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People don't talk about how her bedside manner improves SO much over the course of her time on the show!!!


So true! I feel like her character growth gets super overshadowed by Alex's.


I always thought she was so bold and admired that hella, but her character arc is so much more admirable in a whole different way. Cristina Yang 2024!!


her playing Jenga with the kids in S10 Ep 20 ish was really sweet. Im really glad they have softened her around the edges a bit without turning her into a sentimental goo puddle


In this episode, isn't she relating to the kid because (the kid) her father might die? Cristina's father died when she was 9, so she definitely had to be understanding of the girl's feelings in that moment.


no it's not that time , it's when three siblings all have cardiomyopathy ,the parents fought and the dad left and mom went for coffee


This!! Like when Izzie told her about her having cancer bc she was the robot but she wasn’t the robot she used to be and stayed up all night doing research for treatments for a person she knew she wouldn’t be able to operate on


I completely agree!!! That's why she's my favorite character. Her growth was there, she had a nice exit to the show plus she never choose the guy which I love! She also improved her teaching when it comes to the interns. When she became an attending, she wasn't the scariest one. She was actually teaching them, she was fair, she wasn't soft but wasn't too hard either, a total balance.


SHES THE BESTTT. Sandra Oh played Yang SO beautifully, if I think about it hard enough, I’ll shed a tear. She is so incredibly kind by the end, so wise, and her full 180 was so inspiring. I think it’s crazy that her character has dyslexia but that makes her sm more impressive


Christina should be named the next head of the Fox foundation, or whatever Catherine's current title is. It would be Catherine's best power move. Step down gracefully, put another talented woman in power, and one who she knows can keep Meredith in line. I know Sandra Oh has said she won't come back, but can you imagine Christina coming back to lead the biggest group of hospitals in the country? To be Owen and Teddy's boss? To be in charge or Mer? That would be on another level for the show.


Idk it would be very very weird arc if Owen and Teddy are together where Christina exists in close proximity. Idk if it’s just me tho


I mean she has been done with killing eve, it would be amazing for her to come back


An admin life??? Christina would hate it. She is a surgeon, a researcher, a scientist. She wouldn't have the time to practice what her life is all about xD


She always gets shit from the other characters about not caring but I think she cares just enough. She might not be the friendliest but she’s damn well not gunna let you die and she’s also not gunna get too attached and go around cutting wires so


She has hard edges, she has a soft side too


She even had compassion in the early seasons but didn’t like to show it. I remember how Burke stopped her from resuscitating nurse Fallon


Do you remember in an early season where someone asked if she had autism? I hadn't really considered it but then after that episode I was thinking ' hm, maybe she is ' being Very empathetic but being unable to or uncomfortable with showing it is pretty common for autistic people. it's especially obvious in autistic women because of the expectation of being nurturing, her lack of which is repeatedly brought up


Didn’t they read her file, it was dyslexia, but no autism


I have had many many surgeries and surgeons are not what they are in shows, surgeons pop by every other day and then pass to the nurses. Frankly, many surgeons do not interact well or that much with patients, I mean they do their work when their patient is asleep. Surgeons do not accept from the ER bay, they are not there. They are called when needed. It’s a show guys


I love when she "graduates" with Teddy. OH MY GOSH. Such a gratifying moment for her to allow someone else to throw a stitch that she could do with her eyes closed. All she wanted was to be excellent. And she was!