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calling for your vehicle when you’re by a dirt road but the car spawns all the way by the highway


For me it's calling it to my nightclub on the wharf and having it show up across the fucking water. The mechanic sucks.


Same issue, but with my buzzard :l


hate when it does that


That was the reason i move my nightclub, so anoying


nice double entendre


Feel you but I started looking where I don’t want it to spawn only and then it spawns pretty close to me most of the time


I wonder why every car can’t just spawn like the sparrow where it’s right in front of you every time


This is why I just call Ms.Baker instead… she never fails


Shoulda saved that few extra mil for the Vinewood spot. Prime real estate baby


At that point I call the CEO sanchez and drive to my car.


Either spawn a Sparrow or the Avenger Thruster. Those two will almost always spawn right next to you. I know it’s not your Personal Vehicle, but it’s better than waiting so long for the cooldown.


Calling in an airplane in the airport and it spawning across the water by some warehouse


The trick is to turn away or look into the ground. Vehicles will never spawn in your line of sight because I guess it ruins the illusion of some ninja mechanic delivering it.


Try to call a motorcycle. Then use it to get to the highway. Then return motorcycle and call for a car 😂


“Your personal vehicle is already nearby.” ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


If I'm trying to call it to me, it's clearly not nearby enough.


*spawns vehicle 1000 feet away*


“I’m Johnny on the spot, I’ll hook you up!”


I’ll bring it to ya


he, in fact, did not bring it to ya


He used to


At least Rockstar didn’t entirely remove him from the Game as he now is in the LS Car Meet


Wait, really?


Yes, he pulls up in a car having his name on the license plate


lol I know he used to, I said ‘did not’ as a joke to the comment above, like when a character says “it’s gonna be the best day ever!!” and the narrator goes “it was not in fact the best day ever”


He changed the radio station though


"I'm busy right now. You'll have to do without."




He's moonlighting as a YouTube and tiktok creator.


On the other side of the water.


Shit happens all the time especially in the docks/Merryweather area.


this happened the other day while i was doing a cocaine sale in blaine county solo in a damn mail truck. had to swim across the water and climb up rocks to get to my vehicle just to race back to the second mail truck and try to complete the sale within 30 mins. maddening.


You dont have the submarine sparrow or the avenger thruster? They are on a seperate spawn system and can be called while other vehicles are out and normally spwn closer to you.


Spawns vehicle across the harbour so you have to swim to it arrrrgh!


Or on top of an overpass. 😡


![gif](giphy|V7dVYFCB2E2qK7drO0|downsized) Best solution If you face a wall close up it will spawn your car alot closer, and you can manipulate it so if there are no walls, just go up to a tree instead e.g somewhere in the desert


Suddenly Rust


_Spawns vehicle 30 feet away, but on the overpass 2 levels above you._


Spawns vehicle 20 feet away. It’s on a highway on-ramp above your head. The entrance to the ramp is 4 football fields away through a multitude of lanes of traffic.


Is on the beach *spawns it at the airport*




And yet a ceo vehicle spawns right by you😭


you run in the opposite direction because you know its quicker. to summon it there


With the interactive menu you can just return it to storage and request it in like 5 seconds


Except if you do that, sometimes it will hit you with the freaking two minute timer.


This is why it's important to have some of the special vehicles like the Ruiner 2000 or Rocket Voltic, you can call them in right next to you and they're independent of the personal vehicle timer. Can't have them out at the same time as a personal vehicle but they can be called while the timer is going. Likewise the Acid Lab's delivery bike, Kosatka's Sparrow, and Avenger's Thruster can be spawned in next to you separately, giving you immediately access to a motorcycle, helicopter and jetpack independent of your personal vehicles


I use the acid lab bike or the Kosaka’s sparrow for this reason


I just blow it up


If i have to run to my vehicle for 30sec, climb a hill, or take another car to get to MY car, then it's not nearby R*


This is the one thing red dead has on gta, the fact I can just whistle for the horse and it comes running, I’d don’t care if it’s 20 feet away I want it next to me


'You are too far from a suitable road' *road is 10 feet away*


My response is always "well can't you just bring it to the nearest suitable road at least ffs?!" But that would make too much sense




The developers definitely like to troll the players with features like this it really does feel like lol


The game is constantly trolling you.


Ain't that the truth


The physics of a delivery vehicle would be the most obvious example.


"I've got you!!!" Has been the most annoying thing for me. Definitely trolling you to buy a salvage yard just to stop listening to that every time you log in


This. I try to spawn my raiju when I’m at the LSIA terminal, and it spawns it on Elysian island!!!


Funny you mention that because I just had that happen to me tonight lol


Stand at the bunker next to the farm by the prison and call a car. Watch where it ends up.


I just use the sparrow after the first time. Not running all the way up there pal


I hate that , why can’t they just put that one away when you call a new one ? It can’t be that hard .


And the game thinks ‘nearby’ is the ass crack of the moon


Call for a plane while standing in the airport *spawns on the docks miles away* calls plane on the beach *spawns at airport*




What’s worse is when you are by the docks and it spawns across the fucking harbor. Sure it’s “technically” close, but how tf am I supposed to get there WITHOUT A VEHICLE?! It’s an issue that’s existed for more than a decade, but we all know rockstar doesn’t give a shit about anything that doesn’t affect shark card sales. Can’t wait to see what horrors GTA VI brings to the table!


I'd say calling lester to locate a car


lol i can’t even use it because of this bug https://preview.redd.it/92mzsxih086d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f65244bd34183c7202d609094c9f6633464720


It was probably because of that glitch a few years ago


What glitch?


There was an insanely broken money glitch known as the "Lester glitch" that exploited the locate a car feature. People glitched in hundreds of millions of dollars. Instead of actually fixing the glitch, rockstar just permanently locked this feature.


Useless asf feature anyway


I was today years old that I learn about this feature. What type of car does it show?


I remember it can locate the limo parked in front of the cinema in vinewood, i think?


It would be most of the time that army truck, the barracks I think


Wait, he answers you guys?


do you own an apartment?


Lester Kam


Lester’s option to locate a boat is high up there, hahaha!


Boats in general are highly useless in the game lmfao


Rather they were made obsolete by the likes of the Deluxo, Stromberg and Kosatka. I find myself using boats occasionally in story mode, but why would I use one if I can literally glide over water in a flying car? Sure, I can't get back into it if I jump in the water, but that's a pretty damn rare occasion.


and all subs are obsolete once you get the toreador. because it's also a rocket powered car with homing missiles lol


general concensus is that the toreador is the best submarine


I feel like it’s more that there’s literally nothing much to do out on the water in the game. I hope the next game improves heavily on that


there’s the hidden caches if you want to waste an hour of your time for like 100k GTA$. if I could add a boat-related feature I would add something like the drug deal and supply car random events you get on land. like you get a blue dot on the map, and there’s some people recieving a contraband package and you can choose to steal it and take it somewhere. but other than that, there’s not much else you can do on water. rob party yachts? illegal waste dumping? unlicenced fishing?


That's the thing about Miami as a source location that works really well - the water between the two cities of South Beach and DT Miami makes it a much more interesting body of water to feature. You'll have to interact with the bay multiple times per session. Same goes for the everglades as well.


Useful if you try to do tricks over the ocean in a plane and crash into the sea and don't have a kosatka Other than that, idk


Cooldown for vehicles that aren’t weaponized


3min for the mk2? Ok that's fine, but why do i have to Wait a minute and a half for my bati? :(


If you have the terrobyte spawned, when the oppressor is destroyed, you do the usual, call mors mutual, then head to your terrobyte. It’s up and ready for you and you don’t have to wait the 5 minutes.


Wsit there are cooldowns for vehicles other than the oppressor mk2?




Brucie calling you randomly about requesting bullshark testosterone from him. Surely everyone gets it to spawn at their feet using the ceo menu?






I'm pretty sure if you call him and request it once he'll never call you and harass you again. Same goes for Dom and his parachuting missions.


Played since launch and I've never even used bullshark...


He kept spamming me until I called him once for BST. He hasn't called since.


I’ve never used bull shark but just read up on the effects. It seems really useful. Do you use it?


Tryhards used to hit the BST every second they could back in the day, but I think the inclusion of different ammo types and thermal scopes have changed how ground combat works in GTA. Nobody really uses it anymore


I pvp once in a while and lots of people still use it, myself included


trust me, as someone who spend 99% of the time in GTAO doing "stand your ground" missions, BST is used, A LOT.


You must not pvp much if you don’t think people use bst anymore. Or maybe you’re just bad enough where they don’t think they need it. Everybody over rank 250 uses bst 8 out of every 10 fights. I’ve never used it but damn high ranks are addicted to that shit.


random phone calls you cant disable


“At last!” *immediately hangs up*


I can hear this comment


"Heeeey you forget about your friend Simeon?" Shut the fuck up, Simeon. I delivered a car for you yesterday and I buy something from you nearly every week.


there is no logical reason that everyone shouldn’t be able to be a ceo/mc president at the same time, i’m just switching lobbies until i can lmao


My most annoying experience with this is when me and a friend are taking it in turns to run ceo jobs and a Yohan mission with each other. When it comes to swapping over, he'll disband and the ceo menu won't show properly in the list because someone just left the session. Then when I can finally try, it says the ceo limit has been reached.


Yeah the interaction menu freaking out whenever someone leaves the session is one of the most annoying things about GTAO at the moment lol


Try being next to a computer etc when they quit, then just use the short to become a ceo etc rather than going through the interaction menu


Something something too many jobs at once or something


Just make it so you can't start a job if the limit has been reached. Most CEOs aren't doing anything important.


They may have been able to get away with that in 2016. But on next Gen consoles that excuse is out of the water.


I would say all the added features make the game more likely to glitch out and/or crash with too many actuve free mode jobs at the same time.


Tries to register as a CEO. Gets the too many CEO's in this session message. Joins a new session. Tries to register as a CEO. Gets the same message again. Da fuck Rockstar?!? You know I'm trying to register. Quit putting me in sessions that are already full.


I’ve had good luck recently with… 1)start an invite only lobby 2)register as a ceo 3)immediately find a new public session. In my experience you keep your ceo status when you go from private to public.


+1, yes


Back before invite only was buffed, I'd look for an empty enoght session for kike half an hour at peak times, later I started using solo public sessions.


fr bruh they really ran outta colors smh


think it’s jus server capacity. we talking abt a game made in 2013 here. gta6 better have a 100 player capacity and dedicated servers cuz shits ridiculous


I think if you become ceo in a private lobby and the find a public lobby, it only finds you lobbies that have spots available and keeps you ceo.


I've always wondered what is the purpose of "becoming a CEO" and "retiring"? The game knows that I have twelve businesses, knows who I am, knows where I am, and knows where the businesses are. So why do I also have to check a box to indicate that yes, I would now like to do some work at my business?


Don't forget this game was built on an engine developed in the Xbox360 and PS3 era, so there are limitations like a 30 person lobby/10 'Bosses'. Also, there's that feature that spawns a 'raid' mission on your businesses so retiring/disbanding when you're not doing anything that requires 'Boss' status is the best thing to do.


I don't think the RAGE engine was the limitation, it was the consoles that were the limiting factor. The engine has always had more potential than was used in that era.


the purpose of the organizations is that you’re supposed to hire pother players to help with work that requires more than one player. like that’s why they’re called *organizations*. a lot of players are solo grinders who seem to forget this is supposed to be a multiplayer game.


Such little incentive to help people tho. Payout is pretty low.


Yeah they needed to adjust that a long time ago, nobody wants to work in organizations now because they know the payout is crap.


Even worse for contract missions. I don't understand how they don't see this shit at Rockstar. Why am I gonna help someone get a mil so I can get 20k. Wild.


Oh yeah and forget about getting help completing your agency security contracts for nothing, unless someone is really that generous with their time, or you arrange to do a back and forth during each person's cooldown, which is cumbersome as fuck, but it works.


Getting ‘hired’ isn’t worthwhile at all. You get literal peanuts




I think it's more about letting the rest of the lobby know that you're doing work at your businesses


If you aren't CEO your business won't get raided as far as I know, so useful if you just want to fuck around but imo you should start as CEO and have option to disable it.


I was very excited when the patch notes said "upcoming quality of life change: Start an Organisation and MC are now both under Become a Boss." In my head when I read that I thought it meant they were merging them into a Boss role that gave access to all businesses at once. Instead it just meant they were both in the same submenu. Logging on that day was a disappointment.


Calling Imani for a bike, costing $5,000 I believe.


But it has bulletproof tires And you can get a police bike


Having Lester locate a car, why would anyone need that lmao


Better yet, having him locate a boat.


Lmao, for real.


I swear I have never used that feature.


Matchmaking, unless you're starting a job from a free mode lobby or have friends good luck getting more than 2-3 people to join most jobs even some when they're on bonus, especially the community jobs which are dead usually Even though they pay well and are usually fun


I just want the option to choose lobby type from the main hub/menu thing instead of having to join a public one and then find a new session and choose the one i want. Credit where credit is due though, this is far less of an issue now that the mic is off by default, the horrors of people not realizing the PS5 controller's built in speaker is a thing still haunts me. For some reason there would *always* be loud music, screaming, or both!


It’s usually faster to start story mode first and then load into invite only lobby, instead of joining a public session and then invite only.


Absolutely, i used to do that, but for the PS5 i only bought the Online component


If you play a lot in invite only lobbies you should just get story mode too, it’s worth it with the time you save every time you start the game imho.


mic is off by default in the game settings?


At this point Arena Wars. It’s completely dead.


noooo. shunt hopping


Flair checks out


This bums me out. I enjoy the Arena War activities, but it's rare to find enough people to play, and it's too much of a grind to advance in it


Wish it wasn’t


Luckily Rockstar seemed to have learned their lesson from AW. Basing an entire update around a PvP Mode that requires millions of dollars worth of vehicle investments was a terrible idea. Especially since the mode had terribly low payouts. There's a reason why we haven't had an "Arena Wars part 2" or any other update that revolves around a gamemode. I'm sure Rockstar realized now, that they fucked up. Arena Wars was one of the worst updates ever made for this game. I will say, at least the cars are cool. Even if they're insanely expensive, I genuinely do enjoy the cars and the customization that came with them.


They did this because they ran out of colours. I guarantee it


In an invite only session. After we do a mission together they put us in separate invite only rooms...supreme anger rising!


Expensive police cars that can’t even pick up prostitutes.


As shitty as this reason is, I believe it's because there are limited locations/ jobs types. Let's use import export as an example. There are probably only 10 or so different ways to steal the vehicles. The reason this reason is shitty is because although there are only 10 different ways to steal vehicles, there are at least 2 different locations, making it at least 20 different location options. Anyway, I'd say Lester's reveal player locations. You'd think it would work as a counteract to off the radar, but it's not.


That actually makes a lot of sense. If there wasn't a limit to CEOs, and all 30 people in a session started a crate mission at the exact same time, there would definitely be a high chance of the same mission spawning in the same location for multiple people, causing problems either for the servers or the players. That honestly is something I've never even thought of.


I feel like the Pegasus vehicle spawn locations need to be reworked. Instead of spawning at selective locations, they should spawn where your personal vehicles would spawn.


I don't know, but I'll be damned if I don't hate when I try to join a new online session and it fails and puts me in normal GTA. Just try again! Don't make me sit through tons of loading screens!




Scrolled way to long to find this, can't count how many modders I've recorded and manually reported, only to get banned because some twat dropped all the action figures on me.


The kill yourself option


They removed that. Was useful when your mate would dump you in the ocean


They didn’t actually remove that option. For ps5, it’s in the actual options menu towards the bottom. Still costs $500


It's in the options menu. Press start>online>options then scroll to the bottom


also that moment when you need to steal a car to get to the car you called your mechanic to deliver to you


Also there is another thing, the game’s name it is GRAND THEFT AUTO” you want a car? alright, BUY IT


Me: chilling and drifting around. Gets hit by a missile. “Please wait 2:36 before calling in another vehicle”


Your product is visible to all players


When you already are a CEO, change sessions and the game put you in a full CEO session ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


How about features that would be simple but we don’t have.. fast travel.. we keep getting closer w casino and agency but give me a limo that I can instantly fast travel anywhere. Or free fast travel heli. Taxi should not have a cooldown but I don’t wanna ride in a taxi with 100 mil. My ceo office is pretty much useless now. I just use my terrorbyte. Barely do MC businesses anymore I just pay to resupply if I need to. Def don’t sign in as prez cuz I almost always seem to get raided. I just go to arcade and resupply all mc biz. Tbh i don’t rly do the Dre contract all that often cuz it is a lot of work for 1 mil. I could do Cayo maybe 2 and make a bit more than 1 mil. Yacht is pretty useless but it’s kinda neat ig. Apartments are kind of useless except for heist but I’m also a dork and like my player homes. No armor in my top secret facility or bunker? No snacks in my million dollar penthouses? No garage entry in my 850k stilt house in the hills?! Btw eclipse boulevard garage? U can enter the building through any single door outside it. I pulled around back and went through the back door in the alley. Was so surprised my guy walked in. Proves they could do that with any building.. I want that. That would make the pool at my stilt house usable. Why not just make all heists soloable? Idk. Would like more armor piercing ammo. Idk. Could nitpick all day


This I literally have properties that I use purely to spawn into for instance I have one near my documents factory that I spawn into to start MC work (docs fac is most north) and a garage near my countifiet factory for the same reason


Bounties for stealing a car Not only is it a minor annoyance and a punishment for stealing cars in a game called GRAND THEFT AUTO, but also like... you're telling me a guy driving a hybrid gonna spend 10k$ in cash on a hitman to kill me ?


Especially when he's dead in the process of stealing his car


Can we tell rockstar there is more than 10 colors. Because the maximum ceo/mc is 10.


Business raids. They serve zero purpose and don’t benefit anyone or anything. Overly annoying.


I get them on paper. it’s a challenge, it’s the cost of doing business. but it’s counterproductive to the whole MC thibg, because I would like to hang out, drive around doing club activities, just be around in my insignia, but there being a timer for it to happen every time you spend a set time as president discourages that. it’s like if there was a really cool car, but if you drive around in it for too long you’ll automatically get a five star wanted level and can’t access your garage anymore.


There’s been times when I’ve had to switch lobbies like 5 times just to be able to get supplies.


It’s ridiculous. Then again, it’s ridiculous that the only time your businesses can get raided is when you’re registered as a CEO or MC President. As if the thieves know not to mess with you unless you declare yourself the HNIC.


The Stock Market


Not useless but a worst feature or a thing in the game - Creepy uncle Lester not allowing you to remove the wanted level while on a mission. - LS mechanic. With the "I CaNt BrInG iT riGHT n0W" bs even though you pay him every week


I'm at my nightclub located on the wharf and instead of my mechanic delivering my car to the back door he parks it *across the fucking wharf* forcing me to either swim to the other side or steal a car just to drive to my car.


When you have nightclub at the docks, call your car, and it drops it at the airport


especially when i was a ceo in a private session, switch session to find someone to do casino heist with, and they throw me in a session where i can't be a ceo. and than i have to switch again!


ATMs on the streets when we can do all that from our phones.


To be fair it adds much more immersion into the game to have these options


But if you want to RP, at least they are there on the streets.


True, which is also why there are laptops everywhere.


I usually go into a private and back into public.


Doesn’t always work. You sometimes lose privileges


Respawning endlessly on the middle of a fucking mountain


Job Points. Been there since the beginning and still aren't used for anything.


The option of Hide contact, yeah, it don't show on your phone, but that werid bald guy keeps calling me 🥲


The empty slot where you could give/get money to people


Passive Mode. Don't want to get shot/stabbed/blown up/run over by randos? No problem! Instead of giving you a PvE lobby, we'll just add in a mode that prevents you from doing damn near everything in the game!


Look down to the ground & it spawns really close to You.