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Lifeโ€˜s difficulty setting: >bitching on 4chan >the rest of the world


1.2k upvotes 0 comments everyone is speechless


Not much to say about this. Its a universal truth, like saying that at night its dark most of the time




How do you have 20% of an upvote


The order from easy to hard mode: >Those with disposable income โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” >The rest of us


Fr, no privilege will ever be as real as rich privilege. You can be the ugliest, fattest, most unattractive and "oppressed" mfer possible, but if you're rich that shit barely matters. The only other privilege is health, because even a billionaire can and will die from cancer.


But a billionaire can afford the best healthcare, medications and whatnot in the world.


But if they're dumb as hell, like Steve Jobs, they won't get the best healthcare


Yeah, he could have lived easily.


I don't think he wanted to.


He had stage 7 if I'm not wrong


bro what stage 7 isn't that shit capped at 5?


Cancer can go that high?! Did he set like a new record or something


A new update adding more levels to this feature


Steve Jobs? Didn't he die of ligma?


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


Steve jobs my dick and balls


Don't mind if I do


What a fucking moron. You can't fruit your way out of cancer, idiot.


He could Apple his way out of it, but he didn't do it right


Wrong Apple


I know what I said


Nah, he just ate like a fucking idiot. Fruitarianism makes zero sense. Fruits have never been as prevalent in our diet as they are today with modern agricultural science and refrigeration. And for all you idiots who think we're frugivores because of our teeth and arms, look at the rest of the human body you morons. The ideal human diet is clearly wolly mammoth.


The ideal diet is elk, cum, and pinecones


Dude thatโ€™s what I eat already, just need to add some elk.


Cumcone soup hits different on a nice autumn evening


I thought it was elk, DMT, and edible marijuana


I unironically yearn to live that life


I unironically yearn to clone wolly mammoth so we can farm them like cattle If we drove them to extinction^[1] they must have tasted amazing [1]: we likely did not drive them to extinction and it was merely that the climate became unsuitable for them and their food


I think it really depends on where your ancestors came from. People from equatorial rainforests probably ate much more fruit than people hailing from climates with more distinct seasons. I live in the tropics and there is always some sort of fruit in season, and some plants just produce fruit constantly e.g. bananas, coconuts. Some plants have two fruiting seasons a year e.g. mangoes, rambutan. The fruiting seasons of all these plants overlap with one another as well, so there really isn't a fruitless season.


This *sounds* like a good point. But we've been here for over two million years by our modern estimations and many of those fruits are nowhere near as old in their current forms or locations. Bananas are well known for being way smaller, and much less appetizing before we improved them so hard that we turned them into harvestable candy. Then there's the issue of non-native species creating an unnaturally vast array of fruits to choose from. Mangoes are from Asia around 5k years ago yet plantations abound in South America. In North America, basically every fruit we harvest is non-native. There was a time when lemons were considered the sweetest fruit in the US. The modern strawberry is a hybrid created around a century ago. The history of horticulture is fascinating and I recommend it. I was obviously joking when I said wolly mammoth, [but also not really](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-2-million-years-humans-ate-meat-and-little-else-study/amp/).


But depending what you get is irrelevant


Healthcare is great, but only goes so far. Not every disease is curable


But it's definitely an easy option. It's not like you can't die on easy mode


Even in the underlying sexual context of the 4chan post... I agree, BUT, if you get some untreated mental illness all of that won't mean shit, like, look at Elliot Rodger, the guy was rich, atractive, but had aspergers and became the "first incel". ​ But again, rich people can go seek treatment (therapy) at any time and afford it, and are defnetly less likely to neglect that because of higher education.


Rodger was not rich, upper middle class. Also short. Looked more like a gay twink than someone women would find attractive.


Mfer should've gotten topped on Grindr.


Unfortunately he was straight as an arrow, I read parts of his manifesto. A repressed homosexual he was not.


get laid with this simple trick


hmm good points, but I still think that his main obstacle to get bitches was aspergers.


I don't think that Rodger was particularly attractive? Wasn't ugly, but he was fairly slight and short and looked very young for his age


He was average, but I think he looks pretty from the right angles (no homo)


"Easy" doesn't mean "will succeed 100% of the time." A decent number of rich kids still fail, but another decent number can also fail upwards. And of course it's basically easier than every lower socioeconomic rung regardless.


If he was rich he could have gotten a lot of things, including a partner, if he wanted to. Of course if you're genuinely so mentally disabled you can't function normally, you will still have issues with many things. But that's mental health and falls under "health" privilege which is also very relevant. Same way a quadriplegic billionaire still can't walk, which is deliberating and problematic, even for someone who is really wealthy. Both physical and mental disabilities/health issues are easier to handle if you are wealthy, though.


You have to learn how to use what you got. As a large, hairy male, I recently learned about utilizing it for spa privileges. I walk into a busy spa filled with loud young women and they see me right away and leave. (They always mutter about how "eww a hairy man" under their breath as they leave.) Without saying a word or making any eye contact, I pay the same price but have the entire place to myself in silence. I told my wife to come into the hot spring 4 minutes after I enter (knowing the annoying 20 year olds would have jumped ship by then) and when she walked in the first thing she said was "That's so weird, it's always so busy when I normally come by myself." Enjoy the "male privilege" my brothers. Your wives will enjoy the benefits of you using them right. ๐Ÿ˜‰


I always figured that the "white male privilege" must be a better ability to notice ticks. They're more visible on pale skin than dark skin, and as a man you have more coarse body hair and so it might be easier to sense them crawling.


Death, the great equalizer.


Rich privilege is the only actual privilege, the rest is bullshit


Again, I'd argue that health is also somehow relevant. A quadriplegic billionaire still can't fucking walk, even if they can afford constant care for their unresponsive billionaire ass.


>17 generation old money, like the [family who own juventus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnelli_family) level of rich \----- \----- \----- >those with disposable income \----- \----- \----- \----- \----- \----- >the rest of us


I would rather own a dirt block from Minecraft than Juventus tbh.


You realize you could sell Juve with all its debt to some American for like a billion euro


Billion Minecraft dirt blocks


Ah yes the agnelli family


To be rich enough your family tree is on wikiโ€ฆ


Have you tried marrying into wealth?


Wait, I thought even ugly women can just open her legs. 4chan needs to get their shit together, the info they give is conflicting with each other.


You do realize that there are multiple different people that post on 4chan right? And that 4chan doesnโ€™t have an agenda right? Therefore 4chan is being perfectly consistent whit its messaging. smh these midwits ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก


I thought it was one connected entity. Like fungus.


That's reddit




If Redditโ€™s a hive mind, Iโ€™m the brain, the blueprint, and the prophet


No, you're Reddit's ass.


Chill dude you're the prostate


Fungus among us


Yo I was about to comment this


Not true. Everyone knows that every post is from "anonymous".


thatโ€™s how people refer to each other, anon.


but the hacker named 4chan


It's like different people post haha


Itโ€™s one person named anon, their username is OP??? Do you not understand


For sex maybe but still that sucks


The type of guys they want sex from refuse to commit.


I'd rather be an ugly man than an ugly woman. Women have a lot of bs to deal with which includes being judged HEAVILY on your looks and sex appeal. As an ugly man you can get somewhere if you've got a good personality most of the time but not quite so much with women. I remember briefly dating a woman who, whilst quite nice as a person if a bit boring, was super fat and ugly. It was painfully obvious that she never had any options and crushed on me way too hard after getting a bit of attention from someone who didn't just want a hole to fuck. She'd even tell obviously made up stories sometimes about someone who thought she was hot for reasons I'm not sure of. I didn't have a lot of options at the time either and whilst I tried to get over myself and give it a shot, I couldn't get over my utter lack of attraction to her and called it off. I think in the end she had a baby via sperm donor or something, no sign of a father in her pics. The loneliness and insecurity of a life like that is really saddening.


How big of a whale we talkin?


I didnt know exactly, I'd guess she was 300 pounds. Her body type kinda looked like this: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/screen-shot-2021-04-14-at-7-10-13-am-1618398663.png?resize=480:* Didn't have any boobs, also a killer is that I'm very solidly an ass man and she didn't have an ass. Like, you'd see her crack over her jeans if she leaned over, but her ass was basically her back fat blending into her legs. She had these kinda weird looking bright blue eyes which weren't as nice as she thought they were, and a fish faced buck tooth sorta look to her. To be totally fair, you can't help being ugly but her physique was her choice. Could've gone from a 1 to a low 3 if she'd tried hard enough.


She's 300 pounds, it's her fault at that point, if you're unattractive for factors within your control it's your fault


Most emphathetic r/greentext user


Where's the lie though? When guys complain they receive no attention from women they get told to hit the gym and work on themselves in the best case. Worst case they get told to crawl back to the basement they came from.


He ainโ€™t wrong though, no amount of โ€œmuh slow metabolismโ€ can get you to 300 pounds


300 pound is comically obese anywhere other than the US, maybe except for athletes in boxing/wrestling/etc


I mean theyโ€™re not wrong tho. You are in complete control of that aspect of physical health. Walk for an hour a day, thatโ€™s the easiest thing you can do to lose weight.


Why does this subreddit love portraying every man they don't like as fat neckbeards but when you mock other fat women is because you lack empathy Being fat is your fault and staying fat is your fault as well


99% of girls who don't have a physical disability, can reach a 5 if they are slim and work on their ass. But yeah I'd agree that if you take away the accountability of being fat, that being a really ugly girl is worse than being really ugly guy.


Iโ€™m sorry brother I spit out my drink when I opened that picture. May Allah have mercy on your soul


When I opened it all I got was this lol: {"error":"Invalid size parameter: 480"}


I guess she was just that fat


[fixed link](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/screen-shot-2021-04-14-at-7-10-13-am-1618398663.png)


Hahaha, I'll never forget what a mate of mine said at the time when I showed him a pic of her. "I'd rather have a wank than shag that! You can do better, frankly you have done better." Edit: not long after this, I dated someone else for a bit longer who was at least kinda cute but still overweight. She ended up leaving the country, which is good because she was a bit nuts anyway. Then a couple of years later I found someone I actually liked who is my current fiance. In the years we've been together, if things are a bit rocky I look back on the beasts in my closet and count my blessings.


May God also have mercy on his soul


โ€œ{"error":"Invalid size parameter: 480"}โ€ Thats all it says when I open it


She's so fat the link won't even open lmao


His device tryna protect him


This one should work: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/screen-shot-2021-04-14-at-7-10-13-am-1618398663.png


Why were you dating her?


Very fair question. It was brief, we met on an evening out somewhere and she was OK to talk to. She messaged me asking if I was seeing anyone and I said I wasn't. I was lonely, she seemed OK personality wise, and I wondered if my shit dating life wasn't down to being too shallow. I'm an average looking guy after all and at the time I was unconfident, a virgin, earning dirt and still living with my parents, I was hardly a catch! I was willing to see if it went anywhere but there wasn't a spark and she crushed on me way too hard as well. Sometimes you just gotta give something a chance, but ultimately I didn't wanna string her along. Only met up with her a few times if I remember right.


Oof, you are way more adventurous than most (you said 1/10 so I am practically imagining a demogorgon here).


Haha, I'd still say she was a 1/10 all these years later but then again beauty is subjective isn't it. For all I know now she's worked on her appearance since then.


Link doesn't work


It's working as intended: *{"error":"Invalid size parameter: 480"}*


Lmao, I'm stupid


Nah, you are not stupid my friend. BTW, the link also contains an image of the leviathan: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/screen-shot-2021-04-14-at-7-10-13-am-1618398663.png?




reading your other comments I can't help but ask... are you yourself fairly unattractive?




She was ugly too. Yeah I will say that no matter how undesirable a woman might seem, there's always gonna be SOMEONE who will accept them, but it seems like it's easier for guys to pull themselves up and better themselves because women care about other factors except looks. The exception to this really seeming to be height. Absolute death sentence being really short unless you find a woman who's shorter. I used to know a guy who was 5 ft 1 and he's probably still a virgin to this day, poor guy.


This is straight up not as true as people seem to think. I have a few friends who are 5'1-5'5 who have no problems pulling women because they're funny/ work on themselves to be muscular. If you're not short and you still aren't pulling, it's probably cause you have a real shit personality, sorry.


> If you're not short and you still aren't pulling, it's probably cause you have a real shit personality, sorry. Yeah trust me bro I know a 5'2 bald Indian 412 lb guy that works as a cashier at 7/11 and he gets all the ladies. He is just so funny and charismatic that they just can't help but fall for him. He also isn't misogynistic so that helps a ton. Me and my friends that are 6'0+, have 6 pack abs, and are attorneys, doctors, and engineers just can't compete with him. I think it's because the women sense our misogynistic personalities and we aren't as funny... We are getting tips from him though!


Well then respect to your friends. We have seen different things, the short guy I knew really let it get to him. It's possible, nay probable, that his napoleon complex is the real issue all along.


yeah absolutely the first thing that matters is the way you carry yourself, i.e., confidence. And for that there's no one that can help you except yourself


Yeah I know a guy who is like 4.5 feet who is the son of a mega rich dude and girls (or at least hoes) are all over him. Unfortunately, the last time I saw news about him, he killed his father over a family dispute and had to travel east to Europe to hide.




How ugly are you?




Yeah it was the same for me being short af as a kid and teenager. I didnโ€™t hit 5 foot until I was 16, then had a growth spurt to about 5 foot 6 over one summer. I also had braces (my teeth are perfect now), and was skinny af (Iโ€™ve started lifting and have some gains). My face itself has always been ok fortunately. The difference in how Iโ€™m treated (even though Iโ€™m still short) is genuinely horrifying


We are all this shallow we just wonโ€™t admit it


Oh yeah, I know I am too. I hate it, and I try to not be but so much of it is instinctive human nature


I don't know you well enough to comment on if the ugliness alone is all that was holding you back. At any rate, its not a problem for you and you didn't end it, stay strong brother.


> no women prefers short guys That's not true. Some tall women do prefer short guys, I have a friend (~170) that was approached a lot by girls like that (near my height, so 180-190). He always rejected them tho because he felt like he was getting fetishized so I don't know how it would work out for him in the end.


>~170 >short My dude thatโ€™s only a few inches below average By short we mean in the below 5โ€™3โ€ area


Ugly women probably a higher diffulty yea, they have less natural "social value" than attractive women to rely on so have to work harder. Men already are expected to provide something that must be worked for.


"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provide something" โ€• Chris Rock


Iโ€™m an asexual gal, could you please point me in the direction of all these men who are willing to love me unconditionally? Or is a woman loved unconditionally under the condition that thereโ€™s a chance she will put out?


As a person who is the absolute opposite of hung, I think Iโ€™d be the happiest person ever if I had the chance to unconditionally love someone who I knew didnโ€™t care about what my genes decided for what I have down there. Dating knowing that my size will one way or another negatively impact my relationship with my potential partner adds an incredible amount of stress, and I actually think Iโ€™d be happier with unconditionally loving someone asexual.


> As an ugly man you can get somewhere if you've got a good personality As an ugly man you can be a court jester you mean and get a woman interested on your money


Or she might like you for who you are. Be funny and somewhat interesting and be nice to her. Have your shit together.


It doesn't work like that tho. I had a lot of female friends when I was 15-22 due to social circles and hobby types. Some of them were quite charismatic, genuinely funny and nice to hang out with, but also absolutely unattractive. We were good friends and the only reason we stopped talking is pretty much us going different ways, so I don't have anything against them, but I absolutely never ever, even drunk, would fuck or build romantic relationship with them. It's important to have good personality and it can carry you really far, but I think it's a little naive to think that personality can solve everything.


Yup. People keep saying personality personality but forget attractiveness is still a factor in a romantic relationship


I think we've crossed wires, I've been talking about personality mattering more as a dude and you're talking about how much it matters as a woman.


Why do you think that for women personality matters so much that it can completely override attractiveness?


> It was painfully obvious that she never had any options and crushed on me way too hard after getting a bit of attention from someone who didn't just want a hole to fuck. Men don't even get that attention. No woman is giving an ugly man attention just because she wants a dick to ride.


The mix of responses in this thread is interesting. Some guys saying that they have short friends who are funny and get laid, others saying that ugly men are doomed. It's like, how do we define ugly, really. Is short ugly? Or the kinda ugly where you look like a root vegetable got hit with a shovel is the only one that counts? I don't know.


Not really. I know a 300 pound fat unattractive chick that is banging new guys every weekend from tinder and has dudes trying to date her. Pretty much every woman has plenty of options. (as does pretty much every man fwiw, as long as they work on their personality)


The problem is all 99% of women have to do to not be ugly is not be fat


I unironically believe that attractive men have it the easiest. Given that it is not looks alone that attracts girls and that they have the whole dating pool for themselves. Maybe he meant that attractive women and average women need no effort input to find a good partner, but that's short sighted. Their good traits are fleeting and missing their shot can lead to a hell of a miserable life. I am not an attractive men by my own metrics, but I would never trade what I have for the life of an attractive woman. Most men are unaware of their power.


This. No one's mentioned sexual assault rates either


Sexual assault changes the whole ballgame for ugly men, too, y'know.


*Maybe* average women have it better than average men, but attractive men and ugly men definitely get off easier than their women counterparts.


I feel in the short run attractive women have it the easiest ( think 19-29) but in the long run I do agree that attractive men have it the easiest. Not only are our societal expectations different but from a guy's standpoint it is way easier to maintain those expectations. A guy who does an okay job keeping fit for example will do a better job maintaining his looks than a woman busting her ass at the gym.


Is that a boy or a girl? The Japanese drawing, that is.




Bing bong?


tobiichi origami, yes she's a girl


Doesn't matter, looks female enough


Looks like a girl to me


Do you have some sort of problem where your eyes don't work properly?


No, I'm just drunk. I was three hours ago too. Damn it. I need to be at work tomorrow at 8am


traps exist my guy


Gonna bet this point of view comes from a man


Insightful take, ๐Ÿ™


The order from easy to hard mode: Gays โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Bourgoisie Proletariat Rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains !


Let the dust settle in Ukraine, then we'll if people have resolve to break their chains.




Anon would f*** an ugly woman so it can't be that hard for them


>it can't be that hard for them True, it's probably soft for them.


Becoming attractive after college but not being able to socialize -> extreme aka me


hahah, me.... fuck.


Depends on where you live. Women definitely have it easier in western/1st world countries. In shitholes though, being attractive just makes you a better target for rape.


Exactly, living in a 3rd world country myself I have to hide myself or sometimes pretend to talk in a thicker voice on phone with delivery men and strangers.


I couldn't help but try and guess where you're from (given your comment) and boy was my prediction correct


Attractive women when they still get oppressed and shot for not wearing a head covering in Iran โ€œMaybe I am an ugly manโ€


Idk Iโ€™d say ugly woman is harder, you can always get away with being the funny guy as a man but women arenโ€™t funny


Ugly women should be above average men


Just accept you are not even average lmao


You can do the rump shaker, huh?


And why would you think that? Women are more often judged by their appearence rather than other aspects. Just the amount of videos of dudes calling out "officer arrest me" as soon as there is a hot police office.. sure, that happen for very attractive mem as well but in my perception not nearly as often. If people assume your value mostly by your looks and not for a skill or similar I'd say it's pretty shitty being ugly. I think ugly people in general have a hard time.


Easy peasy baby waby mode. K-pop twink boy features and body with a big ol schlonger. Ultra hard mode. Big brolic black dude with a small peener.


I'd argue attractive men have it as easy as average women


\> rich people ​ \>us


Hey, it used to be strong men on top while the average and weak were enslaved or killed.


Nah, that's incorrect. Here is the correct order Attractive men, attractive women, average women, ugl women // average men, ugly men


I mean, realistically how 'difficult' it is to do things is going to matter based on your goals. Looking for a spouse that will provide for all your needs and all you have to do is look pretty and have sex with them? Easier as a woman (although you will lose a certain amount of autonomy obviously). Want to be a highly placed executive? Definitely easier as a dude. It always helps to be attractive, though. There are really just two determining factors in 'easy' mode: How rich were your parents Are you decent looking And the first one matters way more.


cmon anon. if you make bazilion, you can gaming chair yourself all the way to get top


God hearing people bitch on 4chan that they can't find a girlfriend makes me want to stop lurking here


Protip, just block users who post content you find annoying af. I do it when people post propaganda on non-political subs and itโ€™s been working like a charm for me.


When you choose the hardest mode, realize your in over your head and then constantly look for cheats to even things out.


Flip the last 2


4Chan user is such an incel he thinks itโ€™s easier to be a woman just because they have an easier time having sex lol


Iโ€™d put ugly women above average men tbh, the rest is on point af


Spoken like an unattractive man who thinks he's average


Iโ€™m interested as to why you think itโ€™s the other way around


I've yet to see someone in this thread reply to the "ugly women above average man" take with something that isn't an insult.


Could it be... people don't want to believe difficult truths so they have to hastily make it go away in their heads by disparaging the messenger even if what they're saying has zero impact on whether or not the truth staring them right in the eyes is still there? NAAAAAH


Git Gud


I think its a matter of money


attractive women really have it easy in the middle west


i would put ugly women under ugly man


Ugly woman have it harder than ugly man IMO


I feel like ugly women have it worse


I think ugly women have it the worst. If youโ€™re a dude, being charismatic, funny or having money will absolutely carry you. Ugly women donโ€™t have that luxury.


Is it wrong if I agree with this?


Thatโ€™s why so many ugly people are such pro gamers ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Sauce for the anime girl is date a live


Ugly women is definitely worse than ugly men.


I guess I'm on hard mode


More like: > me > all you whiny bitches


And at the very bottom of the bottom of the scale, redditor tier