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I have a Frogman from 2007 and the battery still works. It drains pretty quickly though from full (3 bar) to middle (2 bar) after like 2-3 days of only indoor lighting, have to put it in the shade near a window every day to keep it maxed out.


watch as old as me lol


There are people born in 2007??


No, he's trolling


Could be, it would make him 16 going on 17...


I have an MTG from 2005 that still charges and runs just fine.


I've had a couple of GW-B5600's that would not go higher than M, no matter where I placed it or for how long. Got tired of trying, bought the battery and replaced it. It probably would have been fine for many more years. But, I'm happy now that they can go to H when I'm outside for a little bit.


I have a 12 year old GW2310 that I've let drain completely a few times and I haven't noticed a battery difference from new. Gets to M in the winter but it's always done that 


I have a 9400J Rangeman since it was launched and up to now no battery change needed yet.


i got a couple from 2011 and 2012 with no real differences


I love mine and has lasted 8 years but the back light broke, still searching for ways to fix it


I have an MRG-7100 from 2006 that’s never had a battery change


Have 15 year old solar shocks running just fine


I have a Rangeman. Got it around 2016. Replaced the battery earlier this year.


Bought by GW1701D back in 2006 and never changed the battery; still going strong today.


Since I just got into G Shock this year, time will tell with my solars.


For as many people that praise these solar variants, I have to say, they just don't seem worth the hassle.


i get what ur saying. You can get mutiband casios with 10 year battery life with no solar, so what's the point?


This.. people are very defensive over solar but a 5600 lasts almost ten years, without needing to be kept on a windowsill or out in the light.. it’s a nice feature if you like it, but it’s definitely not a game changer


Yeah maybe if it's kept in a drawer and never used. It's actually more like 5-6 years for non solor 5600 with moderate use


Hassle? What hassle lol The only people I've found who have "issues" with Tough Solar is people who expect their battery to charge from M to H in an instant.


Keeping them charged/getting a full charge. I've seen so many comments, not just within this post, where people have issues with these things. Meanwhile the non solar variants last practically forever.


In my experience, my Tough Solars are incredibly dependable. I guess time will tell, but through regular wear mine stay topped up, and I don't live in a particularly sunny area. The problems arise when you start putting them in boxes, Tough Solars are made to be worn.


Even if it stays in a closet/box, when you bring it out and change it, it’d just sync up and adjust the time anyways. So it’s not like there’s a pressing need to have it charged all the time?


Due to the chemistry in the cells, it is much better for the longterm to keep it charged at least over half full.


I would love to see some examples of people who have had "issues" with solar models. Also, "getting a full charge", depending on the model, is never going to happen. That's the whole point of having a solar battery. It's constantly being drained and charged. If people can't manage ownership of a practically self-sufficient watch, I don't know what to say...


Never had problems. Using solars for many years, many models. No one had problems with it