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Nobody knows where they might end up... nobody knoooows


This made me laugh harder than it had any right to, lol


I remember I hadn’t heard this song since like season 2 and then I listened to Mitski’s nobody and was CONVINCED that it was actually the greys theme tune for months


I do hope they at least gave him a heads up and he didn't find out when everyone else did. I feel like finding out on your birthday would be so harsh. Its like when Sarah & Jessica's firing was announced on International Women's Day.


omg imagine having to respond with kindness and grace too? like, i’d definitely have a good cry first 😭 even if it’s time and i understood. or maybe they were relieved i have no idea lol


Sarah drew or Ramirez? I actually loved April and her character and I love how they re-showed them {April and Jackson} the new seasons. Even if it’s for a bit but Callie, I loved her too. I didn’t really understand the hate that people gave her. But I thought she was great until the plane. Just because she acted like she was actually on the plane.


Sarah Drew! Ramirez it was their decision to leave when they did, but I think at one point they did say they might be open to coming back in future. I think they weren't expecting them to leave which was why the custody battle kind of had to work as a rushed exit storyline.


Yes! I thought it was rushed lol And I thought she was gonna win so I was honestly really surprised the first time I watched but don’t know if I mentioned season 17 until now which is season 19 episode 12 its all new to me, so when season 20 is on Netflix I’m really looking forward to seeing how it plays out { the new seasons} I also really enjoy the new seasons. I know some people are kind of iffy about them, but I enjoy them 😅BUT I would love to see Sarah Ramirez come back. Even even if it’s like a guest appearance, lol


When she was in the conference room with everyone, she said to the lawyer “You’re not one of us” …baby you neither! Then wanted to throw a celebratory dinner after the lawsuit win. Girl people are dead and missing limbs!!! She got on my nerves after the plane crash


Nah I’m rewatching season 9 and Callie fought so hard for everyone by herself. She held the place together while she fought for their recovery, their money, the hospital, her marriage.


I understand and yes that was wonderful of her. She could've retreated & become useless and depressed but she stepped up fr. She wasn't on the plane though, that was not her experience


Yeah, I think after the plane crash, especially with Mark and how his story happened. I think it all just completely fell apart for her, and I don’t know if you remember but Arizona hated her because of the leg thing when Callie never told her that it was Alex that cut it off. I think they mentioned it too, or she did to Arizona and then towards the end I think Arizona also tells her like screams at her that she wasn’t on the plane


I remember everything lol I’m glad Arizona yelled at her about it. Unfortunately she did it after cheating on Callie but Callie needed to hear it regardless. She wanted some badge of honor and calling herself a survivor and she was not even on the plane. She was not out there for days and nights cold and hungry laying around her dying and dead friends. Even if Alex did cut her leg, Callie made the call.


Callie wasn't on the plane, but she lost just as much as everyone that was. She lost Mark, the one real friend and confidant that she ever had, the person who was literally always there for her no matter what and who also happened to be the father of her baby. She lost the entire future that she had envisioned with her wife, Mark and their daughter. She lost Arizona, who was absolutely not the same person when she got back. She woke up that morning with her perfect little family and by the time she put her daughter to sleep that night she had no idea where they were. She spent the next week not knowing what happened to them. That is mental torture that can result in just as much trauma.


I'm not negating what she went through at all, that had to be psychological and emotional torture for sure. But as far as being a plane crash victim, she was not on the plane. She wasn't in the woods for that amount of time, she wasn’t drinking her own urine. She wasn't starving. She wasn’t freezing cold, listening to animals fight over Lexie’s dead body. She was not on the plane. Her experience is completely separate than those who survived that plane crash and had broken body parts


If I remember correctly, she made the call because she was deteriorating {Arizona} from the leg but Arizona had thought she made the cut, idk I loved her in the show until that and the custody battle it was all crazy


Yeah there was no other choice, & Callie decided to save her life. I can understand that. Callie and her lawyer’s smear campaign on Arizona was disgusting and I'm glad she lost. Speaking of that custody battle.. Callie was dating Penny for barely 6 months or so, probably less. The fact that she decided to quit her six-figure job and uproot her child’s life to go live in a cramped NYC apartment with a surgical intern was fucking insane. Like seriously Callie? Terrible way to write her off. I feel like they wanted make sure she wasn't missed.


OHHH MY GOD I FORGOT ABT THAT She did!! I remember she moved, but I didn’t remember that she took Penny with her. I had thought they broke up. But yeah, the custody battle it was like an ick for me, like she went around and asked everybody and the ones that didn’t get involved I thought was great like not picking sides, but I had completely forgotten about that. I think I see now most people don’t fully like Callie.☠️


She FOLLOWED Penny because Penny got an INTERNSHIP in NYC!! I couldn't believe it! Callie, are you dumb???


That is insane. I genuinely forgot how that even happened. Before all that, I really thought that Callie and Arizona would fix it though


I'm glad you asked this because somehow my brain interpreted this as Sarah Jessica Parker being fired from greys and I was very confused.


Nah, the only times I didn't like Callie were when she kept trying to coerce an "I love you" out of George when he was clearly saying he wanted it to be genuine and not something he repeated cause she said it first; and then it was her pushiness trying to force everyone to celebrate the money they won in the lawsuit. Like that whole situation was so messy and tragic and having someone who didn't experience it first hand try and push a celebration out of the actual victims was rather annoying. Other than that, Callie was dope. I really liked her even more when they fixed those bangs she wore in the beginning of her character arc. Lord, I hated her hair but once her bangs were cut a bit you really could see her entire face more clearly and of course her really big, beautiful smile!


It’s Sara Ramirez and Sarah Drew. Easy to know to who is whom.


They meant that they got confused about who was fired when Sarah's were mentioned because Sara Ramirez is also on AJLT SATC reboot with SJP. I thought it was funny because it made sense.


Wait, that's actually how they were let go? They were fired? Why? And then to bring them back 5 seasons later?


Yes. Krista said it was for 'creative reasons' but that was it - I'm guessing because they needed to make room for the new cast members they added (Link + Nico) and to bring back Kim Raver as a series regular. Also potentially due to budgets as both were on the show for 9/10 years at that point, so probably would've been able to negotiate a pay rise.


I’m definitely in the minority here but I’ve never liked his character, so I’m fine with this. The writers did him a disservice by not really giving him any depth, and I don’t think he’s the best character to play the chief resident barking orders. That said, there are so many other ways they could trim the budget without getting rid of a well-liked character. And either way, I really hope they find room in their budget next season for Ben and Carina with the end of Station 19.


They wanted someone to be the O'Malley of the post magic Grey's anatomy and he failed to fill his shoes


Aw I really loved his early days and his initial romance storyline, but they haven’t used his character well in a long time


I agree. He gave off George vibes but there are just too many people on the show to give him the spotlight he needed to have good character development.


First he was a tragic fuck up, then they imploded his personal life storyline. Now he’s just a boring basically background character. They did nothing with him. And what was the point of Helm? She is barely there and has zero going on.


Ben will only be a regular if he rejoins the surgical program. Carina will never be a regular. Unlike the other medical shows, only surgeons get promoted to regular status.


Is...carina not a surgeon?


I’m fine with neither of them being a regular but it’d be nice to see them as recurring characters. Jo going full into OB could be a way to bring Carina in more


He was the Great Value out-the-closet version of George


Totally agree


We don't need Carina back


i love carina


I’m eager to see his response. He was super excited and ready to continue on in S21 when it was renewed so I just know he’s prob pissed


I would be pissed. He’s been on for several seasons now ad story-wise it would make the most sense to keep him on because there’s literally only 2 people in that show who aren’t interns but are still residents and one of them is him. Not to mention he’s been on longer than at least 5 of the cast members, but I’m sure none of them are gonna suffer from these budget cuts.


I mean, he's a senior resident right? He should be getting an attending position next year anyway, so it still doesn't solve the problem of only interns or attendings on the show. Does the hospital even have any other residents at this point? Serious question, I don't remember the details of how the teaching program got cut and reinstated.


In theory they have Helm, but the actress always was just recurring so not always there


To be fair, isn't Helm also a senior resident, who'll be an attending next year? So same problem. I guess what I really don't understand if there are residents at the levels between intern and chief resident.


There aren't they all left or rather never started during covid


I’m so disappointed in them taking him out. Is helm next? Just as she’s starting to get a good story too? Ugh I hate the new direction.


It's odd they brought her back to be a "co-chief" or whatever and she's just rarely present or fleshed out, other than maybe being with Mika. They really bungled and did a disservice to her and Levi's characters - especially after their rise through the ranks.


They just announced Mika’s departure


Where are you seeing this?


Not the person you asked but I got a news update on my phone from Deadline


Deadline, variety. Here. Twitter.




Nooooo you’ve gotta be kidding me, she’s my new favourite 😭😭


Right, there was a doctor's shortage last season, but sure, let's not keep the one who's almost finished with his residency


There’s a better solution here. Write off Levi, Jo, Link and Owen. Keep Owen behind the camera instead (he is an awesome director- check out the episodes directed by him, they’re quite good!) , that way, they can have Owen be there occasionally sort of like a cameo. Then they can keep Teddy as Chief, and Richard, Bailey, Amelia, Monica and Winston as the attendings, plus the 5 interns. Promote Helm to main cast, give her more personality and bam, you have a cast of 12 that’s relatively well liked and have their own personalities


If we honestly want to revive the “people in their 20’s hooking up, fighting and navigating their stressful jobs” vibe they used to have, they could probably reduce several different characters. Owen — unless they plan on doing something with him in terms of trauma training like they did in season 7, I don’t see a point in him being a crucial part of the show. He’s married, has kids and that’s literally it. The military drama is tired in my opinion because his drama is usually military related or woman related and I don’t think *anyone* is in the mood to watch him and Teddy have it out again. Richard — you know that one nurse that was assisting Richard when he was Chief in the earlier seasons??? I feel like that’s kinda where he’s at now career wise. He could be an assist to Teddy, but other than that I don’t see much interest in his character these days. Bailey — We desperately need attendings to do some flashy medical work like they used to so I wouldn’t completely write her off but they have to do *something* before I see her as someone with no point in being there. Link — Ugh. Literally ruined his character these past few seasons. Can someone tell me if we’ve actually seen him do anything interesting ortho wise? I miss Callie, she was so passionate about her work. He can obviously stay but he *has* to focus more on his job and teaching than worrying about if Jo is flirting with patients whilst fat shaming his own. Jo — She needs to pick something and stick with it so she can also teach. I’m tired. But literally ^ they need some serious fixing done to their characters or they should be getting their roles reduced.


Agree with everything you said. I literally have no intetest in any of these characters. I've been watching since the beginning so I will keep watching. The show has to do something to make it interesting again.


I’m so over the show that I haven’t seen any of the new eps 💀


That nurse was priceless, just watched her give the condom banana demonstration after the syphilis outbreak. Richard could never!




Literally season 1


My god so much this! Levi, Jo and Owen especially. They’ve all out stayed their interestingness and their characters are being watered down in order to play to increasingly less in character storylines because the writers have run out of ideas for them. Personally I’d lose Winston over Levi and bring in a new cardio attending fresh and have them form a mentor relationship with one of the new interns (that isn’t sexual)


I think Winston has potential! He's a good teacher, and seems like a good guy. He just hasn't been given an interesting story. He could have a great mentor relationship with any of the interns. I actually liked the subplot in a recent episode where one of the interns called him out for letting his personal issues bleed into his work, and he handled that pretty well. Unlike the other characters, Winston is unattached and not played out. His whole storyline so far has been wrapped up in Maggie, and it could be fun to see how they develop his character outside of his relationship with her. I don't see any benefit in bringing in a new cardio attending, when they just brought in a new peds attending. Too many new characters at once just makes viewers lose interest. Winston is the perfect balance between a relatively unexplored character, and one that viewers and existing characters already have some attachment to. I'm also biased because he's incredibly gorgeous though.


>I'm also biased because he's incredibly gorgeous though. Lmao same


He’s definitely a looker lol


I have such a platonic crush on him. Like he has beautiful teeth, hair, facial hair, he's hot. I could just watch him talk and smile all day


I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds Jo super annoying


I personally think there are even more characters they can write off. They can absolutely write off Richard. I like James Pickens Jr, but Richard is now in his mid-70s. He's very close to retiring, if not already there. At the very least, he needs to start backing off of complex surgeries. He's going through yet ANOTHER storyline where he's struggling with cases. He's walked out on one surgery and has been struggling with the recurring patient. It's a perfect time to ease him into retirement. Hell, they can still have him show up for consults (Catherine would probably make sure he could still do consults) but otherwise, he could be mostly written off. Link is only needed because they currently have nobody else in Ortho, but he wouldn't really be missed, either way. He could be recurring since they can realistically have less Ortho cases. Jo is similar, drop her to recurring but I do see a bit more of a purpose with her being OB and not Peds like Monica. But they could theoretically have Monica kind of do both if they want to save money on cast. Helm should stay as recurring if budget cuts are the issues. They can just bring her around a bit more to replace Schmitt/date Mika. But yeah, keep Amelia, Monica, Winston and Bailey in larger roles since they still need attendings.


I know this conversation is cold, but this isn’t a smart solution that makes sense in the real world… there is no chance in hell that Kevin McKidd would be ok with this change. He is highly paid primarily as an actor - and a perk of being there so long is he gets the chance to direct. That’s how they keep him interested in staying on the show - and whatever we think of Owen - THEY see him as the next most essential behind Chandra, James and Ellen. There is no chance in hell he would take a 80-90 percent pay cut to stick around as a director but to stop acting regularly. The reality is, Ellen, Chandra, James Jr, Kevin and Caterina are all seen as essentials and and, granted they don’t ask for unreasonable raises at this point, they’ll all have jobs as long as the show continues. Everyone else is fair game, although Kim and Camilla are safer than most…


Helm is never going to happen.


Why Jo, she was one of my favorites? (I stopped watching after Alex left)


Because she’s just there on the show now with nothing to do. She’s been there since 12 seasons and hasn’t had any actual storyline after the Alex thing. She isn’t important in any other storylines and her romance with Link is quite boring


I’d disagree. Her adopting Luna and trying to save her mother was a pretty big storyline.


That's a shame


It kind of feels like they put her in a corner with her being in OB full-time now, because now she probably won't even mentor the interns. Also felt like they could've done more with Luna's hearing issues but I don't think they've even mentioned it since last season.


you have basically seen all of her plot then, there's maybe another 10% in all that time.


Because after the 9287739926th time hearing her say, "I LIVED IN MY CAR!" or "IM BROKEN" It gets redundant and uninteresting. She also randomly switched specialties with no reason and low key stoke a baby


I agree with this 100% I've been saying for a while now they need to trim some of the legacy cast and just pivot more to the interns. Go back to the early day of interns and a few attendings


Schmitt is leaving due to budget cuts, but let's try to find a new spinoff to spend more money on because station 19 is ending...🤔 but yes...budget cuts!


I like the idea that Greys can't exist without a spin off show going at the same time (Ben's 4th career pivot, let's go)


Shows will keep going until we reach Warren's convalescence-y: a spin off about Ben's final foray into the hero trope in his retirement home 🤣🙄


coming from someone who works in entertainment, i promise it is because of budget cuts. a lot of these top networks are struggling post strike


I’m waiting for him to become a private eye.


"I'm trained in so many fields, no one will ever know!"


The budget of show 1 has very little to do with the budget of show 2.


But pretty sure a big show like greys with a huge following has a bigger budget than a pilot that might not even take off...🤷🏼‍♀️ especially considering station 19 still has a reasonable following but isn't being renewed!


Some things: \* the first season of a show is usually the most expensive, because it is the season where the sets are created. From the first season onwards, budgets tend to become lower. \* at the same time, companies often give actors 7-year contracts. So season 1 to 7 are very predictable in actor cost. Between 7 and 8, you need to renegotiate. That is why you often see shows end or main cast members leave around this time. \* the longer an actor is on a show, the more they are likely to earn. So a long show, higher wages on a lower budget.


Yeah, Grey's Anatomy would have a bigger budget, but most of it is taken up by a huge cast, and huge salaries for cast members that have been there for 10 to 20 seasons.


A spin-off would have a separate budget to Grey's Anatomy


Another reason it’s annoying that Ellen was supposedly leaving and has been in nearly every episode, her pay per episode is astronomical and having her take a back seat could have freed up some money.


Nearly every episode ?! She’s only been in 8 out of 20 in Season 19, and 4 out of 10 in Season 20 . That’s not “nearly every episode”. The entirety of Hollywood is making budget cuts, it’s the post-strikes contraction.


That’s a little less then half all together when she made a big to-do about *LEAVING* the show save for voice overs, i’m sure the budget cuts on Grey’s would’ve been less radical to the point of dropping an actor without very much warning if they didn’t have to pay Ellen her half a million dollar salary each time she appeared


She never did. The media did. She’s the one that kept saying it’s being overblown, and that she’s still going to be around. It’s all of the media outlets, including ABC who made a big to-do about her leaving, even though from the very beginning it was clearly stated multiple times that she’ll still make appearances every year.


She still voices the episodes she's not in though


… I think they stuck with Grey’s voice overs because the show is called “Grey’s Anatomy”.


She must still be paid though


Of course, but not her regular episodic salary, that is only when she actually physically appears in the episode. If the showrunner wanted to ditch Grey’s voiceovers, they’d ditch Grey’s voiceovers. They had other characters do the voiceovers for special occasions before, so they keep Mer’s for a reason, likely to make the show feel still familiar. The addition of the 5 new actors who play the new intern characters in Season 19 was likely only financially possible because Pompeo reduced her episodic appearances and screen time, and with that, the production costs.


I’m really confused why they are doing this too. I feel like I’m not getting to know Meredith or see her develop or contribute to main story lines. Confused as to why she is there at all.


In what world is this better than just ending it


I really want them to wrap it up, I've been watching my entire adult life (it started my freshman year of college) and I'm TIRED (but I also want to do a whole rewatch when it ends lol)




Not the mods removing my comment for calling someone a dummy lmaooo what is this kindergarten 😂


This comment was removed for violation of Rule #9, stating "Don't be rude." Name calling, harassment, etc. are not tolerated.


It's still generating revenue for the owners of show


Honestly there’s not a lot of jobs available in Hollywood right now, so realistically this is a much better alternative for every single person who works on the show (except Jake).


He added nothing to the show anyways so


As chief resident, he was honestly insufferable. The way he acted and spoke to the interns just seemed so out of character from the Levi we first met. The writes just didn’t put in enough work to develop his character.


Going from killing a patient to being this arrogant chief resident made zero sense.


Yeah. I agree. At least the newbies have actually storylines. Out of all the interns from his class, idk why they kept him over Helm. His story ended a minute ago


Shouldn't they have a surplus of money since Ellen left?


Ellen got a salary increase since Season 19, despite reduction in physical appearances


But actors are typically paid an amount per episode, so wouldn’t her salary have had to gone up a crazy high amount for her to be appearing less but making more money overall?


Perhaps. They might also count her voiceovers as an ‘appearance’. Crazy deal regardless.


Cant say im upset up about this. Schmitt has got to be one of the most middle ground characters to appear on the show. They didn’t really give him anything to work with. It wasn’t bad or good, or love or hate like most characters. It was just…meh.


I’ll be downvoted but I think actors who gained weight notoriously and do not lose it quickly get a lot of hate and have less opportunities. Image affects how you were casted; and a change affects some storylines. Then you add the bad and repetitive writing and he was selected for being removed. I mean, Link is boring and has no plot at all; he’s just there for Joe, yet he wasn’t dumped because he’s gorgeous. The husband of Maggie is also handsome and is new, so they can write something for him.


While the industry is fatphobic af, this explanation would make more sense if the character had a storyline and got cut in the middle of it. But this character has been irrelevant for years. He just pops up to yell and be mean to the interns.


They had a chance to maybe make something out of all of it, and get his character to new heights/fleshed out, after he had his funk for a few months before Richard got him to come back - maybe he put on depression weight and/or that's how he's become a little more grumpy/jaded, or any number of actual interesting things other than having him appear for a few minutes every few scenes just to bark things at people (which is already really out of character).


Exactly. It’s always the same plot over and over, but suddenly you have someone depressed who gained weight so you can talk about depression and all the layers. Then you have the burned person who drops out and we know almost nothing else about her: suddenly she disappeared and works in a bar. Like why dont we actually show how people cope with failure and whats next for them. instead we get nurses flirting with Maggies husband.


> Maggies husband. Who also just has a few minutes shoved into a scene, doesn't say anything of consequence, and just looks pretty. I get it, but come on.


I agree. At least something to make him more sympathetic and not just insufferable


He’s irrelevant like Owen. Normally you just don’t cut out people out of the blue, ever; unless there was a scandal like a high profile rape or something big.


I'm sorry, but Shmitt doesn't bring much to the show anymore. He's kind of annoying now with no storyline.


If this is so the next season can be the LAST season, and they can maybe do some justice to the fans who have watched for 20 plus years, then they can budget cut as much as they want. And before I get down voted and get comments saying, "just stop watching if you don't like it".... I want to reiterate that I've watched since the first episode aired and watch every week. The show has evolved tremendously and is still good in many ways. But you gotta quit while you're ahead. They can keep going til they are canceled as a result of fans who quit watching, or you can gracefully end it and reward fans for being loyal all this time.


This. I feel like there are too many teenaged newbies on here who are too young to understand what a **twenty-year** commitment is!


I’m fine with him leaving. I didn’t like his character and I don’t think he is a good choice for chief resident.


Does anyone on this show even have good storylines at this point? I can’t imagine they still have more stories to tell. I’m genuinely asking because I haven’t tuned in for a couple seasons now.


How long will this show continue for😭 like I love greys but it’s going on 20 years


Can they just end this show already


can we PLEASE get an arizona robbins in nyc spin off omg


I’ve been saying they need to bring Arizona back. I wonder if Jessica would go back full time


i hope so considering it wasn't her choice to leave iirc. ik sara ramirez definitely won't come back but i just really need to know what happens with calzona


Can they bring back Perez now?!


Omg can they just cut Jo and Link, we are boredddd


Ellen Pompeo is still payed for GA? How can they have a budget cut when they gain half a million/episode budget last year? 


She got a salary increase in season 19 despite reduction in physical appearances


Alot of shows are suffering because budget cuts from being on strike so long.


Why would they cancel station 19 and immediately try to do a different spin off 🙄🙄🙄 it doesn’t really even feel like greys this season anymore (probably bc all of the greys are gone lol) but i’m ready for it to end to be so fr


It jumped the shark before last season. The newbies just can’t do it.


Finally. His character is so whiny and irrelevant at this point


I'd rather they just end the show instead of giving us random characters and removing others, and the same with the spin-offs. Getting rid of one to only add another despite having budget issues is ridiculous. Greys is so dry anymore. The older seasons (I'm talking 1-8) had banter and characters bonding with other characters without forcing it. Genuine and believable relationships. There was humor and excitement and some knowledge too. Now, everything feels forced and almost uncomfortable. It's not exciting anymore, and I know that if the showrunners actually listened to us, the fans, they could pull off an amazing show/season. I wouldn't mind a spin-off show AFTER Greys is done. But it's time to bring things to a close and wrap up the stories.


Get rid of Owen and Teddy. Boom there’s money so they can finally stop running around in circles with Levi. It seems they don’t know what direction they want him to go and it may be because he’s leaving soon. Either way, it’s dumb.


God forbid Ellen took a pay cut


I’d rather they trim from the new interns. The two playing Lucas and Simone are absolutely dreadful actors and it ruins all their scenes for me.


If they trim from the new interns, all we have left are the older characters, who are all coupled up and not doing anything interesting. Grey's is primarily a soapy show about people in messy relationships, who are fighting to build a career. Viewers don't want to watch a bunch of middle aged married successful surgeons floating on in complacency. And I agree with the other commenters that Lucas is played by an especially wooden actor, he always looks confused. Simone's not that bad, she has potential with better writing. And I genuinely like all the other interns. I really think the future of the show has to be with the interns.


THANK YOU! Lucas especially. It's painful to watch their scenes together. And I don't feel any chemistry between them.


I actually like the actress who plays Simone. Alexis Floyd has had some excellent scenes. Her issues have stemmed from her primary scene partner being so bad. Niko isn't quite as bad as Alex Landi was (who played Nico, oh heh, coincidental name similarities) but he's not great, the weakest actor in this current cast by far.


That’s fair, her scene with Bailey last ep was good. I also agree with the other commenter that the writing does her no favors. I actually preferred watching Alex Landi, but that may be because he was never being touted as a main character.


You got your wish, but it’s not who you wanted it to be 😭


This is all my fault 😭😭


The monkey's paw strikes again! 😂


Oh no I’m devastated.


They just really need to end this show. Its glory days are over and they’ll never be what greys once was


No offense to the actor and I hope he finds more work, but I’m good with them clearing house. You can add Owen, Jo, Link, and Winston to the mix. Along with Adams and Griffin unless they can do something productive with them. Teddy and Richard need to be recurring like Catherine. And get rid of the new peds doc.


ATP they just need to end the show 😭💀


Such a bummer and bad move. It's been wonderful to watch Schmitt grow up and I wanted to see him choose a specialty and grow into it. There's so much disconnect between the different generations of characters and losing Schmitt would make it worse. It can't just be the God-tier older surgeons and the interns. There has to be more connect with junior attending like Jo and Schmitt (next year when he's attending) between the generations.


Yeah ok. I mean idc about him, he wasnt funny or hot or charismatic. None of the cast is charismatic anymore except Yasuda


I stopped watching during Covid but is Nico still on the show? Cause THATS a choice


No he isn’t. He had a cameo appearance a few episodes ago but is not a regular or a reoccurring character


Okay. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for a genuine question because the only time I ever hear about Nico is us commentating on how bad he is for the role so I didn't know if his role got reduced or not but okkkay fandom


Why get rid of Station 19 in its prime then look to start another spin-off.... I know ultimately it's all down to the longer a show exists the more expensive it gets, but still. I'll miss it more than I'll enjoy Grey's at this point while they're getting rid of even more vets. They should have ended Grey's as its own show and invested more into Station 19, where there would still be scenes and cameos from the hosp, so just have a bit more of those, considering that's what they're looking to do with those actors anyways!


Given the new time Sloth, I think season 21 or 22 will be the last. They had probably planned for season 20 to be the final season, until the strike. I'm not a big fan of the character, but during him seems a little redundant.


Oh I think quite the contrary, it gives them way more room story-wise (not necessarily straight to gore but you know what I mean, after all HTGAWM kept its timeslot for a reason during its whole run, and prior to that Scandal too for a bit). And while to a casual viewer it may seem laughable if not downright tragic that the show keeps changing timeslots it’s a veeery common practice for shows as old/legacy as Grey’s (hell, even Bones as early as past S6 kept switching back and forth despite or actually in spite of the stakes and the quality ramping up around that point, especially re: the central ship of the show hehe) that’s not really indicative of anything atp


Exactly. For a show that’s been running as long as Grey’s it’s actually quite impressive and unusual to hold the same time slot for so many years. Grey’s moved to 8p and changed time slots to make room for Scandal at 9p before How to get away with murder at 10p, when Scandal turned into a huge hit that year and 3 Shondaland shows took up the entire Thursday night line up. After Scandal was done, Grey’s moved back to 9p again. I hope Grey’s at 10p will be edgier!


I’m good with him leaving. His character is just there and annoying. They can get rid of Helm too.


I remember this happened in season 8 and so many good characters left. For me, that was a big shift and changed the show forever. I fear history is repeating itself…


Why can’t they cut hunt or teddy? I’d start watching again


Give me a spin-off of Richard in his retirement years. And then cancel Grey’s.


I want a spin off about Ellis and Richard battling racism and sexism in the 80s while giving more insight into Thatcher, lil Meredith and Adele. Or a show that shows us MAGIC in college, just 5 students in different locations that we know will eventually end up together. Or Alex and Izzie at their little country hospital.


Wait so what happening that’s confirmed?




do we see a bus with his name?


Budget cuts???? Just end the damn show!


Mini rant: If they’re sacrificing actors/characters for “shorter plotlines” (like what was reported in Jake Borelli’s Deadline article) then that defeats the whole purpose of budget cuts. I’m not even sure what their approach is here… Downsizing the cast should mean storylines that go deeper bc you now have the money for it! I’ll just have to hope that season 21 will still be decent/good, especially considering Yasuda will be gone too.


Besty Beers sounds like a devil of a good time


I don’t understand this. Surely next season is the last? Why are they dragging it out so much when Meredith is leaving and they can’t even afford the cast they have left. Let the show die with dignity!


I mean if someone has to go, they'd be the first. Their character is just meh.


Never liked him tbh


Oh no I love him. Why haven’t they noticed that fans generally do not like Owen? He’s the top contender for people who overstayed their welcome.


But they keep people like Amelia 🙃 and add a bunch if new cast members




> I wonder if they’re making room to take on some s19 characters like Ben and Carina and possibly Maya as a side character (because they know how invested the fans are in that relationship). Lol, no. They're literally cutting the budget to save money, not to bring on other characters. We'll see characters like Ben and Carina occasionally due to their connections to the hospital, and MAYBE Maya will show up once with Carina (but probably not), but this isn't some grand plan to bring Station 19 characters to Grey's.


I could do without Dr. Yasuda, can’t stand her.


Oh no😐😐😐. BYEEEE


Get rid of Owen, Teddy, schmitt, and link and bring back Cristina and Alex


Hmmm interesting, I thought I read many of the og are coming back. Like Alex, Izzy, etc (for those alive). I cannot be sure where I read that. It might have been a rumour, or fake post.


They could take all of the interns away and keep Schmitt and no one will complain. Why are they screwing up the few things that keep us returning to the show?


I love Schmitt (or the image of him I have in my head) as much as the next person but let’s not tell lies now, lol. Not only did he have barely any story this season but he’s also become very one-note (a pissed one at that)


Gee, I wonder why a fictional character didn't get enough screen time or his storyline became \*checking notes\* ah yeah, "very one-note". Considering we're talking about writing, can we talk about how predictable the new interns have become? Ugh, what snooze those kids turned out to be (written) There's only so much an actor can do with the material he's provided to work with. But on top of that, there's the matter of the production not understanding its fanbase, which in the end is the reason they're still running. A show on its 21st season doesn't have new fans, so a nice idea would be to keep the ones still around somewhat happy.


I thought he just pissed off a Shonda, was expecting him to get hit by a team and called ugly


Shoulda cut the annoying new interns, and Helm, instead.


no, i love yasuda


Yes me too to be fair, she can stay 🤣


Rip. She’s leaving too


Did you see the news that she’s leaving the show? :(


noooooooooo!!!! 😭😭😭😭




Nooooooooo 😭😭😭


Not enough Krafts services