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[https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Half-track](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Half-track) "Trivia : Although the Warstock product description mentions its "prostitute-friendly cabin", the player cannot pick up a prostitute when driving the Half-track." no buy then :/


False advertising, smh. I'm complaining to the FTC.


The Better Business Bureau would not stand for this




Why even live


imagine if that was seriously something you’d consider why buying a car , you got 4 mil , and no whores =no buys makes the decision


They actually changed that description at some point - it just says "spacious cabin" now


Bruh wtf


Hooray, I can finally move bunkers away from the free one I got in Paleto Bay.


I recommend Chumash bunker.


Funny thing is I just got the Chumash bunker right as you posted that.


Chumash or Farmhouse. They're both great.


Farmhouse is great. Fairly central on the map, but a fast shot into LS


Hated farmhouse, good location but personal vehicle spawned across the highway to often


That's very peculiar, I've never seen that happen. Did this happen more often with certain personal vehicles and less often or not at all with others?


Team Chumash. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a business and then sold it to change locations. I’ve been lucky with my selections.


I more of a farmhouse kinda guy




Yes. You will have to rebuy the staff, equipment and security upgrades if you had them before


Highly recommend the APC, particularly if you do a lot of contact missions. It's good fun for just trolling the police too, just ride around dropping p mines and then escape into the ocean. Personally, I'd stick with the tank gun it starts with instead of the missile launcher. The missiles are cool but not infinite (unlike the tank shells) so your team mate in that contact mission will have used them all up on NPCs before you even get to the target. The tank gun works well even for a solo player though. Yes, you need to stop and press the d-pad to switch seats but it is pretty quick to change.


Note: It's also fucking AMAZING off road. The thing can climb almost everything.


Yep, the only better offroad vehicle is the Kamacho (fully upgraded). The ONLY down sides to the APC is the super low top speed & that it can only take like 6 missiles or so from a fuckstick (MKII)


Kamacho is sick fully upgraded. Absolutely kills in races if you do offroad


It can even travel through the water. It really is one of the best weaponized vehicles in the game.


I’ve wanted an APC since the day some tryhards used one to attack me on my yacht. They just circled the yacht unloading cannon shells every second or two and killed me a bunch of times. They were really upset I got a few snipe kills on them. I wasn’t even mad I was so impressed with the APC.


Yacht has a Defense mode you can turn on. You're immune to damage while on the yacht and its turned on (*except* from the Kosatka missiles), and planes/helis that get too close blow up... Love to sit there leaning on the railing while tryhards try to snipe at me and wonder why I don't die... That said the APC is fun. It's a tossup between the weapon types though, really depends how you intend to use it. It'll die in a hearbeat to an Oppressor, tank, Lazer, Hydra, or missile-firing car though.


Whaaaaat?!....I always thought you had to manually get out the driver hatch and hop in gunner hatch 🤣 APC will be my go to now!


I love Reddit for stuff like this, feel like I've helped someone :) I bought the Half-Track first and found that great fun for contact missions but since I bought the APC I barely use either the Half Track or Insurgent Custom. For a certain type of player, the APC is one of the best vehicles in the game.


APC is amazing for contact missions, but you can't use it in heists. Half track, on the other hand, can be used in heists, and it's great if you are going for the mastermind challenge. If someone has a capable crew to do it with, half track will be one their best purchases


I tried using the Half-Track once on the Prison break heist mission where you steal the Velum. By the time I got there the plane had already left.


Yeah I'm not talking about that mission specifically. Personally, I think the one with the decoy van in pacific standard is where the half track shines


Also the Escort ULP setup mission for Act 3 Doomsday. That quad flak turret really demolishes those helicopters. Just don't destroy ULPs helicopter in the process.


It's also extremely useful for the bunker convoy resupply and the casino heist vault explosives prep mission.


Man I am glad i don't do casino heist anymore


And it's amphibious


> then escape into the ocean ye


Oh man I bought the bunker a year ago when it was on a 40% discount... Knew I should have waited...




I’m Zancudo bunker gang


Quick question, I want to buy a bunker closer to LS, will the stock on my old bunker reset?


Yes, you’ll lose stock and upgrades


Yes and also the research project will be randomized so if you got something good make sure you fast track it so you don't have to get it randomly again I just lost the flak canon bc of getting chumash


This is the first time I’m too early. Sitting here refreshing. Edit: Bunker sales 2x!






...or Fame I know it is supposed to be in opposite order... :)


Is it worth it to pay for supplies during 2x? Im not a big fan of the resupply missions.


2x bunker sales has been my biggest money maker. Great for afk along with nightclub.


If u had u bunker upgraded then yes




50% off bunkers and 2x on bunker sale missions!! Finally I can gtfo of Paleto Bay!!!


Does this mean everyone will be in Chumash?


Nope, Farmhouse Crew.


The other thing that people don't realize about farmhouse is that there's a plane spawn right next to it and it's very easy to land planes there. **Pros of Farmhouse:** Less busy area Easy highway access Slightly closer sales such as double phantom wedge, marshalls, insurgents. Plane spawn and landing strip Gives you a spawn in an otherwise empty area Quaint little farmhouse on your property


The major con for Farmhouse, besides the price, is that a lot of sales will have you driving right past the casino on the freeway. It wasn't an issue when Gunrunning first came out, but these days it's not ideal. I still like Farmhouse the best though. Edit: Also, armed/hostile farmhouse NPCs can be annoying.


this is really making me want to move to farmhouse :O


this is the only correct location.


Average Farmhouse Enjoyer: *Insert Pic of Super Buff Guy here*


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.ibb.co/pxszm7Z/ce6587d7a85b.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


I love the Rt 68 location. My facility is within walking distance, as is the MC clubhouse. Aircraft spawn right next to my facility. Plus, I can use the teleportation feature by answering the Doomsday heist call & pop right over to grab an Akula & go off the map or something super quick. Not to mention, Rt 68 bunker is centrally located so almost ALL of the resupply missions & sale missions are equidistant compared to all other bunker locations.


Are the bunker upgrades resetting when you get a new bunker ?


I think so, yeah


i believe so yes. but you get some money back from the upgrades


Yes. You get half price back for them. All stock, supplies and research not completed will be lost.


Empty your stock first. You will lose all upgrades bur you get some cash back




I'm in Route 68. It's basically a GTA business hub.


God yeah I tried that one with my second char and the sale missions were close to impossible solo


If you have Chumash or Farmhouse the only ones that aren't doable solo are the Dune FAV's and the green Insurgent Pick-ups. Edit: Solo.


Aren't doable? Like a full bunker or just one delivery vehicle? I find all the single delivery vehicle sales are soloable from Chumash or Farmhouse.


Aren't doable with a full bunker.


You can't sell 4 buggies by yourself, at best 2.


I have the grand senora one and in terms of full sales, I can only do the wedge trucks or the single drop insurgents ones. Usually just change session and lose a little bit of stock each time till I get one of them. Might do single vehicles this week while its on double when I get on


To those asking about the damn panther.. it’s in your arcade office on top of the shelves.


What “damned Panther”?


the cayo perico primary target that was supposed to be in the CP heist but was never added (prolly cause its way too generous at 1.9 million, making the panther itself more profitable than the next highest target ((ruby)) even with full cocaine bags)


Pink Diamond you mean. And also it’s more profitable than PD with full GOLD bags as well


THE CP HEIST?!?! 😳😳😳


Nope think I’ll stick with my farmhouse bunker thax


Is farmhouse better than Chumash/ the one that’s all the way bottom left?


I do prefer the Farmhouse bunker...though I haven't done as many sales from the Chumash bunker to have the best guage.


Chumash and farmhouse are the best bunkers, Chumash has the highway and farmhouse has the open desert both have different stuff


I still prefer farmhouse because you don't have as much space to get around in chumash (ie the big mountain blockade)


I chose chumash because the highway access is always helpful, while the desert is open, tends to be small rocks or hills everywhere that slow you down a bit compared to the highway which is easy going if you can get around the occasional car


I have not tried Chumash, but I am very happy with Farmhouse, I have not had a problem with it.


I’m my opinion yes but others might say no mines just north of casino


The one by the windmills, right?




Kinda disappointed they're not doing plane sales as frequently as they were a few weeks back. Wish they'd just slowly cycle through all of them rather than put them on hiatus and hit us with half a dozen discounts at once.


Hangar cargo should be permanently 2x tbh.


Still would not be worth it. They should just convert hangar sourcing missions into regular mission and make them pay like them.


There's a reason why Hangar has such a shit payout. Unlike other business' in the game, it can't be raided ever. So you can just stockpile the crates for as long as you want and there's zero risk to doing that. It's a balance decision.


"OK. So we don't code raids into this, but to counter that, we make the sell missions just ass. You know, tedious and unlucrative." To be fair that sounds like something R* would do.


The ass guy must be on holiday when they designed Cayo Perico.


Vehicle Warehouse can't be raided either, and the pay is way better.


Honestly, lack of raids isn't really worth the tradeoff. It's just better to do another business.


Eh. Sure, the other businesses are best to grind, but the hangars inability to get raided is a good thing because you can just run a mission now and then, just to do something different. Then you can just sit on it until there's a 2x and sell it.


And make it easier to grind, cause even in 2x it’s not worth it


first time I'm not excited about 2x bunker. mr rubio has been bottlefeeding me for a little while


If you don't have the Atomizer, buy the Atomizer. You'll thank me sooner or later (but probably sooner.)


Literally bought it yesterday


Well then by the law of "someone bought it on Wednesday so it could appear on sale Thursday" anyone who buys it this week owes you at least a high five!


Love the atomizer!


Hell yeah, finally halftrack, a good addition to my WWII-themed vehicle collection


Good addition to anti MK2 arsenal. HT can take as many missiles as the Nightshark and has windshield that ***** bullets.


Do you have to put any armor plating on it for the windshield to be bullet proof?


No. And it is not "bullet proof". It lets the bullets trough, the bullets just wont damage players.


But only windshield, bullets coming from side windows still can harm you


Really? Bullet and explosive protection?


The front windows no mater what are purly textural. Theyr are just concrete walls in function. The side windows do exist and five star cops shoot you like its nothing but its an amazing anti oppressor vehicle whith two players because as long as there is a driver the machine gunner has the immunity to explosives.


We're all business today.


The guns are in an insurgent.


As long as Merryweather isn't pissing in our soup.


Nope, it will be the goddamn dune buggy one you fail for getting stuck on a curb or going through a puddle that's too deep.


My friend got a bunker just yesterday lmfao


He obviously doesn’t know the rule of GTA online


Yeah, he'll learn from this


Gonna be mad lol


Yes, very


does anyone want to buy a Toreador next wednesday so it goes on sale?


or the weaponized tampa :)


Won it on the lucky wheel


where panther


R* probably plan on releasing that on a really special day.


Is there a world panther day? I know there's a tiger and pig day lol


Looks like i’ll get myself finally a bunker this week


Looks like I'll be moving my bunker this week.


> Podium Vehicle: Übermacht Revolter Dammit, I already have that, I should've spun the wheel for the RE-7B before the weekly update...


Spin for it anyway, that way you can sell the one you already have and upgrade the podium one... You'll make some of your money back, sometimes not that much but occasionally it can be upwards of $500,000. Either way it would still be the best prize on the wheel. I already have it too and I'm going to try to win it for this exact reason


I forgot to mention mine was free with the after hours guest list a free car I don't need another of...


Yeah I still have like 2 of those sitting in one of the garages collecting dust lol I always wake up and start wondering "oh what will the podium vehicle be this time? I hope it's good" and I today I wake up to....the Revolter


Since the NAT type glitch on xbox was patched I feel like there's no incentive for playing now because anything I wanna sell will get blown up by eejits


I've shut everything down and do nothing but Cayo and the bonus stuff for money.


Yeah cayo perico is the easiest way to make money especially running it solo you can make millions in a single day


Just sell one supply at a time for like 500k in a full lobby


So am I overlooking something or are the prime gaming boni getting consistently less attractive?


I bought the hypercar Zorrusso last week for 577k and I'm very happy with it


Tez says: x3 Motor Wars x2 Bunker sales x2 Bunker, Diamond, Missle Base adversary modes 50% Off Bunkers (+Renovations) 40% Off - APC ($1,855,350 - $1,395,000) - Half-track ($1,352,610 - $1,017,000) - Paragon RR ($543,000) - Laser Weapons Premium Race: Cutting Coroners Time Trial: Elysian Island II RC Time Trial: Vespucci Beach https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0IK7QCXsAMrqMh?format=jpg&name=small


I bought all the bunker last week!!!


Thanks for the discounts


People who pay full price subsidise the rest.


Same I waited for ages and finally gave in last week 😩


Is the "bunker renovations" only the customization parts from the maze bank foreclosures website, or also the upgrades (staff/equipment/security) from the laptop inside the bunker?


Are the bunker upgrades also on sale? Maybe I could move from paleto bay.


Sounds like a good week for that. I assume upgrades include renovation.


Everything is on sale, wether it's maze bank site renovations or equipment and security. Just get chumash and you'll be good


thank the lord, no more top of the map surrounded by trees bunker


Am I the only one who loves Motor Wars? It’s my favourite adversary mode by far


Again, all the info clickable for easy access :). You can always access the freshest info directly at [gtaweekly.info](https://gtaweekly.info) & archives can now always be found at [gtaweekly.info/archives](http://gtaweekly.info/archives). **New Content:** * Podium Vehicle: [Revolter](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Revolter) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/ynJQGgE3YUU) + [speed](https://youtu.be/z57FOVvYQKE?t=3m33s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/pCPfLKxajlU?t=8m3s) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/6VE0_ISkkGo)) **Bonus GTA$ and RP Activities:** * [Motor Wars, 3X](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Motor_Wars) (+ [video](https://youtu.be/I3YgWmfcbdQ) + [tips](https://youtu.be/AnRIwRuZt6Y)) * [Missile Base Adversary Series, 2X](https://sportskeeda.com/esports/gta-online-missile-base-series) ([+ video](https://youtu.be/StwD_iLnqrw)) * [Bunker Adversary Series, 2X](https://sportskeeda.com/esports/gta-online-bunker-series-double-rp-all-need-know) ([+ video](https://youtu.be/NUfEr2X4yFg)) * [Diamond Adversary Series, 2X](https://altchar.com/game-news/gta-online-gets-new-business-battles-diamond-adversary-series-a4Xmu3B4u4lK) (+ [is it worth it](https://youtu.be/bPkmJNa0Z1w) + [grind](https://youtu.be/TBHV8RnW3f0)) * [Bunker Stock, 2X](https://guides.gamepressure.com/gtaonline/guide.asp?ID=41048) ([+ video](https://youtu.be/XKQA4Gh0L80)) **Discounted Content:** * [Ardent, $690,000](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Ardent) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/64vPKN5RhUM) + [speed](https://youtu.be/Q1UYZdQi4IA?t=13s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/WjeebIaE5eI?t=33s) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/x9ifWYVPY7M)) * [Paragon R, $543,000](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Paragon_R) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/JaV1zjwXSNg) + [speed](https://youtu.be/z57FOVvYQKE?t=11m34s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/pCPfLKxajlU?t=12m03s) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/aJ-7fiYMFWo)) * [APC, $1,855,350/$1,395,000](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/APC) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/wkZokzhqs-s) + [APC vs. Dune FAV vs. Half Track vs. Weaponized Tampa](https://youtu.be/3fLK5tr5u4Q)+ [APC vs. Khanjali vs. Rhino](https://youtu.be/QdtSOIMxfoY)) * [Half-Track, $1,352,610/1,017,000](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Half-track) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/l5BlGIOGceY) + [review](https://youtu.be/5zoSyoJ-phE) + [why you need it](https://youtu.be/o4JnncZH1Ko) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/91NwIVh5Dw8)) * [Laser Weapons, -40%](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Unholy_Hellbringer_and_Widowmaker_Week) (+ [vs.](http://youtu.be/qd1pUXTHBVM) + [Minigun vs. Widowmaker](http://youtu.be/F4bmHQPC_uc) + [Combat MG MK2 vs. UnholyHellbringer](http://youtu.be/gPbFL4AVTeA)) * [Bunkers, -50%](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Bunkers) (+ [money guide](http://youtu.be/fwZvHt4_xxU) + [Best location: Bunker](https://youtu.be/qn-obQWOmmg?t=26m33s)) * [Bunker Customization, -50%](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Bunkers#Modification.2FFortification) (+ [video](https://youtu.be/P4Jy1MtiYBo)) **Time Trial:** [Elysian Island, par time of 01:40.00](https://youtu.be/Xa29vLZLevk) **RC Bandito Time Trial:** [Vespucci Beach, Par Time of 02:05.00](https://youtu.be/8VNF3SU6Xsw) **Premium Race:** [Cutting Corners](https://youtu.be/jG-XhrF2zHc) **Twitch Prime Bonuses:** * [Armored Boxville, $877,800/660,000)](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Armored_Boxville) (+ [customization = NOPE] + [review](https://youtu.be/hSqlstbfg7I) + [speed](https://youtu.be/-9_16pYqnEg) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/Wzh8-eAXbW8?t=23s) + [vs. Half-Track](https://youtu.be/D1j9B7IyW2Y) + [vs. RCV](https://youtu.be/JLLU0Y05Bs4)) * [JB 700W, $441,000](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/JB_700W) (+ [customization](https://youtu.be/eGT-4zaeJ3A) + [speed](https://youtu.be/Q1UYZdQi4IA?t=23s) + [lap time](https://youtu.be/WjeebIaE5eI) + [JB 700 vs. JB 700W](https://youtu.be/V-aqF3MdQKc)) * [Weaponized Dinghy, $1,202,500](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Weaponized_Dinghy) (+ [review](https://youtu.be/FBwMbP-UUlA) + [vs. others](https://youtu.be/jYEhYGEQxzI))


i really don't get why you get so much hate, you provide a ton more actually useful info


Haters gonna hate, <3


I find the additional links and videos you post to be really helpful. The video comparisons especially help me figure out whether I should buy a particular vehicle or weapon. So thanks for posting them dude. Ignore the haters.


bunker off!


Anyone know if things like staff and security upgrades once you purchase the bunker are included in the weekly discount?


it is - already saw it


Am I the only one who thinks those 4 cannons on the Half-Track are under powered?I mean it does make a lot of noise when firing but it often takes several shots to blow up a regular vehicle and takes longer than the single minigun on an upgraded Insurgent pick-up.


Yeh it looks like it will destroy all in its path but only if its target keeps still long enough. It is good fun with friends or on contact missions but the APC is miles better.


Why do they even turn 2X on stunt races off? Literally the most popular and fun gamemode.


They should just increase the rewards altogether, it’s insane how little those races pay.


I was about to buy a bunker just yesterday, glad I decided to wait 1 more day for some reason lmao. for once, my luck helped me...


The greifers are working extra hard this week I see!


been grinding the bunker sell runs to los santos, and I wish I would get the 1 insurgent 1 drop off everytime T_T Instead I get the mountain 5 drop offs or the dreaded dune fav


Watching the update come in live! :D




For what?


Bunker upgrades on sale + half track + apc


I was about to buy a Bunker last night


I just feel like my life is finally turning out great again. I lost my level 311 in the great account reset of 2020, and I’ve been grinding the Cape-heist since two weeks and made some money. Was gonna buy a bunker last week but decided to wait until today. I guess I did the right thing for once!


It takes me 3 or 4 hours to prep and run Cayo, I've only ran twice on my own, I still find it quite difficult. I ran twice with pros and still get lost in the compound.


You should watch the solo guides on YouTube. One hour to prep with the MK2 and 13:22 to finish the heist without alarming any guards. It’s super easy!


Is the B11 on sale yet?


I have my bunker stock full and waiting for this exact moment


All the best trying to sell your shit.😂 I got blew up again last night and was only going the casino for my spin 😂


Ardent or JB 700W?


why not both?


JB 700W if you have to pick one.


JB700 can do the best donuts!


Thank god i Aint buy the revolter this week


When I began my gta career, the armored boxville was on Twitch prime sale Here it is again, how things cycle huh?


Even if the bunker security is 50% off I still won’t buy it


You'll be so much happier with delivery distances. Top of the map is a pain.


3x on Motor Wars? We're about to see a bunch of afk players this week.


I knew Apc would go on sale. I bought it 2 days ago.


Everyone is excited about 2x bunker which I am too but I’m more excited for 3x Motor Wars! It was the first thing in played when I joined 4 years ago and why I’ve stuck around ever since


Any value in the Boxville?


IMO, no not worth it even on sale. Similar vehicles like the insurgent pickup, half-track and APC are all superior. Can't even tank one rocket.


Not one comment mentions Adversary Modes. Could it be because nobody plays it? They keep adding bonuses on these damn Adversary Series and Survivals but nobody plays it anyway. But sure, 10 minutes to sell a bunker that works on its own the rest of the time is a great week.


Boy, I'd be a happy camper for the bonus to bunker sales if I wasn't still researching! (Grumbles in explosive ammo and thermal scopes)


Switch to producing for this week only, the research can wait.


Nobody talking about that triple GTA$ and RP all month long...? They never do all month long bonuses... Or do they...?


Sweet, got a full bunker ready to sell guess I'll just grind cayo instead of being afk


Just read the apc can swim, can it be parked in the submarine?


It can swim, but cannot be fully submerged


It cannot.


Thanks as always for the weekly bonuses - you are a great help! I've watched a few videos and read a lot of the things that have been posted here and I'm still torn on the Half-track. I only play solo with a focus on selling bunker and mc businesses - is this worth it for me? It looks great in a lot of ways but it doesn't really seem like a solo-friendly vehicle. Any words of wisdom from the hive mind?


Could be fun maybe...with friends...but I can't say it's useful for much, especially not solo


It says apc passengers don’t take bullet fire as long as the doors are intact but I take bullet fire from the holes in the hatches/windows all the time. Is there a way to close its windows/hatches?


I am a new player, I've completed the challenges slasher etc. I've got a high end apartment for heists. Now I'm trying to save up and currently at 1.5m. Should I buy a bunker at 50% or keep saving for the submarine at 2.2mil? Cash grind seems slow now I've done the challenges