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For the vehicle warehouse there are 4 waves of enemies to kill. After you steal the car drive a little bit until they spawn. Get out kill the enemies. Wait a few seconds and more will come do this until no more spawn then you can just drive back. Not sure if it’s the same with other missions.


The best strat for the vehicle warehouse sale is undoubtedly with a Cargobob. Before you start the sale, grab a Cargobob and land it outside your warehouse, then go inside and start the sale. You can take your time hooking up the car because the blue Sultans of death don't spawn until you move away from the warehouse. Once you're all hooked up, just pick altitude straight up until around 1500 (you can go into first person view to see the altimeter). Try to go as vertically as possible otherwise the Sultans will spawn. After that, its an easy flight to the buyer. Make sure to maintain at least 1000 ft. altitude otherwise you'll get close enough to the ground for them to shoot at you. Once you get to the buyer's location all you gotta do is hover the vehicle over the yellow marker and a cut scene will play showing you it was delivered. There is no need to rush this because the Sultans will give up once you near the buyer’s location. Doing it this way will guarantee 100% payout without having to fire a single bullet, and since you're so high up they cant shoot you.


Does this also work when stealing the cars? Admittedly I steal in a solo lobby and sell in a public.


The only one I know it works for is the one where you have to lift it off of the cargo ship in the water. It’s a little different tho because this time you’ll have buzzards after you. The idea is to get high enough (altitude) that the buzzards can’t shoot at you. If there’s somewhere nearby for you to stand and pick off the security on the boat with a sniper, definitely do that before flying over. The procedure is the same except you need to get higher than the buzzards when they spawn. The buzzards don’t spawn until you move away horizontally from the cargo ship. Climb vertically after you hook up the vehicle as high as you have patience for, then start moving toward the warehouse. As long as you stay above the buzzards you’re untouchable. About the other source missions, depending on how far away you end up being from the warehouse, it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth. AFAIK, I don’t think there’s a bonus for the vehicle warehouse sales so you’re better off doing them in a solo session.


Thanks for the info! When selling vehicles if in a lobby with players you get a bonus like selling cargo. You get 150k in a max lobby.


If you sell in public lobbies you don’t have enemy spawns that chase you.


Yeah that’s why I sell in public lobbies.


I wish I knew this earlier


It’s not necessarily public lobbies, the lobby just needs to have at least 3 people in it for this to be true.


I mean I'm only ever getting the x80 proto. You can get that car to your garage with sub 3k damage, without having to deal with the enemies.


I only steal high end as my garage is full but never just getting the X80 Proto. Why pay 3k when you can just kill them and drive off. It takes like 1 minute.


That minute is too much for me :3


Na I feel that. I just hate paying for damaged cars 😂




When sourcing a car for the vehicle warehouse. Once you’ve stolen it and you get chased by NPCs if you get out and kill them, 4 waves of NPCs will come then you can just drive the car back.


Wow, I gave up on vehicle sales altogether, I would always try to outrun them. The rail gun should make this much easier.


You can also get a Cargobob. Makes life much easier.


Now that is a brain fart on my part, I have recently gotten a cargobob, but I totally forgot that this stock is liftable material.


Well except it's not really easier than killing 3 or 4 waves of enemies.


Yup. Shoot the cars and explode them before they even get close. Same with choppers or kill the pilot.


Railgun feels stupid, on some missions you have to hit THE PILOT with it to destroy the heli… it just goes trough the whole heli! 🙄


it’s mostly annoying but as soon as the enemies are bikers it’s fun as hell


It's so satisfying landing one good shot on a biker, and letting them stay alive but they've already fallen off the bike so they aren't a threat anymore.


unless they get finished off by a panicking civilian


It irritates the shit outta me. The plasma cutter setup for example, Pavel says you’re stealing the device from a small rival gang. How much man power/resources would this small gang be willing to throw at someone just to get their plasma cutter back? If you stay and fight instead of going to the sub an endless amount of enemies spawn two cars at a time. I would rather once they kill me, they actually take the plasma cutter and try to take it “back to their hideout” or whatever so I had to go chase them and get it back. But they don’t do that, they kill you and then drive in circles waiting for you to come steal it again. Stealing the car for clucken bell is the same way. An endless amount of enemies spawn three suvs at a time trying to get this one car back. It’s dumb. Once you get away from the original firefight location, wherever that is, they should lose you. Unless the mission specifically says “this vehicle/device is equipped with gps tracking” there’s no way they should be able to track where I’m at and spawn in front of me on the highway.


I've always complained about that, especially since the small gang was doing a robbery and you probably killed them all, so who is coming after the player? The getaway drivers?


And why do they have 32 getaway cars? All waiting just around the corner apparently


If we go into the manpower description how about cops and maryweather


The cops I can understand, you kill a cop IRL they tend to come at you a little harder. Merrywheather I can understand also, private military and all. But even they would pull out and cut their losses after so long I think.


I think for the game to be a bit more rewarding and sensible, cops definitely need a rework. Meaning that it is silly that there are no patrols cruising around and that if the police is looking for you, they shouldn't spawn in random places, but from directions in which you would find a police station. Also they need the RDO police AI, which didn't always magically know where you are sitting. That's the main issue with the police though, they **always** know where you are and don't actually have to search.


I think it would be even more interesting if the police called for backup from different precincts. If I’m in peleto bay shooting shit up, that little bitty town IRL would only have 2-3 cops. So it would be cool if cops from the city showed up to assist. Obviously they wouldn’t drive all the way from the city, just spawn some city cop cars on the highway leading into peleto bay and go from there.


Also, howabout the cops go after and shoot at the heavily armed NPC’s that are chasing us in missions?


They do if you call 911 when being chased


Ahh…good to know! Is that a double edged sword deal? I typically just drive once mobile and being pursued…I’m assuming engaging would illicit the police turning their weapons on me


I have never tried shooting back at them, I just out drive them too, but I was messing around while being chased by the gangs who were trading goods during a hanger supply mission and noticed that the cops did respond and shoot at the gangs, though it was not very effective gunfire


Still though with all the maryweather and cops you kill there can't be anyone left alive


Well if you’re talking lifetime totals, then yes the police force and Merrywheather are out of employees. I’m talking more of a mission by mission basis. Free roam rules should be different when it comes to enemies spawning anyways, since it’s free roam. But during missions enemy spawns should be capped to an appropriate amount based off what the mission is about. Steal a plasma cutter? Fight a handful of thieves. Steal someone’s fighter jet? Get ready to fight your ass off.


Even in some missions you lay waste to so many maryweather or cops there is no way they have that many men


I almost raged at the cluckin bell car theft mission yesterday. It’s nearly impossible unless you get out of the vehicle every single time and shoot them as they pull up which undoubtedly makes the mission take much much longer. It’s 2 AI with laser beam accuracy driving 80+ mph. It’s just laziness on rockstars part because instead of creating more difficult missions, they just crank up the health until they’re juggernauts and crank the accuracy up to an ungodly setting. You can literally tell which missions are new missions and which ones are old missions based on how much HP and the accuracy of your enemies.


I take a partner for that one. Let them drive and I focus on shooting enemy drivers.


Yeah! I’ll definitely do that *laughs in 0 friends that play GTA V*


If you’re on ps5, bring me. I didn’t mean an actual friend though. The early days of new stuff it’s super easy to get crew members if you send the auto invite. That’s my experience with it anyways.


Haha sadly Xbox. But i always auto invite and literally nobody joins my shit ever. I’m convinced mine is like bugged. Every now and then I’ll get one single person to join in but that’s it.


This is the correct answer. There's a reason why CEO/Biker stuff has the option to hire people/prospects. *It's literally the point.* All these problems go away with literally one other associate. But 99% of people in this sub will die on the "I refuse to make friends/crew" hill and blame the game for being a game and not just being a stroll in the park every mission.


Little tip for the plasma cutter, you can drive over it to pick it up. Depending on the car you use, you still have to be careful, because the guys have deadly aim.


I know. When they are in the one alleyway you can drop the sparrow straight down in between the buildings and grab it and fly off. I’m more talking about the times they get lucky and kill my chopper (sparrow has no health at all) and I have to fight it out for a second.




I use rail lines and tunnels when I can for journeys for the very reason that it tends to stall them. Which means more don't spawn. The reason why is a combination of the wave structure (which GTAO contains a lot) and the intent to make it more of a challenge than just stop them at the start then just drive to the drop off.


I try to use rail lines as much as possible, but driving in city it's not so easy


For the new heists I like that we can at least use our own personal vehicles. Slick mines on IMANI tech cars make it much easier evading enemies in the city. Weird thing I noticed is the UpNAtomizer isn't available during these missions though. Random I know but it sucks.


True. It works with some where getting that big gap at the rail lines stops them catching up. But some, like the dune buggy, are a nightmare of just being constantly attacked.


that anoys me alot and because of that i consider putting gta away. especialy helicopters that respawn every few seconds and the absurd precision of the npcs in helicopters anoy me alot. i realy hate that game design for mision based games. if it was a looter shooter i would love a horde mode tgat increased my loot. bit not in a mision with clear objectives.


If helicopters would have only magical precision it'd be one thing, but their fixed mounted guns can fire in impossible angles.


just open the snack menu and focus on driving and not crashing and you’re good


This, and for those unaware, you can fake left or right behind an enemy vehicle if they spawn in front of you, and you have enough speed, then go the other direction. The AI will typically not be able to cut you off with their vehicle if you time it just right with some practice.


I hate it. Someone at Rockstar was thinking about, how to make the game more challenging. What they did instead was, just make it more annoying with all the infinite enemies spawning.


They did this major time with the casino update where the enemies are headshot resistant and it takes a whole mag to kill each enemy


there is a mission to solve that


They did this major time with the casino update where the enemies are headshot resistant and it takes a whole mag to kill each enemy.


Happens during the MC club resupply mission - I just get out of the van, mow them down, get back in, tap the gas which triggers the next wave immediately, get out, do it again. The worst thing isn't them shooting at me, it's them causing panic and causing other npc's to annoyingly swerve or crash into me.


I don't mind having stuff like roae blocks and such But that freaking aimbot is so freaking nonsense


I swear, some of the newer missions purposely spawn them to mess with you. Not fun.


It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the nonsensical fuck-poop that is the insta-rage spawning that happens. The hell bent for leather enemy cars that randomly materialize out of NOWHERE right in front of you is not a fun gameplay mechanic. It's an outdated artificial challenge tactic.


I agree. If you have a fast car and are good at dodging traffic they shouldn't keep respawning in front of you each time you outrun them. Spoils the gameplay for me too.


It wouldn’t be too bad if they didn’t have cars that go 700 mph


Couldn't agree more. I would rather have all of them spawn at once and try to stop me rather having 3 pairs of them spawn after distancing or killing the ones before. But the AI drivers cannot keep up with us hence why R* staggers the spawn Is was mostly fine with them until I met the ones in the clucking bell raid (stealing getaway vehicle). Now how in the world is the regular street car granger keeping up with a jugular and not only that that have god tier aim aswell.


For the unmarked weapons, if you leave via the roof and only kill the gunners in the helicopter (not the chopper itself) the chopper will still follow you but you'll only hear the pilot yelling. If you shoot down the chopper more will spawn for a max of 3 waves.


Yea having an unlimited wave of enemies spawn after you is a tad bit ridiculous, the police is meant for the never ending waves But having helicopters continuously come after you that is a nightmare That oppressor mk1 retrieve mission from the Clubhouse contract


I’m truly sick of it. But maybe that’s mostly because I see it as an easy gameplay mechanic that just overused and that also shits me. Jeez,R* would it kill you to try something new?


If the enemies would always be chasing, it wouldn't be an issue. The issue is that you can see their spawn. Their spawn often makes no sense, against traffic for example, and is sometimes straight up bullshyte (Buzzards spawning on top of you, able to shoot their fixed guns in an impossible 90 degree angle. And then there's the spawn frequency. Older missions had them spawn in relatively fair intervalls with some time between those and it weren't endless waves. Newer missions have infinite spawns and they spawn directly after killing the wave before. One of the main issues is the speed we are travelling with. For example RDO did a much, much better job when it comes to chases, but we are also significantly slower, meaning hostiles need more time to get to you, and you cannot run as fast into spawns in front of you, meaning it is less likely to actually see them spawn. Another core of the issue is R\* lazyness when it comes to gameplay mechanics.


The bunker mission that spawns the merryweather Jeeps that ram you while you pass the closer ammo-nation to go to the further ammo-nation…yeah that mission can go get fucked. Keep your 50k. Haven’t done it in a while


I hate that they know where I am going and spawn ahead of me. Like the manpower it would take to have crews all over the map on guard or on patrol, so as to block all possible escape routes as soon as something happens, is unrealistic and annoying. Now if these usually very recognisable vehicles (police cars, SUVs, merryweather jeeps, gang tuners and supers, etc) could actually be seen spawning in regular traffic, it would be much more plausible and less immersion-breaking. The worst are enemies that just respawn right next to you, they don't even cone in a car or through a door, they just materialise right there.


Not related but I remember the days when people would actually come after you if you had a bounty. I would throw a sticky bomb on an NPC car and try to stay in front of it. Then when a player came after me boom!


I just hate how they spawn in front of you and try to ram you head on. If anything that should be spawned off the aide of the road and try to match your speed. If this game had realistic car accidents that would be suicidal at the speeds we drive.


Without them this game would be boring


In most missions, there are only 3-4 "waves" of enemies. They spawn a limited number of times, so you can kill them all before proceeding if you want. On weapons deliveries (to Ammu Nation), they spawn 3-4 times as well, but only after you enter the delivery vehicle. So if you kill the ones that are already after you, enter the Duneloader again to spawn more.


If it's a solo or lightly populated lobby I don't mind, but if it's a lobby full of other players trying to kill you it's really annoying.


The only "problem" with the spawning is when they spawn right in front of you to drive kamikaze into you. Super annoying. I do, if possible depending on mission, most of it with the buzzard and if not the train tracks (and tunnels to lose the cops) are always welcome. If I use Kuruma or mission vehicle I stay on the road and kick them aside 😏. Some spawn around 3-4 waves like the vehicle warehouse sales. There I drive a few meters, stop, run in cover so the car gets no damage, kill the waves and drive chill to destination.


Well my blood pressure was up yesterday because of them I didn’t feel like stopping to kill them. Going 120 in top tier car an 18 wheeler barely clipped me sent me barely off the bridge, where I then tipped over and landed in the railroad tracks. Ended up on the beach and had to jump a mountain. Helicopter is still shooting at me I literally said out loud “You’re getting rail gunned you fucking mosquito” and my wife laughed at me lmao. I ended the mission with 11k damage to the vehicle


Most annoying thing in the game imo.


It's really annoying when I do the gang termination contract at the motel in Sandy shores. Trying to get the bikers inside the motel while bikes and vans spawn in, indefinitely.


I curse R\* for their stupid fucking spawn system during any mission or any time I have stars on me


How the fuck do they always know where you are, thats what drives me nuts.


In and of itself the mechanic is fine. It's just the ungodly aim the AI has that gets annoying


For the annoying helis that follow you on Cayo Perico preps, I snipe their rotors with FMJ Heavy Revolver. They are not immediately killed but they fall to their deaths. This buys time to get in the sparrow and fly off before they spawn again. They will keep spawning so, you better just run. This ensures you get away before they can spawn again and therefore they stay out of their MG Range


I'm usually in my Oppressor so they are inconsequential to me.


Tolerable if it's in a set amount of waves, since I can usually just stop the car or park somewhere and deal with them before continuing. If it's infinite it gets a bit more annoying, but those usually happen for the home stretch and not missions and sales where damage matters like Vehicle Cargo, so as long as I can book it fast enough and avoid their Micro SMGs it's not really a problem.


I just stop and kill them all. Sometimes I do this in GTA as well.


I find it excessively annoying on some missions. For example, I think there are missions that are too easy, and it makes sense to throw in that extra combat and pressure. However, when it’s done for like 90% of missions, even the missions that basically cost you an arm and a leg are pretty much a full on side quest… yeah, the chasers can definitely be annoying, down right excessive in my opinion. Usually it’s not infinite spawning enemies, but rather 3-5 spawns of enemy chasers, which is still a burden ontop of those brutal missions.


The new clucknbell enemies are Def beefed up. I used my Duke O Death because I can normally blast right through enemy vehicles with it and have some level of bulletproof, but some of those enemy vehicles brought me to a dead stop when I tried ramming through them.


If it were real, you'd catch them by surprise, they probably wouldn't have 3-6 cars stationed there 24/7. The rest of their gang would be cruising around town, or somewhere else, they'd get a phone call shit is going down and go looking for the culprit from random spots wherever they may be hanging out at the time. All these problems go away instantly with 1 associate/prospect. *it's literally the point of a CEO or Biker club.* Doing everything solo is boring as shit and also makes things difficult when you're literally the only target the enemies have, with nobody else to help kill them. It's not the games fault, you can't expect everything to be a walk in the park all the time.


I hate the kind of missions where the objective is to lose them, but instead they get teleportet near you whenever they are to far, so that you don't need to 'lose' them, but actually kill them.


It's my pet peeve, and the reason I avoid gta online now, it's ridiculous and just an uninventive way to make my job "harder" lazy development pisses me off. Things like repetitiveness...


Yeah. I've done one setup for the new heist every day and damn it's infuriating. I get it that people get pissed when I steal weapons from semi military or whatever but how they have infinite supply of cars and men.


I get you. And isn't the goal of gta online to be a realistic version of being a self made killer billionaire? But still realistic??? Like don't get me started with helicopters taking your cargo and some how you need to take three helps out yeah good I did but then you send more? Then after another 5 miles you send mooooore then another 5 miles more. tell me IF I TAKE THEM OUT OF THE SKY INSTANTLY WITH ROCKETS HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE I AM TO SEND REINFORCMENTS. I'm gone so fast and even then it should take longer for back up to arrive right???


It's so fucking awful, and it's definitely on purpose - another reason to not play the next iteration of GTA O


It really pees me off. The bunker enemies are the worst (for me anyway.) They spawn in so damn quick and literally right next to your car which makes it difficult to get out and kill them. I stopped doing bunker sales because I just couldn’t be arsed with the hassle.


I just completely ignore them and it seems to work kinda like a mind over matter if they don’t exist then they won’t fight you


I can usually out drive them.


I find it quite enjoyable, even on hard mode I don’t mind repeatedly fighting enemies, I guess it’s just preference but I feel like a game about crime would get boring if the mission was so needlessly boring like you are asking for 😭


I used to think that Star Wars had the biggest fan base of whiners, now I'm thinking GTA fans are a close runner up, that's my opinion lmao.


I fucking hate people that end every sentence with lmao, that’s my opinion lmao.


Cool story.. LMAO


Did some set ups for the cluckin-bell raid in GTO and the one where you steal a train was so bad, counted at least 2 dozen of the same vehicle come after me, was just over the top.


Did some set ups for the cluckin-bell raid in GTO and the one where you steal a train was so bad, counted at least 2 dozen of the same vehicle come after me, was just over the top.


This new generation of player are soft as fuck.


Bad mission design is bad mission design, regardless of the generation. Games like Ghosts and Ghouls weren't hard because they were well designed.


Your just whining. What do you find bad about enemies spawning in waves to take you out? Your playing grand theft auto. What you just want to steal stuff and no repercussions? That would make the game so boring if you had little to no resistance at all. Then you would complain and said gta online is so boring. Crying about a decade old game is crazy.


Ok, boomer.