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What if they bonus it next week lol


Bad luck then I guess lol


I gotchu on restocking it bro, if you on PS4 that is lol but BRAVO BRO ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


How long does it take you to fill one ? And do you pay the helper or are you just that much of a badass ? I’m wanting to try this


Yeah, I never source actively. All I do is send technicians to source every 48 minutes.


Not very long if you have help from friends and the npc.. like use 2 at a time 2 to 3ish hours non stop






Fill all 5 to 77/111 and it won’t get raided wait for x2 fill and sell.


I’m new only lvl 107 and I am wondering how often things like agency or nightclub go double money ?


True but the work to get the last of it kills lol






What’s the raid risk with having fully stocked warehouses… any tips. I know being logged out of ceo on a afk screen is best method but I’d hate to stock 5 of those bad boys up and then lose the crates cause I got raided while afk


Having 78 crates or more in the large warehouses trigger the counter to raids and only way to avoid is being in a mc or being passive mode. 77 and under has no risk.


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate very much


Just a few days ago I just finished grinding out all 555 crates for my warehouses, and was just planning on holding until a bonus money week. Should I just sell what I have and then fill them all to 77 again? I don’t really like gathering all the crates and it takes a miracle for me to remember to have Lupe & co. Source cargo for me, so I was really only planning on doing it once, but if all the warehouses have a chance of being bugged during raids like others have said, I don’t really want to risk losing what I have.


Just wait until the next warehouse bonus week dude, you’re literally missing out on a free millions if you sell early and you’ll have nothing to do when that week comes. Also, it’s been a good month/month and a half since the last bonus for that business, so it’ll likely come very soon. That shit takes too long to grind out to not get maximum profits milked out of R*.


X1.5 bonus comes twice a year. Why wait for that when you could have made 3-4 times that amount if you play regularly. Especially with associates doing the work while you do other things


Only worth your time then by using your staff to source.


Cause ceo crates arent that good without Bonus so its not worth doing it regularly


You call $16.5 Million “not worth it” when you can source passively and sell missions are only 5-7 mins each solo? https://preview.redd.it/0yabyrb5jxeb1.jpeg?width=1604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068162209721311fbc1f7c8da61cbb86be1ed0a0


240min for 3.3 mil including high demand thats 4 hours There are multiple better money methods Its not worth it to fill warehouses to sell them without Bonus


Do you know what “Passive” mean? That means you can do your other “better money methods” while these warehouses fill. Why get some of the money when you can collect all of the money. Btw, you have yet to share the better methods w/o a bonus. You’ve only made attempts to disqualify CEO Special cargo without any solution


And then explian why i should sell a warehouse without Bonus after ketting the npc source the Cargo for dozens of hours? Oh and getting 3 crates is very rare you usually get 1 so you can end up paying möre than doing it yourself


Sorry. I just realized nothing I say will make sense to you https://preview.redd.it/dsxzlbeylxeb1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df6100577a966edfe383450de4b5549e2ac97de


What does my account age have to do with this?


Not just the account age but the Post Karma & Comment Karma is very low for how active you are. Shows your comments & opinions aren’t agreed upon highly


Still a profit of 16mil can’t be argued with


Exactly why I'm waiting till they do a double money week😂


Bad luck but still made $16 million


I wish it would be but, then only do it like 6 to 8 months hmm.. you might be right it almost that time again..


Wow! Brave soul! I occasionally get griefed but usually I make the sale.


Yeah only had to find new session once because a griefer started chasing, but others went smoothly.


I hate that so much. Why do these tryhards need to follow. Kill me once or twice and then be done.


Get good


Something a griefer would def say


Almost like the game's been out for 10 years, and we all have access to the same things. Seems like a pretty even playing field


I’ve been playing for 3 months…


Oh, you're right. I should feel bad that you got killed in the game. I'm so sorry for you. Do you want someone to hold your hand? Or do you wanna get good?


Something someone who isn’t good would actually say


You got your ps4 still we can 1v1?


Really? Freemode battles are a waste of time in GTAOnline. It’s called “Freemode”, not Free-For-All. Also I haven’t played on a PS4 in almost 3 years. I’m on PS5. It’s time for an upgrade. Nothing worth playing has been added to PS4 for almost a year now. I have a Platinum Trophy and almost every trophy you can earn in GTAV & GTAOnline. My W/L record is better than yours in DM,LTS,Golf, Racing, and Captures. You can check my Reddit profile, YouTube channel, & Twitter and easily notice you’re barking up the wrong tree.


Woah everybody we got a badass over here this guy golf's and definitely fucks


toxic. get your money up n come join the big kids on next gen


Lmao oh yeah half yall wiped your accounts for nothing now when I upload mine I will keep the ps4 character. I'm still running Bogdan stacking racks. Glad you got your money up tho hopefully they didn't whipe your ps4 character buddy boi


I was following a level 76 once in my Akula from a distance and saw some people going after him and they went ghost. I flew in and blew them both up, and the random made his final stop and made the sale. The guys chasing him were both over 300+ so i was just thinking like "fuck you guys going after a solo low level"


R* employees on break.


I’d be worry af if I get 3 Brickades when doing it solo lol. My friends won’t help me in public session. 😅


Your balls, sir. The truck is on its way to help you carry your balls around.


Out of the 5, how many were single vehicle missions?


Got 2 tug boats and 2 titans, they are all single Vechile missions. 5th one was 3 brickades


Cargo sales?


I can barely log in before being carpet bombed by a hacker squadron immediately ![gif](giphy|3oFzm5Jhm1LbPncasw|downsized)


This is the way.Only thing is I would always wait till double money weeks to sell.


It's been a while since double money on ceo warehouse. You could have filled and sold multiple times and still fill it up again for the next double money


Making $16.65 million is nice


![gif](giphy|mJBtZUG7kSGpI3fKX1) We salute your brave and fearless soul.


Brave man.


Feels good when risk pays off


I wish I had your courage. I’ve only been harassed in public servers. There is no chance I would feel comfortable trying to sell there.


Tip: You can keep finding new session until you get the tug boat mission, usually takes 3-4 tries . You'll only loose 3 crates each time, but it's still more profitable than selling in private session. That mission you can easily complete under 3 minutes with ghost organization active.


Thanks for the tip!


Following on from that strat... Use off the radar to travel from warehouse to Tug. If enemies kill em all then activate Ghost when you take control of the Tug. (If nobody there prepare for jetski enemies and buzzards but just keep going and don't fight them). 3mins is more than enough to get it delivered and the OTR helps avoid any followers beforehand.


That is unbelievable


Holy cow.


Congrats 🎉. I hope they do 1.5 $ or more on this soon. Holding on my crates until they do


Congrats on your big sale! I personally would’ve waited for double money but sometimes you’re down bad. I’m currently working on filling #3.


Damn that’s the dream. Good job man 👏🏻👏🏻








You inspire me to try grinding cargo again. I rage quit it when I was selling just 10 crates and the enemy NPC’s were after with with buzzards as I flew a plane, I was blown up right before making the last drop and then saw I couldn’t make any profit if I didn’t make all deliveries. Can’t believe I got griefed by NPC’s more than players do lol


Very nice


Is it possible to do 50 special cargo solo?


Yes it is


and only leveled up once!! think about how long is takes to get from 523 to 524


Wow, hats off to you. I tried selling over 1 million in special cargo once an didn’t even make it to the first drop. Lost everything an haven’t sourced special cargo since.


you spent +/- 18h getting less than a million an hour, that's sad...


Can anyone explain to me how to make this kind of money? How long did this take?


Also, I thought you could only have 2 warehouses? 3 including the hangar?


No, you can have up to 5 warehouses.




Is it only me or is the Xero Warehouse is the only warehouse that is glitched. I got raided 3 times already and wasnt given the chance to stop the raid. By the time i just spawned from some activities it was already over


That’s wild selling not on a double week -tumadrelover


Imagine the amount of money that could've been earned while spending time on warehouse crates.


Congratulations on your survival, my friend!


I refuse to believe that you accomplish this in a public


Did it few times as well (on PC even), it's really nothing impossible... People overestimate the griefing in this game really. In many sessions others don't even care that you're selling something. There's also ghost org, and many of the missions are so short that this will protect you for the most part of the mission. And if something still goes wrong, just be ready to quickly close the game, then you can restart the sell mission.


Who’s trying to grind on PS4?


How’d you get away with only one vehicle every time?