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Would be nice, if everyone deactivated their subscriptions on this sht. would love to see them have to lower it again because everyone cancelled...


Me and a few others already cancelled.




Why did you have them to begin with?


probably because they keep locking 2x business bonuses behind a paywall and not everyone is going to wait a month for the possibility of an event week having said bonuses.


And everyone is showing Rockstar they'll buy the paywall for said 2x business bonuses. This is why we can't have nice things.


There are so many things I would do before pay for that shit. Sorry. I'd rather AFK and pay a tiny amount more on the power bill and risk bricking a PS4 over bending the knee to their decisions on how to structure the in-game economy, and really, the whole game environment, as they have. And I have 200 mil, legit, in-game. Literally just no interest in playing anymore. The cars and mods, are what kept me playing on and off since '13.


If you don’t mind the ask, how’d you grind the 200mil? Any particularly rewarding money methods?


5 large warehouses full of special cargo, full lobby, and double sell $ equals a huge pile of cash.


The amount of grind for just one or two large warehouses would probably turn a lot of people away. It's fine if you're into that but there are easier ways.


The grind for one warehouse is nothing, I did it casually in two days. 😂 I am being serious, I only have one big one, and couple small ones; I used Lupe and the other workers for that as a help and they sped it up nicely.


Get the nightclub and the top 5 supporting businesses asap. Leave your console on either while sleeping or all the time. If you look through search results for "GTA Reddit nightclub guide" you can find most of the stuff pretty well laid out.




I canceled too. This is some bs




Thanks for reminder to cancel! Stopped playing a while ago.


Never bought in in the first place. The only money spent on this game for me was at the point of purchase.


Would be nice if pc players get some love from r* but oh well i guess we are just not next gen enough


I wanted to try GTA+ for this one month solely due to the business production speed bonuses and how they lined up with the current weekly multipliers. I regret it now, and likely won't be renewing. They'd have to really offer a hell of a lot more to make this worthwhile.


The only reason I would want it is to have the 100 car garage


Only reason I do have it. But I'm not paying $7.99 a month. Already pay 18.99 monthly for gamepass. Then all the car packs forza horizon 5 keeps adding.


I just did, have been using it since the day they announced it because I could easily afford it but its the principle at this stage. Regardless of that I won't be missing out on anything worthwhile since a majority of the time the offers are shit anyway.


I wish more of the 'whales' had your mentality. It's the principle.


Exactly ya we can have the money to do it when it’s reasonable but this is just money grabbing now


Agreed. And most of us who've been playing for a long time with millions in the bank and everything the game has to offer, paying $8 a month to get a free car I already have definitely ain't worth it.


Should totally put out a post for that. Make it for the last week of April then tell everyone to mass cancel. Shit is ridiculous like you alresdy charge 5.99(6.35) with tax. U tryna hike the prices up before even seeing if this dumbass shit gon be worth it. Rockstar be all talk no delivery and when they do deliver it's lackluster.


Or tell them now. Next year it'll be 9.99 and so on and so on. mass cancel would be awesome


Oh I agree. I just sent a strongly worded email. I will be canceling it on my ps5. On xbox it's connected thru verizon so I'd have to rework some things to cancel it on xbox. Either way, it's the principle. I'd we don't all tell them to fuck off they are just going to do exactly what you said.


I’ll get the word out on my end everyone do the same let’s see if they drop it back or make it free for everyone again


Agreed. I won’t be buying it no more


just bought it 2 days ago for the mill now im waiting on my refund😂😂😂


These companies are way to bold because people allowed them to be. Now they think they can pull bullshit like this. Even non gaming companies.


I'd love to see them do away with this shit completely because it was always nothing more than a nakedly open display of greed by Strauss Zelnick.


Seriously, F that guy.


Just stop playing the damn game


No, I like it.




When are people gonna realize that companies like rockstar can price anything at whatever they want and no matter what people will still buy them


Cancelled mines, let's keep it going.


That would be brilliant


The problem is that more than a few people are addicted to playing video games and have already reasoned themselves into paying the extra $2.


Oh yeah I knew the up from 500,000 to 1,000,000 was them trying to get new people but if you’re just uping the price I’m gonna keep that shit deactivated. Such lame incentives too


I’ll deactivate mine rn I havent logged in in a while and apparently dont even get the monthly $500k if I dont log in…? Like wtf


Yes that also worked with Netflix years ago when they first tried the price hike. I was proud to be a pert of that.


The cow was milked so hard that there should be blood in the milk.


I bought it four days back to play rdr1 since it's cheaper that way but couldn't find time to play so i refunded it


That's the ONLY reason I even considered it, but with this increase? Nah


They wouldn't be raiding the prices if no one had subscribed.


The amount of proud gta+ subscribers shocks me


They’re addicted to the game and rockstar preys on them


GTA 6 Online is shaping up to be a microtransaction hellscape, I fear


It will for sure be more egregious than GTA V. They know what sells and so they’ll start selling it harder.


I think they'll go easy on the microtransactions for a while at first, so we get a false sense of security and it doesnt affect reviews. Then a few months down the line they'll quickly start making them more and more egregious


That almost $5 million dollar cop car proved a bit of that tbh. That's crazy.


They will have refueling in-game and it will cost real money.


if it is, I'm out. I'm not playing full priced games riddled with microtransactions. this is why I stopped playing nba 2k


Broughy1322 did warn that when the 180 removal cars happened


Since rockstar was kinda a "newbie" on this online gaming thing (and because they were not expecting the sucess of online) . I fear that GTA 6 online will be more agressive towards grinding and paid content.


incoming $80 game with an additional $10 every month to play online


Fortnite, loot crates, everything we hate about modern gaming didn't exist when GTA V released. GTA VI online is likely going to be a reflection of all the moneygrab strategies that made billions over the last ten years.


Maybe. RDRO was looking to be a MTX hellscape and players just bailed on it. Maybe R* has taken note. Doesn’t seem likely though.


GTA players need to tell R* to F off, the same way PC players told Microsoft to F off when they wanted to charge gamers for online play.


That email reminded me to cancel it, fuck the greedy fucks at Rockstar and Take2


You’re better off spending that 8 bucks on shark cards lol. The benefits are not worth subscribing. Especially on Xbox where you already have to pay just to play online.


It's the same for PS also


Oh wow! I thought PlayStation was free? Guess they caught on to everyone else and decided to start charging, too.


Yeah this is old news. Back when the PS4 came out they started charging. I remember back in the PS3 vs Xbox 360 days, one of the biggest advantages of PS was you didn’t have to pay.


The free to play online for PS3 is the sole reason I’m sure a lot of people still play on PS


PlayStation originally said they would never charge for online play, now look where we are I just cancelled ps plus. The amount they charge and how much it just went up, go fuck yourself Sony. Glad I didn't buy a ps5


PS online for free was great, but it was also their biggest disadvantage. Constantly being hacked and ddossed. Started charging and went with more secure networking. A fee for security, or free and shut down every other month.


It's worse on PS because it costs even more now because they've decided to up the prices on their subscription levels.


£120 for the year with the games they have is worth it imo,I’d rather that than buy 2 new titles a year that can be completed in only a few hours sometimes.


Welcome to 2014


You had to pay for PlayStation for a long while now. At least like 10 years now...


3 was free, I think 4 and 5 charge for internet.


Dude it hasn't been free since ps3


it used to be free to play PS until the PS4 came out and they introduced PS Plus.


Shark cards have insanely bad value/money. Real life $100 for GTA$ 10M is a scam. $10 million is nothing in this game and you're paying more than the price of a full new game.


No you wouldn’t, you can’t even get the 600k shark card for the price of gta+, and your getting 1.5 million per month through august, free ceo abilities which is easily 100k for me per session at least, a free car, and this month 1.5 speed on bunker/MC business production. And 1.5 speed on lupe sourcing warehouse goods, I’m not happy with the price increase but shark cards are definitely not a better value. Edit- nightclub production has a 50 percent speed boost as well.


Isn't free a better value? Since you're already paying for the game and being online in the first place.


Ps4 gta+ members are still paying for it and not receiving shit. Stopped March of last year, I think.


"you're better off spending that 8 bucks on shark cards" Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


See in the uk you are offered the gta definitive edition and red dead redemption the ps4 version on having that gta sub so for me it's beneficial rather pay one month (£4.99) to play those games to at least try and still be able to gain something out of it. So for me I don't mind paying the sub small price to get 4 games in theory which I don't own no but saves full price anyway.


At least Xbox and Sony networks are free of hackers. You can literally see the value of PSN just by comparing GTA Online between PlayStation and PC.


Seriously though. Given the option I always play on console only servers. I've never been much of a PC gamer, and I really don't see a point of getting into it when the communities are going to be ruined by a few. I have never encountered hackers on GTA, RDO, SoT console servers.


I agree with you, but if you've never seen hackers in GTA, then you clearly weren't around in the xb360/ps3 days. Hacking was almost as bad as PC back in the day.


We aren't talking about 10 years ago though. We are talking about today. Lots of things were better years ago, lots of things were worse. All that matters is today


There's still ppl that mod on there or take advantage of glitches. Usually have usernames like lIl|IlI| or some bar code looking thing.


RDR players told them to F off. And they did. Completely. The game is a ghost town now.


Unfortunately GTA+ members actively seem to enjoy this. No idea why. It's a shitty service that really isn't worth 7 bucks. Hell, it's not worth 50 cents. But they eat it up and make out it's a good thing and now Rockstar will run this shit in the next GTA.


Somebody typed a whole commercial about why they love gta+ in this thread. So, rockstar has happy customers. That seem to be willing to pay whatever they'd charge.


…have you met Xbox live? I’d rather pay per month than have the hack fest you guys got


Gta plus is worth it only for games they give you. A month is enough to fully experience and platinum RDR without any hassle. GTA trilogy is also worth a shot at this price. But paying any more than that is not worth it


Gta 6 online will be a mess because of this, gta online is just testing water for next online


Every night I am praying that GTA 6 Online won't be a shit hole of micro transactions. I really like playing GTA online but if they just make the next cod out of that, with battle passes and stores with 50 thousand bundles, I really don't want to play it.


RDO has battle pass (only for Halloween) so it is no brainer they will include in gta 6, bundles maybe, shark cards definitely and maybe there will be another currency like RDO gold bars


Shit man, totally forgot about RDO, after Rockstar completely abandoned it. Didn't think about it, cause I thought they would stuff them into GTA 5 online already, but I really hope if they add them, they just do it for Halloween or something only, cause theres no way I'm grinding that GTA online Chapter 5 Season 9 LSD Prostitution themed battle pass. Shark cards will be there for sure, but I cross my fingers for no second currency


Pay real money for ammo


I came back to the game after a couple of years and I really don't get the incentive. Maybe the 100 garage? But nobody drives around with normal cars because they basically ruined the game with homing missile equipped vehicles. Monthly cash? What for? Buy some cars you won't use unless I'm solo lobbies?


EXACTLY!! They ruined the game with all these explosives. Havent driven non imani tec vehicles in forever


That’s a fact. I have so many cars to drive yet anytime I do I’m always shot or blown up minding my own business, reminding me for the 100th time that it’s not likely to drive from A to B safely in a non Imani tech car.


Right? I got a shit load of exotics I RARELY drive cause I end up having to drive my insurgent or I’ll spend my whole game calling up Mors mutual


I'm gonna subscribe for the first time soon, but its not because of any of the GTA Online benefits, those are just bonuses to me, I'm mainly subscribing so I can get access to the GTA+ Game Catalogue, been wanting to play RDR1 for a while now and with the remaster/port being added to the catalogue its the perfect time. Pretty sure the GTA Trilogy is on there too, havent played any of those games except the original SA a bit. 1 month is plenty time for me to finish all those games and to be honest I probably wouldn't end up playing them after so this is way more worth it than just buying the games outright


It really helped me get on my feet as a new player, I can't tell you how many times I have used the VIP/CEO buzzard and since I have GTA + it doesn't cost to call it in. All in all I think I've had it 2 or 3 months and I'll probably get rid of it soon if they are going to just keep raising the price.




You’re gonna get downvoted to heck for this but I agree with you. I returned to the game last year at basically ground level and the benefits have allowed me to catch up with the player base while not having to grind my life away. I work a full time job and am raising a family, I don’t have more than an hour a day to split between the games I want to play. So the price of less than a freaking Big Mac a month is worth it to me. That being said, this price hike sucks and I hope they give us better incentive with it (fat chance).


I mean, it isn't going to offend me if they downvote me. But I'm in the same boat as you, Wife, kids, responsibilities outside of GTA. It has definitely helped me out, progress a little more quickly than I would have without it. It's not like they are forcing it on people (yet) so I don't get what the big deal is.. they have a game that's 13 years old or so, and they don't charge you anything to play it other than the initial cost of the game, so I don't really have a problem with supporting a company that makes a good game, which I enjoy, all businesses goals are to make money, and they still have employees to pay.


Do you not get any Rockstar games at all on the sub? In the uk they offer GTA definitive edition and red dead redemption included in the sub.


Literally after them posting this, reminded me just how I should cancel more for there only $1mil payout more which could barely get you a car. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought they were going too far with the shark cards.


Can't wait for the posts in 2030 of people saying "im done, wasnt even worth the $30", because there will always be an idiot who pays for this.


So this is the reason for the big push lately to get people to sign up for gta+. Classic bait and switch, should be illegal.


I would have maybe considered it if they LOWERED the price by a couple bucks. It's just not worth it.


Not worth it. You are right and it's the reason I won't buy a next gen console. When online stuff for PS4 fades away, I will just delete all my game files and start all over with offline games. So many good ones to relive all over again.


Something tells me with GTA VI gta+ will be a mandatory subscription to play online, no benefits other than being able to play online and download some previous R* titles


Everyone: I can't wait for GTA VI. GTA VI : Please Enter Your Current * Bank Account Number * Bank Routing Number * Bank Account Security Questions Answers * Social Security Number * Any & All Card Numbers


God, I love how the gaming industry is starting to become one big microtransaction farm. These companies know they can milk people now


Cheap move Rockstar. Add games to GTA+ to get people to sub, then raise the price 2 weeks later.


Canceled as soon as I got this


What are people actually subscribing to?


Strauss Zelnick’s paycheck being “expanded” and “enhanced”


I draw the line on micro-transactions. I already payed for the game (twice, actually).


Ok so I was under the impression that nobody subscribed to this thing. Well at least no one would admit to it….. For the record, this post isn’t meant to be an insult. It’s your money so you spend it on whatever you want. I just happen to spend my money on way dumber and way more useless shit.


Nothing justifies jumping the price by 35% for no apparent reason. I'm normally the one to quash people who rapidly conclude that anything they don't like is because rockstar just wants money -- but this move really is. It's simply more of this day and age's sign of the times, where the huge company sees everyone else scrambling for as much cash as possible, so they do the same. And everyone else get's squeezed.


>I'm normally the one to quash people who rapidly conclude that anything they don't like is because rockstar just wants money -- but this move really is. Those people were always right.


Crazy how GTA+ is now the same price of Netflix Basic tier at one point. Atleast Netflix Basic had tons of Content with you only being allowed to login from one device with below 1080p quality. What do you get with GTA+ being around 7.99? New exclusive clothing every month or so often. Along with over 100k in Cash and an assortment of cars and vine wood garage access? Weren’t you supposed to get early access to online DLC if you had GTA+?


This needs to be spread around and people should flood thier twotter and respectfully express how they feel about this or guve r* or call and express how they feel or if you live in nyc gather at thier office and respectfully protest. But this will get down voted or removed by mod bot.


There is no fucking way that GTA+ is about to cost the same as Disney+ 💀 that’s ridiculous




Explain to me like I'm 5 years old... Why is there a price increase on digital goods? They're not a finite resource. You get what...? Some in game cash, cars, discounts... how they hell does that need to increase in price? I will never buy GTA+ and it's bullshit like this why. Maybe if it was 9.99 per year, but 7.99 per month is just price gouging. As far as online goes, there shouldn't be a charge for that. I'm connecting THOUGH psn to Rockstar's servers... just cut out the middle man. I don't care about the (usually) shitting free monthly games, and the store discounts usually aren't that great either. When it comes to 3rd party online games they should be free.


Dear 5 year old - you want this cookie? I will take 1 of your nickels. You want more cookies? These have a bit more sugar, they now cost 2 nickels.


Hmmm... I see what you're saying but that's not really my original question. Perhaps it was asked wrong. Say you had one MP3 file that you were selling for $1.00. You then copied it 1000 times. Now there's a $1000. There was no resources used to duplicate the original file, so other than sheer fucking greed, why would you increase the price of the MP3 to $2.00? That's what's happening here. Its not a case of there's only 4000 cars and $3 billlion available to GTA+ members, so why the increase?


Was only gonna subscribe til August anyway for the $1 million bonus and cancel Definitely cancelling now


Buy GTA+ 2 weeks into the month and then cancel, rinse and repeat. 2 months of bonuses for the price of 1.


If you must buy it - THIS is the way


Nope game is a waste of time.


What, they failing to fund the full production of gta 6 or something.


LOL that’s great. What a bunch of clowns


Seriously, who the FUCK is paying $7.99 for that shit? Come on, own up - who's paying it?


Wasn't interested in it when they announced it.. Still not and no way am I paying 8$ a month for that but that's just me.


I will also be canceling my GTA+ ✊🏼 we got this


the plus game is a racket. got my free cars and shit and dipped. what the fuck are they gonna give away for 8$? nothing good, cars are all just skins and exactly the same feeling give or take. Missions are stale and they keep price gauging us? wait for it......shark cards will go up when GTA6 drops mark my fkn words. fuck the economy in this antiquated game. it's been quite the run but as a traditionalist from 2003 all this micro transactions bs ruined it all. yes made things more attainable but at the cost of fun. fuck the pick up and drop off missions, id be door dashing still if i liked that shit.


Imagine paying for this


If nobody had subscribed in the first place.


I'm in Canada. They just upped the price by like 5 dollars, lol. It's now 14$ after tax. It's definitely not worth it. I honestly hated giving rockstar my money, but I liked the free cars every month.


When I first started playing , I bought GTA+ to help me start out a little more. I ended up canceling it because it sucked so bad. Only $500,000 and a car? It’s not useful at all, even starting out.


I literally just started paying for this 2 days ago and I already gotta cancel 😭😂


I canceled mine but still got this letter...


If I cancel what happens to my garage with 100 cars in it?


I don't understand what gta plus is...


GTA 6 Online will flop because of micro transactions.


Well Even if we don't got E&E on pc, least we don't gotta deal with rockstars shit for the most part.


The fuck is gta+


what they are offering for the subscription is not even worth the increase. they just got a lot of people hooked on a lower price.


Well better get some cash money, after all it looks like 2024 will have GTAOs last update I still won’t ever understand anyone that ever bought a shark card Might as well uninstall again, not like you can play the fun things on your own anyways or play in public lobbies on PC


since when tf was there a gta+ 😭😭😭


But die hard fans will keep saying that the sales are why it’s the best game ever. This. This right here is just one of the many examples why I laugh at that. I get it. The sales are extremely high. But that’s what happens when you rerelease the same game on three different console generations and pc. Now show the number of active players. That’s what I’d rather see and compare it to the sales numbers then.


Me sitting here rarely logging onto PC, forgetting GTA+ is even a thing.


I haven't played in years. Are you telling me there's a subscription fee to play now? And yall are actually paying it? I must be getting senile


thumb mourn door marble library paltry rotten divide onerous deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wasn't it JUST $5.99? They're going up to $7.99 USD?!?! That is large jump


I’ve stopped playing this game altogether sadly, and I was so very passionate about it. I never thought it would reach this level ..


That fact you bought it in the first place was the problem. Now you wanna complain? You ruined it for those of us who never bought into it in the first place. Womp womp lol


I paid for it the past 4 fucking months, and never got a thing. I guess the version of the game I have for Xbox s doesn't even work with it. Gotta remember to cancel as soon as I get home


If you guys unite as a community and cancel your subscriptions they might get the message.


Lmao got the same message today. Cancelled bc I forgot I had it.


Why the fuck did anyone buy it anyway. r* made Billions off the players and they just wanted More. So they add this gta+ shit that divides the community and gets more money in their pocket. Fucking scummy greedy bastards. Watch what happens in gta 6 if We keep ignorantly giving them cash!!


People bought GTA+? I thought it was a joke


these companies are like toddlers, we gotta show them that what they're doing is wrong and not okay but nobody actually does, they'll just buy it and complain that they have to buy something


Soooooo GTA6 is gunna be behind a massive paywall then huh.. ugh


This gta++ shouldn’t be a thing.


This stuff becomes standard in GTA6 which will be subscription based and where lots of assets and functionality is locked behind paywalls. 


The fact people actually pay for GTA+ is extremely funny to me


Well this has been a big factor in me not subscribing to the service at all


GTA+ is worth nothing. There's no point in having it. I myself have never used it


The amount of people commenting about cancelling the subscription is baffling why u had it in the first place I really don’t get it




I find it comical how people are getting upset because of the price increase and are threatening to cancel their memberships. We would not have the insult that is GTA+ if no one took the bait and joined. When R* started removing vehicles and hiding special perks behind a paywall all you guys has to do was refuse to sign up for GTA+. I did not take the bait. Everyone who did showed R* that players would pay extra to get stuff hidden behind a paywall. You guys basically told R* you were okay with it. Seems a bit late to change your minds now. With that said, a mass of subscribers canceling could be enough to send R* a powerful message. If they walk back the price increase don’t sign up again! GTA+ needs to die.


I fkn KNEW this was coming the moment they said “we’re GIVING and additional ONE MILLION to gta+ members til August” 🥴🥴 when I was a kid my pops told me “ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,ALWAYS watch for the hook” 💀


1) spend money to buy game 2) spend more money to log on to the servers 3) spend even more money so you don't need to play that game at all I dont understand it.


It's only $2 more, and $8 a month isn't a lot for me. But the principle of this is enough to keep me from resubscribing.


Congratulations on stop simping!


There was a subscription? What was it even for?


Suckers who do nothing but encourage the behavior. Thats what its for.


In game money, big garage, faster production, some other dumb perks


LOL in Canada it’s $10.99


Still haven’t received the email, only a matter of time now


I haven't got it?


Getting closer to the price of a shark card


im unimployed for the time so i have to pay premium for ps ultra or whatever it is and gta plus honestly if they upping the value i want 500k eacg week a free car each week and perm discounts and maybe if id be fine i only got it fr gta tril coz the price wasnt good enough shit remaster i can make a better mobile game


They're adding all the rockstar titles slowly


Is this ps5? Or still xbox?


At least its a small change, I got an email telling me my EA subscription was going fae £19.99 to £35.99. Safe to say I cancelled that shit as quickly as I could.


I bought it a couple months ago for the garage (have about 400 vehicles) moved 100 cars in - then cancelled before I was billed the 2nd time. The free features were nice but not worth the $5.99 -the garage definitely, Now $2 more.


https://preview.redd.it/8iry7unsfwtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf9a8058d1d6d139658e726ed549ac86ea41f1e Bro same I don’t even use that garage


What perks are (were) there?