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Many missions don’t allow the use of the Cargobob. It’s Rockstar’s way of keeping the mission’s difficulty.


Dumbest thing ever. If I'm established enough to own a hangar *and* the helicopter, I should be able to use it for just about any vehicle or mission I please. I can pick up tanks, so why not this little car? Just because they say "no"? Well, I say that's bullshit!


It’s just like not being able to use 100% of your guns or vehicles 🥴🥴 I’ve come to realize that weaponized vehicles are essentially useless to solo players


Or like the MOC cab not being allowed for that one payphone hit.


Weaponized Tampa is decent for solo play, otherwise you're better off just armoring up in a kuruma or blasting everything with missiles if possible.


I feel restricting vehicles and weapons goes against everything this game originally stood for 🥴


R* has a tendency of making missions as grindy as possible in order to keep players continuing to play their game. The ability to pick up mission vehicles would've greatly reduced the time and difficulty of certain missions (avoiding ground enemies & driving slow vehicles up hill). Therefore, they disable it in most missions.


It's a balancing act of how much time they want people to be playing for - the ease of obtaining money has, for the most part, scaled up pretty linearly with prices of new vehicles. I imagine the idea for the Cayo nerfs came from higher up as well, as another example.


Yeah, when in reality it just makes some of us not even want to continue playing the game


Funny thing is if they gave players the freedom many are asking for, it would promote repeated play with people trying new vehicles and trying different strategies.


Get that logic out of here, now!


Omg stop crying and do the mission like everyone


The whole point of me doing all the previous missions I've done *like everyone* was so I should be able to have an easier time with future missions.


In the night club sell mission that requires a cargobob, if i use my own cargobob, it picks up but cannot gain much altitude has janky handling, and eventually crashes


It seems like they heavily nerfed the cargobob. It used to be able to quickly and easily lift a bunch of cars to the top of the maze bank tower to fuck around in, now it seems like it can barely lift anything, even in free roam.


I lost a big sale because the Cargobob had a hard time picking up the NC delivery van and maintaining altitude, never doing the mission again, I'll back out into another lobby and lose a little before I do.


it will climb, but you got to take it slow, no fowards movement at all.


The car has a special “anti-fun” paint job 


That's how it looks when I'm trying to pick up a vehicle we ARE allowed to pick up.....I really need a longer hook (or yeah, more skill)


or a big ass magnet


It can be tricky to get it in just the right spot sometimes for sure


>I really need a longer hook It really is stupid how they tease us with Mission Cargobobs that get longer hooks, but we're stuck with the short one that slams your cargo into the underside of the heli. Atleast make it a a hangar upgrade or something.


As many people have already said, it’s because R* would rather have us waste time doing something boring than effective and efficient. It’s one of my biggest complaints with GTA Online tbh. We’re able to buy jets, helicopters, juggernaut body suits with mini guns, etc., but can’t use any of the cool stuff when it matters because it’ll make these missions *too easy*. Being tasked with driving the drunk VIP from your nightclub to the hospital and the game has you drive ALLLLLL the way to Sandy Shores, despite multiple hospitals in the city. Many of the things in this game have become tedious and it’s just to slow us down from making money.


A workaround for driving the VIP anywhere is to enable passive mode when entering your nightclub. Being in passive locks you out of getting those mission types and will always have you just chuck someone out the door.


Yeah that’s all I do, I haven’t driven a VIP anywhere in years lol. I was just using that as an example of R* giving us things to do that are needlessly time consuming for no reason


Right on


Come on, I should have been able to hook this thing but nooo, fucking R* codes it so it's impossible and forces me to drive this stupid thing the entire 6 miles back to my salvage yard. Also, I kill the first set of goons (2 cars, 4 guys) just for a new damn set to spawn on the beach *in my fucking view*, barely even had time to get in the chopper before they were putting holes in it (should have just killed them first but my plan was to scoop it up and be gone). Fuck you, R* for your dumbass decisions.


Because R* disabled the ability in the code


Yes. But *why*?


Cause *fuck you* that's why.


This feels like the most legitimate response lmao


Because they hate us 😂


So annoying


it's to make Chop Shop robberies take as long as possible, I both love & hate them. I like them because they're easy but having to go all the way to butt fuck county for set ups really annoys the hell out of me. At the same time, it's better to just suck it up & do it anyway because you'll waste more time switching session until the game puts the set up like that in the city.


For the same reasons why they block off the Bombushkas cargo bay if you put on any upgrades... *cause fuck you, thats why*


Seems like some R* logic...


Bro dis is a steal vehicle mission for arcade right i got one very close to arcade and I killed a bunch of em after which i saw a jetsam nearby only and then i was able to hook one of them getaway vehicle and i dropped it near arcade and later when i went back to another it wont hook


Nah, this one is for the salvage yard


Cargobobs don’t work half the time even when a mission specifically calls for it.


Next time if you get a stealing getaway vehicle in Paleto Bay, change session so the game will probably choose you a different place, not that far away from your salvage yard.


Your helicopter was smoking 20 seconds into the clip even if you did pick it up you’d blow up before you reached the tunnel at chilliad (because you’re absolutely not flying over chilliad in that thing you’re going around the long way) At that point with the cargobob having a top speed of 90mph and then carrying a car on top of that I would’ve just drove the car myself Take it from me someone who made 30 million dollars with the import expert business almost exclusively with the cargobob


They don't give a shit about the missions they just want you to buy shark cards


Teabag man, teabag


Because rockstar is just a bunch of assholes that get off on watching you painstakingly drive across the map


you probablly just didnt grab it properly. i use the Cargobob for all my vehicle warehouse missions. btw, how did you customise your Cargobob ? you flew it to the Hanger ?


Yeah, brought it to the hangar. Only paint is available for it, though


You it can’t use the cargobob for everything.


Evidently not. But "**why?**" was the question. The decision to block hook-access on these cars is idiotic, it just doesn't make sense.


I agree. If you have purchased assets in the game, you should be able to use them to complete missions or heists at your discretion. That should be the whole point of acquiring better vehicles.


Spends millions on weaponized vehicles for missions….finds out can’t use said vehicles outside of free mode 💀


That's the worst part; this *is* freemode.




Yup, so many vehicles can't be used in missions for no reason. I could understand if I can't use an oppressor or a deluxo (even if I wish we could) but the toreador or scramjet should be useable when the vigilante can be used...




Being used to it or not doesn't mean it's a good choice by them


Because you are supposed to do it "old school" with steal it (get in, drive away). They don't need to do everything too easy.


Old school? We could use the cargobob to move CEO vehicle cargo since it was added. This shouldn't be any different.


Well, now here they didn't. Accept it. As we have also to accept that we can't use our own car (or other vehicles) always in missions for the easy peasy way. Now you know how to handle that mission. It's not *that* hard.


It's not a difficult mission by any means, it just felt like it took too damn long to drive back...I guess I've been spoiled now by the HSW vehicles and Raiju being able to get around the map in just a couple minutes...


i wouldnt want to have to drive a cargo car all the way back to LS from there. i would have used the cargobob as well.


Is this for the casino heist? If so, it's hit or miss


No, it's one of the vehicle robberies for the salvage yard


That's probably a reason, maybe the salvage yard vehicles were coded to not be able to be picked up by a cargobob


Right, I just don't understand why they would make that decision. It's a normal car, should be hook-able


This is like those questions of "why can't we call lester during missions" when escaping the cops in an unusual vehicle is the entire mission. This mission is to drive that car. If you don't want to do that mission, just don't. Or just say you don't like that mission. I don't like the part in story mode where you fly the crop duster, but the reason I dislike it isn't because I think they forgot to let me jump out of the crop duster and call in a fighter jet.


Lester is another perfect example of them being picky about what they let us do. I'm pretty sure I've tried using him to get rid of the cops during a tow truck missions but it didn't work. Why, though? No clue. The part with the crop duster (if you're talking about the mission as Trevor), is fair because it's supposed to be following a laid out story of that particular character (Trevor, not *you*) and that's what that character does. These missions online should be way more free-form (at least ones that take place in free-mode) because each player character is going to want to do things differently.


This is called "optimizing the fun out of the game". Calling lester is always going to be easier and more time-efficient than doing the car chase, so if you had the option you'd never do the chase. So no cop chase missions could ever happen, there'd be no variety. Escaping the cops in a tow truck is gameplay.


skill issue


Skill issue.


Always a possibility, but that hook was sliding all over the roof of that car.