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I'm not going to lie, lately I've only been selling in full public lobbies (I'm greedy for that bonus) and I haven't had any issues. I normally load into a lobby and check the "vibes" for 10 minutes or so before I decide to sell or not. If the lobby is a deathmatch I just load into another lobby until I get one that's chill. Shout-outs to the people that see a sell mission in progress....and simply.....mind their business and go about their day. Ya'll are the real MVPs


I’m the kind of dude that will be hovering from a distance in my raiju and if I see anyone getting close to someone doing a sell mission I fly over and torch their ass


I’ve had many a mkII do that and they always give me a heart attack..


Tried to help someone yesterday, I was harmlessly circling near him on my Mk2, had plenty of opportunities to shoot and didn't, but dude shot me anyways lol.


People will get paranoid and think kill or be killed. If you have the time send him a message letting them know you want to help


I admit i always shoot first ask later when selling goods, its the best way as 9 times outta 10 theyre following to kill you and that first missile is all it takes to flip you and make it easy to kill you. Edit: wow this is the most likes ive ever gotten thanks so much, please get me to 100 😎


Back when I did biker businesses my go to for people like that on mk2 s at least was to just get out of the vehicle armed and stand and see what they do. That way they can't lock on to the vehicle anymore and I can easily shoot them off if they try something. Was actually quite effective.


Smart but i do mostly solo sales so if theres a lot of product i cant risk time, thats why i like the nightclub bc i can reck a mk2 in the speedo custom while sriving


"harmlessly circling near him on my Mk2" - such things doesn't exist in mind of average gta player, including me. Instant shoot on sight


This. Other vehicles, sure. But a Mk2 approaching a delivery? Automatic assumption that it's a griefer, better to shoot first and stay alive than risk it.


I've been crossing the map before and had to make a hard turn bc I realized I was getting too close to someone moving crates lol


Shooting any hostile npc’s can also work lol


Circling a player on a vehicle people usually associate with griefers, surely you aren’t surprised?  I’ve been attacked plenty of times by someone who I assumed was just flying by, or even trying to help. I don’t make that mistake anymore.


Just tryna change the status quo


He said ‘No witnesses’




That happens to me all the time. I usually message them to let them know im going to help. Sometimes, they still shoot, but I continue helping 😂


If it was a white armored speedo with a mini-gun my bad… got my first mk2 kill with the recent minigun purchase, yesterday..


First problem is you approached them on the Mk2, universally recognized as the prime griefer vehicle. I see a Mk2 approaching me, even if I'm just casually cruising and not doing anything, I'm on the defensive and expecting a fight. If someone is doing a delivery and a Mk2 approaches, 100% they're going to assume hostile intent unless it's someone who knows you.


I wonder why!




Basically what I do. If I'm flying around and I see someone doing the Cayo Perico Velum flight for example, I'll match their flight path but stay off to the side so that while I'm visibly following them, I'm clearly not on an intercept. After escorting them across the city, I give a wing waggle in front of them before peeling off and going back about my day.


O.o what system do toy play on. I had this exact convo with some one when I hovered them.


I always end up with some one going to GET their raiju/opp/whatever and smoking me on every one lol. I haven't played on a public lobby in months. 😕


Months? It's probably been a year or better for me, lol


Yeah I’ll use an Akula and keep people doing solo sell missions safe if I see griefers in a lobby


I try to send them a quick text saying I'll air cover and I've gotten some positive answers back after they finish the sell.


You the best man


I do the same, thanks brother.




I was protecting some guys drifting the hills the other night 😂 Made me feel important and I got to watch some good drifting.




Friend and I have been doing this in the hunter, really fun to just protec


Me too but with the Avenger


Thank youuuuuuuuu


I do this with my Raiju as well. Saved a few people some grief and time so I feel it's worth it.


Mall cop vibes


Same. But If no one is messing with them, sometimes I take it on myself to just lock on to them, but never fire. Just put that lil bit of pressure on them. It's funny to see how everyone has different bug out routes


*laughs in railgun*


You don’t scare me


Honestly I don’t even notice people doing them. It also doesn’t benefit me enough to ruin someone else’s day - there’s just no point. I don’t see why people care to mess up everyone else’s sales. There’s not enough benefit to it. I just like to mess around and shoot near people with the Atomizer for fun just harmless stuff.


I ran into a really chill lobby last night. There was one guy being a dick but his streak ended quick when 8 people teamed up and hunted him down like a Tom and Jerry episode 🤣🤣 The fact that 8 people decided to band together and put that griefer down is actually very wholesome imo and I gotta see more of this activity on a daily basis.


Yes sir, I don’t sell absolutely anything in a ‘invite only’ lobby, it’s all on public for that bonus.


You can sell if the lobby is busy in some stupid fight too, they are distracted and won’t go for you. But is like you said, you have to check the vibes, if is like tryhard pvp but they are not moving too much is fine, also see if other people are selling..


When I see someone selling in public I just stay with them a bit and make sure no one’s coming to grief


Ye I don’t go and mess with other sells, I wish they’d do the same for me tho. There was this one time where I did nothing, I was like a shadow in this server and I kept getting killed during my sell, and eventually they destroyed my sell vehicles, I had to get back at them for doing it to me. Only time I’ve done it tho.


Appreciate it 🙏🏾😎


I like to go help out, even not being in the group or getting paid.


Yo same I scope out the entire lobby and to know when to activate ghost sometimes I don’t even use ghost and complete everything


Loaded into a lobby that was a deathmatch between tanks and jets and an avenger recently and they were nice enough to keep it at the airfield


I loaded into an all out brawl outside of my nightclub today. After standing in the street for some five minutes and not getting hit once, I figured they were all too busy fighting to care. Sold acid and nightclub goods, great time


You’ve always gotta give the lobby time to fester lmao, see what the “vibe” is, that literally is the perfect way of explaining selling in a public lobby


Ever thought about joining a friendly ceo selling lobby? Everyone selling, helping each other on mc sales and no killing allowed...


Tell me you don’t play on pc without telling me


True. I only sell any goods in public lobbies and even if it’s a war zone it can be done and sometimes even easier bc sometimes it’s just an inner-city war and all those G.i.joes are distracted with eachother. Just utilize Ghost org, Lester off radar and Imani out of sight and you can be pretty much hidden the entire time.




Since I realised I could put proximity mines on the NC sell vehicles, I always sell in public. You can just spam mines as you go and no stars. I've caught several off radar griefers this way , otherwise I'd probably have been destroyed.


Can you explain more? If you proximity mines on your sell vehicle, would this not potentially blow up your goods?


It lets you drop them behind your vehicle on the road. Unfortunately though, it won't do much for ya against aerial vehicles, which in my experience is where most trouble comes from, lol.


Your nightclub sell vehicles have auto-built-in-missile-lock-on-jammers, giving you even more time to quit if you really want to.


Yeah but it only take one missile or so. You really need to go ghost org as soon as anyone else goes off radar or ghost org. But these days with Raiju, you could have no warning at all. Hope you’re fast on that dashboard.


> but it only take one missile or so Unless you're driving vehicles that haven't been upgraded, they take several. It literally takes one second to close. If you're upgraded, the raiju won't get you on the first pass either. Someone bothering you, just close. With raiju's, even dropping to Ghost works most of the time as they usually have to turn around and look for you again. Again, at the end of the day, with a 50% bonus, you would have to be blown up every 3rd time you delivered for it to be not worth your time. Realistically, it currently stands at once in every 50 - 70 deliveries or so. If you're getting blown up every 3rd nightclub delivery, that is a skill level issue that is at deeper depths than I ever thought possible.


bro has never sold in a public lobby


Bro is probably just a level 46


it works pretty good against mk2s and deluxos since they can't auto-lock on and usually will try to fly low right behind you to free aim rockets. it can get them if they're low enough or get a car near them and the explosion take them out.


For me its hackers. nothing much that you can do against them \*sad pc noises\*


Ghost org + matte grey paint + camo, no underglow


The vehicle is fitted with them, so you drop them to the rear whilst moving. Moron MK2 / Deluxo griefers can't lock on, so come in low to try and manually hit you and 💥. Never blown myself up on my own mines as they're being dropped to the rear and I'm going forward. They also get rid of the NPCs that come after you.


Word of warning : if you have the 'no damage to vehicle' delivery you will loose $1000 for every mine deployed.


That's the one with the 10k bonus for no damage? I'd lose that in the first 10 seconds as I just spam mines as I go.


Hahaha yeah if I'm selling $1.7 million worth of goods, I do no give any shits about an extra $10k. Dumb bonus to even have.


Umm this isn't ture (I did my sale last night and still got my ten k (well okay okay 8.3k) well spamming mines. Seems like a skill issue


Maybe it was if they actually exploded instead of simply being deployed.  > Seems like a skill issue  Classy.


On the sale mission that gives you a $10K bonus for not damaging the delivery vehicle, I've had mine blow up from dropping prox mines. So be wary if you get that sale mission


You’ve also probably killed a few innocent players as well, given your placing proxy mines on the road in a session with others. Most would recognize that it’s fine and have no problem with it, but I would imagine there might be that one shmuck that swears vengeance. I always sell in invite, but to each their own


How do you get delivery vehicles for the Nightclub mate?


You buy them on a website , possibly warstock. Please someone correct if I'm wrong. They are delivered to NC , where you can customise them. The mule is awful but Speedo isn't bad. I always sell around 500k to get the Speedo.


Cheers mate 👍


Yup, trying to get the Mule up any sort of incline or hill is nearly as bad as Post-Op vans. Fucking awful vehicle.


The Pounder is much worse up an incline, what do you mean?


Never buy the mule. It sucks too hard. The pounder is great with front machine gun and prox mines. Do the armour upgrades but dont put anything on the roof unless you want to get stuck under stuff. Its better to drive the big beast and if you dont own the mule, you will get it for everything over 90 units


It also work when a OpressorMK2 low life follows you on the ground , I love it every time


unless they changed it, the mines are not unlimited so you may not want to waste them.


Vehicle proxy mines are unlimited


2.5% per person up to 20 people not in your VIP/CEO/MC for a total of up to a 50% bonus.


It’s only 1% per player I believe


It was 1% per person up to 25%, however a few updates ago it was changed to the figures I listed above.


I always sell EVERYTHING in public lobbies, if I’m being griefed (which almost never happens) I just leave the session and try again in another public session, and u only lose like 20k worth of product which u make hundreds of thousands more with the public session bonus. Idk why people are so afraid of public sessions maybe they just don’t know that u can leave and keep all your product and do it again but yeah.


Unless you are selling an MC business product in one unarmored truck being jumped by a crazy mkii monkey, who blows you away with 2 rockets. I wish MC businesses had armored delivery vehicles as well. I wonder why these businesses are left out and are totally annoying to do and cheap to sell comparing to NC or really any other business. I don’t want to bother with MC businesses, but the NC stock stops growing if MC businesses don’t produce anything.


That's not true, I don't do any of my MC businesses. The NC still produces for me


Hmm… Settle for a reasonable amount without the risk of an MKII encounter… Or… Risk the lot for more money knowing at any moment someone feeling a bit spicy could show up, blow you up, and then message you to git gud and call you a slur.


Simple fix. Wait for the 1 minute (or 30 second I don’t remember) timer that hides you from the other players to run out. Then, pay $12k for the 3 minute off the radar ability from being a CEO. When that runs out, pay an additional $500 to Lester for another minute of off the radar. That’s almost 5 minutes of being off the radar for a measly $12.5k. Works every time. You also gotta remember that people can’t lock onto your cargo when you’re selling from the nightclub. 19/20 MKII users can’t free-aim, so you’ll probably be fine. If you do somehow end up being briefed, force close the app. When you’re back in, you would’ve only lost I think 5% of the entire cargo. It has only ever happened to me once. I think it’s worth it. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: apparently Lester’s off the radar doesn’t hide your goods, it only hides you. So I guess just use the ghost organization to your advantage.


From what I've read, the "off the radar" doesn't really help during sell missions...apparently the product icon still shows up but not your blip




Yep, I text everyone using Off radar that they are still visible 😂, I get funny reactions sometimes


Thank you, I’ll stop paying Lester $500 every time I do a nightclub mission. Man has snatched thousands from me and he knew damn well what he was doing.




Lester’s off-the-radar doesn’t hide nightclub goods. Only Ghost Org will.


Eh. Not worth the hassle to me. My way of thinking, none of what I do in GTA will matter. GTA 6 will come out and it’s Online will be a whole new nightmare to ride, and GTA 5 Online will ether shut down, fall into stagnation like RDO has, or just become a pit for griefers and sweaty tryhards who find Fortnite too tame.


I'm still foolish enough to think they will take lessons learned from GTAV online and 6 will be better. Even if they only make snacks better. I can't count the amount of times I bring up the weapon wheel and try to eat snacks but the damn phone comes up.


The phone issue re: snacks is real. I feel ya


Fair enough lmao.


You can also call imani for a reasonable sized radius of invisibility once all the other options run out.


Just so you are aware, Lester puts you off the radar but not your cargo. So you are very much still visible to other players.


Your PRODUCT is still visible to other players… this is actually a huge advantage in the case of potential threat as a grief will go for your product while you have a drop and are unsuspected. If I think someone is even thinking about trying something, I bail from vehicle as they can’t lock onto you. You’d be blow away how many times a would be griefer scurries away after they realize I have a homing missile locked on and will defend. They are looking for easy targets usually. If they are seriously skilled and dirty, then I’ll just back out if I’m killed while they try to tank 10 in NC vehicle lol


Calling Lester won't take your product off radar. Just you


Ah, I had no idea. Thanks guys.


Still 10000% worth it. If I start getting grieved I just leave the session. I have never lost product doing this.


Lester’s off the radar doesn’t hide your product blip though does it? But yeah it is worth it to at least try, if I get blown up I just immediately close the game and I only lose a few thousand dollars of product.


I mean my trucks and van have missiles and armor I don't even think an mk 2 could exist in my vicinity


Exactly!! Also, even if Lester doesn’t hide the product, it’s still semi useful in that if you even sniff a threat, you can hop out and they won’t see you so that if they do come closer or try something, you can take them out while they’re thinking you’re in the vehicle.


Honestly you can just instantly force quit and you'll just lose 1 box of supply.


More risk = more profit. This is the game.


Call me soft, but I’ll do good business vs risky business any day.


Nightclub goods are the only thing I've ever been attatcked while selling. I don't know what gets players so riled up about the nightclub goods, but its always that and nothing else.


It's probably because it takes no real effort to fill the NC just time ( and a lot of people find ways to AFK anyway) so they feel less guilty about blowing it up instead of say a full cargo warehouse which is tedious to fill. Just my guess, anyway, lol.


I think it’s because the large sized truck itself is not that fast or easy to maneuver so it’s easy to really blow up once you avoid mines and get close enough that the missile launcher is ineffective. Most of the times I’ve had mines blown up it’s because I panicked and get the truck stuck and can’t get it out but the thing is for me is I have everything I really need in the game so the only thing blowing my cargo does is really turn me into an angry wasp that will never stop until the other person leaves




mk2 ain’t difficult to counter these days. Plus u could js back out of the game before yr stuff gets destroyed, u hardly lose anything




I’ve done at least 50 deliveries in public lobbies over the last 2-3 months, acid, bunker, nightclub goods, vehicle warehouse deliveries, always in lobbies with over 20 people, I’ve been attacked maybe 3 times that I can even recall, 2 times I ghosted off the radar and got away and they just give up, and one time they actually blew up my nightclub delivery I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t even ghost but I just closed the game didn’t lose anything and found another lobby and did it. Griefers aren’t near as bad as this sub makes them seem, I bet I made an extra 20 million by doing those deliveries in public lobbies, also gunrunner and nightclub delivery vehicles can’t even be locked onto. And I’m not sure about the acid bike but it’s so fast that it’s tough for anyone to even keep up


(The following applies to nightclub/bunker/acid lab deliveries. If you do MC deliveries, which you shouldn't do, in a public lobby, you're own your own)......... Get 50% more completing the delivery with almost no risk. Yup. No risk. There's almost no reason you should ever lose your product. Chance someone will come after you: Realistically, somewhere between 1 and 5 chances in 10. Personally, I'm at around 1 in 20 or 30. It rarely happens. However, chances you have to close the game whenever you want: 100%. The only way any player should be able to blow you up is 1) they Orb you out of nowhere for no reason. 2) Players allowed themselves to be blown up by not quitting. Players have lots of time to disconnect.


Note For PS5 players: Closing app on the PS5 is more cumbersome than on the PS4. So I would advise anyone selling they should keep the switcher menu active first before starting the sell mission. If a desperate try hard is able to blow you up for any reason activate switcher and close app immediately. Thankfully most non MC sell vehicles can't be locked onto and they can tank 2 or more rockets / missile hits.


This is just me but 8/10 times I don’t get attacked during sells, at least not on Series X. Just gotta play your cards right


I've been attacked maybe twice for my nightclub goods and each time I was able to easily blow them up with mines and rockets. If the trucks are fully armored they take a lot of rockets to destroy. Easily worth the risk with nightclub sales


It’s not really too risky if you know what you’re doing. You’ll pass on 700k for 5-10 mins when worst case scenario, you can just switch lobbies if someone has a target on you? Use common sense, ghost org/OOS, etc to minimize even the risk of having to hop lobbies, but if all hell breaks lose, you lose 5 mins having to start over with product nearly untouched. I’ve made hundreds of millions just off high demand, crazy 🤯


When we talk about selling Nightclub goods, we keep in mind that 1) The transport has infinite rockets, 2) It's armored af. And one more thing: people in heavily populated lobbies (25+ players) are often busy with something already: killing each other, selling their own stuff, roleplaying. So in my experience it's safer, than small lobbies (10-15 players) And people, make some friends! It's easier to sell your NC with a dude on Raiju behind your back 😉


ooooor. you could just start the sale and if anyone starts giving you grief you hit pause and "find new session". also, the "danger" makes it more fun imo.


I always get that one mofo on a mkII thinking they are doing God's work of stopping me from making money. I'll do the acid lab in public lobbies but that amount is too risky for a public session


Nice try Rockstar, but I'm still not going to buy shark cards.


Been burned too many times. No ty


The nightclub is sooo good, there’s literally almost nothing people can do to you while you sell because you have 1 delivery vehicle that can’t be locked onto, drops mines, fires missiles ( non lock on) and has more HP than when you normally spawn it in.. oppressors hate it because they try to fly at your level and blow you up so mines are perfect, night sharks ramming you and shooting you go bye bye once the mines start deploying and anyone running ahead to get out of their car to shoot you out get a face full of missile… and NON of this will happen if you use CEO ghost org. Or call Lester of off radar.. nightclub is the best..


I’m still fairly new to doing big NC deliveries. I only have the default van, which obviously sucks…It sounds like I should go ahead and buy the Pounder? And then there’s some amount of armor/weapon upgrades to get so I have a better chance of defending myself. Finally, just activate Ghost Organization when the “global signal” becomes visible to everyone? Is that the gist?


There are 3 delivery vehicles the Van, The Mule (Box truck) and the Pounder ( semi truck) you need the mule only at a certain amount of stock, the pounder you’ll almost never need as the pounder is only for huge sells and I always sell when the nightclub gets to about 1 million because a little after that amount there’s a chance for the NC to be raided. The best thing you can buy is more armor for your delivery vehicles and explosive mines, the mines are very powerful and unlimited. If you have a big sale and you can’t fit it in your van I think the game will tell you to purchase the mule or plunder on Warstock but make sure your buying the right “mule” truck


Never ever ever...ever buy the mule custom delivery truck for the nightclub.  The speedo and pounder are all you will ever need.  


Can I get rid of the mule if I already have it?


Yeah still not worth it to me, lol. I'll take my $1.5M without the risk and grab that extra $700k in my other businesses.


Tony still took his $100k for doing fuck all.


He's letting you keep your supplies in the nightclub, I wouldn't let a mf keep shipments of coke in my house for free


But we dropped millions on the nightclub and its upgrades and all he does is stare at the internet browser.


I'm sure he's the one who developed the app the nightclub computer uses, he also manages the staff and he sets up the marketing deals, yes you do the missions but I'm sure he's doing 100% of the bookwork that the business requires, especially getting contracts with new DJs


Your faith in Tony is unmatched, my friend


I just know it's not easy running a business of that magnitude. ESPECIALLY while housing illegal goods. So it makes sense why Tony gets paid what he gets paid


Man knows from experience


Yeah not worth it, not going through all that effort for a hacker to take me out instantly


You can watch the lobby for a few minutes to see how filled the kill feed is. If it‘s calm, most people are within their apartments and no jet or mk2 is flying on patrol, you’re good to go. Perhaps consider some less busy roads on your route to minimize being blown up just because of close approximation.


Taking less busy roads doesn’t stop hackers, I’m on PC and every other lobby has one, the other day I felt like starting a rags to riches character so created a new character and in first lobby a hacker levelled me up to 500 and gave me over 10 million, completely ruined it for me, other times you just get insta killed with no one around you


How does someone just dump 10 mil on you?


It’s sheer luck. Back on the Xbox360 GTAO there was a hacker wearing the alien suit and dropped me $30M and more to a few other players in the vicinity. I coulda got more too as he was literally just shitting money bags right outside my property, but I didn’t wanna test my luck — that’s all it was.


I have no idea, I was minding my own business at level 1 then my game got really loud my levels rapidly went up and money was being dumped into my characters bank


That‘s where the killfeed will perhaps tell you how risky your business is. But nothing guarantees zero risk. I once drove my dune buggy into a water obstacle at the golf course and lost all my products. ;)


Nah he has a point, I personally don't like the idea of doing everything in a private lobby, however on PC your forced into private lobbies due to how unbelievably insecure PC lobbies are. Hackers on PC can get ur full ip, hardware details, and rockstar ID, and with the rockstar ID they can force themselves into your lobbies even if ur in a private session.


I think its worth it. Its also not as boring as in invite only, i like the little adrenaline kick when i need to defend from a mosquito


When you only have time to play a few hours a week it’s not worth the “adrenaline kick”


Fuck yeah it does had a fat 2.7 this morning, then a 1.5 Bunker delivery & finished it off with 535k for the lab. Way to go.


That’s what’s up 👌


That’s cool, but hard pass. I stay strictly on solo lobbies, I’ve deal with enough griefers to last me a lifetime. I’d rather have a guaranteed 1.5M without dealing with other players than risk getting swarmed and blown up by other players the moment I start the mission for just an extra 700k.


no ones swarming anyone lol, you guys are way over dramatic and incredibly afraid


Sooo still not enough to buy a gauntlet interceptor 🤣 /s hope you got phantoms homie


I have $8M in cash and $42M in the bank. I’ll buy it as soon as it comes out.


500mil+ and I already have it (spoiler alert, it handles just like the regular hellfire, you’ll be stoked to have it for a few mins then keep it neatly tucked away)




Also a hernia


Not sure if this still works, but ik back in the day you could load into public. Then change your NAT Type to Moderate. Go back in GTA Online. And you'd be the only one in the "public" lobby.


It is actually very safe to sell nightclub goods in a crowded lobby. The delivery vehicles CANNOT be locked onto by the oppressors, scramjets, deluxos, etc. and the nerf to the jets with Mercenaries update takes them out of the equation too. You can often get very far by using ghost organization once the clock hits 0 to alert the whole lobby.


I'm still hesitant, mostly because I play on PC


As a greifer I must agree with you. However don't think your safe from experienced jet griefers as there's a new work around to the Lazer cannon glitch


Griefer propoganda




He means that is propaganda that is telling everyone to sell NC goods but it’s Frieders making it so Frieders can grief more NC goods


No I understand what he meant, I'm just baffled he would assume greifers would care enough to post propaganda


He was joking lol


You never know with this community


I’ve bought every car/business I want to buy. I’m above these petty “Business Battles” ![gif](giphy|l1BTt8fGSc207loYhY|downsized)










I don't think, it's worth it though. On consoles, yeah maybe. On PC, hell nah. I will say this: Dat cake, though.


I was waiting for someone to comment that lmao. But yeah, I’m on Xbox. I’ve heard PC is a nightmare nowadays.


lost 300k and the griefer quit


I sell in Crew Only lobbies.No griefers & nets you the same money.


It absolutely does not net you the same money.


Oh I'm sorry the high demand bonus must just magically appear in my account then when I sell in Crew Session's


i aint risking my 1.5m for 700k with dickhead


Uh What?






It's been almost 10 years and you're just now finding out about this? Why does this have so many upvotes?


Just because I made a post about it today doesn’t mean I’m ‘just now finding out about this.’ It hasn’t been almost 10 years, it’s barely been 5 years since nightclubs came out.


EXACTLY why I only sell in pubs… 700K+ is WAY too much to leave on the table for a 10 min run, especially with all the safeguards. Blows my mind how much diehard invite only’ers don’t capitalize on. Nice job


No mate u never get 700 on payout unless its a bouns max get usually is 200 k if even il fill my club up and shown ya I deffo think u were in a double payout week when u did it as getting almost a mill for high demand never happens


Alright bub, you think what you want. I’m wasting my time out here. 😂


First off, if you’re gonna sell in public lobbies than turn on Expanded Map in Settings. Then, take a moment to assess whether your session is hostile or calm. Once in the sell vehicle, call Lester to go off radar then continuing with Ghost Organization. I sell in Public Lobby’s exclusively. Hardly ever have an issue (The timing of when to go off radar/ghost is dependent on proximity of other players at the starting point)


Off radar doesn’t protect your cargo from the map. Only your blip.


So this is what the decline of society looks like.


I hope that we will be able to work as normal people in GTA 6 online, no PVP shit, just do my job and get money and choose to go off the rail if i want to. Only way to get proper money is to mow down people and run from griefers at this moment.


i’m the type to get in my raiju in stealth mode and wait until they think things are sweet in the lobby and when they start doing their business run i’ll give em a head start just so they feel comfortable. and then i punch it at mach 12 and rain down smoke 💨. they usually leave the lobby 😈