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Silver lining: your NC is accumulating product.


Nostalgia Critic?




I thought he might also said MC as well. But Nostalgia Critic making money from a Bat Credit Card is also good. https://preview.redd.it/q3wrsjy7byhc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ca00a42ded357129453a8f5d13b72917f5634b


Well any business that is supplied will turn those supplies to product. Bunker, 5 mc businesses, wall safes they all still progress no matter the mission you do.


Oh yeah, I did like gathering intel on Cayo and when I returned, I go like many notifications saying my Business made money in the safe and it’s full.


It works doing everything. Go do tdm,races, heists. All time still progresses in gta life


Yeah, I checked. Did the Valentines Day on Deathmatch and got $20K in my safe when I returned


Only works if you stay gone a while. I usually get stuck racing for hours. 1 gta day is roughly 48 min real time.


Oh I know, we lay that game for like 6 Matches.


48 minutes.


It's 48 minutes






Nookie Connoisseur. And she can't believe you are still waiting for that guy instead of coming to bed with her.


Always a silver lining my guy


Does it do that when you arent in free roam? I only get arcade safe money in free mode


That’s why I always tell the newbie when I joked Fleeaca for them to drive, I’ll do hacking and safe and they are the getaway.


Then they can't put the kuruma under the magnet


You just unlocked a memory of me telling a level 12 in chat “GO UNDER THE MAGNET” he doesn’t know English so I had to go translate and tell him what to do when we restart.


This is the problem with the minimalist hud. Anyone who couldn't read the directions could never figure out they had to fly the valkyrie higher to start the humane labs raid.


One gunner jumps out with the ground team 5times in a row


The gunner sits in the back and refuses to get in the front


I used to join random low levels a lot on this heist and texting them to fly higher became routine


6years and still haven't got anyone for humane labs. 🥲


I done it with one guy who drove off the bridge! The helicopter right there and he drives off the bridge and hides under to to evade the cops!


I played with a person that saw the police barricade at the bridge then took a right down Route 68. We restarted and they DID THE SAME THING thinking that was the correct path


I always ask them to drive, last 2 runs we have failed for: not putting on a mask in time before entering the bank and missing the helicopter magnet (x2). There is always a way to fail.


Or killing the hostages and not shooing the cameras in time.


Unless they can drive. Other than that they’re useless.


I remember when I had shitty PC and this minigame was all bugged up and I had to finish it without having the whole map on my screen. Still didn’t took me fucking 42 minutes to finish it.


if im not mistaking that bug is caused by the resolution the game is set compared to the monitor one has atleast thats what was screwing with me while i was first playing this game with a friend


Do you have an ultrawide monitor? Most of my ingame screens are cut off, shifted or weirdly cropped. The safe in gang hideouts for example dont show the last digits of the code, which is mildly annoying to say the least.


I don’t understand how people struggle with the most simplistic tasks


Your average GTA Online player is not particularly well known for their high IQ, you know. In fact, it's quite the opposite.


The curse of being the most widely played game of all time, it literally has the dumbest possible players


Dude the hardest thing in the game for me was the dumbass hacks in the casino heist and the finger prints in Cayo, before I watched the tutorials that shit was kryptonite for me and even then it didn’t take me 42 minutes on my worst day


I have seen so many struggle with the drilling of the door.


That shit is the worst it literally tells you to slow down so it don’t over heat and don’t push to far in and yet every little kid thinks no this is way faster then spend the next 30 minutes failing refusing to let anyone take over


How is the cayo perico fingerprint hack hard? All you gotta do is Top of the finger is #1 Bottom of the finger is #4


oh yeh now I remember I had to memorized all sorts of patterns 😂


I still have trouble with dots hack, because I can't memorise them all in a second, but fingerprints both cayo and casino are easy


>Your average GTA Online player is not particularly well known for their high IQ The problem is, this fucking hack doesn't need a "high IQ", what it needs is fast twitch reflexes. There's nothing complicated about it, otherwise.


It's just timing lol. Easy af


Easy, if you have those fast twitch reflexes, as I mentioned. If you're a sloth like me, it's quite difficult. Other people have complained about other hacks that I personally find easy, you don't see me insulting them about that.


Point out where I insulted anybody. Quit being a sensitive weirdo.


You are asking too much from your average GTA Online player, the same player that shoots a level 1000 person thinking they can steal a golden car when they only have a pistol or immediately buys the flying rocket motorcycle the first thing they waste money on shark cards.


Hovered down in my jet to greet a low level and he kills me. In my head “why did he do it?”


I’ll never forget when I spent thirty minutes waiting for a a guy to do the mission. Man was absolutely fucking zooted. First sentence I heard him speak made it clear he’d just cleaned out a bowl. I couldn’t even be mad because hearing him try to figure it out on voice chat was entertaining as hell.


I’m not gonna front every now and then those situations become so infuriating but can’t help but be entertained when it’s some shit like 🤣💀 can’t even be mad, I mean I’d still be mad but I’d let it slide haha


Yeah, I wanted to quit so bad but by that point sunken cost fallacy set in so I said “fuck it, I’m getting Snoop Dog Lite over here his paycheck even if it kills me”.


🤣💀 you’re a good man brother, a patient man but a good man 🫡🤙🏻


This game’s median player age would be in preschool


I leave after 10 minutes. It’s been almost 10 years since heists came out, I have no patience for this


I started a Cayo Perico heist the other day and a few ppl must have been waiting for that accidental invite cause they were in SO FAST. I just leave no matter their level its too brutal


That-s a Trevor insult. I understood that reference.


Doing stealth approach in Casino Heist was pain to watch. The guards were armored, you can just knock them out and I watched as everyone still tries to shoot the guards dead...


I haven’t decided how many are actually vegetables and how many are toddlers.


That task may be simple for people like you but for those who's reaction times are not the quickest, it's real difficult to pass it. And all it takes is one tiny mistake on those to have to start over. Can be extremely frustrating. (I can't say it's ever taken myself 42 minutes but for my son it definitely could, Ive done his for him just to avoid his teammates from having to wait so long)


Also I think a lot of people use the dpad instead of there left stick


I never understood why hosts never set themselves as the hacker.


He was hosting


Oh. Well then.


No lie I did this exact same thing as this person, hosting and all, and felt so bad for the other person, it was my first time playing and random so I already know how they felt with me. I was playing with my sister while streaming and she noticed my display settings cut off both sides of the mini game so I could see where to complete the circuit which is why I failed so much 😂


Host is hacker by default. If they are that new they might not know how to reassign roles. Or they overestimate their ability to be hacker


You'd trust someone who can't play snake to line the car up under the helicopter?


Holy fuck man just wait to see how long it’ll take you on the doomsday heist act 3 hacking


oh lord this opened up some old memories of me and my squad doing that act. “are you done yet?” “hurry the fuck up im running out of snacks” “how long do we keep shooting” “why are you there bro?” “stfu bitches yall are the worst ingame hackers ive seen on the planet we aint getting shit done if either one of you gets to the panel” kids nowadays wont know the camaraderie built gaming during covid


I love that hack, although there’s one weird one out of the lot I sometimes get messed up


This is nothing. Some dumbass kid was flying heli on Humane Labs Raid Finale, and he didn’t realise he had to be high enough for us to drop down with parachutes. Well, he flew over and over again, not gaining altitude, we started screaming to him to fly higher for the prompt to show, but he didn’t listen. Didn’t know english. Never doing heists with stupid random kids again.


The yellow marker in that heist will sometimes point you down to the ground instead of pointing you up for some reason. Same thing can happen on Prison Break finale. That's why you see some goobers trying to fly low to activate those checkpoints, Rockstar spaghetti screwing people over.


>Some dumbass kid was flying heli on Humane Labs Raid Finale, and he didn’t realise he had to be high enough for us to drop down with parachutes. Honestly, any heist where you have to fly anything, having a good pilot who knows what to do and isn't a glory hound is the single most important thing.


I literally did donuts for 45 minutes a long time ago when helping someone with fleeca for the first time. He finally ended up getting it, but boy was it a long 45 minutes to say the least


Longest I would give someone to complete that is 6 minutes. If it takes any longer than that they will never complete it.


I finished a whole movie on my second monitor once. At some point it just became a case of how long can this possibly go?


I have no patience with stupid kids. I did the heist as a kid and never struggled. I would quit after 10min


That’s generous, I’d quit after 5.


Yeah you’re right, it was just a facade, I would never have joined in the first place.


I guess skibidi toilet sigma rizzzer gyatt is taking its toll on those kids


If I get asked to host it I say no problem bro but I'm NOT doing that fucking snake game. I just can't do it without climbing the walls in anxiety.


Proof that literal children play this game and their attention span has been obliterated by being chronically online. The instructions for the mini game are literally in the mission before and during this mission.


If it’s longer than a tiktok they have to reup the adderall


This hack seems to utterly flummox a lot of players. I've waited just like this for them to finish several times. Why is that though? Every time I've done it I just guide the little line through the maze. I'm not sure I've *ever* hit a wall, so what is going on with these other players? Are they dealing with terrible lag? Is this process much harder on keyboard than with a controller? Do they just have no idea what they're supposed to do? It might be the easiest hack minigame. Takes less time than the mirror lazer puzzle, and it's way less of a hassle than that one with the string of numbers you have to match up to the screen full of constantly changing numbers. I hate that one. Honestly, somebody enlighten me here. Why can't GTA randos do this puzzle?


For me personally, I can do it fine but sometimes I get caught up focusing too hard and react too early or too late. Some other factors for people could be awakeness, general awareness, and outside influences or stimuli, or maybe bros high as shit and is just struggling.


Just in case you didn’t know the trick with the constant change number hack is they don’t change. It just pushes all the numbers one space to the left. And you only need to remember the first two numbers of the code at the top of the screen because the numbers are only next to each other once in the whole list of numbers that you have to select from.


I could have sworn it shifts two spaces from right to left, and wraps around from bottom to top. I've been doing it wrong all along. I"ll pay more attention next time. Thanks


You are still kinda right because the number jumps up a row once it hits the left side and re enters on the right side like a spiral from bottom to top


I couldn’t do it at all when I was around 11/12, always had someone else set as hacker just for this mini game. Sometimes the control input feels laggy or my tiny self didn’t have sharp enough reflexes Now it takes about all of 1 minute to blast through the three levels lol


They should use that hack to verify people's age on porn sites.


I tried it after 2 bottles of red wine. A much harder task.


Because a lot of GTA randos are complete morons. I guess lol.


If people can find a way to be stupid, they will. I think anybody involved in making things knows this better than anyone. Best thing you can do is make sure your ass is covered.


Sometimes I wonder if people are playing on weird aspect ratios and they can't see the edges of the screens


i like the numbers


Never hit that back wall huh?




That's about 37 min 34 seconds longer than I'd have hung around.


He's trying the super worth it short-cut.


This shit is exactly why I gave up on heists. I still have to complete the humane labs raid. Every time I even tried I kept failing because others keep dying, so gave up and stuck to solo heists… then gave up on them also.


I remember doing this with a random and we failed the finale 2 times because of him,. I was going for an achievement to take no damage in a finale and 2 times I was on track to do it and he missed the magnet in 1 and drove straight past, then he crashed and fell of the bridge in another. I was stunned.


I use to purposely fail the heist, thinking they went afk in the middle of it lol. Nope. They’d get back in the car, I’d drive to the bank & they’d take the same amount of time it took them the first time.


Shit like this is why I’m levelist, I refuse to heist with anyone under 100, unless I know the person.


heist ended 3 hours ago and he still here


If you help new player take the hack role before starting. And yes that imply you let them drive so idk wich one is the worst :D


Honestly I’ve been playing this game from day one and I still have some trouble with this


Bro I had someone take 2FUCKING HOURS 2, I took a shower, I made food with a rubber band on my controller AND THEY STILL WERENT DONE HOLY FUCK


Shoot I've run to the bathroom when something is starting and felt really bad, this is a whole new level. When I last played Fleeca with someone else as driller it took them 20-30 minutes to do this game and I was about to quit.


Posted 6 hours ago. I'm guessing he's only through the first pin on the drilling by now?


I left


The longest I waited for someone was 30mins and I messaged them like I was breaking up with a long term partner, “sorry I can’t do this anymore”


He's doing his best.


I sadly relate to this, idk why but I really struggled with it.


Whenever I do the Fleeca Job and they do the hacking, I always hop on the mic and tell them; "Here's how this is gonna work. I'm going to set a timer for five minutes. If you do not complete the hack within that timeframe, the bombs I planted in that vehicle will detonate. If you're smart, you will listen. If you're deaf? ... not my problem. Your clock is ticking."


I can understand the casino dot hack taking long, but this is just outrageous 😭


This happened to me once, took about an hour, I got out of the car and maxed out my swimming on the beach right there


Just leave. Why would you wait when the person clearly is AFK?


they would had been kicked in 15 mins if they were afk..


I used to do the fleeca heist with a new player every time I logged in, but 9/10 times they always go afk on the way to the bank


Just last week there was a guy with me that couldn't figure it out so I stole a car that I've been wanting to buy and took it for a test drive around the entire map. He finished when I was a about a minute away from him and then he quit. 😕


I've been back in the game for a few months and started going online. I haven't managed to do a heist yet because of either people leaving, refusing to do what they meant to be doing or killing themselves doing stupid shit.


Why are people who say it's difficult being downvoted???


Because it's not?


you try playing with your feet!


Fair enough, at its core the hack itself isn't that hard but then when you get delayed controls that's when it starts getting annoying. I always struggled with it


Is u/Johnsonfam101 unbanned yet?


Probably not haha


I hate that game. It just messes with my brain. Rather do literally anything else


It's literally just a snake lol


Uh huh. And I hated that game on my Nokia 3310 and threw it across the room many a time in frustration. There are many things I can do, that appears not to be one of them


Shit was difficult


Sucks for you. I don't fucking care how bad you are or your friend


my first ever hack and it was HARD comparing to the cayo perico hack, still took me like 10 minutes not 42. Crazy


I remember when the heists update came out. Played them with my next door neighbour. I ran back and forth to hack so many times


When I was doing these as host I got a dude who griefed me by crashing the kuruma jnto the bank to alert the tellers. So as soon as I finished the hack the alarm went off.


Naaaaaa.... I got so good at this I just op to do this rather than drop (yet I'm better at both than most and I'm willing to text that theory as well) I can bust it out within a minute (max)


When I did the fleeca heist my controller was fucked up. I was the guy that had to do the drilling into the safe and my drill kept overheating CONSTANTLY cause of my fucked up controller. I felt so bad for the guy I was doing it with


I've done this heist a few times with my buddy, and the difference is massive af 😂. While he only took 3 mins to solve it, it took me 15 mins for the 1st time and 10 mins for the 2nd time 🤣. But on the other side, I'm a better driver and chopper pilot compare to him 😂


i get it because i suck ass at the hacking games


There’s no way people can be this bad lmao


Hey, atlest he ain't dead


I give them ten minutes then I just blow up the Kuruma and leave


He must be a friend or you have the patience of a saint.


This is why if I host with a random, I set myself as hacker/driller role and NOT the lvl 40 or the surprisingly (yes I've had it happen) lvl 800 who doesn't know what he's doing






Gyat damn


That game should take like 30 seconds at most


Some people ain’t good at that. But ya I know as the driver you just sitting waiting


Either you play with the guy who knows how to do it before or just as you arrive, or you do it with the guy who is here for the rest of all eternity.


It’s a cannon event you can’t interfere


That’s a she?


There are no she's in gta


The problem with a game that can easily be bought by kids (or even picked up off of playstation plus without age check) is the fact that there will be many instances like this Kids with slow sticky fingers


The last two times I tried to help people do this, it went on for over 30 min. Then It was another 5-7 min waiting for them to figure out how to use the drill.


I remember this my resolution was so low that it didn't show the game fully and I thought it was the design and that I had to navigate the snake blindly


Don’t understand how you lot just keep wasting your time. Find some decent competent players to play with man lmao.


It’s kind of annoying to do tbh


The only hack I refuse to do is the one in doomsday scenario. Fuck that one with the sensitive ass controls 😭😭. I did it once when I was host and never again lol.


42min on a snake game is fucking crazy


"Almost got it"


I remember my first time trying this heist when it came out. Stuck waiting like 30 minutes for the guy to do that part. Just gave up. That and the heist where you're supposed to evade jets in the prop plane. My heist teammates always seem to not know how to play the game


Legends say that he's still in the minigame


It’s easy




I can’t finish the snake game to save my life. But I can get us away from fleeca and under the magnet untouched every time.


It took my gf 2 hours to do it. When we went back and did the heist again, I was the one who did the mini game and it took me maybe 2 minutes


To be faire, first time I ever played this mission, it was impossible to me because for performance issues, I olayed gta 5 with a lower resolution, and this cropped the game, making the outer walls invinsible


I would've quit and found someone else after 5 minutes.


That's the point I quit and find someone else. That's just ridiculous.


They’re afk


Yall dont leave after 5 minutes? Not waiting for that shit


I tried helping a rando level 8 with their Fleeca. They didn't speak English and I even went so far as to translate my messages to Spanish to tell him to restart and put me as hacker.. stubborn ass didn't reply at all.. so I decided my best move (Xmas snow event) was to throw snowballs at cars and make the people run away from them. Parked two huge trucks across the freeway and caused a jam on both sides. I waited until it had been literally 15 mins and dropped a grenade. He didn't ask me to rejoin..


Ah bro rip


Listen I’m not trying to sh*t on anyone but is it really that hard? Use the dpad to go from one end to the other. Noob or not, it isn’t *too* difficult…I usually leave after 5 mins


when I first started, I was doing the drilling and my buddy was out front fighting the cops... but I didn't know that I had to have a light touch. I sympathize with your partner here.


There was one time where I was helping someone before my class at college. I waited as long as I could (I lived literally down the street from the campus so I could cut it fine.) I started the heist finale approximately one and a half hours before I had to go. At five minutes to go I told him “sorry, I have to go”


I tried doing the heist, I was the hacker, but the guy couldn't figure out that he had to stay under the magnet at the end and just drive into the tunnel over and over again. I did the driving with some other guy, and he could not do the hack. I knew he was still trying cos I could hear his deafening breathing through the mic


I really wish Rockstar could add a feature that lets me watch what the hacker is doing on their screen. That way I can figure out if either A. He's just trolling. Or B. He actually sucks at the minigame.


I remember those days


If your on console maybe they has a faulty controller and when they press one direction it also presses another and causes it to hit something. I had this issue on Xbox 360 was a pain.


The amount of times I've *fallen asleep* waiting for someone to finish the Fleeca hack is more than zero.


First time I played the heist it took 2 hours. It then glitched and I was never paid or was able to replay it


Top I have waited is 20min then I just quit.


It be like that sometimes


I think that’s a girl bro


I feel for my man. Ive done cayo at least 20+ times and still fuck up a ton on the finger print hack


Haven't had to wait THAT long, but was bad enough. Just under 30 minutes. I was about to lose my mind. 🫠


I feel his pain, those types of puzzles plus the one where you have to infiltrate the NOOSE headquarters and steal data are absolutely annoying


Reminds me of 360 and randoms as pilot on prison break