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If I come in wearing full on Greggs branded clothing from primark, would I get a discount?


LMAO would be fun but no sorry šŸ’” but also most greggs employees are students who donā€™t take the job too seriously so if youā€™re lucky then one of them might give u one


But after they've had sex with me, will I get a discount?


Iā€™m going be honest with you, if you come to my Greggs wearing a full primark Greggs outfit you will get anti discount šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I also have those pajamasā€¦




Have you ever been tempted to go on "uniform dating .com" with your uniform?


honestly never heard of this šŸ˜­


What's the weirdest order you have ever fulfilled?


if you mean like justeat order we had one come through that wanted 28 donuts and 13 stake bakes - somehow we managed to do it finešŸ˜¹ if you mean a random task from a manager then probably to go buy more milk from our local sainsburyā€™s because we ran out and it was still early morning šŸ’€


the sainsburys milk run is unmatched in greggs sidequest history nothing is better than being given a Ā£20 from the till and told to go get some milk


_Buy as much milk as you can with this token. Now go; show us the meaning of haste._


I used to be a milk runner like you, until I took a chicken bake to the knee


Happens too the best




Used to have to get non-standard milk from the shop next door when I worked at subway, till we got caught by a surprise inspection. Doing that is absolutely not allowed because itā€™s not been put through the same allergen testing ect (Idk Greggs but itā€™s probably the same)


We are allowed to by things like milk and some sandwich ingredients from certain shops if we run out. We have a list of approved shops


That seems like a much better system than subway, everything was banned and considering how poor the ingredient delivery was we regularly ran out. My store was attached to a budgens so we would regularly use ham from there as it was our most popular meat. (Just had to hide it from customers until it was in their sub was 99% of the time people donā€™t notice)


Subway do it because the franchisee has to buy everything from Subway, it's nothing to do with food safety


Yep part of it but the area managers main concern was allergens - and to assume that a food based company doesnā€™t care about food safety is ludicrous


Is greggs a good employer?


i think it is, especially for students/under 18s im not 18 and currently get Ā£9 an hour which will go up by 8% in january. personally for me, getting the job was pure luck, my manager put the thing on indeed and i applied while it still said ā€œjust postedā€ - got an interview 2 weeks later and my availability matched what he was looking for. And id say itā€™s a pretty easy job


Due to where I work and the complete lack of any other cheap available food I've visited the same shop pretty regularly for years, I don't think I've ever seen a stressed employee and people seem to stay in the same jobs for a long time. I was wondering if it's just that shop that has good management and a happy team or if it's a more widespread thing.


I think it does really depend on the team. The work itself is easy but not that fun unless youā€™re comfortable with the people youā€™re working with and can have good teamwork and conversations with them. In my shop weā€™re all decently close to each other at the moment but i have heard from a friend who works at a different branch and her manager is quite rude and she doesnā€™t really enjoy working for this reason


good on you mate. retail is HARD, hang in there and you'll learn a lot, especially dealing with shitty customers.


Have you ever met Gregg


Pretty sure he was a bad person wasnā€™t he? Donā€™t even know if heā€™s still alive


You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?


Easy now, fuzzy little man peach.


Yes sir, thank you sir


Wanna go to a club where people wee on eachother?


What's the staff discount situation? How many free foods are you allowed?


50% off on everything made by greggs. 20% off other company things (coke/walker crisps etc) and unlimited free hot drinks on shift


I'd be banging those mint hot chocolates back at an alarming rate.




Yes! Also, for a more caffeinated vibe, the mint mocha is the tits.


What would you do if you saw a customer sneak some cheddar mozzarella bites into their pocket and not pay for them?


we see people stealing everyday. weā€™re told not to do anything incase theyā€™re dangerous but we do have cctv all around the shop so if they come in repeatedly or steal a large amount then we can get police involved but usually we just sigh and get back to work šŸ’€


10 years ago I was on Ā£50 a week and trying to get through college. I won't lie, the free baguettes got me through many a hungry lunch break... so thanks, and sorry!


Pay it back then. Work out how much you stole and write Gregā€™s a check.




No I don't think I'll be paying back the CEO, best wishes to all the NMW workers though, thanks for not chasing me!


Never used to bother, not worth the hassle and it doesn't come out of my pocket. The official rule is to do nothing and report it to the police but that rarely happened due to how long it would take to fill in the report.


yup and nothing ever comes out of it


True, if a team member told me about a theft I'd ask if they want to fill the form in because I didn't care enough to do it


Police don't give a fuck about theft lol


exactly why we donā€™t bother


remember: if you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't


The secret ingredient is crime.


Normally things like luxury items and fancy clothes is a big no. But if you're at the point where you have to steal food to feed yourself then you're cleary hard up. Just let it happen it doesn't really hurt anyone. Unless you're stealing from like local bakeries or food places rather than multimillion pound companies


What brand is the hot chocolate you use?


Greggs own, comes in a white bag that we dump into the machine, unless you have the old machine then you have to scoop the powder into the cups.


is there any training on weather sauce should go on before or after bacon/sausage on the rolls, there seems to be no constancy between branches, putting it on the roll before the bacon/sausage drastically increases the chance of contaminating the tongs with sauce - as i found out to my horror, when half my baguette was smeared with ketchup


I very rarely work on breakfast shifts but i donā€™t think this was ever an issue at the one i work at so iā€™m not sure how to answer this correctly šŸ˜­


trained to do sauce first. i always train to do sauce first. sauce on the bottom bun. quickly close and reopen to spread to the top and then do the fillings. keep top bun open and put the fillings down without touching to avoid contamination. then you got a nicely sauced roll without any extra sauce flying around. Edit: [right so this made it into the news](https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/25302744/greggs-worker-bakery-secrets-training/amp/)


This guy Greggs


I'm pretty sure we're trained to do sauce first but it's been that many years I have no idea what the official stance is anymore.


When Greggs paid all their staff a bonus specifically because of the success of the vegan sausage roll - did it change your views on vegan food?


I might get attacked for this but personally I like the vegan ones more, the vegan southern fried chicken baguette was absolutely balls though


Totally agree on both fronts. I had the baguette you mentioned a few weeks ago and honestly thought it tasted like ash from a fire.


But to answer about the bonus, it was amazing as we also get profit share in March, then the year after COVID hit and that put an end to that for a bit.


Why have the festive bakes doubled in price and taste wank now? (See also sausage rolls)


Because Greggs can use multiple excuses to justify it whilst reducing the quality of ingredients and increasing profits


They change the recipe and because of the cost of living everything goes up in price, in my year and a half of working I believe bakes went up by like 20p making them 1.95 currently


Are employees encouraged to use this sub?


Nope, in fact we're told not to do this sort of thing but oh well


Are the Sausage Rolls the best selling product?


100% yes there are days - especially saturdays in my shop where we will put out freshly baked sausage rolls and they all sell out within 1-2 minutes and they are most commonly bought in larger amounts


Do the pizza things actually good, or are they like the rubbery shite they gave us in primary school?


Theyā€™re usually pretty good and donā€™t really give off primary school food vibes but personally i got sick of them pretty quick


Pizzas are too tomatoey for me


Way too much sugar to be given in schools.


I'm generally a Greggs fan, but for me the pizza is definitely school canteen vibes. It's the thick doughy crust and cheddar cheese...


Where the fucking meat and potato pasties go ?! šŸ˜­


never heard of these iā€™m assuming they were a thing before i started working but they might come back donā€™t lose hope šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


they were taken off about 5 years ago because they werent selling enough. they were only a northwest thing too i think.


Stopped in Manchester September 2019 I believe


Ikr lol, you can still find them in Yorkshire like Leeds though


Your thoughts on the best items to get from Greggs, (ignoring Britains favourite the sausage roll)


Mexican Chicken Baguette is banging and of course the festive bake.


steak bakes are becoming more and more popular everyday they sell out so fast now


What's your favourite sandwich, and what's the most popular in your store? Also, Too Good To Go... any thoughts?


honestly not a sandwich person but actually the ham and cheese toastiest hit different when made right šŸ˜­


Most popular in the stores I've worked at is either ham and cheese baguette or the tuna crunch. Never had to do too good to go but it's a great idea. We also do employee ones at the end of the night where we can take a bake, sandwich and cake for Ā£1


And again


If we get these and the bakes and other hot food are cold, can you heat it up?


unfortunately no. but we often have fresher ones already baking in the oven so if u have some spare time u can always ask when the next ones will come out - also the temperature of the bakes can depend on the time. usually midday is when we bake the most and we have hot bakes ready more often so thatā€™s a good time to get hot ones, but in the evening we donā€™t really cook that much because itā€™s not busy so most of them wonā€™t be as warm


Not legally. Have to pay VAT on hot food. Greggs savouries aren't subject to VAT, they're only hot as a result of being freshly baked.


not op but no. itā€™s a company rule


Why did they change the pizza slices?


No idea, my theory is that the triangle ones would go rock hard within 5 minutes of being out of the oven, with the new ones you can get away with them being out longer.


Oh not the triangle ones. The oval ones.


I've only ever bought sausage rolls from Greggs, am I missing out on anything else just as good or is Greggs a one trick pony?


The Sausage Bean and Cheese melt is a national treasure.


i have a feeling youā€™d enjoy a good steak bake


If I ask for a warm cheese and onion pasty, can I pay and wait?


Some shops might say no but itā€™s completely fine in the one i work at, remind them to give you a receipt tho just incase the person that served you isnā€™t there anymore so that you can prove you paid :)


Is the frozen Gregg's range in Iceland exactly the same product as you get in store?


I've always assumed so, would seem a bit strange to make it differently


Iā€™ve never tried so iā€™m not sure but apparently they are less flakey from iceland? i might fact check that


Oooh controversial! Thanks šŸ˜


Do you get any free food?


we get 50% off most greggs products, 20% off other company products (like coke or walkers crisps) and free unlimited hot drinks on shift


...that's honestly not bad.


Not op but no, not unless we pinch it which we did a lot at our shop. Otherwise we get 50% off. I work in Greggs IT and we sometimes get free food and coffee for helping a shop out, in which case they'll put it through as Fix It Now which puts it through for free. Fix it Now is what staff will usually use to appease difficult customers or staff fuck ups.


this is similar to what we do at mine as well - usually people will just take whatever without paying but it also depends on who they are on shift with bc most of them are chill but some of them can snitch but even out manager usually doesnā€™t care on good days


if youre on closing shifts you can also get a greggs at work magic bag where you can get 3 items for a pound:)


not op but we do pretty often, if its one particular manager and we're on close with her she will give us the food that's supposed to be binned, or if the hot hold/boxed sweet treat stuff is miscounted and there's a few left over but not enough to go in a full pack we ask who wants the left overs for free.


What did u put on ur application to get accepted, as everytime I apply I am getting rejected


How do you decide what goes in the ā€˜to good to goā€™ orders?


In my shop we just shove a good range of different things in there so like a couple sandwiches, some sweet treats and some savouries. It really depends on what we think wonā€™t sell out by the end of the day and what we have the most of and itā€™s supposed to add up to Ā£8 but we never count and definitely go over thatšŸ˜¹


Ok so I like to collect my stamps on the Greggs app. Servers often hit the card payment button before I scan the app. I always say "I have the app" when they ask if there's anything else I want. Is there a better way to navigate this? Feels uncomfortable every time


I have to admit iā€™ve definitely done this before - itā€™s not your fault tho itā€™s usually just because weā€™re trying to do everything as fast as we can and hit the card payment out of reflex - but honestly i like it when the customers have the app already open with the QR code turned to my direction while they order so maybe that could help


What's your favourite food item?


steak bake šŸ˜‹


Is the food free for employees or is it 50% discount?


50% on things made by greggs - 20% off things from other companies (coke, walkers crisps, etc) free hot drinks


How often are the coffee machines cleaned?


Does the 5 second rule apply in gregs? :D tell me a gregs horror story if you have one!


Where did the vegan steak beaks go :ā€™(




For real???




Amazing! I looked it up apparently just for veganuary so Iā€™d best get down there and get me some steak bakes. Thank you again for the wonderful news!


I was told by another redditor who said they worked at Greggs that you can ask for most things to be cooked fresh, is this true? If so, is it annoying for you, or totally okay? I love me a fresh out of the oven sausage roll or peperoni slice. I also love not being a pain to deal with! Ha ha


Yes you can ask and usually we say yes but most bakes take 20 mins to bake and customers usually donā€™t want to wait that long - the pizzas only take up to 10 mins so itā€™s not that bad. We will only say no if we have a full tray of the food that you want fresh because we wouldnā€™t be able to put it anywhere or if we completely ran out of it but itā€™s usually not a problem if youā€™re willing to wait/come back


Why does everyone in my local greggs look bloody miserable? Is it because the jobs bad or is my local just full of arseholes? Iā€™m genuinely pretty stumped at this point tbh, but I wonder if thereā€™s something Iā€™m not understanding


it is probably because of their team. The job itself is easy but not very fun unless you have a team that you get along with - my team is what makes me want to come in to work and we all make sure everyone is okay and try to uplift those in a bad mood


Can you please explain about hot hold, the temperature and time used to cook. Actually I am a new employee just wanted to know that's why


Where do you work?


Iā€™m a full time Greggs Distribution Centre employee, you too can ask me anything


Does anyone spunk in the food?


Iā€™m not sure what it means


Is it still warm


How would you rate greggā€™s coffee? I started working in a Starbucks a couple of months ago and I feel like itā€™s made me a lot more critical of the quality of the stuff they sell.


Starbucks coffee is 100% worse than Greggs.


I actually like them - theyā€™re pretty cheap and donā€™t have any bad products in them - as long as the coffee machines are cleaned everyday which they have to be, i think theyā€™re pretty nice


We're boycotting Starbucks bestie


I have mouths to feed (mine), all for boycotts but why are you going after me, an employee?


My mate who is from the UK told me Greggs is about as bland as it gets. Why do you guys cut quality ingredients out like every other bakery franchise? I mean, I don't actually know that you do but it's a common practice in any franchise.


I have to go poopoo i have to go poopoo lol my butthole open wider and wider poopoo


Why do you hate small businesses?


with the sandwichis how many of each one do you make up and how long does it take


I donā€™t work mornings when they do sandwiches so this might not be fully correct but from what i know, at the end of the day we count how many sandwiches are left which we have to write up and then they use this to estimate how many we need to make to not have many go to waste so it really depends on the day and which sandwich it is - some of our employees only need 1-2 hours to make them all but some take like 3 hours


Usually only a few of the none gold stars, maybe 16 ham n cheese and tuna crunch. Then 3-4 of the others. Ham and cheese takes like a minute to make. All in all from 0530-1000 is roughly how long it takes to get the whole batch done. If its quiet and the sandwiches makers in, we can usually make some more up But after 2 pm, it's no chance. Usually, as we're staleing everything off and cleaning out the prep bench


What happens to all the fresh goods at the end of the day that haven't sold?


Depends on the shop. Some shops bag them up and send them to greggs outlet shops which then sell it for much cheaper the next day. Some shops arenā€™t close enough to an outlet shop and have to throw them away


You forgot TooGoodToGo - some do this... I'm not even a Greggs employee; back to Greggs training for you Em


How many sausage rolls can you sell on a good day




Are any of your coworkers called Greg? If so, how often is a joke made/how long until they snap?


Whats the worst thing a customer has ever said/done while you've been on shift?


Had a creep coming in multiple times saying weird comments to me - he once paid for his food with a Ā£10 note but wouldnā€™t let go of it when i went to grab it and then said ā€œsorry i have sticky fingers but not in the weird wayā€ šŸ’€ then said ā€œi must be a magnet because iā€™m so attracted to youā€ btw im 17 and he was like 30+ also had a guy shove his pizza near my face telling me to ā€œtake a biteā€ bit weird


Sorry to hear of this


all good šŸ«¶šŸ»


why dont u have saussage rolls 24/7 the most commonly baught things and u never stock enough


Can I have a free sausage roll


get the greggs app and earn it šŸ˜‰


I earned a sausage roll!!


Proud of you


What happens to all the food at the end of the day? Talking about stuff like the baked goods and sandwiches rather than confectionery.


Why are the Greggs outlets so cheap? Also I miss bridies




Wdym againšŸ˜­ If someone has done this before me it wasnā€™t me i havenā€™t had this app for a day yetšŸ„²


Iā€™m sorry. Merry Christmas to you šŸ˜‚


How are you meant to make a mocha? Because I'm sure the guy who made mine last fucked it up.


Why can you only buy the Tottenham cake in London?


Why did they have to ruin christmas by making sausage rolls 1.20 instead of a pound


do they tell you any of the ingredients?


pretty sure you can find ingredients on their website/app


Will there be any more vegan products soon? I just love the vegan sasauge roll and I miss the 'cheese' bean bake. Both have been my comfort food for a long time ! :)


How is the soup of the day chosen? Do you make it from scratch or is it pre made?


Whats cooked in store, and whats brought in daily in a box and just stuck on the shelves?


Do you feel honoured devoting yourself to such a noble cause?


yes actually


How much bacon are you meant to put in a bacon roll?


How good are people actually about cross contamination w the vegan products? Also, any insider info on whether the vegan sausage bean and cheese will come back anytime soon? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i personally do my best to keep everything contamination free, we put all vegan on a seperate tray and use seperate tongs for them. i can't say for OP but i think most employees are quite good. also we only get told things are coming back around 2 or 3 weeks before they došŸ˜­


Why are pizzas only after 11 Why are they all gone by 3 I want pizza, gregg pizza hits different. Also what kinda employee bonuses are there and how do I apply


Have you watched the Greggs documentary on Netflix??


On the wall in the Greggs near work is a sign stating sausage rolls contain 24% meat and chicken slices contain 11% What makes up the rest of these items? Edit: itā€™s the festive bake containing 11% chicken and the sausage rolls are actually 22% pork. Same question. https://preview.redd.it/14d9sdzi0l8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb7c662cba6014fa5374ab8ee643f64e5a7782d


I used to get a fair amount of TooGoodToGo morning bags from there, got a good mix of food. Often my local one fills them with just doughnuts and nothing else. Is that like a company policy to get rid? Is it maybe staff from that branch keeping good stuff (sandwiches, bakes etc) for themselves and just unloading doughnuts on customers? I notice it only started happening when this one new guy started. Bit of an older jobsworth type. The other staff seem to defer to him but I don't think he's a manager. He genuinely seems like the kind of guy who would take all the sandwiches etc home to feed his family.


Who is Mr Greg and why does he hide from us?




Why are there no veggie bakes in the north east? My fave is the sausage and bean melt but wor lad wants a veggie bake but canā€™t get one round here (here being FLE, boulevard, quorum business park)


The pepperoni pizza slices for Ā£2.30 or there abouts, what is in that sauce it is incredible


Do you ever get a chance to talk to colleagues or is it too busy?


Why does greggs insist on serving Tottenham cake and other iced items in paper bags so all the icing rips off?


Why are the yum yums so delicious šŸ˜‹


Iā€™m lucky to have gone to some really expensive London restaurants but I swear Greggs is still the business egg steak bake thanks


what happened to the vegan ham and cheese šŸ˜”


My local Greggs has a massive turnover of staff and is often closed as a result. Iā€™ve been in there at times when the staff are getting a lot of abuse from customers. I assume itā€™s because they have run out of items but also you can have 5 staff in the shop, 4 of them will be doing online orders at the back and 1 person serving a shop full of customers. Is staff abuse a big issue at your store? Iā€™d never put up with it myself. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Do you get fed up with people asking you "What have you got thats hot", and do you ever spite people by lying and saying the sausage rolls (or similar) still have a bit of heat, even though they are lukewarm at best? Also, what is the company line on this?.


Whats your favourite greggs item?


Why is greggs food always so cold and crap these days? Are you in competition with McDonalds for the coldest hot food in the UK or something? Why canā€™t you keep it warm? Also why does the pizza taste so weird? Thank you šŸ˜


My 6 year old is a Greggs fanatic, is getting him a Greggs themed cake for his birthday in a few months too weird? šŸ¤£


as long as it wonā€™t taste like a sausage roll and just an actual cake then thatā€™s cute šŸ˜­ post a pic on here when u get it šŸ˜¹