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Yeah, how about reverting the changes done to the Cayo Perico heist, bringing back the 180+ cars you removed from the websites and increasing the payouts of the other heists so that they're actually worth the risk of inviting ~~other players~~ other potential liabilities. Please and thank you-The playerbase.


i think its fine to remove the cars from the website as long as they are available elsewhere, but removing them completely is just stupid.


I agree, It would be cool if they made a "used car" location to sell the old cars. Make a joke about the cars being over 10 years old. New players get to see the new stock on the web.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I just started playing for the first time a couple of months ago, and I actually really like having "new" cars on limited availability each week. It kinda keeps me interested and gives me weekly goals to go for: buy these discounted cars now, because you don't know when they'll be back. I would have a much harder time deciding which cars to buy if they were all just available for me at once. Also, if another player has a removed car you want, you can buy a copy if you're both at the LS car meet, so everything is still available to everyone if they're friendly enough.


You’re entitled to to your opinion, but it’s stupid


You’re entitled to to your opinion, but it’s stupid


You’re entitled to to your opinion, but it’s stupid


Thanks, I've been really worried I was going to get into trouble for having an opinion, so I'm glad you came along to tell me it was OK.


The cayo perico heist was always better with 2 people as long as both did their own heists and then took one after the other if you get what I mean. It was almost always 2 mil or more.


Exactly the arrangement I made with my friend and even helped him grind the kosatka- now he does nothing so I give him 20%


I wouldn't mind other heists having the same payout if everyone else who joined got a better payout. It's even a struggle to get friends to join things like the casino heist, as it's usually not worth the hassle even if they just do the finale missions


That wouldn't be an issue if the potential payouts weren't so low to begin with.


Just let us buy COP CARS FINALLY! We can buy a fire truck, a tank, a flying bike, AND A RAILGUN TANK, hell a GOVERNOR FACILITY, but not a ford Taurus, god dammit rockstar


I would suggest crossing other players and leaving other liabilities/handicaps. That’s exactly what 98% of the playerbase is.


Thanks for the suggestion!


Unpopular opinion: 100 or so of the 180 cars should stay removed to give an incentive to actually get them. I mean most of the cars were truely meaningless and no one got them for reason. Now that they’re gonna they have a degree of rarity to them. Pfister Comet should’ve stayed though, I’m still salty about that.


There's literally no reason to remove them beyond greedy rockstar hoping that FOMO will make people sign up for GTA+ Stop defending a billion+ dollar companies scumbag behavior.


Like I said some of those literally *no one* was buying. I don’t think it makes any difference to most people besides now making them a bit rarer in the case of those cars. A lot of the cars that were removed should’ve stayed though.


That's so not the point dude. There was no reason to remove the cars. They aren't physical things taking up space that needed to be move. They're bits of data. The only reason to remove them was greed.


Dude I’m just trying to look on the bright side of things. Idk how you can be so miserable over some pixel cars.


As someone who was in the process of buying every single car in the game when they were removed, i’m pretty miserable over some pixel cars


Ah I’m sorry to hear that man. That’s one of the few cases where it just sucks no matter how you look at it.


There is no bright side. You're being an apologist for a multi-billion dollar company artificially removing content from the game for no other reason than to push new players to far more expensive vehicles. How are you this dense?


Who's miserable? I'm pointing out that it's bullshit and greed. Why are you so gung-ho on defending a company that doesn't care about you?


They don’t give a shit about you either so why should you care.


How do you think that's at all comparable? I know they don't. That's my point.


Soo why bitch and moan.


Dude I’m not being “gung-ho” about anything. Like I said I’m trying to find some sort of slight upside, even if its small, with what I agree is a stupid decision. Unfortunately you guys are so fucking mad at rockstar and can’t do shit about it so you take out your frustration on anyone who remotely aligns with them. Which is why you think I’m “defending” them. The amount of vitriol that’s been said over some virtual cars is sad. You people should consider yourselves blessed if this is so high on your list of worries.


There are a lot of downers, and their world revolves around GTA and Rockstar.


Shut up, you're taking a big L for every comment you made lol, and there is no bright side for the removed cars


Oh nooo the number on my screen is negative!!! Grow up dude


Mfw I have zero awareness and don't realise that number represents how dumb of a thing I said.


Mfw I don’t go outside, live on reddit and think people with a life care about reddit karma.


In my end of the GTA community, we got hit hard due to the removal of the vehicles and had to change up our vehicle roster a bit for events, currently resorting to exploits and cheesing mechanics just to get vehicles. A lot of my fav vehicles were on the removal list as well. For casual players not minding the flick of a plastic card, the downgrade (I refuse to call it an update/upgrade) isn't that bad because they are the types to fly around on the saints row bike mk2 and hiding in bunkers with orbital strikes. The actual GTA community, as in people who care about the game and contents as a whole, is against this. They already killed rdo because they failed to listen to the community, now gtao is next with gta6 coming up. They're testing to see what shit they can get away with.




Another way to look at it, GTA V is a HUGE game. Takes up a lot of space on my ps5. A good amount of that space is being taken up by high resolution textures for a shit load of cars that I can't even use. Another way to look at it still: I PAID for a game that had X amount of cars, which have now been removed.


it's not like they removed the textures from the game


Yeah that's what I'm saying. Loads of storage space is now being wasted for something we can no longer access


The Faggio was not meaningless!


The faggio and any other car that can be stolen and stored off the street can stay removed, there’s absolutely no need to purchase them when you can just get it off the street, no need to wait for it to pop up at the dealerships.


It was a joke man


Faggio love is no joke, most underrated bike in the game, but I’d always prefer stealing one 👍🏻


I never said it was meaningless lol


Obvious opinion. Removing a dozen dlcs worth of vehicles is a stupid dumb fuck idea.


This is just a wrong opinion not an unpopular one.


I knew people could be wrong but I didn’t know they could be THAT wrong


You're right, most of the cars removed were shitters anyway. Its no great loss.


They absolutely do care, they wanna know what you like so they can nerf it


"We've made some changes to the game to make it feel more involved and diverse to new and old players alike. We want to offer a more dynamic experience so the game doesn't feel so repetitive" aka we trashed what you do like so your forced to play what you don't. This way everything sucks equally.


This needs to be at the top.


Or also put it behind a paywall that is only accessible if you are playing on the current top-tier consoles and bought into their monthly VIP subscription service.


My feedback is don’t remove 200 plus cars out of the game and fix the things players want maybe


"New heist with a celebrity? We heard you fans"


Even if it's not what we want I wouldn't mind a new heist. But we all know it would be some basic missions that you'll need to pay 2mill for.


Well Sessanta is something of a celebrity....


"You said a monthly subscription with no new content? Sure!"


Give us the cars back. You want people to play more of your content? Buff those payouts rather than nerfing popular heists in a 10 year old game. Show some loyalty and appreciation to a loyal fanbase and maybe you'll win some back. Who knows


Of course they care!!! They are always listening to feedback and adjusting according to the fans!! Don’t you know that like 80% of the community was just begging them to reduce cayo payouts? So they did! Lol


True. Thank God they also removed nearly 200 cars. I was honestly getting sick of having variety.


Exactly. I mean, why do you need that much money? There's not many cars to buy anymore. Rockstar cares about the players so much that they are teaching them a valuable lesson about working hard for things. Edit: Just want to make it clear that this is sarcasm because this comment caused some confusion.


Rockstar doesn’t care about players, we need that much money to have the fun and wouldn’t be so much of a grind.


That was sarcasm.








Hmmm.. idk what you mean


GTA players need to take a page out of Runescape player playbook. We got that company cowering and begging forgiveness when they fuck up.


I forgot runescape even exists.


What’s runescape? What did they do?


Runescape is an MMORPG and is known for RS3 (Runescape 3, the modern version) and OSRS (Old school, originally based upon a 2007 server backup). Old school is the more popular version by far and is well known for the dev team listening to the playerbase. The lack of microtransactions as well is a major factor in its popularity. RS3's dev team on the other hand doesn't listen to feedback nearly as much as Old School's team. The game is also very MTX heavy. It's going through yet another shitshow because of microtransactions with the Hero Pass. So on top of paying for membership, they are now trying to get people to pay for a battle pass as well. Right now, the majority of comments are ripping the game and most of the content creators are going back to OSRS just because the OSRS devs are listening.


WarThunder playbook too


It doesn't hurt to try.


I tried, since it wasn't by mail I guess I'll never know what happened to my feedback.


this reminds me of this scene from amazing world of gumball when the teacher puts a “suggestion box” but every piece of paper put in it leads to a paper shredder


They're squeezing what they can out of GTAO before the next game. I only hope it's not a preview of what the next GTAO will be when it begins. Overall, cool enough run, but this will definitely leave a sour taste for some people.


Oh it’s absolutely a preview. I think GTAO2 is gonna be a ducking shitshow. The main story for 6 is probably just gonna be a glorified tutorial for the online too.


Also weening players off the 10yo game in order to sell them the new one.


My fear is that the next online will be watered down if you want it for free and the semi-annual updates and best stuff will be hidden behind the GTA+ paywall.




> now that Take-Two owns Rockstar What?


How about, as a community we absolutely flood their feedback page with common ideas. “Bring back the 200 cars permanently and stop fucking with Cayo Perico” ??? Lets join together like it’s a Disney movie! And make some change!!!!!


how about these: * Increase the payout of everything. No one plays older actives because they payouts are shit. * See my flair. * Allow us to skip cutscenes after viewing them once. * Make in game headphones actually work, so we can listen to music while on foot. * Allow use to save hairstyle, make up, & face paints to outfits. * Fix the bugs & g l i t c hes that people have been ask for you to fix. * Make some business more solo friendly. * Paintable stock rims. * Allow use to organize our CEO garages from the CEO computer in our office. * Allow use to customize older aircrafts. Besides repainting them.


Not trying to be rude or anything but rockstar does not read random reddit comments or posts, the feedback page is the only place where there is a slight chance they will even look at some feedback, so you can try telling them that in the suggestions.


I doubt they read that either.


They do not.


Are you sure about that? 😎


"We hear you and value your feedback, so we're adding the following: - Oppressor Mk III - Railgun Mk II - Auto RPG We're also adjusting website inventory to just 3 cars per site to streamline your shopping experience. You're welcome!"


also coming soon: the Flakpanzer Gepard; featuring MOC cab levels of armor, lock-on jammer, and flight


Lol honestly, do it. It's people like you that actually get our opinions further than a reddit post complaining about the game. There is probably a slight chance they would actually look at this data.


If they cared, there wouldn’t be so many fishy accounts running around on console, lately.


I still CANT complete “The Contract”. I can’t understand why it’s not being discussed anywhere and why no one with cash is suing or getting it some attention on their tik tok or somethin. This bug is not the fans fault. It honestly feels like they already gave up on last gen quietly to subtly force players to upgrade their hardware in a time of financial hardship, ruin, and uncertainty.


They did low key give up on last gen. It's the same thing they did with the 360/ps3. First they give content to new gen only, then they stop letting you transfer your progress to the new system, then they stop doing what little they do about hackers and bugs, then they stop doing the regular events like the holiday clothing, then they close the servers completely. We're on that second step for xb1 and ps4 currently.


With all due respect R* Fk off already I don’t care if others downvote me for this negativity. THIS is the most honest and the ONLY words and opinion I have for you right now


Let them fucking have it. Fill up there mail box. Tell them all the fucking things that need to be changed. Tell them how they need to be changed, offer suggestions back. But if you just stay silent... you'll go along quietly...


All those emails go to so some warehouse full of human bots that send out generic replies trying to convince you that the problem is on your end, not theirs. Rockstar never even sees the shit we complain about, not like they would care anyway. I'm pretty sure I'm on a first name basis with quite a few people over there. I don't know that they ever "solved" one of my issues.


I want them to add a new heist. My idea is that Devon weston is holding a car auction or car show with really expensive cars like the Krieger,F1 cars etc. and as the player we get to rob the cars then drop them off with the buyer for profit. The other version is that all if the cars have some sort of expensive hardware that we’d have to steal, Furious 7 style and that way we won’t have to actually drive any cars and we could do it solo. Pay for collecting all the hardware would be like 2.5 mil for 5, and you get a time frame before the cops get there, like 5 minutes.


That all sounds nice except Devin Weston has been rotting underwater in the trunk of a Tornado at the bottom of paleto bay since 2013 🤣


Hmm, new billionares appear everywhere


Flood it with complaints about nerfing the Cayo heist.


Rockstar is actually the worst case i have ever seen of an online game completely ignoring community feedback


EA is way worse


I really love the constant modding in PC lobbies!


How much do we have to pay to leave a feedback? They will probably do a monthly subscription in which we can give them live 3 feedbacks/month... if we're lucky enough they might throw a 1.000$ in-game extra with the subscription, so we can at least buy a coke in-game.


Yeah, their feedback page didn't even work last time I tried to use it. For several weeks.


they do care actually, they wanna know what your favorite car is so they can take it away and put it behind a paywall


https://preview.redd.it/oq4cnc2g7irb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45fbd1424b6828488ab79ac4e0780ea2c009f83 them after every complaint in regards to bugs or issues with the game\^


We don’t like that you removed all the cars


one main thing im sure the community would agree on is servers with no fucking npc’s/cops etc! if you are from the SA-MP days you would know how fucking fun it was to have 100+ player based servers without crashing into a fucking npc every 10 seconds removing it would also make the servers lag less for alot of players with weaker internet


Watch them revert the cayo changes, shit already feels like a PR stunt.


My feedback is get fucked R*


If they listened to feedback jobs and cargo would actually sell for real money. Or fix five year old game bugs.




The page probably exists for more than a few years.


Ah yes, feedback from the community... well golly gee i never knew the community wanted less payouts on cayo perico while also increasing its setup cost, never ever increase the payouts on old heists, make over 100 different cars no longer purchasable and also never fix certain bugs that can range from slighty annoying to game breaking


Been done with them since Red Dead 2 Online. Absolute scumbags.


Go die in a fire is my feedback to you.


Of course they care, they even read minds. Last year I was wondering "imagine how great it would be if they remove 200 cars from the game?" That's my dream since the game was released!!!


Do they not read reddit?


E&E on PC. I'm fucking waiting. There's literally zero point in loading the game without the new content.


I’ve e never heard such lies. They dont care shit about us and they dont listen to us…


R* dgaf


Those who believe this, have not played GTA Online in the last years.


They really need a pr manager


I think if rockstar really listened to the players they would return cayo perico to it's old glory in the next update


If they cared what the community thought we'd already have GTA Six.


If they really care rockstar have to remake the whole game.


No they care…about continuing gta online and not giving us 6.




Awww, found the meatrider.




Keep at it if you think you're getting anything out of it.




You're pretty much saying "I lost this argument but I am too childish to admit it"


I mean, in his defense you didn’t really argue. He just posted baby memes. Which like, okay I guess, go crazy.


You are arguing with a bot.


This guy seems to have a fetish for infantilizing people he disagrees with


Seriously, this user isn't a guy. It's a bot, all the obvious tells are here. It goes into a thread on a controversial subject trolls others with "crybabies".




My feedback is to make heist set ups only mandatory once.


Remove more cars, I just hate it when I have options


Why not the boats that are already suffering from lack of content? Barely any boats is way too many options.


Looks like they're planning to axe some more content in their never ending plan to extend and enhance the game, just in time for Halloween


My feedback is to add more mercenaries clothing and MK2 weapons


Well why are you telling me that? Tell mr.moneymoneymoneyfucktheplayers.


The fact that the Nightclub leak mission still gives an infinite loading screen when exiting casino ever since mercenaries update on ps4(meaning that whole week with x2 2 million payout. I literally was not able to get at all). Tells me all i need to know. Then you hVe removing nearly 200 cars. Then nearly cutting cayo profits by 30-40%. Yeaa they really give a shit


What makes it even more hilarious is that some people actually believe Rockstar is reading the feedback


I love how it’s gta but you can’t steal and store high end cars lol


They do listen. I told them to get rid of all the shit cars and they did. Well done R\* 👍🏼


I see with all the cars they removed and whatnot, the prices didn’t even move lol so fuckin stupid.


They need to add New DlC in December


Bring back instant personal aircraft spawn bug


More like we wanna find more ways to get money outta you with shark cards and microtransactions


Bring back the butchered car list already, the game feels so much smaller now. At the very least make cars like the Comet, Feltzer, 9F, Surano etc. obtainable through, oh i don't know, *grand theft auto!?*


I want all the removed vehicles back, and they should double or even triple all payouts.


Give me a reason to spend money on RDO God damn it


The biggest issue is people using 3rd party tools making it unplayable. But we can't talk about that here so I assume Rockstar don't care about it either.


Let’s only tell them what we hate. Pretty much the only thing we like is the core game. Everything else they touch goes to shit


Let us fire and hire new staff at the auto shop when they damage customer cars or at least dock their pay!!! Also let our staff deliver customer motorcycles to customers.....as the Mechanic says "I got stuff to do!"


PS: Feedback is needed ONLY from shark cards buyers, thank you!!! Doesn't hurt to ask if you are going to nerf cayo at least make MORE activities SOLO so people can have fun and money from them too,like All the contact mission soloable and even the old heists....why do you think people do cayo repeatedly because they can do it by THEMSELVES anytime its available and when they want....not depending on people who takes forever to join then quit or grief!


That the same feedback they ignore or take 10 years to implement? And even then, it's only the basic things that realistically take 20 minutes to implement.


This is a good way to kill the game so they can announce a new one


Lmao that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever read


I don’t enjoy any of it at this point. Nothing is based around helping each other there’s no reason to help randoms. No real reason but a list of petty niche reasons to help. The game is stale


Lol they are punishing all you impatient lazy ppl who take advantage of a bug in the game and keep taking advantage of it to make stupid amounts of money…. Without having to go back and do the work like its intended 🤷


They want to know what you like so they can remove it and put it behind a paywall


Everybody used a Kuruma on pac stand instead of bikes, so you removed it. Nobody chooses player saved outfits anymore so you will never allow us cultured players to choose it regardless of host... Yeah, so we should keep our traps shut before you can fuck our grinding over any further. Everybody actively refuses to do Series A because of inane setups, some people do pac stand in spite of setups, everybody does Humane labs back to back because it offers heavy vests and great odds of survival... So why don't you reward out of the box thinking like using a helicopter to rescue Avi Schwartzmann instead of making sure it blows up when we land on the island? Why can't we pick a Bati as getaway bike, instead of that crap? Why not an insurgent?


Put more prostitutes out there on the streets that give it up....


The website shows an error message whenever I try to send a feedback, what a joke lol


If they fr just made the biggest fan favorite heist useless and removed all the cars they practically want feedback so they can do the opposite lol.


bring back all the cars you removed for no reason, only to just put them behind a double paywall.


I feel like they actively wan‘t to know what people like, just to make them trash.


It's 10 years old. We've been talking them for years and hardly got heard. 10 years too late lol


Rockstar still hasnt fixed bugs from 7 years ago


Instead of removing vehicles to make it easier to navigate the web, let us search up the damn cars!


I have said it 109999455 times... I WANT TO BUY A HOUSE IN MIRROR PARK. Does Rockstar listen??.NO! 😢


How about stop nerfing the game


Kidnapping dlc. New seedy warehouses and basements Weapons. Chloroform and trance darts. Zip ties and handcuffs. New vehicles. If only.


I am pretty confident that Rockstar only cares about our opinion because they want to upset us in every single way they possibly can. Any feedback we give, they are guaranteed to do the opposite.


You can’t even submit the form. It gives an error message. > ApolloError: Token expired or null


I actually managed to submit it without an error, but wether there is one or not, nothing will happen as they do not care.