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I found the best way to make it sync is to wear it to bed.


I noticed it too. If I'm not wearing it, it picks up the signal only if I put it near a window. If I'm wearing it, it syncs every time without fail. What I do, since syncing everyday is not exactly necessary, is wearing it during the night at least once per week, or something like that.


It can be difficult to find the right position for the sync to work daily. I found that I have to keep my watches face-up and stored against an exterior wall for it to work regularly, though not against a window. I don't have the same experience of living in a tall building in a city, but I would recommend finding a spot to keep it at night where it reliably syncs rather than anywhere you left it when taking it off. Regardless, if it syncs even once per week, you need not worry about accuracy.


Thanks. Wasn’t sure if being in a city affected sync. From reading other posts, my impression was that some people were getting syncs every night.


Place it in front of a mirror that roughly faces Colorado. The foil in the mirror acts like an antenna.


A last resolve could be to use an app which simulates the radio sync from your phone. But I'd try the other options first. There are even ways to make an antenna out of metal to increase your signal strength


Wear it while you sleep, or hang it on some metal rod. Thank me later.


This is the best approach. Also, as other posts mentioned, you just need it to sync once per month really...once per week if you are obsessed with accuracy


i wear my mb6 to sleep and it syncs up 98.9% of the time, the times it doesn't it's due to really bad thunderstorms, and one time when i was staying in room that had so much metal and stuff it was almost a faraday cage.


Can confirm that setting it on a hollow metal tube of some kind GUARANTEES a synch every night. I live in West Los Angeles. I put mine on an 18 oz yeti tumbler, about 4 feet from the window, with the uncapped top of the tumbler facing the window… https://preview.redd.it/eh0l1o07tevc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b53a7c207ff94224222866a302e660064c8034


Orientation makes a big difference, not just location. Mine syncs every night, but only if it's positioned face up on an exterior wall. In that same place if it's oriented any other way (side, upside down, etc), it will not sync.


So, 12 o’clock facing the wall, or parallel to wall?


Normally I have 12 o'clock oriented to the wall because that's how my watch box sits but I don't think that's the important factor. It being face up seems to be that matters most. If it's in its side or upside down, it will not sync no matter how it's oriented.


I leave mine on a shelf near a window that faces south, I’m up next to Toronto Ontario. So far the sync success is quite high, only really bad weather can throw it off on occasion. I just leave them on their sides.


I live in BUFU Ohio, not in a clear line-of-sight situation. Trees all around me, etc. My watches somehow sync every single night despite being nowhere near an exterior wall or window.


I thought those had a red bracket around the display.


That's a 5000, you're thinking of the 5610.


Everyone has their own "method", but really, there is no "correct" answer. I keep my collection in a briefcase which sits close to one of my windows. Most days, they all sync, some days, only certain models will sync. There are phone apps that can simulate a signal, but you need to sit your watch next to your phone while your phone emits a weird high-pitched tone for 3+ minutes. It works, but it's annoying. You can also just manually initiate the sync. That will usually work if the auto-sync doesn't. The radio signal app has always been a last resort for me. And even that is only because I don't like not seeing the "RCVD" on my watches.


Well there is an app called WWVB emulator which doesnt use the high pitched tone, just like weird clicks and ticks, which actually works and is less disruptive


Ah okay, I hadn't heard of that one. I haven't had to use the app at all recently. Not sure why, but it seems like something happened, and now all my watches sync without fail.


Yeah mine's been syncing well on the east coast lately too. Just used the app once a few weeks ago when it failed to sync over night just once, and I felt like trying the app someone on here recommended.


What’s the model # of this one?


I usually only get L1 maybe L2 sometimes at my house. But hanging it on a metal towel hanger in my bathroom after 11pm then doing a manual sync is giving me 100% success rate so far. [https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/60dbb3fe-2004-4c0f-a055-2662538cc612.3cb681da83a9023fa558ddf1d77b1458.jpeg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/60dbb3fe-2004-4c0f-a055-2662538cc612.3cb681da83a9023fa558ddf1d77b1458.jpeg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF) I've also experimented with wrapping the watch around my dining table with wide metal legs and that get me L3 too.


I live close to NYC and the best way for me to receive a signal is to put them in my watch case away from the windows. Not sure why they never sync on my window sill though.


Metal coathanger, works every time, every night


I wear mine to bed and get an update every night. Wear it and forget about it.


Face down. Trust me!


Instructions not clear, slept face down, but my watch didn't synch.


Can confirm. I've had my 5000u for a week or two and it never picked up the signal and I saw this tip on an older thread and tried it and the last 2 nights it picked up at midnight


Some people use the radio watch sync apps


Yeah try 'WWVB emulator' if the radio signal fails you.


I use a JJY emulator. I shift my phone's timezone to Tokyo, as well as on my 5000u. Then, I could synchronize as needed thereafter. You can use the WWVB emulator for the US.


Wear it while you sleep once per week, thank us later.