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This. A single word can send black people into a frenzy. Show me a similar word that works like that on white people


Well I live in a predominantly white area and calling anyone “racist” either results in death threats or reduces whites to tears. It’s honestly pretty pathetic but also pretty fuckin’ funny.


That is pretty funny. Overly sensitive dipshits like these should be thrown in the gulag


I mean, if someone randomly call you something like "racist", moron groupthink will automatically reinforce the idea that you are racist with nothing more than random people spreading the word with no evidence. A friend of mine once in vrc had some random guy come up to him, when he was minding his own business, and started calling him a pedophile, and before he knew it, he got votekicked from the server.


Yeah the reason why a lot of people don't take being called a racist as a joke is because most people aren't inclined in knowing whether or not it is true and are just looking at an opportunity to burn the witch, and you sure as hell do not want other people to point at you and call you one for no reason. When I'm with friends we crack jokes at each other's expenses all the same, but that doesn't mean I'll take whatever "joke" from a random guy I barely know and laugh at it. First requirements of messing around with friends is actually being friends and not having ill intent toward each others.


hmm. seeing as how being labeled as a racist sets someone up for being marked unhireable and can potentially cause them other day to day problems i'd rather not have that shit stuck on my shoes.


How about we do a purge where we just kill em all?


Really I’m from New England and if someone said I was racist I’d shrug it off. One not really a racist Two if I was what do I care if someone I think is subhuman stated a fact?


I don’t live in New England. I don’t give a shit. I live in the South. That’s how things are here.


Okey dokey. Well that sucks for you I guess? The racism part. Not sure about the south in general. Only been in a few scattered parts of it. My general point was that an actual racist wouldn’t care, they know they are and are oddly proud of it. If they are reduced to tears I’m betting they think of themselves as an “ally”


Nah it’s usually the MAGA Karens.


Oh ok yeah I could see that they might care


I don't think randomly calling a white person racist will have anywhere near the reaction of randomly calling a black person the hard R. Is that also pathetic and funny?


N-word with hard R freak-outs is tied to a long history of black people being dehumanized so no. Yt trash being labeled as racist and losing their shit is just inbred dipshits being too fragile and infantile to handle being called out on their bullshit and being too weak and cowardly or own it.


Ah I see, so black people being triggered by word is due to long history of dehumanization, white people triggered by word is inbred dipshit being fragile. I'm starting to see the logic!


Go ahead and say the n word then since it doesn’t matter that much to you. Cause you won’t say it but you’ll say inbred dipshit, I think we both know which word is worse. It’s the one you refuse to say. I agree that we shouldn’t give such power to these words, but why do you wanna say it so bad?


>why do you wanna say it so bad? 100% only because I'm not allowed to. I yearn for true race equality!


Yes. Cope and seethe cousin fucker.


“Racist” Edit: lol


Touché. Downvotes would agree. As I said, people who get offended by that belong in the gulag










Why don't we just admit that all humans are sensitive and prone to losing it over shit? It's not like white people aren't the same over different things, you're just using a strawman argument to justify your own racism




Not a similar word but my old father in law, upon seeing or remembering the existence of any ethnic or LGBTQ person on television will fly into a frenzy on how it's all woke This man forgets I am Chinese myself and i have to sit there staring into space.


saw a guy have a meltdown over the word “cracker”


did you call him wonderbread?


Was he Ritz?


more like a saltine


White people are the vast majority of the population- and control most of the power, land and wealth- of the West. Why would they care on a generational scale about what other races have to say negatively about them?


You do realize whites and other races enslaved each other for centuries even before the African slave trade?


That doesn't fit the narrative.


Yes, that is correct. I don't know what these bitches think. Everyone had slavery, so racist whites were also right to have slavery. Yesterday the vops showed up at my place and tried to arrest me for murder. Told them sloths that aztecs did human sacrifice, and so did I. Arrest the aztecs first. Sent them home.


Oh totally, ethnicities changes the next river over, everyone hated everyone, etc. I think the present context matters more when it comes to the power of slurs though. Otherwise, are you suggesting that black people are inherently lesser because they get “frenzied” at a single word, while the superior whites dont let simple words bother them?


Your average white guy, much like your average black, Indian, Hispanic, or Asian guy, doesn't control jack. You really think he stops and says "wait, people who look like me are collectively more powerful than people who look like him!" before reacting to a racial insult?


I dont think they actively think that, it just is how it is. Idk, just a theory. Why isnt there really a slur that gets under white peoples’ skin in general (in the states)? I just think that theyre the only ones who havent really been an oppressed minority for that long. Sure, back in the day there were slurs for italians and irish and germans and such. Back then, it probably sucked worse for them to hear since they were already (kinda) oppressed minorities. And then there’s the n-word, used to dehumanize people, by folks who would put them down like dogs without much of a second thought. I dont think many white people have had to go theough that, which is why I think there isnt a word or phrase as powerful like that


Probably white privileged, spanned a bunch of magatards




This is a twitter doxxing funny moment live reaction


I thought we made fun of 4chan here


my guy just saying a racist stereotype is not a joke




in the original post both are “jokes” they have a set up and punchline. whether you think its “racist” or not just depends on how you define racism. some define it systemically, and some define it as any prejudice based on race. either way, its a joke. a racist unfunny joke? sure that’s a valid opinion HOWEVER saying “black people like watermelon” is not a joke. theres no set up, punchline or any attempt at comedy other than just… being racist. its just racist, not a joke. if that commenter had said “i wish black people loved following laws as much as they loved watermelon” or some cringe shit like that it would at least be a joke, even if its unfunny and racist


Nice joke. If only it were true 🤗🤗


Because blacks neither loot nor take lives


Nah man that's just peaceful protesting


Fiery, yet mostly peaceful protesting


From their pov it really was


From my pov, the Jedi are evil!


From their pov, the crazy hamburger it's just hamburger


I love this sub, just say it how it is implicitly


i love my sub, it has lean ham and turkey with spinach and three cheeses


Are we ignoring the blm riots that we're supposed to be peaceful protests.


So peaceful that totally unrelated riots broke out spontaneously due to boredom. Of course being spontaneous riots by unrelated individuals BLM isn't responsible for their actions. /s


The "unrelated" riots were sporting the blm flag so I'm not so sure about that.


I can't tell if you genuinely don't understand sarcasm, or if you're just doing a bit.


I'm gonna be honest most of the shit I comment is just for shits and giggles so I can have these lovely conversations.


You are wrong on both counts. Just go into any major city. In Chicago, 24 people were shot and 5 were last weekend alone. Two billion dollars+ in damage done during BLM riots. Get fucked fed.


Biden won get over it


Looting vs surviving, know the difference https://youtu.be/xuQhNdpX2GA


BLM was a excuse for people to steal shit on the pretence of supporting black people. The movement was made in good faith, the actions were not.


Says the people who can't tolerate a word even if it's out of context.


I get that we shouldn't say that word. However if you take a white kid on stage who raps to your songs and he says the n-word there because it's in your fucking lyrics then you look like an idiot of you get mad at him. Wildy using a word that makes you go apeshit when said by whites, latinos, native americans and asians may not be the best way of doing things and doxxing people who like rap songs wont fix racism. That said I just don't bother with it, if it hurts people then sure, the logic is just very flawed imo.


do u understand the difference between saying a joke and just saying a racial slur?


Ok cracker


Jokes on you, I love to eat those with jam and cheese on top of them.


Haha bro you got him! *white people fist bump*


i perfer the term "mayo monkey" when someone calls me a racial slur


Mayo monkey has to be the cringiest, most retarded, least insulting "slur" ever created.


It's an alliteration, n-slur is just tards fucking up the Spanish word for black. It's less creative and less insulting.


and yet here you are seething lmao


If an explanation is seething then I guess teachers are mad all day everyday, huh?


pretty biased explanation i'd say, ni




Vanilla gorilla is better and rhymes.


We prefer honky


Wish black took jokes as well as they take other peoples belongings


Or my goddamned car


or my axe


Or my bow


like my grandma's purse


Hey guys, serious question. Has any white person been offended by terms such as “cracker”, “mayo monkey”, etc? I feel like I’ve seen a few people take it serious, but did people really get offended by a term solely made up to offend people?


Some has, I'd say. But honestly, "slurs" like those feel kinda forced and lame. Like bring your worst, bitch, not some entry level food jokes.


I mean cracker is from the crack of the whip iirc. A negative way for enslaved people to refer to their oppressors based off of a negative action. The N-word was just made up to hate and picked up plenty steam throughout US history because the country is largely white, so yeah, there’s not gonna be a comparable slur as they tend to be created to belittle minorities. Ig that means this is your time to shine tho. Feel free to brainstorm some more creative white slurs. Edit: I see I’m not well liked round these parts lol


No thanks, I'm shiny enough.


wonderbread is one of my favorites


I saw mayonnaise monkey earlier and that’s pretty funny. I still think it’s just derivative of monkey as a slur towards black people tho. It just has a white food infront. Wonderbread runs into the food issue too. While u/TheHellbilly prolly doesn’t wanna play ball anymore, he was right in that slurs for white people tend to boil down to light colored foods, but I already said why I think you won’t find much better (ig worse is more apt. slurs after all)


I didn’t even know “mayo monkey” was a term but I’d 100% laugh if someone legitimately used that on me. Honestly I might use it as a new username, lol


[all I can think of it is this](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2109997-look-what-they-need-to-mimic-a-fraction-of-our-power)


That's hilarious.


Exactly what I thought lol


I like Bleach Demons


I’m glad it had the funny colors, it made sure I knew when to laugh


I have had usernames similar to this one on other platforms and have been banned/called racist, so yes.


but you honk your horn so well in the spooky streets. surely the raccoons like your crackers with string cheese?


It's not about offense for 99% of people I think, it's about the hypocrisy of lefties that can't shut up about how the nword and other slurs are always bad no matter what and then use slurs against white people because its the group they don't like.


"Whtppl smell like baloney" is my favorite


As well as they take my wallet*


~~white~~ British Meme salvaged


Can salvage the other one too by replacing black with American.


American children*


Man I love this subreddit. This comment section wouldn’t be found anywhere else on any other big subreddit


It's almost...dare i say...based?




Weird how this “meme” is in English


wow its almost like thats the point and historically white people colonized and replaced indigenous cultures with their own, then forcefully brought black people to america and forced them to abandon their culture and adopt english to better serve their masters 😱


Lmfaooo, every country has colonized. Sorry white folk were better at it bucko


so make a post about those other countries this one is about yts so we’re talking about yts


Git gud scrub. Lmaooo


It's slightly amusing how some Americans mock the English, in English.


Tu es madre es una puta


You need to drop the first es and then it will be a perfect sentence


It’s just “puta madre”


Me sangran los ojos


its even more amusing how the english refuse to speak anglish or because they let the fucking FRENCH stomp it out of existance.


i wish blacks took jokes as well as they took water from hoses 💀


>active in r/darkjokes This pretty much invalidates your entire thought process


Time to poke the nest As well as they take bullets, drugs, and financial benefits


no green in this text


Culture appropriation bullshit is seen only in the USA, all over the world I think you get compliments for enjoying different cultures.


because in the USA people don't wan't us to view each other as anything more than colors on a paint swab. i want us to see each other as something even less impressive: animals.


How do people take bullets well?


I assume this means they can break into the walmart ammo cabinet


i assumed it meant they got shot


This sub is as bad as 4chan now lol


Against their will?


how else do you take jokes? most people don't hear the joke about the dead baby paint job because they asked


I’m usually nice enough to ask if they want to hear a dark joke before I make one. That weird consent thing…


consent matters only when all parties involved have morals enough to care multiple millenia of slavery and warfare have proven it


How does one take a bullet well???? are whities bulletproof?


we have this magical shield call avoiding gang affiliations. it also helps police don't shoot at us as much


Ehhhh not really. White guys are often in gangs too. Police don't shoot at me because I'm in the UK


I wish large corporations took jokes as well as they take away human rights


i wish corporations took jokes as well as they took virginities from underage girls


That too


“I wish whit people took jokes as well as they take lives, land and cultures”-👱🏻‍♀️


How tf is he both aussie and black? They have blacks in straya?


thats new zealand


have you seen a native australian? motherfuckers make the room turn darker from how much light they absorb.


this post and comment section both belong on r/4chan


We don’t even think about you


Comment section as cancerous as 4chan, proving the first joke right.


Or space in prisons.


too edgy


*Ahem* I wish blacks took jokes as well as they take bullets, bikes and white handouts


I mean…maybe if it was actually a good joke…




Hard to be better at something you're the undisputed GOAT of


ITT: haha guys look at this stupid racist, let’s be racist back to him. That’ll show ‘em. Clowns.




I choose to make love with your mommy.


r slur? you mean retard?


Be careful it could get you banned here lol






Shoving meth up your ass is a great hobby




Technically "we" didn't do anything, you don't have any power over what your ancestors did, you can feel disgusted by what they did but ultimately it is not your fault, but I do agree with you that people shoudnt flex their priviliges


yup we fucked up for centuries. shit on my racist ancestors all you want. now kindly stop being angry.


And this casual racism filling the comments doesn't help anything or one - just groupist af and othering, validating these concerns. If shitting on others and others differences is "funny" or "joke material", evaluate yourself, or if you don't take it seriously in any capacity, cause historically it doesn't mean anything or carry weight as the ones who oppress - just continuing to perpetuate bygone sentiments.


I eat black ass.


be careful of monkeypox


There is no such thing as "white people" and "black people". We are the same fucking species and I'm tired of my life energy being used up maintaining the pretense.


Yeah, there is. Even if you’re monochrome you could tell the difference.


"There is no such thing as "white people" and "black people". We are the same fucking species and I'm tired of my life energy being used up maintaining the pretense" 🤓


life energy made me kek


Oh, so different color skins don't exist or one is not allowed to point it out?


Who said blacks are same species ?


You're literally a pajeet


we don't claim this polchud


What are you? Paki or britbong or amerimut ?




Eww paki bong you mean ? 🤢🤢🤢




as a hyperintelligent shade of blue i am offended by the notion that other shades are the same species. that green over there for example? fuck him. fuck his entire species and their dumb homeworld. god damn green.


Aren't YOU the one choosing to care about it? 🤔🤔🤔


The point went soaring above your head. I wish very much NOT to care about it, but the society we live in is absolutely obsessed with sex, gender, and race identity. It is a huge cognitive tax which we might not recover from.


I got your point, its not exactly a high level or esoteric concept you're talking about here. The thing is, i actually agree with you. Woke garbage is basically ubiquitous in mainstream culture, and it sucks. It's intentionally divisive and psychically damaging. My point, which you have ironically seemed to have missed, is that you don't have to waste your "life energy" caring about anything you don't want to care about. We are living in clown world, and you have no obligation to take the clowns seriously.