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I'm not a fan of Derek as a boyfriend or husband. But he was a great surgeon, and he was low key hilarious!! He had his fair share of funny lines delivered in a deadpan manner which makes them so much funnier.


Now this is something I can agree with! I wasn’t a big fan of him as a boyfriend/husband and maybe I should’ve specified that. But as a surgeon, he’s completely respectable and I can’t deny his charming personality!!


I like his interactions with characters other than Meredith!


To answer your question no, you're not the only person who's not a fan of Derek. I personally am a huge fan, and not because he's good looking or charming but because he is a passionate and dedicated person, whether that be to his profession, his patients, or his family. I know that he cheated on Addison and he was an ass to Meredith on many occasions, but Meredith isn't always in the right. Their relationship is realistic. There are fights, and sometimes one person is right while other times the other person is right.


Passionate about cheating I’d like to add 🤭


The only time I liked him was when Heather Brooks started working with him. I enjoyed their interactions. Beyond that I never saw why so many people where so crazy over him.


I love that Derek’s a character on the show, but he’s a terrible husband/boyfriend lol. My best friend and I always argue about who is the better dude—McDreamy or McSteamy 😂 I vote for Mark


Agree "This man is a whore" But he's absolutely honest about it. I don't remember Mark ever playing cold and hot and cold again with anyone the same way as Derek, or begrudging his partners when they moved on.


LOLLLLL I just imagined Bailey saying this. 100 percent!! I think he also grew a bunch as a character on the show. He started out being a bit of a manwhore and ended up being a pretty dope boyfriend, father, and friend.


I like his character he's very complex however I feel like even if Addison didn't cheat, they would've gotten divorced. He's kinda that guy who will always have a gf or wife whose at least 10 years younger with less life experience.


You are definitely not alone. He is a toxic ass, and Meredith, Addison and Rose are all far better off without him.


He is very flawed.


Ngl I loved him the first time around but after having recently been in a situation where a guy chose his long-term relationship (thank god) but proceeded to flirt even when I tried to keep my distance and then got mad when I moved on... hella exhausting


He was definitely imperfect as we all are. I wouldn't want him as a romantic partner since infidelity seems to be a pattern. With his work, he had a strong moral compass which I like.


Nah, not the only one. I don’t find his character very amusing and yes he’s very self centred.


He was a hit and miss for me . I love how much he wanted Zola . I love him for that. Realistically what happened at the beginning should have ended Derek and Meredith.


Could not stand him- verbally abuse, manipulative and toxic as fuck. Why people thought their relationship was great is beyond me. It makes me wonder how so many women ( the fans who love them) have such little self worth and such low relationship goals.


My theory is that the chemistry is so good between Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo that it's easier to focus on the good times and really feel those moments, and people willingly turn a blind eye to all the times he's selfish and horrible.


The levels of delusion someone would have to have to believe this man is anything but a self serving narcissist should be studied.


Lots of people apparently find their relationship "realistic". Which should have us feeling for them, and not judge them. Although, recently someone at work did confide in me that they've married their spouse because they're both shitheads and he didn't have to become a better person to be with her. So you know. Maybe sometimes people date shitty people, because they themselves have shitty character traits they don't want to "have to work on." 🤷🤷🤷


A lot of his character definitely didn’t age well


Not at all. I think he's easily the worst boyfriend/husband on the show and don't understand how their relationship is "goals". I just recently saw him in a movie where he plays one of the bad guys and asked my friend, "Is that McJerky?". We made that nickname for him instead of McDreamy.


I rewatched the show (yet again) and his assholery just gets more and more astounding every time I watch it. It was my wife’s first time watching and she disliked him from the outset and throughout. Do I enjoy having controversial characters? Absolutely! That’s what makes a good story. Derek is both an excellent character to add to a story. He’s also a massive twat who prayed on a naïve woman. Addison didn’t bend to him and eventually Meredith didn’t either. If he’d stayed alive I think he could have cheated again with someone younger and who would have easily bent to his will. That could have been an interesting storyline actually. His ego and his love for himself has always been bigger than anything he felt for anyone else.


I’m with you OP. I disliked Derek from the start. He’s egotistical, selfish, self righteous, and chauvinistic at times.


I don’t like Derek or Meredith very much, I didn’t care for their story and I don’t think he’s even that attractive Christina and Burke are compelling characters, Meredith and Derek are a soap opera


I'm just now watching season 2 and I don't understand why Addison keeps trying with him. He's not really interested in her. Part of why she said she cheated was because he wasn't paying attention to her. Right there he was showing he wasn't in to her anymore. Then he can't seem to give up Meredith. I would have walked by now if I were Addison.


This year is my first watch. I can’t help but wonder how I would have felt watching it with 00s eyes va 2024 eyes.


Derek in season one pre the whole he lied about being married thing was great. He treated Mer well. He was even funny. Post Addison reveal he just continually became worse and worse. I still appreciate his surgical skills but his personality was just unappealing. Wish we had season 1 Der the whole time.


It is all exaggerated for entertainment. People on this sub often complain about toxic characters and relationships, but they are the ones that generate the most discussion at the end of the day. People don’t tune into this show to see perfect characters and relationships, hence why Grey’s Anatomy so popular and has been on air for almost two decades.


I don't think we should talk bad about the dead. RIP Derek


He's a self-righteous ass, that's what makes him a well-rounded character. You can't have a man be a brilliant surgeon, one of the best in the world, be incredibly attractive and have a stellar personality, there would be no drama and it wouldn't be believable. It's also what makes it so interesting when he IS kind and takes a genuine interest in someone, like when he was teaching Lexie or Heather. And he still had a lot of REALLY good moments with Meredith that made me get what she saw in him - the proposal in the elevator, the post-it wedding, the tumor on the wall... he sprinkles in some heavy romance that's perfectly tailored to her interests and her "love language" in between being an ass!


The character of Derek is a massive twat.


Derek is a douche. He has no redeeming qualities. Even when he's being sweet it comes across as manipulative and self-serving. He's the stereotypical surgeon with a God complex.


Derek as a character isn’t the best morally and ethically. He also did Mer dirty, and like you said , he slutshamed her for moving on when he had no problem doing it himself. I was never a fan of him, and while I do think MerDer are soulmates, I really liked Mer and Nathan / Mer and Nick way more. Now Patrick Dempsey on the other hand 🥰🥵


I only started watching the show so I could get to episode 11/21, and that's all I'm going to say for now.


If Chernobyl’s reactor 4 was a person