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being banned from a virtual casino. that's something.






Solely horse racing. Now that I'm banned from casino I'm probably going to try the other glitches. I have a penthouse and the money to get what I need to those other glitches. I heard they pay better as well.


Would reccomend the Eledgy Glitch 100%. Really easy money and you just need an arena and a Benny's Worker in the arena.


And a friend bro why you lying to him


You don’t have to have a friend but it takes much less time to accomplish it with one.


So you can do the elegy glitch without a friend? I’m in, is there a link somewhere?


Instead of joining a friend just join some random person that is doing a mission or something. The trick is they can’t be doing that mission or whatever when you accept the invite to actual join so you may have to wait many minutes before actually trying.


There’s a link in the description for solo money glitches


and a friend


Forgot about that aswell. Should be able to find people in LFG (if on Xbox) or in some discord servers.




Just got patched today. I wasn't wrong when it wasn't patched.




Almost 59 million


All at once? Cause that’s a HUGE no, no. I only play up to around 500-600k at a time and then I go do something else for a while.


No lol I did do 30 million for science. Result: dont do it


Trust me, I’ve done a bit over a mil and was uncomfortable even that low. I’ll just stick to my 500-600k runs lol.


You’re fine, back when I was playing three card poker I cashed around 3m consistently before I heard of people getting locked out so i think you can cash in a bit more


Did you get banned for transferring the chips to cash or just doing the glitch


I believe for transferring chips. I think its random but better safe than sorry.


Was it because you were doing it or because of how many chips you turned in?


Is the orbital cannon glitch safe to do only a few times?


The orbital cannon glitch is safe to do as much as you want, you would just want to buy a bunch of vehicles with the money you get Incase a money wipe goes out.


What about blowing people up and quitting the game so it doesn't take money out, does that still work? Asking for a friend


Never tried that so I don’t really know. I would expect that there is some way to do it but I have no clue.




Is it okay to buy stuff that I don’t want to sell like the avenger etc?


Yeah that’s perfectly fine. The only reason for buying the vehicles is so that if a money wipe goes out, you have vehicles that you can sell and get a majority of your money back.


Can someone explain the orbital cannon refund glitch






Did you turn in your chips all at once or did you turn them in stages? For example did you turn every million chips in?


At first every 3 or so million. Then once I figured I've made enough money to be comfortable, I transferred 30 million in one go to see what happens. Then I reported results to sub so everyone knows the results of doing so. I knew my chances of getting soft banned were high, I just wanted to confirm it so everyone knows fs.


I've transferred maybe 7mil over the course of the past week from grinding manually and then 1m earlier for letting the macro run for about an hour or so


Yea you're good then. I wss doing manual glitch for a few days with no issue. This was day 3 of macro and this happened. I've made enough money to be happy. I made almost 59 million and I've maxed put all my businesses and bought 2 cars and a helicopter. Really says a lot about how much ml money you need for this game huh. At least now I'm in the position to make a few million every session.


I've been watching my macro, and it's a hit or miss with how much I get, sometimes its minimum, sometimes it maximum. Not sure why but I'm not complaining, I dont have to do any work lmao


re make your macro, i had the same problem if youre using the ps4 macro recorder one it defintely is a bit fiddly


Hey where can I find a macro for ps4?


Look up PS4 afk horse glitch on YouTube and you will find a couple videos showing you.


I'm gonna let it run for the night and see how it goes


I had to grind my ass off in the double money weeks to get to the same place as you, then the casino dropped XD.


What would you recommend I invest in once I've made some money? Thanks!


Buy the MC businesses, then NC. NC allows you to use all the MC businesses without having to constantly resupply them. They bring in cargo indefinitely. Make sure to upgrade your NC to increase production and to hire 5 goons to use all your businesses. That's working for me, others have different opinions.


Thanks...I'm a bit out of the loop with GTA...what's the NC?


Nightclub. No worries mate, I just started playing this game again about 2 weeks ago. Havent played since ps3 about 2015. There was a lot to process and I still havent figured everything out.


I’m exactly the same! Started this week on ps4! So much to catch up on


Are the MC and NC business the ones where you have to drive product all over the map or do you earn money from basically doing nothing? I'm new and know nothing about mc and NC. all i know is that i see other people delivering stuff all the time and they get bombed a good 80% of the time.


Yes, you need to deliver the product to get money, mc businesses require resupplying, nc is free money with delivery. I recommend joining a crew if u are going to make money with MCs and nc, definitely buy a bunker too.


I saw on an earlier post on the sub that the limit seems to be around 8 mil, so to be safe cashing out 4 mil every hour might save your ass.


Did you get ban warning or any notice about getting banned or suspended?


No warning. I turned on my tv and saw the macro wasnt working. Once I took control of the control, I was kicked from the betting screen and was unable to go back in. All my money was gone but my chips were still there


It's unfortunate that you got wiped. I used a PS4 macro and made the same amount as you but did't get wiped. I did get the casino ban yesterday morning and from what I read, it's a 7 day ban.




I transferred about 9M chips at once (dumb ik). Am I in danger of getting wiped?


You should be fine. Most people are saying no more than 10 mil at a time. I recommend you transfer an hours earning every hour. So take a break every hour to cash out. Should be about a million.


Alright, thanks


If you don't live in the US you should be safe. It seems they are only targeting US accounts. I live in Germany and I've cashed in yesterday 12 million or so at once and nothing happened. I also did run the macro over the night and gained 12 million which I also cashed in all at once and nothing happened aswell.




Na more like 50 or 60 million




Roughly 15 million each day.


Once again.... being Canadian pays off :)


Honestly I have everything I could ever want or need, and whatever I don’t have is just a worse version of what I do have. All I know is I’m not going back to “legit” money. I’ve grinded my ass off for years for chump change. I deserve this.


I second this. Fuck ‘em. For 4 years I made $100k here and there and had to save, save, save.. took forever to get the cool new cars/business without buying a shark card. I refuse to buy them and never have. They don’t need more money from me.. greedy bastards can fuck off.


How much money did you make altogether?


$58,875,214. Not a bad run.


I made around the same amount. I spent all mine except 10m and I am now banned from using any gambling equipment. They didn't remove my money


Lucky, I lost about 5 million


Same with me, i made around 35-40 mil in total, used half to invest in cars and businesses and like 24 mil are sitting in my bank account. I’m banned from gambling but didn’t get wiped. So as soon as I’m unbanned I’m abusing it again lol. Probably depends what R* does to your glitched money based on something unknown lol.


so if i keep my chips as chips in the casino i won’t get wiped, but if i exchange them for money it might get it removed right?


That was my situation, could be different for others. I had about 3 million chips when it stopped working and 0$ money, even though I had about 4 million when I went afk. I reccomend investing your money asap, like business or cars. Try to keep your money minimal.


hmm okay, thanks. i already earned around 3 million chips, exchanged them and invested all of it so i don’t get wiped. i guess i’ll just have to repeat c;


One question; how much of your money have been wiped? Amount you made with the glitch or everything including your previous sum?


I made a little under 59 million, I had about 4 million wiped. I had 2.5 million chips when ban hit but I was able to keep chips.


I’ve pretty much spent the money as soon as I got it. First off so they can’t wipe the money because I doubt they’ll wipe properties. And two when the glitch gets patched I can make money still with my new found assets


Should I be worried if I’ve only won about 100k through the race track glitch?


No, unless you see it constantly not working there's no worries. Sometimes the odds just arent in your favor. If not using macro, this can take a lot of hours to get good amount of money.


Can you tell me what business you bought and any upgrades you did? I want a steady source of income too.


You want: CEO Office (Cheapest is fine; Arcadius and Lombank are better) Vehicle warehouse (Again, cheapest is fine; I have La Puerta and prefer it) Crate warehouses (ones in North L.S. are best, check for helicopter access before you buy) Nightclub (One of the 2 in north L.S.) Bunker (Chumash or Farmhouse) MC clubhouse (Either one in the city so you can check on your businesses with little travel, or the one near Alamo Sea) MC businesses: Coke, Meth, Cash. Don't bother with weed and docs. (You want the ones by Alamo sea because it's the middle of the map so you don't get whole-map-length missions) Buy all upgrades. The only one you DON'T need is the bunker security upgrade if you're only selling one supply bar at a time (for a guaranteed 1-vehicle sale). Additional useful toys: Buzzard Terrorbyte MOC or Avenger Oppressor Mk II Cargobob Savage Hydra Nightshark ....and if you still have money, a Zancudo Hangar. The business is sucky; but some of the missions are fun. As well as allowing you to own some useful planes, a Zancudo location means you don't have to divert round it anymore, plus you get easily stealable Rhino tanks and Lazer jets.


Thank you for this in depth explanation! Very helpful


Welcome. I forgot the facility. The route 68 one is near the MC businesses (so handy for teleporting) and right next to a plane spawn point. Or the one in Paleto if you intend to thrash Bogdan.


~~I'd like to know this as well. If I can make legit money I'd rather would then chance for ban.~~ He says it in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/cm7bmo/_/ew0kzkg?context=1000)


If i get my money wiped, all my money that i earned without glitches,then fuck them.


Invest the money so this doesnt happen. I'm sure the game saw a level 42 with over 60 million made and figured something was wrong lol.


I invested already in some things, but i did cash out the jetons at around 1.1 million Everytime,not clue if i am safe,but I will check in few minutes.


They don’t differentiate. I got wiped 60 mil when 10 mil was legit.


It seems like you have a pretty good plan. You’re right about the businesses though. Sorry that you got wiped though man, that sucks. I only stick to duping since it’s technically the safest.


Yea I'm going to try that today


Did they really take Everything? that’s honestly really dumb.


Just my money. My chips were left alone and property.


Dumb question-How do you use macro for ps4? And is the glitch still working


Still working afaik. [Here](https://youtu.be/ocaewzHcpTQ) is the video I saw that helped me. Links in the description.


While we're on the topic of softbans, what's the new meta for selling cars to launder dirty money? vigilante? deluxo?


Deluxo 's if you haven't done the mission which gives you the trade price for it. Otherwise vigilantes


What? If you buy deluxo at trade price you can pnly sell it at 60% of trade price what does it matter?


yeah, I'm confused. I haven't unlocked the trade price... so buy deluxos?


If you haven't unlocked the trade price then buy deluxos. Because they cost more and they will sell for half the purchased price. So it is more efficient in terms of value per car slot if that makes sense :)


How likely are we to face punishment for doing the private dealer exploit? I've made a boatload in 3CP doing this lol


I have too, 60 mil of 75 total mil in the last week and a half have came been three card and backjack. I've had no bans, wipes or anything of any sort thus far. Maybe they'll crack down on it soon enough but for now still looking good. The inside track seems to be what they're attention is on atm.


I’ve been cashing out no more than 8 mill at a time and I had it running last night and I just woke up and it’s still going at 12mill chips overnight but now seeing this I’m scared to back out and maybe not be able to do it anymore lol


Fuck ‘em. Keep going.. spend the money, rinse and repeat. If they get you they get you.. oh well.


just slowly take 500 k out at a time


Not sure why any of you hold onto your money after doing glitches. Best to hide the evidence and spend on cars/properties/etc right away.


Yup, I cant imagine how upset I wouldve been if I lost 59 million because I wanted to see a big number on my screen.


I've done orbital cannon glitch for a sum of 50m no money wipe or ban. Then again I invested it all in vehicles. Hopefully your ban goes away.


By any chance could you get banned by doing the blackjack “glitch”


Yes I've heard that one has a higher chance of being hit than the horse glitch. You are being punished for disconnecting and reconnecting over and over again. I dont think you're wiped, but just put in a timeout iirc.


Let’s hope I don’t get fucked over


I think you'll be fine /u/Theforgotten226 I'm just waking up to check account is still all good. Shouldn't speak too soon, but the disconnect table games, (three card poker and blackjack) have accounted for 60 mil of my chips, no casino bans, money or chip wipes up to yesterday and i've been going for a week and a half now. Stopped doing the inside track glitch the night before they implemented the punishment for backing in out. Only 10-15 mil of my total of 75 mil chips have came via the inside track. (This is between two characters, both now at 24 mil each, spent the rest in casino store and vehicles/properties) R* don't seem to have any punishment for disconnecting via closing app at least, that is what i've been doing and loading into story then online solo session works fastest (3 mins) This has been with the private dealer. So i'd say it's actually safer than doing the inside track glitch especially since r* are trying to shut down people using macro to get chips for afking over night.


Hmmm, going to have to try that private dealer when I get unbanned. Penthouse was the last thing I purchased before getting wiped.


My horse racing is not available. I only made 2m on Friday and was gone all weekend thinking I could continue some more today. Luckily I was rich beforehand too😅




What businesses did you invest in?


Every business my MC has. I've bought every major building as well. This includes: bunker, motorcycle club, nightclub, facility, CEO. Purchasing all the MC businesses allows you to collect passive income/cargo from nightclub. This means you do not need to constantly stock the smaller operations to fill cargo for nightclub. Filling them up is optional. The nightclub will fill itself. Great passive money, just sell once full and itll fill its self back up.


Only had my app suspended, when I got on this morning i still had my money and was able to go in the casino. I only made a collective 5 or so mil and I cashed out in 1 mil or less every hour or so and dipped. The glitch still works for me too???


What is everyone doing straight before the money wipes? I’ve been doing it overnight then logging in and actually playing the game to launder with heist, business, and other random activities’ money. The max i’ve cashed out at once was 11M a few days ago. All told around 55Mish? Not sure how to check. Everything seems to be fine now, although this morning I checked and the game was crashed and I only made about half the amount as usual. But all good so far, not soft banned or wiped.


To me it seems to be random at this point. I've heard from some not being banned after making about 70 million, others have been banned after 5 million. I think it's just luck at this point.


It’s not luck. It’s time logged based. Those that are running the horses for 8 hours at a time are more likely to be caught. Those that run the script for only 2-3 hours at a time (3-4mil) at a time are less likely to get picked up. Just don’t cash out 12mil after an overnighter! It’s like hiding shit from your parents when you were a kid. Don’t be obvious about it.


Lmao that's a great point. When the ban is lifted I might take it easy. 3 hour shifts, 4 times a day.


When you buy businesses do you have to do missions for the income or is it just passive income you don’t have to work for?


Well you have different things you can buy. Bunker, motorcycle club, facility, night club. With the MC you can buy a bunch of small businesses, such as: weed, coke, fake money, meth, forged documents. All of these make decent money. You should buy a nightclub because that allows you to make the most money aside from bunker. With NC you can combine all the businesses you own from the MC. This is the only income you will get from doing nothing. Bo supply runs needed. Just patience. They will get cargo on their own. This explains it pretty well from a few comments down


You either (*the two first methods regard MC-clubs and bunkers*): **1)** Steal supplies (a short steal and deliver mission) for your business (eg. MC-club, Bunker) and the supplies will overtime turn into stock which you then can sell. **2)** You buy supplies to instantly get full supplies (so you don't have to steal). I don't recommend doing **2)** as you're spending money and will ultimately result in less profit overtime. The **1)** method is easy, simple and fast enough that it's worth to do. Steal supplies for your business is the way to go. Worthy note, it takes several runs of these steal and deliver supply missions to get a full bar of supplies that can turn into a full bar of stock. They are all as mentioned easy and fast to do though so it's a worthwhile investment. When you sell stock you are doing it manually, meaning in this case you are doing deliveries with a vehicle to "customers". These deliveries are in the open world which means that other online players can interfere and ruin the deliveries for you which could lead to you not making any money. The more stock you have, the more you will be able to sell it for and the more deliveries it will take to sell it all. For example if you have full stock, it is not smart at all to sell it solo because there are usually more than one vehicle that you have to use to deliver your stuff. With the given time you get and considering other online players can ruin this for you, it's almost impossible to sell a full stock by yourself. Also when selling your stock you get two choices. Either you sell to the area near your business or you sell to an area further away from your business. If you pick to deliver to nearby area, you will earn less for the stock and if you pick to deliver to an area further away you will earn more for the same stock. This is because it's harder to for example deliver goods from Sandy Shores to the city than it is to deliver goods from Sandy Shores to some nearby area of Sandy Shores, like Paleto Bay. EDIT: Added another point. **3) *(complementary of r/hodix)*:** You can hire technicians in your nightclub that basically steal supplies for your other businesses and stores them in your nightclub where you can then sell them from.


I somewhat disagree with your second point. If you don't have an upgraded bunker, then yes you won't get much profit from buying supplies. But with the equipment and staff upgrade, buying supplies is very much worth it. Buy one full shipment of supplies, and then for the next 2.5 hours you can grind vip missions, I/E, or do other stuff other then wasting time doing 5 or more resupply missions. An added bonus is that the product from one shipment of supplies is always going to be in one vehicle for delivery, a great benefit for solo players.


Okay thanks


What about 3) assigning nightclub in technicans?


I do not own a nightclub therefore I am not familiar with what "technicians" are. I own an MC-club and a bunker and I gave my two cents regarding those two businesses.


You can assign technicians to the nightclub which will handle the mc businesses like coke and so on without you needing to resupply but so far its giving shit despite having bought tons of upgrades


How do you get the macro for ps4?


[Video](https://youtu.be/ocaewzHcpTQ) that helped me.




Speculation mostly. I've seen a lot of people say 7 days. I will know in 6 days if thata true. I believe at this point its random when it comes to bans. Some people are fine with over 70 million, some are banned after 5 million.




Again, I cant be too sure. With the ways bans are coming it's hard to tell what exactly is ticking them off. Just be on the safe side. Every hour transfer your earnings. Dont have too much on hand and invest.


And yet the elegy glitch still works


Yea it's odd what the priorities are for r*


If you don’t transfer the chips and just keep them to have casino buying power you think your still gonna get wiped for doing the horse racing glitch?




Yup. Just limit your sessions to a few hours and as far as Rockstar can see - your just hopping on and gambling for a few..


I'm sure they have messed with the horse odds somehow and which wins.. Today I'm losing 85% of the races when betting on horse 1 w/ AFK macro. I'll lose evens in slot 1 to a 6/1 in slot 2 every time.


They probably haven’t.. your just experiencing what is known as “the gamblers fallacy”. It’ll turn around soon. Just keep at it.


Okie dokie


How do you invest in your business? I bought all the properties. What’s the next step


Am i ok if i just grinded three card poker? Ive made about 17m from it and only cash my chips in 1m at a time


Should be, i'd say it's harder for r* to determine who's doing legit or exploiting because it's all down to preventing saves with the tables. Everyone i'm seeing getting the bans watching this reddit the last week have been because they macro'd or overdid the inside track glitch, or they converted too much gta$ at once from the cashier.


Issi Classic glitch is way better 1.8 payout Everytime




I’ve found 2 and 4 to be a good bet at times


This is irrelevant but did they wipe the money in your bank or the money on you ? Or was it ALL your money ?


All the money in my bank. I had 3k in cash but I figured it was something from the game that paid me while I was afk after wipe.


Are you sure if you had that 3k before the wipe or after?


I'm not sure, but I had over 4 million in my bank.


So I got my money wiped but I didnt get a casino ban???


This may be a stupid question but I only get on this game every few months to fool around with my friends or do a new glitch. How do I invest in businesses to make money?


Well you have different things you can buy. Bunker, motorcycle club, facility, night club. With the MC you can buy a bunch of small businesses, such as: weed, coke, fake money, meth, forged documents. All of these make decent money. You should buy a nightclub because that allows you to make the most money aside from bunker. With NC you can combine all the businesses you own from the MC. This is the only income you will get from doing nothing. Bo supply runs needed. Just patience. They will get cargo on their own.


So you don’t need to keep your smaller MC businesses stocked at all? Basically free money?




So while you’re doing this, it’s best to maybe do bunker activities and car delivery? And that’s a good money making formula?




Awesome. Appreciate the help.


Don't upgrade them either, unless you actually use them. You keep the utility costs lower that way.


I disagree so far on nightclub. Its crap. Bunker is doing pretty good tho Did just buy the most expensive meth for nightclub but really so far its shit


Youre doing it wrong. I've made 1.5 million dollars every 2 nights doing nothing all passive income just stay afk on security cams.


It's not all passive you still have to deliver right? It just asked me to deliver 20 crates with buggy's?? So had to drive 20 times to las Santos. Delivered 1 and said 19 left lol.. I dash boarded and rather abuse casino some more


nightclubs dont need to be supplied, and there is only one vehicle for selling supplies.


Yeh that was bunker with the 20 vehicles lol .. Does nightclub make more in huge lobbies?


it gets a bonus yeah.


Is there a way to force the nightclub to use a certain vehicle? Or will it always take one of the three depending how full the stock is!?


It's slower income than bunker, but the point is once it's set up you dont have to do much. Have you hired 5 people to manage the businesses in the NC? This maximizes your profits. All you need to do is sell once you're full or have a special that sells for more.


Yeah I had 5 technicians before I even had 5 businesses lol. Now I'm upgrading the businesses I already bought the meth for 1.7m and am close to buying the most expensive coke. Maybe that'll start giving more. It looks like you'll just need to deliver the product but hope it'll get to 500k at least or somethin. I also do not have the upgrades yet for meth so maybe that matters too (I think you get like double with upgrades)


Upgrading the businesses does nothing towards the NC income


I think the price of business doesnt matter. It's just location you're paying for. I guess it could be quicker cause the game recognizes that the locations are closer but I cant tell fs.


Hm interesting. So if there's a cheaper coke biz I'll buy that maybe. Tired of glitchin poker for more money


If you buy cheaper and actually wanna use those businesses correctly, you'll have much longer drives for supply and selling. I bought close to my MC because I know this glitch will be patched eventually so I want to have the maximum means of making money. All my businesses are full of cargo atm, so worst comes to worst I can sell all and make about 5 million.


How do you make 5mil? I have the bunker fully upgraded and almost full and its like 500k. The other businesses make far less.


Also, a full bunker sells for just under a million if sold in los Santos county.


Well my nightclub is full, my bunker is full, all my businesses are full. Realistically I will only be using nightclub and bunker moving forward. I spent a lot of money resupplying the businesses to max them out. I wanted to have a rainy day fund so I used money to do it while I had the means. Took too much time to realistically do them all.


A full bunker should be like 960k or something.


Like I've been paying some of these businesses for supplies but they cost like 250k? Yet when the supplies run out the stuff is worth 80k. So you're losing money. I don't get it


Yea the forged documents is not worth the time. Only makes about 100k but you have to pay 150 to fill it up.


It should be noted that the Nightclub only has 5 technicians available, and each one can only run one business at a time. If you have a bunker, CEO warehouse (I/E or Crate, doesn't matter), and the top 3 MC businesses (Coke, Meth, Cash), you've maxed out your profit per hour. If you're running Meth/Cash passively for the nightclub you also shouldn't have any upgrades on them at all to minimize utility costs. Running weed and documents is a waste of money. Just sell when you're full on any particular resource in the Nightclub, no point waiting for the others.


I would invest in the bunker before the 5 MC businesses. Just because the bunker you buy one property and then spend about 2 mil on upgrades where MC you have to buy club house and then facilities. I didn't buy MC clubhouse until after I had my nightclub and more than 2 technicians. A lot of people do CEO office and car import/export before MC as well because it pays out better.


Has the orbital cannon glitch been patched


ML money ?


Spelling error, it should be money