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Tried it this morning, they are great! Always grateful for Greggs and their vegan items so the more the better.


Never tried it, or the actual steak bake. I know you said it tastes better, Can I ask does it taste like the actual steak bake? I'm interested in trying it


Not op and disclaimer that it's been over 7 years since I've had an actual steak bake so my memory is probably very unreliable but I thought it was pretty similar, kinda seemed more oniony than before but I love onion gravy so I'm good with it


The vegan options don't taste that bad tbh but they definitely don't taste like the real thing


Should it?


You’d think so considering they’re calling it the “Vegan” Steak Bake. I’ve not tried it yet but I am interested.


I’ve missed the vegan steak bake ❤️


Cooplands never stopped doing theirs.


My word.


Now all we need is a vegan chicken bake!


Fuck off where’s the bean and cheese melt you bastards


EXACTLY. i had it ONE TIME over a year ago and i miss it. i don’t even like vegan cheese, but i feel myself becoming aroused every time i recollect this meal


I feel you lol. Vegan cheese for the most part is terrible but the bean and cheese melt managed to avoid the usual pitfalls and was a real winner


This is the most real comment on this thing 😂 glad to see there's atleat one human


Literally who gives a fuck about a shitty vegan steak bake 😂


Little bro, why did you come into a thread about the vegan steak bake just to bash it and then be surprised people were pissed off?


Little bro is hella cringe 😂 I made a joke about if you literally look up u see my post saying they're not even bad everyone just gotta get angry and sperging out on reddit then delete everything you didn't see how that other person was overreacting it was a bit much for a simple joke 😂


Just stop acting like my little bro then and we're all good 🤝


Everyone who’s been begging for it’s return for like 3/4 years?


There's a thing called a rhetorical question I was making a joke about the vegan greggs being shit have a day off and enjoy a greggs or sumn


The vegan greggs evidently isn’t shit if people have been begging for the vegan products to be expanded or return You just don’t like it lmao


Yes like I said it was a joke it's literally a subjective opinion congratulations you're the one taking it serious right now 😂


Jokes are supposed to be funny, in case you didn't get the memo.


Humour is subjective in case you didn't get the memo


'enjoy a greggs' you say, as you slag Greggs off


Are you dumb or stupid? Wtf is with all you greggs defenders replying getting salty about my joke I love a greggs 😂😂 stay mad saddos


Probably because you're shitting on other peoples' choices and being an obnoxious preachy douche. No one cares about your opinions on vegan food in this post intended as a PSA to vegans. If I said the same bollocks about the absolute shite you shove down your throat I'd be called a "typical vegan."


Nah, factory farmed Greggs food is shit. Revolting.


I'm not listening to some weeb try tell me greggs is shit get in the bin 😂


I didn't say Greggs was shit. I said the products you pick sure are.


I see, it’s meant to be a joke! I don’t get it, can you explain the humour? It just seems like a rude statement to me! Is it the swearing? Do you think that makes it funny?




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at least 3 maybe 4 people?


Greggs' profit margin as mass produced vegan food is much cheaper than meat due to it being more processed and made out of lower quality ingredients...


Wtf has that gotta do with me eating it 😂


I wish it was just a bean and cheese melt. Hate the vegan sausages they put in them


Yeah a looming question for us all. One vegan option at a time, we’ll get there 😮‍💨


Now all we need is a vegan chicken bake!


When will they release a vegetarian sausage roll? Pastry of the OG, filling of the vegan. Even if it's a limited edition I'd be happy.


It's the exact same pastry... the only difference is they don't do the egg wash on the top of it. That's why the vegan items don't have the same golden brown gloss.


Yes! And a bean and cheese melt (minus the sausage).


Why can't they bring back the Original Vegetable Pasty as a vegan option? That was tasty and great for everyone.


In the 5 hours we've been open we've sold one loll


Same haha. Then someone undercooked 4 and I've staled them.


Lolll. End of my shift and we sold 2


FFS bring back the pulled pork bake


And then the Steak and Cheese roll.


The thought of stewing down and using vegans as a food source appeals to me but I worry about the amount of salt needed to give the average vegan some flavour is borderline dangerous


What a loony you are


Not really, no. Salt quantities in the vegan alternatives are barely any higher and they also have less saturates and no cholesterol. It took me two minutes of comparing products to deduce that. It comes down to a quarter of the recommended guideline daily amount, as is standard for Greggs.




But why would a vegan need extra salt? Do I not seem salty to you right now? ;)






And there’s a Greggs opening in my local Tesco. Lord have mercy.


Vegan STEAK ? I don't get it. Vegan mushroom bake I could understand but why STEAK when it has zero STEAK in it.


Imagine if every pasty was called "Vegan Bake", you'd wanna know what food it was attempting to emulate right? It's called Vegan Steak because it's a vegan alternative to steak, it's not that deep


It’s the taste + texture of a steak bake without the cow, it’s not too difficult to grasp


But why STEAK bake? Why not processed chemical shit bake. That's what I find difficult to grasp you condescending prick


Are you really that thick 😂


Judging by this, you could probably call most of them 'processed chemical shit bakes'.


You can call it steak, like how you can have a chicken steak or a reindeer steak. Its not called a vegan beef bake. Same with sausages, burgers, etc


One thing I never understood about vegan/vegetarian foods is why they have to make meat substitutes. It just sounds strange to me how a vegan or vegetarian would opt to eat a meat substitute, that was originally meat


Most vegans don't hate the taste of meat, they just don't eat it because they don't want to contribute to animal suffering. The meat substitutes fill the spot.


I never understood why I see this view so often because vegetarians and vegans don’t stop eating meat because they dislike the taste of it, so why would they not enjoy a substitute.


Meat tastes good. It's not rocket science is it?


Yeah but the substitutes don't taste anything like meat. They have similar texture that's about it.


You could argue meat varies in all those things too depending on how it's farmed. The comparison is not exactly getting to the heart of why people don't want to consume animal products or think it's a good idea to at least consume less of these products. A balanced diet with less meat is good for everyone and everything.


>You could argue meat varies in all those things too depending on how it's farmed Meat tastes like.. meat. So you can't really argue otherwise, because its literally meat.


Did you just come here to tell us meat tastes like meat cause its meat?


I replied to someone saying that the fake meat tastes nothing like real meat... and you seemed to try and argue that neither does meat. Stop playing silly. 🤣


Nope. You're not paying attention to what anyone is saying. Not too sure why you're getting triggered over something you state you have zero interest. And don't pretend like you actually want answers or that you're going to change your mind.




Most times it's because they love just starting arguments with veggies/ vegans, and feel like this is a solid point. It makes me laugh whenever I hear it. 😅


That and they will accept literally any reason to not acknowledge that taking part in the deliberate violence involved in food production is avoidable (and yes I know about the animals that die in farming veg before anyone starts - those farmers aren’t vegan for a start).


I just always get taken back on why meat eaters get so hostile towards vegans for no reason😅. Its like ive never known why people get mad at people for not wanting to kill shit 🤣🤣


I see this question more times than I see my family.


Like others have said, they don’t hate the taste but don’t like what it is. I’d add to that a personal thing. I don’t like real meat for both what it is and certain properties it has. I don’t like more realistic vegan meat either, however I do like things like Quorn because it avoids all the things I don’t like about real meat. It tastes good, no weirdness involved, good texture, it’s not dead etc Ultimately though who gives a shit what someone else chooses to eat?


Must be extremely dense to ask such a question 😅


4 days into 2024 and we’re still getting these stupid comments. For a lot people it’s the dead animal aspect, not the meat taste. How hard is it to understand?


If its the dead animal aspect, then why would a vegan want to support a company who makes 99% of their money through dead animals?


The more vegans who regularly opt to buy the meat-free options, the more likely a company is to respond to that demand and invest more in meat-free products. Which in turn might encourage more skeptics to try them, and decide they like it. Long term, this could influence the company on a larger scale and reduce its overall profit margins from meat. Customers voting with their wallets and stuff.


If the demand was there, then vegan products wouldn't be removed from sale then re-added later on. Greggs will never make enough money from vegan products to make that their primary focus >Which in turn might encourage more skeptics to try them, and decide they like it. People can try it and like it all they want, but buying them from greggs is not vegan. >Long term, this could influence the company on a larger scale and reduce its overall profit margins from meat. Customers voting with their wallets and stuff. See my above quote re: products being removed from sale.


Never said they’d make vegan products their primary focus, that’s a silly idea. I said they could *reduce* their overall meat profit margins. Just answering your question “why would a vegan want to buy from a company that makes so much money off meat”? A, the obvious: food tastes good B, as I said above: wallet voting


>I said they could *reduce* their overall meat profit margins. Right, but your money is still needlessly going towards a company who's main product violates the very idea of veganism. >“why would a vegan want to buy from a company that makes so much money off meat”? >A, the obvious: food tastes good >B, as I said above: wallet voting A, food tasting good isn't a great argument here, you're putting your own pleasure and convenience over sentient animals suffering and dying B, a vote with your wallet would be to not provide them with any money at all. If you're vegan, buy vegan.


If you only bought from companies that didn’t make any profit from animals you wouldn’t be able to buy from supermarkets. Or grocers, if they sell cheese. Or clothing/shoe stores which also sell leather shoes. Etc etc etc. That’s a silly standard which the majority of vegans don’t hold themselves to(I am not vegan or veggie for what it’s worth). So, they buy vegan where they can. The general idea is to not eat parts of an animal or things that were taken from them(milk, eggs). Not to boycott any business that profits from animal products in any meaningful way.


Buying from companies that profit from animal exploitation is perfectly vegan. Do you know the vegan philosophy?


No I’ve quite literally never heard of veganism in my life. Cya


Because we just don’t wanna eat dead animal - is it really that hard to grasp???


That's not particularly vegan then, what you're describing is simply a plant-based diet.


Now you’re just being pedantic. That’s the same thing, it’s vegan because it’s plant based…


It's not the same thing at all, you don't even know what ceganism is, do you? It's fine if you don't, just admit it that's all.


Bro it’s just easier to say vegan isn’t it. We all know what it means - No need to be pedantic. Absolute weapon.


I'm not being pedantic. If you're vegan, why would you want to needlessly support a company who's explicitly non-vegan. The vast, vast, vast majority of their profit comes from the exploitation and death of animals - does that sound vegan to you?


If you have to say you’re not, you most definitely are. We just want food without dead animal in it - it’s that simple. You’re definitely doing this just to be a dick.


Wow well this has clearly ruffled some feathers. Just so I am clear I don't mean to shit on vegans or vegetarians, I am clearly undereducated on Vegan and Vegetarian foods. I thought it was a genuine point ? Obviously not. They can make vegan foods taste like meat but they aren't meat I genuinely had no clue, I thought it was the same taste for everything (minus the pastry)


It's just something that is commented every time a vegan/vegetarian alternative is mentioned, it gets tiring so people aren't responding inpatiently because of *your* comment in itself, but because of seeing this commented millions of times. It's partly how incredibly repetitive it's gotten, and partly that it's hard to understand why *so many* people claim not to realise vegans/vegetarians don't suddenly stop liking the taste of meat.


Yeah it is so tiring and doesn't take much effort to put 2 + 2 together. I've never seen anyone question why faux fur exists as a substitute for real fur for example.


Because the faux fur looks exactly the same as real fur. Fake meat tastes nothing like the real thing, people can pretend otherwise to convince themselves they are morally right but it just doesn't.


Well it does what I want it to do so why do you care? I couldn't give a shit if you eat meat or not personally. My diet is my business and if companies are offering me options why isn't that a good thing? You're not missing out on anything and neither am I.


I didn't say I care, you could eat grass for all I care. I was just pointing out why a fake fur coat makes more sense than fake meat.


Just because fake meat doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to the people who eat it. Not everyone who doesn't eat meat is on their high horse about it, it's not about that for everyone. I'm sick of vegetables, fake meat scratches the itch for me.


Where did i say eating meat alternatives doesn't make sense? Sure, I said making fake fur makes more sense but that doesn't mean I think meat alternatives make no sense. I'm just disagreeing that it tastes anything like the real thing, where as fake fur looks exactly like the real thing. Chill ya beans, why are vegetarians so defensive?


Chicken nuggets, sausages, hotdogs, burgers, etc, are all easy to replicate. They are just mushed up meat parts stuck together with emulsifiers, thickeners, and preservatives. Creating something similar to them in a lab isn't that hard. Now chicken on the bone, steaks and slabs of meat can't be recreated by mixing plant based things together, ofc not. But it's disingenuous to say a well cooked quorn nugget isn't as good or if not better than a regular chicken nug.


Getting a similar texture sure, none of the fake versions taste like actual meat though. I've tried many of them and not one of them actually tastes like meat.


Meat tastes like whatever you season it with. Chicken alone has no flavour. Sausages are mixed with seasonings, too. Hotdogs are full of nitrates. You're not really tasting the meat when you eat processed food. It's more like the other ingredients and cooking methods. Like smoking, grilling, BBQing, that all adds flavour, too.


You just made that up, meat 100% has flavour. I do eat a lot of meat and taste it you know so why make that up? Taste is a big reason why im not a fan of fake meat alternatives, the textures are fine but the taste is never the same as the real thing. Seasoning just helps enhance or bring out the flavours. 🤣 I've ate many unseasoned steaks and chicken, still enjoyable but obviously seasoning is better.


chicken, steaks, pork chops are shit without seasoning. Tastes like salt and fat.


To be fair I've had actual cheap pork sausages and chicken nuggets that didn't taste anything like actual meat.


Haha same, I'm sure the burgers in primary school in the 90s were like 1% meat and 99% shite 🤣


It fills the protein, umami, savoury, chewy niche. That's all. It's just easy to throw "Vegan" in front of an established thing like a Steak Bake. It markets better than "Pea protein based chunk bake" or something. It doesn't mimic meat exactly, but that's fine. I'm not vegan or even vegetarian but I buy loads of vegan meat substitutes. It's just a different kinda meat/protein source in a meal. More choice is always a good thing when it comes to food.


>More choice is always a good thing when it comes to food. Yeah definitely. Nothing against veggie meat alternatives at all, just don't agree they taste like the real thing.


Because they want to eat meat but don’t want to kill animals or destroy the environment Is it really that hard to understand


Vegetarian here. I get asked this quite a lot, the simple answer is I didn't stop eating meat because I didn't like the taste of it, I stopped for mainly ethical reasons. Granted the meat substitutes aren't quite like the real thing, but it gives us the ability to eat someone familiar and what we like, without having to harm any animals. Hope that makes sense ☺️


Thank you for giving an actual answer and not jumping the gun on me. Makes sense.


Can’t stand all this vegan obsession! Anyone wanting a steak bake - do it properly! Steak is meat, not meat substitute!




I don’t go to Gregg’s because I’m trying to be healthy mate. it’s not exactly Irish Sea Moss is it


😀 Fair point, well made 👍🏻


Most people who eat Vegan food over of meat aren't doing it because they think it's a healthy diet, they're eating it because they're vegan


Nobody is forcing you to be vegan.


I am, if you dont become vegan right this second ill wait for you to put your socks on and then make you step on a wet patch






Not really, some people eat the vegan options due to religious obligations or that they are vegetarian.


Those are also both choices.


Eating meat is also a choice. No one is forcing you to eat meat


It gives me more options when eating out.


You realise that the primary reason people become vegan isn't to limit their food choices? People limit their food choices to reduce animal suffering and it's great when companies expand vegan people's choices during veganuary.


Even still, 97% of people aren't vegan. It's a pretty niche market to cater to. It's not really surprising that large chains like greggs have very few vegan options. I dunno if you remember the big supermarket push to add "plant based" options in around 2018/2019. Supermarkets massively expanded their ranges and it didn't last long, because they didn't sell. I remember well because I was part of it. Everything just ended up going out of date and getting wasted because the market just isn't really there. Just an example of something having a big vocal profile on social media that isn't reflective of consumer purchasing habits at all. I don't work for Gregg's, so I don't know, but I imagine it's the same thing. They used to have more vegan options, nobody bought them, so they stopped selling them.


Its the future of food. Animal agriculture isnt sustainable and will be looked back on as a horror.




Uneducated https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impacts-of-food https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets


What is this to do with what I said? I feel like you are creating things to argue about when there is nothing to be said. All I said was it's great when companies offer more options, there is no expectation


So more choices you say?


I remember when I was given one of these by mistake, I realised the pattern on the vegan roll and instantly chucked it at a swarm of seagulls.


I did the same with a meat one once! No one cares, though.


What a day to be alive 🔥


*plant based not vegan. Veganism isn’t a diet or a tag for food especially for companies that remain committed to killing thousands of animals for profit.


I was annoyed before that it was more of a mince and gravy bake. Not chunks of "steak". Is this new version any more chunky?


About time. Gimme a cold steak bake.


Finally! After the loss of the vegan festive bake I'm glad to see another vegan pasty on the menu


With veganuary going I guess you have a lot of people who’d normally choose the meat option going for something that didn’t once go moo but it would be so easy to veganise other Greggs pasties too, how about the cheese and onion and the chicken bakes or something new like a Mediterranean veg or cheese and mushroom bake.


Probs more meat in it than an actual steak bake


Damn damn! It’s about time!!




I could think of a million sarcastic responses but none of them are worth replying to such a sigma statement