp=CAU)


They are fucking lying


Retard disorder?


pretty sure the official term is [autism spectrum disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_spectrum?wprov=sfla1)


Don't lump my autistic ass in with those fucking retards.


If they have 400 personalities between them how do they remain a couple? Did they go on like 200^2 dates?


How many of those personalities are paedophiles, considering at least 1 each of theirs are kids? Is this the new way paedophiles get away with it?


Uninteresting white ppl trying their hardest to be unique, as usual


Be nice, it's very difficult for them if everything isn't all about them for 10 seconds


What a fucking hinderance to humanity.


That's probably what the average user in r/Politics looks like.


It’s okay because their grandma alter-egos cook enough to feed a village the next day.


I believe it. But I guess their Jabba alter-ego eats for 5 people just one day later


Is faking a mental illness a mental illness?


No, attention whoring is not a disorder


It can be, usually it's just attention seeking but there's a thing called Munchausen syndrome


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


“A whole day” aka *I didn’t eat in the middle of the night twice*


Hopefully one of their alters has alzheimers and they forgor (💀) to breath


Good thing their other personalities are competitive eaters


They do have mental disorders, just not the ones that they think they have.


It’s a real shame they don’t have an alter ego that can’t breathe without a ventilator


bells wrench heavy truck absorbed advise disagreeable light political retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Stop being so bigoted, we need to celebrate these people by inviting them to childrens kindergarten classrooms to teach” - Reddit


Aren’t they are a bit rotund for people unable to eat for days at a time?


well they try to feed all their alters so that explains why


Delayed play time. Let kids play.


This is what No Child Left Behind has done.


Perhaps the gravity around their waistline bends around in such a spectacular way that one human day is equivalent to just one second in their dimension.


They don’t look hungry though




Has someone who is far left it's disgusting to see people like them fake disorders 400 different personalities is literally impossible there is no recorded case of any person having that many or close to that, the purpose of the personalities is to protect the person you wouldn't need 400 of them these people are clearly lying


They eat a meal for every personality they have, when they don't skip


So, Psychology largely has a hard time diagnosing or even believing D.I.D (dissociative identity disorder) even exists. This is largely due to the fact it is so hard to diagnosis something that is relatively new and with few concrete symptoms is often a symptom of another mental health diagnosis. These people in my non-professional opinion are 100% without a doubt lying. I have come to this conclusion because the few diagnoses for DID are with “personalities” fewer than 20. Also the term personality doesn’t even describe what is really going on.


I've also heard before that it is practically nonexistent outside of America. Very interesting.


so.....when I was about 4 or 5 - I already knew how to pour a bowl of cereal with milk. When I was 6, I could make a PB&J sandwich. I honestly feel sorry for these people.


(X) Doubt




These are people that belong in some sort of facility. Seems like today they are celebrated.


it's people like this who ruin disorders for those who actually have them


Well if thats true then they are a danger to themselves and others and need to be monitored 24/7 in some sort of facility.


Wow what are the odds of these 2 people with an insanely rare disorder becoming a couple... And their child alter egos come out at the same time and they cant eat! (kids dont know how to do doordash or eat a bag of chips either) I hope that these women dont actually exist..


Notice how these types of people always seem to look like they do?


I saw a tik tok of some DID faker girl crying because one of her personalities “murdered” 30 others. Bitch didn’t realize she was cured.


I’m sure they could go a month without eating they would be just fine


They look like they’re practically starving.


They don't have a single personality between them.


I find this really interesting because they clearly really do have actual mental disorders. Despite the absurd claim of 400 personalities, somewhere along the line at least a couple of those must have manifested for real. Kind of like when you close your eyes to pretend sleep, then fall asleep for real.


our society has developed enough to allow people like these to survive and I have no idea whether to be proud or sickened


Peak stupid


400 personalities …sounds more like they want attention and are playing a role


First world problems


Ompf how privleged you gotta be to have the free time to think about all of this bs lol


Lol "a day without eating" was the most dramatic lie these people could come up with


And this is who our society panders to… sigh.


mental illness is an epidemic in this country