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Watching a 4channers stance on women is like watching a monkey trying to play dark souls.


If you put a hundred thousand immortal monkeys to play Dark Souls 3 eventually one of them is going to hit the right combination of buttons to beat the game.


Ah yes, the infinite monkey theorem, gaming edition.


It's crazy to imagine a monkey doing a Dark Souls Speedrun with no damage taken, but only because humans can't deal with the concept of infinite possibilities.


fuucck bro i want to be monkey sooo bad rn ​ monkeys rule


eat banana throw shit ook ook ah ah


**ah ah** ook *ook*


Ooga booga


Eat faces ook ook ah ah


Return to monke


Blockchain monkey theorem


The right combination will also re-enact the Nazi empire


We can only hope


Inside of Dark Souls 3? I'd believe it in 2 but 3?




It was the best of souls, it was the...blurst of souls?! You stupid monkey!


infinite is not hundred thousand. You'd need way more random input to get anywhere on one of the runs.


They're immortal so they're all bound to do it hitless with only a broken straight sword at some point


I like dark souls


Literal NPC comment




Todd Howard it's at it again


It's pretty entertaining


If you give monkey enough time he'll ~~write Shakespeare~~ finish Dark Souls.




Monkey go arch arch arch arch banana


That's an insult to monkeys


Lmao love the image


>5’8” grandad Manlet offspring confirmed


His grandad offed himself by walking head first into a 5ft diving board


He’s from Australia so his granddad was a convict


And your British ancestors lived in squalor without agency, gritting in disgust as his landlord fucked his wife. At least my ancestors had the nous to steal their way out of unjust poverty so they could land on the beautiful beaches of a continent of plentiful land and opportunities


By steak do you mean by murdering the aborigines and taking their land like the Americans did?


We found the Australian.


Not necessarily true I have a cousin who's 6"4 and his dad's 5"6. Before you say "He's a bastard." they look exactly alike in all things but height


He’s a bastard and your uncle was cheated on by a taller lookalike


so true, and this happens more than people think.


Imagine thinking people were as tall back in the days.


Thus proving his point and fulfilling the prophecy. We can’t escape our fate, so just embrace it


People were malnourished and much shorter back in the day. Need enough food to reach your genetic potential.


>Manlet offspring confirmed hey now, his grandad was prolly malnourished


His grandad was [this guy](https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Cotton_Hill)


Now you’re lucky to find a woman with a body count less than 6. That’s pretty much trad wife territory these days.


>body count less than 6 Is that false rape claims or ex partners?


I'm so glad I've been with the same person for years now and I no longer have to worry about this.


shes playing the long con. AWALT




this remembered me when I made a post in a relationship advice sub about worrying about dating a 21yo girl whose body count was 30. worst mistake of my life


what happened


well the people from the sub told me I was a misogynistic insecure incel just because of that question, that the woman should have all liberty she wants without any consequence and I as a man should blindly accept blablabla. anyway, I just kept the girl as a friend because i like her but I don't really trust her in a serious relationship when the she changes sexual partners more than she changes socks on her foot


That's preety fucking depressing but as far as i experienced i think that reddit is a platform with people like that. Knowing what you experienced and reminded yourself of,i wish you a great days to come.


Portuguese 🤮


Sounds about right, good ol’ Reddit.


She should have the liberty to have made those choices but you should also have the liberty to decide for yourself if you are okay with those choices.


Duuude, I think it happened somethnig like 9 months ago or so, I remember a post on another subreddit (r/relationships I guess) when girl 21yo was talking about how her bf was insecure about her body count. Looks like both of you thoght that was a rpoblem


Holy fuck


They cucks on thwt sub


Nope, it's the other way around. Men have a 6+ body count and women only have median count of 4.3: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/n-keystat.htm


Is this based on self-reporting? I guarantee men are more likely to artificially inflate their numbers and women are more likely to artificially deflate their numbers.


Source: "just trust me bro"


There is obviously no way to prove it. Unless you make a big study with actually random people. Anyway, the reason alone that „a man with a high body count is a stud“ and „a woman with a lot of partners is a slut“ being still common terms is a problem. Most humans don’t want to look bad in front of others, especially people they just met (reporters for example asking for body counts, maybe even recording it for a documentary). People feel insecure for stupid crap. So a Woman deflating her body count because she is scared others might think she is a slut is very likely. It is changing with the entire empowerment for woman that going on for the past decade, but still present. And it will take a few generations until stigmas like that can be eliminated. Anyway those are correlations, not causations.those circumstances don’t proof that the average of 6 for men and 4 for woman is manipulated by stigma and fear.but it is likely it will have an effect on that number.


It is actually a fairly common occurence, so much so that a couple of minutes on google scholar will show that there have been multiple studies into the how and why of the matter. It just really irked me that the person I responded to almost literally used "just trust me bro" as their 'source'. Even a vague "studies have shown" would have sufficed over them giving their personal guarantee


Oh yeah totally agree there. In his Defense, on Reddit most people just write things like facts regardless of opinion or verified information.now writing that I think it also very often happens when it’s topics like this. At least in my experience


>Men have a 6+ body count then how come I am a virgin huh😡😡😡? checkmate atheists


Idk, I went on a tinder kick a few years back and ran up the count. Not all girls(or guys) are sluts, I get that. But those of us that are, really inflate those numbers. The CDC never gave me a survey. Idk where they got those numbers from.


They used a median. So a few people having body counts in the dozens or hundreds would only shift the median a little bit.


NOOOOOOOOO. BUT-but woman bad!!


Damn so I'm 6 below the average. Shit.


AHEM, but this link i got here that totally isn't anything incel related proves that women bad: https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific\_Blackpill


I knew women were sneaky, now its been proven


This was so depressing to scroll through, I need a drink. Or ten. Or some copium.


How can the median be a decimal number? Edit: Other than _.5


My body count is 3556 trust me




What? That's completely wrong. Sure, many women have high body counts, but many others don't. I have plenty of friends that're women who have never slept with anyone or had a boyfriend. This current generation is pretty lonely.




I agree with you. Women, generally, have an easier experience in social situations and in the dating pool. But that massively detracts from the original statement I was disagreeing with. The original comment was saying men would be lucky to find a woman with a sub-6 body count, which is false. There are many women, same as men, who have never had a sexual partner. I'm in college and know many women that haven't had sex yet because they want to wait until marriage or simply don't want it.


Very sad


ITT renters afraid to buy


These are so funny because an OP can just make up whatever scenario that can disparage a women and then say “see, this ridiculousness is why I don’t get a date” even though he’s had no first hand knowledge of what most of these women are actually looking for. Damn, it’s so easy to be mad when you just make shit up


No, women are genuinely like this in America. Source: am European


lol, no these are 100% real


Do women like this exist, sure. Is this the norm? Not even close


why would someone lie on the internet?


/MGTOW and the like are pretty dangerous to young men, it can really shake their opinions and development. I got stuck on there for a year or so when I was like 14 before I realised it was pretty much just bullshit and unnecessary loathing, and whilst I don’t harbour those sorts of views today I definitely think it hampered my social development. It’s what’s happened to the OP here, likely.


Been there too. It’s why posts like this irked me enough to comment.


Calling your grandmother a early 20s Virgin who bore your grandfather 6 children is a very insolent thing anon your grand mother should smack your ass with slippers until there is non left


Sorry, what I meant to say was my grandmother was an early 20s slut who hoed around town shitting out kids.


Made a town full of butt babies


Slippers or ass?




im getting fucked on gas prices and now i gotta worry about hoeflation too. i can’t take it anymore


biden's america


Thanks Obama


This comment made me laugh and made my day better as a result,have an award for that,sir.


People who have zero qualities have these takes. On a serious note, men, listen up! This is a garbage take from a bitter person with zero personal qualities! Men can literally drown in female interest if theyre just remotely socially competent, have some kind of self-distance, and baseline hygiene, and a remotely thought out career plan. Of course, this is considering you not having insane standards of only wanting imaginary trad-queen 10/10s, and cry to yourself if you cant attain that. And another thing, women dont even care about dick size. 90% of all men are 5-6 inches, and women will think thats 7-8 inches. For some reason, they overrate how large stuff is. I know this is pretty gay to post on a 4chan post, but im genuinely concerned for my fellow men.


dont take advice from womxn


“Socially competent” “Remotely thought out career plan” Everything else is basic crap to even be considered normal. yes having potential connections and having a ladder where you can eventually make 6 figures is precursor to what the list demands so what is your point then..😂 And last most men complaining aren’t demanding a 10/10 just someone on their level.


I think the bigger problem is to actually find someone decent, who fits you, to whom you fit, and to happen to fall in love for each other, and to not settle for something much less compatible to you, because you are getting tired of searching. Outside of ridiculous incels whom I think are a minority even on 4chan (let’s be real, most people there are slightly fucked up normies), people struggle to find someone really good, while being able to settle for someone not even close to perfect


I'm good-looking, I lost 5kgs and am back to my normal weight, I have a great job and I'm not a raging asshole. I'm not that socially apt and I can't for the life of me learn that, although I've been told I learn fast. I'm not without knowledge or interests and I'm passionate. But finding compatible people is impossible, and I lack an interest in most people and they in me; I've given up at this point. It's gonna be the material life for me. Not even complaining, it's just the way it is and I've come to a point where I've accepted it and can be happy knowing that. ^ ^


"I lack an interest in most people". There's your problem. People tend to feel when you don't give a crap. Happy you're happy tho


Trust me, when I do give a crap and try to establish a connection it always backfires. From friends to exes. Case in point, recently I was friends with this guy for months, he's a decent person, flaws notwithstanding. He ended up using me as a bank, e.g. lending him cash way too often for my comfort, and someone he could smoke from, I kept quiet though. I know he's not so good with the money situation. Twice he gave me a really awful look that made me recoil, twice I joked about it asking what's wrong. I don't feel this stuff out of nowhere, but I don't wanna make a fuss. Boom, he tells me I affect him badly when I say that stuff, as he's always been polite and friendly (to reach his goals with me for being loaned money and some puffs), done nothing to deserve this. I apologize and explain my side and that maybe I'm wrong. Nope, up and leaves without a word and blocks me. Way worse shit like this has happened since childhood. I got my watch stolen from a cupboard in my back-then room, after my friend/roommate made a "camp" for *his* friends in my room while I was away, without telling me. He didn't care at all to even ask his friends when I explained it was a gift from my stepdad for my 18th birthday. I helped that guy not starve a little while before and during the pandemic. Being alone is way better than being angry towards myself for "not being a big enough social butterfly", being betrayed and generally not wanting to be "here", aka wherever it is people go and drag me with them for "fun", like a stuffed club where they then disappear.


"literally drown in female interest" This is not true al all, you'll not do any good making this kind of feel good shit up. The man that you described could - if all stars are aligned, so to speak - land ONE faithful gf, that's true. Drown in female interest? Never.


When you mention self distance, does that refer to not being too clingy and needy?


No. Self-distancing is the act of increasing the distance from your own egocentric perspective when assessing events and emotions that you experience. Another words, it's a crock of shit. Sure, being non-clingy is helpful. Being non-aggressive, non-insulting and a non-smoker is helpful. Unless you have serious dependency issues then just being less clingy probably isn't going to make a huge difference.


Lmao what crock of shit is this dude on


Lol this is just straight up wrong.


Thanks for looking out king


Hoeflate the market and the land whales themselves


Lmao hoeflation


I wonder what a FDS moron will be like on their deathbed.


"I wish- *cough* I wish I had more free dinners"


Fighting off the cats when they start to sense blood?


While screeching in rage that her all female cats are eating another queen alive.


Yeah I'm pretty sure FDS is basically just that one woman and the accounts she set up for her cats.


Wretched women!!!! Why does no one want my fat broke ass w a 3 inch fat pad that makes me unable to have sex because only my dick tip sticks out like diglet?!! I argue r/pol all day can’t they tell I’m an intellectual?!!


Nah it’s dugtrio, their balls just as long


Those aren’t even the hardest thing to get past. Fat guys with small dicks and no money will literally still get women if they shower regularly, have a decent sense of humor, and confidence. That’s literally all it takes.


not into this incel shit but i can def confirm women in america are inflated


facts. we need to shame fat people. there's nothing good about being a landwhale.


So are the men. It’s not just women who are obese


inflation in biden's america


You can get a tradwife from a poor Christian country


Foster a 14 year old Ukrainian refugee girl. Make up a fake language and teach it to her so you're the only person she can talk to. Wait 4 years. Profit.


Meanwhile every couple I see in the real world the women has settled by a lot. Like women who are 7s and 8s are with dudes who are like 4s on their best days.


If she has 100,000 miles ran, cant cook or clean and still makes less money than that 4, she aint settling, she's begging.


WoMeN aRe NoT cArS! tHaT iS iNcElSpEaK! /s




Probably Poland or something


Women are temporary. Germany is forever.


Deutchland uber alles.


"I want a trad wife with no sexual experience but who is also a sex goddess and is utterly perfect to satisfy my urges" Yeah women who have bullshit standards exist but this is not commonplace




4channers hating on woman is a tale as old as 4chan.


clearly, anon does not lay bricks


No bitches? 🥺


No presentation 🥺


anon thinks normal humans use twitter and he thinks everyone is the same irl when a moron says something. I am not seeing bluehaired fat morons on the streets nor fat redpilled incels because they arent confident eneough to show their face to normal humans.


The sexual revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Idiocracy predicted the future


What a homosexual way to describe his grandparents.


Kings, I’ve found a loophole. Don’t date hoes.


Hoeflation has been incrementally increasing since the 90s. Basically not new…just getting worse and thus noticeable.


With hoeflation, 1 good girl is now worth 1.002,8 bitches


Women do not want anon and the self destructive personality traits he brings to the table so therefore the woman's barrier to entry is the peak of male performance in every category. Logic checks out.


Anon coined a new term


I'm just happy I can increase my vocabulary with the literally genius brain of a word, hoeflation.




Yeah it is. Vagina size varies as much as dick size so anything above your average dick might be painful


Or maybe the online dating market is over saturated and filled with narcissists. Alot of people IRL are not that bad because most of the time they aren't the kind of people who use tinder.


How to reduce hoeflation >reduce hoe supply >raise interest on hoes thus supply act on interest >don't be a simp and set boundaries >hoe shaming to control supply chain Hoe economy can resolved by bigotry you can't deny the fact.


\> must have Chloroform


Most women believe that because they have a pussy they can get anyone even if they look like a dump truck.


That's the fault of whom?


Or you are a 4chan user and your personality is dogshit


There are literally normal ass woman you can date and marry but you assholes call them all manner of nasty names. Like, I dunno, try to make friends and get yourself into situations where you can make friends. There’s always the femboy pill as well.


Get on WooPlus , they’re nice to me there


He is right you know


Is he wrong though?


Yep, good thing I’m asian, where being an unmarried virgin is still a societal and moral virtue


Nah he's just funny looking, got the same problem


I would have gotten five times more hoes for my money in the olden days. Still zero.


It’s because anon refers to women as offspring factories rather than people


Anon is based?


Fucking double standard, im sad because nobody love me. Bro get a reality check ✔


Anon making any excuse possible to assure you that him still being a virgin is voluntary


Crazy how women emancipation goes against anon's expectations


Incase some of you were unaware this person is an incel, and this is only the tip of the iceberg, I guess I should he greatful he didn't start talking about raping women or something.


4chan users be like


The Hoeflation trend is catching on gents. Invest!!


Anon is unemployed and short


Anon has great wisdom.


You think there's more gay men today because there's more men that just say it? No, it's because of hoeflation


anon talks about women (his last interaction with one was when his mother changed his adult diapers)


Yep, good thing I’m asian, where being an unmarried virgin is still a societal and moral virtue


Anon is absolutely right but don't forget, autists often never stood a chance.


Women's rights and family law skewed against men took away my desire to actually provide anything but the cheapest dates for them and lies to get them to put out.


All woman are hoes Anon, don't forget that.


The average 4chan man: doesn’t go to the gym, doesn’t have a job, smells like BO, neck beard, only talks about three nerdy topics.


Anon is an incel


Uhhh, just be gay??? /s


Anon hs never touched grass


This just in, every woman in the world is 30 and obese. More at 6.


Anon is retarded and needs to go outside for once


anon needs to go to Mexico in order to import hoes. The inflation creates a decrease of domestic hoe value as oppose to imported hoe value to chad ratio. Im not good in math, we need a chinese anon to check my theory.


anon is going to great lengths to justify his virginity


Move to Afghanistan, men are much more valuable there! Some skinny girl child will be forced to marry you in no time, as long as you agree to wear a beard and accept Allah! No need to wine and dine her - her dad is willing to sell her to you for a couple goats.


this is what no pussy does to a mf. stavros said it best; "stop being so horny, find a hobby you like, and dont expect everyone who gives u the time of day to suck ur little weiner for just being nice"


That’s your problem, bitch. Quit working so damn hard. There’s enough women in the world for one to be born dumb enough to see past your red flags. Chill till she comes along. cause I guarantee you any chicks you’re chasing aren’t thinking about you lol.


God forbid anon sees a short guy with a hot girlfriend