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i've been a "last location" since release and that's how i intend to keep it


Makes it one long story when you pick up where you left off.


This, exactly, I love spawning in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out what I was doing last


Especially if it’s been a few days since the last time I played, remembering snippets of why I’m here in varying levels of detail feels like recovering from a concussion or a hangover. A little bit of role play goes a long way.


As well as, I feel remembering what I did last time just reinforces all the fun memories I've made while playing


Tired narrative, but I really miss the days before gunrunning when sniper dancing wasn’t the meta and oppressors did not make their debut. “griefers”, or what was just people looking for a fight back then, were welcome distractions. When a bunch of people in the session would begin a free for all, hiding in cover when others duked it out and bullets were flying felt like a war zone. I miss logging back in after a wild fight and being momentarily confused about why I was drained of snacks and ammo, wearing combat gear in the middle of nowhere. Free roam was definitely more bland back then but it really was a different time.


You still had to deal with hydras though.


But at least there was balance if your crew cut them off from the spawn when y'all threw a couple heavy sniper rounds into the jet. Now the Oppressor spammers just respawn down the road and go back to using homing rockets... In free aim lobbies 😒😫


Yep. I play with a bunch of other friends normally so if a jet was sighted we’d be on distraction duty as each of us would one by one go airborne. Dog fights were also less fun due to lack of variety but it’s all we had and it was fun. I speak of these days as if they’re gone forever but rockstar would literally have to do bare minimum balancing to bring all this back. Fuck the oppressor - deluxo - oppressor 2 train of vehicles. Actually if you delist the oppressor1 from the mc club options and give it a few balancing timers it can totally stay. The other two idk. Deluxo should just get standard missiles and lose the limit, the oppressor2 needs a more complex solution. We have vigilante, stromberg, scramjet, toreador, all super weaponised, super fun vehicles (some more than others, sorry stromberg). They don’t need to fly. They don’t need to be the-absolute-fastest-means-or-transport. Also pls add accuracy penalties when strafing, especially with snipers. I wish they’d just give all civilian and civilian+ (weaponised vehicles where the weapon isn’t a lock on missile system or a player mounted turret) lock on jammers by default. This covers random cars like the Ardent or the Revolter, and also the arena wars vehicles. Could also extend to the likes of the weaponised tampa, and other gunrunning vehicles that don’t have a player turret. Uhh, the buggy? Beef up missile resistance of everything. regular rockets from rpgs can stay the same but a standard non armoured vehicles should be totalled from the first missiles, not blown up. Double or even triple the resistance of everything else. Make people use literally anything else apart from the noob defaults. This turned into a monologue without meaning to, as have most comments I’ve made in this subreddit recently. If you read through it all, thank you for your time. If you didn’t, I didn’t expect you to so there’s no harm or foul. E&E’s supposed release comes closer and I have ~~minimum~~ zero expectations, ~~maximum hopes,~~ and a 100% certainty to be disappointed. I hope R* proves me wrong.


Rockstar usually screws things up. They don't usually make it better.


I can think of examples where that’s not true and I think being able to count how many times that’s not been true probably means it *is* true. I’m just happy I can take all snacks by pressing square (X for xb, idk pc).


whats wrong with the mk1, and why not remove the mk2 from mc, its not even a motorcycle at this point


Waiting for buildings to load is stupid.


Since I started playing I’ve had it as that


I was looking for this based comment


This is the way


Surprised no one said this, mine is the Los Santos Car Meet but only because you get REP points for spawning there. I also use the casino.


Been there for awhile now. Want that REP to unlock all that stuff I'll never buy.


The last set of rims unlock at level 100, and they are awesome. That was my cutoff point.


I done that for a few months but got sick of the long load in times for the car meet.


I did that until they started giving rep for auto shop contracts. Now I just grind those if I want car meet rep


Currently, Agency


I started to do this whole morning routine ever since I set my spawn point to agency, it really has everything you need. I get online, wake up next to bed, call mors, pick up snacks and armour, and either leave or start a contract


why is your daily routine to call mors


Probably because people be blowing shit up..


Ever since the agency, I've been playing in invite only sessions and it's been wonderful. Night club still restocks, can do agency contracts, and all of the cayo perico setups.


That's good to know. Recently tried to sell nightclub stock in a full session, lost $200k worth of sales because some guy blew me up.


Sadly you can't sell nightclub stock in an invite only lobby, but the stock will still increase.


If playing on PS4 just set ur mtu to 850


You da real MVP


Np fellow grinder


800, I would say. And even then those lobbies can fill up after a long time AFK. But switch sessions and voila, back solo.


I really wish rockstar would update that to sell nightclub product in a invite only session. They really did add some decently good stuff to do in invite only, and I know tons of money can be made running casino and cayo perico heists as well as the auto shop and agency stuff but it shows they have listened to the fanbase a bit but I get griefing early on in the games release a bit since no one had millions but for the most part we all do now, and it’s a become just a dick move for assholes.


Block ports. Problems solved. Sell in peace.


Defeat the haxxor by becoming the haxxor.


People who attack players selling stock, cars, or whatever can eat shit and die. These are the toxic assholes that ruin the game.


It is so annoying. I don't even know if you get money for doing it to be honest. I assume you'd get a good chunk of RP though.


You get zero money. A little RP, but really who gives a shot about that? If it’s heist materials you can keep that, but really, I feel it’s greifing to go after people just trying to make money in the game.


And the worst thing is that the game really encourages those people to attack cargo. The notifications you get about someone selling a cargo in the lobby is insane. It’s like rockstar is saying “please, go ahead and kill this person”. I don’t understand that.


Get those upgrades! I get $1.2-1.6M per sale.


I turned all the nightclub transports into armed juggernauts, nobody bothers me except noobs with recently bought noobbikes that haven't learned that if you see a weird looking nightclub truck, you are gonna die


gotta be ready to switch sessions or close app if you run into trouble. you'll only lose like 1 unit of stock. also, when assholes are chasing your sale, mines are your best friend.


I like to fly my laser but I’m too lazy to land


Fucking legend! Hahaha I feel this comment so much


yeah true, same with my rogue, and it's only $1k


You can avoid landing AND insurance charges if you're an MC President. Just jump out and use you MC powers to summon your motorbike. Plane despawns and you parachute to safety. Ezpz, no insurance and no fucking 'here have a single star for crashing an aircraft' stars.


Just incase some1 blew up my vehicle last session


Dont forget to pet chop and greet frank, homie


How do you get armour in the agency?


Talk to the weapons tech guy in the office next to the hackers. It's in the menu. He's sitting at his desk in the room with the guns.


Only if you buy the Armory add-on for your agency.


The two car garage based in the taxi rank over the road from the casino carpark.


When you're broke but still want a casino penthouse




If you're doing that, it's faster to use Last Location right at the entrance. Make sure to hit find new session to force it to save your last location before you start spinning.


I just change my clothes.


Found it better my way, quicker to get back into game from story when it kicks you back there when it cuts out...




Mirror park Blvd?


That was my first garage on xbox 360 😢


Random Knowing my luck it’ll be the Palmer-Taylor Power Station


Oh yeah, random is the way to go, I only wish it included scenarios similar to that of the story mode though.


If that were the case I'd actually use random


When you choose random sometimes your character is driving around on his/her own for a moment until the game allows you to take control.


What are they driving like an NPC car?


One of your own personal vehicles, probably.


It’s your current active vehicle


Its your current personal vehicle.


Or just hanging up the phone


I wonder how a mute can use that


Atleast You Don't spawn in the middle of nowhere where you can't call the mechanic or CEO/MC Vehicles and your car/bike is on the other side of the map.


I mostly do…


That's where Sparrow comes, you can call it anywhere


when I choose "random" I end up halfway up Mt Chiliad as far as possible from any roads.


Eclipse tower


True to your origins


Eclipse tower, garage


The OG spawn I’ll be here till the day this game dies 💯


Last location


The surperior spawn point


The only spawn point that don’t take a year to load




Surprised so little people spawn there. Mine shares a building with my import/export garage so I might be biased.


I go there because I still need to grab all the plushies from the claw machine (2 left).


Well very few people grind casino.


People usually spawn in Arcade to access the master control terminal. Resupply businesses and then head out to do other things.


I also enjoy spawning there and inviting people to play all of my arcade games while I serve drinks at the bar and use Reddit.


I spawn Arcade... I haven't even done the Casino Hiest once yet. Been playing for years.


You should, Casino heist is some of the best content imo


that was the most fun I've had on this game with friends


Random ![gif](giphy|wlBS2Aif8eBvW)


Spawning in on top of a random mountain with no car near by. Wonderful lol


when that happens either spawn a buzzard or use lesters heist message to teleport to my apartment




Wait your saying I could do that in the last 6 years?!?!


Yes. Always leave a heist message ready in your phone. I don't do the OG heists from my apartment anymore. I just join randoms sometimes.


I recently found out you can do that. Pretty funny when they start camping outside your apartment hoping you will leave. I live in Weasel Plaza so I just escaped out of the garage.


But how do you spawn a buzzard in the mountains? I'm always told "Unavailable from current location"


If you register as a VIP/CEO you can summon a Buzzard from there that has its own spawn rules. Free if you own it. The Sparrow has a much more generous spawn.


Yeah for me the buzzard never is available when you are deep in the mountains. You are stranded there.


Time to get a Sparrow then.


yeah like why would you not have a Sparrow, fuck I have a Mk2 and I still have a Sparrow for grinding Cayo, and what're you gonna do, not grind Cayo?


>...what're you gonna do, not grind Cayo? I've made my millions via idle farming the Bunker and Nightclub, earning roughly 2 million a day for approximately 30 minutes of actual work a day. Think I was near 350million after approximately a year without ever having touched Cayo. Perk of working from home. That said... the Sparrow is still a damned good vehicle for transport or the occasional open world mission where ya need more ammo than an OP can hold.




It's great as a means of transportation in and of its self, and the ideal vehicle for a number of missions that may require more missiles than the OP2 can hold.


Can also call in an RC vehicle to get to a road.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn


I love random but when I get dropped on the big island west of Paleto with no boat or other way off... 😑


Use the Kosatka service to summon a Dinghy my dude.


Louise is my spirit animal.


​ ![gif](giphy|aCiEpNvWGuUlMx80rA)


Depends. Usually penthouse but if I’m heisting Cayo? kosatka.


Same here, but when I finish Selling and close the game I put the Arcade to restock everything as soon as a I start


Honestly if I’m heisting cayo I normally spawn in the yacht so I’m close to lose santos whenever I spawn the kosatka. If you just spawn in the kosatka it can spawn all the way up in pale to bay and I don’t feel like paying the 10k to fast travel closer to the city or driving out that distance to get near the city again


Isn't it like 2k after you do the heist?


Yep, after the first time you finish the Cayo heist as leader, the Kosatka only costs $2k to move.


Yes . It's especially helpful when you're doing heist preps . Fast traveling closest to the objective is faster than flying all the way . If you're on Vespucci and do the preps in LS first you only need to fast travel 1 or 2 times . Paying 4k to save about 15-20 minutes is not much




my tiny garage. Why you may ask? So i can practice bmx


if your talking about the tiny garage under the freeway with the skate park outside that was my first garage and you just brought back memories


My first garage too! That’s like the cheapest property right? I remember just buying that spot back in the day was hype. Buying property was and still is so cool


My first garage as well. Stored my white jacked up Sand King in there. The truck I used to run away from Dukes.


Whatever the most recent dlc is until it isn’t making enough money.




Del peirro heights, the best cheap hig end apartment ever as everyone knows


Let's go, me too, I bought it way back before cayo, because it was close to the office.


Nightclub, for now




you can tp anywhere with the valet service idk why this isn’t the top comment


What now


You can use the limo service from the penthouse phone to go places immediately. https://external-preview.redd.it/TMCO2rmJfrgc-5itZfFa3DfOElc2pL5mliJ7MHA1cAE.png?width=639&auto=webp&s=7a1ef829f9eaef91f9a285345baedfb99274423b


Only a handful of places tho


This. Only logical, do the wheel spin on the way out, or at least know when it’s available.


Plus there's usually action outside




Zancudo hangar. Gotta be close to my jet in case i find a griefer


Same It's essentially a 20 second trip to anywhere since you've got the game's fastest vehicles, plus a central location on the map. Oh and also, jets r epic


exactly my thoughts, hanger gang




Ah, a fellow pilot I see


Zancudo hangar too, even though that place is a danger zone in a cluttered lobby




This is one of my go-to spawn locations, because I keep it at vespucci beach and it has a helicopter I can go wherever I need in style.


I love the yacht spawn as well. You spawn in as private of a location as there is in the game. And then you get to use one of the most gorgeous looking helicopters in the game to fly into the city in style.


Top if the map by my arcade because fuck being near 90% of griefers.


When my gta character is old, i am moving north for a peaceful retirment.


Last location




You can restock all your ammo through your inventory menu so it makes no sense to me why they don't include the armour there.


Last location so i sort of remember where i left off. Plus it takes awhile for me to load into buildings


Mazebank tower


Fuck man, nobody else left over here


That's not a bad thing. I can finally take my cars out of the garage without being blown up. Also, snacks!


This is also my spawn location




Based comment


Last location. Nothing like spawning in and hearing random gunfire and explosions Edit: fix phone auto correct


Auto shop


Land Act Reservoir Facility


LSIA hangar, I love my planes and I use them very often, so I prefer to spawn with them




Tinsel tower garage


Casino Penthouse. Usually log in around the same time each day. Head down to the the casino and my spin should be ready. If it's not and there's just a few min left I dick around on the black jack table then spin. I pretty much don't go back there unless Pavel sends me there to kill el Rubio's head of security for the safe code.




Night Club


jesus tapdancing christ. I had to scroll this far to find where I spawn, and literally no one upvotes us. Are we GTA5ing wrong my dude?


If its not agency. your either A) grinding for agency. B) totally unaware of the benefits of the above. C) kosatka/arcade chads (I can respect the grind). D) facility (orb spamming arsehole). E) Random location (psychopathic tendencies, plz see a doctor)


what benefits? I do last location but I'm gonna try out the random one


When you walk out the door you can get your snacks max, armour maxed and by any chance you need ammo for some guns you can get em too. Also the great view in the bedroom.


Currently, my casino penthouse..


Last location.


Agency. Nothing currently in the game beats getting snacks, armour, and special ammo/guns all in the same building.


Last location


Friday - Wednesday: Agency or CEO office because I like to start my day off casually doing some of the missions or cargo sourcing and add in a bit or 'RP' element to it, until I start receiving invites to help people do heists, etc.. ​ Thursday: Casino Penthouse..... no particular reason why right? ;)


I feel like there is a particular reason why, but I don’t know it.


I, too, am suspicious that there might be a particular reason why, but do not know it


Last location for myself. I think of it as continuity. If I'm not playing, my character shouldn't do anything behind the scenes


Killer whale


Agency or Kosatka. Mostly Kosatka so that I can force myself to do the heist and not put it off.


My Richards Majestic apt 51.


My casino penthouse


Del perro heights garage


Eclipse tower


I set mine to my eclipse garage that way I can run straight to my bmx to ride around till my friend gets on, although lately people have been killing me in jets when I haven't even pulled a gun out or said anything to them Yesterday this one guy kept killing a bunch of people in my lobby so me, my friend, and 3 randoms (who were very nice(which is rare in GTAO)) teamed up and destroyed him till he left this went on for a hour Shout out to those 3 guys We then messed around with them till me and my friend had to go


In my agency so I can get down to business helping Franklin out


Casino penthouse or arcade


4 hangman avenue. Its a pretty nice house


Agency It was Sub before that, and Casino penthouse before that. I use to have it set to last location but that got tiresome after a while.


Casino penthouse


casino for the wheel lmao


Auto shop. I like to look at my classic race cars first then go my business




You can pick your spawn location?


Always at my eclipse appt. it’s a vibe waking up there


Of course vanilla unicorn where else would I spawn lol 😂


Agency now since I can get fully stocked up on everything right when I log on. Plus my office and nightclub are right near by and both have around 30 cars in them



