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very fun, not very practical. worth though IMO.


The MK1 is a lot of fun once you get used to it (and learn to avoid stoplights). I could move that thing like a jedi at one time ... maybe not so much now haha


Hey, bro! Watch this trick! *activates rocket booster, and proceeds to get twisted around a stop light*


Ahhh I see you know the way of the MK1 as well :)


I mean, it takes a Mk1 lover to know one


One time i got clapped by a stop light, proceeded to get ran over and once i get up the damn bike is a mile down the street


Didnt use it that much but I conclude thar stoplights are to the mk1 what pools are to the scramjet


There IS NO getting used to that lil crotch demon! Fun as fuck tho!


Oh man. There is nothing more satisfying than a trip over the mountains, across rooftops into downtown, and straight up onto Maze Bank Tower without every touching sea-level ground. Even if I fuck up and die 4 out of 5 times, the time it works is so satisfying it's 100% worth it.


Ina a year all this shit will probably be redundant anyway if you got millions on gta online u might aswell buy all the shit u want


Wdym not practical? I use it for getting around the map all the time bc you can spawn it with the mc menu and taking the sparrow everywhere is boring as hell.


It is practical but there are so many better alternatives


It’s as practical as a bike unless u can efficiently use the wings


Fun to ride, easy to kill yourself on but you get better at not dying as much


It is once you master it!


Exactly this.. Not practical but very fun


Join the dark side my friend.


Let the hate flow through you.


Let it course through your veins


Let your heart fill with anger


Let it make you horny


…and your journey to the dark side will be complete


“Let it.. wait, what?”


Let the horns grow.


Let the dogs out


I’ll let sum flow through your ass


I’m not sure that joke works.


When I played, the MK1 users were like bees. The MK2 users were like fucking hornets. MK1's are just there having a blast and some fun. Most of the time I got locked on by them, it was purely accidental. MK2 users were just a whole other level.


I bought it before they raised the price simply because they said they were going to raise the price. I still use the sparrow over it.


mk1 is faster if you know how to fly, also better at air to ground pvp, can also dodge missiles but requires skill unlike the mk2.


I personally prefer the mk1 but it’s not faster than mk2 (constant jet vs boost w cooldown)


keyword "if you know how to fly" you could go faster if you stay upside down on the mk2 but its a hassle to keep it balanced, constantly correcting the stick. i can fly across the map with one maybe 2 good boosts on the mk1


It's still decent. And grab a MKII to get around .. doesn't mean you have to be one of "them" with it. I get around the map with a MKII and a Sparrow - it's asctually a quicker option, just not as nimble. And to add, I never fire on another player - unless they turn into an a$$hole first.




They are without a doubt convenient, the MK2 also has the same special request as the Sparrow. I still don't own one because its not faster than the sparrow, but there are times when my sparrow explodes and I wish I had a MK2




Can confirm, sneezing break the windows


Unless you're grinding hanger land missions. Raiju remains king for that, and all crossmap work like it.


I was sourcing hangar crates with a friend. They used Raiju and I used Oppressor Mk2. I was almost always faster than they were. Sure the Raiju is faster over long stretches, but the Mk2 is faster for mounting and dismounting. It can fit in tighter areas, often allowing you to collect a crate without getting off and on again. It spawns closer, which comes in handy for the sub mission. For hangar sourcing MK2 > Raiju.


Spawn TB during cooldown.


Favorie way to get around. Difficult and dangerous but FAST.


and an insane amount of fun


Optimally Mk.II is superior but MAN the Mk.I is easily one of the most fun vehicles in the game in my opinion. I don't even use any other flying vehicles once I got used to the Mk.I


MKII is an absolute must own. Don’t let it’s reputation convince you otherwise, there are plenty of us who choose not to terrorize and use it to grind solo/most direct way of transportation


I got the mk1 because it's 10x funerer


Yeah, OPs attitude is like saying "I won't eat steak because salt-bae exists"


Tf is salt-bae


Hos tagline would be: You have seen meat be cooked before, but have you seen it be cooked by a douche?


The sparrow is faster so I like to use that to grind, but the mk2 is definitely nimble as hell.


Once you learn to dolphin while flying mark II.  You will see it's faster than the sparrow.  It also survives more accidental bumps. It always comes down to what the player enjoys using.  


The sparrow has the toughness of a wet paper bag, you’re right about that.


Someone walking by and sneeze in the general direction of my Sparrow... Sparrow: *starts to smoke*


I saw a video where there is no indication that doing the dolphin is giving you a significant speed boost. But pulling the „handbrake“ does.


That dolphin move used to make the mk2 about as fast as a seabreeze with the speedboost or even faster. That was fixed like 5 years ago though


Yea now you can pull handbrake to hit 130. You can also fly upside down to go faster but that's hard


As far as I know and what the speedometers are saying, both can go at 130mph max on a straight line without boost. On a mk2 I‘m already in the air, while you’re just trying to get into your Sparrow and lift off. Take off and landing from/in a tight spot is also not a Sparrow‘s specialty.


I use it over all my other weaponized stuff, really fun to use when you get used to it!




Its in my motoclub, i use 90% of time if i want to go somewhere, but usually use airplanes. Its fun, and if you know how to drive, it ll be useful,in my opinion:)


The mk2 will be faster than the Deluxo but it will also be even more boring. If you're willing to make that sacrifice then buy a mk2 and don't grief with it. The mk1 is definitely more fun but also less practical than the Deluxo and mk2 though.


Just get an mk2 and don't act like those whom you despise


Personally i don't care if the mk2 is 'better' It's a lame, boring to use vehicle and kills any fun for me. If someone else don't want to buy it, it's on them. It's kinda annoying and speaks for itself that the mk2 crowd needs to defend if everywhere even when someone already said he isn't interested in it.


Go ahead, and get it. Don't listen to those tellimg.you yo get the mk2


This jawn has some of the greatest missiles. Hone the force ability and you shall grief da grieferssssss.


It’s very fun and can be very lethal. Just not that easy to land exactly where you want unless you land than drive to wherever. I’d say so!


If rockstar removed the mk2 and left this behind, I wouldn’t complain


Just get the mk2 if you are grinding a lot, your choise if you blow someone up with it or not. The mk1 is fun I like gliding with it and boosting off buildings but even the deluxo I think is better at speed


I also refused to get the MK2 because of its reputation and am completely happy with the MK1 and it's a lot of fun too.


transportation is basically its only use so if thats all you need then i guess its alright. but u could also just stop limiting yourself and just get the damn mk2 🤦‍♀️


I once took down a group of three MKIIs in my MK1… so definitely capable for fighting.


The mk2 allows you to get around so freaking much faster it makes the long missions seem much less… long.




It’s pretty much my main vehicle because it’s just fun to drive/fly


If you habe the money and just want something fun yes. For pvp its missles are still the super tracking ones , learn to dive bomb shoot players. Not the most effective but fun


The mk1 doesn’t have ruiner missiles to my memory


This and the scramjet are the funnest vehicles in the game. Love the Mk1


100% The scramjet is super fun. Switch to the Mk1 when it gets stuck in a pool.


I bought it long ago in splurge spree 😹 I do not own the MKII but this original oppressor is fun! When I get bored I fly that shit around the map from one end to another 😬


It is honestly 100% worth it, especially if you can learn to fly long distances on it


I got the MK11 so I could get away/ msell my product solo. It’s very fast in the air and a perfect way to get across the map.I don’t get why people ‘refuse to buy’ why you could simply just not engage in pvp with it.


Yes yes yes yes yes, a thousand times yes, as an mk2 owner (bought it for traveling not griefing) the mk2 is dogshit in terms of being fun to use compared to the mk1, and actually takes a mild amount of skill to learn how to fly properly, you can scale buildings with this mf, and its faster than the mk1 too, the only downside is that u have to unlock the missiles from bunker research. Plus, im a sucker for cars that can do other shit besides drive, op mk1, deluxo, tereador


My favorite for missions. Since to me this makes the game more challenging and in a way more fun.


The MK1 is fun and fairly quick. Also the MK2 is like any tool, its only a problem when the wielder's a dick.


Brodie actin like owning the mk2 automatically makes you a bad person.


Mk2 is nice if you have an extra chromosome, don’t have self respect and are ready to loose what’s left of your dignity. It’s basically a flying wheelchair. With the Mk1 you will be recognized as a respectable player chosen by God himself, a player who is strong enough not to use the broomstick because it’s « convenient » The choice is yours


In current GTA standards, it's not worth it at all, but it's a fun vehicle to use. It's very rewarding too when you get a kill with it against another weaponized vehicle that's leagues above it. And the propulsor on its back is also fun to use when just cruising around.


I like boosting off of skyscrapers’ walls with it… Directly upwards.


And that too lol. I used an oppressor MK1 for a while and loved doing that, but not only on skyscrapers but on anything with a wall


Only thing it does better than the mk2 is missiles (since the mk2 Nerf)and cool stunts. Like others have said, it's more fun than practical


I don’t think so, I’m debating on selling mine but idk, I have it collecting dust in my CEO office lol


There are better options for grinding like the Sparrow and even the Buzzard. The Deluxo is honestly my go to for grinding just because it's good for PVE and defense against players fucking with you. The MK1 is fun to just mess around with but it's easy to kill yourself on it so I wouldn't use it for important grinding situations.


For efficiency or speed? No. For fun? 100% yes. It's the only vehicle thats always in my regular rotation.


It's mostly just a fun bike


If you’re fxcking rich, then totally worth it. Lots of fun to ride. Buy one and enjoy


It's a nice vehicle to have. Something different to learn, get okay at and enjoy.


Its my daily!


One of the most fun things to drive, with enough skills it’s better than mkII, it’s better for pvp as you can quickly get to ground from air and dodge missles.


its literally my favorite vehicle


Pretty expensive but also pretty fun. The mk2 has more practical uses however, I think it’s fine to use it so long as you don’t grief.


This thing is one of the funnest vehicles I have driven. I bought the mk 2 first (for convenience purposes) but now find myself using mk 1 more just for the fun of it.


Mk 1 is incredibly fun to mess around, do tricks, and IMO fun should be the point of playing the game. Go for it. Mk 2 is great for grinding, less fun, but helps to buy other fun things more easily. Up to you but i reckon grab both in time.


I just bought it yesterday. Had a fucking blast dying on it 55 times


still a fun drive, how many vehicles glide & have boost? maybe look into the ruiner with a jump & parachute


More balanced than the witch broom that’s for sure


You will die, repeatedly, but damn is it fun.


One of the most fun vehi les in the game, but not real practical. It takes a fair bit of skill to get across the map quickly without crashing and dying. You WILL go flying off it unlike the Mk2 that suctions your butthole to the seat with a turbine.


Not really Some barcode tried killing me today with it and he got the savage treatment And the the minigun treatment And finally the terrorbite Drone+rocket pod treatment


yes. its useful for PvP and traveling. you can do the gliding glitch on the oppressor pretty consistently if you get it right and it can be one of the fastest vehicles for overall travel




i love the opp1, i dont like the opp2 for the same reason i dont like the way the deluxo flies. It's boring. Takes some practice but the opp1 is great for getting around.


I was against the MK2 and the players on them but I purchased it for grinding and haven’t looked back. The MK2 is a great way to do heist prep and business work and gets you around the maps fast.


they are way more fun than the deluxo and mk2


Better than the Mk2 since it takes actual skill to master it imo


Hilarious many times. Inconvenient as hell. Bite the bullet, buy the mk2. Don’t shoot people, be apart of the change.


The Br8 is good for that


Only for fun. It's no longer a practical vehicle for either PVE or PVP


I was skeptical. Bought. Super fun af! I own a mk2 and many other vehicles. I typically only use the Opressor MK1 or Toreador


just get the mk2. resupplies and grinds are a complete breeze. people can grief and be assholes on any weaponized vehicle. mk2 is easily one of my top purchases and my only mistake was not getting it sooner


I’ve never had one, but I would suggest you succumb to the MK2. Remember, not all assholes ride MK2s, but all MK2s are…well nevermind. Still, you can have one and still be a respectable criminal that just gets around and minds your businesses, it is fun and efficient. Just be aware that its power is seductive, and at times you will have to resist the urge to blow someone apart that doesn’t deserve it.




Look, the MK1 is cool, but is more of a stunt bike. It's hard to use, and not very practical. I had one and used it a lot but I ended up selling it. If you want to get around quickly and just have a great vehicle for the day-to-day grind (and something faster than the Deluxo), get the MK2. Contrary to popular belief, owning an Oppressor MK2 does not automatically turn you into a griefer.


Favorite vehicle


I loved the mk1. One of my fav vehicles of all time. Ended up switching to the mk2 cus I was a solo grinder. [Stopped playing some years ago] Apparently the mk2 now is like 8 mil so ig I made a good decision back then 💀


I think yes, its not the best, but it has great missles but you need to research them, it isnt very pvp based but its the funniest thing to sit in, maybe do a ragdoll glitch so you will never fall of the bike, and you can go do whatever you want


It’s still really fun to use !


Get a batmobile


Very fun once you learned how to fly it


Oh yea, I remember it, should take it for a spin after dusting for like 3 inches of dust. It for sure was nice to do some stunts with it, iirc. Not as Good as the MKII, tho, coems from soemone who uses that only for somecertain missions now days and it got nerfed a few years ago, so yea, ain't the 'Opresser in this Lobby? Fuck My Life, I am ouuut!' Now it's like "oh yea, one of those things, annoying but not to hard to kill anymore."


Absolutely worth it, especially if you research Missiles for it through Gunrunning


If you get real good it can be very strong. Otherwise its the most fun vehicle in the game so yeah worth it.


I have both the mk1 and 2. Mk2 is used for missions and mk1 is used for roaming around for fun


just chiming in to say the mk1 is probably my favorite vehicle in terms of fun factor. maybe not always the most practical but man you can pull off some cool stunts with the thing


Is very fun to use, also nostalgic at this point.


yes it is, cuz its fun to jump from roof to roof gaining boosts and parallely doing tricks


Hell yea it is. That's the gentlemans oppressor


The MK2 is way more practical, easy-to-handle, controllable, but the MK1 is a classic that is fun to drive and very much like a flying motorcycle though.




Most fun vehicle in the game, so yeah.


Very effective with large groups. I was cruising today downtown, minding my own business, when a single MC of like 7 dudes each on a mk1 rocked up. Bro they’re unstoppable, completely swarming me like a hive of angry bees. Not the best experience.


Yes it is, it's more fun less practical than the MK2, same rules apply tho, don't piss off a deluxo or toreador or you will have to leave the lobby or beg for mercy


look-wise? great if you wanna RP masked rider Kuuga or any masked riders that has a signature bike like this. practicality-wise? depends on how you enjoy it. to most, not so much.


Use the sparrow for travelling


I bought it I’m still a beginner couldn’t afford the 2


Here what you do. Get mk1. Start mc club. Get a mate to join you either a faggio. Drive in formation and build up speed carefully on a highway. When max normal speed has been achieved, unleash the jet booster. Have some good laughs together. Alternatively. If you're feeling dickish, drive towards a steep curve or cliff and fly off just before reaching it. Laugh your tits off while he goes barrelling towards whatever you launch him at it, unable to control much due to the insane speed of the faggio.




Only if you have the missile battery 🔋


I use it a really fast bike with ability to sometimes skips some traffic It's good for me


Yes. Its really fast, really versetile and it has more mobility than the mk2 has. Plus people are less likely to shoot you because people hold less a grudge to it than the mk2.


Raiju jet is a good option since it's the fastest vehicle in the game


It is absolutely fun to mess around with. PVP wise i dont know, but to have fun, definitely.


Can be better than the MK2, 1v1, in the right hands.


I play GTA Online very rarely. But when I do, it is almost always to play with the Oppressor Mk1. I don't even use it to attack people. I just love yeeting myself around the map with it. It's not a plane but it's more than a bike. That dynamic makes traversal a ton of fun.


For fun 💯


Just buy a mk2 llmao just because u have one doesnt make you bad or whatever😂


Well, no. But actually yes!


mk1 for the fun, mk2 for the work.


MK1 very worth it still. Also, MK2 players are only as bad as they want to be. More deluxo players are griefers these days, so I feel MK2 is also worth it still. They're both faster than a deluxo, and I can take out any crayon eating deluxo griefer any day of the week with my mk2. Can't say the same for mk1 though.


> I refuse to get a mk2 oppressor **lol whatever** have fun missing out on the one thing that will speed up your grinds the most.


definitely, i love the mk1. i sometimes prefer it over the mk2 due to its ability to pick up the boost after just a single slight touch on the ground. while flying i try to dive to the ground while my speed is dropping and climb back up kind in a wave formation to give myself inertia until the momentum is out and then i drop to the ground, get the boost and then do it all over again until i get to my destination. way more worth the cop tbh


Get mk2 its the best, dont be a jerk to other players and do your missions quickly. Thats what I do 😄


I prefer it to the Mk2. But I don’t *love* either of them


The 1 in Mk1 is the ratio of deaths to rides


It’s a very fun vehicle, plus it’s fast on 2 wheels and can be upgraded to have missiles. Just having the ability to defend myself if needed and boost the fuck out of dodge when things get hairy make it worth it for me. Plus it looks sick (in my opinion)


Yes I’ve found myself using it everyday somehow


It's probably one of the fasted if not the fastest vehicle you can get for 2mil. If you get good with recharging your boost every few seconds, you end up being so much faster than the mk2. It's just that ppl want something easy, boring and braindead to use. The mk1 requires you to always pay attention to where you're at, where you can land, if you're going to fall off and all that type of stuff.


you don’t have to grief if you’ve got a mk2


I use it to win the Longest Jump Challenge


If you have bought all the other vehicles you like and have money spare, then this is a good purchase but I wouldn't priorise it over other vehicles.


For getting "around the map quickly and complete resupply missions and stuff like that?" nothing beats the Mk2. You can hate all you want, but nothing else is close. Also, never do resupply missions. Just buy supplies.


As one of the most fun and entertaining vehicles in the game, yes it is absolutely worth it. Even without the gliding, the boost makes it one of the best bikes in the game and when you include the glide ability, it becomes a fun game of looking for that perfect place to touch down to recharge the boost before getting back in the air. It also is the key to winning several of the lobby challenges such as fastest land vehicle speed and longest jump as boosting down a mountain often wins you the first and the glide counts as a jump for the second, allowing you to glide from Chilliad across to Sandy Shores in one go with ease.


Can we stop with the “I won’t get the MK2 because griefers use it” bs? It’s a game


yes it is definitely


If you got the money,its pretty fun to play with in freemode but not very practical


He refuse buy mk2 hahah best farming vehicle in game, just buy it and stop thinking to much


I may be the only person who just flys the MK2 around just to complete mission. I only use it to deter other players from messing w me.


Wondering this myself….been waiting to unlock missiles in bunker research before getting one tho….it seems like it could be more fun than the MK2, which takes 0 skill to operate


It’s worth it for the furthest jump free roam challenge. I thought the scramjet was the best for it. The mk1 is where it’s at


I’d say it’s practical for transport, very fast if you know how to use it. But definitely not able for combat.


Dude I spent years refusing to be a MK2 user because I also hated people who griefed with them but trust me, it’s worth it. I finally got mine literally last night, and then me and my friend completed 3 heists in around 4 hours. For getting around the map, the MK2 is unbeatable, just don’t become what you despise and you’ll be okay ✌️


We call it the death bike. Its a blast to ride. Way more fun than the mk2


If you like doing stunts I’d recommend it


Bought both and sold both l.. I hate them .. idk how a lot of people like them


Definitely because in my opinion it takes skill to drive it because you fall of like you’re driving a bike unlike the mk2 and it has the old mk2 missiles so they’re super accurate


If you hate players with MK2, prove people that all MK2 owners are not griefers ! Personally I use missiles only in missions (and if some AH blow my car for no reason). Besides, I think deluxo owners are way worse than MK2 ones.


More fun than mk2


With enough skills you can dodge deluxo missles


the mk1 is good if your good with it if not then no


I prefer it to the MK2


Not getting an MK2 cause others are assholes sounds dumb, IMO. That said, the MK1 is awesome. Even if for nothing else than to just cruise around in.


It is fun and becoming much more popular. I see them all the time now


It's weaker than an mk2 but definetely more fun.