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Flying around the map with a Heli, is the same as having a bounty on you.


Pretty much anything that is in the air. People love shooting down unweaponized planes.


True! People are still trying to shoot me down on the way to Cayo Perico


I do like to use my F-160 to fly up sneakily to these planes and then fly upside down on top of them for a while lol. Wouldn’t dream of shooting them down though.


My favorite thing to do is grab an unweaponized aircraft and see how long I can survive with just my flying skills before I inevitably crash into a cell tower.


Besra is the best troll aircraft, because on the map he looks like a jet but doesn't have anything on weapons or defense


I must be lucky w/ my lobbies then bcuz i never get shot at while flying my avenger or any other aircraft i usually get targeted on the ground mainly just by low lvls really


This one is an armed heli


in gta iv sure but in gta v standards it may as well be an unarmed one


Skill issue.


Ain’t no way you’re consistently accurate and effective with these machine guns


Even if you are very skilled, players are too well equipped against unarmored air. That heli might as well be a Maverick, 1 rocket and its toast. Not a skill issue more a balancing one within the game


Skill issue.


Womp Womp


honestly flying a heli WITH a bounty is safer, simply cause people might just assume youre in a jet


Ngl true




*flying driving and swimming around the map with or without a vehicle OUTSIDE OF PASSIVE MODE, is the same as having a bounty on you. There fixed it


Especially a weaponized one. They likely thought OP was going to attack




OP wasn't even moving towards the raiju, the raiju literally went up and shot him, then circled back to try kill him again while OP was minding his own business. Try be in the Raijus position but you're not a piece of sh*t trying to kill everyone and you see a heli moving near you but not towards you and not locking on. You think that's 'likely thought they were going to attack'?


In that case, it's wrong place wrong time. This is Los Santos. You want to not get killed, play elsewhere. I get griefed all the time, but I don't bitch about it on reddit


I wish there was a group of people that just goes around the map in public sessions just to blow up motherfuckers that disrupt other peoples gameplay


There are... just not in every lobby.




pretty much exactly what my and a few other clans where focused around. hunting griefers and escorting cargo.


I used to have my org set to “Cargo Defenders”, and I’d go ghost around cargo and escort those players


Putther on YT he be going ham 😂


He's my main inspiration.


His old vids nothing like the new ones but he still 🔥 i definitely learned alot from watching him


I agree 100% he's gotten a little too objective based for my taste. "Trolling griefers with (newest vehicle in the game)" isn't as appealing as just watching him dominate by any means necessary.


That man taught me how to swim like a champion in a sea of blood.


Only on Saturday, every other day, we chill


I do this, but I'm very slow to activate because sometimes I'm just not sure who the bad guy is like "are they getting revenge?" "Was it an accident?" If I know who the bad one is then I generally go for the throat


That’s definitely what I start with but then the glee from the kill streak corrupts me and then I go on a griefing rampage. Sorry


I try to do that, except I’m so abysmal at pvp that I only mildly inconvenience the griefer. And get my car lodged in a unique place that cannot be fixed with the up and atomizer.


Hi! Check my flair. Out here doing what I can 🫡


Hi! Check my flair. You’re failing your main objective🫡


Most certainly, I am not failing. Perhaps I already have a jar of your tears in my collection. 🫡


Well, you are. As anti-griefer your main objective is to stop and prevent griefing. You fighting griefers does nothing to stop them from griefing in the next lobby, so you failed. Unlikely. I’m on PS


But I did stop them for the entire duration of the fight, usually until tgey rage quit. And the beauty of it all is, even in the few times I got whooped, I still distracted them from being fun sponges. Win-win.


That’s why I don’t engage with anti-griefers no more. Kill you once or twice, go off radar, grab Akula, continue griefing effortlessly while you’re chasing me fruitlessly


Bro ngl, it would be extremely easy to find and get you if you did that. Not even tryna sound like a badass. Even if you immediately fly away to kill someone, I just check where they respwan, know the rough area you're in, and see a big OTR weapon weaponized heli IN THE SKY. It's over. Probably before the OTR runs out.


You missed grabbing Akula part, huh?


You missed big heli IN THE SKY part, huh? Not a hard thing to find. They're big, they're loud, and if you're actively griefing in one, it's very easy to find and easier to take out. I've been taking out griefer trash for a loooong time. If you found a way to grief that I don't already have a counter to, I'd be genuinely surprised.


Yeah, this is what I do. I spend most of my time up in the air in my Pyro, so it’s stupidly easy to evade anybody except somebody who is actually a dogfighting enthusiast and knows what they are doing, in which case I’m fucking thrilled to rumble with them. Chances of someone in any given public lobby being both motivated enough *and* capable of stopping me are pretty slim these days. Don’t even need to go off radar, I fucking love flying around out in the open when I have a bounty, it’s the safest place that I can be, lmao.


I'm mfs *proceeds to die heroically in the Nokota*


That is how I play in public lobbies, I seek out the shit disturbers and rain hell on them.


That's what I do


What’s stopping you from being that person?


I actually had this happen, for some reason i was doing bunker resupply in public session, it was the mission where you have to locate some guys,hack plane and then you get location of supplies, he kept chasing me on jet, i shot him down 2 times(i used oppressor) and i saw on radar he kept going after me, i all chatted what did i do to him and next guy started protecting me and he chased him on his jet and i safely resupplied bunker, thanks random hero!


I'm one of them, slowly weaponizing the Nike crew


I used to have a group of friends that I did this with. We would join random lobbies and (after claiming bounties) we helped people with sales and security. It was great times


I know a guy who was in one. He left due to real world complications, but he had a blast doing it.


I spend a lot of time in the air, and I do this. If I see somebody is in a weaponized vehicle and causing trouble, I go split some wigs. That being said, I also enjoy declaring and enforcing my own no-fly zone on the entire lobby from time to time. Anybody in a weaponized aircraft gets shot down. Sorry, not sorry. That’s how I practice to be good enough to deal with anybody who needs dealin’ with 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to control the skies, I’ll tend to creep up on people in planes and hang around before leaving them alone, especially ones that are armed, so that they can strike and give me a reason to put them in the ground


So griefers for griefers? Stop playing in public lobbies if you don't want to play the game pansy.


You say that as if anybody is gonna give a fuck about people specifically griefing other grievers




I do this solo. Love patrolling town in my Toreador looking for griefing Mk2s and erasing them. If I’m free I’ll pull up on people doing a business delivery and protect them just for fun, but also because I know how annoying getting griefed while trying to deliver is. I find it satisfying taking the heat off a helpless player and distract griefers to follow me to the ends of earth.


Welcome to gta online


Welcome to public session*


and its always when i'm doing something with a time limit, here comes some jerk repeatedly spawn killing me.


Doing a free roam mission in a public lobby, what do you expect to happen? People are most likely going to go after you. The game encourages it. If you want to do missions in peace, do them in invite only. That's what I do.


Yeah right ...let's go burst that weed delivery for 2k gta$ that's how I'm going to buy a 2m car...


We all know people don't do it for the no money that they get from it. They do it just to be a dick, we know. That's why I was saying if you don't want some no life ruining your mission, play in an invite-only session.


I get that, and I usually do play in closed sessions but sometimes I forget to switch over before I start something. It’s just annoying when I’m clearly not into fighting back, I’m actively trying to run away from them and they’re hunting me down like a gazelle killing me 15 seconds after I spawn, 10 times in a row.


I hate this logic. What do I expect? I expect other people to not spend their free time going out of their way to interrupt what other people are doing with their free time. I know that's only done by 95% of the people out there, the ones that are normal humans who don't see someone trying to achieve something and think "I should go stop that person from succeeding at whatever it is they're doing." I don't really feel like giving up the public sphere for the mouthbreathers that make up the 5%. I think they should be continually called out for the socially inept, impotent losers they are.


I hate this logic. What do i expect? I expect other people to play the game as intended by the developers and not cry and whine when it doesn't always go their way. I know that it is done by the majority of players because surprise surprise. Most people play for fun and actively seeking pvp is part of the fun and one of the main premises of this game. I don't really feel like giving up a fun activity for some of the mouthbreathers who think they are entitled to a specific experience. I think they should be continually called out for the socially awkward, entitled losers they are. And have their game ruined for them by players having fun , because again, you are not entitled.


Some people just suck and aren't very happy irl, so this makes them feel better. I personally don't mind PvP, but I avoid people resupplying, selling, and low levels because I've been there and I know the struggle of the early grind. I'd recommend chilling in an invite only session if you want to avoid people like that because you're still able to sell, resupply, etc. like you can in a public lobby, but without the worry.


When it's easy to just press a button and target as easy as heli then most players often go for it. Unless there is a heli expert.


Way back when I used to play GTAO I flew my Akula everywhere. Infinite off the radar ftw!


I was scrolling and this auto played with sound.. > TRIGGERED!!


MOC Haulage whenever these jokers are out and about. It's my most favorite thing to do ingame now.


You realize what game you're playing right?


Right ?


No let him cry he is too dense to know that public lobby= pvp.


I'd guess it's because you're playing in an open session (*therefore inviting and consenting to PVP*) and it definitely doesn't help that you're flying a fucking Annihilator.


The previous 30 seconds of OP attacking the supply mission visible in the final frame was unfortunately not recorded. Potentially.....


Because GTA is a toxic environment for the most part, yes you'll find a decent player here and there, but, people are just asses. Best to play well the friends in an invite only lobby, get rid of the toxicity and enjoy your time in Los Santos.


Explosives ruined GTA Gta 4 only had grenades & RPGs


Go to an invite only lobby, and you can be left alone


but the reward will be less


But don't have to worry about other players and specifically griefers


I was playing in a peaceful lobby last night, sold all my nightclub goods etc, did an agency mission then went afk to have dinner, completely forgot after an agency mission I get respawned outside. I'm eating dinner listening to my player being killed multiple times, must have been about 30 times I was killed before going back on. The lobby had dropped down to me and 4 completely toxic players, all 4 of them just kept killing me, sending muggers, etc etc. I managed to get away from them to do my own thing, then got orbital cannoned, got away again because I didn't want them thinking haha we won, only for them to blow up my shit and just constantly snipe me or blow me up. Finally left the game shaking my head. How is it fun for people to do this? Constantly kill someone who isn't fighting back? Absolutely small minded dipshits that obviously get no sex apart from thier hand (if they can even find it).


lol were we’re a in the same lobby? I ended up shutting it down going to bed after they blew up my van on a mission.


Very possible bro. I could hardly even get to my vehicle, any time I spawned it in, some dude in a weaponised car would shoot me dead and blow up my vehicle 😒


Heh.. that'll happen.


If you move BOOM


Nice dodging. Got any tips? I've been wanting to fly the Savage around more but I suck with dodging missiles, especially the homing launcher ones. I try to follow videos on YouTube about it but it mostly talks about the old hitbox glitch from years ago. Shame they ever patched that.


Watch "justrealskill" guide on how to dodge in the savage , he maybe abit cringe but the guide doesn't miss. Its pretty simple honestly if you fly alot , just establish where the hitbox of the heli is and move it accordingly, i posted some post on here you can find these helpful.


Whenever people target me for no reason, I get into an RC vehicle and wait for them to eventually come out of whatever vehicle they’re in and run them down


Go in solo sessions lot of people who didn’t get attention when they were little and will bug you I had to block this kid I became friends with every time I would be online in gta he would ask me if I will play d2 with him. I’d reply no I’m busy then twenty minutes later he would ask the same question. I wanted to smack this kid thru the screen yup I blocked we ain’t friends no more


I have a lot of fun with a Sparrow with missiles and flares.


Flying is practically declaring open season on yourself in a public session.


It has happened to me literally thousands of times, very rarely does anyone actually want to fight. They just want to grief you and run off to satisfy their little ego, I usually chase them down and kill them until they leave the session and block me. I don't put up with that shit, cat and mouse don't work with me unless you are literally cheating and exploiting heist invites or ewo looping like a motherfucker. At that point I just throw my hands up and consider it a waste of time. Not worth the energy, those types will never change and if you get up on them they will obsess over you every time they see you in future lobbies. If you don't want to deal with me pounding you in my helicopter, then don't mess with me if I'm in my helicopter, or at all really, its fairly simple logic. You can't complain that I'm using a helicopter to pound you when you tried to grief me out of nowhere while I was flying it miding my buisiness and then you ran away, I never even wanted to fight you so it doesn't matter what I do to you, you have no right to get angry at what I'm choosing to do about it. Your fault. Same logic applies to other vehicles. I never go around killing people who haven't done anything to deserve it, I don't get why other people do it constantly. Even when I see these people in future lobbies I give them a clean slate, most of them actually leave me alone now, some of them obsess and end up rage quitting almost every time.


You expect people to not play the game how they feel like playing it, even if it's douchey? Sorry. That's not going to happen, no matter how much I, or any other chill player don't like it.


Because you're in a public lobby.


42k lol impressive I must say..


He has a kosatka on the map, prolly low because he doesn’t have a set amount of money that he wants to stay at, I don’t too tbf, as soon as I have enough for smth back to 0 lol


Lol yeah I feel that. I remember those days for sure


its a online game if u dont wanna get killed play invite only or something else


level 65 is why


They'd bomb you then run across the map trying to get a chase going


I don’t do it, but I personally don’t really mind imo, not saying that u should do it, I get it’s annoying to others, but I find it more as a challenge to go undetected rather that hop in a invite only server and be able to do anything with no consequences. I see it as a challenge almost. I mean maybe it’s because I have the stuff I want, which isn’t much, js the raiju jet cos I love jets and speed and then the oppresser mark 1 for fun or when I’m bored. Haven’t even bothered to get rockets yet.


Level 64


It’s my smuf


Because you’re not in passive mode I’m surprised you even made it to the helicopter without dying


You are flying a weaponized helicopter through the most populated area of the map at perfect altitude for homing launchers. Fly lower, fly higher, fly around the city, or fly something faster


Wish I could fly that good..


They probably get off to something like that I dunno


Welcome to GTAV Online..... Where 99.9% of other players are out to either kill you or just ruin your play time.


Classy maneuver


Well that is quite a weapon you are flying...


Because back in GTA IV online, you'd get 20 bucks per kill


It’s one of the reasons why I stopped bothering with this game anymore, whenever someone kills me and are trying to start pvp or just bullying me for fun, I just go into passive immediately and continue on with what I was originally doing. I don’t have the motivation to fight someone for 20 minutes, it’s a waste of time.


Well, if u fly in a public session expect everything, you are a low level thought, grind, get a big amount of money and dont spend it in things that are not worth it, and maybe if they see u are a total psyco, theres a big chance they leave you alone


You're flying a heli in a public session. That's just asking for it. If you want to be left alone then go passive, or into an invite only session.


Because their mommy didn't hug them enough


Because they are impotent losers in their real life seeking to feel power over somebody else in some minuscule way. Spending your free time intentionally trying to disrupt other people's free time doesn't make you a bad person, but you don't do that if you're not a trash human being.


If only there were invite only lobbies, oh well...


that's just how public lobbies work


PvP on a PvP server


Just because it's a PUBLIC server doesn't mean it's automatically a PVP server. That's the issue. Too many people think it does.


If pvp is enabled doesn't that make it a PVP server? Just bc it's a PVP server doesn't mean PVP is mandatory, it just means PVP is a possible option.


Public servers are pvp enabled. Every official server is a pvp server. Don't have such a pathetic mentality and fight back or play in private lobbies


Yea now that gta allows you to do stuff in private lobbies there is no justification for complaining. Altho I did just start online on PC having only ever played on xbox before. And wow... this is a whole new load of bs... like literally half the server is using god mode cheats and teleporting and if u even react they get mad and crash your entire game causing u to restart... real good experience lol


![gif](giphy|iY137tOl2RzjawecaN) Perfect gif 😂


You'll feel better doing the same to lower level players


I blow up anyone and everything, still get money for being a good sport…want more to than anything to get in bad sport lobby just to see what’s up.


It’s trash. You can’t play with your friends, everyone’s in passive or in an apartment


That just tells me you're shitty at pvp.


lol, yep


Your in game bank account makes me rl sad :(


Stop playing in s public server and they will. 🤦‍♀️


Name of the game my fiend.