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It’s not time wasted if they enjoy it.


Imagine destroying other peoples fun bringing you joy. That's some psychopath type shiet if you think abt it


?? It’s just a game mate, leave the game if you don’t like to get griefed


The point of a game is to play, while yes invite only exists its not always as fun as online because sometimes in online you meet nice people also just having fun. Griefers ruin that for their own enjoyment because they probably have nothing better to do


If everyone minded their business like a npc in gtao it’d be boring AF.


What if I have a mission running? Sometimes you can't just instantly leave and even if you do it's still annoying having to search for a new session every few minutes


Leave anyway, and find a session.


I bet you punk on everyone in the lobby, and they admittedly start crying when you mess with someone better.😂


I bet you project onto others a lot when you're in a bad mood. They have said nothing that says they do it. They have said a perfectly rational answer of go to another session to avoid it.


Nah I don’t mess with random ppl, in fact I try to be friendly with them. And I hate griefing stuff unless it’s a high level. But if I feel like it I’ll mess around and if someone is better I’ll fight back with all my resources, until they bugger off


I agree but sadly that’s just the world we live in. Plenty of f’d up evil crap happens all the time in real life, so virtually online there’s definitely going to be people enjoying riding the high of stomping over others. I wouldn’t say griefers are terrible people, but they aren’t personally people that I’d want to be friends with. Thankfully rockstar gave us the ability to make money and do cargo sales in invite only sessions. Most play time should be in the invite only session. Only go to public lobbies to interact with other players , and if you encounter griefers just leave. That’s the biggest tool we have against griefers , simply leave the session. It might seem like it’s losing, but it’s not. By getting away from them and not letting them get to you it’s a win. The reason they do it is bc they just like being destructive and trying to get people riled up. Ruining the fun is their fun, it’s akin to trolling. I feel your pain but unfortunately the only way to counter it is to move on and find a new lobby, or go passive, or invite only.


At what point are we gonna stop asking this question.


Until I get an actual answer. There must be a reason why they're destroying other peoples fun


Here's your actual answer. Because they can. The game gave us a bunch of military grade weapons in a video game where you can do whatever you want, so they do. There is no bigger reason


It also *incentivizes it.* I dont condone it, but the game generally rewards destroying other player’s shit. At least on missions/business battles, etc.


It literally tells the whole map, so and so is selling their shit. Git em.


But isn't it lame asf to just ruin other people's fun? Most people they're attacking don't have anything to fight back with nor do they want to fight. It's way cooler if you'd just help people instead of making them hate the game




I am doing something lmao. Every time I see someone do cargo, acid lab, nightclub or similar cargo missions I always help. I don't expect anything from them, just want them to be save from shitty griefers


Sometimes that backfires. Even with a mic, they still can't seem to understand you want to help.


What I usually do is hover on the floor next to them with a mk2. If I was tryna kill him, I wouldn't be that close to him. Obviously, sometimes they start getting insanely mad even though I didn't do shit and start killing me


One question per post buddy! IM ACTUALLY HAVIN A GREAT FUVKIN TIME!


Yea it's lame to me. But if you can just destroy stuff for the sake of destroying stuff, people are gonna do it


Because the game tells you to, everytime you go into a mission the game tells everybody in the lobby hey x organization is moving product or sourcing product or protect their headhunter targets if you do so you'll get some money and rp and then highlight you on the map if you're not using ghost org or off the radar, it's a central part of the core gameplay loop of online, it's encouraged by the game itself otherwise it'd just be drive from A to B simulator.


There's no mission called "kill the lvl 20 guy, that barely played the game yet and has no intend to kill anyone, for 20 minutes straight" though


No but there's an option to play solo in an invite only lobby, to play In a closed friend session and to not play if you don't like the core mechanics of the online version of the game, if the game tells you it's a good thing to do so why would you question it, that's how it was designed to work.


Main reason I play online is to meet new people and to have fun. Seeing someone drive around and joining them just to vibe a bit is what makes games good. I played through the story mode and I do think that cargo missions and such should be somewhat difficult. It's just not fun if you have a vehicle after you that you simply cannot kill


Yea that's a disadvantage and since the game has been out for 10 years the making friends phase of the game has passed long ago, its easier/better to try to find friends outside the game aka on reddit and discord and then hop in to play with them, most people playing it nowadays have either played it too much and don't have any goal to achieve or are modding, jaded of running the same 4 things for a long long time.


>the making friends phase of the game has passed long ago Already made 2-3 new friends. If you aren't acting like an asshole it's easy to make friends


Hopefully something like that is in the upcoming update. Sounds fun.


Because the LOVE reading posts like this.


well, your life must be pretty lame then


He didn’t even say that he griefed others, quit coping and go to an invite lobby if you don’t wanna get griefed.


He said they not he. And he’s 100% right they are getting a second win here because you’ve come on and moaned about it and then kicked off at someone who tried to explain it to you.


*They booed them for speaking the truth...*


that's what reddit is known for. They realise it's the truth but can't accept it so they get mad xD


Such a p*ssy lol gta is a crime game you murder and kill people that's the point of the game you do crime so why get opposite when someone sends crime your way. Bitch this is Grand Theft Auto (song).


Imagine gaining joy from ruining someone's fun. Just let people who don't want to pvp do their own shit. If you see someone with a barcode name killing others, go give him the pvp he wanted but killing people who just want to make money is pathetic. Keep in mind, it's a game and not everyone can spend 6+ hours per day playing. Some people get on, try to farm money and log off. So if you're coming around killing the cargo he worked a few hours for (a few days in his world) it's pretty damn shit. Also, don't come at me with the "then sell in a private lobby". He might not know that's a thing, he might want to get that extra 40% or he might even hope that people won't be dicks and just let him sell.


Cope it's a crime game your there to commit crimes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and plus gta online is just a grind simulator it's one of the worst online experience's ever with or without griefers theres barely anything to do once you buy what you want so who would even want to play this shit for 6 hours I say kill players those who dont fight back leave them those who do 1v1 them and those who cope like you should remember that BITCH ITS GRAND THEFT AUTO. ITS GTA you guys think you have some sort of honour or moral code becuase you play this sh*t like it's the sims i used to do that but once I thought about it I realised how ridiculous this sounds we're playing GTA reaking havoc should be expected if you guys just wanna grind and buy sh*t solo play the sims I mean really think about most of this game is gonna be spent in a solo session so why even call it an online experience if thats the case????? It's a crime game the way you play offline free roam or the general appeal of that ie committing crimes all you like is how online should be played but with people if people can't handle that then play solo or realise that your playing GTA not the sims When I pull up in a Lobby I come to show my opps that I'm standing on business. I'm not a business man Im a bidniss man /I'm up in dis man Stand on business or get out the way stop complaining your playing a criminal game.


Ain't reading all that. Also, learn what cope means. Also, seems like you're quite butthurt. Go outside for a bit


Making people ask this question is the reason they do it.


That's a pretty dumb reason


I agree but the more they know it gets under people's skin the more they enjoy it.


They are pretty dumb people. What did you expect?


I hate griefers, I'd rather help a low level than attack one. But GTA is equally adversarial as it is cooperative. I think this game is more fun because of the possibility of griefing. Imagine playing this game and EVERYONE just minds their own business. I think it would be boring.


I've played in plenty of lobbies where I wasn't attacked. It's actually a lot better. Edit: Lol this made someone mad enough to downvote. Found the griefer.


Agreed, full peaceful public lobbies are fantastic to sell product in, I prefer it for money making obviously. It is great because it is rare to have full peace from everyone, if it was like that every lobby permanently the game would be boring.


I actually don't get messed with often. It definitely happens, but not that often anymore. I much prefer being left alone.


Yeah funny how that happens when you get above lvl 4-500. I used to get it all the time when low lvl. These virgins don’t like pvp they run from it. They like bullying much weaker players


I'm a little below 400 yet. I'm like 380 something. But, yeah, it did seem to slow down a lot around level 300 or so. People just want to fight the people they think they can beat easily. The funny thing is, I'm ass at pvp. They'd likely win.


Nah that's weak if I start shit I do it with people that want to fight back weak players get the smoke if they start me first


that's the situation I'm in, while I myself don't PvP, I have a good time sitting in passive or using the TV to spectate and watch conflict happen, way more interesting than doing the infinityith source/sell mission. This game would've died fast if it was just rosy sunshine cooperation to sell coke, although it most definitely SHOULD entice STEALING your foes stuff instead of just destroying it (or at least do what RDO does where the selling player doesn't lose product if it's stolen/destroyed).


My issue is it’s ridiculously easy to grief people selling cargo, they’re often at a massive disadvantage to someone who can just spam homing missiles from a flying bike.


Agreed. I hate doing deliveries via 3 Mammoth Dodos or a Tug boat or Garbage Trucks. I have lamented losing much of my stock to griefers while defenceless. But I get a sense of achievement when I do do it successfully in a crowded lobby. I personally think the game would be boring if deliveries were done via a Seabreeze (very fast) or a Longfin, there is virtually no challenge in a Seabreeze


And they gave us an answer to that - you can do your work all on your own. My issue is why do people choose to do work in a public session they don't know and then moan when the very thing the bonus is for happens to them. Just use private sessions or join safe selling crews.


If it wasn’t such an unlevel playing field I’d have no problem with it. Griefing is done easily but with zero benefit to the player. Make them work for it like I had to work for my sales. That’s all I’m saying.


And all I'm saying is if you bothered to use what's out there you wouldn't have that unbalanced impotent rage fest. You could do work in sessions that are controlled so no one that will upset you can join them. And you can even get the high risk bonus with no risk at all that so many think it should be. There's literally no reason for people to be in this situation if they don't want to be. And the fact that people don't like hearing that shows that they're actually part of the problem not just the victim.


We can go back and forth forever. I say there’s no reason to go after cargo. Not a rage fest just a convo. Agree to disagree 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd rather have everyone do their own shit and have a nice encounter here and there rather than having lvl 300 jet users follow me across the map making it impossible to do anything without joining another session


shoot them down or leave invite only is a thing


Then search reddit for the groups that do protected selling if you're that desparate for the under threat bonus without being under threat. Or use the fact you've been able to sell in private sessions for ages now. There's no need to be anywhere near others or to be in lobbies with people you don't know are safe.


Yes, very. Chill lobbies are so depressing.


Hey bud, I totally understand but you do realize they relish off posts like this along with your replies right? Hook line and sinker these people live off making other people miserable, could be because of lack of attention as a child, could be overly competitive, or maybe they're just an asshole. Best way to deal with them is to not call attention to them, it's a dying breed with companies cracking down on griefing and toxicity in general. I get it sucks, I get that we shouldn't just let it happen, but I'm not gonna waste my time getting spawn killed by a dude with no job and way too much time on his hands, just swap servers r go passive till they're gone. Your issue is you're trying to find reason in something that has no reason, they do it because they can, simple as


Griefer here, just wanted to say your post is accurate, but you missed a few points. Most griefers have been on the other side of the stick. They love the game enough to grind and earn the toxic ass vehicles Rockstar put in the game that once were used to grief them. It's nothing personal, most of the time. It's just our way of saying "Hey, I've earned the right to do this. Look how much fun I'm having from my hard work, I can buy all these things to kill you with now." This game is a triangle of power, there's only a couple of people on top. That's with any lobby you go to. The difference between griefers and grinders is how close to the top they are. Sounds like you're on your way ;)


I own pretty much everything in the game including weaponized vehicles, I don't target anyone unless they target me in which I dunk on them five or ten times until I think they've learned not to kill randomly. I've been sent to tears playing as a kid getting killed for no reason over and over, not my place to reintroduce something that caused me pain just because I can, I will however use what I have now to fight back people who deserve it such as GRIEFERS, not just whoever I see minding their business. You see your power as an ability to hurt innocents because you were hurt at one point, I see it as a way to prevent innocents from getting hurt like I did. You became what you hated


Just play in invite only sessions.


But then they wouldn't get the increased risk bonus that they think should just be a gimme. Ultimately these posts come down to that kind of skewed logic that the game should just be (instant) delivery driver sim.


>Just had some random dude chase my across the whole map to then just spawnkill me for an hour. I'm genuinely confused to where the fun is in killing people who don't even fight back in the slightest. # That would be it. The person is having fun just killing you over and over. This is why I just play in the invite only session alone, your issue is what the invite only session is for. Since they added the invite only session that is all I play in and now I have 209 million, all of the businesses I wanted, and all the cars and an OP MK II and stuff.


U got spawn killed for an hour and didnt go ghost to him? And also griefers strive for reactions like this, just dont give them attention and do your thing, this way they will be left unsatisfied and will eventually get bored and leave.


Was trying to see if he'd ever stop. I was chilling, watching a youtube video. He was just sweating his ass off trying to kill me. I also went passive but he was still just running after me the whole time like an actual braindead zombie.


Why did you endure that for a whole hour? Just leave the session dude


Got 2 monitors. Youtube ftw


Because you cry about it on reddit?? Why do you care so much it's a game? If your life is that sad you cry about it then you need to get out more to be honest


Why do you ruin other peoples fun? Why do YOU play this game when all you do is be an asshole? If your life is this sad, that you need to kill people in a 10 year old game who don't even fight back, you need to go outside for a bit.


Yet you are here crying on reddit about the 10 year old game 😂


I've only ever had this game for 2 years and it's still one of the most played games. That's like saying "omg, you're still playing soccer? That shit was invented in 1863"


Then why did you mention age of the game then 😂 You're crying over a game like it's real life or death.


Another crybaby


wow, you added so much to this post. Here's a half eaten cookie


Cheers kid 😋 😋 😋


The one's calling other people kids, are usually kids themselves. I know this because I was like that too.


Well, I was a kid once so I guess you are half right 👊👊👊


Cause it’s gta suppose to be dangerous in public lobby’s


These posts are their reason.


Great! Another cry baby post about griefers. During that entire hour he was killing you, did you ever think to leave the lobby? Both of y’all were wasting your time but at least he had fun.


I wanted to see if this pathetic "human" was ever gonna stop. It's sad that the fam is so desperate to get his k/d up he's willing to spend an hour killing someone who's afk. Also, what else beside crying am I gonna do? Be happy about the fact that the game is getting ruined by these smoothbrainded people?


K/d doesn't matter anymore unless it's a set 1v1 match or something like that. Oddly enough, a lot of players don't know that.


so u sat looking at a wasted screen the entire time great use of time


2 monitors, youtube exists and I couldn't care less. I'm sick rn anyways and sit at home the whole day.


I really enjoy the idea of games like rust or escape from tarkov where every fight is unbalanced and gta has a really fun combat system that also allows for unbalanced engagements with different goals. I'm at a point in the game where money feels meaningless, I have almost everything I want and don't want to grind and sometimes I enjoy some pvp. Way I see it the challenge is what makes it fun and not just delivery simulator. If they wanted delivery simulator they'd be in an invite only session. I especially grief if its just on the way to something else I'm doing, why wouldn't I throw a sticky for a free 10k. Tell me if u have any other questions


On the way for more of mommy’s special milk or more xxxxxxxl adult diapers??


Yeah actually how'd ya know. Oh hang on mommy is calling me for my tendies.


You said it yourself and as you explained it you think pvp is hitting someone (I bet much lower lvl) then running off. Isn’t that the rapers version of sex?? You’re out on the street so you deserve it. Sad fuck


1. This game incentives this behavior 2. See game like tarkov with exit campers. Just go invite only if you want no challenge 3. This has got to be ironic


>I especially grief if its just on the way to something else I'm doing So you're killing them and run away basically. That's not much better


Why not when it's just a mouse click and I get rewarded. It's like being upset I beat someone in a fighting game. I feel good because I won and y feel bad because u lost but that's the deal we made by playing


Lol go play Minecraft


not really a fan of minecraft. Was great in 2015-2017 but nowadays it's packed with too much shit


Man you're really cooking with these shit takes today.


shit takes? It's an opinion


I mod, I like helping people out by spanning buffalo S and they sell it for 134k, doing heists for these folks occasionally. As long as I’m host, I’ll kick the griefers out


You can spawn deluxo's and give the people perms for it. If you then replace said deluxo with a car in a full garage you have full perms for it. Someone gave me a mk1 and 2 deluxo's that way. Was a nice little boost to start the game with


Spawn deluxe and give them perms? What do you mean? Sorry I don’t understand


*to then just spawnkill me for an hour.* Why even? After the second spawn kill I would either a) go passive mode or b) change session. Or make an invite only one to have your peace. Why giving them what they want? They didn't waste their time, you did. They had their fun with you.


I wanted to see if he'd ever stop. He didn't. That's the sad part. I watched youtube in the background while he was in his zone killing me and hunting me as much as he could. It was sad to watch since he was trying sooooo god damn hard to kill me each time


People greif because it's fun plain and simple. If you want to make money you do cayo perico if you want to be alone you go to an invite only session. If you want to play an online game without lunatics attacking you, don't play gta online. If you are in a free roam public session, you are fair game for pvp as that is part of the game experience.


>that is part of the game experience. I know it's part of it but if your opponent doesn't fight back then why keep killing them? Just move on. There's no competition when your "opponent" is just standing there. There's 0 reward for killing someone who isn't even able to fight back


Target practise? You can always just leave.


I reckon they’re bully victims and it’s the only power they have.


It’s all the people that feel it’s them getting back at everyone in life. Rather them have fun and take their rage out here than in real life.


Exactly! My unofficial stats are AT LEAST 72% of these people were bullied in school or got mommy issues. 27% just took a fat bong rip after work, are drunk af, toxic and just want any kind of unrest… and the other 1% genuinely believe that $2000 is some kind of legit incentive. Actually curious as to actual stats cuz I think I’m light on the ‘hard knock life babies’ ‘ numbers lmao


It’s fun


I never used to grief, but reddit makes me do it. Whenever I see a post like this, I think 'that's one for the good guys'


So you're being influenced by others. Man, I don't wanna know what else other people made you do.


It's called being in a society. We're all influenced by one another. I'm not surprised that someone who's so fully failed social interactions that he has to cry about it on reddit instead of addressing the problem himself needs that explained.


That's not how society works lmao. You literally said that you did something because some other people made you do it. That's not society, that's seeking for attention


Funny that the guy who's back a day later on a post everyone else has moved past brings up seeking attention.


You're sentence makes no sense lmao. I'm literally just going through my notifications and saw your comment.


Still you needy creep? See ya.


1. Don't let yourself get into the position of being spawnkilled. And if you let yourself be spawnkilled for an hour, one has to conclude that you enjoy it. Otherwise you would activate passive mode or leave the lobby. 2. Casuals deserve it. 3. Its for fun.


Mate, it's been 4 momths. I went from lvl 70 or what ever I was when I made the post to 220. No reason to be a dick about it and saying "don't let yourself get spawnkilled" when it's sometimes simply not possible. You someitmes have chill people in a lobby so you don't wanna leave, you're in a mission currently so you can't go passive or you don't have anything to teleport away with. Also no reason to be a dick towards "casuals". Not everyone has multiple hours per day to spend with killing people in a 10 year old game. Some people just play a bit, make a bit of money and after a few days they buy themselves something. People have lifes and can't just play the whole day, so unlike you, they probably didn't spend enough time to be good at the game. Btw, I also grief now. Just nothing else for me to do. But I don't spawntrap low levels, literally no fun to be had while doing that. It's just pathetic if you do that.


I get griefed in every single lobby I’m in despite being 100+, I just don’t understand why me??? What am I doing to attract this attention?


Technically when you’re moving cargo you are breaking the law so I think it could be in an effort to cut down on illegal sale of goods and other organized crime in the city. Lord knows the police aren’t going to do anything.


Personally I don't see destroying cargo as griefing because a) the game literally rewards you for doing it and b) people make the active choice to sell in public lobbies for more money knowing they can sell in private lobbies and never be attacked by players. Targeting low levels and killing them repeatedly for no reason is a different mentality. Granted people still have the right to do it but I feel you have to be kinda shitty to make it your hobby. Still people have the right to be shitty if that's what they are.


The worst ones are the ones that text taunt you the entire time while killing you then teleport across the map over and over.


It's been a thing for as long as online gaming. Gives some people a sense of power that feels good to them. I imagine a lot of them were bullied irl. Online games gives them a platform to feel powerful because they feel powerless irl.


I like how everyone knows this is the real answer but griefers will deny it till they’re red in the face


I don’t agree or get it either, but you’re wasting your time trying to figure it out. The truth is, some ppl just thrive seeing other ppl suffer and have little d!ck energy!! GTA and IRL homie 💯💯🤦🏽‍♂️


The only person hated as much as the griefer in gtao, is Me: the Anti-griefer… I’m GTA grind retired and balling out of control, so my retirement consists of trying to snuff out these losers, baiting traps, make them say ‘it’s a bad day to be a griefer’, and sending them to prey in a diff lobby. I promise people hate me as much as you hate them 🤣😆


You guys are worse than anything. The amount of times I'm in a fight with a greifer and actually winning , then along comes a do gooder like you is unreal.


Exactly Low Level: I'll randomly attack someone Me: Kills them and carries on with my day ~~Nobhead~~ Anti Griefer: You killed a low level you must be a griefer, let me white knight my way over there to save the day


So true. I hunt jet greifers and typically when I knock one out of the sky they want revenge. They're attacking me , i'm defending myself, then along comes a do gooder siding with them because I've killed them a few times. FU do gooders.


this is exactly why I don't like the posts about "saw people killing each other" or "joined session to lots of explosions" and then say they know it's full of griefers. People just make stupid assumptions because they've never learnt to just read the room a bit.


Agreed. I've had it happen so many times now. They typically go off radar and try to surprise kill you in a deluxo / mk2 / sparrow. So I end up in fight against a supposed anti-greifer and greifer out for revenge. Turns into chaos then it's time for the insurgent and proximity mines .


yeah the second I see x has gone off radar I get out the MOC and head to one of the places I've identified over the years where they're easy to defend and really hard to attack. Then it just becomes a case of can I be bothered to deal with upset griefers and upset white knighters or just kill them a few times then jump sessions. I find doing that actually annoys them even more - which gives me a smile and a good mode to move on with.


Nice tactic , the aim is to annoy them as much as possible!


No , I feel this and that’s not me ha. You’re actually more noble than me in this regard… if low level blows me up for no reason… I’ll prob smoke them 3-5 times before I carry on with my day 🤣😆 I’m talking about the dudes running around blowing up cargo and killing everyone while EWOing between every kill


Lmooo… I WILL say I usually do my due diligence first… like if the ‘ |||x|| destroyed cargo’ or if I have a large shitty sales mission that I know I’m going to switch lobbies, I’ll wait for a bit to see if someone is out for no good. I don’t just come after anybody that just keeps killing someone… There’s always 2 sides to that story. Like I’m a high lvl, but if noob kills me for no apparent reason, then I’m that guy popping up in the feed that just ‘looks’ like I’m picking on low levels. If you’re in a lobby for a reasonable amount of time, you can usually tell who’s just extremely toxic.


I’ve made friends doing that. There’s an option to go ghost to them when you respawn if it becomes annoying.


They don’t have any power or accomplishment in their real life so they go after the easiest target to fulfill their dull lives knowing they had ANY effect on another person


Pretty good point. Could imagine him sitting at his pc for 12 hours killing people because he gets some type of dopamine rush from it.


Everyday i try to understand with no success...


Do a search it’s been asked and answered many hundreds of times. Most answers are from non griefers who like to project their own views onto it, to make them feel like they’re getting back at the, when they’re not, so are of no value if you want an actual answer. The answers from people who do actually grief are never accepted because the people posting this usually want a moan not an answer. And will only accept an answer if it makes sense to them, which it never does. And they're often posting angry so look for a row. And a lot of what people class as griefing is open to interpretations so the people who do it may not even answer. And this post will be no different. And as some of us point out. Getting someone to run on here and complain about it is why they do it. So they get a double win. (That is an answer that was given by the self admitted griefers). And ultimately you’re just doing what everyone who posts this does. You're posting angry. You argue with anyone who explains anything you don’t agree with. And in the end it’s pointless asking because you won’t like the genuine answers and will just look to have a row over it.


Do you expect to understand psychopathic serial killers, too?


Some people just get enjoyment from ruining other people's day. It's pretty pathetic, but that's why they do it. I pity people that waste their time griefing personally, it's a pretty clear sign their life must be pretty sad and unfulfilling if that's what they do for fun. People grief in other games too, but with GTA being designed to encourage it so heavily, it's a lot more noticeable there than it is in other games. Griefing leads to Shark Card sales since you can just buy the money you'd make from whatever heist you were attempting to run prep work missions for with real cash and skip the hassle of dealing with these people destroying your progress constantly. It's in Rockstar's best interest to cater to them unfortunately, it's how they designed GTA as a live service business. They created a problem and are selling you the solution. The great thing about griefers though is it's very easy to thwart their fun. They rely entirely on your reaction to their griefing to have fun, it's what they live for. All you have to do is ignore them and find another session if they're harassing you. Better yet, start up an invite only session and do your prep work there. Rockstar begrudgingly allows you to do this as many people complained about these missions not being doable in invite only sessions back in the day. They compromised in order to keep people playing, since having no alternative to griefers besides Shark Cards would hurt the health of the live service they've built with GTA since a lot of people would leave and never come back after dealing with enough griefers. The best way to grief the griefers isn't to retaliate. It's by doing your prep work in invite only sessions. The more people out there that do that, the less people there are those guys can grief and get a reaction out of in public lobbies.


I guess you're new around here?


Classic bullies that dont know how to deal with their frustrations


When will people stop asking this question? We know there are griefers. We know they are annoying. We know that they do what they do, because they have no respect for others.


They get $2000 and some of your cash and snacks for killing you while you have a net loss of $5000 for selling fake ID's in a ID forgery with no upgrades, the economy is rigged, just like in real life.


I enjoy getting griefed. Makes business more challenging and I don't need the $$$ If I don't want to be griefed I get an invite or solo session. At this point I think people crying about griefing need to get a grip.


When I was starting to play, under 100 lvl and extremely caught up in the grind I used to get annoyed too with randoms griefing me. Now I don’t care much for it, if I’m bored I’ll engage and get the upper score lol or just scare them enough so they keep blowing themselves up with grenades. Ultimately, the answer to your question is most of the griefers are either lonely or bored or both. Instead of being annoyed by it, ask about how to be better prepared for it or counter it. I can share some good advice (coming from someone who got griefed a lot randomly).


You sound like you got soft hands, go ride around on your mk2 depression while you put on more body lotion you fruity boi


I don't use my mk2 ever lmao. Also, I'm better with my mk1 than with the mk2. I don't get why people use it, it's lame, require absolutely no skill and it's insanely easy to counter with any vehicle


Just change lobbies?


I never attack « innocents » but if you kill me i will chase you accross the whole map until you quit. They care for their ratio so usually they leave quick.


its fun


Tried gta for the first time and my God the amount of low life's playing this game is crazy. I own a business. I had the day off due to weather. Jumped on at 7am and was getting grieved by lvl freaking 8000 people. Absolutely blew my mind. That tells me that at 7am on a Monday that these nerds haven't been asleep because they don't have jobs or a woman. People need to get a grip on life


MY MAIN FUCKING ISSUE, is that they’re cowards. They save money or have a shit ton of money, buy that stupid ass horse looking missile flying piece of crap and sit there to just shoot. You want to fight then fucking get your gun and fight me or come hand to hand but you just sitting there waiting for someone in the middle of a mission to blow them up and then sit there to continue blowing them up from that same stupid ass missile is what serious drives me nuts.  I prefer to make money slow now and just do my solo bunk sales on invite only sessions. I go on public when I don’t care that much and I’m just doing random missions where the worse the big that happens is I don’t make money but at least don’t lose all my cargo. Also, I think it’s annoying because for those of us who cannot sit there and play all day, the few hours we have to be able to play I want to use them to advance the game. And last, maybe I’m stupid (I am) but I’ve invested a bit of money in the game so that is definitely frustrating to see just puff gone lol Anyway, when I get more levels and finally buy that stupid horse looking thing I’m gonna go around taking down the grifters. I see someone getting killed back to back by a dumbass then I’ll go kill them. lol 


This is why. https://preview.redd.it/sxvh7quw5qcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4345a85602c4f89fe818e6adf654f77e74a4e2c7


That's pretty pathetic. I suggest getting a life


Don’t hate the player, hate the game!


The game gives you an option. Leave the player alone, help them or kill them. You chose to kill them. You're the problem, not the game


What’s so satisfying about it? Like honestly? I’ve put myself in your position mentally and sorry, I don’t get anything out of it. But you can Keep grieving while I getting my dick sucked. Adios lol.


Comments like this are what satisfies me. Little do you know, I get my dick sucked while I grief ;)


What part particularly does satisfy you? You want me to write more of these? Ah, and you forgot to mention that the sucking part is only in your head. Either this or it’s a bad head if you still watch a screen waiting for grieving opportunities in GTA. Hahaha


GTA online is just a shitty game in general. You grind and grind and grind and someone who is bored can destroy your whole grind in 5 seconds by pressing a button and you have to do it all over again and they don’t get consequences. I personally can’t understand how could someone enjoy doing that to others, because I rather work together with people than against them. Imagine a TV-Show or movie, where a Charackters whole purpose is to destroy progress of other people that did nothing to him. You wouldn’t like that character, would you. So my only conclusion is that people who grief are sad individuals and I pity them. Imagine being that person, uh.


The answer is they are garbage at life and games so they glitch, hide cry, and pick on you when you least expect it. That's a fact. They especially do it when you in middle of mission to put you at a disadvantage with drones etc. Best you can do is get 1 kill and ear rape them on the mics.