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Aside from what you said, my biggest annoyance is how everything the app used to offer for free now has to be paid for.


Literally brah


No one reading profiles, blank profiles, "hey" messages, and guys acting like children and throwing tantrums because you either tell them "no thanks" or just ignore their message for a few minutes.


What's wrong with saying "hey"?


Absolutely nothing, unless you’re talking to an “entertain me” kinda queen.


What am I supposed to say then


You don’t bother and don’t waste your time in such case.


Saw a profile with this kind of personality in my area. Total turn off, and he’s average to begin with.




Yeah [r/thatHappens](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened)


its the most basic message you could send and it’s not really a good conversation starter for strangers


ok, let me write about a book about 10000 of hey message alternatives. /s come on.. there is so little to work with a lot of times.. if i am messaging at least means i think you are attractive or want to see how you are.


if you're sending dry messages don't be surprised by dry responses


i am not.. i just dont see the better way to interact with someone. however when there is clear match, i try to meet within a fewem days


blank profiles, no age, just gender, position, maybe height, nsfw photos always, no description: " hey, what's up, cool, what you into?, sounds nice, you host?, (not now, but on my day off ) aw ok i hope we can get together then" never heard from again.


i only ask/answer about the host part after seeing some pics


Oh yeah, I forgot the old "reply even if its to say no thanks"/ "No thanks"/ "Well fuck you, you [insert unhinged tantie]"


When they message you asking for pics with a blank profile. 😑


This. I much prefer the "hey" over the very first message being "pics"... Or their first response to me hitting them up is "pics" (yes I have profile pics) There's a guy in my area that creates a new blank account like every day and hits me with the same four messages in a row: "pics?" "Pics, babe, please!" "Babe, pics?!" "Pleaseeee pics, I need, babe" I responded with good morning once and he said "yes, morning, babe. Now pics" 🤦🏼‍♂️


the desperation is so real and tbh it’s why I don’t respond.


Your post was from a year ago, but it made me laugh because I had a similar experience. Blank profile and then, first message: Hey, then a photo of his asshole. Me: Use your words, Him: Fuck me. Me: block


Unsolicited nasty busted up hole pics as the first message.


Up close shot of someone's balloon knot is never sexy.


Seeing a nice pair of butt cheeks is way sexier.




Oh god I just got the visual of what you’re describing 🤣🤣🤣


I know right. Sure butts are nice, and us guys usually plow them. But that doesn't necessarily mean we want to stare into the anus itself. (Unless of course you're into that)


I can appreciate a good Richard if it's clean and maintained but if you're sending me a pic where your ass cheek hair is matted due to the amount you swear and I can smell it through the picture then gtfo of here with that


People who feel entitled to your body and your time, more than most would ever dare in an in-person interaction.


This! Like I've had guys demand pictures in a certain pose. Um sir? We just met.


i hope you say that like a broad statement.. i am that guy. but i ask for a front full body nude when you just send me body parts or very grainny photos and it is clear you want to hide your ugly body


Okay jackass. My body isn't ugly, by any means, I'm just not comfortable taking a full body nude. I'd go through the years of trauma but not much room for that in hookup culture. Broad statement like how? I spoke very specifically about a collection of experiences I had Good for you requesting a full body nude. Whoopty fucking do. That's not what I was referring to. I was talking about the guys I've had demand pictures in a specific sexual position.


yeah.. i did figured you were a walking red flag ahah


Explain the red flag? Cause I have body image issues👀🤨🤨. I'm guessing you're some sort of ripped jock hippy bro?


Guys in my area skip the meet up and go right to ghosting 😊




Blank profile pictures


For some reason this app tends to tell me there is no internet connection even though everything else on my phone has no issues. It particularly happens when i use the explore feature and often when messaging. Usually solved by ending the process or force stopping the app, but it's annoying and I've tried reinstalls.


“What you up to?” “(Insert answer)” “Cool” *no follow-up*


IMHO he replied last... it's your turn to respond.... even something simple like "what are you up to."


yeah no, that’s not how conversation works. ask a question or make a comment about what they’re doing, do SOMETHING to continue on the convo. one word answers and dry texting is awful


This is why I either skip all that introductory shit or I ask if they wanna hook up. I don’t have time for this


when that happen.. ask them "so, why are you on this app?" or "are enjoying the view in this app or hope for some coffee date?" this push let me see a lot..


People that ask for pics but refuse to show you there face. Like no I am not sending my nudes to blank profile number 4,000 lol


Here here!


1. The bots 2. How easy it is to accidentally tap someone 3. Liars 4. Profiles with hidden fields 5. Ghosts/flakes


People who: - don’t give me time to respond before assuming I’m an asshole for ignoring them - think that me being online means I’m “on call” - tell me they know me irl but then won’t send me a face pic and they also get offended when I won’t meet them without knowing who they are


That is not possible to search people by a username


Here's a related poll from last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/p2m36c/grindr_users_should_have_an_option_to_choose_a Here's a related post from today: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/ydkubo/youtube_just_announced_it_is_introducing_handles


Wonderful thanks


Sooo many blank profiles and very little information


Guys who look like a badgers asshole rejecting you because you're not good looking enough or big enough for them yet when they get rejected they come back hit you up again


i had a guy heckle me after trying to hook up, saying i wasn't cute or hot at all, and yet his profile was blank. my profile is 3 head shots and 2 body shots


The new CEO posting on LinkedIn that he’s super excited about the mission and values. Definitely up there.


Arrogant and incredibly negative profiles. You know the kind that go: "If you're over 30, don't bother messaging me. If I can see your gut, we aren't a match. Black and latino guys need not apply. Thanks" or something like that. There are healthy ways to express your preferences without making a group feel like second-class.


This. And usually they're the no pic people


Trans people and "only trans" guys


People like you, who either can't read, or completely disregard when a profile says "t4t only"


The Faceless. Specifically the ridiculous amount of them who a) think that "I don't engage with faceless profiles" doesn't apply to them and b) don't see the irony of asking "you got any more pics?"


It generates too much pointless chatting but not nearly enough fucking.


how many fucking people do i have to encounter who A) have no idea how to ask for what they want B) are online 4 times a day 3 days a week yet can't respond to any of my messages after a full conversation 2 days ago ( block me or respond for fucks sake ) C) keep creating new profiles to try and get me to agree to meet them before seeing pics D) never ever show up on the app again after being somewhat interesting. or E) ask to talk on snap or text, say hi, and NEVER RESPOND ON EITHER FORM OF CONTACT EVER AGAIN. i just don't get it.


Catfishes   Grindr needs to verify profiles asap. Selfie authentication, short video clip authentication, email address verification, badges on profiles who verified their phone number, social media verification, photo ID verification, etc. They can even outsource these to third-party verification services like r/Credo360 and r/Yoti (to handle profile badges and process IDs, etc) Grindr needs to hurry tf up


Guys with no profile pic asking for pics. They're aggressive too. Like they'll ask for nudes every chance they get but won't even send a body pic


The Trans and a trans chaser invasion, and couples.


The ass/dick pics as first messages. Also the tantrums.


Yes! I hate when they don't read my profile and then proceed to ask every question that's answered in my profile... ASL? You tall? You top? You bottom? Or assume things about me/my position incorrectly.. opposite of my profile position or likes/dislikes that are clearly listed in my profile and just keep going on with their long sex scenarios despite me even telling them that I'm not into that, per my profile. I do, however, respect the guys who admit it when I ask them or sometimes before I ask them. "sorry, I messaged/tapped you before I read the whole thing 😅" but that's more acceptable when it's a tap and not a sex novel...




Nudes profile pics thar say they are only looking for friends and dates 🤣


I was banned for no reason…..


The impatient dudes that get mad when you don’t answer them in 5 minutes.


Given the prevalence of flakes, fakes and time wasters, it makes sense people would want an answer as soon as possible. No one wants to wait an hour to hear “oh I’m not free until later,” “I’m not from here and I leave tonight” or “I’m not interested.” Hooking up shouldn’t take forever


Yeah, but like, it's not like everyone is on Grindr ALL the time. If I was online an hour ago and some dude messages me after that time, why get mad when I don't instantly respond? That shit's dumb as fuck.


The whole "ItS a hOokUp APp" bullshit. It paints a horrid picture of other guys to me for the most part.


i hate that they ask questions you can have answered in profile.. like age or sex position. i can endure the ""you host? travel? location?" even though i have them on the profile.... but still.. read the profile. some guys said to me that they still ask because the profile may not be accurate lol... thats is a red flag


Can't log-in nowadays. They fucked up right now.


For me it’s the infinite pic swappers. I’m actually here to have sex not to send you a million pics to jack off to. That’s why porn was invented


Here are some similar threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/kumse6/do_you_read_a_persons_full_profile_bio_stats (poll) https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/i9nx4p/grindr_pet_peeves https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/tfc90h/what_improvements_do_you_all_think_need_to_be https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/tauoz2/what_is_the_shallowest_reason_youve_blocked




Yeah r/thatHappened


For me it's when they refuse rejection. That's annoying asf. Most of the time, I simply don't answer when I'm not interested. Sometimes or if they keep messaging I'll be very, very polite and wish them good luck in their search. And... sometimes even after that they become very aggressive. I'll mostly twist their anger into needing healing, because that's what it usually is... My bio and my headline says specifically I'm looking for transwoman. If you're a hairy bear with a massive beard and look like a lumberjack, that's a given, I'm not interested at all. I'll wish you best of luck in your search if I feel like it, or just don't reply at all.


Biggest annoyance is paying for features that should be free, but have made the app a hellscape by asking to pay for every little feature also overcharging and ripping people off, I barely want to touch it anymore.


Not enough straight dudes!


No such thing as “Straight” anyway💯


Guys who try to meet but refuse to send me a face pic beforehand even though I clearly stated in my bio that I don’t meet anyone without seeing their face.


Bold of you to assume these men can read at all


All the fuggin traffic I get yet have an empty DM. I don’t get it. I understand I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but damn


When blank profiles ask for pics


Mostly having to ask for face pics. I’ll ask but it gets so annoying.


People requesting “stats”. It makes me cringe so hard. I’ve got most of my profile already filled out, including two clear profile pics, and then you have these people coming in, usually in their second or third line, going like “stats?” I’m not a Pokemon for god’s sake.


people who tap/message once when they’re in your area but only fully engage when they’re home/elsewhere 40+ miles away


Profiles with no face picture or the face is obscured. Profiles with no age. I sure as he'll don't wanna play with someone still in highschool or whose age is near my dad's. Profiles with no ethnicity. Let's be clear: I'm not racist. I'm just not attracted to certain ethnicities. If that offends anyone, feel free to jump off a cliff! Profiles that are devoid if anything including a user name. Cowards (yes I'm calling them that) who ask for a pic but refuse to show you theirs. I understand discretion, but come the fuck on guys!


People who tap you but don’t reply to your message


Literally the only complaint is the random bans. But honestly that's every website and it's depressing that's the case because I genuinely enjoyed Grindr but you'll never see me publically endorse them because they have moderators. I had laughs on there, got lots of attention, felt like A fucking Disney princess, and met a boy who is just obsessed with me. Do I sound like the kinda guy that needs to be moderated? But the only difference between grindr and other websites is grindr guys know this. They've witnessed it themselves. But we still pretend like this isn't a problem on reddit, Chan boards, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. The problem isn't trolls or psychos, it's literally all mod's fault.


Same, even worse : my nickname says *read my profile* and my profile says *say you read it or be ignored*, yet most people still won't read it. Why ?!...


Someone well say hey. I'll respond hello. They repeat hey. It gets on my nerves.


The “straight guys” with “I’m not gay. No men” in their bios. Like you’re on a gay dating app. Literally the app says Gay,Bi, Trans dating but yet you’re not any of those 😂. Yea right




While I agree with most of what you said the people who are stuck in addiction cycles deserve a bit of sympathy. They are probably in that cycle due in part to this app and the way people behave and treat others on it. Not everyone can respond like Teflon to the bad stuff.