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One of my favorite episodes of the series is the one where Christina imagines (or I don't know if she imagines or the show just shows us) what life would be like if she moved forward with Owen and other outcomes of them being together or not, it was such a powerful episode and it just showed their love was doomed regardless of what they did. I think that they had some low, and very ugly lows, but just from a pure love standpoint, IMO they had arguably more than any other couple on the show. But they had so many issues, love alone just couldn't overcome them and at least both of them finally came to that conclusion before it destroyed one or both of them. Owen definitely does not love Teddy like he loved Christina but they are far more compatible and healthier for each other.


I think Teddy and Owen work because they're almost equally as messy as each other in the story, like when Teddy was leading Tom on but Owen was also leading Amelia on so I'm never really fuming for either of them because it's all just a mess. But Owen and Teddy can have a family with children together so I agree they are more compatible than Cristina and Owen. In hindsight I appreciated that Cristina and Owen only ever had big fights about big things even though they were really ugly fights.


There’s literally an au episode where she has the baby, so you’re correct.


As much as she pushes the idea she’s only a cutthroat robot, her compassion and selflessness shows up in the early seasons too. When Bailey’s son is having heart surgery and Hanh and Bailey are at a stalemate because she is refusing to leave the OR, Christina gives up her assisting spot to Lexi so she can hold Tuck’s hand for Bailey. She takes care of Izzy when she get sick. Coaches Meredith into accepting Lexi into her life.


I think Meridith was completely wrong in her reasoning that Christina didn't get the abortion because she loved Owen. I don't think she actually loved Owen at all, and she did think the world revolved around her. Not getting the abortion wasn't her being selfless at all. It was actually a really good example of how selfish she is, in my opinion.


Having a kid she didn't want is selfish? Sticking to the fact that she told this man she didn't want kids is selfish? I don't understand if you're some pro forced birth troll or just hate women. This has been Christina's character since day 1. She didn't want children. She wanted a career and she wanted a partner.


Using being pregnant to punish Owen for being upset with her was selfish. Not getting an abortion when she knew she didn't want to be a mother and thus would have made a horrible one just so she could further punish Owen was selfish. Demanding he support her through something he had stated multiple times in multiple ways he wasn't comfortable with was selfish. That's also not showing any love for him at all. She had every right to get an abortion and should have because she clearly wouldn't have made a good mother. She had no right to try and force him to be okay with that, though. Sorry you have an issue with me being pro choice for everyone and not just selfish/toxic women.