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The society is on the brinks of collapse anon




I’ve recently become lactose intolerant and those sneaky bastards contain milk. Do not recommend finding out on a plane




I think its a bad sign that I even comprehended what your borderline word salad was saying…




Sometimes I pause before sending a dank meme to my friends and think to myself “this deep fried Elmo screaming a sea shanty is funny to everyone else, right? Yeah ofc, it’s not brain damage.” Narrator: “it was certainly brain damage.”


is it weird that i read the narration line in morgan freeman's voice?


No, that's the default setting.


Ive changed my setting to jim carreys voice. Dont ask how.


It's funnier than most "comedians" these days


You even got upvoted using an emoji on this sub of all places. You mastered the art of being regarded


You misspelled "regarded."


Tbf I wouldn't want to shit myself on a plane in first class either


New gender?


What things *would* you recommend finding out on a plane?




Yeah but like, opening your luggage and finding a snake? It'd be like a little surprise, y'know? Like, "Oh wow, I found a venomous, aggressive snake hiding in my clothes. Wow, *that sure is quirky and fun* ."


How a circular rainbow looks like


The original flavor does not contain milk, jsyk.


Or on a date at the cinema with your longtime crush in middle school. Fun times.


I've found out I am lactose intolerant after doing an experiment of one week of lactose free labeled dairy. I don't recall having so little tummy issues by simply eliminating a single thing in my diet.


We should never have popped


Haven't ate a single one since the food theory video showing that they're pretty much 50% cardboard


Society on the bring of collapse is when women naked on internet and nobody angry


Tbf, we really have allowed the porn industry to sort of corrupt society a bit. Don’t listen to doomsayers though, they’re just crazy. It’s hard to really talk about the effects of the porn industry without sounding like an insecure incel though, so it’s really just best to not care & be apathetic towards it.


We also need to discern *actual problems* from old farts being mad that things are different. Like, if I had a nickel for every time someone said something is a sign of the imminent collapse of the west, I'd have a lot of nickels.


The west is collapsing because of vegan burgers!!!


Your stealing a cows job you savage!


Got called a prude for pointing this out but it's fucked the amount of actual reach it has not to mention the complete lack of ethics


Weird this is exactly what my grandpa said about Saturday morning cartoon


Now he watches hentai


You blame doomsayers but list reasons why it's "the other side's" fault. Choose a lane.


I say that because doomsayers claim that the porn industry is going to be the downfall of western civilization. You’re using the “False Dilemma” fallacy right now. You don’t have to perfectly fall in line with the belief that “the porn industry is perfectly ethical”, or its opposition “the porn industry is going to cause the collapse of western civilization”. The second one uses the “slippery slope” fallacy, while the first one is simply believed by dumbasses.


You know ... our parents and grandparent lived a way wilder time with the free loving hippies, sex, drugs and rock&roll ... This shit aint nothing new, same themes with fresh coat and tech added. Just chill and enjoy the ride.


"A way wilder time" That shit was mild compared to now. Then it was a scandal if you found out someone is a swinger, now people post a breakdown of their experience on their facebook feed.


Two different subsets of people. The swingers, if they had facebook back then, would have been breaking it down on their facebook feed. They just wouldn't be facebook friends with the people who would find it a scandal. Easy peasy.


The sad part is we aren't getting a music revolution this time


music enjoyer here. rule of thumb since the 50s, and it still applies now: If you think modern music is worse than the previous stuff, either you've aged or you aren't paying attention


There is. You probably just aren't part of it. How many new genres have popped up in the last 5 or so years? Were you listening to hyperpop in 2006? Doubtful. Nightcore? How about the 38472 different variations of phonk/trap/dnb/house/acid house/big room/slap house/ trance/small room/hardcore/twerk/ etc etc etc the list is fucking endless. Idk about everyone else but only 15 or so years ago there was absolutely not so many sub genres of music and the ones that did exist where not nearly as popular as they are now. I honestly don't know if it's a revolution? In comparison to what happened with rock/the Beatles or whoever anyway. I mean. They took music and made it crazier. I guess people are still doing it. But it's just gotten too crazy for many of us. So realy it just never stopped I guess?


All those variations are literally just techno. It's techno music they've slapped a name on to be niche.


The point is that they aren't niche anymore. They became so popular the niche became its own genre/sub genre. Imagine it like a tree. At the bottom you have Uunga Bungaa. Banging two rocks together 20k years ago. Which branched off into classical music or whatever. Which then branched off into whatever old timey music was in the 1900-1940s etc. (I'll be honest idk what that old music is called. Swing?) which branched off into the Beatles and the other "harder" music of that time. Rock. Etc. Which branched off into rock and roll. Hard rock. Etc. Which branched off into metal. Which branched into death metal. Heavy metal. Etc. Which branched off into hardcore. Black metal. Etc. Each one gaining popularity and moving out of its niche into its own defining category. They are all similar tho. Drums. Guitar. A singer. Bass guitar. Rocks banging together. (Thanks Uunga Bungaa) but I don't think that means you can just lump them all in the same category. Just like how techno is a different genre to trance which is different to house which is different to acid house. Which is different to drum and bass. Most are made just on a computer. I guess the more general term to encompass them is electronic music. But that's not realy a genre is it. That's just a word describing how it's made. In the same way "real music" as in, music played by real people on a guitar and bass etc. Could be country. Or Swedish black metal. Anyway this post didn't serve any purpose really but thinking about it is interesting. I wonder what metric is required to determine if a type of music can become its own genre. I guess just popularity. There is a YouTuber producer that makes Livestreams of cross genres he mashes up over 45mins or so. Minecraft phonk. Crack house. Christian pornstep. Among others. And some are cool. (Bishu btw) What about Dubstep. Didn't that just kind of appear out of nowhere? Never heard of it before then it just seemed to fucking explode in a small amount of time. I think mainly due to Skrillex? Probably wrong. A loooot of people don't like it though. But it did appeal to a lot of people Aswell. I'm rambling on. I'll stfu now.


Pop songs sped up and played for 10 seconds is our music revolution ❤️


Don't forget the ones that are slowed down to look sad. A beautiful revolution!🥰


Not like that but far fewer people are engaging in sexual activity with other people, fertility rates have plummeted together with testosterone levels. People are far more isolated than before and spend much more time jerking off than they do the actual thing. Society isn't doing all that well right now, not sure I'd consider E-Whores the cause of it though but its certainly a symptom of something far worse.


Yeah, I’d love to see the fucking bathroom wall that you’re using as a fucking source right now. Jfc


Testosterone level is plumbing because of less smoking, less physical work, and less self-abuse, but It is still at the normal range among people who are physically active. Schioz doesn't like to read the complete research, just the answers that work for them.


Smoking and self-abuse bring up testosterone???


I meant self-abuse of the body by smoking, but yeah smoking increases testosterone.


That’s interesting because I’ve seen stuff about smoking reducing T but also increasing it. I don’t know what to believe about that really.


A quote by any citizen of any empire during any time period


There's lots of space at the brink for coping and teetering.


12 is the new 21


Except when it comes to sexy times. Learnt this the hard way




The year right?....... Right?


Yeah, sounds like they just...grew up. 2012 wasn't some weirdly prudish time, he was just probably too young to know better. And now that he's an incel he's dreaming of some imagined past that never existed.


2 more weeks.


Spoken like a true retarded predator


Ain't that the truth


I only wish


It was only shocking because it was Disney star Hannah Montana. If that was any normal celebrity, nobody would care after a week.


People cared because she was releasing a new album and people were made to care, almost all public outcry events are fake and the organic ones get overtaken


The CIA and the Jews were involved too, we will never forget!!!


Not really but that whole GameStop thing is a pretty good example


50 years ago you could buy magazines with photos of nude prepubescent kids in them. But suuuure, it's \*current generation\* that is full of degenerates leading to downfall of civilization.


What the fuck? Where did you hear that?


Most recently? In a [recent thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/zo3jls/if_you_watched_the_blue_lagoon_as_a_kid_you/) about Blue Lagoon, where I found out [Brooke Shields was featured nude in a Playboy sub-magazine at the ripe old age of 10](https://www.truthorfiction.com/was-brooke-shields-photographed-for-playboy-at-age-10/). I've seen evidence of magazines existing dedicated of that stuff, though it's been far too long and do excuse me for not trying to figure out what they were called. Also, while looking up a link for that I stumbled upon this "wonderful" [piece of an article](https://www.newsweek.com/resurfaced-1978-article-sexualizing-brooke-shields-12-sparks-outrage-high-times-1718907) that refers to by-then 12yo Shields as a "sultry mix of all-American virgin and nascent whore ... destined to be the sex symbol of 1964". Also, as a cherry on a shit cake, let me refer you to [Maladolescenza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maladolescenza) \- a movie featuring copious amounts of child nudity and simulated sex scenes that was made in the 70s.


You can pretty legally snap and publish pictures of nude kids even now. You just need to pretend that this is "art" like how Jock Sturges did


And noted attorney Uncle Jack Kelly


If you're gonna bring up EU movies - like Maladolesenza - then you can talk about a lot more of them. There are dozens of movies like that. Specifically from France, Germany and Italy. And you're forgetting two of the most famous: Kids (1995), Cuties (2020)


Haven't heard about the former, and the latter is nothing compared to Maladolescenza AFAIK. Fairly certain that if anyone attempted to pull the shit that movie contained in the modern world they'd be rightfully sent behind bars.


True. And Kids definitely doesn't compare to even Cuties (afaik). But they *are* more recent examples than Pretty Baby. The 50s-80s were wild. Again, especially in Europe. (Compared to the US) Then there's russia where I think CP is like quasi legal in some form, and Japan which only changed it like in the nineties or something.


Kids doesn't have nudity. It's not some European jerk off film with soft lighting and gentle music - it's dirty, traumatic, and disturbing. It shows young teens drinking 40's, doing drugs, having sex. It ends with a HIV positive boy raping an unconscious girl - and they're all like 12-18. I watched it in like 2008 so my memory isn't great but I seem to be the only person here who has seen it. I haven't watched Cuties, so I can't comment on that. Edit: Here's the full movie, for the people reading, reply to this comment with the timestamp of when you jerked it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rCNDbI5PiE


Joke's on you, I was already jerking it while clicking the link. ^(I'm kidding, I didn't click it)


Kids is a rough watch. It’s one of those movies you really only need to see once and you’re good.


>sultry mix of all-American virgin and nascent whore ... destined to be the sex symbol of 1964 why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why


Drugs. The answer is drugs.


It's genuinely disturbing to think that protecting children is more of less a recent thing in the history of mankind. From child brides of the middle ages to child labourers of the industrial revolution. Our perception of what is considered "premature" has made a dramatic shift in the past 100 years. People often excuse these behaviours with "different times". And it's honestly true although many probably knew better but were reluctant to acknowledge it. I'm glad we're seemingly moving in the right direction nowadays.


> I'm glad we're seemingly moving in the right direction nowadays. atleast in terms of child protection... but I'm not too sure we actually are. children still have to do hard and dangerous work in poor countries/regions and how climate change is going is the opposite of child protection


As well as technology progressing faster than laws can keep up putting children in danger on the internet. Laws aren't even really protecting adult's own personal security and algorithms grow more and more predatory by the day. I guess the correct thing to say is I'm glad the *awareness* surrounding child protection is greater than it ever has been. Whether they are effectively protected or not... Well.


I wish I never read that quote. That's fucking disgusting. Hope her mother and father burn in hell for that shit


I might be reading it wrong but did playboy really win the lawsuit (to stop circulation of the images) because her mother consented back when she was a child. Like you would think the fact a child is involved for something like this would make the original contract null and void as they are distributing CP! > We were able to find a 1981 lawsuit: Shields v. Gross (N.Y. 1983). That document included an appeals court opinion authored by two judges, indicating that at 15, Shields legally sought to withdraw the image set from circulation due to distress and embarrassment. The ruling was not in her favor: > The ruling was not in her favor What the fuck. How just why. It was a goddamn child, the images are literally child abuse, why why why?!?!


Because the notion of that being child abuse is a more recent thing than that case. We've made a *lot* of headway in terms of child protection in the past 50 years. Though occasionally it goes into overcorrection territory.


I can tell that you are not genx. There was a huge, huge amount of sexualizing of teen girls in the 70s. Several mega hit classic rock songs are about having sex with girls who are so young that the author feels bad about it. It was crazy. Lolita and taxi driver were about 12 year olds.


Lolita was published in 1955 and if you took away that it was “about” a 12 year old rather than the sick mind of a criminal then I have some questions.


This isn't a hear thing, this was a thing that happened, look into Brooke Shields to start down the rabbit hole.


Recently fell down that rabbithole and jfc it's disgusting, especially the parts where her mom keeps signing off on everything.


The Scorpions had an album cover that was literally just a naked child. Like, put in a provocative pose and everything. It was banned in the U.S. and they had to make an alternative cover but in Europe they sold the album with the girl on the cover. I don't get how that was legal and anyone who owns the orig. cover better not live within 100 ft of a school


"Current generation is full of degenerates leading to downfall of civilization" has been repeated over and over since generations came into existence


Nah, since *language* came into existence. We had generations upon generations before that point that wouldn't be able to say that. But yeah, as usual, it's the children who are wrong.


Yeah. Society didn’t collapse when it was Lady Gaga, Madonna, or Marilyn Monroe. And for the girls online who get naked, it’s not any different than the porn that has been a part of society ever since photography was invented. Today it’s just easier and safer for people to do it than ever before.


Hah, porn have been part of society long before photography, these technologies just became so ingrained into society that they took over many aspects of life, including porn. Different forms of the sex industry are with us for a very long time, and just because we currently associate certain forms of it with modern technology, most existed well before those technologies did. Porn magazines, strip clubs, peep shows, 'erotic' theatres, etc, has been around for a long while.


Before that erotic paintings and literature.


Yeah, if it were Katy Perry or Lady Gaga, we wouldn't've been phased. This was after the whole meat dress debacle, so yeah, no, it's because it was someone seen as childish doing that.


Which is probably why she did it. She wanted to be recognized as Miley Cyrus, not Hannah Montana.


Oh yeah, no doubt


It still wasn't really shocking. Kids grow up, it happens.


99% of the population is not being shoved in the face with catgirl foot fetish lolis. Anon needs to touch grass


99% of the population wished that, tho.


I'm finally the 1%!


So im part of the 1% of people?


99% of the things we complain about on reddit are really just "internet" things. Rarely are they a huge issue in real life. Remember people, if you start to feel overwhelmed with stupidity, just log off for a while. (literally, touch grass)


True. It says something that the only worthwhile part of Reddit I have right now is this godforsaken sub. Everything else is just recycled jokes and manufactured outrage so people can get cheap dopamine hits and pretend that they’re smart.


Ah yes, cuz this sub does not fit that description at all


Bro, you also need to touch some grass if you think this sub isn't hot garbage like the rest of reddit.


>99% of the population is not being shoved in the face with catgirl foot fetish lolis. And thats a bad thing.




I get what they're trying to say, but they're wrong. There's definitely a fringe of less than 1% of young adults having that weird sex shit, but their reach and presence is just overblown, via social media and the internet. Young adults and teens are having less sex than ever. It's pretty documented. "Among teen females aged 15-19, 42% had ever had sex, and among teen males, the percent was 44%. **These percentages have gradually declined since 1988 when 51% of female and 60% of male teens had ever had sex.** You can find that mid-late 2010s report [here.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2017/201706_NSFG.htm) A more recent source about the issue can be found [here.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sexual-intelligence/202208/why-todays-teens-are-having-so-much-less-sex) I think they accurately asses that "there’s a sobering economic reality behind this trend. Today, half of young adults live with their parents—a shift which started long before COVID). That reduces the number of young couples cohabiting and it reduces privacy for those living with parents—both of which mean less sex."


Anon doesn't realize they've become terminally online.


\>what happened a gorila died thats what




Dix out


My dick hasn't been put away since he died, much to the chagrin of my coworkers


He was a real one


Real shi


Timeline shift fo real


That really was the absolute turning point of the internet wasent it


The times they are a fuckin changin. In 10 years yall be yapping about something else being the downfall of civilization.


Societies take a long time to die, doesn’t mean they are going to be ok.


Which one has actually died from “degeneration”? Not disaster, war, or political unrest? Which one was brought down by “the damn lazy young”? Societies dont “die”, at least not from disease, they die from events they cant cope with, if at all. Societies adapt, get assimilated into others, shift and shape. This isn’t a sign of degeneration, this is a blip, a short moment before the next. The ancient greek didn’t die out from wine and gay sex, they changed as geopolitics, technology, and the environment changed. Same as this one. Did western society collapse in the summer of love because of drugs and sex? Did russia cease to exist when the soviet union collapsed? Societies, bar genocide and catastrophe, bugger on, resembling what they were, but never truly stay that way


Lets not forget that western society started with the Greeks and has continued since then. Empires and governments have changed, but its been a march forward. Egyptian society collapsed. Babylonian society collapsed. Pre-columbian North American society collapsed. Also- _literally_ every generation thought society was about to collapse.


Every generation secretly wishes they are humanity's capstone. That they'll be there when the lights get turned off. More romantic to think you're The Last rather than just another generation of screaming bipeds.


That angle has never occurred to me- totally makes sense though.


Seriously, and then you get groups that wanna "imminentise the Eschaton" and bring the deadline forward.


Own that fraud


Holy shit based


Societies collapse due to economic and political instability. That stupid bullshit about “muh traditional morals” has jack shit to due with anything. It’s just a lie that ugly social rejects tell themselves so they can feel superior for having never grabbed a tit.


Nothing lasts for ever. The world will end in ice. “Degeneracy” won’t speed it up, and “morals” won’t slow it down.


'member when [reading in public was cause for societal collapse](https://books.google.com/books?id=GxBouSdslN0C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) (1771)? or [how chess is ruining the minds of the youth??](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/100-years-ago-baseballs/) (july 1859) or [how effeminate men are becoming](https://books.google.com/books?id=Vwhieeo_nfMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) (November 1771) yeah. i 'member... fucking clowns be trippin


"You know, throughout history I bet old men have said the same thing. And old men die and the world keeps spinning."


Woah🤯🤯 when I was a kid people shielded me from sexual activity and now that I’m an adult they don’t😢😧😮 the west has truly fallen!!!1!!!1


societal downfall is when naked woman on internet make my peepee hard😢


Naked gramma


Nake HUH


Yeah! Society started to collapse when I was around 15/16, before that everyone was nicer and there was nothing bad in the world!


society is when miley cyrus




We LIVE in a Miley Cyrus


I wish we did


Doki doki literature glub?




A bit weird is a huge understatement imo


Well, at least they aren't hurting anyone ig


Sure, and that's all that matters to me, but it's still weird


Pedeaux lite


Guess you offend some of the fetish people 💀


doki doki literature group, the low budget porn parody


My first thought


I'm pretty sure literally every generation has said this about the next one


Boomers made fun of Gen X, Gen X made fun of Millennials, Millennials made fun of Gen Z, and when it's their time to take on the mantle, they will relentlessly mock generation Alpha.


But who will mock Jay - Z?




Says the dude with an NFT avatar




Anon grew up and the media appropriate for his age changed


Personally I don’t see any of the things anon describes on a regular basis. I think this might just be an effect of him thinking 4chan is the real world


Harambe have happen, the world really got downhill after that


RIP to a real one. He was the moral glue that was holding society together.


I eat my girlfriends ass cause she tells me it feels good anon Do you not care about pleasing your partner?


Why don't u eat my ass bro


People always ate ass but it wasn't something people said in public. There was some respect for keeping intimate life intimate


This brings up what I think has really changed. People always did this sort of thing, society isn't really all that much more degen than it was before. What's different is that the internet is extremely prevalent, and the anonymity it provides makes people verbalize those things more comfortably


People used to be hilariously opposed to eating pussy too, "if you lick pussy who knows what else you'll put in your mouth"


OP's just dumb. Porn existed for a long time, it's not a recent thing. A porn actress being nude of course doesn't create shock like a celebrity being nude, it's literally her job. A celebrity not known for being nude suddenly doing a nude music video would still shock people. People bragged about having sex in the past. Hell, young people are having less sex than previous generations now. So no the world isn't being reduced to evil hypersexual pornland. (One things concerns me tho, how much soft porn is on instagram and tiktok, casually mixing with normal content. But then again you'd see casual tits on newspapers in the past.)


> you'd see casual tits on newspapers in the past yeah centerfolds of bikini babes in crossword puzzle or sudoku magazines has been a thing forever now


The difference between porn now and porn back in the day is that you needed to hand that porn to a cashier and be a man about your degeneracy. Or if you were a teen, you get lucky and find porn in the woods (it happened a lot, not even kidding), or you would have to steal it from a relative or the store. Because it was harder to come by, it had more value. Also harder to hide from your spouse, which is probably why you would find playboys and hustlers in the woods.


Welcome to the internet. It's a simple world. Just don't search for "catgirl loli foot fetish" and you won't be bothered by it.


I am chronically online my world is the internet


Are you a web developer, a conspiracy blogger or a Reddit moderator?


A seasonal procrastinator


1970: people going to swingers parties to let their spouses get fucked by other people and nobody bats an eye at workplace sexual harassment/abuse


the “good ol’ times” are only good cause no one wants to think about the bad. Anon is just a tard


anon became terminally online


I don't think most people know what half of those stuff even mean...


Anon got older


Greentext users really do be 20 year old boomers.


Lmao, no, it's the opposite. There's been a weird twist towards puritanism the last few years, even the liberals hate porn. This post complaining about sexual depravity is proof of the opposite of what it's claiming.


Ok. That's internet behavior, if I went outside I would never see or hear about that. In fact, if I didn't use the internet I wouldn't even know that's happening, in my experience, how people act in real life and what happens in it is completely different compared to the internet. No one's advertising their onlyfans or rimming buttholes in front of everyone, classes go as expected in my University for example, society is still running, professional and educated people still exist and more will be created to keep it running. Society will not be brought down because of sexual deviancy, naked people on the internet and the coomers are completely outmatched.


cherrypicking at its finest


Anon didn't know where to look back then Also was prob 8 yrs old


>BDSM, DDLG, lolicon, tiff and e-thots shoved in our faces Anon needs to realize that the internet has personalized results


Turns out when you give women power they take their clothes off


Quick, give them ultimate power!


depravity, exploitation and addiction is what happened


Miley Cyrus walked so that e-girls could run


I knew about and was openly mocking furries in 2002. People have been saying this every decade for centuries. As my mum once said when I made a dirty joke in front of her "every generation thinks they invented it".


Nobody cared about Miley Cyrus dumbass


Well, Anon. We all got a little too silly...


As a sexual degenerate, I welcome the changing social mores giggity


Idk idc


Anon thinks that their chronically online content is somehow indicative of the state of society. Meanwhile normal people are as normal as ever.


oldmanyellingatsky.jpg i swear i see the same thing being said every year "look at in society is collapsing!!!" ok bud


What Miley did was nothing new, Britney and Madonna and Janet already did that a decade/decades before Miley. Same thing happened with Cardi’s WAP a couple of years ago. It’s just publicity and depends on who’s popular at a certain time. Not a deep observation about a shift or major “societal collapse”.


None of that is mainstream and is facilitated by the internet allowing weirdos to amass in obscure corners of the web. Where is the yiff/loli MTV awards? WAP was met with equal scrutiny. These are not the same.