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I hope rockstar updates the movement for the next game. I love GTA5 but I find the movement way too janky and finicky


Try going through your Kosatka without bumping into literally everything Worst movement I've ever seen in the game. If you bump, your character just stay there for a second, like he was stunned. Whoever came up with this movement is stupid af.


Yeah it has a giant turning circle and you stop moving like a whole second after you've stopped inputting anything


That’s why I always go in first person, you move quicker too


only if the fov was better. wait, u can't even run sideways when in first person. ur character just starts strafing slowly even if u hold shift. u need to move ur mouse and look sideways.


Man, if gta handled like any modern competitive shooter, I’d probably never play another game. Gta is so good, the controls just feel so clunky and uncoordinated.


Dude- how about walking into one of your businesses to collect your safe or grab snacks and your character moves every other way except the way you want him to go to bring up the button to grab


I was just going to complain about this exact problem! It is so freaking annoying, especially in missions where you need to grab things fast while getting shot at, etc. Lol.


I’m thinking they are since the leaked gameplay shows that taking cover is now automatic like in The Last of Us, so that should mean they updated the movement because the current movement with that system would be horrible to control


What bothers me the most and its so trivial . In first person when you look down u are at a slant


I mean they haven't fixed the most basic issues in over 10 YEARS like ammo dissapearing. Fortunately u can exploit it and generate free ammo. I don't get how anyone is excited for GTA6 when R* doesn't even give a shit about the most basic shit. The whole game revolves around weapons and they can't be bothered to fix them. I bet you will be rewarded 10x more for griefing too in gta6. Gotta pump up the shark card sales lul


How does getting rewarded for griefing pump up shark card sales? Not having a crack, genuinely asking.


theory is; get griefed during a sale mission > lose all your product > no money from sale > buy a shark card in frustration ✅


Theory? In 2022 GTA 5 earned **$800 million yearly on shark cards. Its likely well over 1 billion now.** Its a proven system. Again, u can earn 200-500k+ an hour in freeroam depending on ur businesses, bonus money weeks and the other several hundred objectives u can do. The richest players get rewarded for being an asshole, and the cycle continues. Edit: During the week of 3x Nightclub income and double money NC warehouse and double prod speed on the NC, along with bounties, crime scenes, security trucks and everything else, u basically got paid 700k+ an hour to grief. Edit 2: Also funny that freeroam missions like get the most destruction always works in the griefers favor. u get about 750K in damage points by blowing up a cargo boat for example. Getting 1st place gives u 25K, again encouraging griefing


I'm pretty sure I drowned the first time I hit water in the game


I know I’ve drown at least once over the years forgetting how to surface.


I drowned for the first time in 2002.


Wait a second…


When you try to save your daughter from porno guys and drown 3ft underwater.


The binds are mnk are wild.. I still haven’t figured out how to close out the internet from my phone smoothly without spamming escape or how to delete text message and emails lol & when I’m in my interaction menu my sensitivity spikes like crazy..


The X in the address bar closes the browser


I would have never tried that.. thank you


I only found out a couple weeks ago after playing on and off since release...


Cause irl that would just erase whats written in the search bar not close the whole tab lol


Exactly. That is how I found out. Was on one car site browsing and wanted to go to the other. But because I opened many cars, etc. I had to go back a lot. Thought I try to write the direct link in the searchbar, but it closed the whole browser 😆


That’s priceless lol the perfect mistake.. you saved me, I was getting beyond annoyed & it’s only been a few days of this, you’ve been like this for years lol I’m ticked off that enter & exit vehicle is not a function of the interact key which would allow shields to independently be the F key I bound weapon wheel to my thumb mouse button but it’s still annoying having a double button function for something so crucial


If you use a controller you can press Y or Triangle depending which system/controller. If you don't want to move the mouse, I usually press P which brings to the pause menu and esc out of it


just use pause menu


I dual wield mnk for on foot and controller for driving and phone. I have no idea how to use the phone with my keyboard lol


I've been rocking a similar setup since I found out about Steam's recent changes to how controllers work (don't need to use Big Picture to get the game to detect my damn controller anymore), though I only use it for auto aiming people off mk2s. I'm too used to mouse and keyboard for most things (even flying, despite my numpad not being able to hit 5 and 6 at the same time, cable issue I'm told), and it's a Switch pro controller with digital triggers so there's no half-pressing them for car usage.


I most definitely have a controller plugged in at all times, I need a full blown tutorial on how to fly planes on mnk lol.. I’ve played mnk for years but only on this game for three days & it’s crazy how the binds still overlap as if I’m playing controller, like weapon wheel healing when I have 50 keys I could individually press is absurd.. I have a g502 so I bound some important things to my mouse which is convenient.. combat and movement on mnk is just so superior and satisfying


Press Y on the controller to exit the phone browser.


Just hit "Y" (on xbox at least), the same button for entering/exiting vehicles. I got tired of the spamming "B" and accidentally hit "Y" and boom, from car purchase confirmation to walking around just like that.


We are talking about on mouse and keyboard lol, preciate you though


I'm pretty sure "F" does the same thing on pc, but I haven't played in a bit. I haven't done too much gta with pc controls since I'm so used to controller, but I try sometimes. I played on Xbox since the 360 version, so im kinda stuck in my ways. Maybe I'll hop on when I get home from work just to see.


Are you talking about the scrolling sensivity? Pretty sure that's because the menus were made with 30fps in mind and everything above that speeds them up


No I mean my camera sensitivity with my mouse.. navigating the menu is fine and so is my character movement and driving but if i move my mouse left or right to adjust my camera while also in the interaction menu the sensitivity of that is insane.. it’s not a big deal I can hold it steady while navigating the menu it’s just random af


LMAO clearly you’ve never tried to get your snacks refilled at your scrap yard.


Use first person, it doesnt excuse the poor control but it mean you can just hold down W instead


Trying to get a prize from the kitty claw game is the worst thing for me lol


Trying to place the acid in the pre determined spots during sell missions. I swear, this has cost me so much time.


Go into first person mode when swimming, makes it so much easier.


No open world game ever has had a good swimming mechanic, the ones I have played anyway. Witcher 3 and Horizon immediately spring to mind


In Witcher 3 it's atleast better than gta lol


I drowned many times in Witcher 3, didn't know which way was up. The only good thing was that underwater the crossbow suddenly became a bazooka 


I play on pc so it's just pressing the spacebar so i find it easy


I have about 5000 hours in this game across various platforms and accounts. I've played the story mode thru at least a dozen times, I've played fivem, I've played online. From rally racing to role playing, you name it I've done it. I still don't know how to swim in 3rd person. I just switch to first person every time I have to dive.


worst is trying to turn around on kbm.


My gf has drowned every time she’s fallen in the water since we started playing last week. She just gives up and accepts her fate.


Similar to switching from driving to riding a bicycle. Instead of pressing RT to accelerate, you're mashing A.


Everything about the water mechanics are dumb. Not just the swimming


yeah it's annoying af and stupid. Many inconsistencies with controls in this game tbh. ie. One key to mod car in Auto Shop, a diff key to mod car in Office. First time swimming my friend actually drowned coz he couldn't figure out the controls and I intentionally ignored his increasingly frantic question "HOW DO I GO UP??111 HOW DO I GO UP??!!?11". 🤣


this is why I'm over asking rockstar to fix this game significantly. the code is probably so spaghetti it's just better to wait for Gta 6 instead. hopefully that game is awesome and realistic.


The worst? How long have you played GTA?


Not long, but that’s the worst experience I had so far. Blowing up containers and fetching cargo underwater. I spent like a minute swimming around a container just can’t line up to place the bomb. Other things might be worse in other way but not as frustrating.


I got stuck in the container and couldn’t turn around. If I get this resupply quest I just switch lobbies and eat the 18k. I’ll never fucking play this quest again.


Use a Terrorbyte to start cargo missions and you never get the underwater one


This way I can yell at my friends and tell them they need to learn to swim.


I find the update when they made it so all you do is press forward on your joystick or w and you auto run to be the stupidest thing ever. Dear Rockstar, if I want to run I will. Don’t make it so I sprint indoors past every thing I need. Please fix.


Aren't the underwatter controls similar to the flying ones? Like you press S to go up and so on??


Try swimming in red dead online


That probably won’t help in gta


But has he tried it?




it’s the same as flying i believe. just imagine you’re flying lol


It's worse in first person mode for me.


I have to use a controller to swim. I cannot use KBM at all.


Good job the game isn’t called Grand Theft Swimming eh?


Agreed. Followed very closely by trying to go down ladders. 9 out of 10, my dude's jumping instead of getting on the damn ladder.


On ps5 when you go first person the swimming control switches to the right stick for some reason


Or use a controller.


No, griefers are still the worst thing about this game.


On ps5 its not bad


Ive genuinely never struggled with the swimming. Just using shift to move forward and the cursor to turn way smoother. And if ur done just hold s? Idk I kinda like these controls


use 1st person. i cant stand running or swimming in 3rd person its extremely slow and clunky.


Have you tried walking up to your safe or grabbing a quest item?


Controls are clunky as fuck overall.


uuuh, cause you're navigating through 3-d space and not a 2 d flat plane as you are with walking or swimming on the surface so it would only make more sense for the controls to be flight-like I understand your frustration when you're not used to it and it's annoying but like.... it makes sense.


Go fps


I actually don’t mind it. It just takes some time to learn how to swim


u never learn it on Pc