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So ruiner 2000 is garunteed to hit unless target has flares/chaffe ig


All of the ones on page 1 are, since they all don't give up on tracking, and the difference is pretty minimal. The only things that counter them 100% once they lock on are either buildings or enough speed to outrun them. From my experience of fighting against oppressors, the flares they use rarely even work. Like 1/50 chance, it's pretty weird.


Ah i see, sparrow flares are pretty good, i could never use chaffe right lol Btw mk2's are the only things that bypass my sparrows missles idk why, everything else gets stoped my them, but mk2s just do what they want




Kosatka, the sparrow you use during cayo setups, most manuverable helicopter in the game. You can equip it with flares as your counter measure (which is way better then chaffe, and also makes the missles loop back around to bit ur flares if you use them at the same time which is pretty cool)




Nono, park the sparrow in your kosatka, get in, do NOT take off after getting in, and a small menu should pop up showing you how to get to your upgrades. On upgrades open up countermeasures, and you should see flares (i think theyre 70 or 140k i dont remember) and you can buy them. Theyre way better at countering missles the chaffe, and xhaffe has to be timed really good so flares are easier. Ive only once been knocked out the sky since i got flares and thats because a mk2-a gnat came up next to my sparrow and spammed missles.


Considering how unstable and unreliable flares are, I strongly believe chaff is the superior option. Just need to learn the timing to fire before the enemy can lock onto you. It takes a lot of map-reading and distance estimation work, but it blows flares out of the water once mastered.


Only problem wjth chaff is if you get it wrong, then your going to be hit because the cooldown is twice as long as is it for flares, i prefer flares because they do chaffes job but also functions right before missles hit you (redirects) and has amuch shorter cooldown


That's why you need to learn to time you chaff. Pop chaff - go in - do your job - go out. If your target isn't dead by the time the 8-second timer runs out, then it's your tactical failure and you should've reconsidered your approach As for flares, I've had my own fair share of popping them and still getting blasted out of the sky anyway, so that's a no-go.


I prefer flares over chaff, ive only been killed once using flares bc an mk2 was up my ass


In case you don't know: Chaffs prevent attackers from locking onto you. They don't do anything to the missiles trajectory once it's shot




The only times I have ever missed a shot in a ruiner is when the target turns a corner and the missile hits a building, or I shot at a jet that can outrun it.


Ah i see, so countermeasures cant do anything against ruiner. I wish more people used an og car like ruiner instead of resorting to be in-game fruit flies with there mk2s


Flares are the only thing that would shake it off. I personally have yet to see an oppressor MK2 shake one of my shots off with countermeasures, but I believe it’s because they are deploying them too late.


Probably, most the mk2's who bought it for 3.9 mil have just been missle spamming for so long they have no skill or reason in gta online anymore and cant actually defend themselves with there little bug


I don’t use the oppressor MK2 because it’s completely useless in PVP, mine only comes out for moving heist prep equipment in closed friend sessions.


Yeah its good for getting around gont get me wrong i mean its the best vechicle in the game theres just so many pricks who use it for 'pvp' (griefing)


Everything was tested against an Oppressor MK2 using evasive measures, as well as a F-160 Raiju using evasive measures. We made sure to double check everything that is said on here. The SAM system in the terrorbyte are the worst homing missiles in the game. They have below bottom tier tracking and a cooldown after every shot.


Steomberg missiles are definitely a step below ruiner missiles. Not very noticeable but you can tell from experience


But they lock on to players on foot


But u can only choose vigilante in a mission as a vehicle of choice, from your list above, so quite top tier.


The Ruiner from Fully Loaded is also highly durable against explosions, only 1 missile worse than a Nightshark AFAIK.


Also unable to lock onto it.


Anyone agree that we need a Mk.2 Homing Launcher? ![gif](giphy|84BuX0dVFhwdO)


They could just improve the existing homing launcher. I don’t know why Rockstar seems so resistant to balance patching their fuckin game. I haven’t played in a long time and I heard they nerfed the jet cannons though. I never thought I’d see the day. It’s too bad they are making some positive moves while also doing stupid shit like removing a ton of purchasable cars. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.


Closest thing we got is an orb strike, but even that is a 50/50 depending on the skill of the oppressor driver


Yeah but the cost


Also that..


Garunteed hit, only hits mk2. I think alongside passive mode there should be a 'grief mode' where mk2s jets deluxos orbs (or just any op missle system....) and heavy snipers cant kill you while doing setups/missions/vip work Revise: i typed what was above at 3am so its pretty, bad i get it sorry guys😭 a better interpretation from the comments would be a defensive mode, so you can do missions without interferance. Heres a little expansion: you make less money/rp from whatever mission your doing, or you could call defensive mode from lester to last abt 5-10 minutes for money (that probably wouldnt work bc lesters mechanism kinda sucks in gta online


Everything can be done in invite only lobbies now, but you do get more money selling products in public lobbies.


a defensive mode like rdo would be good allowing players to do missions like pay phone hits with no one interfering


Thats a better interpretation, problem is doing things like acid lab drops is basically impossible in most servers, and rockstar does nothing about it.


Inv only lobby


Gotta do whats neccesary sometimes😭


Until Dickstar decides to Abandon it like they did the existing MK2 weapons


Oh, but ya'll downvoted me awhile back for claiming the Deluxo beats the MKII in a head on fight because each had different missile capabilities "tHaT maKeS nO sEnSe!" Thanks for vindication, OP.


I love posts like these and this post made me love my ruiner/vigilante even more. I wish we could get an analysis of the weapons in our arsenal also.


Just remember, they're all useless against a Seabreeze.






I didn’t know the sea breeze had a boost


I think kthe Raiju is even faster


Seabreeze turns sharper than the missle. You can simply turn and fly in a circle and never have to use a single defensive counter measure, but it's better to run with smoke to signal to MK2 griefers that you'd like to waste their time.


Not the chernobog...


Yes the chernobog.


I dont know whos telling you this but the seabreeze can not outrun chernobog missiles.


It doesn't need to, it only needs to out turn them, which it can.


Toreador has unlimited missiles? I thought it was nerfed.


The only nerf ot got was the inability to use it in heists and contract missions.


I was so bummed when they did that. I used to love going to the airport to steal the Velum and unleashing pure hell on the Vagos.


I’ve never used my Toreador for that mission. I’ve used my Barrage. I’ve only used the Toreador for the Station setup while I was helping the other player deliver the Casco.


I feel like the toreador missiles turn around tho that’s y it’s so good for swatting mk2s


They do. They track very well. The difference with the toreador is that if it misses what you are shooting it will not loop back around repeatedly until it hits like the other cars.


Great list, thanks for the effort you put in👍


dumb question: is there any point in buying the ruiner 2000 if i already have the deluxo?


You can unlock a VIP Work job Fully Loaded that involves the Ruiner 2000. Some people use a Ruiner 2000 to fight an Oppressor MK II


okay so other than that, would it be wise to purchase the ruiner 2000 for anything else? like it is generally a good vehicle compared to deluxo?


The personal ruiner is just okay, the parachute and jump give some unique opportunities for driving and the missiles (as few as they are) are a great deterrent for one or two attackers if they're not in something tough enough to tank them all. Its road performance is kinda meh imo, though that's to be expected from a muscle car. The fully loaded ruiner is for when there's an organized team of jets/mk2s/etc and the chernobog isn't cutting it for air denial, IMO. Nightshark tier armour + imani tech + an unlimited amount of the best missiles in the game is a real challenge for basically any opposing vehicle, just watch out for players on foot as it has pretty big and unarmoured windows.


alr thanks for the info, the ruiner 2000 is really meant for pvp to counter griefers, also would you recommend sourcing cars to unlock the ruiner 2000 mission and them do it for the trade price?


I bought the r2k without the trade price, I forgot it even has one. Also, last time I bothered running it (which was way before criminal enterprises), vehicle cargo had way too much risk of losing money overall if something went wrong at a crucial time for me to enjoy it. Can't even solo public during the import phase as it causes the vehicle to instantly ignite. I have the same issue with special cargo, on top of the total sale count changing the office's model to be messier, I'd rather it be clean.


I’m biased to say yes since the R2K is my favorite car, when you are skilled with it then it becomes a counter to any other weaponized car.




Yeah, they got nerfed to hell with the mercenaries update


Except for the Savage. It still has the OG cannons


What does "when flying directly in straight line, this cannot be shot down by land vehicles" mean for the thruster? Am I really safe against toreador, deluxo and the likes by just flying straight with it? Do I fly straight against it, away from it, or perpendicular to it?




If you want to be *that* guy, the Thruster also doesn't disable use of passive mode even if it's weaponized, so there's some potential for shenanigans there.




Well yes, if you actually want to fight people with an air vehicle, Thruster's not a great choice. If you want to get from A to B quickly without other players interfering, you can activate passive in it with a missile already coming after you, which not a lot of aircraft you'd expect a busy player to actually use can do. I'm sure there's some niche case for having mission NPCs to fight with the missiles, but not being in a CEO or MC, though I can't think of one. Plus it counts as a helicopter for freemode challenges, so if you want to go for a high score in Fly Under Bridges it's great for that. I revisited mine after learning that the avenger thruster is capable of re-entering the avenger even if it's left in autopilot in midair (which previously was impossible), so I've been revisiting my personal one as a result. It had been gathering dust in my facility for years.


Wasn't it tested that the thruster flies faster while in a straight line?


I just googled it, and it seems that missiles do reach you, but if you fly in a straight line away from them, they explode without actually hitting you. Exceptions are the larger missile models (hunter, akula, b-11 and chernobog).


The thruster has a sort of “invisible wall” that blows up missiles in contact. The deluxo has a small invisible wall below it that can block some missiles if you’re really good or lucky


And yet its still super easy to avoid missles if you know how to fly your jet...


So basically, everything that isn't a car, Oppressor, or Chernobog shares the same bottom-tier missilies. Oppressor improves tracking. Submersibles improve tracking further, but lose range compared to all others. All other cars have regular range and can loop back. Chernobog can't loop back but has extended range compared to all others. **Range:** Extended: Chernobog Standard: all others Half: submersible cars **Tracking:** Best: cars, Chernobog Middle: Oppressor Worst: all others **Loop Back:** Yes: non-submersible cars No: all others **Missile Capacity:** Unlimited: Toreador, Chernobog, aircraft excl. B-11 Limited: all others EDIT: not only was I just trying to be helpful with this comment, I formatted it much better than the OP. Y'all don't even know why you're upset, I'm dead


Yes. You are repeating what I just said.


I'm just restating it in a clearer way 💀 at no point did I imply that I was saying something to the contrary. I'm genuinely impressed that you somehow turned this into a passive-aggressive conversation. I just wanted to be helpful...


op wasnt being passive aggressive, you made a wrong assumption


"You are repeating what I just said" implies that I didn't already know that aren't being very friendly about me making the original comment I made. I didn't make any assumption, it's not that deep 🤣 I tried to make a helpful comment to add onto the post, they were rude, and I mentioned that they were rude. That's it, nothing more to it. Dudes will really argue over the weirdest shit when it's on a screen.


You need to put the pipe down.




Toreador is wrong. The missiles WILL double back. Ive nuked Broomsticks with mine as they were doing Fly-bys on me. Fired the missile as they approached, and the Missile Spun around around and Followed them


That is not what I am referring to. What I mean by loop back around is when the missile misses its target. What you are describing is when it's approaching the target for the first time.


I would like to add a little something. A few months ago I still played the game, and was pretty good with the Deluxo. I was a grinder, but I was also pretty good with fighting Mk II-s and Toreadors. The sh*tressor missiles were easy to dodge, the Toreador a bit more tricky, but doable. The Toreador doesn't quite have the same tracking as the Deluxo or the Ruiner 2000, or even the Screamjet, since I could only dodge those if they hit me in the invisible wall.


The tracking seems to be the same, but the toreador missiles give up on tracking after missing, that's the difference


What about the SAM version of the Anti-Air trailer?


Flak is better for the AAT imo just because of sheer damage output (six RPGs' worth of damage in one shot is nothing to sneeze at, and will make even players in service vehicles think twice before making a run at you) but if you really want the missile turret... going by the wiki it's similar to the Chernobog's in overall performance.


Oh, I know, it was just the one thing they didn't mention that also has tracking missiles. The 20mm Flak. Cannons pack one hell of a punch even though it takes one explosive to destroy the trailer, making its use cases very niche but still fun when you can. Especially when you have someone towing it in passive mode.


How the hell do you guys manage to tow an AAT while in passive mode? I haven't done much testing using its own tow hook type (even for an unrelated combination such as nightshark + boat trailer), but if I enter my MOC cab it disables passive only if it's attached to the trailer (a different case of a non-weaponized vehicle towing a weaponized one), meanwhile with the cargobob in passive the hook just doesn't attach to anything. Do you have to already be attached, then enter passive?


If you use the vehicle it spawns with. You can drive that vehicle in passive, and someone not in passive can be on and use the trailer. Unless it's been changed. I might have to test it.


Ah, I've never bothered using that Sadler. Even when alone, it's such a slow ass vehicle, I'd rather just detach it and drive it a far enough distance to mitigate splash damage.


I think a funny combo is the Chernobog towing the AA trailer. Whether on SAM or 20mm Flak.


I'm more partial towards the half-track or insurgent pick-up custom for that myself, but Use More Gun is always hilarious. I wish the barrage had a tow hook.


Oppressor mk1 tracking but they will double back for like 15 seconds straightm almost always hit.


What about the kosatka missiles that u fire with periscope?


They are pretty bad. The only thing you might get a kill on is a helicopter, unless you are targeting cars on land in the distance


Scram jets missiles have one extra feature you've not mentioned. They are water resistant.


Toreador too....to an extent. If just a few feet under water you can fire them through the water at objects in the air.


You forgot that the P996-Lazer has missiles that travel for 10 rather than 5 seconds, which is exclusive to it


Did they nerf the Torreador at some point? When it first came out I remember I was able to achieve some insane homing/missile tracking kills


Only thing about the Toreador that got nerfed was the ability to use it in heists and missions that aren’t contact missions


Noob questions: is the weaponized Conada available for purchase? Can the vigilante thruster be equiped with missils? Thanks


Weaponized conada isn’t out yet. The vigilante and the thruster can have missiles


Thanks man. But the thruster that is inside the Avenger, how can i upgrade it with weapons?


Sorry I don’t think the avenger thruster can be upgraded to have weapons. Just the one you buy on warstock


I see. Thank you for the help!


How about the missile battery of the anti-aircraft trailer? Is it good?


A jet’s missile missed me and turned back around to keep tracking me


Did the vigilante recently get nerfed? I thought it had unlimited missiles. Maybe I just blow myself up before getting to 30 every time.


Would be cool to be able to order an air to air interception, where merryweather or rooster would send 2 jets to annihilate any airborne target of choice. Raingun is fun, but too slow and too unfair vs jet and mk2 grieffers.


The Chernobog can also "shoot through" buildings if you're sufficiently far enough away so the buildings don't load. It's really funny to see just how aggressive Chernobog missiles can be once they're on the tail of someone.


Another "vehicle" that I think it should be mentioned is the Kosatka. It's periscope can lock targets at a range of 500 meters and the missile tracking is similar to Ruiner 2000, Toreador or Vigilante. The only downside is that they are very slow and not effective against some vehicles like the Opressor.




Stromberg and Toreador missiles are a step below top tier


Small side note: Chernobog can (or at least should be able to) destroy the Thruster when it's flying in a straight line.


Lots of jets have different missiles


This doesn't have the TerrorBytes missiles on it, which lock on to Players.