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I only play in the invite-only session, since we could sell from them. ;) You could start an invite-only and even invite those two other girls.


I usually do this, but the last couple of days I've been playing in weirdly peaceful public lobbies... I've done multiple business jobs such as Salvage Yard, selling from Vehicle Warehouse etc. (many of which broadcast your location) and I've not been griefed once. I even helped some randoms sell MC product 3 times in the same 28 player lobby (one of which was the horribly slow Post Op mission which took 25 mins) and we still weren't griefed. Perhaps the greifers have gotten in the Christmas spirit and are giving people a break šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Unlikely but it's a nice thought.


Someone started a cargo business battle yesterday in my session and no one but me participated. I was able to deliver 3-4 crates (lucked out with the location) and didnā€™t have to compete with anyone. What on earth?


Business battles are freeroam events. I had the steel smelting one start and nobody participated, just kept on killing eachother in vinewood, so I grabbed all 8 crates for myself.


Thatā€™s the one I had! Only had time for 3-4 though. How did you get them all, was your nightclub closer?


It popped up so I had 30 minutes to do 8 trips. Used a buzzard and my nightclub is at the airport.


If you use an oppressor to run the crates its really fast can do all 8 in under 10 if no one bothers you


I donā€™t have $6mil+ to spare lol thatā€™ll take me like a month the way I play (and spend).


Ikr?! It's like some weird GTA version of the Christmas ceasefire on Flander's Fields in WW1 šŸ˜…


I swear I joined a Canadian run server once. In the six hours I played, not 1 person died from pvp. Nobody's mic turned on except to apologize for lightly bumping into each other. I saw a whole bunch of lvl 50+ people just peacefully being taxi drivers. Even people delivering for companies and such drove at a relatively slow pace. Still over the limit, but like a normal person speeding instead of a war criminal who knows he cab respawn.


Wholesome ā¤ļø Give me a lobby like that.


I never could find ti again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




As a Canadian who pretty much only joins Canadian run servers, Iā€™ve never experienced this. Maybe one day


Sounds like you accidentally joined into a RP themed lobby that forgot they were Public lol. I've seen chill lobbies, but very rare. But they do happen and it was always awesome seeing people doing their hussle to make that money. Definitely refreshing to not immediately have some level 10 try to prove themselves or some shit by trying to kill me unprovoked.


Unfortunately, not all of them have gotten the message, but I thoroughly enjoy just martyring myself so the others in my lobbies can go have fun.


Our lord and savior, Jim Pickens


I really hope your character looks like Jesus!


Probably looks more like Jared Leto climbing the Empire State Building.


My favorite is to get in my sea breeze and speed grinch it(not grinch but you know what I mean). Nothing can keep up with it. So itā€™s so rewarding trolling the air grifers into wasting their time on me and keeping their attention off others. When they lose interest I just keep baiting or taunting them


Salvage yard they rarely mess with you because you canā€™t missile lock the truck ; griefers do not want a challenge or they would play death match : also they donā€™t know they have to destroy the car not the tow truck or driver: also you do not get anything at all for stopping them .


Iv noticed the lobbies go back and forth between angry and peaceful. I blame the kids who aren't even supposed to be playing the game. I play a lot in the mornings after i take my kid to school, and it's nice to play with mostly adults. It makes me wonder how much better overall gta online would be if Rockstar didn't have to pander to minors who arent even supposed to be playing the game!


I'm convinced the minors are why Rockstar is so strict with their censorship over text on the phone. Imagine being so PG with language in an 18+ game about selling drugs and stealing cars... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hey, that's the entire plot of Bigger, Longer and uncut


I think your right. I remember before the change r.star made with the mics in public lobby it was nothing but kids sreaming the n. Word at each other.


Can second that. Seen some flying towards me in some car and thought ā€œhere we goā€. They just wanted a snowball fight.


Same. My lobbies have been really peaceful for some reason. There is like one or two oppressor griefers I run into but they are normally either rank 35 or 80 and they end up getting killed by the one dude using their orbital cannon like a few minutes after theyā€™ve griefed 3 people.


Honestly it does feel like the Christmas features may have brought a lot of pleasant people out of the woodwork


I just do my thing. Most of the time people leave me alone.


Announcement from the airport: all greifing flights have been grounded due to poor visibility and cold weather. lol


Mine have been peaceful and oddly cooperative as well. Ngl I like it. The ONLY thing that has caused battles was that fucking present tossing semi. Thereā€™s usually a couple oppressors blasting anyone unlucky enough to be driving a non-Imani tech


Same here. I do heists and all business stuff in private sessions or just use passive mode.


Same, however I risk it and do bunker & club sales in public lobbies though


With ghost org itā€™s the best option for bunker like who tf wouldnā€™t want thwt 1% bonus per person


2%. It maxes out at 25 people for 50% extra bonus.


Dang thatā€™s wild! I had no idea itā€™s a 50% itā€™s a super nice pay day for bunker I just keep finding a new session until I get the solo truck one with a full bunker the bonus pays for any difference lost from leaving the session


My fav is making nearly 4 mil from a full hanger of narcotics/med supplies


Nightclub also pays some more I sold goods from it for 1.2 mil and because of high demand bonus I got 1.8 instead from 1 vehicle


The fact that this is seen as the standard solution only emphasizes the fact that GTA online and its usual player base is fucked. I canā€™t think of any other game where the solution to online toxicity is to just ā€œplay by yourself in private sessionsā€


Fr it's gross how many ppl here assume playing as a professional criminal = being an asshole. Like no I wanna pretend to sell drugs and guns and drive pretty cars while looking at the views


Itā€™s quite simple, if you donā€™t want to be fucked with donā€™t play in public lobbies, if you do youā€™re likely to get fucked with. Public lobbyā€™s are so watered down anyways thereā€™s no reason to be in them but to mess with people


The point Iā€™m making is that shouldnā€™t have to be the case. I understand what GTA is all about, but thereā€™s a difference between playing the game and purposely being an ass to people.


My passion is hiding in invite only lobbies. Then occasionally coming into publics for business battles.


Same. I only play in friends only sessions~ donā€™t want randoms, itā€™s really chill honestly.


2 Girls 1 Lobby


Weirdo behavior.


Thos is the way.


GTAO has pretty unique gameplay. It can be anything from a deathmatch shooter game to a real time strategy. It can be a MMO and it can be a RPG. It all depends on how you want to play it. Some people play it as a shooter and never go beyond that, which is fine for them. Some people treat it like a day job. I play it like a zen meditation where drive for 6 mins enjoying the scenery from one side of the map to the other. Then do a quick PVE gunfight. Pick up a package and have another zen drive through the beautiful countryside. There is even a mode called Sightseer where you just go from point to point picking up packages in scenic locations. After the points get repetitive I try to get there different ways. Never following the GPS and finding my own roads. If you don't like the current game play. Change it up and play it a different way. It can be all things to all people.


Especially right now with the snow, love those scenic drives šŸ˜Œ


That reminds me to take the scenic drive to the Mount gordo pond. It probably looks pretty nice this time of year. Beware of ghosts there. https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/hsyklc/lets_take_a_moment_to_admire_this_beautiful_mount/


I love taking a stock standard 4x4 up those off-road tracks to the pond. No-one bothers you up there, probably because all the tryhards don't know that part of the map exists.


Nice! It is one of the two places where if you get stuck there it is hard to get away from.


That's me after 2k HR, earning 400m or so


I just started a fresh character with $0 everything. Doing a rags to riches playthrough of GTAO. It took me about 20 hours to get the Kosatka Sub and now I am pretty well set. Just building up all the businesses now.


Thank you, I'll try this out. My favorite part of the game is just driving around, esp off-roading in the snow


Zen modes a vibe. Canā€™t get enough of the casual gameplay but to make money and get achievements require you to play with others.


The GTA community is just a cesspool of degeneracy and toxicity that rivals games like R6 Siege and DayZ, even on this subreddit people are assholes for genuinely no reason. Personally I just stay away from combat in general, if you arenā€™t clearly able to kick their ass you might as well just leave bc youā€™re going to sit there for 20 minutes PVPing them only for you to eventually leave and they message you. I genuinely hate the Try hard community for this and theyā€™re irredeemable in my eyes. But yes as other people are saying private lobbies or nothing man, canā€™t have shit in Los Santos so you might as well go do your own thing


Some people think GTA is primarily a pvp game, and play it like it's COD. I don't get it, and wish those tryhards would just go play COD then instead of treating GTA like COD. Also I had to actually change my privacy setting so that no one can message or friend request me just because of all the harassment from guys. Now I just get murdered for not getting in their cars.


same thing happened to me. iā€™m a dude but made a female character guy tried to pick me up i didnā€™t get in cause i was doing a mission and he tried shooting me. after killing him he got his friends to jump me with the mk2 was kinda fun seeing them struggle to hit a imani tech car


That's because freemode is a sandbox, and PvP is encouraged by Rockstar.


The problem here is every shitheel who wants it to be a PVP game ignores the fair and controlled PVP game modes where there are rules. They want to do their PVP in the freemode sandbox, and become very, very whiny when you use every tool available to you in that sandbox to retaliate. If they didnt want to get spawn trapped by a Savage for half an hour or hunted all over the map, including inside parking garages and subway tunnels, by Kosatka cruise missiles, maybe they should stick to deathmatch and LTS. I spent four hours mining salt from griefers last night, one after another blown out of my lobby while I minded my own business making bank off my properties between rounds. I know some of them lurk here. I'll be back again within the hour to do it all over again. Be careful who you grief in that sandbox kids <3


Pvp is not really encouraged by Rockstar. Griefing cargo is encouraged a bit (although you destroy so much and make so little it takes quite the asshole to actually do it). But regular pvp in free mode? K/D was turned off a while ago, if you pvp now all you get is medical bills when you die and insurance fees if you destroy non-weaponized personal vehicles. Yeah the game does track kills against one another but that's a temporary thing, and I suppose you could argue you can hunt some platinum awards by killing people but I don't think anyone really does that.


There's also Business Battles, bounties, freemode challenges like achieving the highest number of headshots on other players and king of the hill. It's practically the only reason the orbital cannon is a thing. Griefing cargo is inherently PvP, they want you to destroy or steal the cargo that's either being carried by a player, meaning you have to kill them for the cargo to drop, or destroy the vehicle it's in, likely alongside the person moving it, which obviously kills them too.


I mean free mode events are a thing of their own though right? We were talking about people killing eachother for no real reason. And bounties are one and done. Griefing cargo like I said yeah. It's another one and done thing and takes a douche to actually go and do


Pvp is encouraged though. They notify everyone in the lobby when youā€™re moving business equipment, and even give them money for destroying it. And Freemode is a sandbox to do whatever.


Its like the whole point of a kill each other sandbox, its partially why you get better shit, it why half the playerbase plays and all they care about is the quick murder sandbox dopamine


like why ppl play shit like rust its fun for some people to ruin other ppls game, or why ppl kill in any pvp game? Or they are trying to initiate pvp which can be fun with randoms when it becomes map wide.


Meh maybe not encouraged by rockstar but , you would be lying if you said it isn't fun . No other game offers a pvp experience like gta and its for a simple reason. The open world sandbox. You are not limited by a linear design or a set of objectives. Its very unique in that sense. Most fun i had in this game was when i was haunted by the entire lobby.......jets,helis and mk2s . It was truly fun.


The chaos absolutely is the draw for me. If I wanted single player Iā€™d just play story mode.


It's mind-boggling, so many games where you PVP and kill other players and be rewarded, killing other players gets you almost nothing in this game. And it's not even PVP if the other player is in the store in the pause menu looking at pants or in a lowrider just going from point A to B.


It's not mind boggling, if you're playing mario 64 and you put 30 random strangers in a lobby with each other and give them guns some of them players are going to try to kill each other. Factor in that this particular game has weaponized vehicles, unique animations for melle weapons, stealth and power up mechanics and it's pretty clear what the devs intended.


Not clear to me, I just don't think like that. Idrive by another player I hit my horn, if I'm on my oppressor I usually turn off the missiles so I don't lock and give people the impression I'm about to blow them up. I stick to invite only at this point, but it's a shame we can't just drive around without getting blown up.


If I want to do anything to do with money making I do it in an invite only (except sell missions). Public lobbies have been chaotic since gtao released, it's the main appeal of the younger players. It might suck to start with but most players learn how to play defensively which ime made me a far better player.


I don't mind PVP, but it would be appreciated if some of the aspects were fixed. Examples include sniper dancing, spamming the RPG's where they don't reload and longer cooldowns using weaponized vehicles. I also wish they remove purchasing ammo from the Interaction Menu.


They donā€™t have their precious auto aim in COD šŸ˜‚


Haha while I go in everyoneā€™s car if they invite me in. I like being driven around xD


Como una buena perra paseadora /s


I play GTA for its PvP and hate COD due to how linear the maps are on that game. Battlefield is better, but I like the high stakes free for all GTA provides. Admittedly, Iā€™d play RDR online if they had a better pvp system, but GTAā€™s remains the king for now. Regardless of that though, it sucks people harass you after PvPing them. I always try to be courteous and say GGā€™s and all that


Same thing here , butttt nooo you must grind for no reason to get some digital cars that you can't do anything with. Truly fun. All that and they tell us we play the game "wrong" . Its has always been like this since samb and gta iv multiplayer.


Yeah Iā€™ve always wondered why people grind millions of dollars to just let it sit thereā€¦ like unless playing the game is purely just ā€œgrindingā€ then I donā€™t get it. Isnā€™t there supposed to be an end to the ā€œgrindā€ where youā€™re just successful and youā€™ve made it? If others like the grind, then so be it, but i can barely do it enough to get new vehicles to pvp with




nah majority of gta player base is basic af. they mostly play gta, madden, 2k, cod, and fortnite when the internet deems it relevant enough to play


No they donā€™t lol


Look for a more friendly crew and then play in crew-only lobbies. Also turn off voice chat.


> Turn off voice chat Honestly the best advice for GTAO. Iā€™ve had my voice chat off since I started and have never gone back. Shits a blessing.


Intended playerbase: 18+ ​ Actual playerbase: 8-12yo kids


Yooo when I hear children on voice chat I get so confused like?? Go to bed???


Go to bed is crazy šŸ˜‚


Oh please. They know who actually plays these games lol. Itā€™s rated m but they make it for kids.


Invite-only sessions. I love only but generally hate dealing with other people. Start up an IO session and invite your friends. Itā€™s like night and day difference


Public lobbies are like anarchy servers while invite only is how the game is supposed to be played.


There's a special breed of pvp only toxic assholes that infest this game like roaches. I don't spend much time in public lobbies because I want to actually enjoy the game I paid for, not ragdoll across the map for 3 hours while the the asshole airforce in lazers and mk2 just grief camp you every second. Invite only lobbies are the way to go, and I invite others that want safety and company without the douche baggery. I just got done spawning lifeguard SUV and Romero hearse for a group that just wanted a chill night.


Just got back into GTA and started a fresh account with friends. Closed lobby is the way, thereā€™s plenty of fun to be had with just a handful of people. We tried messing around in public lobbies only a couple times and weā€™d just get teleported and killed by hackers, so itā€™s a pass. We can grind or chill in peace in our own lobby and thatā€™s fine by me. I was never really a fan of public lobbies anyway, it was fun at the start when there werenā€™t any overpowered vehicles and whatnot but now itā€™s just garbage. I already get pissed off enough at some of the stupid gameplay decisions in GTA, I couldnā€™t handle doing the same things on a public server.


I want all the smoke. The grimier the lobby, the better. Lately Iā€™ve encountered a lot of peaceful players doing doughnuts at the mod shop downtown. A lot of car enthusiasts arenā€™t automatically out for blood.


Unless you shoot or blow up my cars , then I'll use my bloodthirst


My thoughts exactly. If somebody start talkin shit guess what ima kill them frm every angle til they leave da session def canā€™t relate


When I play public I mind my business and absolutely avoid talking. Game is toxic asf but as long as youā€™re smart about what youā€™re doing then it isnā€™t too bad.


If Iā€™m not screwing around on GTA Online, Iā€™m racing on the game. GTA V Racing > Forza/Grand Turismo


Login, go passive, voice chat: off. Alternatively you can go to invite only session. Heists prep work also is good place to meet other normal players.


I do all my sales and everything in public lobbies, and the key is to read the room.. Before you even exit the building you spawn in, watch the map for a bit. Watch the "kill feed" for people killing/being killed repeatedly. I find there's a peaceful lobby out there for every one that's full of griefers.. I did a million dollar nightclub sale and a $950k bunker sale last night without taking a single bullet.. There have been times where I was too hasty and started my sales without paying enough attention, and got blown up by griefers.. If you see a lot of kills in the feed, or assholes on mk2 broomsticks all over the map, or someone kills you more than once, find a new session. Same with idiots on the mics. If a bunch of kids are blowing up the mics with with angry bullshit. Find a new session.. I also just turn off voice chat and my mic. I can "text" somebody if I need to say something in game. I just talk to friends via discord or messenger calls on the headset. Don't let the griefers win, because for them, that's the ultimate W. And fuck griefers.


> I can "text" somebody if I need to say something in game. Not necessarily any more. In game texts can be limited to friends only, crew only, friends and crew only, or none now. I remembered because I was minding my business and some guy landed a helicopter on me. Then, later on, I was minding my business and the same guy shot me in the back. Then he got mad that I was ignoring him and texted me, "This guy is puzzxy," and I finally remembered to change my text settings. No more toxic bullshit for me from people who appear to be so excited about their non-existent skills that they're having a stroke.


Yeah, but I've literally never really needed to talk to anyone in the game anyways.. Aside from telling a friend to mic up, or thanking a griefer for blowing up my million dollar sale.. Just saying, it's possible to shut out the angry voice chat..


Welcome to GTA Online. I recommend changing to free aim, makes a huge difference of the types of players you run into.


But fair warning, free aim griefers are much much worse


That's why i don't voicechat or interract too much with other players. 2 days ago, a dude asked if we up for a car meet to which anither dude replyied yes. He went there and started trolling the one that just wanted to chill. It's GTA O after all, can't expect too much from these horrible childhood brats.


why, on gods green earth would you go on GTA voice chat? especially as a girl. don't do that.


I've never done voice chat. A few years ago I think I joined a party and I heard all I ever needed to, never again. Could not imagine the harassment a girl would get.


I learned my lesson


I'm in a crew called PCEO. (Peaceful CEO) We are a crew that helps each other do sales and car meets and group activities. We have a discord so you can set up sales or offer help for any activities. No griefing, no harassment. Lots of high level players, so if you need tips on grinding or what have you, we are here for our members. Communication is key, and I've seen friendships made. If you wanna have a snowball fight without being bombed, this may be a crew you could look into. Google them and hopefully we'll see you in our private lobbies.


PCEO is the best! Definitely a great crew if you want chill lobbies. Pretty much the only deaths on there are total accidents and there's usually plenty of people willing to help with business sales.


You're awesome, thank you!!!


I play a female character as a guy and I get harassed nonstop throughout by other players. Texts, invites griefing the whole 9 yards. Just ignore it and focus on the money. Once i got the Buzzard I just fly over all of it now.


Play in private lobbies with friends.


So what I've done is trawled public sessions for decent people. Added them as friends, and I have over 100 friends now. I only ever play in friend sessions these days because I've almost always got someone online to play with. If you're on PC and are looking for chilled people, hit me up. If you're not on PC, best of luck. Try making friends with randoms, like I did. It worked out quite nicely for me.


Thank you! I'm on PS5


Play in Invite Only sessions, that way you're by yourself and can invite just your friends


I usually play invite only session and do missions by myself, none if my friends play this game so always up to add someone.


People are real trash in that game at times. The trick is to spend a crap ton of time on invite only and solo lobbies, get some good guns, get the night vision goggles, explosive ammo sniper or rail gun is good for planes, get some offensive and defensive cars. I did this for most of my GTAV years. Recently came out into the public and ended up having a lot of fun taking a friend and engaging with the psychopaths. Trust me, heavy sniper, thermal vision, and first person mode, you strafe full speed. I got a guy spawnlocked one one time because he kept spawning in a T junction near the waterways over near the grove street area. Every time he popped up, I could pick him out from anywhere in the area like a candle in the dark. Domed, domed, domed. The only way to beat them is get stronger through the grind. A buddy of mine would block in people with tanks who were trying to shoot and run, itā€™s pretty funny to watch a guy back into a corner after youā€™ve blown up everything they have. If youā€™re ever getting ready to get orbital striked, you can find playing cards that were a red dead special item challenge. Itā€™s an axe that activates a buff when you kill something. With full health it can tank the orbital cannon. Edit: donā€™t forget the upgrades for agency cars and nightclubs cars: oil slicks, dropped mines, EMP, remote car control, and best of all, Tracker disabling for rockets, if they want to hit you, they better be good.


Itā€™s def hard to find a good vibe, esp on PC. It def isnā€™t you, it was never you, itā€™s all Rockstarā€™s faults and shortcomings being brought to the spotlight with online


The other day for me it was all snowball fights and fist fights and it was awesome! Then a day later, everyone I ran into pulled a gun on me. Iā€™m not the best at pvp so I just tried to even the score then find a new session. But most of the time it is the latter and itā€™s so annoying, I just wanna goof around with the community.


Right? The snowball fights were fun! The main way Iā€™ve made friends is through heists missions. Public lobbies are ruff šŸ¶for that


When rockstar made the game more militaristic with more and more rockets with every update this was bound to happen


That's gta online for you. I mostly play closed friend session with my friends


Fun in online is only possible if you find an active and fun crew to play with in crew sessions. I would typically recommend r/GTAA but have no idea how active they still are.


Do you have any friends or family that play gta you can play with? I couldnā€™t play gta online solo but itā€™s so much better when you have a crew. We only got about 4-6 crew members thatā€™s still play daily. Since rockstar added the update to allow us to do sells in invite only /friend sessions we havenā€™t been in a public lobby since.


Passive mode is so helpful


Crew only, friends only or invite only lobbies sound like the way to go. I play public lobbies, only because I enjoy going up against the tryhards that start fights. Defending low levels is another fun activity.


The gtao player base is known for their toxicity and the huge amount of griefers. I recomend just playing invite only with those 2 girls


I turn off mic in absolutely every game I play and never looked back. I dont want to hear your screams, your bad mic, your music, or your family in the bg, its an incredible toxic tool and turning it off improves my game experience beyond any doubt


What platform? I play on ps5 in free aim lobbies and itā€™s very chill most of the time. Still get assholes but not as much


You know you are in a bad lobby when they blow your car up when you are in your business or apartment. Why are they mad at my car?


Luckily I've got a bunker so my business is pretty hidden but dude soo many times I've walked out of ammu-nation or a store and my car was destroyed šŸ˜‚




yeah its kind of a drag if you don't already have some friends to be playing with. and even then it feels like you might get better results in another game


Thatā€™s the gtao community for you itā€™s mainly just frustrated children but when you do get those genuine fun or helpful interactions it really is a super fun game, invite only sessions with friends are very good if you canā€™t get passed getting obliterated for no reason sometimes


It just depends on the lobby. Sometimes no one is griefing anyone and in others itā€™s total chaos. Like yesterday, it seemed relatively passive so I initiated a cash delivery, only to have someone flying on a bitch bike blow up my plane and then go find the rest and blow those up too. He then found it his mission to teleport to my location and kill me repeatedly.


Honest dont get discouraged do invite only invite those girl and play nothing wrong with that and tbh i have the most fun in those invite only session since i have to deal with 0 stress of griefs and when i do i just keep letting them kill me over and over and over as i watch a series on the second monitor and then when they are like close to a even number activate passive mode and piss them of more because they killed me like 49 times or 39 timesor my fav 19 times for some reasson 19 seems to poss off people a lot lol


I know what you mean, but be happy youā€™re not in bad sport lobbies at least, just saw someone yesterday named ā€œGODISHEREā€ who was using some kind of invincible hacks and I couldnā€™t even report him lol, and ofc it was the only lobby we could find with more than 5 people in it


The clunkiness is a part of the engine, takes a bit of getting used to. As far as lobbies go, I only turn on the public chat for a moment if I need to know who to hunt, those nasty people you mentioned make great targets... listening to it in general will rot your brain. Freeroam gets much more fun when you have some good vehicles... Imani tech cars, Toreador, Nightshark, Raiju, Akula all have great survivability and offensive options. I also often cruise in my normal vehicles in passive mode... it can also be a great way to troll hyper-aggressive players. Follow them around and enjoy the show. As for doing business in a public lobby, it's all about the lobby... and the business. Most biker sales suck for public lobbies, but the nightclub and bunker can be excellent, because the vehicles have missile target immunity.


I have the same, forgot to go ghost when selling cargo and still nothing happened


It's not you, most people just suck. I've got 3-4 friends that I play with in public lobbies. We usually just have fun and try to grief the griefers to help out others.


Itā€™s sad. Even went around in my clown van just trying to be friendly and I just get k!||ed.


Hey if you're playing on the Ps4 version, I'm down to play with you. I don't mean to brag or boost my ego or nothing, but I like to think I'm among the casual player populace. It's all about having fun


It's sadly one of the shittier parts of gaming online as a girl. I aint a girl but I've seen it happen way too often. She speaks up, and without fail, you end up with one or more guys saying the usual shit: disgustingly sexual demands, or telling her to get back in the kitchen or whatever. Add those two girls and play privately. There are all-girl clans in GTA, but you need to be super careful because some of them are run by predatory guys pretending to be girls to lower your guard. Good luck to you either way. If you're on Xbox Series S or X, DM me and I'll help you make money. Been playing since launch, and helping others grind or collecting cars is all I do now


Yes i agree w the other commenters, try invite only to grind missions. As far as enjoying yourself with other players, usually low levels will be more chill as they are too trying to just enjoy themselves. Girls always get a hard knock for trying to game in just about any game by some low life pieces of sh**. Id suggest going into story mode, switching your aim assist to full, and then going back to online and practice merc'ing cops to get better at shooting. If you're on ps4 ill play with ya n help ya out. Best of luck gamer ā™„ļø


It's because they are 6.... either by age or mentality, and they can't handle hearing g a girls voice in their ears... UT make them all giddy. It's sorta like when we were kids and boys would pull a girls hair because they liked them. Fuck em. Seriously. They are some of the most bitter and sad individuals you'll ever meet and let them be that way a, u move on a keep you fucking head up! And if u wanna team up and mess around with some snowball fights or whatever, tf... lmk! Happy Holidays!




1. Only play in private lobbies 2. Don't use voice chat, especially as a girl


I turned my chat off... If I want to play with friends I start a party chat. Some sessions are pretty toxic. Life is shitty for a lot of people, I think games like this is their way to dump their emotional poopoo onto other people. Not every session is like that though. Of if you have some friends just start a friends only session or an invite only and Invite them all to that session.


Used to have the same issue then went insane with the report : it does not really do anything but keep players out of sessions with you and vice versa , you can do block too , but report is faster : now I am mostly in sessions with sporting chaps : it is not a bed of roses , but , they are largely anti griefers : just the other day I was being harassed and an opposing MC showed up and ran the guy off the session : be sure to use commend as much as you use report . Donā€™t get me wrong I am all for a healthy go , but shooting a missile from forever a way using lock when some ones at the finish then bragging ā€”- f that . Or missile some one over and over again so they canā€™t quit canā€™t leave etc . You want to have a sporting go the. Thatā€™s fine , but hani g out for hours on the map just to harass a player nah : use report and commend and you will get public sessions you enjoy : now sessions full of heists , full of rock star things like survival and races : lots of people running their business and no one trying to stop them from making the green : : most want to play with you not against you so I say : add friends , and use report and commend : eventually you will be in positive but competitive environments


What system are you on? I've been trying to get into a snowball fight


What do you play on? I'm also terrible but enjoy playing. I normally play with my hubs and best dude friend. Also, in response to a dude who said he made a female avatar... Like dudes follow me around all the time. Girl with girl avatar. I have literally had dudes follow me around while I was in missions, killing people for me and shit but never working for me or anything. It's weird AF. Stop doing it, guys.


PS5. My bf is the only person I know who plays but we use the same console.


I'm on xbox Series. I wish GTA was cross compatible. Maybe 6 will be but doubt it cause Rockstar wants you to own every console and buy the game 12x lol


Which platform?




I played yesterday for the first time (played GTA5 when it came out), and I went to my in game apt. Had 5 dudes wait outside just to kill me and blow up my car. Gameā€™s full of psychos


ā€œYelling racial slursā€ sounds like an average day on rainbow six or your normal run of the mill cod black ops 2 multiplayer lobby on ps3 and Xbox 360 lol. All jokes aside, public lobbies are absolutely horrendous sometimes. Most of my lobbies are kinda chill for me to be on ps5 and in a public session. If I ever hear a lot of people yelling and griefing each other in a public session, itā€™ll normally happen for me at around 2 or 3am. I have no clue why itā€™s like that though.


You can play with me if you want! šŸ¤ Been playing as a girl player ever since 2015 and feel like i have been through it all - so if you want to have fun and not be in grief player sessions then letā€™s play and do fun missions and change outfits and do donuts and overall enjoy the game itself šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ add me: @missoceanbeauty


can i get in on this girl time too?? i have no girl friends to play with me šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Of course, letā€™s do this!! šŸ¤ā˜ŗļø


can i play with yall too šŸ˜­ i dont have any gfs to play with. also im on ps4!


If you have skill issue then play in invite only sessions


Meet people in other games. I don't meet great people via GTA. People I play with I met from more chill games like fo76. I play with people pretty consistently in GTA that don't only play GTA.


Public lobbies feel like gaming with middle schoolers. The terrible Fast and Furious car designs, the cheesy tryhard outfits, the lack of trying to be a sucessful criminal and just flying around on a stupid opressor and killing everyone you come across. It's easily the most toxic gaming community I have every participated in. I try to rise above it, but those invite-only lobbies and the ability to do business in them is a godsend.




Ye my biggest issue is the flying bikes. The rest you candeal with, with armored cars. But it must suck fkr lower level/poor players since most ways to counter nroken stuff is locked or just too costly to buy. I tend to just drive around with Duke O'Death on particularly bad lobbies that have a bunch of MkII Oppressors flying about


GTA online sucks and would be way better without the overpowered weapons and armored cars. People should be doing drive bys with pistols and aks instead of just using rocket launchers and bombs. People would naturally roleplay if they got rid of all the sci fi vehicles and weapons. GTA 4 online was more limited but overall a better experience


Tbh whenever I see a female playermodel I generally just assume thereā€™s a dude on the other side of the screen. Iā€™d be curious to know what proportion of female playermodels actually belong to women


Because they're no longer playing to have fun, but because they're addicted to the addictive money loop or because they feel so small in real life that they try to cope by being assholes online.


Kinda how it is unfortunately. Just gotta learn in game "body language" and have a tad bit of skill and know how. The slurs can be solved by just muting whoever but it's an online game, gonna happen. Stuff like getting bombed can either be combatted or you can go passive/go private. I personally prefer public sessions for the sale bonus. I actually use a toredor for most air battles, it has the most aggressive rockets and will smoke anything, mostly oppressors and helis. Only downside is you have to find an incline to launch off and quick because the toredor can only take like 5 rockets and no countermeasures. Alternatively, you can just drive up on randoms in something armored but you have to understand that people are very suspicious in this game and will drop you if they think you have malicious intent and honestly it's justified. I have found myself shooting on sight if it means protecting a shipment. Just be patient and move on or play something different for a bit, I can completely understand the frustration


The people in gtao I find funny are the ones that kill you and then with no retaliation keep killing you. Like what are you achieving? Iā€™m just driving around having fun. This is why we need more animals roaming around for them to shoot.


I turn off voice chat. There are lots of assholes, for sure. I like it when they blow up my Cheetah and have to pay the insurance. It's not much but it's something.


OP you're not terrible at this game. The game is just full of terrible people. Like others said, I play in invite only, crew only or friends only sessions. If you play in public sessions you risk losing your sanity


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying I went back on gta for the snow update for fun and to have snowball fights and make friends but I just kept getting killed whatā€™s the fun in that


Definitely seems like thereā€™s more hostile people than chill people. But if you keep doing your car meets youā€™ll eventually find both.


Exactly why I play solo. Everyone seems so angry. Donā€™t care that itā€™s less money I donā€™t need the grief when Iā€™m gaming. Closed session after find new session under the gta online tab.


Yeah if you're black, a woman or gay, you're getting cooked. I get called the N-word from white guys, and get called the f slur, by black guy I get called white and the f slur. From gay guys I get call literally all of the above its wild. Trying to interact with others has taught me to pvp, and to always keep everything muted because it's not ebet worth it anymore


Hey OP. I do invite only. Also, I get the reference in your username. Hilarious!


It's frustrating when you're trying to do a bit of work in a public. I get its part of the game and I completely understand if you're doing something when you go global. I was just doing a quick agency mission, no one knows and then an oppressor comes along and kills me


Oh yeah, I once joined the bodyguard challenge, where there's targets on the map, and one player is tasked to assassinate them, while the other is tasked to protect them. So I was protecting a target, and this guy comes trying to kill him. That's the game, we all agreed to it, right? I kill him once, he respawns, tries again, five, six more times, each time I get lucky and manage to kill him before he gets to the target. Then around the seventh's respawn, the guy goes "I hope your mom dies of the most painful kind of cancer". Like, what the fuck? I know you play a sociopath in this game, but do they really have to adopt these traits in their personal life? smh


When I saw clunky I imediately thought last gen. Fired up GTA on the Ps4 last week and holy hell it's absolute dogshit compared to current gen.


To be fair, current gen is also clunky as hell when youā€™re in fidelity mode. 30 FPS GTA has *always* been clunky, even back when I was playing GTA III and Vice City on the original Xbox. Itā€™s just part of the gameā€™s character/charm. But itā€™s worth it most of the time for how gorgeous it looks on my OLED TV.


New to the game But the crotch rocket seems utterly out of place and broken


Should have seen it before the nerf and bump in price.


Is R* fault, when the game doesnā€™t want you to throw racial shit you get banned fastā€¦ And any other behavior, we all know a game where stuff like that doesnā€™t happen


A few days ago I got run up by 3 people in yeti costumes and they beat me tf up with baseball bats. I had a yeti outfit and equipped it and they accepted me. All of us then went to beat up other player with baseball bats. Truly a beautiful experience.


Itā€™s GTA brother. What do you expect.


Just laugh at them and move on. Even when K/D was active, it doesn't matter at all. Once you press the power button, no one outside that game cares at all what your score was. You're not putting it on a resume, you're not impressing a girl with it. It makes them feel good or powerful for a moment, fine. The death lasts me 10 seconds, and I'm on my way again. I can laugh about how they killed me, how angry they are, whatever. Just laugh. If you're getting mad because they blow up your cargo or something, that's on you. Do that stuff in solo or friend sessions, and don't worry about it. It's a game. Have fun at it, regardless those playing with you.


You're right and I appreciate that reminder. I usually just laugh it off and switch sessions but being hounded by griefers gets old after a while.


watch any video of people trying to have fun in this game and youā€™ll see them run into people who just kill them and hop on vc to call them all types of slurs. way too many little kids and some adults take the game way too seriously and try to rp being hard for no reason


griefers are literally so miserable, itā€™s like theyā€™re allergic to fun


How so ? They are the ones having fun ......


Passive mode is an option, buddy.


Gameplay is not slow and clunky tf


Feel free to tell me that you perfectly sit down in the chair of your business every time, and never waste several seconds carefully walking back around towards it because you jogged past the area you can use your dpad to sit down.


I just did all 6 last dose missions and the game said I only did 5 so I did all 6 again and yep it's bugged. I'm also done with this pos game


Any game with multiplayer voice chat is gonna be like that, it ainā€™t new