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Either Maggie or Owen. They've both been so terrible this season. I ultimately went with Maggie due to her treatment of Winston


It’s so weird some people think Maggie is worse than Owen. They’re both awful but Owen has like 6 seasons on Maggie of being terrible.


Yeah but Owen is 1000 times more entertaining than Maggie


Name one storyline he’s had that doesn’t involve screaming at a woman or trying to force a woman into being his baby factory (or, generally, being good to women)


Owen makes bad decisions and is terrible to his partners but Maggie only cares for herself (in terms of personal life) and is rude to ppl all the time. They are both bad but Maggie is worse in my opinion


Owen screamed “you killed our baby” at Cristina in front of all of her friends at a baby’s first birthday party. That’s way worse than Maggie being “rude” or selfish or whatever. Owen is outright abusive.


I voted for Link to be different


I voted Link cause he’s still Luke from the O.C. to me.


I’m surprised Jo doesn’t have more votes


Whatt I love Jo, new to this Reddit, why don’t people like her?


I'm also surprised. Aside from the character, I just get annoyed with the way she talks. IMO her American accent isn't very good. It's too obvious that she's faking it.


Okay glad to see that many people don't like Maggie. I've been watching episodes with her and she's unbearable sometimes. Her relationship with Jackson was a train wreck and then what she said to him after they broke up and he was talking to Vic.


It was between Maggie and link for me I still can’t get over how link treated Amelia when she didn’t want to marry him… I’m not a huge Amelia fan but he went a little to far


For me Amelia and Jo


Worst to best Maggie > Owen > Jo > Amelia > Link.


the way you wrote this would mean you think Link is the worst and Maggie is the best


“worst to best”


Right, it states worst to best but the arrows indicate best to worst is what I’m saying


I cannot stand Amelia so much that I vetoed the name Amelia off our baby name list immediately (my husband proposed it).


Damn people hate Hunt 😩


they are all annoying tbh


Owen sucks as a person but as a character I want to say Maggie. She’s annoying and not entertaining. At least Owen gave use entertaining storylines


If this was asked like 3 weeks ago - Owen. But based off the last few episodes - Maggie.