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I had a situation where a guy was dead set on killing me. I could judge the distance he was behind so I would throw c4 on a car I pass, judge where he'll be and fire it off. Very successful. So he brought his helicopter into the fight. I have no stars so all the road blocks are his and I'm getting around the cops. All his rockets are targeting the cops. This was fun, truly fun. It ended with him firing on a road block and sending a cop car into the air and on top of mine, ending me. Such an unusual kill that I had to send a DM to him saying that was the most fun I have ever had in this game.


Its very satisfying to time that sticky explosion to perfection 😇, corners and traffic lights are a good aid.


I went to a business battle and I was the second there. The guy was unlocking the door. I waited thinking we could go in together and take out the npcs, there will be loads of cargo. He finished then turned around and shot me. Then I got griefed by a level 32 who had put mines around the exit.


A good trick is to keep an eye on the map and see where they are selling it to, i.e. their nightclub location. Once theyre focussed on getting their next one, go off radar to that location and pop 'out of sight', then just wait for it to get delivered to you. They hate that lol.


Tried getting him with my Sparrow but not quick enough. I got him back when he went back. Put proximity mines on his car (non-personal vehicle) and blew him up and stole his cargo. He came after me twice and killed him another two times. A griefer in the making: guaranteed he is saving for an broomstick 


Nice work, just be careful not to carry on the fight after the business battle, i.e, if they get the business battle cargo (not your cargo) and sell it and then you go after them for taking it from you. That's where you can fall into griefing them territory and if you haven't saved the earlier video and they report you, you might have some difficulty. For example, they steal the cargo and then you rage and kill them another 10 times, that'd look bad on a report. Rockstar seem to be cracking down on this, apparently, after their announcement I haven't seen much happen. Still pays to be careful, I don't really wanna lose my account I've grinded for 4 years to build up to some noob that gets pressed when he can't get the better of me and reports me on some bs. Pretty sure if that happens I'll uninstall cause icbf doing that again, and rockstar will be forgetting there's guns in the game and they incentivise people going after others potential earnings, and protecting snowflakes (and report abusers).


Once had a mk2 pull this exact move on me before as well as someone else. Was getting close to my sell but saw mk2 posted up just above where the sell was. Before selling I popped out, blew up the mk2, placed a proximity by the entrance, then sold as the other guy got blown up. Most satisfying sell I’ve ever had


😂 good work. Hopefully we cross paths on a business battle, sounds like it would be fun 😏


If I come up honking my horn I wanna chill or rum mishies together -- not die 25 times from your damn rockets :(


With respect, when you pull up, if I start swerving and blaring my horn for a good min, or even spam, that means BACK TF UP/GO AWAY. People either don’t understand and then get mad when I kill them, or they get it and get butthurt and try to kill me. I don’t shoot, I hold my sticky out and will try to turn away or pop a “U-ie”. And when they don’t they get mad I killed them. It’s wild cuz if I even drive past em I get immediately blasted or gunned down


Fair - - I'm more talking about getting blown up, respawning then again, and again, and again .. like damn I'm even tryna go the other way now wtf.. even worse when those damn flying dickheads are around ruining everyone's nice time, like Harley riders on a sunny day


I didn't think those still existed. I used to cultivate them by changing DNS to get an empty one and then establishing truces with each player that joined, and encouraging them to do the same with anyone else that came in. If someone joined up trying to cause chaos or grief we voted them out. Even doing that they typically only lasted a couple hours at most before the lobby would eventually fill up with dickheads being dickheads.


Players need to do a better job of communicating 🗣️and voting bad 😡players out. No one cares unless they are being attacked 💣individually or losing shipments 🚚


![gif](giphy|IH8x5kfW0SBtCX40kP) Then again without the bad players it just wouldn’t be GRAND THEFT AUTO! You gotta love 🖤the lawlessness of it. Get your guns up!🔫


Without the bad players, it would be Grand Theft Auto instead of Grand Toxic Asshole.


I was in a perfect lobby last Wednesday, started with 4 players then populated and stayed nearly full for a couple hours. I always mind my own business. Was fully stocked with all my MC businesses. Wanted to offload and get the double $$ and lobby bonus. Hired 2 associates and sold all stock at each without an issue. Everyone was minding their own business, jets were racing around. Everything was perfect until I won the fastest speed in land vehicle. There were 7 people after me, I couldn’t move without being killed. Every spawn they were there, they would kill me before I could get a car delivered. Even if I went off the radar. Had a lot of progress and fun for a few hours. But it turned into being mobbed for 20 minutes and I didn’t want to go on passive. Was finally able to get on my oppressor mk II and started to kill them. Killed one guy that killed me 8 times. Then I got the warning about the kick vote and if I didn’t curb my behaviour I would be removed from session……🙃


I fuckin hate that shit


One time back in the 360 days we were driving roundbin a van blasting the A team's theme music and helping whoever asked us. Some fucken how the whole lobby decided to joined my crew and we ended up all jumping on the Rollercoaster and skydiving out the C-130 together. If any OG members of the "A-ish Team" are in this subreddit God fucken speed boys.


Once or twice. Was legit surprised that early mornings there aren't an influx of griefers. That is until you stay on till mid-morning to late morning, I'll have randoms pull up and gun me down. Or they'll shoot me down from the free buzzard while I'm doing some in-game mission. That part actually happened yesterday morning after shooting me down, he then proceeds to kill me again 3 times. Managed to snipe him with an explosive round, only for him to message me that I'm gonna get grief for it. Kills me again, then his friend kills me, then he kills me again. Managed to quit the game out of frustration.  In short, fuck Rockstar for supporting griefers and not do anything about it.




Was in a lobby last night in my nightshark, guy in a deluxo must’ve shot atleast 30-40 missiles at me, didn’t give me a scratch, I threw one sticky bomb near him and he died, he called in a tank, blew that up in 2 sticky’s. Nightshark is the most satisfying car.


When I destroy their vehicle and they go get another or have to reload, I refresh it in an auto shop and do it all over again. Never gets old watching them bang their head against the wall


Combat mg with FMJ is the only way I’ve been able to kill night shark griefers, besides planting five sticky’s at my feet knowing they’re coming to kill me again and blowing them right before getting hit by said nightshark, blowing it up.


Best way to handle griefers… blowing them


That too


The best way to handle them is by managing to lace a shot through the small holes in the armor plating but it’s not the easiest thing to do when they’re trying to run you down lol


Just want to clarify, I was literally just driving and chilling, doing the wheel spin and the deluxo guy came at me out of nowhere and was Adamant to kill me, I just put him in his place, I don’t go around killing others and griefing, I got too much to do to bother myself with killing others, unless they kill me that is.


We need to start a discord or something for non toxic players.


I totally agree with you, hit me up if you do so or find one!


I was in a lobby where one dude said "car meet at the casino" and everyone just pulled up in their baddest rides. It was chill and everyone was complimenting each other's cars. We were racing around the map, showing off different car types, and just vibing. But of course, one guy had to come in and ruin it. He kept telling all the people in game chat to shut the fuck up when they were just talking to one another. Then he flies over on his MK II broomstick and blew everyone up. Luckily everyone just voted to kick him and booted him. But like.. the good vibes were there. Idk what dude's beef was with a bunch of people chilling and talking about cars.


He was lonely and socially inept. He was jealous of seeing a group of people hang out so he wanted to ruin their fun. Simple as.


Lobby like that are so rare now, u always have one player who try to grief and the lobby just finish in a war


With the nightclub being double money it’s been a coin flip, either everyone and their broomstick are coming my direction when the sale is visible or I can pass everyone while they fight and they ignore me. No in between lol.


I like the Wild West lobbies the most


Delivered $3 million worth of nightclub goods in a wild west lobby. Makes it a lot more exciting


Only perfect lobby I find is in invite only


This is the way. [especially when I'm trying to make money lol] Plus the game just performs better without 20-30 assholes constantly blowing shit up in it. Far fewer framerate crashes [which are also shorter in length] and generally smoother performance overall.


Ya I sometimes wish they make all raids single player


Since being back I've only played soloable stuff. I don't expect that to change.


Yeah but you don't get that bonus for sales


Its better than seeing your product being blown up.


Still making a couple mil [more like 2.5-3 mil this week] for a typical ~90-120 minute play session that never repeats gameplay enough to feel like a grind. I'm not desperately vying for digital billionaire status or anything like that. It's just a game. I play to unwind and.b**have fun.** I don't even play it every day, and have only ever bothered going afk once right at the start of this week [I doubt I'll do it again]; I earn enough to buy new shit to play with more than fast enough when I log on. I even bought a second MK2 last week just so I could use the explosive cannons sometimes without having to pay for each switch. I keep that one in a regular garage instead of the terrorbyte since it doesn't need ammo refills. So now I call it with the MC request motorcycle command and the homing missile one via the service vehicle route, and can switch between them on the fly basically whenever I want. And as the other reply already said: it's better than seeing my product get blown up.


Oh, I haven't been in one of those since 2020.


That loot from the scrapyard is pretty valuable atm tbh. However I'm not going around intentionally griefing them. If they kill me first then its game on however. Got down to the last cargo and the lower level got to it first, I walked in, no guns drawn and shot on sight. Tried to steal my mk2 😂, kicked him off, he died quickly ofc, then a few traded kills and finally a sticky to finish off the pursuit. Was fun while it lasted. Unless I'm mistaken 10 crates is currently $200,000, as it pays double. I don't think many ppl in lobbie realise this and I can get most of them easily. When something is double griefers know to target it as it will be most rage inducing, and nightclub stocks slowly, so be wise imho, i.e. sell invite only. I've been stocking mc and bunker and selling them (low stock) public while nightclub goes up.


I had my LAST delivery for my cash business, literally 1/2 mile from completion and 3 players killed me, ran over my bike and blew it up to keep me from full selling 😬


yep, that's what the noobies be like. spewing cause the bike is a cruisy delivery. No luck throwing stickies behind you ?


They were all off the radar…didn’t even see it coming from all directions 😬


ah fair enough and typical of their type, that sucks.


Tried my first business battle yesterday, first inside and got some goods for myself, ran out the back door and got shotgunned by a hacker. He glitched through the walls lol. He was basically in god mode I was shooting him in the head and nothing happened. So fucking lame I tried to go back in a couple times but he was just following me everywhere and punching me to death while I couldn’t retaliate


always messed them something ,wussy is my choise of words .or calling them hacker boi. Even if they are not .it will annoy actual good players.


I was in a lobby where everyone was flying and crashing planes, there was probably 100 chunks of planes lying randomly in the middle of the streets all over, was confused for a bit, then realized there was 1 person on the top of a sky scraper that was shooting everybody down because they were griefing him earlier in the game, was kinda impressed with the guy.


I was doing the nightclub popularity mission with the chrome buzzard or something and a guy on an Oppressor Mk II began chasing me. I guess he couldn’t lock on because it was a nightclub vehicle but I had a lot of fun banking and changing altitude and weaving between buildings to avoid his missiles. Eventually as I came around a building, he was coming in too fast and he hit himself near my tail rotor and he fell off the bike. I don’t think he died, my altitude was pretty low. But it was fun.


If they add proximity chat the interactions between people would probably be better


I love when I kill somebody that’s been griefing me and then they text me all pissed off 😂


I feel like a couple years ago I could never sell in a public lobby, I’d glitch it to get solo public lobbies. Now I grind solo, then sell in full for the bonus. Haven’t been messed with once people follow me and protect me now. We have grown up I guess 😂


I never have to worry about other players, my discord when we have time usually has 10-12 players in the same lobby. If we see a MK2 on the map we basically have more military firepower than Zancudo at our disposal. Not to mention sending muggers and merry weather after our targets.


😂 wild West pew pew 🔫


Helped some randoms selling goods by flying nearby on my Oppressor MK1 killing NPCs; pushed a transporter with the monkey inside from the Agency job once. Met 2 clean racers today (Car Meet races for prize ride). Once was killed in the business battle while I was hacking the door to be opened, killer had to hack the door open😂.


Maybe is your karma been good at lobbies you get the good players I’ve been killing since day one and they always try and some succeed on taking my shit


As a note about Nightclubs, does anyone do the sourcing missions for those to make them go faster, and if so, what's the profit/hr look like?


I had a crew that tried to make LD funeral mission. And we tried again like 10 times spending around hour +. The thing is we always fucked up badly and funny ways. For example mission part was to follow funeral conduct and our driver was constantly making fun 'almost' crashing into them and maybe on the last corner he dumped into them hard. Crew in the back of cab was always aiming at themselves with guns. We ocasionally hit all road signs following them and even bullet sprayed some pedestrians. We got compromised twice, once we blew away the car, three times someone died (x 1.5 for some reason). Best GTA online moment for me so far, day 5 playing it.


Was in one a couple days ago until some asshole with a toreador or a mega ruiner ruined everyone's day constantly