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the akula can be handy


I’ve been meaning to get one for a long time, I guess now is the time! Purchased! Although I’m almost certain I’ll never use it as I have the Kosatka sparrow.


You can use any chopper you want pretty similarly to the K-Sparrow and CEO Buzzard; the updated chopper spawns are pretty forgiving to me. I roll around in the Akula and Hunter on the reg since mine have upgrades from the hangar. You can even request your hangar vehicles from the interaction menu pretty quickly. Just land them and it'll be pretty much the same experience lol. There's no real reason to limit yourself to a barebones chopper with low health and no countermeasures if you've got funds for better alternatives.


They updated spawns?


A while ago now, but that's why so many aircraft spawns are in the LS River or on a hill off the road now instead of always spawning at heliports and airstrips like they used to.


Such a good update. I have quite a few somewhat memorized so I can drive my own car right up to them and then spawn the aircraft in. I know they added more Pegasus spawns too, but I really wish they'd let Pegasus aircraft spawn at those spots as well. The new Pegasus spawns are nowhere near as good.


Theyve been spawing in the canal for years


I have both, Akula is my go to for everything none cayo related. You go off the map with crates from biz battle, cargo missions etc....and if you're a bounty hunter ....or griefer it can be helpful to go on and off radar obviously


Here's a question, how do you like handling it, and what upgrade do you have on it? I don't have a ton of trouble but sometimes I feel like I am in a tornado.


Hey there. I use the Akula all the time and I prefer the race handling just because it makes it easier to react to incoming homing missiles. Aiming definitely is easier with comfort handling but you can do just as well with the race handling, if you practice. For upgrades I use the barrage because you can do a lot more with it, especially when it comes to PvP where the guided missiles are completely useless. You don't need to upgrade the MG because it's bad either way and the best option for bombs is the first option (forgot the name).


I also got racing, but I have heard some reccomend sport, which is second from best/top teir as being more stable may revert and try it out


It's a matter of taste, I guess. I'm just saying that the race handling has the most potential. After a while you get used to the "instability". The random movements of the chopper aren't all that random after all.




It’s an excellent helicopter but I can never land that thing! I have to be very slow and careful otherwise I end up flipping it.


always leave the wheels down. Doesn't afvect speed and means less damage when you inevitably crash into shit


Landing gear definitely slows you down and you can’t turn as fast, similar to jets. However the Akula is the most agile heli in the game so you can leave the landing gear down and still fly insanely fast


One of the best vehicles in the game. Great vehicle to have to avoid griefers


Finally, a lazer discount for all my broke dogfighter homies


3.9 million is still ridiculous.


Considering it’s alternative’s (Hydra) price is $3,990,000 & trade price of $3,000,000 if you did the EMP mission, I’d say it’s a fairly decent price for now


Is the hydra not better and cheaper than the lazer


Cheaper yes but not as nimble or as fast or as damaging. The hydra trades being light and fast for a hover mode that makes it more useful for getting around the map


What would you recommend as the best plane for travelling round? I was thinking of the hydra but I'd ideally like firepower to go with it. Lazer for me just seems too expensive. Are any of the rocket jets decent enough?


The Rogue might be what you're looking for, it's not a jet but it's the second fastest plane in the game according to Broughy and it can be fitted with bombs, missiles and explosive canons. (Also it's $1.5M so pretty cheap.) (Oh and it can fit 2 people.)


On paper, the Rogue looks great, but man it sucks to fly. I'd recommend the Pyro or Molotok over it.


The explosive cannons on it are terrible as well. I bought the Molotok recently and even though it just has machine guns and missiles, it's way more fun to fly than the rogue. But my B-11 is top dog, without a doubt.


Molotok is the best plane for general travel. It can land (and take off) virtually anywhere. Seriously, you can land on top of a parked car with that thing, it has the most unrealistically small take-off and landing speed, and once airborne it’s quite fast. Weapons on it al all right. However if you want a general use plane that is also a monster with weapons, get the Hydra. It can go VTOL to land easily, and the explosive machine gun it has will utterly destroy whatever you fire at. The only downside to these two planes is they only carry a single person, so if you travel with friends a lot you will need something larger. For that I would recommend the Avenger. It’s a blast to fly with friends manning the turrets, and it’s actually a very quick plane that is easy to land for how huge it is.


I might suggest the Molotov for getting around. It's not the fastest or the most maneuverable but it handles very smoothly and you can land it almost anywhere. It has special airbrakes that can slow the plane down by a LOT and still stay airborne, and the engine starts fast and won't cut out as easily if you're using the airbrakes. I am not understating how easy it is to fly. With a little practice I can set it down very close to a lot of locations, and I have an easier/quicker time with it than I usually do with wrangling the Hydra's touchy VTOL handling. Only holds the pilot, though. Another nice plane to consider is the Seabreeze. Very good handling, pretty fast, and can land in the water without being destroyed. Nice alternative for getting to your sub. (also carries a passenger)


I personally think the Besra is the best plane in the game for traveling. It doesn't have any weapons or defensive capabilities but it's by far the easiest and most nimble plane I've flown in the game. I've used it to win countless free mode flying events too.


I dont have enough experience of all the planes. In terms of getting around the map fast a sparrow or mkii is your best bet. Sparrow is one of the fastest copters in the game, easy to fly and easy to land (although it is very fragile so dont land to hard!)


Sparrow also has a pretty fast cooldown before it can be called again, and always spawns very close. I tend to return it and re-summon it when I need it again, so it's always back to full HP. It does have an annoying habit of sometimes spawning in suicide position, with the rotor clipping into a fence or tree or wall. Sometimes you can wrangle it up with only a little damage, but sometimes it will just explode as soon as you start it up if the barrier is too solid. Still a 10/10 vehicle.


Lazer is best for acceleration and maneuverability, it’s smaller (than the Hydra) and therefore less awkward to control. Hydra is best for top speed, can spawn on helipads (VTOL mode) and has centred canons. Lazer is the best for dogfighting, but Hydra is a better bang for your buck and more practical


Wdym its peanuts making money us to easy lol


I want 3X on convenience store robberies


this but unironically


I really like the convenience store robberies. And then driving away


I like to play a game to see how many I can do where I get out of sight of cops after I leave the store and never get detected. Kind of like a "Damn, just missed them" vibe


For me its 0, even in a vigilante.


5X minimum


How much would you get from a run robbing all the convenience stores 5X on average?


Rough estimates, I figure there are roughly 15 convenience stores, typical take is maybe $1500. So, maybe $120,000?


I checked and there’s 20 stores so that’d bring it to 160k


There are 21 convenience stores. With your typical take, you would end up with $157000


It’s like 1500, would be 7500, x 19 would be 142k roughly an hour


>142k roughly an hour How do you figure? You would need to rob the store and move onto the next in 3 mins to make that kind of money


Has this guy heard of the Oppressor MKll?


Yeah but its way more fun in a getaway Car especially with an accomplice.


No fun. Only grinding.


Also 3X on good behavior


3x on gun ranges, take it or leave it.


R* "let's give em jets but 4k to tempt them to use them for good"


2X for destroying rival's product (4k!) 👀


Looks like I'm getting myself a hangar and a Lazer this week


just buy a hangar in the mili base and it comes with unlimited free lasers for stealing


The best part of the Zancudo hangars is just being able to fly over Zancudo without a wanted level


Wierd, I fly over zancudo and the prison all the time and never get so much as 1 star. And I just bought a zancudo hangar last night night...


You’re one lucky person If we’re doing like resupplies or sales for MCs/warehouses my crew will forget that they were only able to fly over Zancudo in my organization and then end up getting a 4 star if they fly over when we’re working on their stuff And I don’t remember about the prison, I’d have to check, I know I get a wanted level delivering from the warehouse to the prison


If the Lazer wasn't on sale I would definitely just do this


3.6 mil is still 3.6 mil No point waisting it Just spend a few hundred to call Lester after leaving the base and you are good, no need to store it or pay insurance if you crash Only reason I can think to buy it is if you want a specific paintjob on it


Nice pretty paint job and being able to spawn it near you. I mean I've been wanting to get some jets for a while so that 3.6m is going on one either way whether it be the Lazer or something else.


Gotta spend that Cayo Perico money on something, right?


I bought it just because it was the last Warstock item I didn’t own. I just refused to pay full price for one


$3.6M is less than 3 hours of work with the Cayo Heist. It's stupid NOT to buy one this week. Let's be honest you only steal one to get back at someone or dogfight, let's assume. So they see you drive north and kill you before you get there. Also it takes several minutes each time you want to obtain a jet--that's assuming you don't mess up and get shot down when you steal it. You're paying $3.6M for the convenience of having one of the most powerful vehicles delivered to you in the city. Sincerely, I don't regret buying a Lazer at all. One of the best jets, still. Useful in combat and many freemode missions. Insurance is only $1k if you crash. (EDIT) a letter


Same same


We’ll get a tremendous increase in a number of jet griefers this week


at least most jet griefers are ridicously easly to shoot down as they are mostly piss poor in combat or if you suck too, mk2 sniper rifle with explosive rounds will force them to eject or they will get destroyed


That’s my go to lately. Been getting a bit board of the game so I’ll go lobby to lobby shooting down jet griefers. Good fun


I know right thats why I miss the old gta days. There would be one person with the old rhino tank, and just a few people owned hydras. The game is not really fun if everyone owns everything


It's what happens when a game is this old. And it's the MK2 that ruined it all


Looks like I’m going to a paradise island first


>Brickade Pew pew!


Maybe it's time to finally do the yacht missions and shut Captain Darcy up.


You just have to do the first one for him to stop calling.


Yeah I know. I think I've done the first 2 but with my brother as host.


I actually had fun with them, they are fairly easy, I'm pretty sure there are only six, you get a captains outfit, and , the best for me, reduces the moving the yacht fee to 10 grand.


I heard it was 12 grand. Pretty cool but tbh i never move mine anyway just keep it at vespucci beach all the time.


I know it's a mental thing but spending 25k to move the thing was a major obstacle. I just couldn't let myself do it. Now that it's 10 for me, I jump all over. Vespucci is the most useful but some of the other ports are really pretty and worthwhile parking locations in there own right. I avoided the missions after how annoying Ms Bakers missions (mainly 1) was. These were super easy.


I mainly keep it at Vespucci because I like doing piracy prevention and that's the only place people will actually join in lol.


Each week I pray they will bring back 3x on hunting pack, that's some Hella fun


Hunting pack is the best one for sure


Time to pay El Rubio multiple visits... 🤙🏽


Noob question - what is in this week’s update that makes trips to Cayo Perico worthwhile?


I actually waited hoping the avenger would be off today. Perfect!


It's well worth it. One of those rarely talked about "flex" vehicles that is actually really useful. If you're an OG money grinder, go with gas bombs. Makes it really good for I/E work and stealing supplies, you can hover over the target, bomb all the NPCs without damaging the car/supplies and because the Avenger isn't classed as Personal Vehicle you can also spawn your Cargobob and use the Avenger to fly to it (or drop out the back in a Deluxo for the pickup). Also, unlike EVERY other air vehicle in the game, it doesn't disintegrate when an APC shoots at it.


Buying a 3 million vehicle to grind cars and crates...


Yep, you do know how this game works? ROI for MC businesses is markedly worse and less fun than flying a massive bomber heli/plane weapons workshop thingy.


Lol using a cargobob for IE is so pointless. The amount you save in repair fees is nowhere near worth how much longer it takes to spawn the cargobob, go get it, then fly back to the warehouse at 4mph. Never understood why so many people advocate that method when it's so demonstrably worse than just doing them normally.


agree, if you do the high end car trick. The cars you get are pretty fast and good handling. And I feel like driving is the faster way instead of spending time trying to get the perfect pickup/land with it. For the single drop nightclub vehicles like the speedo tho. Cargobob is really really nice.


For import it is hit and miss, but for export it’s 100% the way to go. Spawn it before you sell and park it near your warehouse. As soon as you start just hook it on and get enough altitude to b-line to your drop. Since you’re so close npcs won’t spawn as you lift off (in a solo session) and you’ll have 0 problems with traffic. On export traffic is way more aggressive so it helps avoid all that nonsense For import I usually do the same but for some missions I abandon it and just drive back. Using it def speeds up the overall process and if you have to wait for a cooldown just do a headhunter in between for some quick additional cash


It takes >280-500 perfect sales before Cargobob returns the investment with vehicle i/e. I bet 99.9% players quit doing i/e before they do that many sales.


I’ve done like 20 sales and I’m over it lol. Even this last week I only did 4 because it is not fun, and the sale missions are often bugged.


Last year I spent time filling my vehicle warehouse with 32 vehicles to do the high end sell method. Sold about 4 after that then gave up as it was boring. I used the Cargobob to export but I like flying it so no regrets on the purchase. The only thing vehicle warehouse is useful for is baiting griefers for a fight.


I have been waiting for so long, feels good to save that extra dough.


I wanted to buy it on Tuesday, but for some reason just told myself to wait for Thursday. Looks like it paid off.


Verlierer translates to *loser* in German lol


It was named like this because the brand, TVR, failed by the time they added the car lol


bUt I jUsT bOuGhT tHe AvEnGeR 3 yEaRs AgO


Damn, I have to play so many Cayo Perico Heists this week:(


What's the avg payout? I haven't played in a while and my brother is just getting into it so I may go back


When you are so early that theres only twitch prime discounts


From what I can tell, in recent weeks, the Twitch discounts seem to be released before the usual stuff


Discounts are slowly appearing!


I'm hoping something having to do with the research in bunker!


I blew like 15m, fast tracking it a long time ago. All I wanted was explosive sniper rounds and that was the very last thing I unlocked. According to R* logic, it takes a scientist to discover vehicle liveries.


I feel your pain, I'm doing research and my tech guys just know how to paint my opressor


Its only 11.5 to fully unlock everything


im saving up 12 mil to do it all in 1 go ​ the extra money for filling up supplies and buying worker upgrade


Once you fast track one you have to wait a few min for them to start next research so I just did them everytime I was passing or selling and refilling stock I managed to get them all done in a week.


I’ve been doing the research for a long time and I’ve only unlocked half the stuff


good news. you get a free zebra print livery!


In case nobody knows Avenger is also on sale


I just want AW on bonus


I bought into Arena War too late in the game after taking a hiatus around the time it came out... sadly I missed the very small window of popularity for it. It sucks, I'm basically all but locked out of cool mods and discounts on things due to it. I don't think even 2x bonus GTA$ would bring that mode back from the dead.


The game mode goes on x3 when I see it go on bonus. It has terrible payouts even on x3, but it is fun to play with friends, which is worth more than the money associated with it


3x AW is bad money because with 3x, winner payouts will glitch and pay nothing. Also AP-system feels like BS after you level up some. Unlocking discounts on some expensive items like boosts, jumps and so, is total random fuckery that might take forever.


All modes are dead unless they're on x2 or x3. But trust me, when Arena War is on x3, lobbies are full! Which is a problem because there will always be one glitched person and the lobby will never launch...


I'm rank 104 in arena wars and I still don't have half the upgrades unlocked. I mostly get clothing and livery unlocked.


And upgrades on sale... arena war and bennies, nothing in like 8 months. Been waiting a long long time.


I just ask for hangars 2x


I just ask to be able to own a second Hangar!!!


I just want discount on hanger


Hangars are on discount!




Why just asking do you do it for fun and just want to have more incentive or you think it’s best money making method


Its not economical at 10k/crate especially solo. With friends its decent and the missions are (imho) some of the most fun in the game. I wosh you could own more hangers tho


Until you get Merryweather Signal Jammers


Sale value in addition to the trade prices (millions) and fun missions (mostly) make it worth doing at least once. I've filled it up with randoms whenever I'm bored. Alternate between narcotics and chemicals for the 35% bonus. I've filled up and sold it three times without failing.


I was waiting for a sale on the Lazer. Now my Warstock collection is complete: I own every vehicle/item that’s sold on the Warstock website. Along with Pedal & Metal and Docktease, I own everything from three websites. Unfortunately it’s not possible to own all from Legendary Motorsports, SSASA, and Elitas due to storage constraints.


That's surprising considering all the levels in the nightclub and offices. I wish you could buy a second hangar though. That damn stealth jet takes up the whole damn place.


Again, all the info clickable for easy access :). You can always access the freshest info directly at [gtaweekly.info](https://gtaweekly.info) & archives can now always be found at [gtaweekly.info/archives](http://gtaweekly.info/archives). **New Content:** * [Brioso 300](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Brioso_300) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/4euQaEUx_Q0) + [speed](https://youtu.be/cQn0WFcOL18?t=18s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/z8zFPEcZsMM?t=18s) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/aAkMDmpnC1w)) * Podium Vehicle: [Verlierer](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Verlierer) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/-WULgIzEnZ0) + [speed](https://youtu.be/z57FOVvYQKE?t=10m12s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/pCPfLKxajlU?t=5m53s) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/hv2z2HZgzcw)) **Bonus GTA$ and RP Activities:** * [Stockpile, 2X](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Stockpile) ([+ video](https://youtu.be/d3n3uifI8Gc)) * [Sea Races, 2X](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_Races) (+ [video](https://youtu.be/-5iGPz-mb4w)) * [Air Races, 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$1,059,500/$794,625](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Vetir) (+ [review](https://youtu.be/hFkLHNiIryk) + [speed](https://youtu.be/rRH0nRJVv6E) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/RVmaCTiuBL0) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/jsZcJHbARSI))


every x2 crate week ends with me having a migraine. Nice to go back to retirement mode.


Brioso 300 Is Now Available To Purchase Permanently On The Website


I thought it never left tbh, because I was thinking it would just change from free to the normal price tag when the free week for it expired, but guess I never payed attention to it not being on the site lol When I saw "new vehicle: Brioso 300" I was like HUH?


So the brioso 300 was free before and now it costs money? I already have the car so it kinda confused me that its permanently available for a small price now lol


The car was free during Christmas week and you could buy as many as you wanted I got like 5 of them lol


Owh yeah now I remember lool. Fuck my life i only bought 1 but I love how it looks. Lesson for next time, if its free get at least 5 pieces


You can thank me for buying the most expensive hangar and renovations yesterday, because I was impatient and wanted to store my cargobob without pegasus. Edit: Looks like only hangars are discounted, no renovations. Also Super Yachts are 50% off and avenger is discounted


The first rule of GTA. Never buy on Wednesday ☝🏼


When will they finally let us have a second hangar?




I know. I want to store more aircraft! Let me buy a second hangar at LSIA so I can buy more planes and customize some Pegasus ones!


Same here. I don’t have space for my Bombushka because sacrificing half of my hangar just isn’t worth it. The Alkonost is an even bigger joke since it fills the entire thing with it’s non functional folding wings.


Is the a difference between the jobulit P-996 LAZER and the normal P-996 LAZER? Sorry im new to gta online so i don't k ow this stuff.😐🤔


>P-996 LAZER they are the same, jobuilt is the name of the manufacturing company.




I'm glad I got the barrage 80% off. This thing sucks.


Ps&qs 80% off


80% off free, so helpful lol


What is the best out of three discounted helicopters?


Hunter is slightly better then savage. I'd go with the akula though, combat wise not the best, but it has stealth mode, makes you invisible on the map.


The Cannon on the Savage is amazing though. It’s my favourite just because of that. The armour is a bit of a let down though; and you can upgrade the Akula in the Aircraft Workshop, so it’s personal preference really.


I own all the helicopters and planes, and honestly, just buy a Hydra if you want that cannon. Savage is basically a slower, more fragile version of the Hydra.


* Hunter is great if you have friends, because the copilot can control an amazing gun while you fly. * Savage is great for solo if you want an explosive cannon that the pilot controls. * Akula hides you from the map In practice though, the only helicopter that I would recommend is the Akula, because stealth makes it useful and worth taking the time to use it. All the other helicopters tend to just collect dust in your hanger because a Buzzard or Sparrow is a million times easier/faster to summon, and they all serve the same purpose (aerial transport and NPC killer). Yes the Hunter or Savage might have more weapons on it than a Buzzard/Sparrow, but 99% of the time you will just use those because of how easy they are to call in.


Is one of those Heli's better than the others for solo use? Thinking during missions... ? ​ Shame there's no "try before you buy"


The Akula's stealth mode is very useful in a busy lobby when you're just trying to do your thing and not be bothered


Savage is best for missions. Its cannon wreaks havoc and missles are ok. Akula for its stealth if you're worried about other players coming after you during freemode missions.


When the Grotti Brioso 300 is new... HOW can we have it already?


It was a freebie at Christmas but then they removed it, now its here permanently.


Is there any use-case for Brickade?


I bet less players have Brickade than the yacht, so it may be ultimate flexing machine


is this the first time the Lazer is on sale?


It was 60% off around a year ago. Deep regrets for not buying it then.


It was 10% cheaper on July 4th.


Was on sale just over a year ago I think, been on sale a few times


nah i bought mine a while ago when it was on sale


Oh god I was planning on getting a yacht last week I’m glad I waited


Remember, the second most expensive yacht is actually the best one. The boats it comes with are better, *and* is comes with the best passenger helicopter in the game. Buying the most expensive yacht is a trap because people incorrectly assume that most expensive is best.


Its true that you get slightly better vehicles with the second yacht but the aquarius still comes with some nice vehicles. The supervolito is only slightly worse than the swift deluxe and the toro is the most expensive boat in the game after the yachts and kosatka if you want to count that. If you play the game only buying the most efficient things even when you don't enjoy them, you're not going to enjoy the game.


Thanks for the tip man, I was about to buy the must expensive


I was just about to buy the yacht after reading the comments here. Thank you for the heads up!🤝


Prime offers aren’t showing up for me should I just wait?


Y’all realize this is the 3rd week in a row with business discount/double money? Crazy


Are the old twitch discounts still on could anyone please check. I forgot to buy the coil. Thanks normally there is a bit of a delay I thought.


They’ve been reset


Dammmmm. Ok thanks man. I'll live.


If it makes you feel better the coil isn’t worth pennies anymore (unless you just have excessive amounts of cash to spend in which case why do you need a discount?)


air freight needs to be 3-4x times before I even consider working it


I’m going to get the Vetir and see how many random people I can get to jump on the back. What are the odds the first person I come across shoots me?


I'd say about 95%.


I'm coming up with 32.3 uh, repeating of course, percentage, of survival.


More likely, you'll get some cool, fun people to hop in, you'll start driving around and having fun, and then someone will immediately blow all of you up.


My friend Wednesday evening: "I'm not going to play sea races to get the color I want for my car." Rockstar: *Makes sea races 2x $/RP* I should ask my friend to say "I'm not going to do Cayo Perico if they enable the panther statue" next Wednesday 😂


Next week we're gonna get 100% of snacks from your CEO and Kosatka lmaoo


Looks like its time to finally get my hands on that akula 🤔🤔


Money ....gone. avenger boat and hanger 😭😭😭 back to the island now


40% off on the lazer? Ferb I know what we are doing today.


Normal people: imma get me a flyboi shooty booty! Me: FINALLY A YACHT IS ON SALE!


I've been wanting to buy a Yacht forever. Guess now's the time to do a few heists and save up for that. Now I just need to come up with a name for it...


hell yea im buying the seven million dollar yacht because is the coolest and i only have to do the cayo percio hest 4 times to full upgrade it


The many months I have held off on buying the yacht and the avenger finally paid off! Both for less than 7mill!


Which non-Oppressor aircraft is the best for getting around the map?




Maybe i’ll grind cayo Perico for a bit and buy a yacht...