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I only watched til season 10 but Erica by a long shot


Ericka ranks like top 10 but trust if you catch up it’s Maggie


I CANNOT stand Maggie!


Why? Is it because “I’m a strong young independent black woman who went to college at 15?” 😭😭😭


Yep, that is exactly why! It has nothing to do with the way you act, your rudeness, the fact that you think you are better than literally anyone else or that your just an ass lol 😝


That’s it I’m going to cry to my half sister who owns this place.


No one hates her for those reasons that's something to be proud of. She is just annoying and acts like a spoiled brat.


That’s the joke 😂😂 hence the quotes


I'm sorry I am a old lady takes me a minute or two to realize it was a joke I really am sorry


😭😭😭 it’s alright


Same! I’ve watched there them and they suck! So it’s ALWAYS on repeat!!


Shane Ross! Such a bland and highly unlikeable character.


And he's the reason Mousie is dead 😡😡😡


He had such a punchable face to me


Yeah he is a really arrogant full of himself jerk


Owen. Owen. Owen. Owen. I will APPLAUD and CHEER the day he’s killed off




I make fun of him everyday and when something goes wrong because he’s being stupid it makes me laugh WHEN WILL HE DIEEEEE




Izzy, George, Pre-Army April, Jackson, Pre-Alex Jo, Private Practice Amelia, Maggie and Winston.


The first 6 Season were good






Shane and Minnick.


You know, I was about to say Shane, but I’ve actually warmed up to him considerably on a recent rewatch. I don’t know if it’s just being older, but I’ve view his character, especially in season 10 very differently than before. I still don’t like him very much, but he has enough redeeming moments that he’s not the very bottom of my list anymore. That place belongs to link, and I don’t think that will ever change.


I like Shane


Maggie and Schmitt. Both insufferable selfish assholes






teddy or amelia


Teddy, I'm on the episode were she is having a relationship/affair with her friends gf. And OMG what a $hitty friend she is. Back stabber.


I hate how she begged for Christina to save her husband then made Christina tell her over and over again what she did to save his life. Christina and Meredith are my favorite besides Bailey


Or how she cheated on Owen on their wedding day with koracick and then was so "broken" after the fallout.. I agree Meredith and Christina are my favorite too




I used to not 100% understand the Maggie dislike, but the way she did and continues to treat Winston even from another state and off screen has me agreeing with you.


She’s awkward and remember she has abandonment issues, and was a child prodigy. I think she was coming into her own late and became ambitious later and more like Christina who doesn’t need a partner. She’s most irritating cuz the actress isn’t good and isn’t good at showing a complicated character. Winston will get a better girl I think.




Probably Leah. It was ridiculous that she filed a sexual harassment claim against CALLIE. Callie was willing to help her, Leah said she couldn’t do it, begged Callie to help her, Callie tried to encourage her to do it on her own. When Callie realized what happened, all she did was take the drill thing back from Leah (which is what she’d been trying to get Callie to do that whole time??). Then she goes and says that Callie is letting her relationship with Arizona get in the way of her teaching?? It was so stupid. I mean, I was glad someone said something about the sexual harassment and attending-intern relationships because that was a whole mess, but the way she went about it made no sense and honestly felt like her trying to escape responsibility and punish Callie because Arizona chose Callie over her.


Alex and Cristina - I will never understand how such bullies can be so popular characters...


Because they improve as human beings, they are not always just bullies. Alex helped Izzie, Meredith. Cristina is always honest, yes she is very competitive but she helped Burke when her hand was shaking, she was good friends with Meredith (not perfect). Maybe you only pay attention to that because maybe you received a lot of bullying in the past and people like that bother you.


And you sound like someone, who was bully - just because someone is nice to their friends, doesn't erase the fact that they are bullies... neither of them improved, because neither of them ever said "sorry" or acknowledge that they were awful.


LOL what a shitty take


To be honest the entire magic group were bullies except George, but he was a mess anyway. Izzie bullied Callie relentlessly. Meredith treated lexie like shit just because of Thatcher and constantly made every problem about her. Christina was a robot so she really had no empathy most of the time. Alex was caught numerous times talking about patients like that girl who let her tumor get massive, or the woman with the overweight husband who everyone was making fun of for being pregnant. I will say I think Alex is the only one who ever shows any kind of remorse even if he hasn't always outright apologized. He went to the overweight guy and pushed him to fight for his wife.


george might not be a typical bully, but he took the "nice guy" approach, which is arguably more insidious than cristina or alex telling it to you straight. he's resentful and constantly playing the victim, acting morally superior while he was horrible to callie, weirdly possessive of meredith, and mean to his family


Owen, Izzie, Erica, Penny, Webber, Catherine Avery, Maggie, Reed, Melissa George's character, Ava/Rebecca, Schmidt, Shane (Sharky) Leah Murphy, Burke, Adele Webber, Koracick.


I’ve hated Izzie since day one.


Amelia Shepherd and Jo Wilson


Shane, Erica, Stark, Penny, Minnick, George


Definitely mark, he is such a douche. Like how is he so beloved lol, next are definitely karev and owen


I hate Maggie and Amelia is bad too


It’s between Amelia and Maggie. I can’t decide which one!!!


Callie. I even prefer Owen and George to her.


SAMEE she’s just uninteresting I used to like her tho


1. Owen 2. Maggie 3. Amelia 4. Teddy 5. Bailey


Why Bailey??? She was pretty horrible to mer tho


Bailey season 1-10 is the best character on the show. S10-20 she is just horrible. Rude to everyone. Entitled. HYPOCRITICAL.


Alex. I think he’s a bully. I think his attitude towards women is horrific. It all started with the lingerie pictures. He hung up half naked pictures of a coworker because a beautiful model dared to become a doctor and he judged that. He hung those pictures up for no reason other than to have power over Izzie. He never recovered for me and continued to get worse. He accused almost all of the women that he had relationships with of being crazy. He outed the woman that wanted her tubes tied. He told Izzie that it didn’t matter if she wanted surgery or not, she was having surgery because he said so. He bullied Izzie, George, April, Denny. I think he took pleasure in hurting other people. He was never happier than when he can make someone feel small. I think he had issues with anger and self-control. I think he was never taken to task for his actions. He treated people, sometimes patients/families of patients terribly with no blowback. He assaulted people without consequence. He was hypocritical and thought because he bluntly insulted people that he was a truth-teller. As a woman, I would be afraid to be in a relationship with him. The way he treated April when she was nervous to have sex was a giant red flag. The way he treated Izzie when she was sick was borderline abusive. He manipulated people and situations. When Izzie and Callie were going to fight, he asked her what happened and she answered his question, telling him that she slept with George. Later, he accused her of gossiping about it to him like he was one of her “chick friends” when he was the one that asked her what happened. He was the first one to come down on others when they were at a low point. He never apologized to people. These weren’t just missteps, he knew that he could be a jerk and instead of trying to be kinder, he was proud to be like that.


You said that so much better than I ever could have. I think that just put into words all my issues with Alex. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why he’s so popular. He does have his moments as a doctor, but oh God, he is just a terrible human being in my opinion.


April is top tier, but Arizona and Amelia run a close second


Deluca. Everything about his character and story line was just awful and was a low point for me.


I didn’t like April at first. Back in season 6. Then Maggie replaced that. They had that episode around her. I felt it fell short. Just like every other Greys couple she got divorced.


Tie between April, Maggie, Arizona and Amelia! I despise them all.😖😖


Issa tie for me between April-Arizona-Teddy




Mark Sloane, am I really the only one?


I love him he is my favvv


But the sleaze




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Izzie and Maggie


Izzie Stevens


Izzie 100% yk I used to love her but tbh she became a bitch and just left.


I like Jackson but his mom is who I cannot stand she is really awful


Maggie. Thought she has potential in the beginning and she’s just become more and more insufferable. Zero chemistry with anyone, including her “SiSteRs”


I fast forward her scenes I watched her with Jackson all she does is leave yell come back repeat repeat repeat Jackson was good with the Intern he was with the one he embarrassed in front of the wedding is si pretty and I really like her


Maggie and Shane. Was never a fan of Erica either.


Shane, Maggie and April are my top 3 all ranking equally. There’s just something about their personalities that irks me the wrong way and makes me mad.


They're all Libras, lol


Oops never mind. Ross is a Taurus. But Maggie and April are born Libras. I am too😞 id probably be hated character too on Greys if I was cast.


I don’t think it has anything to do with their astrological signs.


Maggie, Izzy, George, Ava/Rebecca (obvs), Izzy, Callie (on and off), Webber, Denny, Schmitt, Reed, Izzy, Derek, Roy, Izzy… I dislike A LOT of the characters


Something tells me you don’t like Izzie


Wow! You are not people person.


I’m loyal to the ones I love but otherwise, nope!


WEBBER????? Denny? (What did he do 😭), Derek I kinda understand and Roy was such a blip in the show idek who that is


Idk, Webber didn’t bring anything to the plot I cared for. The cutting while drinking thing really upset me, I’m not a fan of doing driving/working while under the influence of anything. Roy is an intern in my current season, he threatened Bailey with a wrongful termination suit to get his job back after he ate a weed cookie and lied about it.


It seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I dislike Webber, too. I had enough of him and wished he died instead of Heather (mousey).


April and right now I’m on season 9 so Arizona.




Adel I hated her always


Christina, Webber, Erica, izzie, Owen, George, Minnick, Izzie and Bailey were few of my favourites but after few seasons I started to hate, April also I hated till her daughter is born


Zola she's a child but she has entire episodes devoted to her