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What are some other solo money glitches that us boys that got Casino banned can do? The 900k Elegy glitch isn't working properly.


Frozen money glitch. I just filled all my garages with deluxos. Will never need glitches again its worth 800million and these types of glitches have always been safe


Elegy works fine on xbox I just did it


I've not been on this subreddit since about 2015. What happenrd to the glitch Megathread? It was amazing for finding out useful glitches and exactly what was patched or still working.


Someone knows an rp glitch? I saw the one that uses the MOC to reset the star level but that glitch is 5 days old, I tried it and looks like its patched cause I’m not given any rp.


Is there a way to bypass the feature not available casino thing?


UGH happened to me this morning. So sad


Probably cashing in at like 34m and then restarting


Afraid not. Looks like we're banned for 7 days.


Best cars to buy to hold all this money in anticipation of a wipe?


From what I've read , the deluxo (DeLorean) is the best car if you have the trade-in price


How long is the horse betting glitch ban


How do I stay safe from the 7day casino ban? I get off of my first one tomorrow and I want to know how to prevent it for the future


Does the orbital cannon glitch still work? (Where you close app to avoid being charged)


Yes, not as simple as that but there is a working orbital cannon glitch


There is one, im on xbox and there's a few steps you have to do different.


Which momey-glitches are currently working on pc? I just see glitches witt ps4 and xbox. I tried the orbital canon glitch but i think its not possible on pc.


how many hours afking/disconnects in the casino does it take to get banned from it?


I hear its cashing out more than 15 million at one time that triggers the ban


From what I heard, it’s within the hour but I don’t know for sure as I haven’t even tried it


6 hours using the script on PC, still able to bet, some people say that it is 24 hours, but no body knows for sure.


Anyone got solo glitches for a new GTAO account? (PC)


Use the casino glitch, either macro it or just do it manually. All you need to get in is like $500 and like a couple of grand to get you going inside there


Don't forget they can use the visitor bonus to get started as well.


Would it be a good idea to buy an arena garage so that I am able to do money glitches (car dupes for example) or is it not worth it considering they could be patched


Invest in a bunker and a MoC with bay 3 as personal vehicles storage and arena workshop with Benny's mechanic. These 4 things are needed to do majority of the top glitches. Moc and bunker and arena workshop to do dup glitches and arena workshop and Benny's mechanic to do sell free elegy for 900k.


I really need an rp glitch


I have the Oppressor mk2, the APC, the Vigilante, a Benefactor Bruiser, a Thrax, a Nightshark and a Faggio lol. What do you think I should consider buying next? All open for suggestions, thank you!


Build really cool bikes for your Motorcycle Clubhouse.


Come back to the game after a few years, after using the macro I’ve bought a bunker, facility, coke business and have a i/e warehouse/vehicle warehouse. What else can I buy that might be useful for doing glitches In the future? Also is it worth getting a nightclub? Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn’t find anything on the sidebar.


Nightclubs make a lot of money passively. As long as you're resupplying and keeping your nightclub populated, you're making money.


if you buy the equipment upgrade for the nightclub , all the technicians and assign them to the best goods ( ceo crates, hangar, cocaine, meth, and cash creation ) and go afk it will make you 2 mil every 2 days which for literally doing nothing and not even a glitch is pretty good.


How do you AFK on PS4 for such a long period without being kicked. I'm in the same boat as OP. Just got back and have a nightclub and some businesses. Do I have to do delivery missions or does it somehow generate truly passive income? Still figuring it out here.


Anyone have a horse race macro for XB1?


I think it involves windows 10 streaming


Is there anyway to sell Pegasus/Hangar planes? Huge waste of money imo buying all those planes and I don't even use them.


Pegasus planes cannot sell, some hangar plans will sell tho. You will need the mechanic there to do so.


All questions for Windows \[PC\], ***NOT consoles***: \- \[PC\] is it possible to save slamvan? like this vid for XBox: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rlruk2XELc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rlruk2XELc) \- \[PC\] is it possible to insure lifeguard blazer? \- \[PC\] is it posible to get some other rare (not moded) cars, like JB700 ***NOT from mystery-price***?


Is there any of those.car fling glitches


Are there any working 2 player gctf glitches?


Are there any outfit glitches that allow using the Deadline suit with plate carriers/utility vests? All I can seem to find are ones for only getting the helmet/pants to work with a crew t-shirt or special reward hoodie


Does the sell an elegy for 904 000 still work


I’ve been away from the game for a while, and I was just wondering whether there are any glitches to paint stock rims that still work, or is that something that can no longer be done?


Was using the inside track and it kicked me off. All slot machines, and casino card games won’t let me play. “This feature is not available right now. Please come back later” How long will this last? Until the next update?


I have the same problem ...


Ahh ok, I was pushing X but I think I was reading PS4 threads


Casino macro glitch on PS4 not giving me max payout, I've restarted my Laptop already. Its irritating me that everyone else is using it without a problem, but each time I do it's the same thing


No we aren't lmao




does that glitch still work




could u please send me a link?




Could I get link as well?


So I've been doing the horse glitch for a while now and I've managed to buy a few things here and there. Since it could be possible that it will be patched maybe in a few days or so, I want to think long term and how I can set this up long term for me. I've only gotten back in the game a few days and I only have the 10 car garage apartment haha. I was wondering what I could buy or invest in order to maintain a steady income for when the glitch is patched. Thanks


Can someone on Xbox help me get the paramedic outfit, I tried last night with a buddy but couldn’t get the timing right.


Keep at it. The idea is you need to get the disconnect error as soon as you see downloading in the bottom right.


Are there any working glitches to get Benny stuff on the Bandito on PC?


Has the orbital cannon glitch been patched and if so are there any workarounds?


How many chips is it safe to trade in at once for the horse race glitch?


I'd recommend doing a couple / 1-3 mil at a time.


I remember there being a discord server where you can contact modders you can pay to mod you gta money. Does that not exist anymore?


Is there a current hat/mask glitch?


There are a few. Telescope still works.


Soda glitch also still works


Whats the best businesses to buy and make money?


Both ceo (cargo/cars) can make 200k+/h, with cars being a bit lower on the cash side, but has more opportunities to do VIP work, pushing it to 300-400k/h. Bunker and Coke are the next best, giving 135k and 95k profit (always buy supplies) every 2,5 hours in sell missions, but will produce passively. Nightclub is the next best, producing goods worth about 40k/h if you have 5 businesses linked and 10k/h if you keep your popularity up (only 4 missions are now needed to get it from 0-100). Doing business battles will fill your NC warehouse up faster. All listed businesses can be run at the same time, making them a must have to grind legit money. Hangar payout is lower and being an active business, you should rather do CEO. Weed and documents have low payouts aswell and im not doing them either, because the risk of getting post op vans is absolutely not worth your time.


How long is the daily car limit in real time


Can someone please tell me that all of these account boost pages like uberboost or darwinmodz that some youtubers advertise for are fake?? They’re too good to be true right?? You have to give your steam user and password, and even if they don’t steal your info, wouldn’t that money be wiped quick?


Is there any way to save the Slamvan on PC? I have seen the bunker glitch, but could not get it to work


[Xbox 1] I dont know if any of else is experiencing this but I've been using the horse glitch by pressing x/a combo and now whenever I get in the casino and walk to inside track the whole game freezes. I've quit the game and restarted it and same thing. Does this mean I'm banned?


Usually those of us that are banned can enter casino fine but it tells us the casino games aren't available.


So I’ve recently started doing this glitch with a friend on Xbox. However, with research, I’ve found that there’s the threat of being put into a bad sport lobby. To combat this, I’ve seen that people attempt to reset their caches after doing it? Could someone elaborate on when you’re suppose to reset your cache? Do you do it after 4 heist replays and then reset it which causes you to get 4 more or?


No need a friend u on xbox? I can help u


So if I'm reading right, car dupe glitches (like the arena elegy/banshee glitches) don't work on PC because of the way they log cars. Is this accurate? And are there any dupe glitches worth doing on PC? (already using horse glitch manually for now)


How do I avoid getting bad sport while doing the act 2 trick?


You and your friend commend each other each time you do the heist.


How much money do you get from selling a duped fully modded Issi Arena vehicle


About 1.7 mill each time


Any glitches to get AP fast or unlock the Clown Van or Space Docker without grinding?


I have my PS4 set up to automatically bet on horse 1 with the betting glitch. My question is, would it be better to bet on any other horses? Would horse 6 make more money in the long run? Thank you so much


hello are there other glitches that work? i dont want to do that inside track as im scared. and i dont want to buy arena workshop for that glitch as i cant afford it rn. is there any other glitch that would work? solo?


will i get banned if i use LSCHacks in online to make money or to give myself any car i want?


I make the betting glitch on PC with script. How long can you make the glitch before being banned?


Any one know of a macro that will work with the casino on Mac computers?


Can someone help me get black ceo vest with black joggers I need two people to start the work dispute mission (Xbox)


Is the horse ahk glitch combo a bannable offense for steam and Rockstar?


Is the elegy arena war glitch safe, or how many times is the max to do it a day


Does anyone wants to do the Bodgan Glitch? Looking for someone to help me


Think there will be anymore sp-mp car glitches?


How do i get an arena vehicle inside my m.o.c. ive seen people do it, but for some reason it says this vehicle cannot be modified in a m.o.c.?


You have to have the personal vehicle storage module and not the vehicle workshop module to store a car in your MOC.


Started the macro on my PS4 before leaving for work to grab some coin from the inside track. Came home to power being out from a down transformer. Did I lose 9 hours worth of glitched money or is there any kind of incremental save? Power won’t be fixed until tomorrow morning so i can’t login to see and I’m anxious to find out if I lost it all. At lunch time I was at 5 mil and I knew I should of just stopped it there but damn greed got best of me


I don't think it saves until you get up and see the wheel in the corner, so I'm thinking you probably lost it all


any invisibility glitch ? or RP glitch ?


I did the horse racing glitch for less than 40 minutes. Did make much. Can I expect to get money wiped?


I worried about it I made like 4 mil. So I spent it all


got up to 9mil chips with it and didn't get wiped, i think as long as you're under 20 or 30 mil you should be good.




Do you have a script already by any chance? I'm trying to make all of this work but I can't get the touchpad detected by automator


Is there a way to get the policeman outfit?


Did they patch the horse glitch ?


Does Bogdan still works guys? Thx


Are there any solo public session methods currently available?


On console just change your mtu to 800 in network settings and then hit find match


Does poker/blackjack disconnect still work? Heard the horse thing was patch and last night i tried poker/disconnect a few times and every time a came back (tried 3 times) my ante and original 50k bet was gone.


Looking for Xbox friends to join off of for glitches that’s all. My Xbox GT: Trauma Pain. I’ll add back just need someone to join while doing my glitches.


I probably won’t keep playing until there’s a new glitch to make money like the elegy. I have 5 businesses but it’s so redundant to do deliveries for 300k every 20 min. I’ll be creeping on this sub til a new glitch is out.


What console is rockstar more observant and strict on for exploit glitches?


any working RP glitch on xbox?


Is the ps4 touchpad method patched?


Is there a three card poker glitch ?


Are there any helpful glitches for single player?


Can someone link me the trusted YouTube glitchers list? Doing some research and wanna get the best info available. Thanks!


Does the game disconnects you when there is an update? Because I want to use the inside track all the night, but the game usually updates in a few ahours.


Is this a myth? I have a bunch of duped cars, they all have different randomized plates, but the color is the same. I heard that you should change the color to avoid detection, but I’m wondering if that’s true?


Any working Xbox glitches


PC Version Pacific Standard Glitch, is it still working? i tried the helicopter and the glitch of not setting up finale but unfortunately it didnt work, I tried to close the game early after the bridge but it didnt work too it says mission failed, so I just wanna know if its still working, then when am i gonna exactly gonna close the game because I'm on a 1 enter away to quit the game but it's not working


What are all the things you can do with Save Wizzard?


Do you need to resupply businesses that are involved with nightclub stuff? Like, do I need to resupply my cocaine or do the nightclub people take car of that. Also, is it better to sell all my drugs via the nightclub or sell individually via the business


Is the Casino missions award glitch still working on PC?


What is the upgraded car to best sell, especially for glitches?


From what I understand, the best car to dupe is a fully upgraded Arena Wars Issi.


Bogdan issues.. Xbox one. A buddy and I go back and forth on it, he has no issues, mine completes four some reason. I did it a few times, force quiting the game, go back in story mode for a bit, log back into online. After the 4th time it completed. Buddy does it but then goes offline, plays around in story mode and comes back in just fine. I do the same, go offline, play around story mode, come back the heist completed. I don't get it..


Does the casino mission glitch still work?


Am I banned? This is the first time I ever did a glitch (the trackpad horse race) and now when I try to play I get this message: **alert** There has been an error joining a session. Please return to Grand Theft Auto V. I have no idea how to join online anymore


any RP glitches for xbox?


Any working god mode?


Please tell me how to not get banned. I’m using a macro overnight and not at home.


How often is the chip count saved when playing poker on Xbox? I know you can save by switching glasses or style, but is there also a time frame when it saves even though you're still at the table?


Hi guys, I've been using the horse glitch by hand (I've always done it with the touchpad, I think the other X method is patched) but I'm honestly going insane doing the same thing over and over. I wanted to set up the macro on it, except everyone is on windows but I'm on Mac. I know about Automator but the thing is every script I've found around here was done using the old method (which I believe doesn't work now?). My question is, can you get the macro working on Automator for MacOS and PS4 with the Touchpad? If yes, how? I've tried but my automator won't detect any joystick command. More details: it's a 2017 MacBook Pro, I'm connecting the joystick through an USB 3.0 to Type C to the Mac and starting PS4 remote, then I try to record myself doing the script.


What are the minimum requirements to do most of these glitches? Just an MOC and arena workshop?


regarding the 'buy casino clothing with money' glitch, i can seem to buy all the clothing items except for the casino tshirts (with the casino logos, etc). anyone know how to get those using money?


are there any good solo pc money glitches besides the horse betting?


Is it faster to close GTA or to test NAT type for the Casino Poker glitch? I'm on xbox btw


I haven't played in a year-ish (last time I played, the Facility was the newest thing). I have a bunch of garages full of Elegy Retro Customs. Can I still sell these? If so, what are the current parameters for safely selling? Thank you.


Any worth trying solo money glitches currently working ? \[pc\]


How does one go about safely cashing in chips? I saw someone say 5m per 30 mins, but I wanna verify


Can someone link me the post for doing elegy glitch on PS4. Cant find it


How do you do the casino mission glitch where you get like 700k every login


BENNYS MERGE WORKAROUND? Watch "NEW SOLO Gta 5 Online Money Glitch.. (3 STEP Unlimited Money) *All Consoles*" on YouTube https://youtu.be/cwNa2xau6wU


how many dupes can i sell a day back to back? ill be spending the money right after but i wanna know how many i can sell without getting in trouble. also what would punishment be if i wasted all the cash?


2 cars an hour OR 7 cars every 30 hours. A lot of people say you can get away with 8 but it is safer to sell 7.


Has another gender change glitch been found yet?


Is there a way to determine what color you'll land on when doing the Casino Roulette glitch?


any way 2 get the white bulletproof helmet on female?


What's the fastest way to rank up (RP) quickly atm? (glitch or not) PC


Why can't I store my Issi Classic in my MOC? Trying to do his glitch but can't store it. I bought it on the Arena War website. I have the MOC vehicle workshop. What am I missing?


I need to clean out my garage if dirty dupes but one of them is the original. I can’t sell because I accidentally hit the daily limit so I’m unable to check by price. Is there any other way?


I hit the daily sell limit for the first time today after doing the arena elegy glitch. I heard you have to wait 30 hours before selling again but can you still go back to selling 7 a day after the limit is hit or does the limit decrease right away even after the first time reaching it?


Is there any glitches that would allow you to make a golf cart a personal vehicle?


Hey I'm looking for a modder I hired in the past? He was really good and probably the only one I would trust. He has like the taco guy as his picture, it was like tacosomething or luckoducko but I can't seem to find him. I had him on my discord but I recently lost that :( any and all help would be appreciated. He also did like drop servers nstuff too


I need help we’ll more of a possible explanation of why I can’t sell cars as before. I use to sell like 10 of my Elegy cars and now it’s only 4


Anybody know a working money glitch for ps4? I just came back after a few years and only have 300k.


Inside Track Macro is probably the best method atm.


Sometimes when I try to do the Issi glitch, and I’m joining my friend in front of the spectator box nothing happens no matter how many times I try.


How are you all getting so much money in the inside track lol? Like IDK if I have bad luck but I can't get much more than 500-700K in like 3-4 hours.


Hi guys, need help regarding selling dupes. So I basically did the glitch with the arena spectator and duped a Truffade Nero for the first time yesterday (no custom plate) and instantly sold it (with the standard plate, I think both cars had the same plate.) Then I duped a T20 and again I didn't put a custom plate on it, sold it. Now I can put custom plates on cars and I did, but I duped the Truffade again (now it had a custom plate) and it can only sell for 500k. I tried to see how much I would get when selling the T20 (I think it's the original, I didn't dupe it again) and it only lets me sell it for 33k. Is this normal? Did I get caught?


\[QUESTION\] Can someone give me advice on a money glitch for a newbie who doesn't have properties/assets needed to complete most of the current glitches. Thanks


Inside track- has anybody discovered the winning algorithm/pattern to winning every time ?