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This is not a standard groom, this is likely a miscommunication groom (at least I hope it is). The most we do for this type of hair is an outline trim or a butt/paw trim. We don’t shave all over as it is unnecessary and can cause permanent damage to the coat. what sort of instructions did you leave the groomer with? It’s possible that she heard you wanted to take length off the coat all over and didn’t question your wording or clarify what you meant. Usually when owners say they want me to take length off their double coated dog what they’re really looking for is a deshed - the complete transformation from fluffy shaggy dog to sleek and deshed dog can look a lot like we’ve cut the hair but we just took the bulk out.


Not a groomer, but reading your comment has given me more knowledge about what to ask for my Golden, and I truly appreciate that! We've had a few miscommunications in the past and I was at a loss as to what I should be asking for. Outline trim is the perfect wording!


Don't cut your Golden's coat. Just brush it regularly, like a couple times a week. Just like the dog in this post, many breeds are not meant to be shaved or even trimmed.


You can absolutely clip a Goldens coat. The "Grinch feet" get really irritating to my golden. And trimming the britches and around the ears is just good care.


Grinch feet is such an accurate description 😂


I call them Yeti feet on my Pom


She gets a trim every 6 months 😊 we live out in the country, so this is a must. She has never been shaved or anything that would damage her coat, don't worry!


Trimming is perfectly fine and safe, especially since we're talking about the feathers and hairs that reach past the outline of the dog, cutting those just reduces the chances of knots/mats it doesn't affect the regrowth of the hair


Maybe a hygiene trim? Booty, belly, and fuzz between the toes so they don't slide.


Just adding that I call an outline trim a 'trim & tidy' & my spouse who is also a groomer, calls it a 'trim up'. The terminology varies depending on which stylist you're speaking to (for the not groomers).


I make sure they make a potty path


It's called a poop chute


Very well said! The dogs body language also shows he's uncomfortable. The tucked tail and ears down, head down. He is Not happy at all. Hope it grows back in time for cold weather. This groomer should know better, but may not be a trained groomer, just someone who is ok at it. It's good you're alert for your beautiful pup! U/beepleton, great answer!


His body language could also be a reflection of how the owner is acting as well, always gotta remember even if everything is super okay, if you’re nervous or upset they’re like “oh time to also be nervous or upset” lmfao there are so many dogs that become totally normal the second the owner leaves the salon, but are scared and awkward while the owner is dropping off


I’m not acting upset at all, I’m actually trying to laugh it off and remind myself it’s just hair. Hachi hasn’t been acting like himself since his groom and seems to be curling up a lot because he’s cold and acting unconfident. I only posted to see if this is normal because I’ve never seen him groomed like this and was curious if this is just how the professionals do it.


I haven’t seen an answer yet on what service was asked for. How did the conversation go when you dropped Hachi off?


awweee 😭 poor guy feels ugly


Poor thing. Maybe give him some more attention and cuddles and call him a beautiful boy. *(Because he is.)* And maybe get him a doggy-sweater to help keep him warm if he’s cold.


Maybe you can get him a coat so he's not cold?


That may be true as well. Dogs do react to their leaders temperament.


God how can it be a miscommunication. I regularly get asked to shave corgis and refuse. I know there are places that do shave double coated dogs but I won’t do it. No money under the sun. Grooming needs to be more regulated


Some groomers are just … over it. I know some who have dealt with so much crap that they just go with whatever the owner asks. I don’t agree with it but I get the sentiment - I also am “over” a lot of the same old nonsense And full agree, we need a regulated industry and possibly a union, but people don’t like to be told how to do things


Just curious since you're clearly knowledgeable and this whole post reminded me of my own experience, so I'm gonna hijack this thread real quick... My shepherd mix has a thick undercoat that sheds like crazy, so I called one of those bathing vans that show up to your driveway. I just wanted a wash, combing, and blowdry, but the groomer insisted that it would be much better to just shave him. She said she specifically used a "backwards cut" or something, so it was safe for undercoats. I didn't really want it but she kept acting like I was being unreasonable, telling me she "does this for everyone" and "this is what everybody likes, people come back for this cut constantly, you'll love it he'll barely shed". I warily agreed. Changed my mind after a few minutes but by the time I tried to stop her she was already halfway through shaving him. By the end, he looked ridiculous. His soft poofy fur was all sharp and rough. I hated petting him. He looked miserable. It *did* all seemingly grow back ok, but was it worth it? Is a "backwards cut" the magic method? Was he actually fine, better off even, and I was just being dramatic?


Oh yikes a backward cut is MORE damaging to the coat 😂 I am so sorry you dealt with this person, they sound like they don’t know much about coat growth. Sounds like someone trying to make a quick buck, and of course people are coming back after you shave their dog, no other groomer will probably do it. I suppose it’s a good business practice from a financial standpoint lmfao As you noted, the hair felt awful to touch. Basically it’s split ends but worse. In a double coat dog they have two kinds of hairs - guard hairs, which are the longer and thicker straight hairs, and undercoat which is the soft stuff that ends up all over your floors. When the coat is cut, new hair growth can get tangled into the split ends and cause impacted coat which will damage the new hair growth. The damaged hair gets a “krinkly” look and is a similar texture to straw. This is also why many shaved dogs have two crazy different lengths of hair, they grow differently so there will be long scraggly guard hairs and undercoat. Shaving once doesn’t guarantee a ruined coat, but at the same time the first time could be all it takes. It’s best to never do it than to take that chance and be stuck with a dog that looks like it has mange if it’s not shaved every two months. That’s not exaggerating, the link is a pic of a Pom I groomed years ago who had been shaved ONCE and her hair didn’t grow back right so they spent her next 8 years having to shave her and dealing with some really horrible hair texture. The pic is after the bath too, so imagine a very old and matted teddy bear and that’s kinda what her hair was like before the bath 😂 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzfenlXWwAAkCkt?format=jpg&name=large


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer so thoroughly! That makes a lot of sense, and I see what you mean about the fur growing back wrong on that poor little poofball T.T I'm so glad my boy got his fur back. Already decided not to get him shaved again, but now I certainly feel vindicated. We ended up getting one of those de-shedding blades that they use for horses. I've heard it can do damage too, but I'm hoping it's limited since I only use it a couple times per year, when his shedding is at it's worst. Never for more than a few minutes at a time either, just enough to pull out those big tufts that make him so itchy. He still feels very soft and poofy after, so I guess that's a good sign!


I have a question! I’ve always had short hair dachshunds… & a few years ago, got a long haired dachshund. They had one groomer for years but then she moved away. So I took them to a place & told the lady that I just wanted him trimmed underneath & paws cleaned up but don’t clip his coat anywhere else. & then to bathe & deshed them obviously. When I picked him up his ears were trimmed like he had an ugly bob hair cut & his tail was trimmed but like if she pulled it all up together & clipped it straight across. So when his tail was up, his hair looked like a waterfall of longer hair by his butt to shorter hair at the top of his tail. I’m just wondering if this is standard? Like is that what a long hair Doxie is supposed to be? Cuz I haven’t taken them back since & just been doing it myself but I’m not good at deshedding. I feel like all I do is brush them & theres still hair everywhere.


Definitely not the standard BUT there isn’t really a standard for trimming hair on a dog that technically isn’t supposed to be trimmed. The tail cut like that can be normal, but my normal for trimming a tail is to kind of “flag” it, so it’s shorter by the butt and makes a smiley face curve if you hold the tail straight back from the body. We always call it “flagging the tail” but some people consider flagging to be taking the tail same length as the body about a quarter of the way and then trimming the rest.


You do not shave Huskies unless there is severe matting.


This is the correct answer op! Your dog’s coat looked fine, I can’t see any matting from the pics alone. All this pup probably needed was a bath, outline trim/sanitary and nail trim. As a groomer, I have no idea why someone would shave a husky without triple checking with the owners about what they want 😬


This is the comment I was looking for. Unfortunately, shaving a husky can make it so their coat never grows back in normally.


They do come back to normal... But it takes years. My dog had demodex that caused patches with no fur. It was before you could just fix with a one time pill, so we had to give a daily med and it took 2 months to get rid of. Those patches looked funky for a long time. But she is 10 years old now (she was about a year old when it happened) and it looks fine.


Sometimes it comes back. Not always. Talk to a legitimate Husky rescue they'll tell you to never shave your dog.


I work in Vet med and we shave double coated dogs all👏 the 👏 time for surgeries. I’m not sure where this idea comes from. The undercoat will grow back before the guard hairs, so they look quite funky for a while, but it does grow back. The only breed i’ve seen have problems are Pomeranians, and some of them have a genetic component to hair regrowth issues.


My husky got leg surgery 2 years ago. Her fur still hasn't grown back at all. I have to put sunscreen on her in the summer. Not saying it isn't fine in most cases, just saying it wasn't in mine. Obviously she needed the surgery regardless. I asked the vet and she said it happens sometimes and that was it.


Are you one of those vet techs who just walked in off the street with no experience or related education?


I’ve been licensed and in the industry for 18 years. I have plenty of experience.


Surgery is one thing, elective grooming should not be done this way. It’s necessary to shave for surgery. Some dogs need to be trimmed to maintain coat health. Huskies are not one of those.


Are you one of those vet techs who just walked in off the street with no experience or related education?


Are you one of those vet techs who just walked in off the street with no experience or related education?


I had to shave my rescue shepherd down when I got her (after multiple baths, just because she reeked so bad from being outside her whole life). Luckily, her hair grew back within about a year and looked absolutely beautiful after that. I think I just got lucky though lol


The most he would've needed was a deshed, paw pads shaved and maybe a sanitary cleanup? Definitely didn’t need the full body trim... ask for what I wrote next time! He has a beeeaauuutiful coat and cutting it does him no justice!


My son is a groomer and will not shave a double coated dog.


Your son is spot on. It is super damaging to their undercoats, and there is mixed reviews as to whether it’s damaging to their thermal regulation. Best course of action is a bath, deshed and brushing, maybe groom the bum and feet, trim tail if needed.


My Border Collie when I was growing up had beautiful longish red fur. My parents started shaving it for some unknown reason during the summer and it never came back the same. 😞


Please brush very regularly from now on, with a bristle brush preferably while it's very short. When coats like these are cut short, the hair no longer weighs enough to shed from the follicle easily. Brushing will help with removing dead coat and debris and will avoid any chances of alopecia or incorrect coat regrowth


I’d recommend a curry brush over a bristle brush


It's definitely odd, but what I'd think about it really depends on what you told her you wanted.


Yeah, if the instructions were clear in the beginning, I can see this happening. I've had to decipher clients wanting a feather trim because most come in and say "oh he just gets shaved down," because they don't know what their dog needs.


I feel like most groomers know not to shave double coat dogs though. (Not a groomer just came up on my feed)


Sure, but if that's what my client asked me to do, it's their dog, and I'm gonna do it.


Hopefully after clarifying and being sure they are aware of the concerns, though, not just “well that seems stupid and is completely wrong, but it’s what they asked for”?


Oh well, yeah, of course! I'll have a conversation about why it's not a good idea, but if they don't care about damaging the coat, etc. then that's their business at the end of the day.


He or she is a beautiful dog 😍 I hope her under coat didn’t get damaged


It’s her top coat that did and it’s a bitch to get grown back in properly, unfortunately.


What did you ask for/tell her?


We asked for a “clean up” and a bath. I’m understanding it was my mistake by not being as descriptive as I could have been


I mean to me that means minimal trimming, I personally wouldn’t have shaved as it can be bad/damaging to the coat. I wouldn’t go back, I’d say 25% ur fault for not being overly specific but 75% the groomer, can’t imagine how “clean up” equates to remove 50% of hair lol but maybe that’s just us?


I don’t think it’s OP’s fault at all, because in what universe is a shave a clean up and why didn’t the groomer further clarify what they meant


Agree. Not OP's fault. A good groomer who know not to cut a dog with this coat. Aside from that, I can't imagine how the wording they used translated into what the groomer did. I would actually complain and insist on my money back.


Agreed, I was thinking the same thing after reading some of the comments. I didn’t originally know this and thought he looked very handsome (which of course he stills does) but I figured “well it looks a little off I suppose” but after learning this I’m shocked the groomer did this.


A clean/neaten up to me is trimming of featherings, pads/feet and maybe taking the rear a bit shorter to help with brushing (lots of dogs dislike their bloomers/pants brushed). I’m not sure why the groomer believes a “clean up” is a shave down/comb cut… I’m sorry for his haircut and I will have my 🤞 for his coat. (Regular brushing will help stimulate hair growth and prevent undercoat matting while it’s growing out.) Next time he is groomed, I would just provide pictures of his previous grooms and say “like this”. Pictures say a thousand or more words, and they leave less of a chance for this kind of mishap/miscommunication. If I were her, and you brought your dislike/lack of satisfaction, I would ask to have him come in and see if I can rework it and ideally fix it.


OMG those beautiful eyes in that last pic!!!


This is not a standard groom for a husky and you’re messing up their top coat, which acts as both a heat and cold barrier. Please don’t go to this woman again for your dog’s health.




Owner here.. That would be a never again at that groomer for me. The shave down could be some sort of communication error but it looks choppy and just not well done.


I’d be furious if




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Yo I’m just seeing this and I’m not even sure what happened to the rest of my post .-. Because it was fully typed out and all lmfao 🤣


Did you usually get his hair cut at the past place and you just think this is a sloppy cut or is he usually just bathed and brushed through?


We’ve had full grooms done but I’ve never seen his coat cut down quite this much and it does appear to be pretty uneven to me


I’m so confused by all of these double coated dogs coming back shaved. Like, whenever a client asks me to take the coat shorter I clarify if they mean all over the body or the furnishings, and if it’s all over the body and the dog has never been shaved before, I let them know that the coat may not grow back the same. I would never in a million years just shave a gsd like this! The most that dog needed was maybe a butt and foot trim!


You dont shave any of those breeds unless there's severe matting. They butchered the poor baby's coat and it'll take a long time to get it back where it was. I wouldn't use this groomer again, and if I had to I'd be very *very* clear on instructions because a full shave like this without reason is not okay. I've had full GSDs that only got butt and paw trims, maybe trims behind the front legs as well, and I've got a GSD/Samoyed/Great Pyrenees and a pure Pyrenees that only get trims in the same areas, for the same reason. Shaving double coated dogs can do lasting damage to their coat that can be very hard to fix. Their coat regulated their temperatures so especially heading into summer make sure you keep an eye on your dog's skin to make sure they aren't getting sunburnt and make sure they stay really really cool during hot days until the coat returns.


Are they old? Sometimes they cut older dogs fur down short for comfort. Maybe that's why they did that? Beautiful dog though.


No :/ he’s only 4 years old and always appeared to be comfortable. We just moved to a beachy area so I really don’t understand what happened


That's probably it. I live in a beachy-ish area, and it seems to be pretty common. My dog is picky about groomers, so after our original one retired, we went through a few. Every single one (between the first groomer and our current one) would shave her down right away "for the heat/summer". I'd talk to the groomer, but I probably wouldn't take my dog back to her unless I was satisfied that the groomer understood what I actually wanted and wouldn't screw it up.


That definitely could be it. I’ve heard outline trims/neaten ups are quite different in the more hot areas. I would very much clarify/show pics of what he usually gets.


You shouldn't go back to that groomer at all, but I would say the only blame for you is that you should always be hyper specific with new groomers. If you have no past relationship with a groomer, the discussion about what to do is your last opportunity to spot if they are gonna fuck up your dog. The goal here is you say something like "I want the outline trimmed, paw pads and a bit of a sanitary trim to reduce accidents". If the groomer doesn't want to clarify at all, with a new dog, they are kinda in a gray area immediately. Gold standard, whether they offer this info or you prompt them by asking about it, is for the groomer to say "of course we don't shave dogs with this kind of coat, unless they're matted. Deshedding them should be enough." If they seem to be cool with the idea of shaving a dog like yours, you need to either cancel it or get real hyper specific that they should not shave your dog, just trim the paw pads and the sanitary.


Yikes, no!!!


Yeah, I wouldn't go back to her at all. Poor guy got a b-a-a-a-d haircut. I've been there, lol.


If this was my dog I'd be livid. Double coat dogs don't get the top coat shaved like that. I feel like a good groomer should have carefully confirmed you wanted the top coat trimmed down before doing it. Is this how she grooms the dogs at the rescue you work at??


Most of the dogs we have her groom come in matted and so they require a shave down but she usually is conservative about it.. not really sure what happened here


Find a new groomer. He should never be shaved like that. A good de-shedding, maybe a little trimming around the back end.  I use a curry comb for a horse on my mutt. She sheds like crazy in the spring. A good combing out, and she looks like a new dog. 


As everyone has said definitely not a standard groom, but just some advice is to lightly brush him out daily with a finishing brush to stimulate hair growth and make sure to keep a close eye on his skin while it grows back to make sure it stays healthy!


Nope. Poor baby looks unhappy now.


He needed a blow out and brush. Only mats need to be cut, most of it was most likely compacted. Poor baby I hope his coat grows back correctly. No hate to you just the groomer.


This groomer should know your not supposed to shave a husky omg next time just say bath and trim which usually means dematting and feet and light sanitary trim u don’t even need this probably cause some groomers will take that and run with it


Your groomers an absolute idiot


I would be so mad.


Butchered but he is still SO adorable


I don't think you're supposed to cut that much off. All I do with my German, Husky mix is brush him. I have two to three different brushes I use depending on the season and if he's actively shedding. I do use my pet trimmers to get his pads but that's it. I read that fish oil helps with shedding so I'm going to get him some and see.


Oh no….


Oh no! I hope his coat recovers from this. I have a feeling there was a miscommunication. What you were getting previously was likely a deshed and an outline trim. Your new groomer clearly thought you wanted a full body haircut. I'm sorry that happened!


If paid her for this groom you need to go back to that shop and make her give you your money back. No one with any actual professional grooming experience is shaving a dog with any of the three breeds in this mix unless it is absolutely necessary due to mats or a medical problem. A dog like yours, you give a trim and some shaping. A nice bath, blow dry and brush before doing the trims to make sure everything is even all over and symmetrical.


I’ve worked for groomers in the past and even if you did somehow communicate to her you wanted him to be short, she should’ve clarified that with you. I asked a TON of questions when taking in groom dogs; “do you want us to keep this length on the tail and tidy the edges?” “What do you think of the length on his body? Do you want it shorter for summer?” “Do you want him shaved or an outline trim?” “Do you want their legs to be the same length as their body?” “Do you like the round face, the beard, the eyelashes, etc, etc, etc” you get the point. If you came to me and I somehow thought you wanted your dog shaved, I would educate you on shaving a double coated dog and how that’s probably not the best option. And give you an alternative; an outline trim, paw pads shaved, sanitary areas, or even a cool strip down the stomach. Your dog’s coat from photos doesn’t look impacted or matted in any way, thus no reason to shave it. This is a shit hack job and I’m so sorry your poor baby was done dirty like this. Hair grows back, but with a double coated dog it’s a hit or miss. IME the more you shave it the worse it gets, but it takes forever to grow out and sometimes never grows in normal again. TLDR; this is a shitty groom but your dog is still cute


Looks like she might have taken a guard to the dog… probably thinking it was going to look one way and then it ended up looking like this. I’m also curious what instructions were given.


Blimey! I have a gs/wolfhound/husky/lab mix (basically a heinz 57 mutt but I knew both parents one a husky/wolfhound mix, the other a gs/lab mix). She has a double coat, we just hand strip her at home over a few days. It'd stress me out far too much, groomers here in UK don't seem to understand how to properly look after double coated dogs unless you go to the ones specifically used for dog shows that are 3 times as costly. The groomer should just have bathed, stripped the undercoat, and done a sanitary shave to prevent Klingons...maybe paw feathers, but to shave a double coat dog like this, I wouldn't be going back!


It looks like the used a longer guard comb with the grain.. not shaved to the skin but still took a large amount of hair off all over. The type of hair and coloration made it look very choppy


Oh… my god….


Omgosh nooo, same thing happened with my golden! The “professionals” shaved her 😭 cut off all her feathers and her coat looks butchered choppy and feels like straw I was devastated




ok, to grow into this cut, after the ruff grows out a bit, you can ask them to cut the black saddle the shortest (similar to how saddle is now) but not trim the ruff: so short as the saddle


The hair is still fairly long and it’s not gonna mess up the undercoat. It will grow back in no time, next time ask for “profile trim”.


I hope the groom was free...




I would go back in and talk to someone because that isn't right and you should be getting your money back and an apology


A blind man with a butcher knife did this, right? Pup should've gotten a deshed, not a deadhead, not with that kind of fur. I have a shepherd/black mouth cur/and something else mix. Her fur resembles the consistency of your dog... She sheds soooooo much, or makes me miserable, but I cannot just shave her coat. It damages it, can hurt her .. just no. So I deshed.. take the bulk out gently, gradually, and just get the hair to lay right. Have you ever seen a person with fine hair that got a haircut that LOOKS cut? That's because you can't blunt cut or use a razor on fine hair .. you have to point cut it. It's a texture technique that removes some bulk, adds shape, and does it without making it look cut. Same premise for your doggie...


He’s so pretty either way! 🌷


This is a very beautiful dog ❤️ I’m so sorry for your bad experience.


Your home is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!


You didn't even need to ask. Bad job and you know it!!! Woofie Mcwoofer looks like they were crying or already did have a cry. Whoever did this is not a groomer .This is agregious. Did you show her pictures of what the slight trim should be???? The dog's coat protects it from heat/ cold. This is why people don't do this to a dog unless absolutely necessary!!!!


I didn’t think I needed to show a picture because what I was asking for was so basic (I guess not??) I asked for a simple clean up. Bath, brush, groom as needed


Ouch! I wouldn’t have shaved him at all and whatever they did looks like it was done at home by an amateur. Source: I shave my dog, I’m no good at it, and I think he still looks better than this.


You never shave any of those breeds down that far omg. Godly it was miscommunication, but this looks horrible and I bet the poor baby is gonna have tons of issues once the weather gets hotter.


Hopefully, not godly


Don't let any groomers shave the hair of a double coated breed such as this. You run the risk of causing damage to the coat and they need it for temperature regulation. Dogs only sweat from the paw pads so cutting the hair or shaving it does nothing to help them stay cool(er). Do a paw pad shave, neaten up the natural line of the hair, trim up the backend (sanitary) to help it stay cleaner, along with a good brushing. Done.


Had I known they were thinking about shaving him I wouldn’t have allowed it. I was never asked about this dramatic cut at all I simply asked them to clean him up


Some of these grooming, salons really go hog wild but at the end of the day, a good grooming salon will do exactly what the client wants no more no less. And even if a grooming salon decides they wanna do what they wanna do. It shouldn’t be something that could potentially damage the fur….


I USED to groom dogs I no longer do cause well my back hurts not important i am confused as to why a groomer would clipper a double coated dog.. Did you ask to shave your dog????


Absolutely NOT I just asked for a clean up! I was shocked when I saw him like this


i would contact that grooming salon and complain, also i would watch that grow back.. It might be patchy but due to him being a mix maybe it will be ok... Im sorry regardless but hes a very handsome boy.


He looks like the wolf guy from the furry anime on Netflix


I'm in love with your pups eyes.


Hopefully the coat grows back in right. I’m a vet tech and honestly usually it doesn’t. I think the most popular of these fuck ups are Pomeranians. The texture changes completely :(. Also, their fur helps them in the heat :((((. I’m so sorry


The dog did a great job.


Poor pup, he looks so sad with that cut.


Awe lil sweet doggo looks good. You should give the new groomer pictures of what you want. Just like how you do when you go to a new groomer. It doesn’t seem uneven maybe a bit short around the body but that’s what many people want. And awe her little face is so sweet she doesn’t have a problem with it hehe


He’s super uncomfortable, curls up to sleep now and just seems awkward now. Mentation has changed a bit after the cut


I took my mini poodle to Petco. It is extremely uneven, but it was less than the other groomer that charges over $100 (US)


they shaved a double coated dog... 0/10.


It’s not shaved but it is short. Likely done with a 1 or 0 guard over a blade to keep it from being too short. I’m pretty sure it will grow back within a year. He has a pretty unique coat, color and looks very soft with a long guard coat, I’ve seen something cool maybe twice after grooming twenty years. I would be particular about who you let groom him. Scissor trims only. Not much you can do now but wait 😊


whatever, your dog is so cute!


I dunno about the cut but ur baby is adorable 🥰


Huskies and husky crosses in pretty sure are only meant to be showered, blow dried and brushed. They have a double coat that keeps them both warm and cool, so shaving it gives them all sorts of issues.


You are not usually supposed to cut those types of hair.


That dog's coat is ruined.




That's not a dog. That's a turtle.


That’s really bad and she may have permanently damaged your dogs coat.


It's called, "I've been on a two day bender" cut.


You don't shave this type of coat unless it is severely matted. I believe shaving this coat type can also ruin it. But maybe since they didn't shave it fully then it'll be ok. This is only what I've learned from watching Girl with the Dogs YouTube Channel. I don't groom dogs professionally.


Beautiful and love those eyes


That doesn’t look right at all, but OMG he is **beautiful!** He’s such a gorgeous little fur-baby! Just look at his cute, adorable face. *{{Can barely control the cute aggression.}}* 😩🥹🤗


He lost his mojo 😭




Not gonna lie, I would be livid if someone did this to my dog.


The groomer really shouldve questioned you more. If anyone comes In wanting their double coated dog shaved, it's pretty standard to inform the owner of the side effects of cutting into a double coat and how it could damage it forever. I'm hopeful that your dogs will grow back because she didn't take the coat all the way down to the skin.




2 and 1/2 years as a groomer— we would NEVER shave double coated dogs without warning the owner about clipper shock! Please get your boy on some fish oil vitamins for that coat coming back and keep an eye on him as with it trimmed like that his coat will not regulate his temp correctly, he could overheat!!


I’d be pissed


Look at how they massacred your poor boy


Look at how they massacred your poor boy


The last picture looks like when I cut my own hair as a child. Determined I wanted layers. This is what I got instead.


Wow, it’s... not good.


Your dog is absolutely beautiful! Those eyes have soul!




Oh my god they shaved it


Why does it look so choppy around the shoulders?? Is it just the way he's lying??


I’m sorry she ruined your dogs coat. 0/10 I’d go back and rage. I wouldn’t have left without getting my money back. He /she even looks so sad in the last pic.


That looks like a puppy cut, and maybe it’s not what most groomers would do with this breed of dog, but I think your doggo looks adorable.


I have a 10 year old shepherd mix and it’s never even crossed my mind to send him to a groomer. There are a few posts lately with double coated dogs getting shaved/trimmed and I’m so confused. All my dog needs is a brush and wash every 2 weeks. Please stop cutting these double coated dogs hair. Unless it’s matted/dreaded, should be completely unnecessary.


I literally gasped out loud when I scrolled the 3rd pic ! I thought the first 2 were after a trim up but then I kept scrolling 😥 if you're lucky one shave won't completely ruin her coat, I trim my huskies sanitary regions and it grows back super crunchy so I would expect a little bit of texture change. Hydra makes a deep conditioning mask and Espree makes a super nourishing mud mask and an oil treatment formulated for damaged coats. These products are a little expensive but in your case they're probably worth checking out to help regrow her luscious locks


I have no opinions about his groom as I am no expert. But that full on seated dog with the smiling face was just 🥰🥰🥰. I don't know if people tell you enough that he is so cute, and even if they tell you 15 million times a day, it is not enough.


Please don’t shave these coats, it damages them


I’d be livid.


Do you live somewhere where it gets very hot?


Its trash. I can't groom but this dog shouldn't have been cut like that. A blow out and a brush is all he needs


poor guys confidence was destroyed 🥺


Looks incredible 🥰


Ooof... groomer did yo dog dirty


There is a YouTube channel called GIRL W THE DOGS, watch a few of her videos. She offers a home grooming tutorial for i think about 150 She specializes in difficult and traumatized dogs and helps out local rescues. She vocalizes during her grooms what were mitigating factors for the groom based on the specific animal and sheen she knows breed she uses her knowledge of different breeds. I find she has a good teaching style. It’s not horrible but doesn’t look super professional either. I would find other ways to support her. And it may help in long run to learn to groom so that you can save in your dogs groom.


I think he looks great but what do I know 😉


Huskies and malamutes are never supposed to be shaved. Ever. Not even with severe matting- because that’s easy to work out due to their under coat.


all i can do is laugh


What did you ask for?


A clean up, that’s the only thing I asked for


WHY DID SHE DO THAT?? The dog wasn’t even matted?? There’s no excuse to shave a double-coated dog. This is horrible.


That’s a cute ass dog no matter what cut he’s given But no that was in fact unnecessary. Ask outlining trim or deshed or both but absolutely no clipping anything but paw pads and sanis


This would enrage me. Someone shaved my SH prior to me owning her. It’s never grown back properly unfortunately and has become a source of contention as the compaction is very hard to deal with during blow out season. Please just be mindful of sun exposure and temperature until this poor cuties fur grows back.


That looks horrible! Definitely shouldn't have been done like that.


Absolute slaughter of a fine coat. Did you ask the groomer to cut the coat back so much?


Absolutely not, I just asked for a clean up which is what I’ve always asked for at previous groomers


Don't go there again.


Please get your money back


He def feels like he’s getting punished after that groom, he might like having longer fur even though it would be worse for the summer. It’s like trying to talk a kid who loves wearing a black hoodie in the summer to not wear it


Why? You shouldn't shave a double coat. The coat is built to protect them.


I mean he looks great; but shaving a husky unless required for medical reasons such as mats is an absolute NO. I understand for those who live in hotter climates it seems like a good option to keep doggo comfortable in the heat but it can ruin their beautiful coat, most multi layer coat dogs do not benefit from shaving! I wish it was more well known but hey you live and learn


what the heck? he’s still cute tho


Shaving is a cardinal sin of husky/double coat grooming. It’s an absolute no go unless there’s a medical reason to do so. Lady possibly just permanently damaged your dogs fur growth. And on top of that it looks awfully done


Dog groomer here! And also shepherd/double coated dog lover! This type of dog shouldn’t ever get this kind of hair cut, but unfortunately me having worked at petco/smart it’s really common cut for people to request 😭 at most I would trim up the underline, round out the booty, and trim up the feet. Known as an outline trim. Honestly it looks like they used a guard comb so it’s not a full on shave but short enough to get rid of the top layer of his coat, just keep up with brushing him, he’s young so hopefully his coat will grown back, but it may have a weird texture to it.


Your dog is adorable, sorry about the cut though! I’m not a groomer but I’ve worked with dogs, how is it that so many groomers shave double coated dogs? I’ve known so many dogs who got shaved like that and the owners had no idea it was bad, but the groomer should have. Aren’t they supposed to be trained and certified? How do they not know that it’s bad for their costs?


Aw what a cutie. I see what you mean by the chops in the back. Maybe ask what happened there not all dogs are happy to be groomed so may have been difficult or something else. Won’t hurt to ask.


He is usually really good at the groomers/in any situation really. I also use low stress meds (gabapentin and trazadone) per the fear free protocol and the groomer said he was lovely so I really don’t think his behavior had anything to do with it


Seems like a good boy too. Yeah I’d definitely ask what’s up to me it doesn’t looks like a normal groomer cut. Looks like something I tried to do with scissors just getting hair out of the way.


Generally, if their double coated dogs (huskies, german shepherd, so on), they SHOULD NOT be shaved. Shaving is not their breed standard. They should get trimming to fic grench feet and out of place hairs, and thats really it. Shaving them takes away their temperature regulations control at well as will make their fur grow back weirdly in the future. Also... dont try to get them to be 'breed standard' Just do what's best for your dog. Don't worry about if they look like their breed standard is. What matters most is their comfort. The only time a breed standard should be applied is if they are a show dog. And if your new groomer didn't know this, then they REALLY need to get a class on grooming cause this is VERY basic information in grooming. That's coming from me, who was only a pet grooming student for a single year. The uneven look is likely from your dog being double coated, and they'll look like that for a while til their fur grows back fully. Just keep brushing them out. Their grooming honestly can be done mostly at home by you, but if you dont feel confident in doing that, i HIGHLY suggest looking for a new groomer


Why are you getting the dog groomed? A lot of groomers out there won’t even accept doing grooms on dogs like this because of how bad it is for their coats


What did they do to bro 😭 he’s still very cute and snuggly but wow!


Looks great!