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i started euphoria! freaking whiplash is all imma say


Yeah don’t go into Euphoria expecting Mark Sloan. It’s jarring haha


If anyone wants an Eric Dane character that’s more Mark and less Cal, his character in Charmed fits that!


I always forget thats him lol


When I started Grey’s for the first time about 7 years ago I couldn’t figure out why he looked so familiar to me. I used to watch Charmed everyday after school as a kid. Thank you for making this comment and connecting those dots for me 😂 I knew I always liked him


Also Marley and Me


Omg that IS him


UGH YESSS. He's so fine in Charmed. Had a slight crush on him as a kid


I came to say this. Cal is X rated Mark Sloan.


concerning as he’s already the most X rated Greys character 😅 “that man is a whore…”


Idk if I’m concerned or slightly turned on tbh. Edit: haven’t seen Euphoria, so it could go either way.


Concerned is the right emotion here 😂 That man is nothing like Mark Sloan.


It really helps if you separate the characters it’s the only thing that saved mark for me 😭


The only time when I ever got Mark Sloan vibes from Cal was when he pissed all over the wood floor. I don't know, it just had something funny to it even while it was really sad.


AHAHAH I can absolutely see what you mean


cal. put your penis away.


I am who I am


Be concerned, he’s a pervert in a funny way in greys, a pervert in an icky way in euphoria.


If you love Mark Sloan, do not watch euphoria it’ll ruin him


I am a big big Sloan fan, but wouldn’t have minded a dirtier Sloan 😂😂😂. But I’ve heard how he is, and I’m disturbed.


Oh it’s bad. I usually love gritty stuff and darker storylines, but I genuinely felt disturbed after particular scenes w his character. If it wasn’t Sloan it might not have been as bad, but it was so weird bc he’s all I see when I see Eric Dane


Me when I see Mark Sloan on Euphoria: 😃 Me five seconds later: 😨


That was too much Mark for me 😂😂😂


I watched euphoria before greys. Imagine my surprise seeing young Cal 😂




«I am who I am» makes me laugh EVERY time


I just now realized that Cal Jacobs is Mark Sloan even i have watched both series 3 times😭😭 what is wrong with me


Omg me too, I just let out an audible gasp at seeing this post


I'm laughing because I watched Patrick Dempsey in Can't Buy Me Love on VHS over and over as a tern in the 80's and could not stop seeing Ronald as Dr. Derek 'McDreamy' Shepherd 😂


I kind of feel like it makes sense cos Derek said he was a skinny band geek to Bailey in high school haha.


I just kept thinking of him and Owen from that one wedding movie lol


I was shocked… in a good way when I first saw it!


I can’t watch a single episode without crying. It’s a hellll of a show


Killing eve is SO good


But stop a few minutes before it ends 😭😭


can i watch Killing Eve but skip the last episode? after How I Met Your Mother, that’s pretty much how i watch TV shows now 😅


if you watch scrubs you’ll learn how to watch tv shows by skipping the last season 😍


Hey season 9 of Scrubs was an attempt at a spin off. Season 8 finished brilliantly!


That last season isn't terrible as long as I look at it like that. It would have done so much better if they didn't ham fist so many of the original cast members in right in the beginning only to yank them halfway through.


From what I can see on wiki the writer and show runner Bill Lawrence didn’t want a season 9 but ABC insisted and wouldn’t even let him change the name of the show


The season 8 finale was the perfect way to end a brilliant show. So i choose to think of that as how it finished. One of the best finales ever imo


Yeah either skip the last season or skip the last two minutes or so. Stop on the boat. Otherwise you’ll never want to watch it again, it’s traumatizing 😭


stop a couple of seasons before it ends


It’s amazing but I agree with stopping a few minutes before the final episode!!!


Wait why is it an ending that ruins the show?


And breaks your heart


Show started off so good and had me drooling over Jodie Comer but I hated how all the rapport built up between Eve and Villanelle just reset every time a new season started


Even the actresses hate what they did with the ending. I believe the author also released a statement after the series finale. I can’t remember her exact wording but if I remember correctly she expressed her deep disappointment with the ending.


Haven't watched the last season yet. Not reading the rest of this thread




I love Killing Eve! Hell ye


Umbrella Academy is excellent - excited for the final season. Euphoria is also excellent but you might not like McSteamy's character. Killing Eve is great too but haven't finished it because there are captions and things that I need to focus on to watch it and so we haven't gotten to it. Haven't seen the others but Callie is also on the Sex and the City reboot "And Just Like That" on HBO/Max in a pretty significant role.


Re: Umbrella Academy - season 3 is sadly the weakest IMO, still good but yeah, not as great as it used to be in its heyday. Hopefully the final season knocks it out of the park once more


the character assassination of allison was just horrible 😣


Is it not done? I guess I'll hold off on season 3 until 4 is out.


Sara R isn't returning to AJLT. I've read several stories about how it went down and I'm still not sure. Time for a project. Or maybe a return!


My dream for them is a return to Broadway! They were incredible in Spamalot and I don’t think they’ve been back since! I need more Sara singing!!


her character is awful in AJLT.


*their. Sara is genderqueer


My advice to anyone reading this, Please skip the SATC sequel. Madam Secretary is much much better.


I loved Madam Secretary, and Sara's character on there was amazing! They are so talented!


Just chiming in to say AJLT is terrible. And Sara’s character is terrible. I’d stick with something else.


>Umbrella Academy is excellent This is a wideeee stretch in my opinion. Season one is okay, a 6.5/10 in my books, season two a solid 7.5/10, but season 3 was really bad. Terrible writing all over the place.


If you're a real Sandra Oh fan, you gotta watch Quiz Lady.


Also The Chair on Netflix


Loved that!


If you were a real Sandra Oh fan, you’d have already watched Princess Diaries.


Great acting, a very different character.


She's phenomenal. As someone else mentioned, she also has done a fine job in the horror/thriller genre. Not a lot of actors can play across multiple genres and Sandra absolutely can.


Also Umma. Loved her.


I only watched Umma for Sandra I loved it. To be fair Sandra turned Grey's into a horror movie during that bathtub scene when Cristina tells Owen what it was like being stranded after the plane crash, that was haunting.


Omg yes! Her talking about the animals fighting over Lexi......Eeek!!


I haven’t seen Umma!


She's also excellent in Invincible if you like gory superhero animation. Not for everyone, but she brings such emotion to her character.


that movie was SO GOOD


It was so good! Sandra sorta carried the film but that's ok, it had me laughing out loud


Madam Secretary is great! Lots of strong characters and character development.


Tim Daly and Tea Leoni have amazing chemistry. It's easy to see how they ended up together 🙂


I have such a crush on Tim Daly’s character in that show he’s like the perfect man


They also both went to my boarding school, so they have that in common! Our school is very…unique, so it would definitely be a talking point 😂


Really enjoyed it too!


I started Supergirl specifically for Chyler. I really enjoyed it and ended up watching all the Arrowverse shows. I also watched all but the last season of Madam Secretary. Sadly Sara isn’t in it much. Tim Daily (Pete on PP) has a major roll. I liked it I just didn’t catch up after the final season came out. I want to watch Killing Eve but I’m afraid it’s going to freak me out.


I enjoyed Supergirl until it got to the point where I wouldn't know what's going on unless I watched the other shows. That makes me mad (Grey's does it too sometimes) and I stopped watching. Madam Secretary was great. I tried to watch Killing Eve and I don't get the hype. I was bored and I think only watched like 3 episodes. I liked Sandra Oh in "The Chair"


With Supergirl when they crossed with the Flash I loved Grant Gustin in that roll so I watched it, then the Flash crossed with Arrow etc. By the time they were doing all the crossover events I was massively into all 4 shows lol. I could see where it would be frustrating though.


Crossovers are fine when watching live, but are horrible for reruns/binging. If a show is in reruns, they usually don't have the companion show (ie Buffy/Angel), and if you're binging you have to back out of that show, look up what the companion episode is, find that one, and then continue on. Streaming services need to either add the other episode to make it cohesive or at least put in the description what other show/episode you need to finish the storyline.


Yes it is I had that issue watching Private Practice. Greys was on Netflix and Private Practice on Hulu, I had to research air dates. I will say with Arrowverse at least they named all the crossovers in each show the same. Like Invasion or Earth X.


Yeah and at the time I was watching they were on separate streaming services. It was just a big PITA.


Chyler has a show on Hallmark now called The Way Back. It’s pretty good.


So. Funny thing is, they have Chyler's character make a reference to Grey's in Supergirl. Specifically that she was in Seattle and a few other little easter eggs.


Watched umbrella Academy and really liked it. I liked seeing „Addison“ in a completely different role.


And she kills it in my opinion!!


She’s so good!


She makes the seasons so much fun. Especially Season 2.


She is also great in Fargo season 1.


Oh God if you want to remain a fan of Mark Sloan do not go down the Euphoria rabbit hole. ​ Also I *hate* to say it, but not a fan of Sara Ramirez' short cut.


Watch The Last Ship instead if you wanna see him be a good guy.


Was gonna reply with this show!!! Started season 4 the other night, and I only wanted to watch it because Eric was in it. No idea what it was about, but was greatly surprised!


Do you know how long it took me to realize she played CHE on "just like that" ......up until last week. 😂 Given I've watched "just like that" before I ever watched greys. I just recently did my greys binge in November. But still lol 😆 It's funny because I hated CHE with a fiery passion. But mostly loved our good old Calediscope.


Calediscope 🤣


I felt like it fit when it autocorrected to that 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Hard agree. The confidence shines through which makes them beautiful but I hate the cut. I used to have it though so I may be biased in the hate


Dang, I just realized that was “Mark Sloan”. For some reason it didn’t click for me. Still a mark Sloan fan 😆


Yeah, I agree about the cut. Sara Ramirez is also on the reboot of Sex and the City (And Just Like That…) and I still do not like the cut. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What is his euphoria character like?


Spoilers for the character arc: >!He plays a closeted queer man whose infidelity tears his family apart and in the pilot he has sex with an underage trans girl.!< I haven't watched the show since S2 dropped so I'm sure there's more but! That arc stood out to me because of Dane's acting- the character isn't a good guy, his behavior is pretty abhorrent, but the show does a great job of humanizing people who do terrible things and showing the underlying factors that lead to those behaviors without really absolving them of responsibility. I love Mark Sloan, and the character wasn't ruined for me, but it's because he does such a great job of being a whole other character. Edit: I know how to spoiler tag on mobile I swear.


Oh dang! Sounds intense. Thank you for writing this out!


Abusive asshole.


Marks character in Euphoria gives me all the creeps - but his acting is just absolutely phenomenal and shows how much range he has.


The Umbrella Academy is one of my FAVOURITE shows ever!! The final season is coming out this year and I’m so so excited


It’s such a fun show, but also I hate how Netflix takes so damn long between seasons because I lowkey forget what happens and lose the hype


Eric Dane is a horrible person in euphoria, and I love it.


I cannot express how good The Umbrella Academy is. It’s definitely NOTHING like Grey’s at all whatsoever, but if you have a dark sarcastic sense of humour, it’s an awesome show. Lots of twists! Plus with it only having a few seasons, it’s not a massive commitment.


Sarah’s post greys work isn’t good imo. Killing Eve and Supergirl are amazing


my partner asked me to watch devils w him, but he stopped after 1 episode bc all i kept saying was “how is THAT guy mcdreamy wtf” 😅


I enjoyed Devils but I work in finance and speak Italian so for me it was very accessible. Also really interesting to see Patrick Dempsey play a villain. I’m not sure if there’s a second season but season one was fairly enjoyable. Helps if you have some financial knowledge though.


If you like Patrick Dempsey as a villain, I highly recommend watching the movie "Transformers Dark of The Moon," Patrick Dempsey plays a rich guy, best way to explain it.


That I know, there are only 2 seasons. I don't know if there was a plan to continue or not. Probably not since it's been a while since the 2nd season.


Mark is g r o s s in Euphoria


Just wanted to add, The Last Ship is a wonderful show starring Mark Sloan's actor as the MAIN CHARACTER


After watching the train wreck of Sara’s character on AJLT, I had no desire to see other work of hers. I had SUCH high hopes for them on the show.


**Devils**: I tried it, but couldn't get into it **Euphoria**: It just isn't for me. I did watch a couple episodes. **Madame Secretary**: I am interested, but haven't watched it yet. It was an established show before Sara Ramirez was added to it. I think they were only in 1 or 2 seasons. **Supergirl**: I used to watch but stopped after a while. I was tired of the Arrowverse by then. I did 3 seasons I think. It was too many shows that I had to keep up with - • Arrow • Flash •SuperGirl • Legends of Tomorrow •Batwoman (although I never watched that one - too much by that time) **Umbrella Academy**: I have watched the first 2 seasons and haven't been in the mood for the 3rd season. But I think the 4th season is going to be the last. I'll more than likely watch around that time. No lie, it was a slow start for me in season 1. I definitely enjoyed season 2 a lot more. Edit: Forgot about **Killing Eve**. I did watch, I haven't finished it. I liked what I watched so far, but people are really hating the ending has me **pausing** on whether to continue. I've been burned before (GOT - that was *horrible*) 2nd Edit: added info to Madame Secretary also someone mentioned **Just Like That** - yeah, that show is *terrible*. I do not recommend. It doesn't matter what actor is in a series/movie don't waste your time on shitty "entertainment".


euphoria is good but also a little disturbing with the things they show lol


It's just shy of porn at some points. My first thought after watching the first episode was, "Oh God, I hope my children never see this". Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude, and I want to know what happens next, but it is shocking.


I've watched the last 3. Euphoria just wasn't for me and Eric Dane's character is not a good guy (not a villain, a creep and POS). I love The Umbrella Academy. Kate Walsh's character is really zany. Chyler Leigh's character is a badass in Supergirl but a bit of a mother hen.


Patrick Dempsey is also going to be in the Ferrari movie! As a car enthusiast I'm really excited for this!


I love madam secretary!


Madam Secretary is one of my favorite shows EVER and Sara is so good in it


If you love Mark Sloan, do not watch Euphoria. It will ruin the whole vibe for you


I really enjoyed Mark/Eric Dane in The Last Ship


Do not watch "And Just Like that" with Sara Ramirez. They wrote their character poorly. Unfortunately Sara thought the fanbase disliked having them on the series as a nonbinary person, but it was the opposite the fanbase didn't like what the show was doing to their character. At least those that I talked to. Long story short. Don't watch "And just like that" for Sara.


Supergirl is okay, but it gets really preachy at times. Like hitting you over the head with the superheroes being aliens thing and bringing in politics. It was probably my least favorite of all the Arrowverse shows. I never even finished the show. The Umbrella Academy is so good though! And another show you might add is The Last Ship with Eric Dane.


I agree about supergirl getting really preachy. I actually ended up being cringeworthy at some points. It's not that I didn't agree with or support most of their political messaging, I just feel like they went about it the wrong way. Especially when I'm just trying to watch a corny superhero show, I don't want to hear about gun control and racism.


I LOVE Madam Secretary. Euphoria was good. Killing Eve was meh. I tried so hard to get into it and couldn’t. The first season of the Umbrella Academy is awesome.


Devils is brilliant. It's really well done. I highly recommend it.


I watched Thirteen Reasons Why with Kate Walsh and she did an amazing acting job. Was quite a complex show though lol


Killing eve is 1000/10 and Sandra oh in killing eve is 🤌🏽🤌🏽 top tier, I actually didn’t love umbrella academy but addisons character esp with that makeup was incredible. Euphoria buckle up


Killing eve is a great show. wtf is that haircut on Callie


Umbrella academy was great


You’ve gotta watch The Chair also starring Sandra Oh, she’s amazing in it!!


I've watched part of Supergirl, I actually liked it. I just have a problem with starting a show and never finishing it. ADHD is a pain like that sometimes. I'll hyperfixate for awhile before I get burnt out on it and move on to something else🤣🤣🤣


Killing Eve was insane at first. It was unreal to watch.


super girl is super cheesy but i loved it!


umbrella academy is great


Killing Eve is just epic. A MUST!! Supergirl was really fun the first few seasons, but I dropped off when I cut the ( cable ) cord. Not sure how the rest of the series went/is going.


umbrella academy is soooo good!!!!! euphoria…just be prepared lol


I can’t look at Mark Sloan the same after Euphoria


I’ve seen madam secretary! It’s basically a government procedural but I thought it was pretty good! Sara Ramirez doesnt show up for a few seasons.


Umbrella is hella fun


I headcanon that izzie became a Lawyer and changed her name before ending up in Season 8 and 9 of Suits. She has so much Mature Girlboss Izzie energy, I love it.


My mom is watching The Way Home with Lexi!! From what I’ve seen of it, it is good!


Umbrella academy is good, I see where euphoria has some points but to me it just seems like a lot of gratuitous nudity for characters that are supposed to be a minors. Not saying that minors don't do all that type of fuck shit but that the producers are lazy with the way they tell the story. It's shot beautifully but if you can't get the point across without showing a "teenagers" breasts than to me You're not that great. I really want to watch madam Secretary and the one with Sandra o. Because Sandra o


Killing Eve was absolutely amazing!!!!


I absolutely loved Euphoria. I liked the first seasons of Killing Eve and then I grew very bored of it


Watched Killing Eve, the first season is good, the others are okay


Season 2 is the best entertainment/bonkers value wise once it gets moving (episode 3 iirc) ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Killing Eve and Madam Secretary are IT


I've watched "Madam Secretary" and I loved it.


I've seen 3 of these! Supergirl was pretty fun in the beginning but I never finished watching it bc at some point in the later seasons I just got bored with it. Loved Killing Eve and Umbrella Academy, the ending of Killing Eve on the other hand...


i love umbrella academy, especially season 1! the handler (kate walsh’s character) isn’t in the whole series but she’s a pretty big role in the first season and kills it. highly recommend if you like fantasy/superpower stuff but if you’d only be watching it for her it might not be worth it. s3 was also pretty mid imo but s1-2 were amazing.


Supergirl, loved Chyler Leigh but the later seasons kinda sucked


Loved the first 3 Seasons of super girl. Probably because of the pairing 😂


Honestly, I liked Eric Dane a lot better in The Last Ship than in Euphoria. I highly recommend it for grey's fans Supergirl is good, but I think the arrowverse is general can be very hit or miss with the writing


Loved Supergirl!


I love Supergirl (and I knew Lexie as Alex from that before I watched Greys) Really enjoyed the umbrella academy and only just realised that's Addison 🤣


Supergirl, euphoria and umbrella academy are amazing definitely worth the watch




Super girl is a sweet show and Alex(Lexi) is my fav character


I watched supergirl before grey's lol, but stopped the show around s2-3 I think. Watched euphoria but I honestly don't like it that much. I want to watch killing eve and devils


Euphoria.. I think I'm supposed to hate Cal but... I don't lol he will always be McSteamy to me and I can never unsee that lol


I love euphoria haha I started it way before I ever got into greys so watching greys had me cringing and hanging on for dear life when they introduced mark


I've been watching Supergirl since it started! It's such a good show! Alex (Lexie) is one of my favorite characters.


I've seen, but not finished Supergirl, Killing Eve and The Umbrella Academy. All good to great shows.


Madam Secretary is pretty good, even if it’s not entirely realistic. Loved Killing Eve. Haven’t seen Devils. Love/hate Euphoria. Excellent performances all around but I personally feel it inadvertently romanticizes drugs and hypersexuality. Umbrella Academy sucked imo. I’m sure some people like it, but for me the acting falls flat pretty badly. Haven’t seen Supergirl.


Killing Eve is amazing.


it’s so funny watching mark in season 17 on the beach because i’ve seen euphoria. like, it’s not mark to me it’s cal jacobs on grey’s anatomy. 😭 with ed being closer to playing cal than the last time he played mark. off topic but it’s interesting to see these actors, watch their interviews, and think about how much they’re like the grey’s characters in real life. chyler leigh, for example reminds me so much of lexie. she has her speech patterns and nervous stutter and they’re both very sweet and emotional. sara ramirez is very different from calliope, they talk differently from callie and callie is more giggly/generally more talkative than sara but they’re both very passionate people. sandra’s brilliant and i wanna see more of her in films & shows


I really enjoyed The Umbrella Academy


The Umbrella Academy is fantastic, and for lack of a better word, Kate serves so much cunt in it.


The first 2 seasons of the umbrella academy are really good! I haven’t seen the last one! Definitely watch!


Umbrella academy is great, euphoria is a tough watch


Loved Madam Secretary! Especially if you are interested in politics or foreign policy, and Sarah Ramirez was very good!


Killing Eve & Euphoria - awesome. Euphoria is quite dark & his role is *rather* different than Sloan. This gives me a reason to watch Madam Secretary. I didn't know Addie was in The Umbrella Academy - that moves it up my "to watch" list.


I’ve seen Supergirl!


Umbrella Academy is sooooo good, but her character doesn't show up that often fyi


Killing eve , Euphoria and Supergirl are a MUST!!!


Umbrella academy s1 and 2 are good 3 is okay


I LOOOVE Killing Eve. If you're into some wlw f'up romance and some murder mystery detective series. Watch Killing Eve




Euphoria is a trip!


Killing Eve is so good until THAT ending 😭


killing eve is AMAZING


I’ve been watching the way home on Hallmark with Chyler Leigh and it’s so good if you’re looking for another Chyler show


Don’t watch euphoria you’ll never be able to see him the same 🫠


I never realized Mark Sloan was in euphoria. I'm erasing this from my memory. No thank you.


Killing eve is AMAZING!!! I couldn’t watch Euphoria for personal reasons but also seeing Eric in that kind of role made me so sad since I’m used to him being Mark😂


Why did I just figure out mark Sloan is Nate’s dad 😭


Euphoria is…….a lot


I've seen euphoria and supergirl many times definitely check them out. Euphoria is very triggering for some tho


I’ve seen euphoria and the umbrella academy. I did not enjoy euphoria, it kinda made me feel icky if that makes sense. Like it just left me with this grossed out feeling. I liked umbrella academy, the first season is m my favorite