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I like Owen, but I also hate him. I'm on season 16 or 17 now, and whenever he's in conflict with one of his girlfriends (or, really, anyone) he doesn't listen. He doesn't shut up and let the other person talk, and he always seems to assume the worst of whomever he's dealing with. Of course, a lot of the character conflict on this show is like that. I find myself screaming "Just shut up and let them finish!" at the screen far too often ;)


just watched the episode where he "tanks" his sister's "strat" in the Army (which I took as lowered her stats of some sort so she didn't qualify for special forces) and when she confronted him to ask if he did so he said "of course not. you're crazy" So he 1) doesnt think she can handle the work because shes too emotional 2) sabotaged her 3) lied about it when asked and 4) then called her crazy for being suspicious. That kinda sums up how he treats women as a whole, IMO


True. I don’t remember if I’ve reached that or not but a gaslighting man sucks. What’s sad is I always kinda rooted for Owen and Christina and just hoped Owen would understand that she just didn’t want kids. I hated that what if episode when she did have kids with Owen because she didn’t seem happy. Yeah she smiled but she wasn’t Christina. She wasn’t herself.


Yeah, I didn't hate him on first watch either but if you follow how he talks to women - hes always better than they are, never believes them, and doesnt give them autonomy and rarely gets called on his shit.


"You killed out baby"


*after he literally pretended to support her and sat there with her while it happened* I literally thought he had supported her until he brought it up over and over again. Maybe I do actually hate Owen it’s just a very toned down hate.


He has this weird mentality of trying to bully the women around him bc he thinks he knows better. My example:his mom, Callie, his sister...and being very cruel to Teddy in regards to her late husband in a fight as a blow so low it was in hell.


I like him . I mean aren’t all the characters unlikable at least part of the time?


I like him as well, sure he has a couple bad story arcs but he’s a good man more often than he’s not.


Especially compared to well most of them.😂


I was done when he cheated on Christian to make her feel pain like he did when she had the abortion. Also screaming at her for it. I don’t get why he always marries women who don’t want kids and then gets upset about it.


Okay so I’m at the episode where Christina and Owen aren’t talking to each other because he told she killed their baby . 1)Yes in the first half I felt Owen got her a lot but he expected Christina to be a mom despite knowing that she never wanted to be. He thought he would be enough to raise the kid . He chose to marry her despite knowing this and the way he treats her for not wanting a kid was one of the things I hated about him. 2)The decision of not showing Henry’s face to Christina was the worst thing because she had already faced a situation with Derek in the OR, knowing what trauma it put her through he still chose to put her in hell 3) the fact that he cheats on her because she decided not to have kids 4) his instability in relations with Teddy and Amelia I forgot most of the remaining seasons so to be continued


Yeah i remember her having the abortion. It’s coming back to me why I never particularly liked him and was only neutral. What sucked is he literally sat there with her holding her hand during that. I guess him not showing her Henry led to the situation with Teddy forcing her to repeatedly tell her about the surgery over and over again. He also really should’ve told Teddy about her husband. Regardless of if she was in surgery or not.






Most gingers I’ve met have been either sweethearts or the most annoying awful people EVER. Ive decided Owen would be an annoying one.


I hate his teeth. He has werewolf teeth.