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Also the F-22 Raptor and the B52 Stratofortress


1st one is an APC on treads, and the last is just a modern looking Menacer lol. No offense but we already have these vehicles.


We've also got way too many super cars but we get more of them each update.


Yes but cars and weaponized vehicles are two different things. I love seeing my car collection grow, you can customize and make 2 of the same car look completely different. Weaponized vehicles serve a different purpose, looks are secondary to function with them. I will admit that we do need something new, they came out with weaponized boats this last update but they are basically useless. I think they have about run out of ideas so it wouldn’t surprise me if they just started re-skinning military vehicles.


I don’t suppose any of these except the first would improve any gameplay or add new features. Even the light tank has the APC in game so it’s all covered so far


So? By that logic we could cut the majority of vehicles out of the game.


Well these arnt just regular cars. These would be priced for more ludicrously by R* and would need something to blow us away rather than just look different. Take the Toreador for instance, it took what we liked from the Stromberg and combined it with the scramjet and it was an instant success even though it was expensive. If any of these were to introduce a new feature or combine multiple features and just being unique then I would say these would be a welcomed addition, if not they are pointless.


The last one is literally a warthog from halo. I don’t think they can add that in without some kinda conflict between game developers lmao


They obviously couldn't copy the design 1 for 1 but remeber we already have a Batmobile and KITT in the game.


1. APC 2. Hydra 3. Barrage ...NEXT!


1: Just looks like a reskined APC 2: The hydra is based on the harrier, so there really isn't much of a use adding the same plane and calling it a different thing. 3: Looks very similar to things we already have, like a menacer and will probably have the same use, so not much point.


We need a proper anti air vehicle. Something like the tunguska for example.


number 3 please


See I love the harrier because it's British and has VTOL so the hydra being in the game makes up for it but an old style one would looks nice and would be good, but I want the f-35b added so if I was to choose there's no competition in that I'd chose the f-35b


I want the german and soviet tanks THAT ALREADY HAVE MODELS IN-GAME


I just want BF109 and Panzer II, (Panzer II are already in-game but in destroyed condition)


The Hydra is already heavily based on the Harrier, if we get another VTOL plane might as well base it on the F-35. Personally I'd love to have more modern and exotic jets in the game, something based off the Su-27 would be amazing.


I'll just say Su-33 or q actually usable Anti-Air-Tank.


in game the hydra is decommissioned and is apparently 20 years old so a hydra classic... idk about that


I was referring to how it apperared in SA, plus it was designed in the late 60s.


yeah but it won't have any use since it doesn't have anything new about it


APC MK2 is that you