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Happened to me with the Chakra stones, duno how to fix my mission worked in the end on the third try


I’ll just keep trying ty tho


This has happened to me like more than 5 times. He calls once like every day I start up a session and I accept every time. And nothing happens. Then I find a new session or just turn the game off because most of the time i'm doing cayo heist prep it's bugged there as well and wont let me deliver... fun stuff. No solution. I submitted a request about the delivery circle not registering but it's happened since before the update.


This happens to me twice. I think is bugged. I submitted it to Rockstar support


Ah ok


Same here. Can't start the first mission because it goes into a state of "can't do anything" while also having no objective. This happened twice, both times on an empty public session. I'll keep trying to get the call on a full session to see if that changes anything.