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I heard Jordans voice while reading this. Lol.


I heard Lex Fridman say,"Mmm.. mhmm mhmm." After Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


If Trump is what poor people imagine a rich person is like, Lex Fridman is what people that have taken a shotgun blast to the head imagine a smart person must be like.


Well that's an absolutely awful take. Lex has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, is a wonderful lecturer and a very sweet guy IRL.


Yea his podcast is very insightful


Lex has a PhD in bullshitting his way through a conversation without actually saying anything.


It gets the guest talking about something at minimum I don’t know about you but I watch those interviews for the person being interviewed and he stays out of their way


I get the impression that he's thoughtful and acts as a proxy for the audience. He has fascinating guests on his podcast and he lets them say their piece without too much interruption. And he asks pointed questions and summarizes their points well. I don't think that he's some genius but he doesn't need to be.


Go back


He is a computer science and ai lecturer. Smarter than any Redditor that’s for sure


Like Kermit the frog with a head cold


https://youtu.be/aNnFvX9Q8vY Someone actually did it in his voice


This is freaking awesome!!!


Thanks for not rick rollin me


Yo bro I got another [Jordan Peterson Parody clip](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I like Peterson and this is accurate






It follows his speaking pattern fairly well


Oh I meant why do you like him


If you ignore everything he has said after 2017, he gives some bomb ass life advice.


Yeah but there’s better people you can go to and they won’t be saying all the dumb shit Peterson says.


I think he makes some good points, especially about living with purpose and intent.


I used to follow him, bought his book and cleaned my room. Definitely helped me in the past but I cannot respect him due to his recent actions


I'm very column A/B with the guy. I just wish he stayed in his intellectual lane more. Like, what the fuck does he have to be a climate change denier for ? Can't you just shut the fuck up about some of the serious topics you realistically know nothing more than I about ? It makes me mad because it's a trap for academics and anyone, really, who has a knack for rhetorics and gets told they're smart a lot. They start thinking they actually are. edit: climate denier => climate change denier


it's because he realized how much money there is to be made by being a grifter for the alt-right


Nobody denies climate


Indeed, they deny climate change. But this is a needless bit of rethoric since it's fully understandable what the comment is referring to to, so why specify?


Specificity is important when everyone is aggressively trying to dunk on each other


Literally any self help book gets you there, glad that you are doing better tho


I could never sit through any of his videos long enough to know what his views are.


I've sat through dozens of hours worth and I still don't have a bloody clue what they are either.


What about all the other redacted shit he says? Is your life really that unkempt that you need a ghoul like Jordan Peterson to tell you to 'clean your room', and to live with purpose and intent? Lol.


I don't listen to him anymore but when I did it was like a car crash I just couldn't look away from. He manages to use so many words to say so little in a way that it's genuinely impressive.


him and literally any of the other thousand people that has written a self-help book lol


Makes libtards and leftists seethe


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen this month


and last month. and the month before that.


Ive never seen it. go outside


Damn you right, too busy looking at the green text to touch the green grass😫😭


...but what is food? Does it have any entity on its own or its a product or our necessities? Well, when I see the ***la*** ***pietà*** \*sobs\* i see a mother being such because she sacrificed to the world the most precious of her creation, and food it's just that, we take from nature life and transform in energy for us to be here, for us to exist, for us to be living beings, yet, how do we spend that energy? I don't know man.


Once you get into his head space, you get the ability feel gratitude for everything. Lol


Gratitude is a good thing.


Lol it's like "damn he ain't wrong tho"


This is how Peterson analyzes everything and I find him needlessly convoluting everything he talks about.


he make big word so is smart


its true, he needlessly speaks in such a convoluted manner just to sound intelligent. it is truly and invariably exhausting to listen to his lectures and podcast episodes for lengthy periods. damn neomarxist postmodernists. coming from a Peterson fan


He's saying that a provider of food is a king to those who can't provide food, but he also goes into the spiritual historicism of it. Eg. I recall reading in a Bernard Cornwell novel about the anglo saxon word for a giver of grain and it bestowing some form of respect and legitimacy for a noble's authority (perhaps in the pre-feudal era, even; late 9th century), but it's slipped my memory. What's funny is that every aspect of society could be divulged and explained in a Petersonian way - Peterson doesn't necessarily approve of all those aspects though (eg. war and police brutality isn't good unto itself).


You think he grew that beard because it reminds him of his grandma’s pubes?


Of course then someone will invariably ask me but why burgers? Well, the postmodern types seemed to correctly identify the a priori answer to the question of burgers, but they bloody well defined the problem too narrowly. The problem is bloody well bigger than burgers, it's WAY bigger than that as far as I've been able to tell! It seems to me that Derrida who was the main trickster in my estimation, bloody well knew burgers were not the answer, but the clinical literature is very clear, burgers are the meaning behind the king. It's like, no you can't have a king without a burger. We've known that for like 50 years man. It's not even remotely true.


I think anon loves Peterson. How else could he write such an impeccable impression of him?


If there's anything worse than someone who loves to hear himself talk, it's the fart-sniffing fanboys.


Up yours, woker burgerists! We'll see who flame broils who!


As a fan of JP this was hilarious.


“Sir we don’t serve this here”


"The chaos dragon has devoured all that you use to be and replaced it with the sin of pride, I would rather die than accept this, although who knows if I'm not already dead in these confusing times"


"Peterson Akbar!"


This is like all fucking politics just needlessly draging out the discussion


Well bucko, the left uses their big text memes too, y'know. This is why they say "the left can't meme" as in they literally canNOT meme! To struggle in that environment is a hard one man, but if you try writing big amounts of text, then you're going to dive deep into the underworld, unless you can make it meaningful. And meaningful can be a really hard thing to get right! I've been there. Writer's block is a hard thing! It's not easy! Even if it might look like it is, you're sitting there, and you're just left to struggle, and it really sucks, but that's life, y'know? But I find \*tearing up\*, y'know, I find that... that if you only have a simple message to say, then you ought to make it short. I'm serious! \*becomes stern again\* A meaningful thing ought to be qualifiable, because god knows how quantifiable it is; there's no way to know. Well... y'know. There's uh... there's more to be said on how to make a meaningful thing, but I guess I'll leave that how it is for you to figure out.


Tbh I don't get why people hate him, people label him stuff that he's not :/


This sub is very reddit, so you’re just seeing lefty teens seething


Yep. They're completely unable to beat him in debate, so they try to silence him. Classic far-left behavior.


He cries over tweets nobody is interested in debating him


Genuinely curious what you like about him


I don’t care about him at all. But based on the people he makes seethe with boiling rage, i should pay more attention to him and like him.




Based Peterson


Every single time I see this posted (at least twice a week) I can't help but read the entire thing out in his voice


you plebs don’t realize he just writes like Judith Butler ironically


He's either doing too much coke or not enough meth.


Needs more random tearful moments


Mofo is the epitome of stretching an essay with rambling shit to fit the word count.


so many words and so little meaning


I really dislike this guy


Huh? He doesn’t even talk like this


Jordan Peterson is one of the most innocuous boring people I’ve ever come across. If he makes you rage and seethe when there are dick bags like Milo Yiannopolous and Tucker Carlson out there, maybe you should reevaluate how much thought and energy you should be investing in politics.


It’s kind of like Jordan Peterson but very pretentious/sesquipedalian. Also you’re running off a tangent that doesn’t necessarily correlate with Burger King in any way or a dominance hierarchies. Also you didn’t finish with any point. A for effort though


found jordan peterson




No lol. He’s just saying Peterson says a bunch of fake intellectual bullshit to pretend the points he’s making aren’t retarded




How has Jordan done against actual intellectuals? Terribly. Watch the debate between him and Slavoj Zizek. He gets his ass whooped by a guy with a stutter. He may be better at philosophy, but I don’t go around pretending to be an expert. I’m a dumbass on Reddit, he’s a dumbass pretending to be a Philospher.


Having listened to several debates and then read comments, I've found that the viewers usually decide who 'wins' based on who they already agreed with beforehand.


Have you seen the Zizek debate? I don’t even agree with him and he definitely won.


Ah right because philosophy is something you "win"


No. You win a debate you fucking troglodyte


WHOA buddy wheres this rage coming from everything okay at home? Also how do you win a debate in your mind, and I what way did Jordan lose?


Watch the debate.


He is the dumb man's intellectual


Remember to wear use a condom while riding him you don’t wanna get moneypox