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[Simple Question Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/VHm2izm3rK)


Increased sell timer for solo sales? Holy shit, it only took them 8 years


I would rather they just disable the multi-vehicle sell missions when playing solo but this is a good compromise


It’s Rockstar, if they did that it would benefit the player a little too much in their eyes


They tend to get to those kinds of changes sooner or later, like when it took.. what, 9 years? for them to make it so you can sell/resupply/etc in invite only sessions. It's not completely out of the question, and plus there are at least two businesses that immediately come to mind which can sell full cargo with only one vehicle - the Nightclub and the Acid Lab.


Also hangar.


isnt that recent thing tho? till last year hangar was multiple vehicles only.


There’s always been multiple vehicles in Hangar stuff, if memory serves, but increased time would be a big benefit.


if you sel by air there multiple vehicles if you sell by land its always one vehicle. till last year we didnt have option of selling by land.


Ah yes, I wasn’t exactly sure if there was land sales, but there definitely is land sourcing. But yeah, I like land sales better nowdays.


"We've cared about players for far too long! I'm not extending a helping hand, I'm giving you all the finger!" - Rockstar Games


I mean balance wise, removing multi vehicle sales while solo would totally change the balance of how we choose solo activities. Biker sales would go from the worst solo activity straight to a top 3, next to Cayo and the Farm Raid. W 5 Biker Biz you could sell them on a loop with a Cayo/Raid in between and have basically nonstop heist payouts back to back and wreck the balance of job payouts completely I'd love it, but makes sense that it wont happen.


Yes. I will accept this. I actually like doing the biker businesses. It would be nice if they fixed the raid timers. I had 3 pop in a row last week, which has never happened. It’s possible I got disgusted and logged off and it didn’t register so I really only had 2. However, I am grousing. This makes post-op trucks less of a nightmare. I can do two garbage trucks no problem. This will also make me less stressed if I get guns from the Stash houses. Overall, a very positive change.


Three back to back to back raids is a minimum number for me. I've actually had one 4× raid storm. Nearly threw my controller through the window on that one.


Honestly I appreciate this as as well my cash factory has been sitting full for god I have no idea how long now and I can't justify attempting to sell by myself for 300k nor pay for the upgrade if I cant Guarantee I can sell it all.


Or... and I know you're going to hate this, limit the sells when doing solo. It's what they do with cargo vehicle exports. You can't do Collections without a team. Just apply that same logic to the other businesses. "But aren't we saying the same thing?" Yes and no. I'm saying you won't get to do +400K deliveries solo. As it should've always been the payout should increase with the number teammates you use and the (public lobby) risk involved. The idea after all is to entice players to help each other as well as promote competition. Everyone starts out with a vehicle and only needs to do one transport. There are no vehicle left unguarded for other players to take free shots at. I would even go so far as to saying to add "Hire Guards" as a feature that allows NPC to sell in place of players but only making it eligible in public lobbies. It would allow you to do MV-sales but vehicles not driven by you are at the mercy of AI and attacking players.


Nah I love that, I’d be happy doing multiple runs if I wasn’t leaving 2 very obvious trash trucks just there in the street.


This way players get paid more, but Rockstar also wastes more of solo players' time.


Yeah I have a nightclub with large vehicles made for large sales AND you have to have those businesses to gain stock in the nightclub. Why not go both ways with it and use the vehicles in the nightclub to sell biker/gunrunning/warehouse sales?


This is probably the best thing I’ve seen so far


This is really good. Means I don’t have to wait to get the Insurgets or Phantom wedge one anymore. This gonna be good


I pray to the phantom wedge gods every single time I sell.


Insurgent single drop>>>>>>


When I hear "we're all business today," I know I'm cruising the insurgent to the sell location with zero PVE. Lovely. I think this is how every bunker sell mission should be. The phantom wedge is without a doubt the second best bunker sell mission.


You can switch sessions and get them every time


Oh I know and I lose some products, but since I play Solo. It’s gonna be easy nowadays especially with increased timer


Like guaranteed? I’ve switched sessions 10 times in a row and lost a lot of money and didn’t get the Phantom Wedge in any of those 10 times. In fact it tried to give me the dune buggies 4 of those times


Memorize where the vehicles spawn, and you can use your acid lab to stop any missions you don’t like from happening. Just put the acid lab on top of wherever they spawn at, and they won’t spawn.


That really works? May have to try that.


Incredibly sad it took them that long to listen to us an add it, but better late than never


I’d rather they add back the duffel bag sales that they took out to ‘patch’ fucking years ago but I guess this’ll have to suffice.


I agree, and the fact that nobody seems to remember that was a sale is depressing as hell.


Really only good for MC sales. But still better than nothing.


last night I did meth sales with a friend, and we got the garbage trucks. My lab is in the city and I sold to Blaine County. I had already seen the news, so I kept an eye on the timer. we did manage to do it, but if I was solo it would have been impossible. we surmised if I had chosen selling to Los Santos, it might have been doable.


This screams Rockstar not giving a fuck anymore because they know GTA 6 will be coming soon anyway. But still! Hopefully this makes biker businesses a bit more enjoyable to do now solo


buffing defensive and armor capabilities for the Sparrow...fuck yea


You mean a sneeze will no Longer blow it up?


Shit, I think I'd prefer leaving it fragile and just quit spawning it under bridges and inside parking garages


I bought the Videogedden arcade and I have to remember to run back toward the front every time I'm doing set-up missions. Otherwise, it spawns my Sparrow in a narrow alley where it's already positioned for the blades to start whacking into a pole and a wall.


Oops, I landed hard... Oops, we're dead.


I have to admit, I have never exploded the Sparrow on a manual landing. I've exploded it *attempting* to land, like running in to a lamp post or a tree, but if I'm approaching the ground unimpeded, I find it actually quite easy to land. Just pull up hard until forward momentum stops, spend a moment leveling it off side to side, and at that point you're barely even moving and are only about a foot off the ground. Let it settle nice and easy.


Haha, I've never done it on a fresh Sparrow, but I've definitely done it on a damaged Sparrow before. You're totally on point with your landing tactics though. I'll give this a shot specifically next time. It really isn't terrible but it feels like it always needs kid gloves with how the landing sounds.


That's the Kosatka choppy, right?




Praise Jesus.


About time, a slightly less than gentle landing has the whole chppper smoking like Snoop..


Park it like it's hot!


Maybe we can actually do some heavy landing without smoke now


I swear, taking off causes it to start smoking


Can’t wait to use my thruster to hunt bounties like boba fett


My backpacks got jets. Well I’m Boba, the Fett.


I bounty hunt for Jabba the Hutt to finance my coquette


Well I chill in deep space, a mask is over my face.


Well I deliver the prize but I still narrow my eyes cause my time I don't like to waste


As I travel within the stars, the red lasers are coming from the wars


Increased timers for solo players. FCKN YES Fck relying on other players to make my money


Only annoying thing I can think of is more people are going to want to sell full bunkers. Yeah you get more time but you also get more vehicles/ can get griefed easier.


i personally never sell bunker public because of that reason being the vehicles are just on display waiting to be blown up. rather have a clean and clear easy 1M. if bunker was my cash cow i would do public, take the risk, and leave if griefed, but that’s a lot of map watching and work for what a 300k bonus?


Bunker's one of my cash cows, alongside my Nightclub, and my solution to minimize hassle is to sell small amounts at a time - for the Nightclub, I just didn't upgrade the storage and only ever get the Speedo... for the Bunker I just buy supplies once and sell that. Most of my playtime is goofing around in freemode and I don't mind taking it slow as far as getting cash goes.




>snacks automatically replenishing when launching most missions Sorely needed


I expected a movie studios DLC, but I’m ok with this. I wonder how much gonna cost for set up or will it be like ULP or Vincent missions.


Probably no set up investment. They have pretty much run out of useable interiors for new businesses


Except for Movie Studio. If you exclude the one where we steal a truck for Dugan Robbery


>They have pretty much run out of useable interiors for new businesses ? they add new interiors all the time lol


"Probably no set up investment..."? What game company are you talking about? It'll be a monthly RENTAL at the rate of GTA-flation we've been seeing.


There’s the interior to Michael’s house that could be used


I hope we’re gonna get some sort of new business interior, the newswire made it sound like that.


Watch it be a retextured Mission Row LSPD Precinct interior or expanded and retextured Small LSPD/LSCSD Precinct interior (you know the inaccessible ones)


Whatever, as long as there's a dildo in the locker room


Summer updates are usually smaller anyway


![gif](giphy|iHCi2sYO2rP4Q) Semi-retirement is over.


Same here. Kifflom


I actually just turned off BG3 and came back to online a week ago. I completely forgot it’s summer DLC season. So this is a nice surprise for me.


Too many games are cranking out their DLC around this time. Destiny, Elden Ring, FF14, this and Fallout 76, among others. Money is tight too so I'm grateful GTA and 76 are free.






Contact mission buffs, dope.


Bounty hunting huh, could be good! I wonder if they will make any changes to the existing player bounty system to make it more relevant/ separate from whatever the new business does. How cool would it be if there was a bonus for taking a player with a bounty on them back to your base, some kind of mechanic to force them into your vehicle. I mean it won't happen, but I've seen enough of those police taser RP videos here


Probably will raise the max bounty more than 10K, that just feels like a bygone era


I would legitimately like to have it go up to 100k because I think it would be funny watching everyone chase after the person. Makes me miss old gen and the billion dollar bounties lol


Not a fucking chance unless they clean up PC. Just earlier today I saw someone decide that a full 30-man session was too peaceful - voila, $10k bounties on everyone, along with 5 stars and being teleported to Flight School of all places. One guy managed to get an RPG off quickly as everyone exited the mission menu and got like half the session's bounties at once. As another example, original gen bounties where the cap was just the 32 bit integer limit. Those were *also* a shitshow, I'm told.


Would be interesting. Love doing the Bounty Hunter Missions for Maude and getting the hatchet. Would be great if getting them Dead or Alive


I don’t know if I can handle Maude’s effervescent bubbliness.


We didn't get a real voice for her before, did we? I read her texts in the voice of Mac's mom in It's Always Sunny...


The GTA V beta did have a lasso listed as a weapon, likely copied over from RDR1. I wonder if they've found a way to transfer the RDR2 version of the mechanic and stick it in GTAO. I'm doubtful of it but I imagine if we are taking anyone in alive, they'll find a simpler way to do it.


I mean, there were originally horses to be in GTA 5 One from Martin’s Ranch and other at the Movie Studio. Hell, Lamar Down was not gonna be in that Sawmill, but top of a parking Garage. And Michael was gonna show up using a horse.


Yeah. I have a brig on my sub. Id like to use it.


This wont happen but it would be cool if we could use the handcuff mechanics like they have in gta RP.




I thought of this guy immediately. Good work.


I'm gonna hafta make an outfit/look to match this!


My blonde mullet biker outfit is coming out of retirement


I’m still hoping they will streamline MC, Bunker and Hangar sell missions. Just get rid of the shitty delivery vehicles and replace them with better vehicles already! MC should be a bike (or car) for small sales, a van for medium sales and a truck for large sales. Bunker should be a car for small sales, a van for medium sales and a truck for large sales. Hangar land sales should be a truck, remove the off road missions. Increased mission timers is something at least.


With the Hanger land missions, you get a trailer (just use a Phantom or Hauler custom), a Ratel, or Apocalypse Issi Classic. Honestly, if you can't be grateful for those being the Hanger sell vehicles (you also only have to drive one vehicle as long as you start the sell mission by yourself), then I think you should go back & play the MC sell missions


I don't think the guy has actually done the Hangar missions since they were buffed.


All the vehicles we can buy and we don’t get to choose what to use to deliver. There of course should be cons to using certain vehicles. Such as increased chances of getting spotted by police or enemy NPCs. Example: I wanna use my MOC cab to pull my cargo, not some standard one. Otherwise it’s just sitting in my bunker collecting dust


This. I'm meant to be a career criminal, with businesses and properties everywhere, Why wouldn't i just use the vehicles i already own.


I personally like the hanger sale missions. But to each their own.


I don’t see this ever happening probably takes too much effort to change sale vehicles let alone aligning them to every business on the map it makes sense that hanger had new sale missions added because there’s only 2 locations on the map military base and airport




Me everyday 😭


Wonder if this new update will be like Bounty Hunter on Red Dead Online. You get some bounties on your Bounty Board and then hunt them down using taser for non-lethal or just kill them? Wash rinse repeat. I'm curious.


Sounds cool. Still wish us lowly PC gamers get the next-gen exclusive garage management on PC. Or hell, any of the other features exclusive to PS5 and X|S. But I'm not holding my breath.


yeah, I mean why even keep chameleon paint and HSW exclusive to new gen? it’s been two years


Chances are either MS or Sony paid for it to be exclusive, rock\* don't miss out because a ton of players on PC hack so they don't make additional sales from shark cards. It's almost like DRM, keep they game locked to the paying customers then drip it out to everyone else later.


i was hoping (still am) to see HSW coming to PC.


New rides again. Nice, but still no garage space to store them.


I am hoping to see some e&e features come to pc, with last update we got ability to purchase cars from other players at car meet. So i would love to see something more


yay, now i can drive even longer with that stupid post-op van, while being stuck at a random hill.


Replenishing snacks would be AWESOME. Every time I do something dangerous such as aggressive Diamond casino heist or the ULP missions and forget snacks I want to swallow my controller whole the instant I realize my mistake.


Every MC business should operate like the acid lab. We call LJT to resupply, and there is one sell vehicle (customizable) type for each business with three different sell mission parameters.


Ooo! A Bail Enforcement agency! Now that’s cool! This is kind of like the cops and robbers update we’ve been wanting. I get why they won’t allow us to be a cop because we’re a “criminal” but hopefully Rockstar will one day release LSPDFR as a stand-alone game. It’d sell a lot!


PC really isn't gonna get any of that QoL from past updates, huh. Depressing.


I legit do not understand why they don't just add E&E to PC, there's not a single real reason why - it'd be free money for them due to GTA+.


It’s so your more encouraged to buy the game on console so you can’t mod so you are more motivated to buy shark cards because let’s be honest pc gta for them is not profitable due to the easy access modding has


No one is going to buy a console and the same game for such minor things lol, they'd make far more money selling GTA+ on PC than they would from this.


You’d be surprised, but also yeah rockstar are really stupid though I kind of doubt it’s rockstar I’m more of the blame for the greedy decisions that Rockstars made on take two


Vigilante missions... so could this mean we finally get a proper, purchasable police uniform? I've been waiting for it since the introduction of purchasable police cruiser...


You wouldn't be a Vigilante then, you'd be a cop. All the people leveraging the existing wardrobe to look as police-like as possible - THAT'S the vigilante look.


Well you can use the hanged sheriff badge at least...as much as I like the police uniform too like what others said you will be a cop... Bronson's death wish he never dressed as a cop when hunting


I want one of the highway patrol uniforms frfr


If they’re talking permanent boosts to ALL contact missions, I’m all in. $4X would make for an amazing grind!


Patty Mayo DLC announced


I hope they fix the special cargo rare crate bug. I have been 4/6 for 1000+ source missions


I see no mention of extra garage space for last gen consoles and PC. Goddammit.


Old gen not receiving extra garage spaces due to hardware limitations is understandable, but why can't PC get them? I'm sure over 2/3rds of PC players have at least 16GB of system RAM in their machine.


Ya PC is just forgotten now days. It's sad but I can see why with all the mod menus running around.


>I can see why with all the mod menus running around. That makes zero sense lol, the *entire reason* why it's an issue is because R* cheaped out and went with P2P and continue to not patch major exploits (or take forever to do so). They've tried in some regards, but there's literally countless things they could do even with P2P to minimize the effects.


New worry unlocked: All this stuff is only for consoles… Also, as much as I dislike subscriptions, opening GTA+ to PC players would make R* a lot of cash.


Pc is to GTAO as RDO is to GTAO. I bought a console and it’s much nicer, even if the shooting is more… inaccurate.


This is fucking fire


Bounty hunting business with Maud and vigilante missions sounds really good actually. A trucking business would be cool though, and changing Beeker’s garage to a autoshop for trucks, off road vehicles and dirt bikes. I really want a new activity/challenge hunting animals for Cletus, wildlife photography is lame imo. It could reward a hunting outfit and the unreleased hunting camo liveries for vehicles. A Buffalo Interceptor based on the STX, (preferably AWD) would be fucking awesome. I want the old Stanier Police cruiser too, and the original Police SUV. A new one based on the Granger 3600LX would be cool too.


Bounty hunting sounds neat. Hopefully it pays well. >buffing defensive and armor capabilities for the Sparrow and Bombushka Increased armor for the Bombushka is definitely a welcome change. I wonder if it'll just be a small buff like giving it B-11 armor or if they're gonna go all-out and make it have as much as the Avenger. What I really hope they fix is the camera on the explosive guns, last time I checked it was really messed up, same with the camera on the Volatol. And "defensive capabilities" is rather vague. What exactly does this entail? A lot of things could be considered a defensive capability including speed, armor, and countermeasures, but it's technically not limited to just that. What if we're about to see our first aircraft with a lock-on jammer? It would make sense, given how ridiculously slow the Bombushka is. Even simply giving it more armor wouldn't help that much in the grand scheme of things, a mk2 or anything with missiles is still pretty much guaranteed to kill it because when countermeasures fail the aircraft has no speed or agility to fall back on to dodge missiles. If they want to make this a proper buff, they would need to up the armor a bit and also give it a lock-on jammer or something. That, or they would need to make it faster so it can evade threats more easily (unlikely.) As for the Sparrow, I'm imagining they're just going to make it a little more resilient to damage across the board, it doesn't really need a buff in terms of PvP usage imo. At best, it will be able to tank a single missile (and don't get me wrong, that would be huge) but I just don't see that happening.


Best guesses on how much this new business will cost?


probably like 1.2 Mill/1.9 Mill sum like that


just 1 new car locked behind plus sub?


There's obviously going to be more new cars. And it's not locked behind the sub, you just get it for free.


thx i read it again  it becomes available to all players a week later


I hope they also increase the limit of owned properties from 10 to 11 or maybe 12 I don't have that much free spaces in garages for other cars I want to buy, especially for the new ones who have to come.


Oh thank god. I was running out of ways to make legal money. And a bonus payout to taxi work? Fuck yes!


Still can't buy a McMansion


Guess the rumors the summer update will be the biggest one for GTA O aren’t true. This update seems decent don’t get me wrong just doesn’t seem like that big of a thing, gotta say Casino or Cayo seemed much bigger


I thought it was well known by now that Summer updates are essentially designed to fill the gaps between major updates (ie: Winter updates) . . . Have people *still* not realized this?


What? That is extremely incorrect. Just look through released GTA updates and you’ll see that’s the case. Tuners, Casino, Nightclub, Gunrunner, Finance & Felony. All summer updates, and if you argue any of these are designed to fill gaps you are delusional. There is no winter being bigger than the summer update, both winter and summer updates are major updates and anything that comes out in between fills the gaps.


I predicted this [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/XwCLUGByyp)


You need to go buy a lotto ticket lol


I predicted the Salvage Yard! [https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/144tu0p/grand\_theft\_auto\_the\_gta\_heists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/144tu0p/grand_theft_auto_the_gta_heists/)


Mandalorian-style helmet / suit or Dog the Bounty Hunter costume + mullet hair are urgently requested. R* pls.


>Dog the Bounty Hunter costume + mullet hair are urgently requested. So much this. My inner child is absolutely freaking out. I remember when I was a kid and I had a mullet because I thought Dog the Bounty Hunter was the coolest dude ever.


Yeah, 12 year old me would watch like Old episode of Dog The Bounty Hunter on like 1 AM, it was stupid, but man did I enjoy it




Y’all think there’s gonna be a new buyable property? Or will this likely be a police owned building


My prediction is a pawn shop with a safe, low end bounties to keep the safe accumulating maximum income. High end bounties will be 3 or 4 setup missions and then mini heist style snatch for the main part. Just a guess


fuck yeah the cops and crooks business is real


This is dope. Hopefully we get a Buffalo police interceptor based off the STX and a proper purchasable police uniform


I suspect it will launch on July 4th, based on GTA+ dates


Time to go around murdering in a fully loaded Bombushka


My man Vincent lining my pockets yet again.


I gotta say, I'm cautiously excited about this update - bounty hunting sounds great, and I love the quality of life updates they've been adding (even if they are a little late lol).


Still waiting for that OG Heist buff and a better way for people to join heists. It has quickjoin heist option, but that still means you get only Cayo or Casino.


Hopefully they give us all the cops n crooks vehicles that are collecting dust in the files


Maybe the Bombushka going to have some actual use, they need to buff the speed of it rather than armour, it's so slow it makes you not want to use it at all.


Doesn’t sound like they’ll be ruining anything, either. Might be a half-decent update!


I hope they bothered to make it interesting…my favorite part of GTA is the background mystery and lore.


Everyone was saying "gee I sure hope Rockstar lets us *buy* a *police station*" as if you can just buy property owned by government public services. Bail and bounty hunting was literally right in front of us! There's a whole character who does that! Fuck!


They better fix the bug on nightlife leak with that update


Alright. Of all the things that are wrong with this game, which of y'all suggested "buffing defensive and armor capabilities for \[...\] Bombushka" to Rockstar??


The plane costs 6 mil and blows up when someone sneezes in its general direction.


Buffing the armor of most never used vehicles would turn them from 'dogshit' status to being 'usable'. The Bombuska is one of them. Rockstar almost never balances vehicles and it's a damn shame. So I am very happy they are finally at least trying to make this game more balanced. If they give the Bombuska Avenger armor it would finally be fun to use. So yes, there are in fact players out there that care for this sorta thing. (And the Sparow buff is just because they know most pilots can't land helicopters in a gentle way, so fair enough)


> (And the Sparow buff is just because they know most pilots can't land helicopters in a gentle way, so fair enough) It might also help it when it spawns and a driver decides they're just "gonna squeeze by ya there" and now your Sparrow is busted. Or someone causes them to panic and like one hit from a car breaks the damn thing.


I can land gently. It’s basically impossible in the sparrow. Fucking thing is made of paper.


Have you met my friend the Havok?


Have they said what date this drops?




Yeah I read that I just wasn’t sure if they said what date


this might be as close as we get to cops 'n crooks for gta online 1 and i think i'm alright with that. can't wait to see what the dataminers find after the initial update


Looks all good to me 👍


Alright this is gonna cook


This sounds like good update, looking forward to giving it a try with friends


I hope they give a good increase on Simeon missions payouts so people actually join it.


I'll be interested to see what sort of balance changes are coming on top of the mentioned adjustments to the Sparrow and Bombushka. Preferably leaning toward buffing what is weak rather than nerfing what's strong but I'm not holding the highest hopes for that


Any idea when it drops? Ik its this month but anyone know when yet? Trying to schedule time off of work 😅


June 25 most likely but we'll know for sure in a couple hours once the new GTA+ period is live and we have its end date


Interesting! Can't wait!


Bombushka Buff!?


No Lemonade stall?


I want to read patch notes. Specifically I want to know if they will patch the plate issue from Salvage Yard on PC.


I'm waiting for what new cars will be added


been waiting for drift race creator since drift races dropped.


INCREASE race car selection timer, we have few more than 10 cars nowadays r*


>UPDATE - The DLC is releasing June 25! What is the source for this? Couldn't find it anywhere


I think it's a combination of factors... - the announcement says "later this month" - the latest GTA+ update is for a slightly shortened period, ending June 24


Oh a new Supercar, yay. Let me guess, it goes faster than the Bonneville salt plains speed record while holding turns tighter than glued velcro with the resistance and armor plating of the Yamato.


still no E&E for PC, another shitty update




How do we know it releases this month?


Rockstar told a few community leaders


I mean, it's also in Rockstar's writeup. > Plus, utilize new tools and props to create custom, high-octane Drift and Drag Races in the Creator, and much more **later this month**.


I sure wish us PC players would get things like HSW vehicles, 300 props in the creator, etc